CrossFit’s a Big Hit
national lifestyle trend comes to the Chippewa Valley WORDS: BRETT BACHMAN // PHOTOS: ANDREA PAULSETH
hane Beck, owner of FitElite CrossFit Eau Claire, can already hear barbells clanging. To some, it might be hard to visualize the newly constructed, roughly 1,500-square-foot space on the south side of town as a fully functioning gym, but after introducing CrossFit to Eau Claire four years ago, Beck and the FitElite community are excited to see what this new space will do for CrossFit in the Chippewa Valley. Just a few blocks down London Road, the new owners of Momentum Sport Fitness, Jim Breuer and Jackie Barstad, are busy revamping their space to house the newest addition to Momentum – CrossFit 715. After years of churning out standout local athletes, Momentum is adding CrossFit to its repertoire of offerings, which include sports conditioning camps, traditional personal training and even hitting or pitching lessons for baseball players. CrossFit touts itself as “the sport of fitness.” It is a broad fitness and lifestyle program meant to prepare the body for anything the world can throw at it. World-class athletes, celebrities, and some of our next-door neighbors right here in the Chippewa Valley have all jumped on one of the fastest-growing fitness brands in the last 30 years. The way CrossFit is first described to beginners is “constantly varied functional movements performed at a high intensity.” A daily workout of the day,
or WOD, is performed with these ideals in mind. Functional movement, simply put, is the way your body was intended to move. CrossFit, therefore, is designed to train you for the things you do every day, like lifting a box off the ground or putting groceries on the top shelf of a pantry. This is accomplished through a series of body-weight and gymnastics-based exercises, weightlifting, and interval-based cardio training. Time is a key factor in a CrossFit WOD, as it is an easy way to change the intensity of a workout. Intensity, in terms of physics, is how much work is done over a period of time. Some CrossFit WODs are performed “for time,” or as fast as possible. In others, athletes complete “as many repetitions as possible,” or an AMRAP, within an allotted time. Yet another way to time a WOD is to do a set amount of work every minute on the minute, or an EMOM. CrossFit, as you’re starting to learn, has a lingo all its own. Some questions have been raised about the safety of CrossFit over the years, some valid and some quite ridiculous. It all comes down to quality training, Beck says. CrossFit isn’t something you can do alone. As a lifestyle program, CrossFit also suggests that a proper diet be implemented to maximize results. As a proponent of using your body’s natural movement patterns, CrossFit also believes in using your body’s natural digestive preferences. Since its inception, CrossFit has been closely tied to the Paleo diet. Eat like a caveman, Paleo suggests. And it makes a lot of sense. We haven’t evolved much in terms of digestion since the days of the caveman, and the Paleo diet reflects this fact. Meat, nuts, fruits, and vegetables make up the bulk of Paleo, and there’s one simple rule: All things man has made or tampered with are forbidden. An easy way to think of the Paleo diet is to picture a typical trip for groceries: When walking around the store, stick to the perimeter and avoid the aisles – aiming for fresh, natural food in lieu of anything processed or preserved. The trend toward natural food has led to the rise of many organic stores
Crossfit is a broad fitness and lifestyle program meant to prepare the body for anything the world can throw at it.
FEELIN’ THE BURN. CrossFit, a fitness and lifestyle regimen that features a wide variety of workouts, is growing in popularity nationwide and in the Chippewa Valley. across the nation, including the likes of Mother Nature’s Foods and Just Local Food in Eau Claire. CrossFit has only bolstered this trend in the Chipewa Valley over the last few years, sending people to the natural foods section in Festival Foods and other area grocery stores. The recent expansion of these offerings attests to the rising popularity of Paleo and similar diets, even among those who do not practice CrossFit. Carbohydrates are the most notable losses in the Paleo diet, in the form of bread, rice, and pasta. Even the whole grain brands are out – processing of any form is forbidden. The Paleo diet is training your body to use fat from meat, nuts, and other sources as its preferred energy source, becoming more efficient 30 June 6, 2013
at burning it in the process. While CrossFit isn’t an easy way to work out and Paleo is not an easy diet to stick to, it’s the results that keep people adhering. The beautiful thing about CrossFit is its universal scalability – everyone can do it. Every workout can be scaled back to accommodate any experience or fitness level. In the words of CrossFit CEO and founder Greg Glassman, “The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind.” FitElite • 2839 Mall Dr. #3, Eau Claire • 514-1264 • www.FitEliteOnline. com Momentum Sport Fitness • 2615 London Rd. Suite B, Eau Claire • 9554319 •
Cookin’ Chiropractor
Eau Claire chiropractor promotes tasty nutrition WORDS: TOM GIFFEY // PHOTO: ANDREA PAULSETH
or Austin Erickson, the self-styled “cooking chiropractor,” it all began with a beet. A little over a year ago, Erickson – who practices at Oas Family Chiropractic in Eau Claire – was suggesting to a patient whose gallbladder had been removed that she try eating steamed beets. (Studies suggest that a substance in beets can help protect the liver, which produces the bile that is stored in the gallbladder.) “Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to do that,” came the patient’s reply. The woman, it seemed, didn’t know how to steam a vegetable. Erickson explained that it was simple: all you needed was a pot and a colander. But the patient didn’t know was a colander was, either. Still eager to get the woman to eat a beet, Erickson asked if she’d be willing to come in on a weekend for a cooking demonstration. She agreed, and one Saturday he showed her how to steam a beet. “That’s really easy,” she said. “That got me thinking, a lot of the time I talk to people, and they say ‘I don’t know how to do that,’ ” Erickson explained. “So I started organizing a few little cooking classes.” Erickson now stages several free cooking demonstrations each month for clients and other community members. As far as Erickson can tell, he’s the only chiropractor in the area who puts on such classes. Some are held at his chiropractic office, 1740 Westgate Road in Eau Claire, while others are held elsewhere in the community, including one May 30 at Banbury Place, which was presented by Sara Hefty of The Lux Health Coaching. “It’s going to be quick, it’s going to be good, and it’s going to be nutritious,” Erickson told the class, describing the dishes he cooks up. On this evening, the audience – largely populated by Hefty’s clientele – would dine on two recipes: a hamburger skillet with leeks and a peaches and cream chia smoothie. Both were simple and featured healthy ingredients mildly exotic to a typical Midwestern eater: coconut oil, turmeric powder, golden flax, chia seeds (yep, the same kind you used to watch sprout atop your Chia Pet).
other things, he suggested using coconut oil rather than olive oil for high-temperature cooking (save the olive oil for salad dressing, he advised) and recommended using real sea salt (which contains traces of many minerals) rather than iodized, refined table salt. Class attendee Linda Tiry said she was familiar with much of the nutritional information Erickson conveyed, “But what I appreciate about Austin is he gives
“It’s going to be quick, it’s going to be good, and it’s going to be nutritious.” – Austin Erickson, “the cooking chiropractor,” on his recipes
The ingredients were arrayed in front of Erickson cooking-show style, and the chiropractor fielded questions and kept up an easy patter about their nutritional content and availability while chopping carrots and sprinkling spices. Among
the reasons why – what’s good about turmeric?” she said. (In case you were wondering, turmeric – a South Asian spice that’s a major component in curry powder – has been studied for its anti-inflamma- 31 June 6, 2013
tory and anti-cancer properties.) Though he’s not a registered dietician, Erickson took courses on nutrition in chiropractic school and received state-certified training to sell nutritional supplements. In addition, he’s a voracious reader of nutritional literature and an avid cook. (In college, he explains, “Basically, I got sick of Easy Mac.”) For Erickson, encouraging nutritious eating is an extension of the adjustments he performs as a chiropractor: Both are about promoting and maintaining wellness rather than simply following the put-out-the-fire approach of traditional Western medicine. In addition, the carbohydrate-loaded standard American diet promotes inflammation in the body, which can have harmful health effects. “In bringing down that level of inflammation through your diet, you’re helping with the chiropractic adjustments,” Erickson said. For more information on Austin Erickson, visit cookingchiropractor., call 715-552-7889, or email 32 June 6, 2013
Reads on Eats
Four regional healthy eating books to be found at The Local Store (205 N. Dewey Street, Eau Claire) Abundantly Wild by Teresa Marrone • $23 Wild edibles are everywhere: forests, shelterbelts, parks, urban areas, and even your own backyard. This book details how to find and prepare over 75 delicious wild foods that can be safely and sustainably harvested in the Upper Midwest.
