Self-care and complete wellness in the Chippewa Valley

Eau Claire’s Heather Felty publishes global books of healing words by thomas delapp
typical role of the publisher, but that’s what I’ve made mine. It’s not about lining my pockets, it’s about lifting us all up. About doing good in our world.”
In just under two years, Inner Peace Press has published five books. They mostly focus on mem oir, from a journey of healing after car accidents to a parent process ing their child coming out as transgender.
Felty said she first saw two purposes to these stories. First, readers can empathize with the stories and not feel alone in their struggles. Second, someone who didn’t understand the situation in the book can get an insider’s view – becoming more open and accept ing in the process. Over the past few months, Felty said, she’s been recognizing a third, most important purpose to her publishing.
“Our books are also a healing modality for the author themselves,” she explained. “The author must process what they’ve gone through and write legible accounts of what happened. I love when an author can share their vulnerability and feel good about it. A lot of times we try to hide what’s beautiful about our selves.”
that has surprised her about pub lishing has been the costs it takes to publish and sell a book. Her goals are to keep the price of a book as low as possible, while still making enough to split 50/50 with the author.
– heather felty, inner peace press
When Felty takes on a new author, she han dles all sides of the publishing process, from design to print ing. In addition, she offers writ ing coaching to work with the author to get used to the pro cess of book and memoir writing. In weekly sessions, she said, Felty offers advice and gives authors writ ing “homework” for the next week’s session.
Being personally invested in her author’s success is vital to Inner Peace Press, Felty said. One thing
Part of keeping costs down and increasing accessibility, Felty said, include printing herself and con tinuing to work closely with the author and distributors, as well as doing promotional events.
Looking forward to a bright future, Felty currently has 10 more books in production across diverse topics, even a children’s series. Her goal, though, remains the same: finding inner peace through sharing true, human stories.
“We get so inundated in our soci ety by all the stuff that’s going on, the things we’re supposed to do, and all the people we’re supposed to be that we lose sight of what our true purpose is,” Felty said. “I like to encourage people that the answers are within you, you just have to slow down enough to think about it.”
Inner Peace Press can be found at
“It’s about creating positive ripples that let us connect better as a society.”
Men should take time for self-care, too words by thomas delapp
LET’S BE HONEST. SELF-CARE CAN BE HARD SELF-CARE IS also often gendered, which doesn’t make much sense. Gender has no consequence on being kind to yourself and your body.
That being said, given that self-care is often gendered as feminine, dudes can feel a little left out. So, here’s a guide for men’s (or anyone’s) self-care.
Most of the time, “manly self-care” advice is about lifting weights and drinking IPAs. That’s all fine and dandy, but self-care is more than that.
CONSIDER WHAT SELF-CARE MEANS TO YOU. We can over think it, but it’s really just making sure your mind and body are healthy, taking some time off stress, and help ing yourself feel happy and loved.
A GOOD BASIS FOR SELF-CARE IS PHYSICAL. Exercise is good for everybody, and giving yourself the space to go to the gym, on a run, or just out on a nice walk can be enough.
OF COURSE, THERE’S NOTHING LIKE A GOOD SHAVE OR HAIRCUT TO REALLY FEEL YOURSELF, TOO. Hop out to one of our fabulous barbershops to get yourself pampered. Massages, manicures, pedicures, and all other spa stuff is just as much for you as it is for anyone else. Own it and have a great time.
SOMETIMES, THE BEST SELF-CARE IS JUST TREATING YOURSELF TO SOMETHING NICE. Skip the Keurig and grab a latte at the coffee shop – you deserve it. That reasonably priced “unnecessary” purchase? Buy it. It’s true that love lasts longer than things, but things are cool, too.
MANLY MASSAGES? SURE. Self-care can often be viewed as a feminine concept, but why? Anyone can enjoy a good Self-Care Sunday.
