Beer & Cheese 2015

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Wisconsin is a wonderful place for a lot of reasons, but there are two things that make this place truly greater than all the rest: BEER AND CHEESE. Neither is a particularly “healthy” choice to consume in great abundance, but if you were born here, your Wisconsin blood makes you


immune to such things. Did you know that? It’s true. We’re not doctors, but we’re pretty sure that’s a thing. Here in the Valley, we do beer and cheese right. The following pages celebrate and highlight delicious beer and cheese and what local people are doing to make them even better.




THE leinie life

DICK L EI N EN KUGEL TA L KS A B OUT B EE R , B ROTH E R LY A DVICE , A N D H IS B R E W E RY ’ S B IG P L A NS WOR DS B Y TOM GI FFE Y / P H OTOS B Y KELS E Y S MI TH DICK LEINENKUGEL MAY BE PRESIDENT OF THE LEGENDARY BREWERY THAT BEARS HIS GREAT-GREAT GRANDFATHER’S NAME – a brewery that now sells its products in all 50 states, a brewery that’s part of MillerCoors, second-largest beer maker in the nation – but he’s not isolated in a corporate office far from Chippewa Falls. In fact, he’d only be closer to the action at the Leinie Lodge if his desk was behind the bar that serves up samples to crowds of visitors eager to drink in his family’s famous products and the northwoods aura they embody. When it’s time to take a photo he strolls out of his office, grabs a glass, pulls himself a pint of Summer Shandy – the brewery’s breakout, nationally marketed product – and eagerly mingles with visitors. Already well-known from advertising campaigns that focus on his family and its history, Dick Leinenkugel became the public face of the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co. when he officially took over as president of the brewery from his older brother, Thomas “Jake” Leinenkugel, in January. Dick made time in his busy schedule recently to chat with Volume One about his new role, his favorite beers, and what’s next for a brewery that’s approaching 150 years in business. VOLUME ONE: Having your office right here in the Leinie Lodge is an enviable location for the president of a company. I assume that’s by design? DICK LEINENKUGEL: I think my brother Jake purposefully put his office here. He wanted to be close to the bar, close to the action, close to people coming in through the door, and you know it’s great marketing. You can go out and sample some beer with people and hear their comments. We try to bring out new and different styles of beers, like our Grapefruit Shandy, which is in a draft test right now. (It’s available) in package and on draft in just a few locations. So we’re testing it this month to see what drinkers think of it on draft, because it was only released in six-pack bottles. It’s been a tremendous success, but we want to gauge how the drinker interacts with it when there’s also Summer Shandy on draft. Here you’ve got a ready-make test market, if you will, not more than 50 yards from my door. You got a really differentiated portfolio of beers that appeals to lots of different drinkers. Some of the Big Eddy beers are rated as highly as any beers out their among aficionados, whereas you have the Berry Weiss and the shandys that appeal to people who may not drink a lot of

and that strategy that we planned on relates to who we are as a brand and a brewer, which is kind of this dichotomy of German tradition, German heritage, six generations that our family represents, and using our American ingenuity. So when we make a German Kölsch style beer like Canoe Paddler, what can we do that the Germans wouldn’t do, and that’s add in a rye, and rye adds a nice little crispness. And the judges must agree because at the Great American Beer Festival in its first year Canoe Paddler was awarded a gold medal, and last year it was awarded a bronze. Then we did a Helles style beer, which are the sweeter, maltier style beers brewed around Bavaria, around Munich. We added five American hops. Germans would add one hop to it, it would be very low in bitterness, where ours is a little bit more aromatic with hops. So, that’s kind of where we’re going. It’s got to kind of relate to us, and I think you’ll see more styles in the future coming out that take that German style and put a little American twist on it.

“TODAY’ S DRINKER – AND ESPECIALLY TODAY’ S MILLENNIAL DRINKER – WANTS SOMETHING JUST FOR THEM, AND SO WE HAVE TO MANAGE THAT COMPLEXITY.” beer or want something that tastes very different. How do you manage in still a relatively small operation to balance this whole spectrum? Most brewers would love to make just one style of beer and a lot of it. Our drinkers out there want variety and are asking for it in many different consumer

products, whether it’s bread or gum or cheeses or yogurt. Today’s drinker – and especially today’s Millennial drinker – wants something just for them, and so we have to manage that complexity. That’s part of our job. We’re not going to just make all different styles of beer – I think there’s got to be a strategy to it, 24 Aug. 5, 2015

You became president in January. How has the transition been? What advice did your brother give you? Jake is still giving me advice. It’s not like he’s gone away. … When I took the chair, he said, “First of all, Dick, you’re going to have to manage your calendar, because there’s going to be more and more demand on your time,” and that is coming to be a brutal truth. As I assumed this position, so you’re not only being asked by your distributors to be out in market representing the brand, you’re asked by the national accounts team to accompany them on chain calls, I’m being asked to do homebrew events on behalf of charity. ... There are all these things that all of a sudden that pop up on your calendar, these requests that come in, and Jake told me about that, and boy, it’s true, there’s an increased demand on your time because of your position here and your position as the leader of the company in Chippewa Falls. I think the other thing is that Jake said, and he always counseled me on this, is that you’ve got to be part of this community as well. I haven’t lived here since I went away to college in 1976. … I had to kind of be re-integrated or introduce myself to the community and the business leaders here. How much of Chippewa Falls and Wisconsin is integrated into this company, in terms of the sales pitch you give when you sell the product around the country? How much do you highlight Wisconsin as a culture, as a place?


