community connections

We all lead busy lives – or at least they feel busy.
They’re filled up with activity: at work, at home, with family, with friends, with obligations that pile up like emails in our inbox. Often, the obligations are emails in our inbox. So much of life in the 21st century is lived digitally that, outside of our immediate family, work, and social circles, it seems the only contact we have with those we don’t know well is saying “thanks” to the person in the fast-food checkout.
So what can be done about this feeling of isolation? What if we told you that there’s something you can do that will fight loneliness, enrich your personal and professional lives, and make the world around you better?
That something, simply put, is getting involved with the communi ty. Whether it’s through an informal neighborhood group, a nonprofit vol unteer organization, or a structured social club, there are countless ways to connect with our communities if we just step outside our comfort zones. That’s why we created this new special section, Community Connections.
And, if you need further convinc ing, here are five big reasons to get involved:
1. IT WILL IMPROVE THE PLACE YOU LIVE. As the old bumper sticker reminds us, “Think globally, act locally.” And the statistics about community involvement bear this out. According to a 2019 study con ducted by volunteer services firm Sterling Volunteers, two-thirds of volunteers do so to improve their communities, and 83% do it to “con tribute to a cause they care about.”
In the Eau Claire area, groups like the United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley help link individ uals and employers with organiza tions that could use help, whether through donations or a bit of elbow grease. “We’re that organization that can connect those dots for people,”
says Andy Neborak, executive direc tor of the United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley. In September, the United Way’s annual Day of Caring engaged 450 volunteers in 40 projects at 29 different sites.
Year-round, the majority of what the United Way does is raise funds for grants that improve the health, education, and financial stability –and meet the basic needs of – people around the Valley.
2. IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER. It’s self-evident that get ting involved in something outside your usual routine can help combat isolation. “I can’t ignore the positive mental health experience of giving back, the feeling of fulfillment,” adds the United Way’s Neborak.
“Giving your time to someone who needs it can really fill your bucket.”
There’s plenty of research to back up such sentiments. According to a British study, 96% of volunteers “reported feeling happy with the experience, with 9 in 10 reporting that volunteering provided enjoy ment, a sense of personal achieve ment and purpose.”
3. YOU’LL MAKE FRIENDS. Local nonprofit leader Ann Kaiser says involvement in community groups is a great way to expand your ties with other people. “It’s fun to make con
nections across industries and what you might call social groups,” Kaiser says of her involvement with the Women’s Giving Circle. “I con nect with women through Women’s Giving Circle that I don’t otherwise connect with.”
The Women’s Giving Circle, a fund of the Eau Claire Community Foundation, is a group of nearly 250 local woman who make an annual donation of $250 each. Half of the funds go to an endowment, and half are given out in grants each year to programs that benefit the lives of women and children in the Chippewa Valley.
Kaiser, who also serves as CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa Valley, said groups such as the Women’s Giving Circle that combine philanthropy with social connection can build bonds among people who wouldn’t otherwise know each other. “The wide age span of women that are involved and that rich diversity of perspectives really make it unique,” she said.
4. YOU’LL BUILD A NETWORK. Joining a community or volunteer group is a great form of profes sional development, too. Some organizations – such as the Young Professionals of the Chippewa Valley – are specifically intended to
provide these sorts of connections. But they occur in plenty of other kinds of groups as well. Consider organizations like the Kiwanis Club of Eau Claire. Club President Larry Accola – who in his professional life is market president for Merchants Bank in Eau Claire – has been active in Kiwanis for more than 30 years.
“Let’s say there’s an insurance agent in the club, and I want to investigate my car insurance,” he says. “Chances are I’m going to talk to that person first, just because I known them.”
Accola pointed to a recent quote from Bert West, the incoming pres ident of Kiwanis International: “When you serve alongside someone, whether it’s at a pancake breakfast or on a playground, whatever it is, they realize you have something extra in common – in a way you don’t when you’re handing your business card to them.”
5. YOU’LL LEARN ABOUT THE COMMUNITY – AND THE WORLD. Along with making per sonal connections, community groups help teach members about the community. Whether by volun teering directly with local organi zations or hearing from speakers, members of these groups get a more complete picture of the Chippewa Valley. Consider, for example, the Women’s Giving Circle, which in recent months has held educational events on everything from finding solutions to homelessness in the Chippewa Valley to the impact of the war in Ukraine.
“It expands your knowledge of what’s going on in the community,” says Accola, the Kiwanis leader, of being part of a community group.
“You realize that there’s people that are less fortunate perhaps than a lot of people that you may be deal with on a daily basis. … You see the needs of the community.”
As Neborak, of the United Way, puts it: “Our community is only as strong as the people in it, and work ing together is more important now than ever.”
community connections
Who are the Young Professionals of the Chippewa Valley? A mem bership-based organization of more than 400 people, the Young Professionals are a personal and professional development program created through the cooperation of the Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls chambers of commerce.