FIRST, SET ASIDE SOME TIME EVERY DAY DEDICATED ONLY TO YOU. This will be your time, you can do whatever your heart desires. Disregard everything in this article if you want. Write poetry. Grab one of those trippy geo metric coloring books. Sing ABBA loudly in your car.
In the end, you know what makes you happy. Do those things every day. Life is too short to be worrying about how to do “self-care” correctly – so have fun, love your self, and be kind.
Owner Carla Cooper believes that wellness is not only physical but mental as well. words by sawyer hoff | photos by andrea paulseth
AT ONE POINT OR ANOTHER, WE ALL GET THAT ACHE IN OUR BACK OR OUR shoulders, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself why? The Zaniya Center specializes in finding your “why” and solving the root of the problem through different forms of service.
Carla Cooper, owner of The Zaniya Center, offers massages and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) as well as Float Therapy to ease discom fort in the body, but she also offers so much more. “Zaniya” means “health and wellness” in Lakota, and Cooper strives for total wellness with all of her programs.
“I believe our society has become so busy and so stressed that we’ve for gotten what it feels like to not have stress and to not be so much in our heads,” Cooper said. “I provide a space to let that go and let the mumbo jumbo in the head just dissipate and come back to your center and truth.”
She offers Float Therapy, where you float in a 30% Epsom saltwater solution. The Float room, along with a zero gravity environment creates almost complete sensory deprivation, this allows for your neurological system to slow down as well as allowing your muscles and joints to completely relax. Float therapy can benefit people with anxiety, depression, PTSD, arthri tis, migraines, and more. When paired with the
ReVibe chair, complete relaxation can be easily achieved.
“It’s not a one and done thing,” Cooper said about Float Therapy. “Which is really beautiful for each individual to watch subtle changes in their lives that they don’t notice until they look back.”
Another popular part of Zaniya is their ReVibe Chair, a zero-gravity experience where you can listen to music or guided meditation. Just ten minutes on the ReVibe chair can make a world of dif ference when it comes to those who suffer from high stress, PTSD, or if you need help achieving different life goals.
A new service now being offered is the Halo-IR, an infrared sauna cabin that re leases tiny salt particles which is great for respiratory issues like allergies, COVID-19 lung complications, asthma, sinus congestion and inflammation, copd, etc. You can enjoy the IR Sauna and the Halotherapy together or separately, depending on your needs.
Then, of course, Cooper offers massages with her homemade massage oil and other types of massage therapy. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) and is approved through VA insurance to provide treatments for veterans. A new therapist will be joining The Zaniya Center this summer.
Every new person that goes to Zaniya receives a free 30-minute consultation so that you and
Carla can get to know each other better and to figure out together which service(s) may be best for you and your goals.
“My intake process goes deeper than your average intake,” Copper said. “We sit down and talk and I just really want to get to know the per son and where they were in the past and where they want to go.”
Cooper’s journey into the wellness com munity was a rather abrupt one. Her son was unofficially diagnosed with a social disorder at three years old and found that massage was one of the only things that could truly calm him. After working for 15 years in Corporate America, Cooper knew that going to massage school would make her feel more fulfilled, so two days later she registered for classes.
“I started with massage only,” Cooper said. “Then I had a lot of people coming back to me with the same issues and I was pretty confi dent that I was doing right, so I started asking questions and attributed a lot of muscle strain, headaches, and back pain with external stress. So I started looking for other things that could help de-stress or help change our relationship with stress.”
The Zaniya Center will be moving to a new building in Chippewa Falls near Lake Wissota. Cooper is hoping that this new space will open up Zaniya’s accessibility and allow her to contin ue to expand her horizons in the wellness world. The new space will likely be up and running by 2023.
To learn more about The Zaniya Center, go to
“I provide a space to let the mumbo jumbo in the head just dissipate ...”
