Pet Project 2018

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At 65 percent, pet owners are a solid majority among Americans. So it’s safe to say there’s a lot of puppy love going around, especially here in the Chippewa Valley. And even some parrot love. Pet owners and lovers of all kinds will find interesting and intriguing information within these pages, from the benefits of animal acupuncture to the cannonwielding kittens of yore. Peruse a few of the local pet pampering places as well as a lengthy list of pets stores, groomers, adoption centers, breeders, pet sitters and boarders, trainers, and animal hospitals.



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World going to the dogs? Go to the dog park.

co m pa n io n s h i p a n d co nve rsat io n a re a l ive a n d we l l at t h e E C d og pa rk W O R D S

I am delighted to announce that polite, stimulating conversation is not dead. It is alive and well at the Eau

Claire Dog Park. I’m a newbie to this city, having recently moved from the sticks to Eau Claire with my yellow Lab, Penny Lane. Among other adjustments, it was hard getting used to not being able to just open the back door and go for a walkabout with my dog in the woods that surrounded our house or in the corn and alfalfa fields that were across the road. I tried leash walks in my new Putnam Heights neighborhood, but for Penny, I could tell they came nowhere near satisfying her need for exercise; for me, it was just plain boring. Then I heard about the Eau Claire Dog Park. I found for $25 a year I could take Penny to the nine-acre, fenced-dog park and let her run off leash with other dogs as much as she wanted, with basically the only rule for owners being, “Pick up your own poop!” It was great for Penny, who gets along swimmingly with just about any dog or human (more so if they have a treat), and for me, well, watching dogs beats television anytime. But the perk I wasn’t expecting was a social one. There are almost always other owners there, and the usual custom is to fall



in with whoever’s traipsing around the perimeter while the pooches chase, wrestle and play keep-away with whatever treasure they can find. Dogs generally sniff and circle each other for a moment and then are apparently friends for life. Human interactions begin easily with a common bond: “What’s your dog’s name?” “What breed is that?” The ice broken, you’re often off into lighthearted, casual exchanges that usually begin with your pet’s history and idiosyncrasies, but soon morph into free-ranging conversations over professions, personal histories, philosophies, local events, politics, the best restaurants, and just about anything else. Yes, perfect strangers actually talk to each other. Interspersed between poop picking (bags and a dumpster provided for your convenience) and reprimands if Cooper, Norton, or Olivia gets a little too enthusiastic, the common bond, the fresh air and the walking facilitate a




kind of easy sharing you’ll never find in a coffee shop or on a park bench. Actually, it’s difficult not to socialize, since it’s hard to be absorbed in a cellphone without tripping over a dog and ear buds won’t help you hear a stampeding pack. When your dog is having a rollicking time making new friends, it’s hard not to join in. My dog’s new friends have included other labs (black, yellow, and chocolate) as well as breeds such as golden retriever, German shorthair, greyhound, Great Dane, blue tick hound, poodle (and Labradoodle, goldendoodle and otherdoodle), bulldog, Chihuahua, dachshund, Yorkie, whippet, borzoi, pit bull, blue heeler, Weimaraner, springer and cocker spaniel, malamute, husky, and more, not to mention therapy dogs, hunting dogs, rescue dogs, drug dogs, herding dogs, and three-legged dogs. My unscientific survey indicates the goldens are the most represented purebred, but the majority of dogs seem

“When your dog is having a rollicking time making new friends, it’s hard not to join in.”



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to be from shelters. Among the humans I have met was a trucker who stops with his two retrievers on each run to Indiana. A Marine just back from Afghanistan talked about studying to become a counselor to help vets with PTSD. A young woman schooled me on the rules and strategies of roller derby. An older woman told me about the 500-mile hike through England she took her son on as a high school graduation present. A local business owner described his struggle with turning over his business to his daughter. A Blugold coach, a social worker, a cancer survivor, a surgeon, a musician, an accountant, a nurse, college students, teachers, principals, professors, retirees, teenagers, stay-at-home moms, waitpersons, and too many more to remember – all of these dog people I’ve met at the park. As a newcomer to Eau Claire, I can’t imagine a better way of learning what kind of people live here than going to the dog park. True, you only meet dog people there, but they may just be the best kind. Just ask their dogs! More information about the Eau Claire Dog Park (aka the Off-Leash Recreation Area) can be found at parks/dog-park. A second dog park, on the city’s north side, is also in the works.