Eating Well in Wisconsin by Jerry Minich • $19 From the sour cherry pies of Door County to the Cornish pasties of Mineral Point, from Friday night catfish fries on the Great Mississippi to elegant dining on the shore of Lake Michigan, this revised popular guide to Wisconsin restaurants has something for everyone.
Wisconsin Wild Foods by John Motoviloff • $17 John Motoviloff knows his way around the outdoors and he wrote these recipes that take you from the ground up to cooking naturally wild foods into scrumptious meals that are nutritious, fresh, and the definition of local. Perfect for the outdoorsperson who hates coming back in for dinner.
101 Favorite Wild Rice Recipes by Dr. Duane R. Lund • $12 One-hundred and one carefully selected recipes for preparing wild rice, which is a unique, nutritious, natural food. Each has been carefully tested to make sure that your meal isn’t only good for you, but good tasting as well. The book includes a variety of meals and snacks to enjoy. 33 June 6, 2013
The Fit List
the Chippewa Valley’s many resources for a healthy lifestyle ACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture For Wellness 3420 Mall Dr., Ste. #1, Eau Claire • (715) 379-6429 • ac4wellness@gmail. com • Casey Castona offers a unique brand of healing through acupuncture by bringing together Chinese and Western Medicine. Specializing in Pain Management. Nutritional and herbal formula counseling. Acupuncture Natural Care Center Sc 1650 Hallie
Rd., Chippewa Falls • (715) 831-8223 • See contact info for details.
Acupuncture Pain Clinic 1650 Hallie Rd., Chippewa
Falls • (715) 830-4055 • Richard Polzin is a NCCAOM-certified professional and can help transform your vitality and your life for the better. If you’re looking to naturally enhance your health and take care of your body, you’ve come to the right place.
Elements for Healthcare 431 E Clairemont Ave, Suite
2A, Eau Claire • (715) 832-2005 • • Offers services such as TCM acupuncture, therapeutic massage, and strategies to reduce stress.
Paul Lin Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine 3321 Golf Rd., Eau Claire • 715-832-1953 • paullinacupuncture. com Paul Lin is from Taiwan with a family rich in the tradition of Chinese medicine. His father specializes in a very unique diagnostic skill, on-the-back-examination, and utilizes topical herbal treatment. Located inside Optima Health & Vitality Center. Root and Branch Acupuncture 1227 Menomonie St., Eau Claire • (715) 836-9696 • A retired nurse practitioner offers both needle and non-needle acupuncture, and microcurrent and meridian therapy. Tao Arts 1215 Gilbert Creek Rd., Menomonie • (715)
231-2287 • Sensei Leland studied in China and is known for his traditional Chinese approaches to medicine, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and tuina massage.Additionally, Sensei Leland has trained for more than 30 years in Yang-Chen Tai Ji boxing (the original MMA), a martial art with emphasis on standup, ground, throws, locks, and pressure points. Serious applicants only, ages 16+.
Two Rivers Clinic 200 Main St., Eau Claire • (715) 855-8280 • • tworiversclinic. com Two Rivers Clinic offers complete, ambulatory women’s health care and medical acupuncture for men and women - of all ages.
BELLY DANCING Dancing Mountain • (715) 688-9556 • • Dancing Mountain aims to guide people in joyful movement and to12 imbue our daily lives with a sense of wonder, exploration, and ease. Dragonfly Dance & Wellness 308 N. Barstow St., Eau
Claire • 715-379-6304 • dragonflydancecompany@ • Dragonfly Dance Company is an American Tribal Style® Belly Dance Company and FatChanceBellyDance® Sister Studio, directed by Joan Schaefer. Dragonfly performs throughout the Chippewa Valley providing tasteful, family-friendly entertainment for women’s, family or professional events and festivals.
ECShimmy Banbury Place, 800 Wisconsin St., Eau Claire • (715) 926-4233 • • Laura teaches six-week classes in beginning and intermediate belly dancing. Pilates, Yoga, and Beyond 4913 River Glen Ct., Eau Claire • (715) 832-7335 • • Private sessions and group classes in Pilates, yoga, Thai yoga bodywork, belly dancing and more. Sahaja Dance / Jen Bush and Rebecca Whitman 523 Cedar Ave, Menomonie • (715) 688-9556 •, • Belly dance classes in a friendly, energetic atmosphere with a focus on body isolations, basic dance steps and combinations, and the use of finger cymbals. Benefits may include weight loss and increased range of motion. Anticipate a supportive and fun community of dancers to uplift your spirit. No experience is necessary to start.
Spirit Horse Dance Company 322 N. Bridge St., Chip-
pewa Falls • 715-828-4127 • Spirit Horse Dance Company is a haven for exclusive instruction and performance of American Tribal Style belly dance. Spirit Horse offers beginning to advance belly dance classes plus performance workshops, prop workshops, shimmy dance parties, private lessons, and more.
BIRTH/PREGNANCY SVCS Apple Pregnancy Care Center 2600 Stein Blvd., Eau
Claire • 715-834-7734 • • APPLE assists women with caring, counseling and information to help provide those with unplanned pregnancies the facts and services that will help them make choices they can live with.
Earth Mother Midwife 612-801-9967, 715-273-4081 • • earthmothermidwife. com Offering female sexual health care, prenatal care, birthing midwife services, postpartum services, newborn care, doula services, and much more.
Marshfield Clinic 2116 Craig Rd., Eau Claire • 715858-4646, 800-924-8515 x7-4646 • marshfieldclinic. org Providing dedicated and experienced midwives for women’s health care needs. Mayo Clinic Health System 1400 Bellinger St., Eau Claire • 715-838-6100 • Featuring certified nurse midwives. Morning Star Birth Center Menomonie (see contact
info for location details) • 715-231-2100 • Morning Star Women’s Health and Birth
Acupuncture For Wellness Center invites you to explore the many services we have available to pregnant women. We are committed to offering holistic maternity care in the Midwives’ Model of Care and to empower expecting mothers and families through principles of education, communication and shared decision making.
Southside Medical Clinic 3213 Stein Blvd., Eau
Claire • 715-836-9242 • www.southsidemedicalclinic. com For more than a decade, Southside Medical Clinic has been providing high quality medical care in a comfortable family-friendly environment.
UW-Health Eau Claire Family Medicine 617 W.
Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire // 207 W. Lincoln St., Augusta • Eau Claire: (715) 839-5175 // Augusta: (715) 286-2270 • UW-Health’s full scale birthing program provides complete continuity of care. With ultrasounds, non-stress testing, and 34 June 6, 2013
other appointments performed right here in our offices, your doctor follows you throughout the course of your pregnancy and will be present at your delivery. They also offer pediatric services and can care for your baby after delivery.
DANCE STUDIOS Arthur Murray Dance Studio 401 1/2 S Barstow St., Eau Claire • (715) 834-6166 • • Arthur Murray teaches rhythm and Latin dances, country western dances, specialty dances, and more. Learn from qualified instructors in a friendly and relaxing environment. Arthur Murray has a three way approach to teaching dance: private (and couple) lessons, group lessons, and practice parties.
Dancers’ Studio 800 Wisconsin St., Bldg 13, Ste 122, Eau Claire • 715-830-9410 • Ballroom and modern dance lessons for adults. Danz Kraze Building 4/6, Suite 205, 800 Wisconsin
St., Eau Claire • (715) 832-DANZ • ECDanzKraze@ • Youth dance teams use Eau Claire’s largest studio space and are modeled after High School dance teams, offering poms, hip hop/funk, kick, and jazz. Short sessions available for those who are indecisive.