We really tell the story a lot, about our roots, I think it’s really important. It’s differentiating the family, the face, the place, and the story. The place is Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Why did Jacob Leinenkugel come to Chippewa Falls in 1867 and establish the Spring Brewery? It’s a great story to tell: 2,000 thirsty lumberjacks in this town mining the white pine lumber to send down to build the great city of Chicago. … We’ve used “northwoods” before, and I think people in the Great Lakes get it because they vacation up here, they see the woods and waters and lakes. ... But our growth is going to be getting people in Texas and California and Florida and New England and the Pacific Northwest to enjoy Leinenkugel’s as well. And there they may not relate to quote-unquote the northwoods of Wisconsin. But Wisconsin is still recognized as a great brewing state, as a great state of craftsmen, whether it’s cheesemakers or sausagemakers or dairy, so I think it’s something we can continue to use and tell the story. You now distribute one of your beers, Summer Shandy, in all 50 states. That had to be a watershed moment. What’s the next big goal for this company? The next goal is to continue to grow our distribution, and it’s continuing not only to grow in the Great Lakes where we’re known, but certainly in … what we call the Pacific Region, the Central Region, which is Texas and Colorado, and in the southeast – Carolina, Georgia, Florida. Those states. To make our plan and our vision of doubling our business by the end of 2020, we need to accelerate our growth rate in those states. By the end of 2020, what I’d like to do is get 2 million barrels of beer. We’ll be at roughly 1 million at the end of the year. To get to that 2 million goal, is that a lot more shandy, or a lot more everything? Yes (laughter). Right now all shandy combined – so Harvest Patch, Cranberry Ginger, the variety packs, the Summer Shandy – will be about three-quarters or 70 percent of our volume. Over time,

50 percent of our volume will be made up by other beers, things like IPL (India Pale Lager), which I think will be a tremendous hit. I think we’ll be able to grow Honey Weiss again. And then our seasonal beers like Octoberfest, Snowdrift Vanilla Porter, and other new beers that we’re adding. I would expect that by the end of 2020 half of our beer will be shandy, half of our beer will be a mix of other flavors, and there will be many beers that are currently in our portfolio that will be hibernated. And by the end of 2020 there will be other new beers in that portfolio. It’s just the nature of the game. Any other things coming down the pike that you can talk about? Yeah, a couple of new things. One is Heart of Oak. That’s in the fall variety pack right now. That’s a beer that uses some oak in the brew kettle that imparts an oakiness to the flavor of the beer, so that’s really, really cool. It’s a Vienna style lager, so a reddish lager, with oak. Winter’s Bite, which is a beer that’s spiced, will be coming out in the winter variety pack, and then we’re looking at some new beers coming next year as well – potentially a new spring-summer seasonal. Among all the beers Leinenkugel’s brews, do you have a favorite? You know, I love our Summer Shandy. I’ve probably had more Summer Shandy this summer than I had last summer. I like Honey Weiss. That’s still one of my favorites. I think that’s a great beer, especially if you get it fresh on draft in a beer clean glass, our Honey Weiss is exceptional. I still love the Original. I go back and drink the Original. Oktoberfest is one of my favorites as well. I always look forward to Oktoberfest. My dad always said there’s two kinds of beer. He said, “There’s Leinenkugel’s, and then there’s free beer.” So I like ’em both. … All beer is good beer, is what I’m saying. This interview has been edited for length. To read a complete version, visit 25 Aug. 5, 2015


ONLY THE FINEST INGREDIENTS. The Brewing Projekt’s popular and unique Gunpowder IPA is made with citra hops, gunpowder green tea, and citrus zest.

A CHOICE PROJEKT TH E MA D S CI ENCE B EH I N D TH E E XP E R I M ENTA L FL AVO R S AT TH E B R E W I NG P R OJ EK T B Y PA UL B R A N DT OVER THE PAST DECADE, THE CHIPPEWA VALLEY HAS SEEN A SERIOUS BOOM IN BEER BUSINESS. Between Leinenkugel’s becoming a major player on the national level and smaller craft breweries like Lazy Monk and Lucette finding their footholds in the area, it’s not hard to find a locally brewed beer. With the addition of Eau Claire’s newest brewery and taproom, The Brewing Projekt, it’s going to get even easier. Though the brewery has been an idea in progress for nearly two years, red tape held up the official licensing until this last March. Head brewer Eric Rykal came aboard last October and had the next nearly six months to start working on recipes to brew in their 15-gallon pilot batch system. Once the taps were allowed to flow, they did in a big way – a soft open in late April saw 12 tap lines filled with a variety of beers, ranging from fresh takes on historical beer styles to genuinely experimental beers. Interest was high, so much so that the taproom actually ran out of beer in May. “We’re still recovering from that,” said Rykal. (At the time of the interview, eight of the 12 tap lines were serving, with the rest to be filled quickly.) With 20- and 40-barrel fermenters housing the beer now, it’s safe to say

there will be plenty for future patrons. The brewery and taproom share occupancy at 2000 Oxford Ave, near the west bank of the Chippewa River. Tables, chairs, and stools sit alongside tanks and other brewing equipment, and patio seating is available as well. Beers range from $4 to $6 for a glass, or customers can pay $4 for a smaller three-glass sample flight of beers of their choosing. With options like a chamomile witbier (a floral, light-bodied beer perfect for summer), a ginger tripel (a more complex Belgian-style ale), and the best-selling Gunpowder IPA (a hoppy beer made with gunpowder green tea), the sample flight is a must for those looking to try something new. “The biggest thing we’re focusing on is always innovating,” Rykal said. “People shouldn’t think of The Brewing Projekt as a beer. It’s an umbrella for many, many beers.” With nearly 30 beers already brewed, a number of them already out on tap around Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls, and Menomonie, and a canning line ready to go, The Brewing Projekt is ready to help fill your glass. Taproom hours are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4-11pm, Fridays from 3-11pm, and Saturdays from noon-11pm. 26 Aug. 5, 2015


