Health & Fitness: Jan 2019

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winter 2019




THE RIGHT STEPS FOR WINTER RUNNING Running during cold weather has benefits, but plenty of layers and a dedicated attitude are musts WO R DS :








he alarm goes off while it’s still dark. I stumble out of bed still foggy from the dream I was having and reach for the pile on my dresser I prepared the night before: fleece-lined leggings, two shirts, two pairs of socks, jacket, hat, gloves, shoes. It’s 6am and I am going running. In the winter. In Wisconsin. I check the temperature on my phone before heading out. It is 13 degrees and I am ready. The cold tries to creep up my back, and I feel it set in my legs and fingers on my first mile. I warm up and sort of dig the cold on my cheeks. I have been running outside since I started running and will only run inside if the temperatures go below -20. It’s all about the “want to” and the layers. Adam Condit, owner and operator of Blue Ox Running in downtown Eau Claire, agrees. “I’ve run through Wisconsin winters for over 20 years and have had my fair share of blizzards, icy roads, and sub-zero temperatures,” he says. “I remember it finally ‘clicked’ when I was warm on a 20-mile run in -10 temperatures that there are two main factors to having a successful winter run: mindset and gear.” For most runners, running is a spiritual experience. It’s a need, a desire, or even therapy. It’s a way to connect with nature, a companion, or yourself. The “want to” is what drives a runner out the door when everyone else avoids it. And the mindset is preparing yourself that running in winter is different than running during other, more desirable months of the year. “It is important to have a good mental outlook when being active through the winter so you know what to expect,” Adam says. “Your running pace will slow simply because of being more careful on ice or snow. Don’t worry about pace, but rather run on effort and time.” This is the first year I have used a shoe with tread for snow and ice. Adam recommended a pair of Brooks that also had some rubber across the toe box, which help keep my feet warmer. I use two pairs of socks: a thinner pair against my skin and a longer pair I tuck my tights into to keep my ankles covered. I use a fleece-lined pair of running tights, and when it dips below zero, I add another pair of windbreaker pants. I use two shirts under a jacket or my running vest, which I refer to as my



w s t e

o N c c a a W r t o t

m c y f h c b c i e I t h y h

FOR MOST RUNNERS, RUNNING IS A SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE. IT’S A NEED, A DESIRE, OR E V E N T H E R A P Y. I T ’ S A WAY T O C O N N E C T W I T H N AT U R E , A C O M PA N I O N , O R YO U R S E L F. T H E “ WA N T TO ” I S W H AT D R I V E S A R U N N E R O U T T H E D O O R W H E N E V E R YO N E E L S E AVO I D S I T. A N D T H E M I N DS E T I S P R E PA R I N G YO U R S E L F T H AT R U N N I N G I N W I N T E R I S D I F F E R E N T T H A N RUNNING DURING OTHER, MORE DESIRABLE MONTHS OF THE YEAR. “papoose.” The shirts need to be fitted: one long-sleeved and one tank or shortsleeved. I usually tuck one in my waistband to keep my core warm and happy. Cover your head and hands, and use a neck gaiter or face mask when it gets

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“really cold.” The key is to find what works for you but DON’T OVERDRESS! You can’t run if you are wrapped up like Ralphie in A Christmas Story. Adam agrees, “My experience says


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that if I’m warm during my first 10 minutes I’ll be overheating later in the run. Be prepared to be cold in your first 10-15 minutes of running so when your body temperature rises with activity you’re ‘just right’ for the remainder of your run.” Winter running also increases chances you are running in the dark, so be extra cautious by wearing a reflector vest, using a headlamp, or clipping a blinking light on your jacket. Take it from someone who has been hit by a car while running: It’s worth the extra step to help a driver see you! Blue Ox Running carries all different thicknesses of jackets, tights, base layers, neck warmers, gloves, hats, Gortex-covered trail shoes, and anything you would need for running in any conditions. Be safe, and have fun running in all seasons of our beautiful state of Wisconsin!

a e t s i e m a y a o t


RESOLVED TO DITCH THE DIET start healthy diet-free habits and be your child’s best role model WO R DS :




s we start a new year, you might make a resolution to lose weight. If you are a parent, you might be asking yourself, “How will I fit a diet and exercise into my busy schedule?” Another important question to ask yourself is, “How will my diet and exercise affect my children? Being overweight or obese is a serious problem for adults and children. New research shows that 40 to 48 percent of adults and 12 to 21 percent of children living in Eau Claire County are obese. People living in rural areas appear to be at a higher risk for obesity. We all have heard about rising obesity rates, but did you know that children today are three times more likely to have obesity compared to children living in the 1960s and ’70s? As a parent or caregiver, you’re the most important role model for your child. The way you eat, diet, talk about your body, and exercise makes a big difference in what your child learns about healthy habits. A focus on your weight or weekly active family outings makes can backfire. Negative talk about your memories for kids and adds in more body or your weight can lead young exercise for you. children and teens to feelings of guilt, This year, lose the fad diets and insecurities about their own bodies, and extreme exercise eating disorders. plans that don’t last Instead, use posiT H E WAY YO U E AT, beyond February. tive talk about how Instead, resolve to D I E T , T A L K A B O U T healthy foods make be healthy as a famiyou feel good and Y O U R B O D Y, A N D ly. For a long-lasting have more energy. healthier lifestyle, E X E R C I S E M A K E S A Don’t feel guilty pick one new habit about taking time to BIG DIFFERENCE IN at a time. Here are exercise. It’s imporideas to consider W H A T Y O U R C H I L D tant for children to and can involve the see that being active LEARNS ABOUT whole family: is a normal part of Eat a healthy H E A LT H Y H A B I T S . everyday life. The breakfast. People more active you who eat a healthy are, the more likely breakfast tend to have a healthier your kids will be active. Have fun being weight. active as a family. Kids need 60 minutes Eat a meal as a family three times of daily physical activity. A new tradieach week. Turn off screens and focus tion of evening walks around the block

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on enjoying time together. Experts have found that eating and talking together helps children eat healthier, have a healthy weight, and even do better with behavior and in school. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Instead of cutting out foods, think about eating more healthy options. When you eat more fruits and vegetables, you will likely eat less of the higher-calorie foods. Drink water. Calories from sweetened coffee drinks, juice drinks, or regular soda add up quickly. Many people who drink high-calorie beverages daily find they lose weight easily by cutting them out.


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Put away the snacks. A couple of healthy snacks between meals can be an important part of your child’s eating pattern. Rather than grazing on snacks, try planned snack times. Monitor portion sizes by putting snacks in a small bowl or bag. Don’t eat out of the package or carton. Eat at home. If you or your family eat a lot of meals away from home, try limiting it to once per week. When you start making good lifestyle changes, kids will notice. Cheers to the new year and a healthier you! Susan Krahn, MS, RDN, CD, CLC, is a public health nutritionist and registered dietitian with the Eau City-County Health Department/WIC Program.


IN THE NEW YEAR, THINK YOGA YMCA yoga instructor talks yoga for beginners WORDS:





endi Engum – a yoga instructor at the YMCA in Eau Claire who has been practicing yoga since 2000 – went to her first yoga class out of “pure curiosity” and found she instantly loved the new and challenging poses and the overall sense of well-being she experienced when she was done. So she took the leap and attended her first teacher training in 2014. She says yoga has many benefits for the mind and body, and her classes emphasize channeling both. Engum believes yoga is for everyone and encourages anyone interested in giving it a try. As we enter the new year, she offered some advice to people who have resolved to get into, or back into, yoga. V1: How does someone get started doing yoga in Eau Claire? What would you recommend? Wendi Engum: I am a dive in kind of person. Give it a try. Try all types of classes and teachers. Eau Claire now has a lot of options, which is great. Every class has something just a little different to offer. A beginner may want to look for a Beginner Class where the teacher will help with a variety of poses that are used most frequently. There are alignment ques that are given to help keep practitioners safe.




Other key words to look for as a beginner are, "slow flow," or "gentle," or "restorative." There are also plenty of YouTube videos or books to familiarize oneself. How often should a beginner be looking to go? Yoga is something that can be practiced every day. One just needs to be mindful and listen to their body, pushing, but not overdoing.


What about someone with some physical limitations? How is that different? Yoga is for individuals with physical limitations as well. There are specialty classes, such as chair yoga, and yoga for seniors. All of the poses can be modified for different abilities. Yoga is not about competing, or even doing the same as the person next to you, it is about finding your own practice. How long does it take to learn enough yoga to be comfortable doing it? Yoga should be fairly comfortable right away. The more you go, the more familiar you will become with the different poses, and their names. How soon do people notice benefits? Yoga has multiple benefits. It will

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“ I AM A DIVE IN KIND OF PERSON. GIVE IT A T R Y. T R Y A L L T Y P E S O F C L A S S E S A N D T E A C H ERS. EAU CLAIRE NOW HAS A LOT OF OPTIONS, W H I C H I S G R E AT. E V E R Y C L A S S H A S S O M E THING JUST A LITTLE DIFFERENT TO OFFER. ” leave you feeling good, like a post-workout good, or yoga Zen good. A class can leave you with an overall sense of being relaxed, and with a more clear mind. Benefits can be very individualized. An unmotivated person may feel more energized, a more hyper person may feel more calm, anyone can find a deeper understanding of themselves. Gains in strength and flexibility may take a little


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longer, but it happens. Gains big or small will happen with practice. What other physical activity assists in being able to successfully do yoga? The only physical activity one needs to do yoga is to be able to breathe. Yoga does benefit all other physical activities. Yoga can help a person to run faster, lift more, simply stand up taller, and live better.


