EMILY BALOW, OWNER OF DRAGONFLY FITNESS & TRAINING, HAS BEEN FOCUSING HER CLASSES ON TRADITIONAL POLE DANCING FOR SEVERAL YEARS. Upon discovering Polga at a Chicago conference, she instantly knew that it was something missing from the Eau Claire area’s fitness scene. After getting certified, Balow and a friend, Tara Graff, are ready to get the community in the studio to try some new (and familiar) moves.

“Students won’t need to fret (that) they’ll be asked to hang upside down, do any crazy spins or routines, or practice in stilettos like in more traditional pole classes,” they said. “While those things can be super fun, and certainly challenging physically, Polga is accessible to all!” Polga emphasizes the fusion of pole fitness and yoga, using the pole as a prop to facilitate deeper stretches and different strength exercises.
“It’s amazing how much more deeply you’re able to stretch your muscles by using the pole
to push, pull, and just grip as you need to for a little balance assist,” they said. Emphasizing flexibility as the pole guides deeper stretches, Polga aims to help ensure greater mobility inside and outside of the gym. Folks can expect to see traditional yoga moves, such as downward dog, three-legged dog, and bridge pose, to be a bit reimagined. The pole is there to help guide the movement deeper than without it.
As the only two Polgacertified instructors in the city, they’re hoping that the excitement of something new and the sassiness that Polga brings encourages women and men to come in the doors. Classes will kick off every Tuesday and every other Sunday in January.
“We like to incorporate some playfulness in the poses, a little bit of sexy on the playlist, that sort of thing,” she said. “People love having a safe outlet to express themselves or move their bodies in a new way.”
Interested “Polgans” can access a specially priced 6-pack of classes online for a limited time. Learn more or book a session at dflyfit.com.
with 30 years of experience, this yoga instructor has brought her expertise back to the Chippewa Valley words by barbara arnold • photo by andrea paulseth

Born and raised in Eau Claire’s Shawtown neighborhood, the daughter of two teachers, Barb returned recently because “Eau Claire is home to me.” For the past half-century she has logged thousands of miles across the nation, living in numerous cities and states.
She is a daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, friend, Army veteran, registered nurse, wife, mom, certified yoga teacher, aunt, step-daughter, orphan, divorcee, and grandmother. Barb is proud to have served as a U.S. Army medic in the hospital and clinics at Fort Carson, Colorado –valuable experience for earning her nursing degree from UW-Eau Claire.
Throughout Barb’s life, yoga has been her constant. She first got a taste of eastern philosophy in high school when she took a course in transcendental meditation (TM) in Eau Claire, which also introduced her to yoga. The TM movement and other gurus coming to the U.S. helped bring yoga to the West, and after moving to Silicon Valley with her then husband, she took up Hatha Yoga – or physical
yoga – in 1993 to help with the stress of being a busy mom of three young children. After Barb studied Hatha Yoga for a year, her teacher called upon her to teach yoga classes, and she has been doing so ever since as the field of teaching yoga has evolved.
As a registered nurse and certified yoga instructor, Barb’s mission is to help students explore how yoga can be a tool for health and well-being. With extensive background in the philosophy and history of yoga, she blends her knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and body mechanics with the science and art of yoga. In the 30 years, she has taught thousands of classes and taken thousands of classes as part of her study of yoga. Her primary training is in a branch of Hatha Yoga called Iyengar Yoga, an alignment-based approach with the use of props and modification when needed. Barb specializes in
assessing individual needs and giving safe adjustments with permission or upon request. She offers opportunities to explore breathing and meditation techniques and the movement of energy throughout the body.
“I come from a wellness perspective on health, and to me, yoga is a way for people to integrate wellness – mind, body, and soul – into their daily lives,” she shared in a recent interview after leading a class at the Chippewa Valley YMCA in downtown Eau Claire. “Adapting yoga to suit the needs of the individual person is where the true greatness of yoga lies.”