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A hippity hoppy time

c a n i n e t ra i n i n g fa ci l it y h ost s m o nt h ly b u n ny socia l s W O R D S

A fantastic newly hopped up event has started taking place in Eau

Claire at the EmBark Canine Training Center. But before wagging your tails and anticipating that car ride, dog lovers, let me tell you: this monthly event is actually for the cute and fluffy bunny rabbits. Rabbits are very social animals, and seem to enjoy being around other rabbits as long as they are spayed or neutered. They also require regular exercise in order to stay happy and healthy. The bunny social event, Hoppy Time, allows room for pet bunnies to play, interact, and explore all inside of EmBark’s training area. “They really do need exercise, and sometimes burst into running, and kicking up their heels. It is called binky-ing, they do a joyful little twist of their back legs in the air” explains Sue Anderson, the organizer of Hoppy Time. The idea for Hoppy Time grew when Sue and her friend took a trip to a similar rabbit get together called Hoppy Hour at an animal shelter in Golden Valley, MN. “It was amazing, I believe there were at least 80 rabbits, and many more people!”




Sue said. “They meet every other Sunday, sometimes getting up to 150 rabbits. The rabbits had dog agility equipment and boxes to play in”. They decided it would be something to try in Eau Claire. “Heather Machefski, the owner of EmBark, was so encouraging about the whole idea – she instantly and enthusiastically agreed to let us use her facility” Sue said. All bunnies attending Hoppy Time must be spayed or neutered at least a month in advance of attendance. This will help keep the peace among all bunnies at the event. The cost is $3.00 per bunny “family.” Some people bring three or four rabbits, and we often have some shelter rabbits there too, so the rabbit community can spread the word to find homes for them. Children are welcome, but must be supervised, and always ask permission of the owner before touching a rabbit. If you want to get in on the fluffy fun, just come! Spectators are always welcome, too. No charge. Hoppy Time is held once a month on Sundays from 3-4:30pm. It’s a great opportunity for all bunny lovers to talk and share information about rabbits. The next three upcoming dates are Nov. 11, Dec. 9, and Jan. 13.

“They really do need exercise, and sometimes burst into running and kicking up their heels. It’s called binky-ing ...”



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Dogged Determination

E a u Cl a i re d raws n at io n a l co m p et ito rs wit h Dock Dog co m p et it io n s W O R D S









Every year, Scheels in Eau Claire becomes host to “Dog Town.”

This tiny town features numerous canine amenities, from. Battery-powered fans, aluminum shade netting and EZ-up tents to crate pads and covers, heaters and doggy jackets. This is all to host a special breed of competitors – the canines of Duck Dogs. DockDogs is an independent organization that governs the international standards, records and results of dog jumping canine aquatic competitions. Associated with companies like Scheels, DockDogs has clubs and facilities located around the world, including Eau Claire, WI. Annually, Scheels Eau Claire hosts canine competitions, such as the Scheels Hunting Expo and the Scheels Outdoor Expo. These competitions entail more than just retrieving. DockDogs has competitions for three disciplines: Big Air, Speed Retrieve and Extreme Vertical. Big Air is all about the distance a dog can jump. Using high-speed cameras, participants are judged based on the moment their tail hits the water. For Speed Retrieve, participants are judged on how fast they can retrieve a dummy at the end of a 20 foot dock and a 38 foot pool. Results are measured in seconds. Finally, Extreme Vertical measures how high a participant can jump while retrieving a dummy. Height is measured from the dummy to the surface of a dock and is increased by two inches as the participant progresses throughout the rounds. Any dog over 6 months old can compete in Dock Dogs and is placed in competition with dogs of similar abilities. In the Fall of 2014, Twin Cities couple Chuck and Lindsay Rogers brought home their first puppy: Mya, a 16-week-old Labrador Retriever puppy. From day one, Mya wasn’t your average dog. Other than

her high-energy personality, she had an obsessive fascination with water. Hoping to satisfy Mya’s need for exercise, Chuck and Lindsay began to spend their free time tossing dog toys into their backyard pond. What started out as innocent puppy plops into the water, soon turned into 5 to 10 foot leaps from shore. Remembering a Canine Aquatics Competition, DockDogs, from a television network in the early 2000s, Chuck did what any information-seeker would do – he Googled. Not only were the competitions ongoing, they were remotely local. In July 2015, Mya competed in her first DockDogs competition at Rivertown Days in Hastings, MN. After a few dabbles with the dock, Mya became increasingly more comfortable retrieving toys from the body of a competitive pool. Mya’s interest in DockDogs was not the only one to peak. Chuck and Lindsay have since adopted two rescue dogs, Ryker and Lexi, who also share