EXERCISING THE SENSES new Menomonie gym designed for kids with special needs WO R DS :








pair of Menomonie sisters opened a new breed of youth fitness and play facility in October. Jesse’s Jym, E4699 430th Ave., is an adaptive sensory gym where kids of all abilities can romp around and develop their muscles and minds. Every toy and piece of play equipment in Jesse’s Jym is meant to be touched, the staff is trained to work with children who have sensory processing disorders, and parents never need to apologize for their kids’ outbursts, enthusiasm, or struggles. The gym’s floor is covered in mats, and spinning swings hang from the ceiling. In the corner is a small jungle gym – with a jungle theme – that sports a slide and a miniature rock-climbing wall set at a gentle angle. A mural of a toucan watches as youngsters climb a net; and if it all gets a little overwhelming, there’s a dimly lit room where kids can calm down with soothing music, essential oil diffusers, and visual stimulators such as a glitter lamp. The main room opens into a big, open room that will eventually become a place where kids can really zoom around. It will feature a trampoline and toys for more athletic activities, and give older children room to move around freely. “When you go anywhere and you bring an autistic child, people point, and they laugh, and they do the little whisper thing. They don’t understand.” That’s Darcie Larrieu’s take on navigating the world alongside a young person with a sensory processing disorder. She’s the aunt of 14-year-old Jesse Walker, who was diagnosed with autism when he was 4 years old. Jesse’s mother, Tanya Stoekler, is the quieter of the pair – Larrieu describes her as the “technical” one. Stoekler a board-certified behavioral analyst and therapist. “He was four when he was diagnosed,” Stoekler said. “It was kind of a push at that time, a lot of the pediatricians had the mentality of ‘let’s wait and see.’ … We really had to push to get the referral to get tested for autism.” While more resources were available to Jesse after his diagnoses, they did not provide the scope of opportunity Stoekler believed he needed to succeed. While a parent or therapist can teach a child to, for example, share a toy with them at home or in a session, there is little opportunity under those circumstances for them to learn how to generalize the behavior and apply it

in more situations, Stoekler said. And with few kids’ gyms – and the children and parents who frequent them – being equipped to support special needs children in their exploration, there is no place to practice the skills developed in the home and with the help of professionals. “That’s really where we’re failing these children,” she said. Jesse’s Jym is not the first sensory gym in the United States, but Larrieu and Stoekler guess that it’s the first to offer the kind of developmental programming they’re planning on providing. Stoekler has developed a number of classes and workshops where children can learn with each other. This includes sensory exploration for younger kids, yoga for all ages, and social skills and self-acceptance therapy groups for adolescents. Once the sisters decided to commit themselves to opening the gym, it was smooth sailing. Except for finding the right space. And the right landlord. And the right insurer. The venue had to be spacious and in a low-traffic location. Rentals with shared walls fell through when landlords were concerned about the potential noise. And insurers were hesitant to take on the perceived risks associated with an establishment that deals primarily with special needs children. Now that it’s all fallen into place, Stoekler and Larrieu are proud of the service they offer kids and their parents.

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“Parents of special needs children don’t get to go get their hair done, or go to Caribou Coffee, or just go down the road,” Larrieu said. When they do go out with their children, they face social pressures from others who make assumptions or pass judgment. They spend much of their time apologizing for themselves and their children. In addition to providing children with a place to grow and explore, Jesse’s Jym is a place where parents don’t have to worry. They even offer “Fun Respite,” a program


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where parents can schedule in advance to drop off a child for an hour or two to play while their guardian runs errands, attends appointments, or just takes a moment for themselves. “You shouldn’t have to say you’re sorry every time you have to go somewhere,” Larrieu said. Jesse’s Jym • E4699 430th Ave., Menomonie • 9am-5pm TuesdaySaturday, 10am-5pm Sundays, closed Mondays • (715) 231-2424 • larrieud@ • Find it on Facebook


HEALTH & FITNESS BRIEFS some helpful, healthful thoughts from our contributors SET A BASELINE - By now you may have resolved to eat less, exercise more, lose weight, gain weight, eat clean, go vegan, or sign up for Dry January…ad infinitum. What’s worked for me is to start with a visit to my doctor’s office. That way, I know if I’m good to go. I get a baseline assessment of where I’m at: height, weight, body mass index, pulse, blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. Many health clubs and exercise programs require a note from your doctor anyway. Next, I create my SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timebound) Objectives, and I put them on a calendar: weight loss: 2 pounds per week. Calories: 2000 per day. Exercise: 30-60 minutes per day. At least 10,000 steps, at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water, at least 7 hours of sleep per night, and a weekly weigh-in to track how I’m doing and make any daily changes if necessary. There are so many tech apps and programs nowadays that will do this for you, plus provide you with graphs and charts. It’s a piece of cake, even though you likely won’t be eating cake. In six months to a year, I check back in with my doctor, get my vitals and a blood draw taken, and voila, more info on my progress! –Barbara Arnold

FIND WHAT WORKS FOR YOU, TEAM UP Exercise is one of the best ways to burn fat, build muscle, and have fun. Whatever you choose to do, truly choose, and have some fun! Grab a buddy to enjoy this journey with you! In a former life, I was required to learn golf, as golf was business. Did I enjoy it? The camaraderie, yes. The actual game? Not really. Did I lose any weight? Not likely! I discovered early on that with my body type I need to be actively moving and sweating for me to transform the shape of my body. Music and Nature, i.e., being outside, Yoga, and stretching, are musts for me. Running, swimming, bicycling, walking, cross-country skiing, water-skiing, wind surfing, weight rraining, basketball. I get a kick out of checking my FitBit or pedometer toward the end of the day to see if I’ve reached my 5K or more for the day. And if not, if time permits, then I’m back out there again just to see if I can get up to the minimum 10,000 steps. Sleep comes easily too after working out consistently and on a daily basis. Try It! –Barbara Arnold

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EMBRACE AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS - I was at the gym sometime in mid-January, annoyed by the influx of newbies that were taking over the equipment and not leaving space for those of us that had been there the previous year. I found myself judging people that were there, who didn’t seem to be in the right place. For example, there was a guy wearing jeans on the treadmill. Jeans on the treadmill?! I thought it was crazy, so I snapped a picture and sent it to a few friends. This was a low moment. Later that day, a friend put up a post saying that some people can’t afford gym clothes, or this may be their first attempt at working out in years. The friend mentioned how we should embrace these people, rather than pushing them away. I felt the guilt take over, and wanted to go back in time to embrace that guy in jeans and welcome him to our gym. He was taking the initiative to go outside his comfort zone, and better himself. I am glad I learned this lesson, and I hope everyone can take the time to do whatever it is they need to better themselves. Take a risk, try something new. And, wear whatever the hell you want. – Bryan Reynolds

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Acupuncture For Wellness 2194 EastRidge Center,

Eau Claire • (715) 379-6429 • ac4wellness@gmail. com • Casey Castona offers a unique brand of healing through acupuncture by bringing together Chinese and Western medicine. Specializing in pain management, nutritional and herbal formula counseling. New offices now available in Menomonie (715-232-8858) and Bloomer (715-568-5173).

Acupuncture Pain Clinic 1650 Hallie Rd., Chippewa Falls • (715) 830-4055 • Richard Polzin is a NCCAOM-certified professional and can help transform your vitality and your life for the better. If you’re looking to naturally enhance your health and take care of your body, you’ve come to the right place.

Classic Acupuncture 2711 Pleasant St., Suite 1E, Eau

Claire • (715) 944-9707 • classic_acupuncture@yahoo. com • Deb Doerflinger’s mission to provide the most compassionate, professional, and effective care to every patient. Deb also focuses on natural options to address illnesses such as: diet, lifestyle, botanical medicine, and nutritional therapies.

Eastern Sun TCM Acupuncture 405 S. Farwell St.,

Suite 22, Eau Claire • (715) 514-5056 • • easternsuntcmacupuncture. com Acupuncture for all conditions, with a focus on Complementary Medicine involving neurological disorders and post stroke care. Tricia Mattson has treated and helped hundreds of patients using acupuncture, herbal prescriptions, fire cupping, tui na, ear beads, moxibustion, electric stimulation and more.