Standing at the head of a large exercise room, a beautiful smile on her face and glowing from within, her petite stature reflects her 30 years of daily yoga practice. Barb’s intention is to offer a posture or pose that starts the class in a mindful way. She begins each session with a brief, quiet med-
itation, and in the background harp and chime-like sounds come from a Chakra Suite CD. As she moves through various poses leading the class of 10, her calm and compassionate voice emphasizes that yoga is not competitive, each person does what they can when they can, depending on their own flexibility. At the end, the class closes with “namaste.”
Her students consider her a yogini, the feminine form of a yogi, or someone who adopts yoga into day-today life and commits to the practice to maintain a level of adeptness. After class, one student comments on how fast the hourlong class went by, living in the present moment. Another thanks her for suggesting doing one particular pose while watching TV or brewing coffee in the morning. Incorporating yoga into his daily routine had never occurred to him.
Which is precisely Barb’s gift: providing her students with options on how to incorporate yoga into their daily lives … just as she has for the past 30 years.
For additional information, please reach out to the Chippewa Valley YMCA and Latitude 44 Yoga Studio, where Barb Blum is currently teaching.
three tips from an Eau Claire native and registered dietician to enjoy your holidays – and food – to the fullest words by isabel markowski

IT OR NOT. It’s in every greeting with family during the holidays (“You look good, did you lose weight?”), every Google search with a side-page headline for juice “detoxes,” every workout completed in order to “earn” food. It’s everywhere, especially during the holidays: diet culture.
While this “health” focus may seem good on the surface, diet culture has infiltrated daily life and sits at the core of society’s claim that thinness is morally good, that fatness – in any form – is sinful, and that the only way to be happy is to get thin through short-term, magical solutions.
Diet culture is a $72 billion industry, with an estimated 45 million Americans dieting every year. Yet, research shows that dieting doesn’t work, and that 95% will regain all the weight back in one to five years. In addition, falling short of these unrealistic expectations can lead to significant mental health and eating disorder behaviors. Diet culture label or not, tying appearance and weight with morality in the guise of “health” permeates people like the bitter cold of Chippewa Valley winters: long-lasting and to the bone.
But this is the holiday season, so how do we celebrate, be with people we love, and just be happy?
Look up common phrases and behaviors. Identify so you can pause
and evaluate if demonizing a cookie is really leading to the misery that diet culture wants you to think it will, or if the real misery is ignoring life, your body, and something delicious.
This is a deceivingly difficult task, especially as the body initially recalibrates from a restricted, craving state (prone to overeating and elevated levels of stress). However, when we rebuild our self-intuition, food turns back into just food and we can honor our own needs over a set of external rules made with money, not us, in mind.
Your health is not determined by one thing you ate. It’s a multitude of factors that you can’t always control like where you live, your job, genetics, etc. There’s also a relearning of a whole relationship here. Meaning, take the steps to heal from and guard against diet culture, but give yourself enough wiggle room and forgiveness to remember the goal: happiness.
Isabel Markowski, RDN, LDN, was born and raised in the Chippewa Valley before earning a degree in nutritional sciences and environmental studies at UW-Madison. She is now the operations manager at Common Pantry, Chicago’s oldest continually operating food pantry.


FLU AND RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS (RSV) ACTIVITY LEVELS IN EAU CLAIRE COUNTY AND WISCONSIN HAVE INCREASED over the past few weeks, reaching levels higher than usual for this time of the year. The Eau Claire CityCounty Health Department encourages the community to take several steps while these respiratory viruses are circulating at high levels: Stay home when you feel sick.
• Get up to date on flu and COVID-19 vaccines, including a COVID-19 booster dose if you’re eligible.
• Get tested if you have symptoms.
• Wash your hands often.
“It’s especially important to take
these steps before coming in close contact with people who are more likely to get seriously sick from the flu and RSV. That includes children younger than 1, people 65 and older, and people who are immunocompromised,” says Rachel Mukai, Communicable Disease Specialist with the health department.