– carla cooperRESET. The ReVibe Chair allows for brain entertainment. here for you. Owner Carla Cooper (left) and Wellness Coordinator Katy Larson (right).
local community wellness hub offers tips on loving your body and loving yourself words by rebecca mennecke
STARTING A HEALTHY ROUTINE CAN BE TOUGH, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU LOOK IN the mirror and think: That’s what I have to work with here? Really?! Starting to eat healthy – or starting a new workout routine – begins with a dedication to doing what’s best for your body. That starts with loving the body – and the self – you’ve got. “Sometimes I think people try to insert self-love practices into a lifestyle where they’re generally not loving themselves,” said Scott Daniels, owner of The Center, a wellness hub just outside Eau Claire. “It can become a balancing act of trying to get enough self-affirming things to outweigh self-negating things. That perspective and approach doesn’t tend to work very well.” So when evaluating your health routines and habits, also consider the way you’re viewing yourself. “Ultimately, self-love practices benefit everyone,” Daniels said, “but they start with valuing our own hearts and being true to ourselves.” Here are five tips from the wellness hub on how to make selflove a regular practice in your daily routine.
1. FIND YOUR FLOW: MAKE REGULAR HABITS. Everyone has different tastes, talents, and per sonalities, but we all have the same basic needs. Determining what habits make you feel good about yourself is critical to being your best self. That could mean integrating habits such as mindful ness, meditation, life-coaching, spiritual direction, yoga, dance, or pottery into your daily routine, or
it could mean identifying habits that bring you joy and making them more of a priority.
2. FOCUS ON FEELINGS. What makes starting new diets and workout routines so challenging is that often we don’t actually like doing them. Find a healthy routine that you enjoy: drinking tea, going for walks, spending time playing with your pup, or spending time with family. “The key is the feeling,” Daniels said. “Do you enjoy being you in doing whatever it is?”
3. ACCEPT THAT LIFE IS NOT EASY. “Being human isn’t easy,” Daniels said. “Remembering that gives me both a sense of genuine compassion and appre ciation for everyone, which are big steps toward genuine love and respect for myself and others.” One tip is to bring joy to activities that may not
bring you joy. For example, if you don’t enjoy doing the dishes, but you like listening to music, try listening to music while doing dishes. If you don’t like eating healthy, try rewarding yourself with something at the end of the week. “Self-love practices help us find a harmony within that feels good,” Daniels said. “The more we do that, the more we enjoy life, and the more we have to offer.”
4. KNOW IT’S OK NOT TO BE OK. When you go to the gym and see other “perfect” bodies – or peo ple with more toned muscles, people on social media with better diets, neighbors who seem like they have a health routine more put together than you do – it can be easy to feel frustrated.
“Perfectionism and the self-judgements it gener ates are often the first blocks to self-love,” Daniels said. “Self-love almost always involves being gentle with ourselves when we make mistakes.”
5. KNOW THAT YOU KNOW YOURSELF BEST. What one person does may not work for another. Part of building a healthy lifestyle – both mentally and physically – is understanding what brings us cre ativity, inspiration, and playfulness. “Be curious and courageous when it comes to discerning what works and doesn’t work for you,” Daniels said. “See yourself as on the adventure of being you and go for what really feels right in your heart!”
The Center • 3701 Highway 12 (E. Clairemont Ave.), Eau Claire • (715) 529-7683 • info@thecenterec. com • • Find it on Facebook
business neighbors Reign & Co. and the Suites on Brackett want to pamper the community words by sawyer hoff | photos by andrea paulseth
IT’S IMPORTANT TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY, BOTH INSIDE AND OUT. A lot of times, you can take care of your outside and heal your insides with a boost of confidence. This is what Reign & Co. and the Suites on Brackett are aiming for.
Spending time and putting effort into yourself not only looks good but feels good. That is why Reign & Co. offers permanent makeup as well as lash extensions, lift and tints, facials, teeth whitening and much more. Cosmetic services are often left out of the self-care conver sation, but if it makes you feel good about your self, how could that not be self-care?
“I have a lot of people come in who say they decided to do something for themselves or treat their self,” Reign & Co. owner Sheila Joles said. “So being able to provide a service where they look at themselves and feel beautiful while eliminating a lot of time in their morning rou tine is what I strive for. Doing something for yourself that makes you feel better, is what selfcare is in my opinion.”