Diamond School of Dance 123 S. Graham Ave., Eau
Claire • (715) 577-1285 • • Offers ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, pointe, hip-hop, and competitive performance. Classses begin at age 2 with pre-ballet through adult.
Dragonfly Dance & Wellness 308 N. Barstow St., Eau Claire • 715-379-6304 • dragonflydancecompany@ • Dragonfly Dance Company is an American Tribal Style® Belly Dance Company and FatChanceBellyDance® Sister Studio, directed by Joan Schaefer. Dragonfly performs throughout the Chippewa Valley providing tasteful, family-friendly entertainment for women’s, family or professional events and festivals. Eau Claire School of Dance 306 Main St., Eau Claire
• (715) 832-9900 • • Offering classes in ballet, lyrical, tap, hip hop, pointe, and technique. They offer classes for ages 18 months-adult.
Eau Claire Ultimate Performance Gymnastics 3213
Louis Ave. Suite I, Eau Claire • 715-832-3138 • info@ • Eau Claire Ultimate Performance Gymnastics provides exceptional USA Gymnastics training using experienced coaching, high-quality equipment and the largest gymnastics facility in the area. Featuring recreational classes, competitive teams, high school training, private lessons, camps and parties.
En Avant School of Dance 3330
North Town Hall Road, Eau Claire • (715) 874-5575 • Combination, modern, pointe and jazz.
pewa Falls • 715-828-4127 • Spirit Horse Dance Company is a haven for exclusive instruction and performance of American Tribal Style belly dance. Spirit Horse offers beginning to advance belly dance classes plus performance workshops, prop workshops, shimmy dance parties, private lessons, and more.
Swan Lake Ballet Studio Banbury Place Bldg 13 Ste
122, Eau Claire • (715) 590-8502 • • A classical ballet dance studio owned and operated by Ballet Master Ganna Kotenko.
Two to Tango McPhee Dance Studio (Room 105), University of WI-Eau Claire, Eau Claire • taylordb@uwec. edu • “T3”provides Eau Claire students, staff, and the general community instruction and practice opportunities for various social dances such as Swing, Cha Cha, Waltz, Viennese Waltz, Tango, and Foxtrot.
GROUP TRAINING Benji Williford – Chain Reaction Fitness 126 Graham Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 379-4249 • • Boot camps, TRX suspension training, and personal training from a certified fitness, yoga, Pilates, and TRX trainer. Eau Claire Team Revolution/715 Fit Club • (715) 864-
9308 • ECTR is an exciting networking experience dedicated to bringing active people together in the Chippewa Valley area. ECTR connects fitness team members in for any purpose. Do you a partner for your recreational, fitness, or workout goals? This is your resource to find that person, or group.
For even more reso urces and artic les, visit VolumeO / Health
Goggin Ballroom Dancing Eau Claire
Regional Arts Center, 316 Eau Claire St., Eau Claire • (715) 833-1879 • • They teach ballroom, Latin, and swing dancing.
Jean Marie’s School of Dance 31 W. Spring St., Chip-
pewa Falls • (715) 723-8635 • Specializing in children’s classes, Jean Marie offers tap, ballet, jazz, and basic acrobatics. Classes for adults also available.
Jewelry Box Dancer 110 West Main St., Menomonie
• (715) 563-3534 • • This studio teaches children ages 4 through 14 in combined tap, jazz, ballet, and hip hop. Limited adult classes offered as well. Find Jewelry Box Dancer on Facebook too.
Spirit Horse Dance Company 322 N. Bridge St., Chip-
Rejuv Women’s Boot Camp Eau
Claire (Private studio available by appointment) • (715) 559-9175 • www.EauClaireWomensBootCamp. Women’s only boot camps, personal training, nutritional guidance and weight loss/lifestyle coaching. Fitness professionals with over 21 years of combined experience. We empower women to be strong, healthy, confident, and beautiful and to find their inner beauty and power within themselves. Contact us for more information.
Women’s Boot Camp Hallie • 715-563-2370 • reju- • Women’s boot camp guarantees to help you lose weight and tone your body. They enjoy working with all fitness levels and provide education on healthy eating, stress reduction and behavior modification.
GYMS & HEALTH CLUBS Anytime Fitness 329 Water St., Suite E, Eau Claire •
(715) 831-6400 • A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling. Open 24 hours, pay as you go plans available.
Anytime Fitness 401 Pinnacle Way, Suite 116, Eau Claire • (715) 831-6200 • A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling. Open 24 hours, pay as you go plans available. Anytime Fitness 1700 Stout Rd., Menomonie • (715)
309-4441 • A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling, daycare, pool, and specialty classes. Open 24 hours, pay as you go plans available.
Anytime Fitness 2532 Golf Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 831-8600 • A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling. Open 24 hours, pay as you go plans available. Bodyworks Athletic Club, LLC 3019 Schneider Ave East, Menomonie • (715) 235-6106 • Personal training, free weights, and machines. Classes in strength/endurance, body sculpting, cardio, yoga, pilates, circuit, zumba, and spinning. Saunas, tanning, nutritional counseling, and open 24 hours. Chippewa Valley Family YMCA 611 Jefferson Ave.,
Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-2201 • • Free weights and machines. Basketball, racquetball, indoor track, pool, raquetball, and volleyball. Classes in strength/endurance, body sculpting, cardio, yoga, dance, spinning, circuit, swimming, and gymnastics. First aid, lifeguard, and babysitting training. Massage, kids’ events and classes, childcare, and personal training.
Curves 3198 London Rd., Eau Claire • 715-552-8783 • Designed around circuit training utilizing hydraulic resistance equipment, Curves’ 30-minute sessions in fitness and weight-loss guidance are hosted in an environment designed for women. Dance classes and nutritional counseling.
Curves 509 E. South Ave., Chippewa Falls • (715) 720-0304 • Designed around circuit training utilizing hydraulic resistance equipment, Curves’ 30-minute sessions in fitness and weight-loss guidance are hosted in an environment designed for women. Personal training, dance classes, pro shop, and nutritional counseling. Curves 1500 9th Street E., Menomonie • (715) 2356600 • Designed around circuit training utilizing hydraulic resistance equipment, Curves’ 30-minute sessions in fitness and weight-loss guidance are hosted in an environment designed for women. Personal training, dance classes, pro shop, and nutritional counseling.
Eau Claire YMCA 700 Graham Ave., Eau Claire •
(715) 836-8460 • • Free weights and machines. Basketball, volleyball, racquetball, indoor track, and pool. Classes on strength/endurance, body sculpting, cardio, yoga, pilates, dance, indoor cycling, swimming, gymnastics, and martial arts. First aid, lifeguard, and babysitting training. Massage, spa/sauna, kids’ events and classes, 35 June 6, 2013
and childcare. Tennis center located at 229 Moore St., Eau Claire, 836-8470.
FitELITE 2839 Mall Dr., Ste. 3A, Eau Claire • (715) 514-1264 • Free weights, personal training, specialty classes, and nutritional counseling. Gold’s Gym 3225 Lorch Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 552-
4570 • • Personal training, free weights, and machines. Basketball, volleyball, cardio cinema, and pool. Classes in strength/endurance, cardio, body sculpting, pilates, yoga, circuit, spinning, and dance. Nutritional counseling, beverage bar, tanning, pro shop, kids’ services, and spa/sauna.
Highland Fitness Center 2221 Eastridge Ctr., Eau Claire • (715) 833-2100 • EastRidge offers four group fitness studios, over 60 cardiovascular machines, free weights, and multiple strength circuits. They feature a “swim gym” for those looking for a water-based work out, a hot-tub and sauna for post-workout aches. Highland Fitness Center 2405 Folsom Street, Suite A, Eau Claire • (715) 833-2100 • WestRidge Center offers over 20 cardiovascular machines, free weights, and a Life Fitness strength circuit. Open 24 hours. Highland Fitness Center 3022 Commercial Blvd.,
Chippewa Falls • (715) 833-2100 • highlandfitness. com Lake Hallie Highland fitness features group fitness classes, brand-new state of the art treadmills, free weights and multiple strength circuits. Open 24 hours.