a love for competing aquatically. The couple and their dogs now spend their summer months competing in dock jumping competitions, typically attending 8 to 12 events a year. “We’ve driven about 5000 miles and visited about six or seven different states the last two summers,” Chuck said. According to Chuck and Lindsay Rogers, the performance of their dogs is a minor concern compared to their comfort and satisfaction. “The dogs know no difference in terms of how far or high they jumped, or how fast they swam. We just try to keep it fun for them. Sometimes our dogs won’t want to jump for a variety of reasons and we just have to respect that, and pull them from competition if necessary,” said Rogers. Along with a healthy lifestyle and daily training routine, these competitive canines require a balance between excitement and impulse. A dog that goes crazy for their favorite toy, while maintaining obedience, is an ideal

competitor, according to Rogers. An owner’s top priority should be the mentality of their canine, along with their comfort. “Dog Towns” are a common sight to see at canine aquatic competitions. As Chuck and Lindsay Rogers continue to participate in DockDogs, with the loving help of Mya, Lexi and Ryker, they hope to encourage a healthy and happy lifestyle for their three dogs, while participating in a community of dog-lovers. “At the end of the day these dogs are our pets, some of them came from less than desirable conditions, and I want them to know what it’s like to be a part of a household where they are loved. If my dogs can live long and healthy lives, while continuing to participate in sports, that would be a great accomplishment,” said Rogers. To learn more about the Rogers family story, visit TeamYellowMania. For more information on DockDogs in Wisconsin, visit www.

Drop your pup off at the spot F E S T I V A L








There are few topics of discussion “hotter” than of dogs being left in cars – and few that are so

likely to result in property damage. With that, and the safety of our furry friends, in mind, two Festival Foods locations in Eau Claire now feature “Pup Spots.” When visiting the North Clairemont St. or Mall Drive locations, shoppers can leave their dogs in outdoor kennels, complete with locks, water dishes, and shade, free of charge. Pets can lounge in these safe spots while their people grab groceries, eliminating the need to decide whether to leave a companion at home, or in the car. Visitors are encouraged to avoid leaving animals in the kennels, which are available on a first-come, first-served basis, for more than 15 minutes. Visiting animals should be up-to-date on vaccinations, for the safety of other animals and people. Kennels are cleaned regularly by store staff as a courtesy to visitors, although water is not provided. –Lauren Fisher



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An opportunity for every animal

E a u Cl a i re Co u nt y H u m a n e A ssociat io n we lco m es n ew execu t ive d i rec to r W O R D S




The Eau Claire County Humane Association (ECCHA) shook paws with their new executive

director, Shelley Janke, in June. Janke served for seven years as the executive director of Memorial Medical Hospital in Neillsville, Wisconsin. Notably, this position was fur-free; however, that’s not to say Janke hasn’t become well-acquainted with animals over the course of her life. “I’ve been involved with different humane associations,” she said. “I really respected the work that they did.” Not to mention, she grew up on a dairy farm in Elmwood, Wisconsin, and has, for most of her life, been a pet owner. “I’ve always had dogs and cats in my life as pets, so it just felt like a really good fit,” Janke said of the position. The mission of the ECCHA is a simple but important one: To give an opportunity to every animal that comes through their doors. An “open admission” policy ensures that all animals are accepted, regardless of breed, health, or temperament. Programs are intended to support animals throughout their lives, with initiatives that include discouraging the declawing of cats, reducing euthanasia, and ending animal homelessness. In 2016, the ECCHA took



in 1,152 strays, 907 of which were adopted, according to their website. But the ECCHA doesn’t just take in strays. Employees also educate the community about the needs of our furry friends. “It’s not just about sheltering animals and adoptions,” Janke said. “We want to help the community learn more about what our organization does and just how they can help with the local pet population.” Unsurprisingly, kids make for a great audience in all things pet-related. Those at the ECCHA participate in outreach with organizations like the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and local elementary schools. So what brought Janke to Eau Claire? “The position just opened up, so it was kind of divine intervention,” she said. In addition to her new gig, Janke is thrilled to be in town because of recent economic growth and development. “I’m looking forward to being a part of that,” she said. “The energy here is really exciting.” According to Janke, the ECCHA is no exception: “This position and this organization has experienced so much growth in the past 5 to 10 years,” she said.

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5 things to know about reptile keepers

Dispelling myths about cold -blooded critters and the people who love them W O R D S

1. We aren’t creepy guys who wear eyeliner and live in mom’s basement. (OK, there might be one or two. When I tell someone,

“I own snakes and lizards,” I get very confused looks, as if the person doesn’t understand what I’m saying. Yes, to answer your question, I am a woman and I own things that aren’t warm-blooded or that don’t have legs or that have eight legs. Reptile owners don’t have a generalized look to them. It’s anyone really, even your grandma.