Permanent makeup or cosmetic tattooing
is a semi-permanent alternative to everyday makeup use, such as lip blush, eyeliner, and eyebrows. Instead of having to take extra time every morning penciling in your brows, cosmet ic tattooing allows you hassle free brows, lips and eyeliner while saving time in your morning routine. The needle doesn’t go as deep as an average tattooing machine, so you get a more natural-looking effect. Permanent makeup is fully cus tomizable which is the best part.
One of their most popular services is lash extensions, which have become increasingly popular in the beauty world. Rather than dealing with mascara or fake lashes, lash extensions offer an easy way to make your eyes pop, for any occasion.
Joles, owner of the Reign & Co. and Suites on Brackett building, wanted to create a place where people can come together and run their like-minded businesses in close quarters. With twelve different businesses within this one fab ulous space, everyone can find a space or two to treat themselves like royalty.
Inside Reign & Co. sits Beauty by Paige, which also offers permanent makeup and lash extensions. Modified Beauty, owned by Kaylyn
Ellis, offers permanent makeup as well. Pajai Her owns Pillowtalk Beauty, which specializes in lash extensions as well as Kylee Gross, who owns Bare Beauty Nest, and Samantha Frazier, owner of SM Artistry.
In the Suites on Brackett, you can find Niki Osmond, a cosmetic nurse injector and body contouring expert , who owns Eau Claire Body Contouring. The interior designer that designed the Suites on Brackett and Reign, Brian, also has a suite for his business called Brian David Design. If you’re looking to give your locks a new look, you can visit The Hair Refinery, Eleanor James Hair, Lindsay Does My Hair, and Tru Reverie, which are all locat ed within the Suites.
“Having multiple businesses under one roof where we all work collectively together and feel like a family is a very special feeling for me. I have this amazing space where everyone feels comfortable and confident,” Joles said. “I get to watch people grow and at the end of the day, that’s so worth it for me.”
In the future, Joles would love to continue to expand her space to bring in more small businesses or add to her own. But for now, Joles wants to continue to bring her clients and her fellow business owners a safe and relaxing place to come and leave looking and feeling beautiful.
To learn more about Reign & Co. you can visit
Acupuncture For Wellness 2194 Eas tRidge Center, Eau Claire • (715) 379-6429 • • ac4wellness. com Casey Castona offers a unique brand of healing through acupuncture by bringing together Chinese and Western medicine. Spe cializing in pain management, nutritional and herbal formula counseling. New offices now available in Menomonie (715-232-8858) and Bloomer (715-568-5173).
Acupuncture Pain Clinic 1650 Hallie Rd., Chippewa Falls • (715) 830-4055 • www.nccaomdip Richard Polzin is a NCCAOM-certified professional and can help transform your vitality and your life for the better. If you’re looking to naturally enhance your health and take care of your body, you’ve come to the right place.
Classic Acupuncture 2711 Pleasant St., Suite 1E, Eau Claire • (715) 944-9707 • classic_acupunc • Deb Doerflinger’s mission to provide the most compassionate, professional, and effective care to every patient. Deb also focuses on natural op tions to address illnesses such as: diet, lifestyle, botanical medicine, and nutritional therapies.
Harmony Healing Center 2411 North Hillcrest Parkway Suite 11, Altoona • harmonyhealingcenter. net Harmony Healing Center offers a peaceful, comfortable and professional environment to unwind and focus on you. Services include mas sages, acupuncture, life coaching, and more.
Paul Lin Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine 3321 Golf Road, Suite A, Eau Claire • paullinacupunc Paul (Chyi-Shyang) Lin is from Taiwan with a family rich in the tradition of Chinese medicine. Paul has been practicing in the Eau Claire area since 2001.