A DELEGATION OF WISCO CHEES E PRODUCERS S HOW ED THEIR STUFF IN CHINA / B Y ER I C CHR IS TENS ON WE ALREADY KNOW THAT HOLLAND’S FAMILY CHEESE OVER IN THORP MAKES SOME OF THE BEST CHEESE IN THE COUNTRY. Well, the best. Their Marieke Gouda Mature was the Grand Champion in the 2013 U.S. Championship Cheese Contest. And since 2006, the cheesemakers have won more than 80 awards for their amazing cheese. The cheese itself is so good that the entire world is starting to take notice. In April, Marieke Penterman, the cheese’s maker and namesake, traveled to China as part of a delegation of more than 30 Wisconsin agricultural professionals put together by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection. The trip was basically a trade mission to Wisconsin’s sister state, Heilongjiang Province on China’s most northeastern tip. The mission was simply to foster relationships on different levels so China can fortify Heilongjiang’s blossoming dairy industry by looking to the masters for their expertise. “It was really interesting!” Penterman told me. “Very friendly people, fantastic hospitality, lots of unidentified food. (They have) very large state farms

and they are very interested to learn about how we farm.” China is also an important trade partner for Wisconsin agriculture. The country ranked third in 2014 for agricultural exports from Wisconsin, which include hides and skins, whey, lactose, lumber, ginseng and more. According to the DATCP, total Wisconsin agricultural exports to China were valued at $278 million in 2014. Heilongjiang, which is located along Marieke Peterman, far right, took part in a Wisconsin trade mission to China in April. the Russian border in northeastern China, is known as the center of China’s dairy itself to various agricultural tools and equipdairy industry. The province was home to nearly 2 ment. And throughout the trip, our delegation made million cows in 2013. sure to invite people to our own World Cheese Expo Part of the delegation’s approach was to foster in Madison in late September. business-to-business contacts between China and When I asked Penterman why there’s such global Wisconsin at the China World Dairy Expo and Suminterest in Wisconsin cheese, she simply replied: “I mit in Heilongjiang. Another part was Wisconsin don’t have to explain that, right?” producers getting the chance to do demonstrations “Wisconsin is the place to get your cheese,” she and presentations for would-be Chinese producers continued. “The high quality and variety makes it about their various products, everything from the very attractive.” 27 Aug. 5, 2015





HONING THEIR CRAFT UW-STOUR HOSTS CONFER ENCE FO R MIDW EST’ S S MALL B R E W ERS UW-STOUT HAS TWO GREAT PROGRAMS IN HOTEL, RESTAURANT, TOURISM MANAGEMENT AND FOOD SCIENCE. This complementary pairing was one of the main reasons that Anna McCabe, who works in of Professional Education Programs and Services at UW-Stout, thought that a craft brewery conference would be an excellent event to hold at the university. With microbreweries and regional breweries becoming increasingly popular, such an event seemed like a cool professional twist for the industry. The inaugural Midwest Craft Brewers Conference will take place Aug. 6-7 at UW-Stout. Registration is still open, so both brewery owners and aspiring brewers looking to get into the industry are encouraged to attend. “These brewers are very creative, and despite the fact that they may be competitive in a business sense, they generally embrace opportunities to share their ideas, innovation, and enthusiasm for creating something new, something different,” McCabe says. “We’re providing craft brewers from our region an

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ideal place to do that.” The conference will include two keynote speakers. Clark Lewey, CEO and co-founder of Iowa’s Toppling Goliath Brewing, will speak at 8:30am on Thursday, Aug. 6. His company has produced many award-winning craft beers, including pseudoSue and Golden Nugget IPA. Tony Magee will be the keynote at 10:30am Friday, Aug. 7. Magee is found of California’s Lagunitas Brewing Co., which ranks as the sixth largest craft brewing operation in the U.S., according to the Brewers Association 2014 annual listing. Both will be sharing insight on their experience and success in the industry. The conference will also include sessions led by various experts on craft beer. Among these authorities will be Jim Steele, a professor at UW-Madison. His session will cover the recent beginnings of a Fermentation Science program at that university. Michael Agnew, who enjoys musing on the Perfect Pint Blog (, will be present and leading a session. Also joining the



“THESE BREWERS . . . EMBRACE OPPORTUNITIES TO SHARE THEIR IDEAS, INNOVATION, AND ENTHUSIASM FOR CREATING SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING DIFFERENT.” A N NA MCC A B E , UW-STO UT conference will be Lucy Saunders, who writes articles and books about craft beer, covering subjects such as cooking with beer and pairing food with beer. There is a long list of beer enthusiast who will be present, with plenty of information to educate folks on craft beer. And considering this is Wisconsin – where beer is synonymous with socializing – the conference will include two social events for attendees. The first will be 5:30-8:30pm Aug. 6 at Lucette Brewing Co., 910 Hudson Road, Menomonie The second will be noon-2pm Aug. 7 at The Raw Deal, 603 Broadway St. S, Menomonie, and will include live music. Both events will give people a chance


FREE! 28 Aug. 5, 2015

to meet others in the brewing industry, share new ideas, and (of course!) sample their brews. The goal of the conference is to give brewers the chance to learn about topics such as market distribution, water and energy use, hops sourcing, fermentation science, and brewing new flavors. There is still time to register if you haven’t already: You can do so online at www. until noon on Aug. 5. Walk-in registrations will also be accepted. Attendees will also be able to stay in on-campus dormitories. This will be a great opportunity for members of the brewing industry, so don’t miss out on this exciting new event.