Elements for Healthcare 431 E. Clairemont Ave, Suite 2A, Eau Claire • (715) 832-2005 • • Offers services such as TCM acupuncture, therapeutic massage, and strategies to reduce stress.

Harmony Healing Center 2411 North Hillcrest

Parkway Suite 11, Altoona • harmonyhealingcenter. net Harmony Healing Center offers a peaceful, comfortable and professional environment to unwind and focus on you. Services include massages, acupuncture, life coaching, and more.



Optima Health & Vitality Center 3321 Gold Road, Ste.

A, Eau Claire • (715) 832-1953 • A chiropractic practice that also offers nutritional counseling, acupuncture, massage, and naturopathic treatment.

Root and Branch Acupuncture 2737 7th St., Eau

Claire • (715) 836-9696 • Practicing primarily meridian-based acupuncture strategies and global balancing. Diane Omtvedt is also trained in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and a non-needle system of acupuncture delivery using the Acutron with Microcurrent.

Young for Life Acupuncture Lower Level of SH Young

and Associates, 1807 A Wilson St NE, Menomonie • 715) 556-4189 • Travis Young has been working as an Asian Bodywork Therapist for the last thirteen years and is a Certified Acupuncturist and Licensed Bodywork Therapist with the State of Wisconsin. He enjoys working with people, listening to their needs and offering assistance.

BIRTH/PREGNANCY SERVICES Apple Pregnancy Care Center 2600 Stein Blvd., Eau

Claire • (715) 834-7734 • • APPLE assists women with caring, counseling and information to help provide those with unplanned pregnancies the facts and services that will help them make choices they can live with.

Bradley Method Natural Childbirth Classes 6260

Joanne Ln., Altoona • (715) 864-7756 • H4LBirthing@ • Offering a 12 week class series to expectant couples with an emphasis on the coach’s role and a natural delivery. Couples receive training on pre-natal execise and nutrition, stages of labor, complications, postpartum care, breastfeeding and much more. Check out our website for more information.

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Doulas of the Valley • (715) 563-3860 • rachealul-

Prevea Health Family Medicine 617 W. Clairemont

HSHS Sacred Heart & St. Joseph Centers 900 West

DANCE STUDIOS • Doulas are non medical professionals that provide hands-on, educational, and emotional support to parents during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. We also offer a variety of specialty services including in-home care for high-risk mothers or those on bed rest during pregnancy, childbirth and newborn classes, and private consultations. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • 715-717-4156 • // 2661 County Hwy I, Chippewa Falls • 715-717-7421 • Choose your birth experience and receive care from highly-trained nurses and doctors. We offer spacious birthing suites for labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum care; overnight accommodations for partners; water birth tubs; birthing hammocks; innovative technology; special infant security system and free prenatal classes. Midwives and doulas welcome.

Marshfield Clinic - Birthing Services 2116 Craig

Rd, Eau Claire • (715) 858-4500 • marshfieldclinic. org Providing dedicated and experienced midwives for women’s health care needs.

Mayo Clinic Health System 1400 Bellinger Street,

Eau Claire • (715) 838-6100 • mayoclinichealthsystem. org Featuring certified nurse midwives.

OakLeaf Clinics - OB-GYN Clinic of Eau Claire 1110

Oak Ridge Dr, Eau Claire • (715) 836-9020 • info. • oakleafclinics. com OakLeaf Clinics - OB-GYN Clinic of Eau Claire provides exceptional care for all phases of a woman’s life. Dr. Irfane Khatib’s philosophy has always been that the patient is first. They continue to focus on the patient’s unique health needs in staying healthy.

Southside Medical Clinic 714 W Hamilton Ave, Eau

Claire • (715) 830-9990, OB/GYN (715) 836-9242 • For more than a decade, Southside Medical Clinic has been providing high quality medical care in a comfortable family-friendly environment. OB/GYN services include infertility evaluations and treatment, surgeries, hormone therapy, birth control, and management of menstrual issues.


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Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 839-5175 Prevea’s family medicine department offers high quality treatment for family medicine, including excellent pediatric care and birth and pregnancy services.

Lasa Anahata Tribal Classes are held at Dragonfly

Dance and Wellness, 308 North Barstow St., Eau Claire • (715) 577-2830 • • A supportive group of women who love to dance for the joy of it. No dance experience required. See contact info to learn more about their beginner level class offerings.

Spirit Horse Dance Company 8581 105th St., Chip-

pewa Falls • (715) 828-4127 • • Spirit Horse Dance Company is a haven for exclusive instruction and performance of American Tribal Style belly dance. Spirit Horse offers beginning to advance belly dance classes plus performance workshops, prop workshops, private lessons, and more.

Arthur Murray Dance Studio 401 1/2 S Barstow St.,

Eau Claire • (715) 834-6166 • • Arthur Murray teaches rhythm and Latin dances, country western dances, specialty dances, and more. Learn from qualified instructors in a friendly and relaxing environment. Arthur Murray has a three way approach to teaching dance: private (and couple) lessons, group lessons, and practice parties.

Danz Kraze 800 Wisconsin St. (Banbury Place, Bld 4/6

- Suite 205), Eau Claire • (715) 832-3269 • • Youth dance teams use Eau Claire’s largest studio space and are modeled after High School dance teams, offering poms, hip hop/ funk, kick, and jazz. Short sessions available for those who are indecisive.


Diamond School of Dance 123 S. Graham Ave., Eau

Claire • (715) 577-1285 • • Offers ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, pointe, hip-hop, and competitive performance. Classses begin at age 2 with pre-ballet through adult.

Dragonfly Dance and Wellness 308 North Barstow,

Eau Claire • mydragonflydanceandwellness@gmail. com • Dragonfly Dance and Wellness excited to offer Tribal Style Belly dance, Yoga, Zumba, BaredFeet, Nutrition, Personal training, Hooping and more. Find it on Facebook as well.

Eau Claire School of Dance 306 Main St., Eau Claire

• (715) 832-9900 • • Providing quality dance instruction to the Chippewa Valley since 1998. Classes offered in ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, lyrical, musical theatre, pointe, and more to students age 18 months-adult. Performance and Competitive Teams are also available.

En Avant School of Dance 3330 North Town Hall Rd.,

Eau Claire • (715) 874-5575 • • En Avant strives to help children attain self-confidence and the highest level of skill she/ he is capable of achieving. They provide the foundation for dance to become a lifetime activity that will lead to physical and psychological well-being.

Goggin Ballroom Dancing 316 Eau Claire St, Eau

Claire • (715) 833-1879 • • Dave and Karen Goggin have 40+ years of teaching experience combined, educating attendees on the foxtrot, quickstep, tango, waltz, Viennese waltz, chacha, rumba, merengue, salsa, samba, polka, swing, and much more.

Infinity Dance Studio • (715) 828-3110 • Infinity- • A fullservice dance studio devoted to providing exceptional recreational or competitive dance instruction to children ages two through adult. We work on respect, teamwork, and self-confidence through dancing in a family friendly environment.

Jean Marie’s School of Dance 31 W. Spring St.,

Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-8635 • jeanmariedance. com Specializing in children’s classes, Jean Marie offers tap, ballet, jazz, and basic acrobatics. Classes for adults also available.

Jewelry Box Dancer 110 W. Main St., Menomonie •

(715) 563-3534 • • This studio teaches children ages 4-14 years old in combined tap, jazz, ballet, and hip hop. Limited adult classes offered as well. Find Jewelry Box Dancer on Facebook too.

Kgam Studio 515 Wisconsin Street, Eau Claire • (651)

592-5977 • Kgam Studio welcomes people of all backgrounds and promotes inclusion through meaningful art exchange and community exchange. Learn traditional Korean dances and participate in arts & crafts workshops.

McPhee Strength and Performance Center McPhee

Dance Studio (Room 105), University of WI-Eau Claire, Eau Claire •; feidero@ • Find Two to Tango on “T3” provides Eau Claire students, staff, and the general community instruction and practice opportunities for various social dances such as Swing, Cha Cha, Waltz, Viennese Waltz, Tango, and Foxtrot.

Modern Dance with Barbara Shafer Inside the Danc-

ers Studio, 800 Wisconsin St. (Banbury Place, Building 13 - Room 122), Eau Claire • 715-828-1358 • Modern dance classes, based on Martha Graham techniques as modified by Michael Doran. These classes are taught by Barbara Shafer and are adapted for all proficiency levels including beginner dancers.

Swan Lake Ballet Studio Banbury Place Bldg 13 Ste

122, Eau Claire • (715) 590-8502 • • A classic ballet studio featuring classes for ages 3 to adult by Ballet Master Ganna Berge. Swan Lake Ballet Studio brings new opportunities to see the beauty of classical ballet in Eau Claire, educating children on classical ballet choreography.

Ultimate Performance Gymnastics & Cheer 4289

124th St., Lake Hallie • (715) 832-3138 • info@ • Eau Claire Ultimate Performance Gymnastics provides exceptional USA Gymnastics training using experienced coaching, high-quality equipment and the largest gymnastics facility in the area. Featuring recreational classes, competitive teams, high school training, private lessons, camps and parties.