Young for Life Acupuncture Lower Level of SH Young and Associates, 1807 A Wilson St NE, Menomonie • 715) 556-4189 • youngforlifeacupuncture.
com Travis Young is a Certified Acupuncturist and Licensed Bodywork Therapist with the State of Wisconsin. He enjoys working with people, listening to their needs and offering assistance.
Burn Boot Camp 3529 Gateway Dr, Eau Claire • • burnbootcamp.
com Burn Boot Camp wants women to feel the burn. Their programs are a well-rounded and include training, emotional-well being, nutri tional guidance, fitness education, and more. A positive community of people looking to get fit together.
The Center 3701 E. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 529-3344 • • thecenterec.
com The Center is dedicated to supporting people in wholeness of body, mind and spirit, regardless of religious orientation. From Ayurveda to Zumba, The Center has a wide variety of offerings. Opportunities include yoga, meditation, Reiki, art, pottery, spiritual direction and more.
Chippewa Falls YMCA 611 Jefferson Ave., Chippewa Falls • 715-723-2201 • lmay@ymca-cv. org • Offering members free weights and machines, basketball, racquetball, indoor track, pool, both land and water group
exercise classes, on-site massage therapy, personal training and more. A new reservation system guarantees you can workout where you want, when you want.
Dragonfly Dance and Wellness 308 North Barstow, Eau Claire • mydragonflydanceandwellness@ • Dragon fly Dance and Wellness excited to offer Tribal Style Belly dance, Yoga, Zumba, BaredFeet, Nutrition, Personal training, Hooping and more. Find it on Facebook as well.
Earth and Sky Bodyworks (608) 630-0664 • • earthandskybody A holistic health business that is also dedicated to environmental issues, because en vironmental health is holistic health. Certified Advanced Rolfer, Licensed Asian bodywork therapist, and tai chi instructor, specializing in depth work for long-term change.
Eau Claire YMCA 700 Graham Ave., Eau Claire • 715-836-8460 • • eauclairey Offering members free weights and machines, basketball, racquetball, indoor track, pool, both land and water group exercise classes, on-site massage therapy, personal training and more. A new reservation system guarantees you can workout where you want, when you want.
Fit With G - Online Yoga Workouts Gia of Fit with G offers 1-on-1 coach ing as well as online yoga-based workouts that include four classes per week.
Floating Bliss Yoga floatingblissyoga. com Floating Bliss SUP Yoga is a mobile yoga studio that hosts stand-up paddle board yoga. This type of approach to yoga offers a whole new perspective to being fully present in the moment, while enjoying the splendor of floating on water. Can be hired to host private yoga parties.
Gold’s Gym 3225 Lorch Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 552-4570 • Personal training, free weights, and machines. Bas ketball, volleyball, cardio cinema, and pool. Classes in strength/endurance, cardio, body sculpting, pilates, yoga, circuit, spinning, and dance. Nutritional counseling, beverage bar, tanning, pro shop, kids’ services, and spa/sauna.
Happy Apple Therapy + Yoga + Massage 436 Main Street E, Menomonie • happyappletherapy. com Happy Apple offers an integrative therapy method, focused on healing with personalized counseling. They offer yoga with beginner, vinyasa, meditation, alignment, stretch, and breathing focuses. They also offer an integrative massage to lower blood pressure and calm fatigued muscles.
Highland Fitness Center - Eastridge Center 2221 Eastridge Center, Eau Claire • (715) 833-2100 • EastRidge offers four group fitness studios, over 60 cardiovascular machines, free weights, and multiple strength circuits, Results Weight Loss Counseling, Yoga classes, Boot Camp large group classes, small group classes, and one-on-one training.
Latitude 44 Yoga Studio 313 E. Madison St., Eau Claire • (715) 828-3936 • Amy@Latitude44Yoga. com • Latitude 44 Yoga Studio is the Chippewa Valley’s hot yoga studio. We offer a full class schedule seven days per week, featuring Hot Power Yoga, Beginner Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Kids Yoga, Workshops, and fun events.
providers to help you take care of yourself listings by james johonnott
Studio, 800 Wisconsin St. (Banbury Place, Building 13Room 122), Eau Claire • Moon rise Aerials offers feminine empowerment through aerial yoga, circus fitness, and flow arts. Co-owners Michelle Anthony and Rachel Duf fenbach invite you to explore your creativity, to express yourself through movement. Their staff will give you the tools, space, and inspiration to guide you on this path of self expression.