Life Fitness Center 312 Bridge St., Chippewa Falls •
(715) 723-3800 • lifefitnesscenterofchippewa@gmail. com Offering personal training, yoga, pilates, tanning, nutrition and massage, plus a variety of group fitness classes and one-on-one classes.
Momentum SportFitness, LLC 2615 London Road Suite B, Eau Claire • (715) 955-4319 • • Training people for high performance in athletics, recreation, or an active lifestyle. The Momentum University individual or group training package emphasizes training techniques and program implementation. Membership options available as well as additional individual or group personal training. New Image PACE Fitness 13384 49th Ave., Chippewa
Falls • (715) 720-7722 • • This all-ages gym employs the Progressive Aerobic Circuit Exercise system, which uses unique hydraulic resistance machines. Dance, circuit, and strength/endurance classes, plus nutritional counseling.
Pilates, Yoga, and Beyond 4913 River Glen Ct., Eau Claire • (715) 832-7335 • • Private sessions and group classes in Pilates, yoga, Thai yoga bodywork, belly dancing and more. Snap Fitness 3445 E Hamilton Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 830-9999 • A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, and open 24 hours. Pay-asyou-go plans available.
The Fit List CONT’D Snap Fitness 1320 Broadway St. N, Menomonie •
(715) 232-9999 • A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, and open 24 hours. Pay-asyou-go plans available.
Snap Fitness 475 Chippewa Mall Dr., # 305, Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-0602 • A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling, and open 24 hours. Pay-as-you-go plans available.
Wissota Fitness Tanning & Massage 16850 Cty.
The Garrison Claire •
Sacred Heart Hospital 900 West Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • 715-717-4121 •
Southside Medical Clinic 3213 Stein Blvd., Eau Claire
• 715-836-9242 •
St. Joseph’s Hospital 2661 County Highway I, Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-1811, 877-723-1811 •
Hwy. X Suite 2, Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-7006 • • Free weights and machines. Track, massage, tanning, spa, and open 24 hours.
UW-Health: Eau Claire Family Medicine 617 W.
Western Wisconsin Urology 3217 Stein Blvd., Eau Claire • 715-835-6548 •
Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic 2525 Cty Hwy I, Chip-
Willow Creek Women’s Clinic • 715-832-9292 •
pewa Falls • (715) 723-9375 •
Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic 2715 Damon St., Eau Claire • (715) 834-8471 • chippewavalleyeyeclinic. com. Chippewa Valley Free Clinic 836 Richard Dr., Eau Claire • (715) 839-8477 •
Chippewa Valley Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
4212 Southtowne Dr., Eau Claire • 715-832-1400 •
Eau Claire Heart Institute 659 W. Hamilton Ave., Eau
Claire • (715) 831-4444 •
Family Health Associates 2449 County Highway I,
Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-9138 • hshsmedicalgroup. org.
Marshfield Clinic • 2116 Craig Rd., Eau Claire • 715-858-4500 // Cancer Care: 900 W. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • 715-839-3956 // 3501 Golf Rd., Eau Claire • 715-858-4200 // Riverview Center of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health: 1000 Starr Ave., Eau Claire • 715-858-4850 // 2655 Cty Hwy I, Chippewa Falls • 715-726-4200 // 12961 27th Ave., Chippewa Falls • 715-738-3700 // 305 S. Hwy 27, Cadott • 715-289-3102 // 3603 Schneider Ave., Menomonie • 715-233-6400. Mayo Clinic Health System 1221 Whipple St., Eau
Claire • 715-838-6767 •
Oakleaf Surgical Hospital 3802 Oakwood Mall Dr., Eau Claire • (715) 839-9833 • Pine Grove Family Medicine 3221 Stein Blvd., Eau
One Tree Martial Arts 2015 Fairfax St., Eau Claire • (715) 514-0656 • • onetreemartialarts. com Martial arts instruction for all ages in Taekwondo, Hapkido, Jiu-Jitsu, and several other arts. Also offering women’s self-defense and kickboxing classes.24-hour fitness room with certified fitness trainer on site.
Tao Arts 1215 Gilbert Creek Rd., Menomonie • (715) 231-2287 • Sensei Leland studied in China and is known for his traditional Chinese approaches to medicine, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and tuina massage.Additionally, Sensei Leland has trained for more than 30 years in Yang-Chen Tai Ji boxing (the original MMA), a martial art with emphasis on standup, ground, throws, locks, and pressure points. Serious applicants only, ages 16+.
UW-Stout Health & Fitness Center / North Point 712 South Broadway, Menomonie • (715) 232-1392 • • Free weights, machines, personal training; classes in strength and endurance training, body sculpting, cardio, Pilates, yoga, circuit, dance, specialty classes; basketball, volleyball, racquetball, tennis, a pool and a track; beverage bar, pro shop. 24/7 access at the North Point center. ter, Eau Claire • (715) 836-3377 • recreation@uwec. edu • For UWEC students and staff. Free weights and machines; basketball; volleyball; racquetball; tennis; bowling; indoor track; climbing wall; pool; strength and endurance training, cardio, body sculpting, Pilates; spinning, dance, and wellness classes; massage.
Menomonie • (715) 233-9927 • • Okinawan style Karate instruction in both private and group settings.
Red Dragon Academy 438 Main St. E, Menomonie • (715) 235-1122 • • Karate instruction for all ages in both private and group settings.
The Garrison 800 Wisconsin St., Bldg 6, Suite 215, Eau Claire • (800) 304-0798 • A variety of fitness programs including Brazilian JiuJitsu, boxing, Muay Thai kickboxing, cardio kickboxing, women’s bootcamp, youth self defense and youth wrestling.
UWEC Recreation & Sport Facilities 105 Hilltop Cen-
Taekwondo, Judo, and Aikido are available.
Menomonie Goju-Ryu Karate 1807 Wilson St. # A,
Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 839-5175 • •
hypnosis Heaven Sent Healing 3548 Cypress St., Eau Claire
• (715) 833-1096 • • Julie works as a Spiritual Teacher, empowering people to live more mindfully. She specializes in healing relationships: with others, with self, with spirit.
Hypnosis Center of Eau Claire Banbury Place 800 Wisconsin St. Bld 2-D, Suite 420, Eau Claire • (715) 552-5355 • Certified and experienced hypnotherapist Richard Marano, B.S., C.H. will “allow your subconscious mind to replace bad habits with new and healthier ones.” Rid yourself of anything from insomnia and smoking to anxiety and weight problems.
martial arts/boxing AKF Martial Arts Academy of Eau Claire 1606 S Hast-
ings Way, Suite B, Eau Claire • (715) 613-8282 • Kyuki-Do is focused on helping you and your families achieve goals through martial art techniques, practical self defense, and traditional principles. Offers classes for ages 4 and up, and done in a group setting. Can also accommodate private lessons.
American Tae Kwon Do & Fitness Banbury Place 800
Wisconsin St. Bld 13 Suite 5, Eau Claire • (715) 5522777 • • Taekwondo classes in both private and group settings offering fast, hardhitting cardio workouts. Also offers a fitness member-
ship where members can independently use the facility and equipment during non-class hours.
Ancient Arts (715) 514-0388 • Traditional Chinese
kung-fu instruction in both private and group settings covering Wing Chun, Qi Gong, and Taoist areas. Instructor Sifu Howard was trained in China and has amassed thirty years of experience.
Chippewa Valley Boxing Club 310 Main Street E.,
Menomonie • (715) 271-7717 • scott22robinson@ Instruction for amateurs and children, and training for professional fighters. Focus on cardio work, discipline, and basic fundamentals. Offers kickboxing and mixed martial arts as well. Members compete in local shows.
Clear Water Martial Arts 20 W. Spring St., Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-3321 • Offering private and group Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, and Tai Chi instruction to all ages. Karate American is there two days a week.