STACKING CHEESE POWER RANKING WISCONSIN’ S TOP 1 0 CHEESES B Y TOM GIFFE Y 1. MOZZARELLA (33.9%) This is the most popular cheese variety in both Wisconsin And the nation, according to the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, which compiled these statistics. Credit mozzarella’s popularity to America’s love of pizza. Mozzarella is a “pasta filata” cheese, which means it’s made from curds which are dipped in hot water, then stretched. This allows the cheese to melt easily. (Fun fact: Back in Italy, mozzarella is traditionally made with water buffalo milk.) Wisconsin produces about 986 million pounds of mozzarella annually – that’s equivalent to the weight of more than 30 Leaning

allowing it to melt easily and avoid separating. 5 . F E TA ( 2 . 8 % ) Over in the old country – Greece – feta is made with sheep or goat milk, but here in America’s Dairyland it’s typically produced with regular old cow’s milk. This fresh, soft, and smooth cheese is usually packed in brine, which preserves it and makes it salty and tart. 6 . HI S PA NI C ( 2 . 5 % ) Once a rarity this far north of the border, Hispanic cheeses are increasingly common: We now annually produce 71 million pounds of varieties such as queso fresco (crumbly and mild) and queso blanco (literally “white cheese”), which are key elements of Mexican cuisine. 7. M U E N S T E R ( 2 . 0 % ) What’s orange on the outside and white on the inside? No, not a Dreamsicle: We’re talking about Muenster, the perfect semi-soft cheese for your deli sandwich. It likely evolved from semi-soft cheeses from France and Germany, but we’ve made it our own in Wisconsin.

Towers of Pisa. Yes, that’s a whole lotta Pisa! 2 . C H E DDA R ( 1 9 . 5 % ) While it’s named after a British village (and is still the No. 1 cheese in the United Kingdom), we’d like to think that Cheddar was perfected here in Wisconsin. We still make more Cheddar than any other state. Either golden or white, cheddar can range in flavor from mild to sharp, and gets increasingly crumbly with age. 3 . O T H E R I TA L I A N ( 1 6 . 1 % ) Wisconsinites and Italians share a deep appreciation for cheese, and numerous other Italian varieties are produced here in the Dairy State, including many hard cheeses such as Parmesan (nicknamed “the king of Italian cheese”), Romano, and Asiago. 4. O T H E R A M E R I C A N ( 9 . 7 % ) While foodies may turn up their noses at processed American cheese, it serves an important purpose. The blending and pasteurizing that processed cheese undergoes stops the aging processes, giving the cheese a longer shelf life and

8 . SWI SS ( 0. 8 % ) Speaking of European cheeses, this hard-and-holey variety originated in Switzerland. However, its production was modernized in America: According to the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, wrapping the ripening cheese in plastic let CO2 to escape but kept in moisture, allowing Swiss cheese to be produced in blocks without a hard, inedible rind. 9. GORGONZOLA (0.6%) This blue-veined, creamy and crumbly cheese originated in Italy way back in the ninth century. Yes, the blue stuff is mold – penicillium roqueforti, to be exact – but it helps give the cheese its rich flavor. 1 0 . G OUDA ( 0 . 4 % ) Originally sold in the Dutch market town of Gouda, this creamy, almost chocolaty cheese was brought to America’s Dairyland by immigrants. Now, some of the best Gouda in the world is made right here in western Wisconsin: Holland’s Family Cheese in Thorp swept the top three spots in the aged Gouda category at the 2014 World Championship Cheese Contest. 29 Aug. 5, 2015 30 Aug. 5, 2015



BEER Bottoms Up by Jim Draeger and Mark Speitz • $30 Bottoms Up celebrates Wisconsin’s taverns and the breweries that fueled them. Beginning with inns and saloons, the book explores the rise of taverns and breweries, the effects of temperance and Prohibition, and attitudes about gender, ethnicity, and morality. Contemporary photographs of unusual and distinctive bars and breweries of all eras, historical photos, postcards, advertisements, and breweriana illustrate the story of how Wisconsin came to dominate brewing and the place that bars and beer hold in our social and cultural history. Beer: What to Drink Next by Michael Larson • $15 Find new brews to enjoy with the easy-touse Beer: What to Drink

Next. Simply look up whatever you like drinking on the Beer Select-O-Pedia, a periodic table of beer styles. Ninety different kinds of beer are organized by country of origin, leading you to a color-coded chapter full of suggestions of what to drink next.

crescenza-stracchino and juustoleipa. These masters combine tradition, technology, artistry, and years of dedicated