2. We love reptiles as much as we love cats and dogs. Your love

for Fluffy the fat cat is just as real and genuine as someone’s love for their 20-foot albino reticulated python named Cuddles. Reptiles are not everyone’s cup of tea, and we are OK with that. No one is going to make you love something you don’t or judge you for it; just like the people who love reptiles aren’t going to judge you for loving the animals you love. We share the same respect for every animal and all personally love different ones, whether they are cats, dogs, birds, etc. All any reptile owner wants is for their love to be respected. Love is like an opinion; everyone has his or her own to give.

3. We are a community. One of the most interesting things to know about reptile keepers is that we are a very large and passionate community. There is absolutely nothing that I’ve ever experienced that is quite the same as connecting with other reptile keepers. There are shows and events, charity fundraisers, rescues, and even people who dedicate their lives to educating others about our community and our love for our hobby. Once you are a part of that, it’s like you’ve discovered another family. People don’t look at this as just a hobby; it’s their entire world. #reptilesarelife






4. We use education as our weapon. A lot of people are fearful of reptiles, especially snakes. These people either run away and say thing like “that’s disgusting,” avoid them (walking very, very far away from where they are) and say nothing, or they want to kill them. Such fear and lack of understanding threatens this hobby. You need to know that not all snakes you see are venomous, not everything that’s cold blooded is vicious (unlike your ex), and while everything that has a mouth CAN bite, that doesn’t mean it will. Being educated about these things help with the fears you have. It helps you understand. It helps you love.

5. We have strong bonds and an undying passion that we share. Like I said before, we are a

community. We learn together, we argue together, and we enjoy things together. In the world of reptile owners there are bonds made over the passion we all share for animals. Great friends are found in this way of life, whether it be at an expo or in the reptile section of a pet store. I’ve gone through high school and now college, and I’ve found there are few people left who personally talk to me. When it comes to my reptile friends, though, we see or talk to each other frequently. We discuss new morphs or species that we find out about. We grab coffee and talk about breeding projects and what we hope to produce next year. We help each other out with information or tips on how to improve something we’re struggling with. Obviously, we aren’t the perfect family; there is no such thing. We can be a dysfunctional, awful mess. But we still all share the same basic ideas, goals, and passion. We rescue. We educate. We grow.

The writer and her red-tail boa, Salem

A dark-crested gecko, Nyx

“You need to know that not all snakes you see are venomous, not everything that’s cold blooded is vicious (unlike your ex), and while everything that has a mouth CAN bite, that doesn’t mean it will.” PE T PROJ ECT 2018


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• pet st uf f • L I S T I N G S

Bob’s House for Dogs • (715) 878-4505 • • Their main goal is to make senior dogs more adoptable. They provide foster care to senior and special-needs dogs in a kennel-free, home-like environment. The dogs in our care receive loving attention, high-quality food and meticulous healthcare. They give back to the community through a number of programs, reaching out to the elderly and children. Chippewa County Humane Association 10501 County Highway S South, Chippewa Falls • (715) 382-4832 • • The Chippewa Humane Association; also known as the Howard Gibbs Memorial Animal Shelter, seeks to relieve the suffering of homeless companion animals. Dunn County Humane Society 302 Brickyard Road, Menomonie • (715) 2329790 • info@dunncountyhumanesociety. org • The Dunn County Humane Society (DCHS) is dedicated to improving the lives of companion animals in the community and finding permanent and loving adoptive homes for the animals. DCHS promotes the humane treatment of animals and operates as a no-kill facility. Eau Claire County Humane Association 3900 Old Town Hall Rd., Eau Claire • 839-4747 • • The ECCHA has an open admission philosophy, accepting every animal regardless of health, age, breed, or temperament. Open admission is essential to providing shelter and care to the thousands of animals who otherwise have no safe refuge.


Animal Wellness Center of Buffalo Valley 201 Industrial Dr. #1, Mondovi • (715) 926-3836 • • A full-service veterinary medical facility with the best possible medical care, surgical care and dental care for their highly-valued patients. We are committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventative health care and health-related educational opportunities for our clients.