COVID-19 also continues to circulate in our community. While Eau Claire County’s COVID-19 community level has remained at “low,” the amount of the virus being detected in local wastewater has recently increased.

Everyone who has symptoms of flu, RSV, or COVID-19 should stay
home to stop the virus from spreading, especially if they attend or work in schools, childcare programs, longterm care facilities, hospitals, and other settings where they’re likely to come into close contact with people outside their household. Because flu, RSV, and COVID-19 have similar symptoms, it is very difficult to know which virus you have without testing. Talk to your doctor about getting tested for flu or RSV. COVID-19 tests are widely available.
Cold-like symptoms, like a runny or stuffy nose and sore throat

• Cough
• Low-grade fever or chills
• Shortness of breath Fatigue
• Headache
• Body aches
• Wheezing
• Decreased appetite
• Loss of taste and smell
• Diarrhea
For most people, these respiratory viruses (flu, RSV, and COVID-19) can be managed at home. Get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and people older than 4 months can use fever-reducing medication if needed.
If adults or children have any of the following symptoms, they should seek medical care right away:
• Difficulty breathing
• Chest pain or pressure
Loss of speech or movement Temperature of 103 or higher


3D Fitness 405 Graham Ave, Eau Claire • (715) 514-3110 • 3DFitnessEC@gmail.com • 3dfitness.fit Offering personal training, group fitness classes, nutritional assistance, tanning, and a full open gym.
5th Row Lifting Company 3944 Anderson Drive & 2111 3rd Street (Coming Soon) • 715-4290574 • ryan@5throwlifting.com • 5throwlifting.
com A community-based gym offering personal coaching and small group fitness for individuals, couples, and families. Strength-focused workouts, complemented by cardio in a balanced workout that can be customized for experienced gym rats and beginners.
Anytime Fitness (715) 831-6200 • anytimefitness.com A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training, tanning, nutritional counseling.
Burn Boot Camp 3529 Gateway Dr, Eau Claire • eauclaire@burnbootcamp.com • burnbootcamp.
com Burn Boot Camp has a challenging and transformative 45-minute workout with complete nutritional support, trainer focus meetings, child watch, and more.
Crossfit Chippewa Falls 16 Taylor Street, Chippewa Falls • 715-379-6441 • Allison@ CrossFitChippewa.com • crossfitchippewafalls.
com Offers a casual community of CrossFit enthusiasts with family plans and options for kids and teens. They offer regular classes, small group personal training, and nutritional counseling.
Crossfit River Prairie 3040 Meadowlark Ln Ste 2, Altoona • 715-579-4214 • info@crossfitriverprairie.com • crossfitriverprairie.com Offering group classes, personalized coaching, nutritional guidance, childcare, small class sizes, body scans, and a helpful community.
Dragonfly Fitness & Training 308 North Barstow Street • 715-379-9226 • dflyfit.com Group classes include yoga, weight training, cardio, high intensity circuits, and Pole dance, and an 8-week nutritional guidance course.
Eau Claire Fitness 3225 Lorch Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 552-4570 • eauclaire-fitness.com Personal training, free weights, and machines. Basketball, volleyball, cardio cinema, and pool. Classes in strength/endurance, cardio, body sculpting, pilates, yoga, circuit, spinning, and dance. Nutritional counseling, beverage bar, tanning, pro shop, kids’ services, and spa/sauna.
Empower24Hour Gym 475 Chippewa Mall Dr. Suite 424, Chippewa Falls • 715 861 2004 • workout@empower24hour.com • empower24hour.com A 24 hour gym that offers free weights, treadmills, boot camp, tanning, cable machines, and more.
F45 Eau Claire 1415 Winchester Way, Altoona • f45training.com/easteauclaire/home F45 is a 45-minute functional full-body workout while improving energy levels, metabolic rate, strength, and endurance.
FIRE Fitness Camp Menomonie 1320 Broadway Street N, Menomonie • (715) 309-2668 • firefitnesscamp.com/menomonie FIRE’s training sessions are 30 minutes and use short rest periods with intense resistance.