Elite Karate 410 Bay Street, Chippewa Falls • (715) 720-9218 • jasondutton@elitekarate.cmasdirect. com • Karate instruction in both private and group settings focusing on the three core values of honor, discipline, and respect.
Healing Choices Oasis LLC 2711
The Grind 715-513-6621 • • Train to fight or simply train like a fighter. The classes at The Grind MMA cater to individuals of all skill levels and are inspired by Boxing, Kick Boxing, Karate, Mauy Thai, Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Filipino Martial Arts, and many others. Wing Chun Kuen Kung Fu Tong 605-490-8338 • Learn authentic traditional Wing Chun Kuen Kung Fu Tong. Students are 16+ and must pass a pre-screening interview before acceptance. Lessons are taught as fast as students can learn. Serious applicants only.
massage A Quiet Place N7654 690th St., Menomonie • (715)
235-7182 • Therapeutic massage-neuromuscular, deep tissue, trigger-point, and relaxation.
For even more reso urces and artic les, visit VolumeO / Health
Pleasant St. Suite 1E, Eau Claire • (715) 852-0303 • • Classes offered in Tai Chi and AMMA massage, four days a week. Also offers hot stone massage and AMMA Therapy, and has a complete line of nutritional supplements available.
Ju’s Taekwondo Karate Academy 415 S. Farwell
St., Eau Claire • (715) 834-5766 • Taekwondo classes in both private and group settings. Classes target self-defense, weight control, physical and mental fitness, improved coordination and agility.
Karate American 2228 North Hillcrest Parkway,
Altoona; 100 N. Bridge St., Chippewa Falls; W201 Menomonie St., Elk Mound; Osseo Fitness Center, 56900 Francis St., Osseo; 25952 E Mondovi St., Eleva; and Augusta High School, E19320 Bartig Road, Augusta • (715) 832-6488 • • Karate instruction for all ages in both private and group settings. Lessons in Karate, 36 June 6, 2013
The Garrison 800 Wisconsin St., Bldg 6, Suite 215, Eau Claire • (800) 304-0798 • A variety of fitness programs including Brazilian JiuJitsu, boxing, Muay Thai kickboxing, cardio kickboxing, women’s bootcamp, youth self defense and youth wrestling.
A Time to Heal Massage 822 S. Hast-
ings Way, Eau Claire • 715-497-0015 • • Therapeutic Massage and a relaxing experience. Swedish and amma therapy techniques applied.
Advanced Massage Therapies
829 W. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 833-3505 • Offers deep tissue, Swedish, hot stone, cupping, sports, pregnancy, medical therapy, and Ashiatsu massage.
All About You Massage 405 S. Farwell St., #3, Eau
Claire • (715) 830-0777 • Offering deep tissue, Swedish, and basic relaxation massage; as well as trigger point therapy and foot massages.
Body Focus Massage 705 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire • (715) 835-8898 • • Offers shiasu, pregnancy, Thai, couples, deep tissue, bamboo, reflexology, cupping, raindrop, Reiki, personal injury, and workman’s comp massages. Body Health with Roseann 3301 Golf Rd., Ste. 102, Eau Claire // 2889 Cty Hwy I, Ste. 2, Chippewa Falls • 715-878-9049 • Licensed massag therapist featuring Swedish massage, individual/corporate chair massage, deep tissue, hot stone, lymphatic, geriatric, prenatal, sports massage, and pain control
massage therapists will feature essential oil blends, and hot stone options to relieve mind and body.
Nirvana Massage 2403 London Rd., Eau Claire •
(715) 864-1851 • Nirvana Massage Therapy provides licenses massage services. Robin Gaulrapp, a certified and licensed massage therapist, specializes in Swedish, deep tissue, and prenatal massage. Come to us for a relaxing experience that is as close as you can get to reaching true nirvana. By appointment only.
Optimum Therapies, LLC 517 E. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 855-0408 • Offering deep tissue, trigger point release, myofascial release, neuromuscular, sports, Swedish, and hot stone massage and physical therapy. Optimum Therapies, LLC 1309 Stout Rd., Menomonie • (715) 233-6320 • Offering deep tissue, trigger point release, myofascial release, neuromuscular, sports, Swedish, and hot stone massage and physical therapy. Path to Health Massage Therapy and Wellness 316
N. Barstow St. Suite G, Eau Claire • (715) 225-0461 • Offering Swedish, aromatherapy, hot stone, reflexology, prenatal, sports, deep tissue, Reiki, and AMMA massage.
Poppy Moelter, Massage Therapist 820 Chauncey
St., Eau Claire • (715) 834-8867 • Offers therapeutic massage, for neuromuscular therapy and myofascial release, as well as integrative movement (inner-guided dance).
Sans Souci Massage 927 Loring St., Suite 4, Altoona • (715) 830-9890 • Offering Swedish, hot stone, integrative, trigger point, craniosacral, ashiatsu, prenatal, and Thai Yoga massage. As well as polarity therapy, Reiki, and body treatments. StillPoint Massage Therapy 2130 Brackett Ave., Eau
Crest Wellness Center management. Call for an appointment.
Bravo! Salon and Spa LLC 1120 122nd St. Suite S •
(715) 552-3200 • Hair care, massage therapy, nails, pedicures, and facials. Bridal and wedding party specials available.
Calista 840 Water St., Eau Claire • (715) 832-4001 • This salon also offers Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, and prenatal massage. Chippewa Valley Physical Therapy 116 N Bridge St.,
Chippewa Falls • (715) 726-1010 • • Offering massage and bodywork, therapeutic massage, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and physical therapy targeting headaches, neck, back and shoulder pain.
Clemona Massage and Day Spa The CORE, 424 Main Street, Menomonie • (920) 853-6668 • clemonaspa@ • Individual bridal services, group wedding party spa services, and mobile on-site services available. Office located in Menomonie, but mobile throughout many areas of Wisconsin and Minnesota. DaVinci Therapeutic Massage 4714B Commerce Val-
ley Rd., Eau Claire • 715-379-1922 • davincimassage. com At DaVinci Therapeutic Massage, we treat each person as a work of art and tailor each session to your individual needs. Whether you are looking to reduce stress, reduce pain, or are recovering from an injury – we are here to help you achieve your goals through therapeutic massage.
Eau Claire Massage 316 N Barstow St. Suite G, Eau
Claire • (715) 225-8018 • EauClaireMassage@gmail. com • Offers deep tissue, relaxation, trigger point therapy, chair, hot stone, couples, and on-site massages. Relief for headache, neck and shoulder pain, low back pain, sciatica, and overall stress.
Elements for Healthcare 431 E Clairemont Ave, Suite 2A, Eau Claire • (715) 832-2005 • • Offers services such as TCM acupuncture, therapeutic massage, and strategies to reduce stress. Emerald Isle Massage 3461 London Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 831-7050 • See contact info for details.
Essential Massage Therapy Center 2519 North
Hillcrest Pkwy Suite 102, Altoona • (888) 213-0820 • Offers Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, chair, prenatal, couples, sports, Fourhand, neuromuscular, and Thai yoga massages.
Gordon Green LMT: Massage Therapy 515 South
Barstow St #112A, Eau Claire • (715) 533-5020 • • Specializing in Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, PNF,
Swedish, Trigger Point Therapy, and Sports Massage. Other Services include: Pregnancy Massage, Workshops, Outcalls, Chair Events, and Yoga.
Harmony Healing Center 2519 N. Hillcrest Pkwy, Eau
Claire • (715) 835-1421 • 2519 N. Hillcrest Pkwy, Ste. 102, Altoona • Offers Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, trigger point, chair, prenatal, sports, and AMMA massage; as well as reflexology and neuromuscular therapy.
Healing Arts Center 710 4th St. E, Menomonie • (715) 235-7711 • A school for massage therapy and Asian bodywork therapy. Specializing in AMMA Therapy, which is concerned with the balance and movement of life energy in the human body. Healing Choices Oasis LLC 2711 Pleasant St. Suite 1E, Eau Claire • (715) 852-0303 • healingchoices@ • Classes offered in Tai Chi and AMMA massage, four days a week. Also offers hot stone massage and AMMA Therapy, and has a complete line of nutritional supplements available.