Chippewa Veterinary Clinic 14961 81st Ave., Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-3655 • • chippewavet. com Established in 1902, the Chippewa Valley Clinic is a full-service mixed animal veterinary clinic dedicated to the health and well being of your animals. Also providing grooming and boarding services. Colfax Animal Hospital 411 E. River St., Colfax • (715) 962-3380 • • colfaxanimalhospital. com Offers service for horses, cows, dogs, cats, goats, sheep, llamas, and pigs. Patients are seen by appointment only. Call ahead for emergency services. County Veterinary Hospital 1320 15th Ave., Bloomer • (715) 568-3621 • Caring service for pets and small animals including vaccinations, chip implants, dental work, surgical and more. Eau Claire Animal Hospital 2504 Mall Dr., Eau Claire • (715) 835-5011 • ecah@ • eauclaireanimalhospital. com Providing the best possible medical, surgical and dental care for our highly-valued patients and committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventative health care and healthrelated educational opportunities for our clients. Voted the best veterinary clinic in the Volume One Best of the Chippewa Valley Reader’s Pool since 2014. Four Paws, Five Treasures LLC (At Oakwood Hills Animal Hospital) 4616 Commerce Valley Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 835-0112 • • Featuring integrative veterinary medicine, acupuncture and traditional Chinese veterinary medicine. Kindness Animal Hospital 1902 Hallie Road, Chippewa Falls • (715) 834-9201 • • kindnessah. com Services dogs, cats, rabbits, pocket pets, reptiles and birds. Call ahead for urgent/emergency care. Offers discounts to some local area rescue groups. Lake Wissota Animal Hospital 16780 County Highway X, Chippewa Falls • (715) 726-8811 • lakewissotaanimalhospital. com Offer a full range of premium veterinarian services to ensure your beloved pet is in full, functioning health. Also offers boarding services.

Ark Animal Hospital 2914 Mondovi Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 834-3221 • Find it on Facebook The Ark is a full-service veterinary care facility committed to providing pets and their owners with the finest veterinary care possible.

Northside Pet Hospital 1727 Western Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 835-0761 • info@ • northsidepethosp. com Providing a variety of veterinarian services, plus grooming, boarding, plus end-of-life animal care.

Brakken Veterinary Clinic 2215-A Schneider Ave., Menomonie • (715) 235-8404 • brakkenveterinaryclinic. com Brakken Veterinary Clinic has been taking care of companion animals great and small since 1995. Services offered include preventative medicine, internal medicine, surgery, dentistry, emergency care, and more.

Oakwood Hills Animal Hospital 4616 Commerce Valley Road, Eau Claire • (715) 835-0112 • • oakwoodhillsanimalhospital. com A full service veterinary hospital and boarding service for the communities of Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls, and Altoona for over 35 years.

Cadott Animal Clinic 504 E. Chippewa St., Cadott • (715) 289-4241 • Offering a wide range of veterinary services to keep your pets feeling their best. Veterinarian Dr. Susan Schuette provides expert veterinary care in a fun and friendly atmosphere.






Riverview Animal Hospital 475 Chippewa Mall Dr. Ste 442, Chippewa Falls • (715) 861-5535 • riverviewanimalhospital. net Full service, small animal veterinary hospital providing medical, surgical, dental care, grooming, and acupuncture. Voyaging Vet Tech Services • (715) 8614676 • Offering in-house wellness exams, vaccines, nail trim, hospice care, and home euthanasia. See all of their services and packages online.

Painted Pony Equine Service N3302 630th St., Menomonie • (715) 664-8140 • • Preventative, medical, surgical, lameness and dentistry services for horses. Offers select dog and cat services as well (preventative care, neutering, and medical services). PE T PROJ ECT 2018

Westgate Animal Hospital 2135 N. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 834-7538 • mywestgateanimalhospital. com Providing physical exams, vaccinations, senior pet care, surgery, dental care, grooming, boarding, private cremation, and much more. 36

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BREEDERS Birdstone Labradors 6555 Kestrel Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 835-6100 • • birdstonelabradors. com Breeds Labradors that are competitive in the conformation ring, possesses the breed’s classic temperament and intelligence and are sound, healthy dogs. They specialize in AKC Labradors of the English type, large boned, blocky heads and that easy-to-live-with temperament. Cutaway Kennel 8434 County Hwy N, Chippewa Falls • (715) 726-1257 • • cutawayspringer.tripod. com English Springer Spaniels (puppies and pre-trained hunting dogs). They also have on-site boarding for all breeds.

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Lakewood Labradors Altoona • (715) 833-1880 • • Breeds Englishtype Labrador Retrievers. Shiloh Kennels & Stables E8561 530th Ave., Elk Mound • (715) 879-4564 • This family owned dog breeding business breeds Vizsla hunting dogs. They also offer hunting, training, stud services, and boarding. ANDR EA PAULSETH


Animal Wellness Center of Buffalo Valley 201 Industrial Dr. #1, Mondovi • (715) 9263836 • • A full-service veterinary medical facility with the best possible medical care, surgical care and dental care for their highly-valued patients. We are committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventative health care and health-related educational opportunities for our clients.

