Health & Fitness Winter 2016

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WO R D S B O N N I K N I G H T, B A R B A R A A R N O L D , PA N T H AO , B O B E I E R M A N , & TO M G I F F E Y D E S I G N S E R E N A WAG N E R & E R I C C H R I S T E N S O N P H O T O S A N D R E A PAU L S E T H


on’t let 2016 be one of those years where you just stay home, eat chips, and fall asleep in front of the TV every night. You’re better than that! Look, I know The Voice is on for like two hours almost every night of the week, but is that a good excuse for not taking care of yourself? Human bodies crave exercise and movement (almost as much as they crave performance-based reality ! Don’t let the winter chill keep you from staying active. No excuses!

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