Opportunities To Volunteer In HD8

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Opportunities to Volunteer in HD8 2012- 2013

Your chance to develop new skills, meet new people and have fun in:

- Clayton West

- Denby Dale

- Emley

- Highburton

- Kirkburton

- Scissett

- Shepley

- Skelmanthorpe

Opportunities To Volunteer In HD8 2012 -2013 First Edition - Published Winter 2012 Produced and published by: Volunteering Kirklees, 15 Lord Street, Huddersfield HD1 1QB Volunteering Kirklees is part of Voluntary Action Kirklees Charity registration number: 1086938 Company registration number: 4115459 For more info visit www.volunteeringkirklees.org.uk, email vk@voluntaryactionkirklees.co.uk or telephone 01484 518457 Volunteering Kirklees is now on Twitter (@vckirklees) and Facebook (facebook.com/volcentrekirklees). Alternatively, search for the latest opportunities online at www.do-it.org.uk Design and content produced by Tom Bailey. Project co-ordinated by Sharron Wilkinson. Images kindly provided by Alan Kitson, Kirkwood Hospice, and WomenCentre. Many thanks to all the organisations featured in this booklet for their time and information. Printed by Document Solutions, Huddersfield. Call 01484 226501 or email document.solutions@kirklees.gov.uk

Contents Getting Started


Volunteer Stories


Latest Opportunities


Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees




Clayton West Scouts / Skelmanthorpe Scout Group


Denby Dale Centre / Kirkburton Hub


Denby Dale Cricket Club


Dialwood Carriage Driving For The Disabled


Emley Village Youth & Community Centre




Flockton Youth Group


Gateway To Care


Girl Guiding


Kirkburton & Highburton Community Association


Kirklees Council Wellbeing & Integration


Kirkwood Hospice


Marie Curie Cancer Care / HD8 Fundraising Group


Savoy Youth


Shelley Community Association


Shepley Conservation Group


Shepley Spring Festival


Ten Villages Conservation Group


Trans Pennine Trail



Getting Started What are YOU doing today?

Looking for something to do with your spare time? Are you interested in doing something positive for yourself and the community and being able to have fun and enjoy yourself at the same time?

Volunteering has got lots to offer... - - - - - - - - -


Build your self-confidence Gain some real skills and experience Improve your career prospects Update your references Get involved in a cause or issue that concerns you Share your interests and hobbies with other people Meet new people and have some fun Gain a sense of satisfaction Become a part of something that really makes a difference


Some of the things you could try include: - Conservation ��������������������� projects ���������������������� - Befriending ������������������� schemes ���������� - Driving ������� ������������������ - Health ��������������� projects �������������� - Fundraising ����������� ����������������� - Women’s �������������� issues ���������������� - Charity ������������� shops ������������������������ - Working ��������������������� with children -�� Office ���������������������������� / administration work ���������������������������������� - Sports, ������������������������������� arts and media projects ���������������������������� - Management ������������������������� committee work �������������������������������� - Giving ����������������������������� advice and information ��������������������������� - Working ������������������������ with the elderly ������������� - Youth ���������� work

Some questions you may be asking yourself What’s in it for me?

Volunteering is a two-way thing - you give some of your time and energy and in return you should be getting something out of it. Whatever your reasons for volunteering, you are more likely to enjoy yourself if you know what you want to achieve.

What have I got to offer?

Everyone has got skills to offer even though you may not realise it. As a new volunteer some of the important things you can offer are your enthusiasm, a regular commitment of your time and energy and your desire to get involved and make a difference. It is also useful to think about what new skills you might want to learn.


How much time can I give?

It’s entirely up to you - whatever fits in your lifestyle. It may be just a few hours once a month or more regularly a few times a week. Voluntary work opportunities are available in the day, during the evenings or at weekends. You could give a regular commitment of your time or get involved in one off events and activities that happen just once a year.

Will it cost me anything to volunteer?

Nobody should be out of pocket as a result of volunteering. Many organisations will refund your out of pocket expenses including travel to and from the place of voluntary work. Remember to ask the organisation about this.

What about my benefits?

Individuals claiming all types of benefits should be able to volunteer without it affecting their claim. You will need to let the Job Centre Plus know that you are volunteering. If you have any questions or concerns about this visit www.gov.uk/volunteering

Would I get any training as a volunteer?