GROUP TRAINING Benji Williford – Chain Reaction Fitness 2217

Brackett Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 379-4249 • Benji@ • Boot camps, TRX suspension training, group training, and personal training from a certified fitness, yoga, pilates, and TRX trainer.

Bodyworks Athletic Club, LLC 3019 Schneider Ave.

East, Menomonie • (715) 235-6106 • Personal training; free weights and machines; saunas; strength and endurance training, cardio, yoga, and spinning classes; tanning; kids’ services; zumba classes coming this fall. Locker facilities available.

Burn Boot Camp 3529 Gateway Dr, Eau Claire • • burnbootcamp. com Burn Boot Camp wants women to feel the burn. Their programs are a well-rounded and include training, emotional-well being, nutritional guidance, fitness education, and more. A positive community of people looking to get fit together.

Chippewa Valley Family YMCA 611 Jefferson Ave.,

Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-2201 • • Free weights and machines. Basketball, volleyball, racquetball, indoor track, and pool. Classes on strength/endurance, body sculpting, cardio, yoga, pilates, dance, indoor cycling, swimming, gymnastics, and martial arts. First aid, lifeguard, and babysitting training. Massage, spa/sauna, kids’ events and classes, and childcare.

Dragonfly Dance and Wellness 308 North Barstow,

Eau Claire • mydragonflydanceandwellness@gmail. com • Dragonfly Dance and Wellness excited to offer Tribal Style Belly dance, Yoga, Zumba, BaredFeet, Nutrition, Personal training, Hooping and more. Find it on Facebook as well.

Eau Claire Sport Warehouse 2983 11th St., Eau Claire

• (715) 514-5944 • • An indoor space for sports enthusiasts with programming for all ages. Group training boot camp classes available in morning or evening sessions. Featuring three batting cages, weight training/fitness area, basketball/volleyball sport court, multipurpose spaces, rentals, private and small lessons and clinics for softball, baseball, strength & conditioning, volleyball, basketball, and more.

FE24 Fitness 40 S Barstow St, Eau Claire • Not your

typical 24-hour gym experience, it is fun, upbeat, and empowering. Offers a traditional training program with a new atmosphere and philosophy.

FitELITE 3420 Mall Drive, Suite 7, Eau Claire • (715) 514-1264 • Free weights, personal training, specialty classes, and nutritional counseling.

Highland Fitness Center - Eastridge Center 2221

Eastridge Center, Eau Claire • (715) 833-2100 • EastRidge offers four group fitness studios, over 60 cardiovascular machines, free weights, and multiple strength circuits, Results Weight Loss Counseling, Yoga classes, Boot Camp large group classes, small group classes, and one-on-one training.

IGNITE 40 S Barstow St, Eau Claire • IGNITE is a

unique blend of strength training, conditioning and yoga where they focus on gaining lean muscle mass and burning body fat. Group classes last one hour.

Pure Fitness 4 You 1423 South Hastings Way, Eau

Claire • (715) 456-1182 • purefitness4you@gmail. com • Pure Fitness 4 You offers a mixture of classes for all fitness levels and strives at making everyone feel welcome and at home. Pure Fitness 4 You aims to help you reach any of your fitness goals. Services offered include PiYo, pound, barre, prenatal barre, defined abs, WERQ, yoga, private sessions, and more.

Rejuv Women’s Boot Camp Eau Claire (Private

studio available by appointment) • (715) 559-9175 • • Women’s only boot camps, personal training, nutritional guidance and weight loss/lifestyle coaching. Rejuv empowers women to be strong, healthy, confident, and beautiful and to find their inner beauty and power within themselves.

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Planet Fitness 3015 E Hamilton Ave., Eau Claire •

514-3110 • • Facebook. com/3D.Fitness.EC // 312 Bridge St., Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-3800 Personal training, free group fitness, nutrition, tanning, and full range of free weights plus selectorized and cardio sports.

Claire • (715) 456-1182 • purefitness4you@gmail. com • Pure Fitness 4 You offers a mixture of classes for all fitness levels and strives at making everyone feel welcome and at home. Pure Fitness 4 You aims to help you reach any of your fitness goals. Services offered include PiYo, pound, barre, prenatal barre, defined abs, WERQ, yoga, private sessions, and more.

(715) 598-1602 • Providing a unique environment in which anyone can be comfortable. A diverse, judgment-free zone where a lasting, active lifestyle can be built.

Pure Fitness 4 You 1423 South Hastings Way, Eau

3D Fitness 405 Graham Ave., Eau Claire • (715)

Anytime Fitness 29 Water St., Suite E, Eau Claire

• (715) 831-6400 // 401 Pinnacle Way, Suite 116, Eau Claire • (715) 831-6200 // 2532 Golf Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 831-8600 // 1700 Stout Tt., Menomonie • (715) 309-4441 • A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling. Open 24 hours, pay as you go plans available.

Bodyworks Athletic Club, LLC 3019 Schneider Ave.

East, Menomonie • (715) 235-6106 • Personal training; free weights and machines; saunas; strength and endurance training, cardio, yoga, and spinning classes; tanning; kids’ services; zumba classes coming this fall. Locker facilities available.

Snap Fitness 3445 E Hamilton Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 830-9999 // 1320 Broadway St. N., Menomonie • (715) 232-9999 // 475 Chippewa Mall Dr., # 305, Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-0602 • A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling, and open 24 hours. Pay-as-you-go plans available.

UW-Stout Health & Fitness Center / North Point

712 South Broadway, Menomonie • (715) 232-1392 • • Free weights, machines, personal training; classes in strength and endurance training, body sculpting, cardio, Pilates, yoga, circuit, dance, specialty classes; basketball, volleyball, racquetball, tennis, a pool and a track; beverage bar, pro shop. 24/7 access at the North Point center.

Burn Boot Camp 3529 Gateway Dr, Eau Claire • • burnbootcamp. com Burn Boot Camp wants women to feel the burn. Their programs are a well-rounded and include training, emotional-well being, nutritional guidance, fitness education, and more. A positive community of people looking to get fit together.

UWEC Recreation & Sport Facilities 105 Hilltop

Chippewa Valley Family YMCA 611 Jefferson Ave.,

Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-2201 • • Free weights and machines. Basketball, volleyball, racquetball, indoor track, and pool. Classes on strength/endurance, body sculpting, cardio, yoga, pilates, dance, indoor cycling, swimming, gymnastics, and martial arts. First aid, lifeguard, and babysitting training. Massage, spa/sauna, kids’ events and classes, and childcare.

Curves 3198 London Road, Eau Claire • (715) 552-

8783 • Designed around circuit training utilizing hydraulic resistance equipment, Curves’ 30-minute sessions in fitness and weight-loss guidance are hosted in an environment designed for women. Dance classes and nutritional counseling.

Eau Claire YMCA 700 Graham Ave., Eau Claire • 715)

836-8460 • • eauclaireymca. org Free weights and machines. Basketball, volleyball, racquetball, indoor track, and pool. Classes on strength/ endurance, body sculpting, cardio, yoga, pilates, dance, indoor cycling, swimming, gymnastics, and martial arts. First aid, lifeguard, and babysitting training. Massage, spa/sauna, kids’ events and classes, and childcare.

FE24 Fitness 40 S Barstow St, Eau Claire • Not your

typical 24-hour gym experience, it is fun, upbeat, and empowering. Offers a traditional training program with a new atmosphere and philosophy.

FitELITE 3420 Mall Drive, Suite 7, Eau Claire • (715) 514-1264 • Free weights, personal training, specialty classes, and nutritional counseling.

Center, Eau Claire • (715) 836-3377 • recreation@ • For UWEC students and staff. Free weights and machines; basketball; volleyball; racquetball; tennis; bowling; indoor track; climbing wall; pool; strength and endurance training, cardio, body sculpting, Pilates; spinning, dance, and wellness classes; massage.

Wissota Fitness, Tanning & Massage 16850 Cty.

Hwy. X Suite 2, Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-7006 • • Free weights and machines. Track, massage, tanning, spa, and open 24 hours.


The Academy 800 Wisconsin St. (Banbury Place, Bld

D4 - Suite 209), Eau Claire • info@academyeauclaire. com • Offers Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for adults and kids, group and personal training, and Muay Thai kickboxing.

AKF Martial Arts Academy of Eau Claire 1606 S.

Hastings Way, Suite B, Eau Claire • (715) 613-8282 • • martialartseauclaire. com Kyuki-Do is focused on helping you and your families achieve goals through martial art techniques, practical self defense, and traditional principles. Offers classes for ages 4 and up, and done in a group setting. Can also accommodate private lessons.

American Taekwondo & Fitness 800 Wisconsin St.