FitELITE 3420 Mall Drive, Suite 7, Eau Claire • (715) 514-1264 • fiteliteonline.com Offering personal training, 60 minute intense workouts (for beginners or experienced), and nutritional counseling. Their FE60 workouts include cardio, gymnastics, powerlifting, good music, and camaraderie.
Fitness Freedom 60 South Barstow St., Eau Claire • Find it on Facebook Open 24-hours. Open gym, injury rehab, bodybuilding, weight loss, candidate test prep training, nutrition, personal training, strength training, and more.
Highland Fitness Center Eastridge Location: 2221 Eastridge Ctr, Eau Claire • Westridge Location: 2405 Folsom Street, Eau Claire • highlandfitness.com Two open gym locations with services. The Westridge location is open 24 hours with one-on-one training. The Eastridge location has a larger array of cardio machines, and also has group fitness classes and multiple strength circuits.
Machine Shed Fitness 2021 Broadway St S, Menomonie • 715- 308-3837 • machineshedfitness.com A CrossFit club that offers nutritional counseling, small group training, and personal training.
Menomonie Health & Fitness 3019 Schneider Ave. East, Menomonie • (715) 235-6106 • menomoniehf.com Has a focus on wellness packages, including personalized strength & endurance training, group classes (yoga, spin, zumba. etc.), kids services, sauna, and more.
Momentum SportFitness, LLC 2615 London Road Suite B, Eau Claire • (715) 955-4319 • getmo@momentumsport.com • momentumsport. com A group training club that features MoFit, a constantly varied, functional movement fitness class routine done at relatively high intensity using simple body-weight and free-weight movements. They also offer personal training.
Planet Fitness 3015 E Hamilton Ave., Eau Claire • (715) 598-1602 • planetfitness.com/ gyms/eau-claire-wi-1017 A national chain of judgement-free gyms. Basic membership gets you access to a vast array of cardio and weight machines, while the Black Card includes perks like massage chairs, discounts on drinks, hydro massage, infrared light therapy, tanning, and more.
Pure Fitness 4 You 1423 South Hastings Way, Eau Claire • (715) 456-1182 • purefitness4you@ gmail.com • purefitness4you.com Offers a mixture of classes for all fitness levels and strives at making everyone feel welcome and at home. Services offered include PiYo, pound, barre, prenatal barre, defined abs, WERQ, yoga, private sessions, and more.
The Rally Point 6061 Sandstone Road, Eau Claire • 715-514-3525 • therallypointec.com A dedicated Spin Cycle health club with certified spin instructors. Their classes emphasized cardio, strength, balance, flexibility, and plenty of movement.
Savage Fitbox 2228 N Hillcrest Parkway, Altoona • 855-572-8243 • savagefitbox.com Savage Fitness brings energy into your boxing workout by combining our two part boxing and strength training program with an exciting nightclub atmosphere.
Snap Fitness 1320 Broadway St. N, Menomonie • (715) 232-9999 • snapfitness.com/ menomonie A membership gets you unlimited, on-your-own access to a wide array of exercise machinery and free weights. Personal training,
tanning, and open 24 hours. Pay-as-you-go plans available.
YMCA 700 Graham Ave., Eau Claire • 611 Jefferson Ave, Chippewa Falls • 715-836-8460 • cmonson@ymca-cv.org • eauclaireymca.org The YMCA offers an aerobics center, children watch, fitness centers, handball & racquetball courts, indoor running track, pool, outodor field, weight room, teen center, and programming for physical enrichment.

listings by james johonnottYOGA, PILATES, DANCE, AND MORE
Floating Bliss Yoga floatingblissyoga.com Floating Bliss SUP Yoga is a mobile yoga studio that hosts stand-up paddle board yoga. This type of approach to yoga offers a whole new perspective to being fully present in the moment, while enjoying the splendor of floating on water. Can be hired to host private yoga parties.
