Volume One’s Guide to Quirky Vacation Spots
WHETHER IT’S ROADSIDE ATTRACTIONS, cultural tours, cross-country road trips, beach resort relaxation, romantic getaways, family outings, or outdoor conquests, Wisconsin offers a plethora of vacation delights. In this edition of Volume One’s annual summer travel section, we highlight some of the quirkiest places you can hit in an easy day trip. Check it out in Hip Trips, where it’s always 70 and sunny.
WHETHER YOU’RE A NEWBIE OR A STRAIGHT-UP CONNOISSEUR, the Chippewa Valley and surrounding areas offer a vast variety of different wines and beverages. Despite Wisconsin being known as a beer state, we hold our own in the sweet (or dry) treat. So as the weather turns nice, hit the road – or stay right in town – and enjoy the fruit of the vine.
WORDS: Tom Giffey
LISTINGS: Tyler Griggs
PHOTOS: Andrea Paulseth
DESIGN: Janae Breunig, Eric Christenson