Most organisations do provide some sort of training or preparation to make sure that you are able to do the tasks involved. They should also offer you ongoing support to help you carry on volunteering. Some organisations also offer accredited training for volunteers in specific areas of activity.


How old do I have to be?

Most volunteering opportunities are open to anyone over 18. For more info about Under 18’s volunteering, please contact Volunteering Kirklees.

How can Volunteering Kirklees help you get started? Volunteering Kirklees can provide information on the wide variety of voluntary work available, as well as details (names, addresses, phone numbers) of organisations looking for volunteers and explain the work they do.

We can also help you to decide which kinds of voluntary work you may want to try, and outline what you should expect as a volunteer and what is expected of you.

What do I do now?

If you would like more details or have any further questions about volunteering you can: �������� - Visit ������ www.do-it.org.uk where you can search all our local volunteering opportunities ���������������� - Drop �������������� into the Volunteer Centre in Huddersfield, Tues- Weds, 10am - 3pm Or Dewsbury Library on Thursdays from 10am-1pm �������������������������������������������� - Give ������������������������������������������ us a call at the Volunteer Centre on 01484 518457 �������������������� - Visit ������������������ our website: www.volunteeringkirklees.org.uk ����������������������� - Find ��������������������� us on Facebook: facebook.com/volcentrekirklees ����������������������� - Follow ��������������������� us on Twitter twitter.com/vckirklees ��������������� - Email ������������� us on vk@voluntaryactionkirklees.co.uk


Volunteer Stories

Cathryn Carlyon - Works with volunteers at the Kirkwood Hospice Shop in Denby Dale What is the best thing about working with Kirkwood Hospice? The diversity of people I meet is one of the best things about the job. It sounds cheesy to say it but with the amount of hours our volunteers contribute, it really does restore your faith in humanity. It would be impossible without them and working with them is a great pleasure. Can you share any particularly memorable moments you’ve had with Kirkwood Hospice? Just recently, someone donated a full polar bear skin to us, which was quite surprising. I like to have fun in the shop and dress up in costumes, hats etc. I dressed up as Miss Christmas last year, which went down well with customers. We also had a visit from our local MP and were able to have a good chat with him.


Laraine Davis - Volunteer at the Kirkwood Hospice shop in Denby Dale What types of activities have you been involved in as a volunteer? Everything from working in the shop and dealing with customers, to sorting out which of the many items in the backroom will be put on display in our shop. What do you enjoy most about your role? Generally working in great company and the banter. I have made lots of friends through working at the shop. We all work extremely hard too so it’s great to put in the graft and see the results. Why did you decide to do voluntary work? I was suffering with bouts of depression and needed to do something to help with this. I saw the advert in the shop and wondered what it would be like. I eventually plucked up the courage to apply and have never looked back. Has volunteering provided you with any new skills or knowledge? I had already gained experience in dealing with customers from my previous job in a Post Office, but with the great many items that I have to sort through, I’ve certainly learnt a lot about antiques and a diverse range of items! What message or advice have you got for anyone considering volunteering? I would encourage anyone to try it, no matter how many hours you have spare. Helping in any capacity is great and you’ll undoubtedly make lots of friends along the way.


Latest Opportunities Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees - Day Care Helper About the organisation Providing older people in Kirklees with information, advice, advocacy, support, day care and befriending. About the opportunity A Day Care Helper is needed to assist at the organisation’s day centre that runs at the Derby & Joan Centre, Barrowstead, Skelmanthorpe, on Fridays The role would involve talking to older people, being a good listener and helping with group activities - making those who would normally feel lonely and isolated, instead feel stimulated Volunteers are required Fridays on a part time basis. Training is provided in house. How to apply - Call ��������������������� Lisa Dorward on 01422 252040 - Email ������ enquiries@acck.org.uk


Cameo - Volunteer Drivers About the organisation Cameo provide transport for people unable to use public transport or where there is no public transport in their area. Appointments are mainly GP’s, dentist and opticians. About the opportunity Volunteer Drivers are needed to collect people and take them to their appointments (and then wait to take them home). Volunteers drive their own cars and mainly volunteer in the Denby Dale, Skelmanthorpe, Shepley, Scissett, Kirkburton and Skelmanthorpe areas. They need to be friendly, helpful and have good communication skills. Flexible hours available and travel expenses are provided. How to apply - Call ����������������������� Carol Lockwood on 01484 609122.