Claire • 715-829-5660 • Whether you wish to unwind, relieve stress or address health concerns, you can do it all in a warm, safe, and comfortable environment with LMT Diana White. White offers myofascial Release, Swedish massage, and deep tissue/trigger point therapy.
Stucky Chiropractic Center 2105 East Clairemont
Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 955-4006 • • Featuring therapeutic massage, prenatal massage, lymphatic drainage, Thai massage, reflexology, and hot stone massage.
Tao Arts 1215 Gilbert Creek Rd., Menomonie • (715) 231-2287 • Sensei Leland studied in China and is known for his traditional Chinese approaches to medicine, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and tuina massage.Additionally, Sensei Leland has trained for more than 30 years in Yang-Chen Tai Ji boxing (the original MMA), a martial art with emphasis on standup, ground, throws, locks, and pressure points. Serious applicants only, ages 16+. The Lotus Spa 4956 Bullis Farm Road, Eau Claire • (715) 835-1100 • Relaxation, sport, or deep tissue massages available. Also offering aromatherapy scalp massages, maternity massage, and hot stone treatments. Relaxation facials, pedicures, and hydrotherapy tubs.
Life Fitness Center 312 Bridge St., Chippewa Falls
Wissota Fitness Tanning & Massage 16850 Cty.
Life Massage by Becka 800 Wisconsin Street, Bldg D02, Ste. 313, Eau Claire • 715-492-3166 • Featuring couples massage, weekly maintenance, deep tissue, hot rocks, Swedish massage, pregnancy massage, chair massage, and more by Rebecca Peterson.
Denovo Medspa 745 Kenney Ave., Eau Claire • 715-
• (715) 723-3800 • lifefitnesscenterofchippewa@gmail. com Offering personal training, yoga, pilates, tanning, nutrition and massage, plus a variety of group fitness classes and one-on-one classes.
London Massage 2412 London Rd., Eau Claire •
(715) 832-1010 • eauclairelondonmassage@yahoo. com Escape to London Massage for the perfect balance between a beneficial, therapeutic treatment and the ultimate stress free, relaxation experience. Find us on Facebook.
Mayo Clinic Health System 1221 Whipple St., Eau
Claire // 2321 Stout Rd. Menomonie • 715-838-6767, 715-235-5531 • Our licensed massage therapists have training in traditional massage, myofascial release and other massage styles.
Mission Accomplished S4530 Porterville Rd., Eau
Claire • (715) 831-0909 • • Mission Accomplished offers counseling, classes in yoga and a crossbreed called yogilates, massages in the style of Swedish, office chair, deep tissue, sports and prenatal. Plus, personal training for brides, golfers, boxers, bodybuilding and in-home.
Nicole’s Inc. 303 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire • (715)
835-3510 • Can accommodate wedding parties of any size for salon or spa services. Certified 37 June 6, 2013
Hwy. X Suite 2, Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-7006 • • Free weights and machines. Track, massage, tanning, spa, and open 24 hours.
medical spas 835-2285 • • denovomedspa. com A visit to Denovo Medspa will provide you with the knowledge you need to preserve your natural beauty. Feel free to contact us learn more about our staff, products and services. Schedule your consultation and begin looking and feeling more beautiful today.
Enza Medispa 3221 Stein Blvd., Eau Claire • 715-832-
1774 • • Enza Medispa is a medical spa specializing in skin care with highly experienced aesthetic professionals who customize treatment for incredible results. Enza offers microdermabrasions, customized chemical peels, laser treatment, hair removal, facials, Botox, dermal fillers, and Latisse.
nutrition All Natural Wellness, LLC. 2415 Boardwalk Cir.,
#1, Eau Claire • 715-864-4970 • All Natural Wellness, LLC. supplies beverages and supplements for a wide variety of customers.
Get Healthy with Dr. Dan 3814 Oakwood Hills Pkwy,
Eau Claire • 715-833-8777 • Dr. Dan Czelatdko has been practicing chiropractic and nutrition for over 20 years. Nutrition has become
WHAT CAN BE MORE FUN THAN DANCE? 6 week group sessions, Private group lessons for: Bridal showers, company, charity and ladies events. The ECShimmy dancers are available ilable to perform at your professional orr charity events and family functions. For more information contact Laura 715-926-4233
Come join the fun!!!
An yti me Bo Fit d ne At ywo ss hle rk tic s Ch Clu ipp Fa ew b mi ly a Va YM lle Cu CA y rv es Ea uC lai re Fit Y EL ITE MCA Go ld’ sG ym Hi gh lan dF Lif itn eF e itn ess ss Ne w Ce Im nt a er UW ge P A Fit Sto CE ne ut ss Sp Ce or UW n t Sp EC R ter & or e c t F re ac at i Sn ili on ap tie & Fit s ne Wi ss sso 24 ta -7 Fit ne ss
GYM GRID find contact info in the listings on the previous pages
Free weights Machines Personal training Classes Strength & endurance Body sculpting Cardio Pilates Yoga Circuit Spinning Dance Specialty Sports Basketball Volleyball Racquetball Tennis Swimming Track Massage Nutritional counseling Beverage bar Tanning Kids’ services Pro shop Spa / Sauna Open 24 hours
= Menomonie location only
= Eastridge location only
= except Menomonie location
= except Eastridge location 38 June 6, 2013
= Chippewa Falls location only
his passion. As a college athlete and long time exercise enthusiast , nutrition has become very important for performance and realizing his weight training goals.
Just Six • A nutritional service provided by a licensed dietitian that involves creating nutritious meal and snack plans, and tracking your habits and relationships with food.
M’lis inside Rochelle’s Salon & Spa, 2736 Mall Dr., Eau Claire • (715) 570-3084 • Among Wellness Consultant Terre Retzlaff’s services is nutrition/ weight management. Claire • (715) 831-0909 • • Mission Accomplished offers counseling, classes in yoga and a crossbreed called yogilates, massages in the style of Swedish, office chair, deep tissue, sports and prenatal. Plus, personal training for brides, golfers, boxers, bodybuilding and in-home.
McMahon Chiropractic and Physical Therapy 3004
Golf Rd Suite 100, Eau Claire • (715) 834-4516 • Specializing in chiropractic and physical therapy work.
Mother Nature’s Food 2434 London Rd, Eau Claire •
(715) 834 - 2341 • Mother Nature’s Food is provides quality fresh, natural, organic and whole foods, nutritional products, body care products and health information in a fun comfortable clean, safe environment.
Physician’s Weight Loss Center 2839 Mall Dr., Eau
Claire • 715-830-9355 • PWLC have nearly a quarter century of experience working to help people lose excess weight. They feature effective weight loss systems, personalized consultations and reviews, and have developed 150 specialized food, nutrition and weight loss products.
Rejuv Women’s Boot Camp Eau Claire (Private studio available by appointment) • (715) 559-9175 • Women’s only boot camps, personal training, nutritional guidance and weight loss/lifestyle coaching. Fitness professionals with over 21 years of combined experience. We empower women to be strong, healthy, confident, and beautiful and to find their inner beauty and power within themselves. Contact us for more information. Sioux Creek Wellness 386 22 1/2 St., Chetek • (715) 642 - 3360 • • Certified Health Educator Coach Tammy Schwartz does nutrition education and Juice Plus (a whole food program) on site or comes to you. Tammy also does classes twice a week for varied levels.
personal care Aging & Disability Resource Center 721 Oxford Ave., Eau Claire • 715-839-4735, 1-888-338-4636 • adrc@ • The ADRC aims to help people fine info to access community resources and services to people ages 60+, adults with disabilities, and their families and caregivers regardless of income. Personal assistance is available at hte center, over the phone, or at requested in-house visits. Ava Anderson Non-Toxic • 715-877-2043, 715-2109707 • • Ava Anderson Non-Toxic are committed to an important mission of educating consumers about the health risks, doing business with industry consultants, and providing clients with non-toxic personal care products. Sarah Steinke is a non-toxic skin care consultant.
personal training Anytime Fitness 2532 Golf Rd., Eau Claire • (715)
831-8600 • A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of ex-
Hayden Integration 815 Main St. E, Menomonie • (608) 630-0664 • • Chris Hayden is a certified Rolfer, a method of structural integration that involves balancing a person’s tissue structure to release constrictions (from injuries, overuse, posture, etc.) and bring relief to your body. Kromrey Chiropractic 500 S. Main St., Cadott • (715) 289-5000 • • Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, Kromrey Chiropractic S.C. emphasizes improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place.