CHEESE Cheese, The Making of a Wisconsin Tradition by Jerry Apps • $19 This is a story of farmers, milk cows, dairy barns, and green pastures. It is the story of cheesemakers who work their magic and turn milk into cheese. Jerry Apps narrates the history of the cheese-making industry in Wisconsin from its inception in the 1940s to the present. Apps also includes his insights into the wedge-shaped foam headgear and other cheese phenomena. The Master Cheesemakers of Wisconsin by James Norton & Becca Dilley • $25 This book – beautifully photographed and engagingly written – introduces hardworking, resourceful men and women who represent an artisanal craft that has roots in Europe but has been a Wisconsin tradition since the 1850s. Wisconsin produces more than 600 varieties of cheese, from massive wheels of cheddar to such specialties as 31 Aug. 5, 2015

learning to create the rich tastes and beautiful presentation of their skillfully crafted products. 32 Aug. 5, 2015 33 Aug. 5, 2015


bottom's up! ONLINE CRITICS R AVE ABOUT OUR LOCAL B R E WS IT’S ONE THING FOR US TO SAY THAT WE MAKE GREAT BEER IN THE CHIPPEWA VALLEY. It’s another thing to back up our claim by pointing to judgments by some of the thousands of users at two top beerrating websites. So we checked out how our brews stacked up on BeerAdvocate. com and – both of which feature millions of reviews of tens of thousands of beers. We learned that, at least according to the considered opinions of beer connoisseurs the world over, we do make great beer. Here, according to these websites, are the top-rated beers from our local brewers. BeerAdvocate rates beers on a 100-point scale; anything above 75 is deemed “good” while those above 85 are “very good.” RateBeer also uses a 100point scale, but offers no qualitative categories. However, many of our region’s standout brews are in the high 80s and 90s on RateBeer, so it’s safe to say that beer lovers really do love ’em.

L E I NE N K U G E L’ S ( C H I P P E WA F A L L S ) • Big Eddy Russian Imperial Stout BeerAdvocate: 87 (very good) RateBeer: 99 overall / 90 style RU S H R I V E R ( R I V E R FA L L S )



LA ZY MONK (EAU CLAIRE) • Lazy Monk Bohemian Dark Lager RateBeer: 77 overall / 98 style LU C E T T E ( ME NOMONI E ) • Slow Hand (American Stout) BeerAdvocate: 89 (very good) RateBeer: 83 overall / 76 style

• Über Alt (Altbier) BeerAdvocate: 89 (very good) • Nevermore Chocolate Oatmeal Stout (Sweet Stout) RateBeer: 91 overall / 86 style A N G R Y M I N N O W ( H A Y WA R D ) • River Pig Pale Ale (American Pale Ale) BeerAdvocate: 83 (good) • Angry Minnow Tre Svends Imperial IPA RateBeer: 89 overall / 46 style

• Ride Again (American Pale Ale) BeerAdvocate: 89 (very good) RateBeer: 85 overall / 98 style SA ND C R E E K B R E WI NG CO. ( B L A C K R I V E R FA L L S ) • Sand Creek Imperial Porter BeerAdvocate: 88 (very good) RateBeer: 98 overall / 79 style DAV E ’ S B R E W FA R M ( W I L S O N ) • BrewFarm Select (American Pale Lager) BeerAdvocate: 87 (very good)


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GRILLED MAC & CHEESE PIZZA B Y K YLIE LATO, THE TAT TOOED F OODI E I LOVE TO USE LOCAL INGREDIENTS WHENEVER POSSIBLE, and this go-to comfort food showcases the delicious cheese, milk and butter that we have available right here in Wisconsin. You could use the blue-box brand, but homemade mac and cheese is so simple and chances are good you’ve already got everything you need in your fridge! Another plus is that this recipe comes together in about 20 minutes, and is made all in one pot. I used Bass Lake Cheese Factory sharp cheddar from Somerset, Gingerbread Jersey co-jack from Augusta, Crystal Ball Farms milk from Osceola, and Westby butter from Westby. All of these can be found at Just Local Foods in Eau Claire.

START WITH: 1.5 cups uncooked elbow macaroni 2 cups 2% milk 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1.5 cups of freshly grated sharp cheddar cheese salt and pepper to taste your favorite pizza dough (about 16 oz.) an additional 1 cup of shredded sharp cheddar and 1 cup of co-jack to top the pizza DIRECTIONS: 1. Add pasta, milk, butter, and mustard to a medium saucepan on the stove over medium heat. Once the butter starts to melt, stir the ingredients together. 2. Let this mixture come to a simmer (not quite a boil) and give it a good stir. Continue to stir about once a minute for the next 7-8 minutes or until pasta is VERY al dente and the milk mixture has thickened. Since it will continue to cook on the grill, you don’t want the pasta fully cooked at this point or it will become mushy. 3. Put the sharp cheddar in a medium sized bowl and then transfer the macaroni mixture from the saucepan into the bowl and mix until all the cheese has melted and created a creamy sauce. Add a dash of salt and two dashes of pepper. (Putting your cheese in a separate bowl instead of directly into the hot pan will help your mac and cheese to have a more creamy texture. If the mixture is too hot when the cheese is added, it will become grainy.)

4. Heat up your grill to 400 degrees and start rolling out your pizza dough. 5. Working on a floured surface, roll out the dough out until it makes about a 15-inch circle. Next roll all the edges in about half an inch to create your crust edge. 6. Next spray or butter a large piece of heavy-duty tin foil and carefully transfer the crust. The easiest way to do this is to fold the dough into quarters, transfer to the corner of the foil and then carefully unfold. Using a fork, poke small holes all over the surface of the crust. 7. Place the crust onto the grill, preferably over indirect heat, and let it cook for approximately 5 minutes, or until the bottom has a nice golden brown color, then remove from the grill. 8. Place the crust and tin foil on a large cookie sheet, and spread the mac and cheese in an even layer across the crust. 9. Top with the remaining shredded cheese and a dash of salt and pepper. Place the pizza back on the grill, this time with the cookie sheet underneath it. 10. Cook for another 10 minutes or until the crust has browned around the edges, and the cheese on top is melted and gooey. 11. Remove your pizza from the grill and let it cool for a few minutes before slicing. (Optional: Sprinkle with crushed red pepper and enjoy with your favorite local brew.) For more recipes that focus on local ingredients – including plenty of beer and cheese! – check out 37 Aug. 5, 2015