Clayton West Scouts - Adult Support / Activity Leaders / Committee Members About the organisation A popular scout group serving the Upper Dearne Valley for children and young people -including Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. The group was revived in the early 1970’s continuing Scouting in Clayton West and Scissett from the 1920’s.They have a long and valuable heritage and hope that Scouting will be a solid part of the local community long into the future. About the opportunity A number of adult volunteers are needed for a variety of roles working with their children and young people. This can include helping to supervise groups and lead activities such as archery, shooting, kayaking, hillwalking and climbing. Committee members are required to attend strategy meetings and help govern the group. There may also be opportunties for volunteers to accompany the scout group on international trips. How to apply - Call Ewan Scott on 01484 864520 - Email ewanscott@btinternet.com - Visit www.claytonwestscouts.org.uk Similar opportunities are also available with Skelmanthorpe Scout Group. How to apply - Email Mark Elliott mdje@sky.com


Denby Dale Centre / Kirkburton Hub - Activity Assistants / Driver / Fundraising / Promotion & Publicity / Receptionist / IT Trainer/ Befriender / Trustee / Gardener About the organisation The Denby Dale Centre aims to be a hub for community action in rural South Kirklees, especially in the development of muchneeded social support for local people. About the opportunities The Centre requires a Volunteer Activity Assistant with a friendly and compassionate manner to welcome and chat to older people, set and clear tables and prepare / serve refreshments. A Volunteer Driver is needed to drive the minibus and provide an accessible service for people (of all ages) within the area who would otherwise find it difficult to attend. Fundraising Team Members and Promotion / Publicity Team Members are required to discuss forthcoming events, help generate new ideas and promote & publicise events. A Volunteer Receptionist is needed to provide a welcoming and friendly reception, and to handle general enquiries in person and over the phone. Volunteer IT Trainers are also required to provide one to one support and training on digital technology for adults. Volunteer Befrienders are needed to visit socially isolated people in their homes and to provide companionship. A Charity Trustee is required to sit on the Board of Trustees and will be responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction the charity. Gardeners are also required. How to apply - Call Allison Searby on 01484 607189 - Email hub.ddc@btconnect.com - Visit www.denbydalecentre.org


Denby Dale Cricket Club - Cricket Club Maker About the organisation 2012 has been tough year for cricket due to the appalling weather. In order to help protect the legacy of this local club and fully prepare for the new season (which starts in April 2013), Denby Dale Cricket Club are looking for a number of new volunteers. About the opportunity Volunteering as a Cricket Club Maker, you can be involved in anything from umpiring, scoring, or assisting at matches, to training, data inputting, reporting on matches, catering/sales, gardening, fundraising and generally assisting with the running of the club. How To Apply - Call Richard Hobson on 01484 861745 - Email richardwilliamhobson@gmail.com


Dialwood Carriage Driving For The Disabled Carriage Helpers / Fundraising Coordinators / Stable Yard Workers / Volunteer Coordinator About the organisation Dial Wood is a small stable yard run by fully trained volunteers with membership of the Riding for the Disabled Association. The group’s objectives are to have fun and offer therapy and sport with ponies to help people’s wellbeing, socialisation and enjoyment. About the opportunities Carriage Helpers are trained to get the ponies ready for a session, and then to assist the Disabled person to get on to the carriage and accompany the drive. A Fundraising Coordinator is required who can co-ordinate fundraising opportunities for the organisation, from grant applications to arranging and attending events like Honley Show, Emley Show etc. Stable yard workers are needed to help clean out the stables and tidy the yard. Duties will also extend to preparing hay and providing clean water. A Volunteer Coordinator is also required to attract volunteers and deal with induction and membership. The role will consist of meeting new volunteers & organising initial meetings with prospective volunteers. How to apply - Call Audrey Honeyman on 01924 849368 - Email audrey.honeyman@virgin.net - Visit www.dialwood.btck.co.uk


Emley Village Youth and Community Centre About the organisation Working to avoid / prevent anti social behaviour and helping to promote community cohesion. About the opportunity Volunteers are required in a variety of areas such as working with children, youth, elderly etc, and are needed at various times and days. How to apply - Call Nadine Cotton on 07738 441797 - Email nc.counselling@yahoo.com