Bark Avenue Grooming Salon at Tropic Waters 3015 E Hamilton Ave, Eau Claire • (715) 832-0174 • Bark Avenue’s natural shampoos and conditioners are gentle on sensitive skin, all natural, biodegradable, and free of harsh chemicals. Head groomer, Jessie, will ensure a low stress experience, while providing top notch care. Will groom all sizes of dog, and particularly cooperative cats. • chippewavet. com Established in 1902, the Chippewa Valley Clinic is a full-service mixed animal veterinary clinic dedicated to the health and well being of your animals. Also providing grooming and boarding services. Daneville Grooming and Portraits N 3485 390th St., Menomonie • (715) 2351257 • Specializes in grooming dogs under 60 lbs. Portrait services on location or at your home.

Bifrost Farms E2062 930th Ave., Boyceville • (715) 643-2208 • • Provides boarding, canine massage, nutritional counseling, and with prior arrangement can help you with training your canine companion.

Eau Claire Animal Hospital 2504 Mall Dr., Eau Claire • (715) 835-5011 • ecah@ • eauclaireanimalhospital. com Providing the best possible medical, surgical and dental care for our highly-valued patients and committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventative health care and healthrelated educational opportunities for our clients. Voted the best veterinary clinic in the Volume One Best of the Chippewa Valley Reader’s Pool since 2014.

Canine Comfort Inn 2600 S. Broadway St., Menomonie • (715) 235-8669 • Offers boarding, grooming, and training services. Chippewa Veterinary Clinic 14961 81st Ave., Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-3655 •



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emBARK 2109 Fairfax St., Eau Claire • (715) 864-3263 • • More like a date night with your dog, classes at emBARK are informative with a dash of craziness to create an upbeat, positive environment. emBARK also offers grooming services. Foxy Fashions 2208 Heimstead Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 239-5086 • horsedogloveis@ • foxyfashionsdoggroomingllc. Foxy Fashions Dog Grooming offers your pet great service and care, all at a reasonable price. Fur ‘N’ Feathers Pets 1032 Oak Dr., Altoona • (715) 832-6228 • Pet grooming for dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, and small birds. Grooming Hut 121 W. Grand Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 835-2840 • Grooming service in downtown Eau Claire. Happy Pooch Doggie Day Care 2208 Heimstead Road, Eau Claire • MPa-

brought to you in part by • Find this business on Facebook A daycare for dogs. Happy Pooch is a place you can take your dog to have fun while you work, shop, go out of town, or just want a play date for your pooch. Also offers grooming services. Foxy Fashions Dog Grooming LLC will do baths, nails, ears,hair cuts and bows or a bandana to help your dog look and feel great.

canine relaxation massage available. Self-service bathing tub available by appointment.

Northern Paws Pet Lodge 25927 115th Ave., Cadott • (715) 289-4244 • • northernpaws. com Offering rooms and services to make your pet’s “home away from home” a fun and stress-free experience. They specialize in the care of dogs, cats and even critters like birds, ferrets and bunnies.

PetSmart 4142 Commonwealth Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 831-1532 • petsmart. com Petsmart provides a variety of equipment and supplies for dogs, cats, and small animals. Their services include dog training, pet grooming, and pet adoptions.

Northside Pet Hospital 1727 Western Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 835-0761 • info@ • northsidepethosp. com Providing a variety of veterinarian services, plus grooming, boarding, plus end-of-life animal care. Paws & Claws 3820 Old Town Hall Road, Eau Claire • (715) 831-1885 • • Featuring spa quality grooming services and superior quality boarding services complete with specialty suites, home-like kennels, and a swimming pool. Pawsome Lodge Mobile Pet Grooming 2219 1/2 S. Broadway St., Menomonie • (715) 944-4232 • • pawsomelodge. com Cage-free one-on-one grooming, breed trims, special requests, senior dogs and dogs with special needs welcome, pick up/drop off service,

Petco 3731 Gateway Dr., Eau Claire • (715) 832-0200 • Petco provides equipment and supplies for dogs, cats, and small animals. Their services include dog training, grooming, and affordable vaccinations.

834-7538 • mywestgateanimalhospital. com Providing physical exams, vaccinations, senior pet care, surgery, dental care, grooming, boarding, private cremation, and much more.

Claire, including raw, organic, holistic and grain-free options, plus a variety of hunting dog and grooming supplies, bird seed and feeders, plus feeds for smaller pets, hobby farms and much more.


Petco 3731 Gateway Dr., Eau Claire • (715) 832-0200 • Petco provides equipment and supplies for dogs, cats, and small animals. Their services include dog training, grooming, and affordable vaccinations.