Habitual Yoga Space 422 Water Street • habitualyogaspace.com Arianne of HYS hosts Yoga, Meditation, Breath-work, and Social Circles classes. She also hosts personalized yoga therapy classes.
Happy Apple Therapy + Yoga + Massage 436 Main Street E, Menomonie • happyappletherapy. com Happy Apple offers an integrative therapy method, focused on healing with personalized counseling. They offer yoga with beginner, vinyasa, meditation, alignment, stretch, and
breathing focuses. They also offer an integrative massage to lower blood pressure and calm fatigued muscles.
Latitude 44 Yoga Studio 313 E. Madison St., Eau Claire • (715) 828-3936 • Amy@Latitude44Yoga.com • latitude44yoga.com Latitude 44 Yoga Studio is the Chippewa Valley’s hot yoga studio. We offer a full class schedule seven days per week, featuring Hot Power Yoga, Beginner Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Kids Yoga, Workshops, and fun events.
Moonrise Aerials Studio Inside Dancers Studio, 800 Wisconsin St. (Ba nbury Place, Building 13 - Room 122), Eau Claire • moonriseaerials.
com Moonrise Aerials offers feminine empowerment through aerial yoga, circus fitness, and flow arts. Co-owners Michelle Anthony and Rachel Duffenbach invite you to explore your creativity, to express yourself through movement. Their staff will give you the tools, space, and inspiration to guide you on this path of self expression.
PRAJNA Pilates 705 S. Barstow Street, Eau Claire • 715-577-5502 • baemmert.com PRAJNA offers a variety of group classes and individual
sessions to assist participants on their wellness journey. Located in downtown Eau Claire, Wisconsin, this studio offers a warm and inviting atmosphere to welcome individuals interested in yoga, pilates, thai yoga and general wellness.
Pure Fitness 4 You 1423 South Hastings Way, Eau Claire • (715) 456-1182 • purefitness4you@ gmail.com • purefitness4you.com Offers a mixture of classes for all fitness levels and strives at making everyone feel welcome and at home. Services offered include PiYo, pound, barre, prenatal barre, defined abs, WERQ, yoga, private sessions, and more.

Sky Yoga 415½ S. Barstow St., Eau Claire • skyyoga.yoga Sky Yoga offers yoga, barre, flexibility, and aerial silks classes for people of all ages and skill levels. Single-class and membership pricing is available. Has an on-site shower room, children’s studios, and other amenities not often found at yoga studios.
The Yoga Room 2839 Mall Dr., Eau Claire • theyogaroomec@gmail.com • theyogaroomec. com Offers a wide variety of yoga classes with options for runners, seniors, beginners, experts, flow classes, restorative yoga, yin, vinyasa, hatha, mommy & me classes, and some of their own unique blended classes.
AKF Martial Arts Academy of Eau Claire 1606 S. Hastings Way, Suite B, Eau Claire • (715) 6138282 • akfeauclaire@gmail.com • martialartseauclaire.com Offering a variety of Kyuki-Do martial arts classes for students of all ages, as young as age 4. Learn martial arts techniques, practical self-defense, and more.
American Taekwondo & Fitness 800 Wisconsin St. (Banbury Place, Building 13 - Suite 5), Eau Claire • (715) 513-9787 • contactatf@atf.nu • atf.nu Their instructors are dedicated to teaching Taekwondo at a reasonable cost, providing knowledge of the martial art, self-confidence, self-defense techniques, and fitness.
Combined Fighting Systems 405 Graham Avenue, Eau Claire • (715) 644-8583 • train-cfs@ charter.net • combinedfightingsystems.com CFS provides instruction on a unique defensive system blends the best of several martial arts to increase its effectiveness when used in street defense. Classes are taught in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
Elite Karate 410 Bay St., Chippewa Falls • (715) 720-9218 • jasondutton@elitekarate.cmasdirect. com • elitekaratestudios.com Karate instruction in both private and group settings focusing on the three core values of honor, discipline, integrity, and respect.