(Above the Goat Coffee House at Wissota Health), Chip pewa Falls • (715) 861-5545 • linda@newdayyogawell • Highly trained and certified. Fully equipped studio. Fitness focused Hatha yoga for strength and flexibility. Experience deep stretches and amazing inver sions on “The Great Yoga Wall” exclusive to New Day. Private sessions available. Beginners welcome. Wide variety of classes, all levels. Specialized classes such as Yoga for the Spine, Restorative Yoga for Cancer Care, Yoga for MS.
PRAJNA Pilates 705 S. Barstow Street, Eau Claire • 715-577-5502 • PRAJNA offers a va riety of group classes and individual sessions to assist participants on their wellness journey. Lo cated in downtown Eau Claire, Wisconsin, this studio offers a warm and inviting atmosphere to welcome individuals interested in yoga, pilates, thai yoga and general wellness.
Pure Fitness 4 You 1423 South Hastings Way, Eau Claire • (715) 456-1182 • purefitness4you@gmail. com • Pure Fitness 4 You offers a mixture of classes for all fitness levels and strives at making everyone feel welcome and at home. Pure Fitness 4 You aims to help you reach any of your fitness goals. Services offered include PiYo, pound, barre, prenatal barre,
defined abs, WERQ, yoga, private sessions, and more.
Sky Yoga 415½ S. Barstow St., Eau Claire • skyyoga. yoga Sky Yoga offers yoga, barre, flexibility, and aerial silks classes for people of all ages and skill levels. Single-class and membership pric ing is available. Has an on-site shower room, children’s studios, and other amenities not often found at yoga studios.
The Yoga Room 2839 Mall Dr., Eau Claire • • theyogaroomec. com Offers a wide variety of yoga classes with options for runners, seniors, beginners, experts, flow classes, restorative yoga, yin, vinyasa, hatha, mommy & me classes, and some of their own unique blended classes.
Beyond Basics Massage 505 South Dewey St., Eau Claire • (715) 497-5618 • bbmt.acuityscheduling. com/schedule.php Strives to put therapy back into massage making it not only a relaxing experi ence, but a healing one as well.
Body Focus Massage 705 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire • (715) 835-8898 • bodyfocusreceptionist@ • Offers shiasu, pregnancy, Thai, couples, deep tissue, bamboo, reflexology, cupping, raindrop, Reiki, personal injury, and workman’s comp massages.
Body Health with Roseann (715) 878-9049 • • Li censed massage therapist featuring Swedish massage, individual/corporate chair massage, deep tissue, hot stone, lymphatic, geriatric, prenatal, sports massage, and pain control management. Call for an appointment.
Chippewa Valley Therapeutic Massage Offering deep tissue trigger point massage, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, sports injury massage, prenatal, and swedish massage.
DaVinci Therapeutic Massage 3420 Mall Dr. Ste. 2, Eau Claire • (715) 379-1922 • info@davincimas • Massage services include multi-modality, Swedish-style, deep tissue, hot stone, Ashiatsu, pregnancy, cranial sacral, lymphatic, tandem, and cupping. Their massage specialists can help you find the right massage for your needs.
Earth and Sky Bodyworks (608) 630-0664 • • earthandskybody A holistic health business that is also dedicated to environmental issues, because environmental health is holistic health. Certi fied Advanced Rolfer, Licensed Asian bodywork therapist, and tai chi instructor, specializing in depth work for long-term change.
Eau Claire Massage 316 N Barstow St. Suite G, Eau Claire • (715) 225-8018 • EauClaireMassage@ • Offers deep tissue, relaxation, trigger point therapy, chair, hot stone, couples, and on-site massages. Relief for headache, neck and shoulder pain, low back pain, sciatica, and overall stress.