Bark Avenue Bakery Eau Claire • (715) 214-4614 • • html Bark Avenue offers a large variety of all natural, homemade dog treats for the four-legged members of your family. Bark Avenue also offers wheat, corn, and soy-free products for those special pups with food allergies. Treats can be ordered online, by phone, or bought at the Eau Claire farmers market on Sundays.

Puckabees Canine Salon 515 S Barstow St., Eau Claire • (715) 514-1003 • Find this business on Facebook • 12+ years of experience and specializing in breed standard cuts, specialized cuts, puppies, cats, large breeds, aggressive animals and the difficult to handle. Puckabee’s uses pet and earth friendly, non-animal tested, products. Reducing carbon ‘pawprints‘ is a priority for them.

Canine Comfort Inn 2600 S. Broadway St., Menomonie • (715) 235-8669 • Offers boarding, grooming, and training services. Leerburg (Dog Training) Video & Kennel 406 Technology Dr W, Menomonie • (715) 235-6502 • • leerburg. com Purchase training DVDs (over 120) and a variety of dog related equipment including collars, harnesses, vests, muzzles, toys, pens, treats, K9 gear, healthcare and grooming items, books, and much more.

Waggin’ Tails Training Co. & Doggie Daycare N4668 471st St., Menomonie • (715) 235-3188 • • Featuring training classes ranging from puppy and adult training, tricks, walking, agility and behavior, plus daycare (no overnight care), nail trims, washes and spa treatments, plus a retail area with leaders, collars, leashes, treats, toys and more.

Pet Food Plus 2819 E Hamilton Avenue, Eau Claire • (715) 835-5733 • info@ • Featuring the largest selection of premium dog and cat food in Eau

Westgate Animal Hospital 2135 N. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • (715)

PetSmart 4142 Commonwealth Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 831-1532 • petsmart. com Petsmart provides a variety of equipment and supplies for dogs, cats, and small animals. Their services include dog training, pet grooming, and pet adoptions. Pic-a-Pet Plus 2421 Hwy 25 North, Menomonie • (715) 235-4363 • Pic-A-Pet Plus offers a variety of pets, supplies, food, and grooming opportunities. ProbioticSmart LLC • (888) 873-9719 • Based in the Menomonie area, ProbioticSmart is a one-stop shop for pet food, information, networking and more. The online store provides dog, cat and horse owners with high-quality natural products that keep their pets healthy through proper nutrition and proper digestive balance. Waggin’ Tails Training Co. & Doggie Daycare N4668 471st St., Menomonie • (715) 235-3188 • • Featuring training classes ranging from puppy and adult training, tricks, walking, agility and behavior, plus daycare (no overnight care), nail trims, washes and spa treatments, plus a retail area with leaders, collars, leashes, treats, toys and more.


Animal Wellness Center of Buffalo Valley 201 Industrial Dr. #1, Mondovi • (715) 926-3836 • • A full-service veterinary medical facility with the best possible medical care, surgical care and dental care for their highly-valued patients. We are committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventative health care and health-related educational opportunities for our clients. Bifrost Farms E2062 930th Ave., Boyceville • (715) 643-2208 • • Provides boarding, canine massage, nutritional counseling, and with prior arrangement can help you with training your canine companion. Canine Comfort Inn 2600 S. Broadway St., Menomonie • (715) 235-8669 • Offers boarding, grooming, and training services. Chippewa Veterinary Clinic 14961 81st Ave., Chippewa Falls • (715) 723-3655 • • chippewavet. com Established in 1902, the Chippewa Valley Clinic is a full-service mixed animal veterinary clinic dedicated to the health and well being of your animals. Also providing grooming and boarding services. Cozy At Home Pet Sitting Service Eau Claire • 715-835-1930 • Your pet stays cozy at your home. Avoid stress, your pet will be happy when you get home. Eau Claire Animal Hospital 2504 Mall Dr., Eau Claire • (715) 835-5011 • ecah@ • eauclaireanimalhospital. com Comfortable boarding dog suites and cat condos with convenient pick up times. Includes high quality food, close monitoring, raised beds, and more. Dogs are walked in exercise yard four times per day. emBARK 2109 Fairfax St., Eau Claire • (715) 864-3263 • PE T PROJ ECT 2018