GREAT TASTE OF THE MIDWEST Aug. 8, 2015, 1-6pm • Olin-Turville Park, 1156 Olin-Turville Ct., Madison • greattaste@ • Over 100 brewpubs and microbreweries from the Midwest share beer and good times with six thousand patrons. Tickets tend to sell out as soon as they go on sale, typically in May. TAKE FLIGHT 2ND ANNUAL TROLL BREW & MUSIC FESTIVAL Aug. 15, 2015, 2-10pm • Trollhaugen Outdoor Rec Area, 2232 100th Ave., Dresser • 651-433-5141 or 715-7552955 • • Live music all day by 4onthefloor, Reina Del Cid, Black Eyed Snakes, and Scalded Hounds. Enjoy brews and spirits by Lucette, 45th Parallel, O’So, Rush River, American Sky, Oliphant Brewing, and more. Gates at 2pm. Music 3-10pm. WAMFEST 2015 Aug. 20-23 • 314 Madison St., Eau Claire • 834-9061 • Featuring a tiny tavern tour 7-11pm Thursday, a lip sync/air band battle Friday at 8pm, .08 mini marathon Saturday at 11am, then chill on Sunday. Find this event on Facebook for the full details. POTOSI BREWFEST Aug. 22, 1-5pm (VIPs get in at noon) • Holiday Gardens Event Center, 101 Brewery Hollow Rd., Potosi • 608-763-4002 x106 • potosibrewery. com Sample some of the finest craft beers in the region as well as artisan cheeses and locally produced wines, plus live music. THIRSTY TROLL BREWFEST Sep. 12, 2015, 1-5pm • Grundahl Park, 401 Blue Mounds St., Mount Horeb • 1-88TROLLWAY • • This intimate beer sampling features 25 craft brewers serving over 100 different beers. Enjoy live music and food served by area civic organizations. Get your picture taken with Jorgen the Thirsty Troll. HOPS FOR HOCKEY BEER FEST Sep. 12, 2015, 2-5pm • Hobbs Ice Center, 915 Menomonie St., Eau Claire • $35 • 21+ • Quench your beer drinking thirst at this event benefiting the Center Ice Club Foundation. Ticket includes shuttle service, beer sampling, pizza, and commemorative glass. Tickets on sale at all Gordy’s locations plus Dooley’s Pub, Riverside Bike & Skate, and any Center Ice Club Member. Find this event on Facebook to stay up to date with news and fun promotions. BLAIR CHEESE FESTIVAL Sep. 17-20 • 608-989-2732, 608-989-2963 • justdogs@, • Featuring live music every day, a truck show, tractor cruise, 5k & 10k cheese chase, pulling contests, motorcycle ralley, swap meet, parade, flea market, craft fair, and tons of food and lots of kids entertainment.

OKTOBERFEST: CHIPPEWA FALLS Sept, 18-20, 2015 • Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds, 331 Jefferson Ave., Chippewa Falls • 866-723-0340 • • oktoberfest A full weekend of German fun with four stages wth live entertainment including dance, contests and more. Experience family fun, scrumptious foods and beverages. Prost! 5TH ANNUAL WISCTOBERFEST Sep. 19, 11am-2pm • Downtown Eau Claire • Find this event on Facebook Pub crawl and poker run featuring great bars, pubs, and taverns along Barstow Street. Many different games will be played, including a beer stein race, beer barrel roll race, giant chess, beer checkers, and a yodeling contest. DUNN COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY FURKINFEST Sep. 19, 1-5pm • Jake’s Supper Club, E5690 County Rd. D, Menomonie • (715) 235-2465 • boardmember8@ • Sample beer from local breweries and also food from Jake’s. We will have adoptable animals coming around to visit. This is a family friendly event. Great prizes, raffles, and live music. RAILS & ALES BREWFEST Sep. 19, 2015, 6-9pm • 2285 S. Broadway, Green Bay • 920-437-7623 • en-us/default.aspx The National Railroad Museum brings historic trains and contemporary craft beers together for one fun evening. GREAT LAKES BREWFEST Sep. 19, 2015 • Racine Zoo, 200 Goold St., Racine • 262636-9312 • • 38 Aug. 5, 2015 Featuring unlimited sampling of more than 250 craft beers and sodas from nearly 100 brewers on the beautiful shore of Lake Michigan. All paid attendees receive a souvenir tasting glass. Food served by local restaurants. Live music including the world renowned Kilties Drum and Bugle Corps. EGG HARBOR ALEFEST Sep. 19, 2015 • Harbor View Park, 7809 Hwy 42, Egg Harbor • Join us in beautiful Door County for the Egg Harbor AleFest. Enjoy craft beers from 40 different brewers with live music. There will be more than 100 different craft beers to sample. Bring your friends for a fun day of tasting and sampling. BLUE HARBOR RESORT CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL Sep. 25-26 • 725 Blue Harbor Dr., Sheboygan • (866) 701-BLUE • On Friday enjoy a “Best of Wisconsin” four-course craft beer dinner with executive chef Jason Richardson. A more conventional beer tasting fest is held Saturday. LAZY MONK OKTOBERFEST Sep. 26, 4-10pm • Lazy Monk Tap Room, 320 Putnam St., Eau Claire • (715) 271-0848 • • Lazy Monk Brewing was built out of a desire to serve our community with quality biers made in the old world tradition of the Czech Republic and Germany. WISCONSIN OKTOBERFEST Usually late September at Central Wisconsin Convention & Expo Center, 10101 Market St., Rothschild • (715) 842-2337 • •



