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Neighbors People SHE’S A RINGER
DID YOU KNOW THAT WE ARE LIVING AMONG A WORLD HORSESHOE PITCHING CHAMPION? In fact, Sarah Chaffee of Chippewa Falls won her first Junior World Championship in 2019 at the age of 12, and a second last year. Now, she is competing for her another title – this time competing against adults – after ranking first in the world for women’s horseshoes.
In her early childhood, Sarah enjoyed watching her dad pitch horseshoes. Thinking the sport was pretty cool, she wanted to give it a try. So, at a mere 7 years of age she pitched her first horseshoe and was hooked! Though it didn’t come naturally, after a lot of frustration, her determination and competitive nature kept her going. After a year of practice, she started to compete – winning her first State Championship at 9 years old, kicking off her horseshoe champion career.
“I love playing horseshoes because it is the perfect balance of competition and making new friends that last a lifetime,” Chaffee said. “You go to these tournaments and you play and compete against other people, but after the tournament, these people are some of the best friends ever, and you meet so many different people from this sport.”
The 2022 World Tournament is happening right now, between July 11-23, and Chaffee is currently holding her own at second place with a 9-1 game score. The final championship will be Saturday, July 23.
In addition to horseshoes, Sarah plays golf and basketball at Chi-Hi. You may even see her on the golf course with her dad, or if you’re more interested in witnessing her horseshoe skills, you can catch her pitching at the Eau Claire Horseshoe Club located in Carson Park. They pitch Tuesdays at 6:30pm throughout the summer.

BEAVER CREEK RESERVE WAS CHOSEN BY THE AMANDA GEISSLER MEMORIAL FOUNDATION for its latest social media fundraising event, running from July-August. The Amanda Geissler Memorial Foundation honors late Thorp native Amanda Geissler, whose passion for educational opportunities for women and children left such an impact, friends and family began the nonprofit after her passing. Geissler’s passion for education began after her experience volunteering in a kindergarten classroom in Ghana, Africa. That dedication grew as she continued mentoring young girls in Milwaukee and Minneapolis, also teaching English to women and children internationally in Peru . The foundation, alongside nonprofit Pencils of Promise, has successfully built two schools in Geissler’s honor. Another ongoing project the foundation does is their “Social Media event” fundraiser. The Beaver Creek Reserve fundraiser began on July 1 and will continue through Aug. 30. To participate, all you need to do is visit Beaver Creek or any state or national park, snap a picture of yourself outdoors there, and send the photo to the foundation’s Facebook page or email, amandageisslerfoundation@gmail.com. The foundation will donate $20 to Beaver Creek for every photo received! Learn more about the Amanda Geissler Foundation on their website, amandageisslerfoundation.com, and visit Beaver Creek’s online at beavercreekreserve.org.
–McKenna Scherer