Essential Massage Therapy Center 2519 North Hillcrest Pkwy Suite 102, Altoona • (715) 8351421 • Offers Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, chair, prenatal, couples, sports, Fourhand, neuromuscular, and Thai yoga massages.
Happy Apple Therapy + Yoga + Massage 436 Main Street E, Menomonie • happyappletherapy. com Happy Apple offers an integrative therapy
method, focused on healing with personalized counseling. They offer yoga with beginner, vinyasa, meditation, alignment, stretch, and breathing focuses. They also offer an integra tive massage to lower blood pressure and calm fatigued muscles.
Harmony Healing Center 2411 North Hillcrest Parkway Suite 11, Altoona • harmonyhealingcenter. net Harmony Healing Center offers a peaceful, comfortable and professional environment to unwind and focus on you. Services include mas sages, acupuncture, life coaching, and more.
La Bella Vita Massage 2412 London Road • Offering customized hand massages, deep tissue, hot stone, Swedish, and more.
Lotus Spa 4956 Bullis Farm Road, Eau Claire • (715) 835-1100 • Lotus Spa offers relaxation, deep tissue, oncology and specialty massages. Facials, pedicures, manicures, wax ing services, and eyelash extensions are also available. Carries its own physician-designed skin care line and offers an array of clinical skin treatments. Check them out on social media for more events, promotions, and deals.
Nurturing Nature Massage Plus 2829 County Hwy I, Suite 3B, Chippewa Falls • (715) 861-7177 • • Featuring mas sage therapy in cancer/oncology, deep tissue, geriatric, hot stone, infant, myofascial release, pregnancy, Swedish, therapeutic, trigger point therapy, and aromatherapy, plus more, present ed by Anna M. Giedd, WI Licensed Massage Therapist.
Optimum Therapies, LLC - Eau Claire 517 E. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 855-0408 • Offering deep tissue, trigger point release, myofascial release, neuromuscu lar, sports, Swedish, and hot stone massage and physical therapy.
Refined Touch Therapeutic Massage
316 N Barstow Suite G • refinedtouch.massagetherapy.
com Massage services include deep tissue, couples, chronic neck and shoulder pain relief, prenatal, reflexology, Thai massage, and more.
Sans Souci Massage 927 Loring St., Suite 4, Altoona • (715) 830-9890 • Of fering Swedish, hot stone, integrative, trigger point, craniosacral, ashiatsu, prenatal, and Thai Yoga massage. As well as polarity therapy, Reiki, and body treatments.
Stucky Chiropractic Center 2105 E. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • 715-835-9514 • Stucky@ • In ad dition to chiropractic care, Stucky also provides services for weight loss, spinal decompression, orthotics, massage, nutrition, and more.
Treat Me Massage LLC 107 N Bridge Street, Chippewa Falls • (208) 654-5260 • treatmemassagellc. Offering therapeutic massages. Massage types include hot stone, Swedish, stretching, deep tissue, acupressure, aroma touch, parafin wax, and chair massage.
Wissota Fitness, Tanning & Massage 16850 Cty. Hwy. X Suite 2, Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-7006 • • Free weights and machines. Track, massage, tanning, spa, and open 24 hours.
Anandaworks 1106 Mondovi Road, Suite 213, Eau Claire • Christine offers TRE
practice to help relieve tension and trauma.
Angel Care Healing Touch 2411 N. Hillcrest Pkwy, Ste 1E, Altoona • (715) 832-7250 • contact@ • angelcarehealingtouch. com Judy Meinen is a healing touch practitioner, reiki master, certified angel therapy practi tioner, and certified hypnotherapist. Provides energetic biofeedback and presentations, work shops, and reiki classes.
Broom & Crow 1726 N. Clairemont Ave, Eau Claire • A retail space with home decor, metaphysical goods, apothecary needs, tarot and bone castings and more.