Mission Accomplished S4530 Porterville Rd., Eau
Optima Health & Vitality Center 3321 Gold Road, Ste. A, Eau Claire • (715) 832-1953 • A chiropractic practice that also offers nutritional counseling and naturopathic services.
Chippewa Falls • (715) 726-1010 • • Offering massage and bodywork, therapeutic massage, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and physical therapy targeting headaches, neck, back and shoulder pain.
Gold’s Gym ercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling. Open 24 hours, pay as you go plans available.
Benji Williford – Chain Reaction Fitness 126 Graham
Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 379-4249 • • Boot camps, TRX suspension training, and personal training from a certified fitness, yoga, Pilates, and TRX trainer.
Capture Life, LLC (715) 829-2761 • • Capture Life offers individual and small group fitness training, workshops, and yoga classes.
Creative Fitness (715) 379-0304 • im- • Offers classes, life coaching, and personal training (everything from fitness and nutrition to stress management, meditation, and holistic practices). Mission Accomplished offers counseling, classes in yoga and a crossbreed called yogilates, massages in the style of Swedish, office chair, deep tissue, sports and prenatal. Plus, personal training for brides, golfers, boxers, bodybuilding and in-home.
Momentum SportFitness, LLC 2615 London Road Suite B, Eau Claire • (715) 955-4319 • • Training people for high performance in athletics, recreation, or an active lifestyle. The Momentum University individual or group training package emphasizes training techniques and program implementation. Membership options available as well as additional individual or group personal training.
For even more reso urces and artic les, visit VolumeO / Health
Evolve Wellness, LLC 412 1/2 Water St., Eau Claire • (715) 8647000 • • Cheri Dostal, Founder and CPT of Evolve Wellness LLC is a NASM certified personal trainer and offers offers personal training services as well as customized group workshops. Complimentary consultation available upon request. Private lessons available.
FitMiss Fitness Training Eau Claire • 715-802-2122 • In-home ACE Certified personal training. Trainers are experienced, professional and insured. Individual and group programs scientifically based on fitness and lifestyle assessments. Life Fitness Center 312 Bridge St., Chippewa Falls •
(715) 723-3800 • lifefitnesscenterofchippewa@gmail. com Offering personal training, yoga, pilates, tanning, nutrition and massage, plus a variety of group fitness classes and one-on-one classes.
Lifetime Health Coaching 800 Wisconsin St., Building D02, Ste 405E, Eau Claire • (715) 495-7923 • What could be different in your life a year from now? Maybe you want to exercise consistently, reduce chronic pain, improve your nutrition, lower your blood sugar, become tobacco-free, or enhance your quality of life. Lifetime Health Coaching can help you realize your dreams. Mission Accomplished S4530 Porterville Rd., Eau
Claire • (715) 831-0909 • • mis-
Quantum Health & Wellness 817
Chauncey St., Eau Claire • (715) 456-6734 • DrLynnThompson. com Dr. Lynn Thompson specializes in stress reduction, pain management, and weight loss.
Rejuv Women’s Boot Camp Eau
Claire (Private studio available by appointment) • (715) 559-9175 • www. EauClaireWomensBootCamp.weebly. com Women’s only boot camps, personal training, nutritional guidance and weight loss/ lifestyle coaching. Fitness professionals with over 21 years of combined experience. We empower women to be strong, healthy, confident, and beautiful and to find their inner beauty and power within themselves. Contact us for more information.
physical therapy B Natural 2421 E Clairemont Ave, Eau Claire • (715)
836-7021 • Dr. Amy Emch practices immuno-therapy and offers services such as health & nutrition consultations, reflexology, chi machine therapy, and infra red therapy.
Back on Track Family Chiropractic 2751 Commer-
cial Blvd. Suite 4, Chippewa Falls • (715) 720-1800 • • backontrackfamily. com Back on Track is part of the Maximized Living network of Chiropractors nationwide who are on a mission to change the way healthcare is viewed and delivered. We have up to date techniques and education, plus the passion the staff has to help others is inspiring.
Chippewa Valley Physical Therapy 116 N Bridge St., 39 June 6, 2013
Northwoods Therapy 4210 Southtowne Dr., Eau Claire; and 757 Lakeland Dr., Chippewa Falls • 715839-9266 • • In business or over 30 years, Northwoods Therapy is owned and operated by local physical therapists specializing in sports and orthopedic rehabilitation. Optimum Therapies, LLC 1309 Stout Rd., Menomonie
• (715) 233-6320 • Offering deep tissue, trigger point release, myofascial release, neuromuscular, sports, Swedish, and hot stone massage and physical therapy.
Optimum Therapies, LLC 517 E. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 855-0408 • Offering deep tissue, trigger point release, myofascial release, neuromuscular, sports, Swedish, and hot stone massage and physical therapy. Radiant Health Chiropractic 534 Water St., Eau Claire • (715) 838-9432 • Delivering quality chiropractic care to the Eau Claire community since 2004. Wissota Chiropractic 17191 County Hwy X, Chippewa Falls • 715-723-3333 • Wissota Chiropractic provides a state-of-the-art facility for quality chiropractic care.
spiritual wellness A-Ok Stress-Release MDs Prefer (715) 379-4901 • Offering transcendental meditation (or TM) stress-release, meditation techniques. The certified instructor will come to you, or invite you to his home, in an individual or group setting for a four-day class. Christian independent teacher stream-lined technique without Hinduism eastern religious program.
Audrey Van Wey Reiki (715) 720-1055 • Reiki is an energy-balancing and de-stressing technique originating in Japan. It draws on various Oriental traditions including hand healing, energy cultivation, martial arts, Shintoism and mystical Buddhism.
Colors of Joy Healing Arts Center 405 S. Farwell St., Ste 2-A, Eau Claire • 805-909-9674 • colorsofjoy@ • Colors of Joy is here to assist your awakening and reclaiming love, light, health, freedom, creativity, sacredness, spirituality and your strength to stand with grace. Colors of Joy is about laughter, empowerment, inspiration, joy, happiness, healing, support and sharing. Colors of Joy is about finding the juicyness in Life. I am here to assist you with all your healing needs - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Heaven Sent Healing 3548 Cypress St., Eau Claire
• (715) 833-1096 • • Julie works as a Spiritual Teacher, empow-
The Fit List CONT’D ering people to live more mindfully. She specializes in healing relationships: with others, with self, with spirit.
Holistic RX by Jody Hagedorn 3529 Starr Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 834-0883 • Enjoy a variety of holistic services including access consciousness, reflexology, reiki, EFT, body talk access, metamorphosis, and de-cluttering. Available for indivudal, couple and family sessions, group presentations, and motivational speaking. Martha Nieman Life Coaching • (715) 577-9335 • Martha provides clients the capacity t explore values, life purpose, hopes, dreams; to recognize strengths, resources, and barriers; to identify goals, ways of being and actions for change that will maximize one’s personal potential and quality of life. Quantum Health & Wellness 817 Chauncey St., Eau
Claire • (715) 456-6734 • Dr. Lynn Thompson specializes in stress reduction, pain management, and weight loss.
Radiant Living Yoga & Ayurveda, LLC The Center
for Healing Arts, 2722 London Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 529-3061 • • Services include private and small–group yoga lessons, Ayurvedic consultations and Ayurvedic Spa therapies.
wellness centers Angel Care Healing Touch 2436 Lynn Ave, Altoona
• (715) 832-7250 • contact@angelcarehealingtouch. com • Judy Meinen is a healing touch practitioner, reiki master, certified angel therapy practitioner, and certified hypnotherapist. Provides energetic biofeedback and presentations, workshops, and reiki classes.