Gold’s Gym 3225 Lorch Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 552-

4570 • Personal training, free weights, and machines. Basketball, volleyball, cardio cinema, and pool. Classes in strength/endurance, cardio, body sculpting, pilates, yoga, circuit, spinning, and dance. Nutritional counseling, beverage bar, tanning, pro shop, kids’ services, and spa/sauna.

Highland Fitness Center 2221 Eastridge Ctr., Eau

(Banbury Place, Building 13 - Suite 5), Eau Claire • (715) 513-9787 • • Taekwondo classes in both private and group settings offering fast, hard-hitting cardio workouts. Also offers a fitness membership where members can independently use the facility and equipment during non-class hours.

Combined Fighting Systems 405 Graham Avenue,

Claire • (715) 833-2100 // 2405 Folsom Street, Suite A, Eau Claire • (715) 833-2100 // 3022 Commercial Blvd., Chippewa Falls • (715) 833-2100 • highlandfitness. com EastRidge offers four group fitness studios, over 60 cardiovascular machines, free weights, and multiple strength circuits, Results Weight Loss Counseling, Yoga classes, Boot Camp large group classes, small group classes, and one-on-one training.

Eau Claire • (715) 644-8583 • • CFS provides instruction on a unique defensive system blends the best of several martial arts to increase its effectiveness when used in street defense. Students will learn these martial arts through exciting, realistic, and interactive drills in a safe training environment. Classes are taught in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

unique blend of strength training, conditioning and yoga where they focus on gaining lean muscle mass and burning body fat. Group classes last one hour.

720-9218 • • Karate instruction in both private and group settings focusing on the three core values of honor, discipline, and respect.

IGNITE 40 S Barstow St, Eau Claire • IGNITE is a

Mainstreet Health & Fitness 310 Main St., Menomonie • (715) 231-BFIT (2348) • • Featuring cardiovascular fitness, strength training, free weights, and tanning. Occasional classes include circuit, powerlifting, HIIT, box fit, yoga, tai chi, and more. Open 24 hours.

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Elite Karate 410 Bay St., Chippewa Falls • (715)

Ju’s Taekwondo Karate Academy 415 S. Farwell St.,

Eau Claire • (715) 834-5766 • Taekwondo classes in both private and group settings. Classes target self-defense, weight control, physical and mental fitness, improved coordination and agility.

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Karate American - Altoona/Eau Claire 3460 Mall Dr.,

Body Health with Roseann • (715) 878-9049 • body-

Land Shark Martial Arts 2524 Suite B. Golf Road,

Calista Salon & Massage 840 Water St., Eau Claire

Altoona // W201 Menomonie St., Elk Mound • info@ • Karate instruction for all ages in both private and group settings. Lessons in Karate, Taekwondo, Judo, and Aikido are available. Eau Claire • (715) 210-5308 • A traditional Martial Arts school, Land Shark’s focus is on helping to build confidence and learn practical self-defense skills. With a mixture of traditional and mixed martial arts training classes available, you’ll certainly get a solid foundation and understanding of the discipline.

Menomonie Goju Karate Dojo 1807 Wilson St. # A,

Menomonie • (715) 233-9927 • • Center for traditional Okinawan Goju Karate, for Menomonie, Eau Claire, and West Central Wisconsin. Traditional Non-Sport oriented Karate Dojo focusing on skill building for life. Children’s classes for age 7-12. Okinawan style Karate instruction in both private and group settings. Also offers yoga and Tai-Chi.

One Tree Martial Arts 1417 S. Hastings Way, Ste.

B, Eau Claire • (877) ONE-TREE • • Martial arts instruction for all ages in Taekwondo, Hapkido, Jiu-Jitsu, and several other arts. Also offering women’s self-defense and kickboxing classes.

MASSAGE A Time to Heal Massage 822 S. Hastings Way, Eau

Claire • (715) 497-0015 • timetohealmassage@hotmail. com • Therapeutic Massage and a relaxing experience. Swedish and amma therapy techniques applied.

Advanced Massage Therapies 829 W. Clairemont

Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 833-3505 • Offers deep tissue, Swedish, hot stone, cupping, sports, pregnancy, medical therapy, and Ashiatsu massage.

Beyond Basics Massage 505 South Dewey St., Eau

Claire • (715) 497-5618 • schedule.php Strives to put therapy back into massage making it not only a relaxing experience, but a healing one as well.

Body Focus Massage 705 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire

• (715) 835-8898 • • Offers shiasu, pregnancy, Thai, couples, deep tissue, bamboo, reflexology, cupping, raindrop, Reiki, personal injury, and workman’s comp massages. • Licensed massage therapist featuring Swedish massage, individual/corporate chair massage, deep tissue, hot stone, lymphatic, geriatric, prenatal, sports massage, and pain control management. Call for an appointment.

Stucky Chiropractic Center 2105 E. Clairemont Ave.,

Lotus Spa 4956 Bullis Farm Road, Eau Claire • (715)

Wissota Fitness, Tanning & Massage 16850 Cty.

Mission Miracle Massage 2029 County Highway


Eau Claire • (715) 313-3674 • jinashealingtouch@ • Jina is trained in Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Hot Stone, Sports, Lymphatic, Pregnancy, TuiNa, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Bamboo, Cupping and combines a variety of different modalities to fit each client’s specific needs during their session.

• (715) 514-3301 • CSD38P This salon also offers Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, and prenatal massage.

835-1100 • Lotus Spa offers relaxation, deep tissue, oncology and specialty massages. Facials, pedicures, manicures, waxing services, and eyelash extensions are also available. Carries its own physician-designed skin care line and offers an array of clinical skin treatments. Check them out on social media for more events, promotions, and deals.

DaVinci Therapeutic Massage 3420 Mall Dr. Ste. 2,

Eau Claire • (715) 379-1922 • info@davincimassage. com​• Massage services include multi-modality, Swedish-style, deep tissue, hot stone, Ashiatsu, pregnancy, cranialsacral, lymphatic, tandem, and cupping. Their massage specialists can help you find the right massage for your needs.

Earth and Sky Bodyworks Two practice locations:

Helios Center in Menomonie (815 Main St. E) // The Tuning Tree in Eau Claire (515 S. Barstow Street, Suite 117) • (608) 630-0664 • chris@earthandskybodyworks. com • A holistic health business that is also dedicated to environmental issues, because environmental health is holistic health. Certified Advanced Rolfer, Licensed Asian bodywork therapist, and tai chi instructor, specializing in depth work for long-term change.

Eau Claire Massage 316 N Barstow St. Suite G, Eau

Claire • (715) 225-8018 • EauClaireMassage@gmail. com • Offers deep tissue, relaxation, trigger point therapy, chair, hot stone, couples, and on-site massages. Relief for headache, neck and shoulder pain, low back pain, sciatica, and overall stress.

I, # 5, Chippewa Falls • (715) 563-3022 • sgmt13@ • Find “Miracle Mission Massage” on Facebook Wellness and specialty massage, deep tissue, sports, swedish, pregnancy and other popular styles of massage for sore muscles, minor injuries, stress relief, and overall well-being.

Nurturing Nature Massage Plus 2829 County Hwy I, Suite 3B, Chippewa Falls • (715) 861-7177 • • Featuring massage therapy in cancer/ oncology, deep tissue, geriatric, hot stone, infant, myofascial release, pregnancy, Swedish, therapeutic, trigger point therapy, and aromatherapy, plus more, presented by Anna M. Giedd, WI Licensed Massage Therapist. Optima Health & Vitality Center 3321 Gold Road, Ste.

A, Eau Claire • (715) 832-1953 • A chiropractic practice that also offers nutritional counseling, acupuncture, massage, and naturopathic treatment.

Elements for Healthcare 431 E. Clairemont Ave, Suite 2A, Eau Claire • (715) 832-2005 • • Offers services such as TCM acupuncture, therapeutic massage, and strategies to reduce stress.

Optimum Therapies, LLC - Eau Claire 517 E. Claire-

Essential Massage Therapy Center 2519 North Hill-

crest Pkwy Suite 102, Altoona • (715) 835-1421 • Offers Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, chair, prenatal, couples, sports, Fourhand, neuromuscular, and Thai yoga massages.

Excite! Wellness Studio 107 N. Bridge St., Chippewa

Falls • (715) 861-5744 • • Featuring massage, thai massage, reiki, reflexology, nutrition and health coaching, personal training, yoga, pilates, meditation, fun events, and more.

mont Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 855-0408 // 1309 Stout Rd., Menomonie • (715) 233-6320 • optimumtherapies. com Offering deep tissue, trigger point release, myofascial release, neuromuscular, sports, Swedish, and hot stone massage and physical therapy.

Sans Souci Massage 927 Loring St., Suite 4, Altoona

• (715) 830-9890 • Offering Swedish, hot stone, integrative, trigger point, craniosacral, ashiatsu, prenatal, and Thai Yoga massage. As well as polarity therapy, Reiki, and body treatments.