The group encourages young leaders to inter act socially, attend educational programs, and give back locally, explains Casey Schumacher, vice president of education and young pro fessionals at the Eau Claire Area Chamber of
Commerce. Volunteering at one of their key focus areas can help members achieve their organi zation’s goal. Volunteer options include adopt-apark cleanups and the annual Sponsor a Family holiday shopping night, as well as larger-scale events such as Country Jam and Oktoberfest.
Anyone between the ages of 21and 41 who lives in the Chippewa Valley is encouraged to sign up and join!
To learn more and find an application, visit You can also find the group at YoungProfessionalsCV
“To engage, educate, and elevate young professionals by offering diverse opportunities for networking, professional development, and community involvement.”
The Young Professionals’ mission statement is:
the Valley is full of organizations that can enrich your life and the community
1 Million Cups Eau Claire lioncupseau The Eau Claire chapter of a national organization that networks local entrepreneurs. At tendees meet, present, and listen to other business owners and entrepreneurs.
BNI (Business Networking International) Of Greater Eau Claire Build your business through word-of-mouth referrals. The EC BNI chapter has been growing member businesses with referrals and networking for 15+ years.
Chippewa Falls Area Chamber of Commerce 10 South Bridge St., Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-0331 • Provides the leadership to coordinate, support, and promote the business interests of its members in Chippewa County. Offers networking events, marketing and sponsorship opportunities, and multiple channels for business referrals.
Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce 101 N Farwell St, Eau Claire • (715) 834-1204 • Part of Eau Claire for 100+ years, the EC Chamber advocates for the progres sive development of Eau Claire through business. The Chamber advocates for business needs with public policy; diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace; offers professional development and youth apprenticeship resources; youth leader ship programs, and more.
Greater Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce 342 Main St. E, Menomonie • (715) 235-9087 • Seeks to promote a successful business climate in the Greater Menomonie area through a variety of events, training seminars from experts, advertising opportunities, a broad professional network, and member-only programs. Hosts Business After Hours, a networking event hosted by and for Chamber members.
Polkadot Powerhouse find-a-chapter Polka-dot powerhouse connects positive, action-forward women to build lifelong friendships and business relationships. With 150+ members, the EC chapter hosts 3 monthly meetings networking time, professional speakers, and more.
Young Professionals of the Chippewa Valley (715) 834-1204 • young-professionals/ A personal and professional development program of the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce that encourages young business people to interact socially, exchange ideas, share common interests, learn more about the area’s business community, and engage in the community’s future.
100 Women Who Care 100womeneauclaire. org A unique, “fast philanthropy” organization. At each hour meeting, listen to 3 different charitable organizations that need financial support, and donate exactly $100 (no more no less.)
Commmunity Foundation of Chippewa Falls The Community Foun
dation of Chippewa County creates, builds, and manages endowment funds that benefit the people of Chippewa County. They make grants for local organizations,
Dunn County Commmunity Foundation A charity organization that promotes giving within Dunn County to maximize local impact. Hosts incentives and programs like the Women’s Giving Circle, Home Sweet Menom onie (which helps provide loans for homebuyers), pharmacy vouchers, and provides scholarships and grants.
Eau Claire Community Foundation 306 S. Bar stow St., Suite 104, Eau Claire • (715) 552-3801 • Establishes charitable legacies through which individuals, businesses, organizations and private foundations can more effectively help non-profit groups provide much needed services in the Eau Claire area. Serve on committee groups or donate.
Junior League of Eau Claire (715) 831-8442 • • juniorleague-ec. org An organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley (715) 834-5043 • The UWG CV’s mission is to improve lives and build stron ger Chippewa Valley communities by bringing resources together to advance the common good. They produce a yearly guidebook of volunteer and
charitable opportunities in the Chippewa Valley, and help organize volunteers to where they are needed and charitable donations into high impact grants.
Women’s Giving Circle pact/wgc/ A fund of the Eau Claire Community Foundation (ECCF) that leverages the resources of individuals for greater impact by pooling money and award grants to local non-profit organizations. 95% of membership dues support endowment the ECCF’s endowment and grant funds.
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks elks. org A league of fraternal, patriotic organizations invested in their communities. Members foster community fellowship, and projects involve youth education and enrichment, and philanthropy.
Kiwanis Clubs A global community of clubs, members, and partners dedicated to im proving the lives of children. Kiwanis empowers members to pursue creative ways to aid children, such as fighting hunger, improving literacy, offer ing guidance, and more.
The Loyal Order of the Moose This organization is about celebrating life together, serving those within your community, supporting children in need, and helping seniors.
Masons The Masons are the oldest fraternal organization in the world.