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• More like a date night with your dog, classes at emBARK are informative with a dash of craziness to create an upbeat, positive environment. emBARK also offers grooming services. Happy Pooch Doggie Day Care 2208 Heimstead Road, Eau Claire • MPacovsky@ • Find this business on Facebook A daycare for dogs. Happy Pooch is a place you can take your dog to have fun while you work, shop, go out of town, or just want a play date for your pooch. Also offers grooming services. Foxy Fashions Dog Grooming LLC will do baths, nails, ears,hair cuts and bows or a bandana to help your dog look and feel great. K-9 Country Club 10055 County Hwy K, Cadott • (715) 382-4562 • k-9countryclub@ • Find this business on Facebook HERE Jolie Wittrock’s boarding facility is at her home, offering the advantage to be with the pets at all times. Any kind of routine patrons have with your pet can be replicated. Lake Wissota Animal Hospital 16780 County Highway X, Chippewa Falls • (715) 726-8811 • lakewissotaanimalhospital. com Offer a full range of premium veterinarian services to ensure your beloved pet is in full, functioning health. Also offers boarding services. Northern Paws Pet Lodge 25927 115th Ave., Cadott • (715) 289-4244 • • northernpaws. com Offering rooms and services to make your pet’s “home away from home” a fun and stress-free experience. They specialize in the care of dogs, cats and even critters like birds, ferrets and bunnies.


Northside Pet Hospital 1727 Western Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 835-0761 • info@ • northsidepethosp. com Providing a variety of veterinarian services, plus grooming, boarding, plus end-of-life animal care.

Ann Braue’s Canine Training Banbury Place - Building 6, Suite #1, 800 Wisconsin Street, Eau Claire • • Offers classes for puppies, beginning, and intermediate obedience, foundations for agility and advanced agility, and personal training.

Oakwood Hills Animal Hospital 4616 Commerce Valley Road, Eau Claire • (715) 835-0112 • • oakwoodhillsanimalhospital. com A full service veterinary hospital and boarding service for the communities of Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls, and Altoona for over 35 years.

Bifrost Farms E2062 930th Ave., Boyceville • (715) 643-2208 • • Provides boarding, canine massage, nutritional counseling, and with prior arrangement can help you with training your canine companion.

Paws & Claws 3820 Old Town Hall Road, Eau Claire • (715) 831-1885 • • pawsandclawstotaldog. com Featuring spa quality grooming services and superior quality boarding services complete with specialty suites, home-like kennels, and a swimming pool.

Canine Comfort Inn 2600 S. Broadway St., Menomonie • (715) 235-8669 • Offers boarding, grooming, and training services.

Rude Dog U & K9 Dorms 2251 Eastridge Center, Eau Claire • (715) 833-1880 • • rudedogu. com Featuring classes for obedience, agility, rally, conformation, show, hunting, and canine good citizen, for multiple levels (beginner to advanced). Private training available. The K-9 Dorm provides premium boarding options.

emBARK 2109 Fairfax St., Eau Claire • (715) 864-3263 • • More like a date night with your dog, classes at emBARK are informative with a dash of craziness to create an upbeat, positive environment. emBARK also offers grooming services. Leerburg (Dog Training) Video & Kennel 406 Technology Dr W, Menomonie • (715) 235-6502 • • Purchase training DVDs (over 120) and a variety of dog related equipment including collars, harnesses, vests, muzzles, toys, pens, treats, K9 gear, healthcare and grooming items, books, and much more.

Waggin’ Tails Training Co. & Doggie Daycare N4668 471st St., Menomonie • (715) 235-3188 • • Featuring training classes ranging from puppy and adult training, tricks, walking, agility and behavior, plus daycare (no overnight care), nail trims, washes and spa treatments, plus a retail area with leaders, collars, leashes, treats, toys and more.



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Paws on Positive Dog Training W. 573 US Hwy 10, Mondovi • (715) 926-6199 • Find this business on Facebook With over 35 years experience, Paws On is dedicated to helping people live happier lives with their dogs and helping dogs to live happier lives with their people. Featuring puppy, family dog, agility, and pulling training. Petco 3731 Gateway Dr., Eau Claire • (715) 832-0200 • Petco provides equipment and supplies for dogs, cats, and small animals. Their services include dog training, grooming, and affordable vaccinations. PetSmart 4142 Commonwealth Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 831-1532 • petsmart. com Petsmart provides a variety of equipment and supplies for dogs, cats, and small animals. Their services include dog training, pet grooming, and pet adoptions. Rude Dog U & K9 Dorms 2251 Eastridge Center, Eau Claire • (715) 833-1880 • • rudedogu. com Featuring classes for obedience, agility, rally, conformation, show, hunting, and canine good citizen, for multiple levels (beginner to advanced). Private training available. The K-9 Dorm provides premium boarding options. Waggin’ Tails Training Co. & Doggie Daycare N4668 471st St., Menomonie • (715) 235-3188 • • Featuring training classes ranging from puppy and adult training, tricks, walking, agility and behavior, plus daycare (no overnight care), nail trims, washes and spa treatments, plus a retail area with leaders, collars, leashes, treats, toys and more.

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