StillPoint Massage Therapy 2411 N. Hillcrest Pkwy,

Suite 1E, Altoona • (715) 829-5660 • dianawhite63@ • Whether you wish to unwind, relieve stress or address health concerns, you can do it all in a warm, safe, and comfortable environment with LMT Diana White. White offers myofascial Release, Swedish massage, and deep tissue/trigger point therapy.

Harmony Healing Center 2411 North Hillcrest

Parkway Suite 11, Altoona • harmonyhealingcenter. net Harmony Healing Center offers a peaceful, comfortable and professional environment to unwind and focus on you. Services include massages, acupuncture, life coaching, and more.

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Jina’s Healing Touch Massage 5535 Wild Rose Lane,


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Eau Claire • 715-835-9514 • • It is the mission of Stucky Chiropractic Center to educate as many men, women, and children to the life and health enhancing benefits of chiropractic care; improving our world by having a positive influence on each individual they have the opportunity to serve. Hwy. X Suite 2, Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-7006 • • Free weights and machines. Track, massage, tanning, spa, and open 24 hours.

Anytime Fitness - Golf Road 329 Water St., Suite E,

Eau Claire • (715) 831-6400 // 2532 Golf Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 831-8600 // 1700 Stout Tt., Menomonie • (715) 309-4441• A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling. Open 24 hours, pay as you go plans available.

B Natural 2934 London Rd., Eau Claire • (715)

836-7021 • Dr. Amy Emch practices immuno-therapy and offers services such as health & nutrition consultations, reflexology, chi machine therapy, and infra red therapy.

Burn Boot Camp 3529 Gateway Dr, Eau Claire • • burnbootcamp. com Burn Boot Camp wants women to feel the burn. Their programs are a well-rounded and include training, emotional-well being, nutritional guidance, fitness education, and more. A positive community of people looking to get fit together.

Curves 3198 London Road, Eau Claire • (715) 552-

8783 • Designed around circuit training utilizing hydraulic resistance equipment, Curves’ 30-minute sessions in fitness and weight-loss guidance are hosted in an environment designed for women. Dance classes and nutritional counseling.

Dragonfly Dance and Wellness 308 North Barstow,

Eau Claire • mydragonflydanceandwellness@gmail. com • Dragonfly Dance and Wellness excited to offer Tribal Style Belly dance, Yoga, Zumba, BaredFeet, Nutrition, Personal training, Hooping and more. Find it on Facebook as well.

Healing Choices Oasis LLC 2711 Pleasant St. Suite

1E, Eau Claire • (715) 852-0303 • healingchoices@ • Classes offered in Tai Chi and AMMA massage. Also offering hot stone massage and AMMA Therapy, and has a complete line of nutritional supplements available.


Lifetime Health Coaching 800 Wisconsin St. (Banbury

Place Bld D02 - Ste 405E), Eau Claire • (715) 4957923 • Find it on Facebook What could be different in your life a year from now? Maybe you want to exercise consistently, reduce chronic pain, improve your nutrition, lower your blood sugar, become tobacco-free, or enhance your quality of life. Lifetime Health Coaching can help you realize your dreams.

Medifast 4112 Oakwood Hills Parkway, Eau Claire •

(715) 718-4925 • • http:// Medifast Weight Control Centers deliver healthy, lasting weight loss results.

Mission Accomplished S4530 Porterville Rd., Eau

Claire • (715) 831-0909 • • Mission Accomplished offers counseling, classes in yoga and a crossbreed called yogilates. Plus, personal training, nutritional counseling, boot camps, boxing, and more.

Mother Nature’s Food 2434 London Rd., Eau

Claire • (715) 834-2341 • mothernaturesfood.tflmag. com Mother Nature’s Food is provides quality fresh, natural, organic and whole foods, nutritional products, body care products and health information in a fun comfortable clean, safe environment.

Optima Health & Vitality Center 3321 Gold Road, Ste.

A, Eau Claire • (715) 832-1953 • A chiropractic practice that also offers nutritional counseling, acupuncture, massage, and naturopathic treatment.

Prevea Health Family Medicine 17 W. Clairemont

Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 839-5175 Prevea’s weight loss program offers one-on-one coaching, managed by a doctor passionate about helping you keep the weight off.

Physician’s Weight Loss Center 2839 Mall Dr., Suite

6, Eau Claire • (715) 830-9355 • PWLC have nearly a quarter century of experience working to help people lose excess weight. They feature effective weight loss systems, personalized consultations and

reviews, and have developed 150 specialized food, nutrition and weight loss products.

for adults and kids, group and personal training, and Muay Thai kickboxing.

Rejuv Women’s Boot Camp Eau Claire (Private

Anytime Fitness 329 Water St., Suite E, Eau Claire

Chippewa Valley Family YMCA 611 Jefferson Ave.,

ASPIRE Personal Training & NASM-CPT Located

Curves 3198 London Road, Eau Claire • (715) 552-

• (715) 831-6400 // 401 Pinnacle Way, Suite 116, Eau Claire • (715) 831-6200 // 2532 Golf Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 831-8600 // 1700 Stout Tt., Menomonie • (715) 309-4441• A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling. Open 24 hours, pay as you go plans available.

studio available by appointment) • (715) 559-9175 • • Women’s only boot camps, personal training, nutritional guidance and weight loss/lifestyle coaching. Rejuv empowers women to be strong, healthy, confident, and beautiful and to find their inner beauty and power within themselves.

Stucky Chiropractic Center 2105 E. Clairemont Ave.,

Eau Claire • 715-835-9514 • • It is the mission of Stucky Chiropractic Center to educate as many men, women, and children to the life and health enhancing benefits of chiropractic care; improving our world by having a positive influence on each individual they have the opportunity to serve.

in Gold’s Gym, 3225 Lorch Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 271-9678 • • Want a fit, lean, toned body in a matter of weeks? You can with ASPIRE Personal Training. Offering several programs, including nutritional guidance, for women and men of all fitness levels, a kids fitness program called Spark for ages 5-12 years, and a small group functional training program called Aspire Fit Body. All programs taught by NASM Certified Personal Trainers.

​​Overeater Wellness Coaching • iamanovereater.

com Overeater Wellness Coaching specializes in helping people lose weight, maintain weight loss and live a healthy lifestyle. Offers virtual wellness coaching, personal training, customized exercise programs, professional meal planning and more. Services are tailored to fit your needs and help you reach your goal(s).

Benji Williford – Chain Reaction Fitness 2217

Brackett Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 379-4249 • Benji@ • Boot camps, TRX suspension training, group training, and personal training from a certified fitness, yoga, pilates, and TRX trainer.


3D Fitness 405 Graham Ave, Eau Claire • (715)

Bodyworks Athletic Club, LLC 3019 Schneider Ave.

514-3110 // 312 Bridge St., Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-3800 • Personal training, free group fitness, nutrition, tanning, and full range of free weights plus selectorized and cardio sports.

The Academy 800 Wisconsin St. (Banbury Place, Bld

D4 - Suite 209), Eau Claire • info@academyeauclaire. com • Offers Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

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East, Menomonie • (715) 235-6106 • Personal training; free weights and machines; saunas; strength and endurance training, cardio, yoga, and spinning classes; tanning; kids’ services; zumba classes coming this fall. Locker facilities available.

Burn Boot Camp 3529 Gateway Dr, Eau Claire • • burnbootcamp. com Burn Boot Camp wants women to feel the burn. Their programs are a well-rounded and include training, emotional-well being, nutritional guidance, fitness


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education, and more. A positive community of people looking to get fit together. Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-2201 • • Free weights and machines. Basketball, volleyball, racquetball, indoor track, and pool. Classes on strength/endurance, body sculpting, cardio, yoga, pilates, dance, indoor cycling, swimming, gymnastics, and martial arts. First aid, lifeguard, and babysitting training. Massage, spa/sauna, kids’ events and classes, and childcare. 8783 • Designed around circuit training utilizing hydraulic resistance equipment, Curves’ 30-minute sessions in fitness and weight-loss guidance are hosted in an environment designed for women. Dance classes and nutritional counseling.

Dragonfly Dance and Wellness 308 North Barstow,

Eau Claire • mydragonflydanceandwellness@gmail. com • Dragonfly Dance and Wellness excited to offer Tribal Style Belly dance, Yoga, Zumba, BaredFeet, Nutrition, Personal training, Hooping and more. Find it on Facebook as well.

Eau Claire YMCA 700 Graham Ave., Eau Claire • 715)

836-8460 • • eauclaireymca. org Free weights and machines. Basketball, volleyball, racquetball, indoor track, and pool. Classes on strength/ endurance, body sculpting, cardio, yoga, pilates, dance, indoor cycling, swimming, gymnastics, and martial arts. First aid, lifeguard, and babysitting training. Massage, spa/sauna, kids’ events and classes, and childcare.

FitELITE 3420 Mall Drive, Suite 7, Eau Claire • (715) 514-1264 • Free weights, personal training, specialty classes, and nutritional counseling.