Witness spectacular fall colors and meet Wisconsin’s best craft brewers in Wausau. The Wisconsin Brewers Guild is excited to be one of your hosts for a unique opportunity to sample over 100 craft beers and culinary delights from area restaurants. OKTOBERFEST USA: LA CROSSE Oct. 1-4, 2015 • (608) 784-3378 • • One of the biggest Oktoberfests in the world. NORTHEAST WISCONSIN CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL Oct. 3, 2015 • Shopko Hall, 1901 S Oneida St., Green Bay • (920) 405-1199 • • Featuring over 70 breweries, plus music, interactive games, seminars, light hors deuvres, raffles, silent auction, and more. QUIVLEY’S GROVE BEERFEST Oct. 10, 2015, noon-5pm • Quivley’s Grove Restaurant, 6261 Nesbitt Rd., Madison • (608) 273-4900 • • quiveysgrove. com Enjoy 45 breweries with over 100 beers for sampling. Music by Westside Andy and the Mel Ford Blues band. WINE & DINE WISCONSIN Oct. 10-11, 2015 • Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee • • wineanddinewisconsin. com Enjoy fine wines, craft beers, spirits and artisanal foods. Milwaukee’s Grand Tasting Event was thoroughly enjoyed by more than 5,000 food and wine enthusiasts last year. WISCONSIN DELLS ON TAP Oct. 17, 2015 noon-5pm (tentative) • Downtown Wisconsin Dells • 800-22-DELLS • wisdells. com Part of the Dells Autumn Harvest Fest, The Wisconsin Dells takes a moment and honors Wisconsin’s proud brewing heritage. Sample dozens of breweries in a full spectrum of beer, and speak to the brewmasters themselves. The day beforehand participate in the Dells Craft Beer Walk where attendees sample from a huge selection of artisan brews at participating bars. DOGTOBERFEST Usually in late October at the KI Convention Center, Green Bay • For more than 20 years, this fest has offered the community great drink, food and fun in exchange for muchneeded support for the animals of Bay Area Humane Society. All proceeds from the event help the society house, feed and care for thousands of critters until they find their forever home. LAKE GENEVA BEER & SPIRITS FESTIVAL Nov. 7, 2015 1-5pm • Grand Geneva Resort & Spa, 7020 Grand Geneva Way, Lake Geneva • 262-245-1000, ext 113 • • Includes a commemorative tasting glass, unlimited tastings of beer from 30+ Midwest craft breweries. Guests can also sample specialty liquors and foods that pair well with beer and enjoy live music. BEER FOR BOOKS: PORT WASHINGTON FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY CRAFT BEER TASTING Nov. 7, 2015, 2-7pm • Ansay & Associates, 101 E Grand Ave #11, Port Washington • (262) 284-5031 • Find this

event on Facebook An inaugural event benefiting Port Washington’s W.J. Niederkorn Library. JANESVILLE KIWANIS FALL FEST OF ALE Nov. 14, 2015 • Holiday Inn Express, 3100 Wellington Pl., Janesville • • Last year’s Fest was huge success highlighted by another evening filled with beer, food and music. The event featured over 100 different kinds of micro-brews as well as some of the best food from the area. ICE COLD BEER FEST Usually early January • Location may vary (2015’s fest was held in Minocqua) • (715)-682-9199 • Last year saw 40+ beer, wine and food reps and live music. ISTHMUS BEER & CHEESE FEST Usually mid January at the Alliant Energy Center, 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison • (608) 251-5627 x 152 • jpalmer@isthmus. com • Hundreds of local craft beers and artisanal cheeses in one place for an all-you-can-sample celebration of Wisconsin’s finest. Get your favorites, try something new and find out what you’ve been missing out on from brewers and cheese makers across the state. NEW LONDON CHAMBER ANNUAL BEER TASTING Feb. 27, 2016, 6-9pm • Crystal Falls Banquet Facility, 1500 Handschke Dr., New London • (920) 982-5822 • html Showcasing 65+ beverages including regional and national beers, unique wines and specialty beverages. Tickets include a commemorative souvenir glass, hors d’ ouevres and live music. BEER LOVER’S BREWFEST Usually late February at the Manitowoc County Expo, 4921 Expo Dr., Manitowoc • (920) 758JAYC • • Each year beer lovers fom the lakeshore and beyond partake in one of Wisconsin’s largest brew fests. All those who attend the event receive a complementary commemorative beer mug or glass. Many participants have a large collection of Brewfest glassware. EAA AIRVENTURE MUSEUM HOPS & PROPS Usually early March at the EAA AirVenture Museum, 3000 Poberezny Rd., Oshkosh • 800-236-1025 • Sample over 250 different beverages provided by microbreweries and distributors from across the world. Learn about the brewing process and history, meet masterbrewers, and understand the distinguishing characteristics of beer styles. Great music from several live bands, plus great food and coffee. UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP CHEESE CONTEST Usually in mid March • Location varies • 608-828-4550 • uschampioncheese. org Cheesemakers from more than half the states submit their finest products; this is the larget dairy competition in U.S. history and is held in odd-numbered years. 39 Aug. 5, 2015