The Center 3701 E. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 529-3344 • • thecenterec. com The Center is dedicated to supporting people in wholeness of body, mind and spirit, regardless of religious orientation. From Ayurveda to Zumba, The Center has a wide variety of offerings. Opportunities include yoga, meditation, Reiki, art, pottery, spiritual direc tion and more.
Chippewa County Aging and Disability Resource Center 711 N. Bridge St., Rm. 118, Chippewa Falls • (715) 726-7777 • co.chippewa. This resource center offers the public a single entry point for information and assis tance on issues affecting older people, and people with disabilities regardless of their in come. Welcoming and convenient places for you and your family to get information, advice, and access to a wide variety of wellness services.
Chippewa Valley Wellness 824 South Hastings Way, Eau Claire • 715-514-1168 • chippewavalleyhealth. com Chippewa Valley Wellness makes its assess ments for treatment on individual analyses that include examinations of nutrition, neurological
reflexes, and pressure points. They offer treat ments for low energy, hot flashes, weight loss needs, join paint, and IBS/Crohn’s.
Happy Apple Therapy + Yoga + Massage 436 Main Street E, Menomonie • happyappletherapy. com Happy Apple offers an integrative therapy method, focused on healing with personalized counseling. They offer yoga with beginner, vinyasa, meditation, alignment, stretch, and breathing focuses. They also offer an integra tive massage to lower blood pressure and calm fatigued muscles.
Harmony Healing Center 2411 North Hillcrest Parkway Suite 11, Altoona • harmonyhealingcenter. net Harmony Healing Center offers a peaceful, comfortable and professional environment to unwind and focus on you. Services include mas sages, acupuncture, life coaching, and more.
The Health Office Co. 2130 Brackett Ave. Suite B, Eau Claire • 715-895-8571 • ozonehealthoffice. com Offering ozone therapy, guided imagery, healing touch, exam & check-ups, nutritional therapy, and bio-mat.
Heaven Sent Healing 3548 Cypress St., Eau Claire • (715) 833-1096 • • heav Julie works as a Spiritual Teach er, empowering people to live more mindfully. She specializes in healing relationships: with others, with self, with spirit.
Hypnosis Center of Eau Claire Banbury Place 800 Wisconsin St. Bld 2-D, Suite 420, Eau Claire • 715-552-5355 • Certified and experienced hypnotherapist Richard Marano, B.S., C.H. will “allow your subconscious mind to re place bad habits with new and healthier ones.” Rid yourself of anything from insomnia and smoking to anxiety and weight problems.
Luminary Wellness Center 714 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire • about/ Services include a sensory reduction float pod, infrared sauna and red light therapy, halotherapy, and oxygen spa.
Quality Counseling and Consultation LLC 1119 Regis Court Suite 210, Eau Claire • (715) 514-4451 • Specializing in mental health/addictions issues, identity devel opment, parenting issues, sex therapy and body image issues. If you’re looking for extra support and guidance through a challenging situation or you’re just ready to move in a new direction in life, QC&C can help you to achieve your goals.
Soulstice Wellness Center 1316 Fairfax Street, Suites #103-105, Eau Claire • soulsticeec. com Hosts wellness practitioners that offer mas sage, reiki, yoga, foot detox, raindrop therapy, and more.
Soul & Synergy 1233 Menomonie St. Suite B, Eau Claire • Offering a retail space for metaphysical goods, Reiki energy healing classes, divination, and more.
Stucky Chiropractic Center 2105 E. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • 715-835-9514 • Stucky@ • In ad dition to chiropractic care, Stucky also provides services for weight loss, spinal decompression, orthotics, massage, nutrition, and more.
Wellness Shack 515 S Barstow St., Suit 110, Eau Claire • (715) 855-7705 • The Wellness Shack is a mental health recovery center that offers adults free individualized peer support. Free support groups are available for anxiety & depression, bipolar disorder, dual diagnosis, pro-active recovery, SMART recovery, and general support.