Bringing together men in brotherly love, relief, and truth. Charitable causes include the Masonic Service Fund, youth fund, Three Pillars Senior Living, and more. They regularly fund scholar ships, disaster relief, medical funds, and matching grants.
Optimists This worldwide volunteer organization of 2,500+ local clubs has several clubs nearby. Members work to make a brighter future for children and their communities through events, fundraisers, philanthropy and more.
Rotary Clubs With the purpose of doing good in the world, the Rotary Club pursues philanthropic missions around the world and local communities. There are six rotary clubs in the Chippewa Valley, which can be found on the Rotary Club’s website.
CVTC Continuing Education CVTC offers courses for professional and personal enrichment including IT, emergency services, culinary, safety, manufacturing, and more.
UW-Stout Continuing Education Of fers courses for professional development and career and technical education.
UW-Eau Claire Continuing Education ce.uwec. edu The UWEC Continuing Education service provides a wide array of programs for personal enrichment, career advancement, supporting non-profits, and improving your business.
good groups that could use a hand. Check out these local opportunities
Agnes’ Table 24 W Grand Ave., Chippewa Falls • Provides nutritious meals and hospitality to thecommuni ty while raising awareness of hunger and food insecurity.
Arc Eau Claire Advocating for the rights of citizens with cognitive disabilities.
Beaver Creek Reserve S1 County Highway K, Fall Creek • 877-2212 • A nature reserve and education center with plenty of unique volunteer opportunities like working in a butterfly house, assisting summer camp programs, trail maintenance, and more.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin 424 Galloway St., Eau Claire • (715) 835-0161 • Helps children reach their potential through professionally supported one-to-one relationships. Check out their ser vices, or donate or volunteer to be a “Big,” helping your “Little” better their life and relationships.
Bolton Refuge House 807 S. Farwell St., Eau Claire • (715) 834-0628 • BoltonRef Serving individuals affected by domes tic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking.
Boy & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa Val ley 1005 Oxford Avenue, Eau Claire • 855-0081 • Ages 8-18 can learn and grow in a safe, and positive place after school and during school breaks. Volunteers can help with art clubs, game rooms, dinner service, music programs, recreation groups, maintenance and more.
The Bridge to Hope 1901 South Broadway, Menomonie • 235-9074 • A domestic abuse and sexual assault agency, help ing victims of Dunn and Pepin counties rebuild their lives. Volunteer or donate money and other much-needed goods such as household items.
Chippewa Valley Free Clinic 1030 Oak Ridge Drive, Eau Claire • (715) 839-8477 • cvfreeclinic. org As a primary care clinic, it serves individuals who are uninsured or underinsured, provides health maintenance, helps people manage chronic illness, and provides minor urgent care.
Chippewa Valley Museum 1204 E. Half Moon Dr., Eau Claire • Chippewa Val ley Museum volunteers can work in the records room, as guides, marketing, visitor services, special projects and construction, curatorial, and more.
Community Table 320 Putnam St., Eau Claire • 835-4977 • A collab orative effort of local churches, serving over 100 meals a day, 365 days a year. They rely on volunteers to function and serve our community effectively. Donate or volunteer to cook, clean, serve, etc.
Dove Healthcare Share your time with Dove Healthcare Residents. Both your life and the lives of residents are enriched by creating new memories and sharing old ones.
Eau Claire Children’s Theatre 1814 N. Oxford
Ave., Eau Claire • Providing opportu nities to experience quality theatre for enter tainment and educational purposes. Donate or volunteer with acting, hair/make-up, stage set and props, and to fill a variety of other needs.
Eau Claire County Humane Association 3900 Old Town Hall Rd., Eau Claire • Do nate, volunteer your time at the facility, foster a pet, or better yet adopt.
Eau Claire Hmong Mutual Assistance Associ ation 423 Wisconsin St., Eau Claire • ecahmaa. org Promoting a spirit of loving friendship, cooperation, and benevolence among Eau Claire’s Hmong community, serving the economic, social, and cultural needs of the Hmong people, and promoting increased understanding, opportunity and sharing of resources in our area.
Eau Claire Public Schools Foun dation A nonprofit, independent organization that con nects the community and EC Public Schools to inspire and enhance the educational experience of our students.
ECPSF provides schools with their greatest needs, supports educator creativity, and grow endowment funds to enable future giving.
Family Promise of the Chippewa Valley 309 E. Lake St., Eau Claire • Advo cates for and supports families who are homeless by providing temporary housing and support ser vices, transitional housing, and rapid re-housing, and by fostering independence.
Family Support Center familysupportcentercf. com Provides free and confidential services including support and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, human trafficking and child abuse; parenting support and education; violence prevention and education. Volunteers can help with their 24 hour crisis support hotline.