BEER & CHEESE ROAR AT THE SHORE BREWFEST Usually late March at Kewaunee County Fairgrounds, 3rd St., Luxemburg • The Kewaunee Lions Club’s annual festival features regionally brewed craft beers and wines, as well as well known craft brewed beers from well-known small breweries across Wisconsin and Michigan. GITCHEE GUMEE BREWFEST Usually in early April at Wessman Arena, 2701 Catlin Ave., Superior • • Feauring 35+ breweries from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and other states. INTERNATIONAL CHEESE TECHNOLOGY EXPOSITION Apr. 12-14, 2016 • Delta Center/Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee • The Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association and Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research will host cheese manufacturers and suppliers from across the nation and around the world for morning seminars, afternoons of trade show exposition and evening social affairs. BETWEEN THE BLUFFS BEER, WINE & CHEESE FESTIVAL Usually in mid April at the Southside Oktoberfest Grounds, 1 Oktoberfest Strasse, La Crosse • 800-658-9424, 608-782-2366 • betweenthebluffsbeerfest. com Taste over 200 quality brews poured by 35+ distinguished breweries, experience over 45 types of wine from local and world-famous vintners, and sample and purchase gourmet cheese and other good eats, plus live music all day. Attendees receive a souvenir glass. DAIRY STATE CHEESE & BEER FESTIVAL Usually in mid April at the Brat Stop, 12304 75th St., Kenosha • 262-654-6200 • • kenoshabeerfest. com This festival brings the best of everything Wisconsin has to offer with cheese from Laack Bros Cheese Co., Vern’s

Cheese, Inc., and Jim’s Cheese, Inc. as well as beer from many local breweries. 6TH ANNUAL NORTHWEST BEER FEST Usually in late April at the Chippewa Area Ice Arena, 839 First Ave., Chippewa Falls • (715) 726-2505 • • Find this event on Facebook Come sample hundreds of beers from over 30 breweries. MILWAUKEE BEER WEEK One week, usually late April • Locations throughout Milwaukee (see website for details) • info@ • The primary goal of Milwaukee Beer Week is to enhance beer knowledge and appreciation with a massive smattering of beer-related events across several days held in Milwaukee. See website for full schedule. WISCONSIN CHEESE INDUSTRY CONFERENCE Usually in late April • Location varies • 608-828-4550 • • The WCIC, held biennially, is host to the nation’s cheesemakers, buttermakers and whey processors. Here, manufacturers and processors are joined by their supplier partners for education, networking and the ever popular tabletop mini expo. MADISON CRAFT BEER WEEK Ten days (two weekends) usually in early May • Locations in Madison and around Dane county • • An annual celebration promoting Madison’s thriving craft beer culture, enhancing beer knowledge and appreciation in a ten-day (two weekend) festival that fosters knowledge of our regional brewing heritage, and showcases the Madison area’s businesses with ties to the craft beer community. WISCONSIN MICRO-BREWERS BEER FEST Usually mid May • Calumet County Fairgrounds, 200 W. Chestnut St., Chilton • 920-849-2534 • • Featuring dozens of breweries, presented by Rowland’s Calumet Brewing. KOHLER FESTIVAL OF BEER Usually late May • A variety of locations in Kohler, WI • (855) 444-2838 • americanclubresort. com Kohler Festival of Beer is a wellcrafted celebration of malts, hops and the art of brewing. The Village of Kohler comes alive as the country’s top craft brewers converge in a celebration of suds with tastings, educational sampling seminars and events. There is no shortage of food, entertainment and, of course, beer. BEER BARONS’ WORLD OF BEER FESTIVAL Usually early June at the Schwabenhof Pavilion, Milwaukee • worldofbeerfestival. com Last year featured dozens of breweries with lots of food and entertainment. This could be the best beer festival you’ve never heard of. THE GREAT WISCONSIN CHEESE FESTIVAL Usually in early June at Doyle Park, corner of Park Ave. & Van Buren St., Little Chute • 920-788-7390 (x303) • cheesefest Enjoy live music, food, amusement rides, children’s entertainment, a walk/run, parade, petting zoo, cheese carving demonstrations, cheese tasting, cheese curd eating contest, cheese breakfast, cheesecake contest, and more. GREAT NORTHERN BEER FESTIVAL June 11, 2016, 2-6pm • Hi-Pines Campground, 1919 U.S. 45, Eagle River • 715-891-0421 • Enjoy this opportunity to try many different styles of beers from many different breweries. Make plans to visit some of the many quality breweries. Many offer free tours. WISCONSIN BEER LOVERS FESTIVAL Usually in mid-June • Bayshore Town Center, 5800 N Bayshore Dr. A256, Glendale • (859) 492-9492 • • Presented 40 Aug. 5, 2015

by the Wisconsin Brewers Guild, meet more than 35 of our great state’s passionate brewers as they pour their best brews and share their wisdom about what makes Wisconsin’s craft scene unique. Also featuring locally produced cuisine and Wisconsin cheesemakers matching creative pairings of beers, dishes, and cheese. MILWAUKEE FIRKIN CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL Usually mid July at Cathedral Square Park, corner of Jackson St. and E. Wells St., Milwaukee • Over 90 beers will be available for tasting at this Milwaukee festival. In addition, food and live music will be there for attendees’ enjoyment. MILWAUKEE BREWFEST Usually in late July • Coast Guard Pavillion in McKinley Park, 1600 N. Lincoln Memorial Dr., Milwaukee • 414-321-5000 • Beer from more than 55 regional and national breweries, plus music, food, games and arts.



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