Gold’s Gym 3225 Lorch Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 552-

4570 • Personal training, free weights, and machines. Basketball, volleyball, cardio cinema, and pool. Classes in strength/endurance, cardio, body sculpting, pilates, yoga, circuit, spinning,


and dance. Nutritional counseling, beverage bar, tanning, pro shop, kids’ services, and spa/sauna.

healthy, confident, and beautiful and to find their inner beauty and power within themselves.

Highland Fitness Center 2221 Eastridge Ctr., Eau

Snap Fitness - Chippewa Falls 3445 E Hamilton

Lifetime Health Coaching 800 Wisconsin St. (Banbury

​​Overeater Wellness Coaching • iamanovereater.

Claire • (715) 833-2100 // 2405 Folsom Street, Suite A, Eau Claire • (715) 833-2100 // 3022 Commercial Blvd., Chippewa Falls • (715) 833-2100 • highlandfitness. com EastRidge offers four group fitness studios, over 60 cardiovascular machines, free weights, and multiple strength circuits, Results Weight Loss Counseling, Yoga classes, Boot Camp large group classes, small group classes, and one-on-one training. Place Bld D02 - Ste 405E), Eau Claire • (715) 4957923 • Find it on Facebook What could be different in your life a year from now? Maybe you want to exercise consistently, reduce chronic pain, improve your nutrition, lower your blood sugar, become tobacco-free, or enhance your quality of life. Lifetime Health Coaching can help you realize your dreams.

Mission Accomplished S4530 Porterville Rd., Eau

Claire • (715) 831-0909 • • Mission Accomplished offers counseling, classes in yoga and a crossbreed called yogilates. Plus, personal training, nutritional counseling, boot camps, boxing, and more.

Momentum SportFitness, LLC 2615 London Road

Suite B, Eau Claire • (715) 955-4319 • • Training people for high performance in athletics, recreation, or an active lifestyle. The Momentum University individual or group training package emphasizes training techniques and program implementation. Membership options available as well as additional individual or group personal training.

PRAJNA Pilates 705 S. Barstow Street, Eau Claire

• 715-577-5502 • PRAJNA offers a variety of group classes and individual sessions to assist participants on their wellness journey. Located in downtown Eau Claire, Wisconsin, this studio offers a warm and inviting atmosphere to welcome individuals interested in yoga, pilates, thai yoga and general wellness.

Pure Fitness 4 You 1423 South Hastings Way, Eau

Claire • (715) 456-1182 • purefitness4you@gmail. com • Pure Fitness 4 You offers a mixture of classes for all fitness levels and strives at making everyone feel welcome and at home. Pure Fitness 4 You aims to help you reach any of your fitness goals. Services offered include PiYo, pound, barre, prenatal barre, defined abs, WERQ, yoga, private sessions, and more.

Rejuv Women’s Boot Camp Eau Claire (Private

studio available by appointment) • (715) 559-9175 • • Women’s only boot camps, personal training, nutritional guidance and weight loss/lifestyle coaching. Rejuv empowers women to be strong,

Earth and Sky Bodyworks Two practice locations:

Helios Center in Menomonie (815 Main St. E) // The Tuning Tree in Eau Claire (515 S. Barstow Street, Suite 117) • (608) 630-0664 • chris@earthandskybodyworks. com • A holistic health business that is also dedicated to environmental issues, because environmental health is holistic health. Certified Advanced Rolfer, Licensed Asian bodywork therapist, and tai chi instructor, specializing in depth work for long-term change.

Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 830-9999 // 1320 Broadway St. N., Menomonie • (715) 232-9999 // 475 Chippewa Mall Dr., # 305, Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-0602 • A membership gets you unlimited, onyour-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling, and open 24 hours. Pay-as-you-go plans available.

Excite! Wellness Studio 107 N. Bridge St., Chippewa

com Overeater Wellness Coaching specializes in helping people lose weight, maintain weight loss and live a healthy lifestyle. Offers virtual wellness coaching, personal training, customized exercise programs, professional meal planning and more. Services are tailored to fit your needs and help you reach your goal(s).


Highland Fitness Center - Eastridge Center 2221

Eastridge Center, Eau Claire • (715) 833-2100 • EastRidge offers four group fitness studios, over 60 cardiovascular machines, free weights, and multiple strength circuits, Results Weight Loss Counseling, Yoga classes, Boot Camp large group classes, small group classes, and one-on-one training.

Latitude 44 Yoga Studio 313 E. Madison St., Eau

Claire • (715) 828-3936 • Amy@Latitude44Yoga. com • Latitude 44 Yoga Studio is the Chippewa Valley’s hot yoga studio. We offer a full class schedule seven days per week, featuring Hot Power Yoga, Beginner Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Kids Yoga, Workshops, and fun events.

The Center 3701 E. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire •

(715) 529-3344 • • thecenterec. com The Center is dedicated to supporting people in wholeness of body, mind and spirit, regardless of religious orientation. From Ayurveda to Zumba, The Center has a wide variety of offerings. Opportunities include yoga, meditation, Reiki, art, pottery, spiritual direction and more.

Moonrise Aerials Studio Inside Dancers Studio, 800

Chippewa Valley Family YMCA 611 Jefferson Ave., Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-2201 • • Free weights and machines. Basketball, volleyball, racquetball, indoor track, and pool. Classes on strength/endurance, body sculpting, cardio, yoga, pilates, dance, indoor cycling, swimming, gymnastics, and martial arts. First aid, lifeguard, and babysitting training. Massage, spa/sauna, kids’ events and classes, and childcare.

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1E, Eau Claire • (715) 852-0303 • healingchoices@ • Classes offered in Tai Chi and AMMA massage. Also offering hot stone massage and AMMA Therapy, and has a complete line of nutritional supplements available. • burnbootcamp. com Burn Boot Camp wants women to feel the burn. Their programs are a well-rounded and include training, emotional-well being, nutritional guidance, fitness education, and more. A positive community of people looking to get fit together.

Eau Claire • mydragonflydanceandwellness@gmail. com • Dragonfly Dance and Wellness excited to offer Tribal Style Belly dance, Yoga, Zumba, BaredFeet, Nutrition, Personal training, Hooping and more. Find it on Facebook as well.

Healing Choices Oasis LLC 2711 Pleasant St. Suite

High 5 Free Yoga 330 Riverfront Terrace, Eau Claire •

Burn Boot Camp 3529 Gateway Dr, Eau Claire •

Dragonfly Dance and Wellness 308 North Barstow,

Falls • (715) 861-5744 • • Featuring massage, thai massage, reiki, reflexology, nutrition and health coaching, personal training, yoga, pilates, meditation, fun events, and more.

Wisconsin St. (Banbury Place, Building 13 - Room 122), Eau Claire • Moonrise Aerials offers feminine empowerment through aerial yoga, circus fitness, and flow arts. Co-owners Michelle Anthony and Rachel Duffenbach invite you to explore your creativity, to express yourself through movement. Their staff will give you the tools, space, and inspiration to guide you on this path of self expression.

New Day Yoga & Wellness 2829 County Hwy I

(Above the Goat Coffee House at Wissota Health), Chippewa Falls • (715) 861-5545 • • newdayyogawellness. com Highly trained and certified. Fully equipped studio. Fitness focused Hatha yoga for strength and flexibility. Experience deep stretches and amazing inversions on “The Great Yoga Wall” exclusive to New Day. Private sessions available. Beginners welcome. Wide variety of classes, all levels. Specialized classes such as Yoga


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for the Spine, Restorative Yoga for Cancer Care, Yoga for MS.

PRAJNA Pilates 705 S. Barstow Street, Eau Claire

• 715-577-5502 • PRAJNA offers a variety of group classes and individual sessions to assist participants on their wellness journey. Located in downtown Eau Claire, Wisconsin, this studio offers a warm and inviting atmosphere to welcome individuals interested in yoga, pilates, thai yoga and general wellness.

Pure Fitness 4 You 1423 South Hastings Way, Eau

Claire • (715) 456-1182 • purefitness4you@gmail. com • Pure Fitness 4 You offers a mixture of classes for all fitness levels and strives at making everyone feel welcome and at home. Pure Fitness 4 You aims to help you reach any of your fitness goals. Services offered include PiYo, pound, barre, prenatal barre, defined abs, WERQ, yoga, private sessions, and more.

Sky Yoga 415½ S. Barstow St., Eau Claire • skyyoga.

yoga Sky Yoga offers yoga, barre, flexibility, and aerial silks classes for people of all ages and skill levels. Single-class and membership pricing is available. Has an on-site shower room, children’s studios, and other amenities not often found at yoga studios.

The Yoga Center of Eau Claire 2524 Golf Rd, 2F, Eau

Claire • (715) 830-0321 • • The Yoga Center of Eau Claire offers several classes tailored to fit individual needs. Teaches beginning, intermediate & advanced level classes, as well as classes that focus on core strengthening, adaptive, Buddha Body, & Yoga for Parkinson’s. Offers workshops, private lessons, & special events.