Karate American 3460 Mall Dr., Altoona • (715) 832-6488 • info@karate-american.com • karate-american.com Karate instruction for all ages in both private and group settings. Lessons in Karate, Taekwondo, Judo, and Aikido are available.
Land Shark Martial Arts 2524 Suite B. Golf Road, Eau Claire • (715) 210-5308 • landsharkma.com A traditional Martial Arts school, Land Shark’s focus is on helping to build confidence and learn practical self-defense skills. With a
mixture of traditional and mixed martial arts training classes available, you’ll certainly get a solid foundation and understanding of the discipline.
Menomonie Goju Karate Dojo 1807 Wilson St. # A, Menomonie • (715) 233-9927 • menomoniegoju@hotmail.com • menomoniegoju.com Center for traditional Okinawan Goju Karate. Traditional Non-Sport oriented Karate Dojo focusing on skill building for life. Also offers yoga and Tai-Chi.
One Tree Martial Arts 1417 S. Hastings Way, Ste. B, Eau Claire • (877) ONE-TREE • info@otma. net • facebook.com/OTMAMartialArt Martial arts instruction for all ages in Taekwondo, Hapkido, Jiu-Jitsu, and several other arts. Also offering women’s self-defense and kickboxing classes.
Ronin Fitness 800 Wisconsin St. (Banbury Place, Bld D4 - Suite 209), Eau Claire • roninfitnessmma@gmail.com • roninfitness.net Offers Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for adults and kids, group and personal training, MMA, and Muay Thai kickboxing.
Savage Fitbox 2228 N Hillcrest Parkway, Altoona • 855-572-8243 • savagefitbox.com Savage Fitness brings energy into your boxing workout by combining our two part boxing and strength training program with an exciting nightclub atmosphere.\
QuickHit Fitness Lab 2127 East Ridge Center, Eau Claire • eauclaire.quickhitfit.com QuickHit Fitness Lab offers a 20 minute, full-body workout tailored just for you to burn fat, build strength, and improve bone density. All workouts≠ are one on one. QuickHIt offers a free personal consultation.
Family Tree Nuitrition familytreehealthandwellness.com Provides alternative care that will prevent and reverse disease using the fundamental healing principles of mind-body medicine.
Mission Accomplished S4530 Porterville Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 831-0909 • kim@kimayres. com • missionaccomplishedstudio.com A personal training, coaching, and nutritional counseling service. Their facility offers a private experience.
Mother Nature’s Food 2434 London Rd., Eau Claire • (715) 834-2341 • mothernaturesfood. net Mother Nature’s Food is provides quality fresh, natural, organic and whole foods, nutritional products, body care products and health information in a fun comfortable clean, safe environment.
Physician’s Weight Loss Center 3040 Meadowlark Lane #1, Eau Claire • pwlc.com PWLC have nearly a quarter century of experience working to help people lose excess weight. They feature effective weight loss systems, personalized consultations and reviews, and have developed 150 specialized food, nutrition and weight loss products.
Stucky Chiropractic Center 2105 E. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire • 715-835-9514 • Stucky@ StuckyChiropractic.com • stuckychiropractic. com Stucky hosts an Ideal Protein nutrition and weight management counseling service.
3D Fitness
5th Row Lifting Co.
Anytime Fitness
Burn Boot Camp Crossfit Chippewa Falls
Crossfit River Prairie Dragonfly
Eau Claire Fitness
Eau Claire Sport Warehouse Empower24 Hour
F45 Traingin
FIRE Fitness Camp
FitELITE Fitness Freedom Highland Fitness Machine Shed Fitness Menomonie Health & Fitness
Mission Accomplished Momentum Sport Fitness Planet Fitness
Pure Fitness 4You
Quickhit Fitness Lab
Savage Fit Box
Snap Fitness
The Rally Point
OpenGymPersonalTraining GroupClassesNuitritionWaterAerobics/Pool SpinClassChildcareBootCamp/CrossfitMenomonieEauClaireChippewaFallsAltoona