Feed My People Food Bank 2610 Alpine Rd., Eau Claire • Provides food pantries, community meal programs, and shelter programs in west-central Wisconsin with enough food so that thousands of people needs can be met each year. Volunteers can help by picking orders, repacking, packing kids meals, driving trucks, hosting special events, and office work.
Friends of the Chippewa Falls Public Library brary/ Plans and sponsors library support activities.
Friends of the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library (715) 839-5004 • friends/ Volunteer with book sales, the holiday Give-a-Kid-a-Book Program, delivering library items to homes, and more. Also contribute money at various membership levels.
Friends of the Menomonie Public Library • Help support/ sponsor Summer Library Program events, Music Over Menomin, Menomonie Reads, author visits, and more.
Girls on the Run of the Chippewa Valley gotr | OCTOBER 20, 2022 Transformational physical ac tivity based positive youth development program for girls 3rd-5th grade. Teaches life skills through dynamic interactive lessons and running games. Donate or volunteer as a running buddy, coach, or help with events, fundraising, and grants.
Goodwill Industries One of the world’s largest nonprofit providers of education, training, and career services for people at a disad vantage and/or with disabilities. Donate money, household items, clothing, or your time.
Habitat for Humanity Habitat Homeowners help build their homes alongside volunteers, and pay an affordable mortgage that works for them. Volunteers can help build homes, take photography, make meals, and do customer service time at the Re-Store recycled home improvement store.
Hope Gospel Mission Short term emergency shelter and long-term pro grams dedicated to addressing the root of home less individuals’ problems. Bargain center store and auto sales on Moholt Drive. Donate funds, vehicles, or volunteer your time at the bargain center, meal service, shuttle service, and more.
JONAH: Chippewa Valley Affordable Housing Task Force ing/ JONAH organizes to advocate on a number of issues, including transit, green initiatives, child poverty, immigration, affordable housing, and more in the City & County of Eau Claire.
Joshua’s Camp The realization of a wish made by Joshua Holm before he lost his battle with cancer in 2008. A place for families with children going through cancer treatment. A respite where everyone can smile, laugh, have fun, and enjoy themselves. Also hosts a special re treat for families who have lost a child to cancer.
Junior Achievement of Wisconsin wisconsin. Share your personal and professional experiences and skills with students from your community, you help them make the connection between what they are learning in school and what they will need to succeed in work and life.
Literacy Chippewa Valley literacychippewaval Teach people how to read and better their lives as employees and citizens through literacy tutoring.
NAMI: National Alliance of Mental Illness The nation’s largest grassroots dbetter lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. Advocates for access to services, treatment, & research, and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need.
The Open Door Clinic A non-profit organization that provides basic health care services and a connection to community resources to Chippewa County residents who are without a health care alternative.
Reach, Inc.: Regional Enterprises for Adults and Children Provides innovative opportunities for people, in order to promote self-determination and full participation in the community regardless of their ability.
The Sojourner House 3710 South Barstow Ave nue, Eau Claire • A safe haven for single adult men and women, offering a safe, clean place, regardless of what their ambitions or hopes are. Guests can sleep overnight, shower, wash their clothes, and eat breakfast while ensuring their personal dignity, respect and safety.
Spirit of Christmas of Chippewa County thespir The Spirit of Christmas is dedicated to making the Christmas season brighter for children in Chippewa County. Donate new, unwrapped gifts to be given to youth.
St. Francis Food Pantry 1221 Truax Blvd., Eau Claire • Assits the hungry and needy of Eau Claire County. They are committed to gathering food and supplies to distribute. The work of the pantry is supported by people like you who volunteer and donate food/ funds.
Stepping Stones of Dunn County steppingstones A non-profit umbrella organization that manages three vital community programs: a food pantry, homeless shelter, and support services program which provides emergency financial assistance, volunteer support, and referral infor mation.
Trinity Equestrian Center Con necting horses and people, they offer Therapeutic Riding, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Equine Assisted Learning, along with several programs for kids.
United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley Improves lives and builds stronger Chippewa Valley communities by bring ing resources together to advance the common good. Theyd help organize volunteers to where they are needed and charitable donations into high impact grants.
West CAP: West Central Wisconsin Community Action Agency Takes action against poverty in Western Wisconsin by developing the social and economic assets of low-income families and their communities and by working to create a more just and sustainable society.
Western Dairyland Community Action Agency Their mission is to alleviate poverty-related conditions and provide opportu nities that enable people to advance economically and socially. Donate or volunteer.
Western Dairyland’s RSVP Volunteer Program The Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) connects indi viduals age 55 or older with meaningful volunteer opportunities in their communities. Volunteers are matched with volunteer opportunities that best reflect their interests, available time, and preferences.
Wisconsin Milkweed Alliance milkweedalliance. org The WIMA Monarch House Peer Run Respite is as voluntary, non-medical overnight program for people who are experiencing mental health and substance use related crises or any other emotionally distressing challenges.