The Yoga Room 2839 Mall Dr., Eau Claire • • Offers a wide variety of yoga classes with options for runners, seniors, beginners, experts, flow classes, restorative yoga, yin, vinyasa, hatha, mommy & me classes, and some of their own unique blended classes.


Bodyworks Athletic Club, LLC 3019 Schneider Ave. East,

Menomonie • (715) 235-6106 • bodyworksmenomonie. com Personal training; free weights and machines; saunas; strength and endurance training, cardio, yoga, and spinning classes; tanning; kids’ services; zumba classes coming this fall. Locker facilities available.

The Center 3701 E. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire •

(715) 529-3344 • • thecenterec. com The Center is dedicated to supporting people in wholeness of body, mind and spirit, regardless of religious orientation. From Ayurveda to Zumba, The Center has a wide variety of offerings. Opportunities include yoga, meditation, Reiki, art, pottery, spiritual direction and more.


Chippewa Valley Family YMCA 611 Jefferson Ave.,

Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-2201 • • Free weights and machines. Basketball, volleyball, racquetball, indoor track, and pool. Classes on strength/endurance, body sculpting, cardio, yoga, pilates, dance, indoor cycling, swimming, gymnastics, and martial arts. First aid, lifeguard, and babysitting training. Massage, spa/sauna, kids’ events and classes, and childcare.


Dragonfly Dance and Wellness 308 North Barstow,

Eau Claire • mydragonflydanceandwellness@gmail. com • Dragonfly Dance and Wellness excited to offer Tribal Style Belly dance, Yoga, Zumba, BaredFeet, Nutrition, Personal training, Hooping and more. Find it on Facebook as well.

Chair Yoga with BaredFeet, Co. Every Wednesday

Highland Fitness Center - Eastridge Center 2221

Eastridge Center, Eau Claire • (715) 833-2100 • EastRidge offers four group fitness studios, over 60 cardiovascular machines, free weights, and multiple strength circuits, Results Weight Loss Counseling, Yoga classes, Boot Camp large group classes, small group classes, and one-on-one training.

Z.Vida Zumba Classes held at The Center, 3701

East Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 205-2901 • • Find Z.Vida Zumba on Facebook Z.Vida is your home for all things Zumba. Join us for exciting and energizing Zumba fitness classes with local ZIN instructors Cindy & Emily Peterson.

until May. 29, 2-3pm • First Presbyterian Church, 2112 Rudolph Rd., Eau Claire • FREE • Adults • (715) 514-4648 • BaredFeet hosts this chair yoga class. The class is directed toward seniors and beginners, but fulfilling for anyone.

Sun Salutations Yoga - Session 3 Every Wednesday

from Jan. 9 to Jan. 30, 6:30-7:30pm • River Prairie Center, 1445 Front Porch Place, Altoona • $25 • Adults and teens 13+ • (715) 839-5188 • Practice these asana sequences and enjoy a cool down meditation. This asana flow can be used to slow down, focus inward, and transition from day to night. Pre-register online or at the Altoona Parks & Recreation Office.

Yoga for Seniors Every Tuesday, Thursday until May.

2, 10-11am • The Yoga Room, 2839 Mall Dr., Eau Claire • $10 • Seniors • (715) 833-1121 • This beginner-friendly class eases you into the body with breathing exercises and relaxing poses for joint flexibility. Gradually move into standing poses, increasing strength, balance and awareness in all major muscle groups.


National Snowshoe Beer Mile Championship Jan. 19,

1:30pm • Fox Run Tavern, 1515 S 65th Ave, Eau Claire • Must purchase beverages at Fox Run. • 21+ • (608) 772-3615 A classic beer mile race with the twist of doing everything in snowshoes. Traditional Beer Mile, Half Beer Mile, Open Beer Mile, and the Four-Person “Tower” Relay Race will all be happening. Hosted by the Hash House Harriers.

Weekly Gentle Yoga Every Monday from Jan. 14 to

18th Annual Chilly Chippewa 1m/5k Mar. 2, 10am •

May. 27, 5-6pm • Menomonie Market Food Co-op, 814 Main St. East, Menomonie • $10 • 18+ • (715) 2356533 • This class is for anyone looking for a slower gentle yoga class. The focus will be on mind, body, and breath connection. Great for stress reduction and melting away tension. Some relaxation poses are held for several breaths to invite release of muscle tension. Very beginner friendly.

Shamrock Shuffle 5k Mar. 16, 8am-noon • UWEC

Ebb & Slow Flow Yoga - Session 4 Every Monday until Jan. 28, 6:30-7:30pm • River Prairie Center, 1445 Front Porch Place, Altoona • $25 • 13+ • (715) 839-5188 • This practice of asana and breathing exercises help bring peace to the mind and body, preparing the body to build flexibility and strength while minimizing the chance of injury. PreRegister online or at the Altoona Parks & Recreation Office.

Chippewa Falls Senior High School, 735 Terrill St., Chippewa Falls • $20-$25 • A fundraiser for the Chippewa Falls High School Cross Country team as well as an opportunity to get outside and begin the racing year. Besides all the normal benefits of a fun run (t-shirts, awards), they offer participants a free postrace meal of homemade chili provided by our cross country team families. McPhee Strength & Performance Center, 509 University Drive, Eau Claire • All Ages • (715) 836-3377 • This 5k+ fun run/walk is hosted and sponsored by UW-Eau Claire’s University Recreation and Sport Operations department. The route starts on UW-Eau Claire’s upper campus, down the infamous Garfield Avenue hill, over the scenic university footbridge and follows the river up the beautiful Chippewa Valley River trail.

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Moms Only Yoga : Calm + Cozy Series Every Tues-

day from Jan. 8 to Jan. 29, 7:30-8:30pm • Tuning Tree, 515 South Barstow, Suite 117, Eau Claire • $50 for the series • (715) 514-3700 • Moms! This is for you. We all need it. A meaningful time away from the kids. Get the quiet you need in a super calm space, with a yoga practice designed just for moms to work out the crazies and rejuvenate for tomorrow.


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Core Connection After Baby Jan. 26, 11am-12:30pm

• The Yoga Room, 2839 Mall Dr., Eau Claire • $10 for members, $20 for non-members • 18+ • (715) 833-1121 • This hands-on workshop includes discussion of anatomical changes to the core muscles and soft tissue during and after pregnancy, modifications or replacements to common core exercises and yoga poses, & postural alignment work. Bring a notebook.

Ebb & Slow Flow Yoga - Session 5 Every Monday from Feb. 4 to Feb. 25, 6:30-7:30pm • River Prairie Center, 1445 Front Porch Place, Altoona • $25 • Adults • (715) 839-5188 • This practice of asana and breathing exercises help bring peace to the mind and body, preparing the body to build flexibility and strength while minimizing the chance of injury. Pre-Register online or at the Altoona Parks & Recreation Office.

Mommy and Me Yoga - Session 3 Every Wednesday

from Feb. 6 to Feb. 27, 9:30-10:15am • River Prairie Center, 1445 Front Porch Place, Altoona • $25/session • 6 months-4 years old and parent • (715) 839-5188 • This class focuses on you, your child and what they want to do. Some classes will be different than others, but they will always be relaxing, fun and full of laughter.

Sun Salutations Yoga - Session 4 Every Wednesday

from Feb. 6 to Feb. 27, 6:30-7:30pm • River Prairie Center, 1445 Front Porch Place, Altoona • $25 • Adults and Teens 13+ • (715) 839-5188 • Practice these asana sequences and enjoy a cool down meditation. This asana flow can be used to slow down, focus inward, and transition from day to night. Pre-register online or at the Altoona Parks & Recreation Office.

Ebb & Slow Flow Yoga - Session 6 Every Monday from Mar. 4 to Mar. 25, 6:30-7:30pm • River Prairie Center, 1445 Front Porch Place, Altoona • $25 • Adults • (715) 839-5188 • This practice of asana and breathing exercises help bring peace to the mind and body, preparing the body to build flexibility and strength while minimizing the chance of injury. Pre-Register online or at the Altoona Parks & Recreation Office.

Mommy and Me Yoga - Session 4 Every Wednesday

from Mar. 6 to Mar. 27, 9:30-10:15am • River Prairie Center, 1445 Front Porch Place, Altoona • $25/session • 6 months-4 years old and parent • (715) 839-5188 • This class focuses on you, your child and what they want to do. Some classes will be different than others, but they will always be relaxing, fun and full of laughter.

Sun Salutations Yoga - Session 5 Every Wednesday

from Mar. 6 to Mar. 27, 6:30-7:30pm • River Prairie Center, 1445 Front Porch Place, Altoona • $25 • Adults and Teens 13+ • (715) 839-5188 • Practice these asana sequences and enjoy a cool down meditation. This asana flow can be used to slow down, focus inward, and transition from day to night. Pre-register online or at the Altoona Parks & Recreation Office.

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