Chippewa County Aging and Disability Resource Center 711 N Bridge Street Room 118, Chippewa Falls
• (715) 726-7777 • This resource center offers the public a single entry point for information and assistance on issues affecting older people, and people with disabilities regardless of their income. Welcoming and convenient places for you and your family to get information, advice, and access to a
wide variety of wellness services.
Chippewa Valley Family Wellness 507-313-1705 • • Chippewa Valley Family Wellness is here to provide families in the valley with a new tool to provide healthy living in your family. We plan family related events to get people involved in enjoying the community and meeting others. We provide in-home family nutrition and fitness coaching by appointment. See our website for upcoming events.
Chippewa Valley Wellness & Chippewa Falls Chiropractic 4751 Cty Hwy J, Chippewa Falls & 2228
N. Hillcrest Parkway, Suit • CF: (715) 723-2713; Atoona: (715) 514-1168 • Chippewa Valley Wellness aims to help as many people as possible through upper-cervical chiropractic care, nutrition response testing, education. Their clients attain maximum health benefits through comining nutrition response testing with personalized, clinically-designed nutrition.
Holistic Therapy, LLC 1440 Badger Ave, Eau Claire • (715) 379-5331 • Ann Recine provides integrative therapies for people with chronic medical and psychiatric illnesses.
Medifast 4112 Oakwood Hills Parkway, Eau Claire • 715-7184925 • eauclaire@mymedifast. net Medifast Weight Control Centers deliver healthy, lasting weight loss results.
836 Richard Dr., Eau Claire • (715) 831-9950 •
ance and weight loss/lifestyle coaching. Fitness professionals with over 21 years of combined experience. We empower women to be strong, healthy, confident, and beautiful and to find their inner beauty and power within themselves. Contact us for more information.
Claire • (715) 832-7335 • • Private sessions and group classes in Pilates, yoga, Thai yoga bodywork, belly dancing and more.
Tao Arts 1215 Gilbert Creek Rd., Menomonie • (715)
for Healing Arts, 2722 London Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 529-3061 • • Services include private and small–group yoga lessons, Ayurvedic consultations and Ayurvedic Spa therapies.
231-2287 • Sensei Leland studied in China and is known for his traditional Chinese approaches to medicine, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and tuina massage.Additionally, Sensei Leland has trained for more than 30 years in Yang-Chen Tai Ji boxing (the original MMA), a martial art with emphasis on standup, ground, throws, locks, and pressure points. Serious applicants only, ages 16+.
yoga, pilates, & more AnandaWorks Various locations • (952) 356-5640 • • Christine Varnavas has taught wellness classes for over twenty years with training in yoga, spinning, and exercise. Her classes are designed for beginners to advanced practitioners.
For even more reso urces and artic les, visit VolumeO / Health
Radiant Living Yoga & Ayurveda, LLC
The Center for Healing Arts, 2722 London Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 529-3061 • patricia.wickman@ • Services include private and small–group yoga lessons, Ayurvedic consultations and Ayurvedic Spa therapies.
Rejuv Women’s Boot Camp Eau Claire (Private stu-
dio available by appointment) • (715) 559-9175 • www. Women’s only boot camps, personal training, nutritional guid-
Benji Williford – Chain Reaction Fitness 126 Graham Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 379-4249 • • Boot camps, TRX suspension training, and personal training from a certified fitness, yoga, Pilates, and TRX trainer.
Capture Life, LLC (715) 829-2761 • • Capture Life offers individual and small group fitness training, workshops, and yoga classes.
Evolve Wellness, LLC 412 1/2 Water St., Eau Claire • (715) 864-7000 • • Cheri Dostal, Founder and CPT of Evolve Wellness LLC is a NASM certified personal trainer and offers offers personal training services as well as customized group workshops. Complimentary consultation available upon request. Private lessons available.
Radiant Living Yoga & Ayurveda, LLC The Center
Rejuv Women’s Boot Camp Eau Claire (Private studio available by appointment) • (715) 559-9175 • www. Women’s only boot camps, personal training, nutritional guidance and weight loss/lifestyle coaching. Fitness professionals with over 21 years of combined experience. We empower women to be strong, healthy, confident, and beautiful and to find their inner beauty and power within themselves. Contact us for more information. Sioux Creek Wellness 386 22 1/2 St., Chetek • (715)
642 - 3360 • • Certified Health Educator Coach Tammy Schwartz does nutrition education and Juice Plus (a whole food program) on site or comes to you. Tammy also does classes twice a week for varied levels.
The Yoga Center of Eau Claire 412 1/2 Water St., Eau Claire • (715) 830-0321 • • Featuring classes, workshops, private lessons and special events.
ZUMBA Bodyworks Athletic Club, LLC 3019 Schneider Ave East, Menomonie • (715) 235-6106 • Personal training, free weights, and machines. Classes in strength/endurance, body sculpting, cardio, yoga, pilates, circuit, zumba, and spinning. Saunas, tanning, nutritional counseling, and open 24 hours. Eau Claire School of Dance 306 Main St., Eau Claire
Gordon Green LMT: Massage Therapy 515 South
• (715) 832-9900 • • Offering classes in ballet, lyrical, tap, hip hop, pointe, and technique. They offer classes for ages 18 months-adult.
Life Fitness Center 312 Bridge St., Chippewa Falls •
Highland Fitness Center 2221 Eastridge Ctr., Eau Claire • (715) 833-2100 • EastRidge offers four group fitness studios, over 60 cardiovascular machines, free weights, and multiple strength circuits. They feature a “swim gym” for those looking for a water-based work out, a hot-tub and sauna for post-workout aches.
Barstow St #112A, Eau Claire • (715) 533-5020 • • Specializing in Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, PNF, Swedish, Trigger Point Therapy, and Sports Massage. Other Services include: Pregnancy Massage, Workshops, Outcalls, Chair Events, and Yoga. (715) 723-3800 • lifefitnesscenterofchippewa@gmail. com Offering personal training, yoga, pilates, tanning, nutrition and massage, plus a variety of group fitness classes and one-on-one classes.
Mission Accomplished S4530 Porterville Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 831-0909 • • Mission Accomplished offers counseling, classes in yoga and a crossbreed called yogilates, massages in the style of Swedish, office chair, deep tissue, sports and prenatal. Plus, personal training for brides, golfers, boxers, bodybuilding and in-home. New Day Yoga 715-703-9176 • newdayyogawellness.
com Find a refreshing perspective on yoga that’s more accessible than traditional at New Day Yoga. They offer a wide variety of classes taught by experienced certified yoga instructors who love what they do.
Pilates by Penny 6108 Aspen Ridge Dr., Eau Claire
• (715) 296-0836 • Penny Crochiere is an STOTT and Master Certified Pilates Teacher who has been teaching for 13 years. She runs a fully-equipped studio out of her home, offering private, semi-private, and small group classes.
Pilates, Yoga, and Beyond 4913 River Glen Ct., Eau 40 June 6, 2013
Highland Fitness Center 2405 Folsom Street, Suite A, Eau Claire • (715) 833-2100 • WestRidge Center offers over 20 cardiovascular machines, free weights, and a Life Fitness strength circuit. Open 24 hours. Highland Fitness Center 3022 Commercial Blvd.,
Chippewa Falls • (715) 833-2100 • highlandfitness. com Lake Hallie Highland fitness features group fitness classes, brand-new state of the art treadmills, free weights and multiple strength circuits. Open 24 hours.
New Image PACE Fitness 13384 49th Ave., Chippewa
Falls • (715) 720-7722 • • This all-ages gym employs the Progressive Aerobic Circuit Exercise system, which uses unique hydraulic resistance machines. Dance, circuit, and strength/endurance classes, plus nutritional counseling. 41 June 6, 2013