Enviroyouth - Conservation Workers About the organisation Enviroyouth carries out a range of conservation tasks The group is open to anyone within the 14-25 year old age range though there may be some restrictions due to mobility, as some of the sites worked on may prove difficult for those with a physical restriction. About the opportunity Volunteers are needed to carry out a range of conservation tasks, which range from drystone walling and fencing to footpath maintenance and woodland management. An interest in the environment will be an advantageous but no previous experience is needed and all required tools will be provided. How to apply - Call Andy Wickham on 01484 222960 - Email andy.wickham@kirklees.gov.uk


Flockton Youth Group - Youth Group Volunteer / Committee Member About the organisation Engaging local children in purposeful activities in a safe environment that encourage team work and effective communication. About the opportunities Youth group volunteers are need to help in the school holidays, (usually Friday 6pm till 8pm), to encourage or assist the children in arts, crafts and sporting activities, as well escorting children on organised activities around the village at weekends. Would also involve helping to register the children and complete feedback forms. Committee members are required to attend monthly meetings to help plan, organise and offer support for the youth group. The meetings take place at Flockton Green Working Men’s Club. One person would be welcome to do either one or both roles. A CRB check is required. How to apply - Call Susan Lingwood on 01924 840125 - Email susan634@btinternet.com


Gateway To Care - Gateway Volunteer About the organisation Supporting people in remaining independent in their homes. About the opportunity Gateway Volunteers are needed to offer support to individuals and to help them to engage in community activities, enabling individuals to stay independent and active in their community. Will be working with individuals on a 12 week basis, working towards clearly defined goals. How to apply - Call Janet Edmunds or Catherine Bickerstaff on 01484 414774 - Email gatewayvolunteers@kirklees.gov.uk

Girl Guiding- Rainbow, Brownie & Guide Leaders / Fundraisers / Committee Members & Guest Speakers About the organisation Providing a range of activities for girls & young women aged 5+, including Rainbow, Brownie and Guide groups. Activities include arts, crafts, sports and many more. About the opportunity Group Leaders are required to help out taking on a regular commitment working with young people at a local group. Volunteers are also needed to help with tasks such as fundraising, committee work and guest speakers who can share their expertise. All roles required on weekday evenings How to apply - Call Kate Knowles on 01484 860662 - Email ktmknowles1@btinternet.com


Kirkburton & Highburton Community Association - Committee Members / Photographers / Journalists / Project Officers About the organisation The aims of the organisation are principally to manage the village hall, support people in the local community and publish a regular newsletter to keep the community informed. About the opportunities Committee Members are needed to attend committee meetings once a month, where they will contribute ideas towards benefiting the community. The role requires strategic individuals, who can direct the charity towards achieving its goals, have enthusiasm for the local area and community and can provide ongoing commitment. The Association needs Volunteer Photographers and Journalists with an interest in local affairs to give some of their time and expertise to help promote their work. Journalists are needed to write stories for the Association’s literature and photographers are required to produce photos for the newsletter and website. Project officers are also needed to bring adverts together, send out invites as well as plan for future festivals. How to apply - Call Mike Greetham on 01484 607467 - Email mike@greetham.com


Kirklees Council Wellbeing & Integration Respite Services Volunteer About the organisation Supporting adults with Learning Disabilities to take part in fulfilling and interesting activities including music, karaoke, painting & drawing, jigsaws & board games, and outdoor & gardening. About the opportunity Volunteers are required to befriend and help service users participate in the aforementioned activities, as well as help out at fundraising events and group trips. Reliability and flexibility is essential. Based in Shepley. How to apply - Call Janet Edmunds or Catherine Bickerstaff on 01484 414774 - Email gatewayvolunteers@kirklees.gov.uk


Kirkwood Hospice - Volunteer Shop Workers About the organisation Supporting patients and their families alike, Kirkwood Hospice provides specialist care for those living with life threatening illnesses in Kirklees. About the opportunity Volunteer shop workers are required for their shop in Denby Dale. The role involves serving customers, helping with displays and general shop duties. Hours are negotiable within the shop’s opening hours (9am-5pm Monday - Saturdays) How to apply - Call Cathy Carlyon on 01484 861087 - Visit www.kirkwoodhospice.co.uk


Marie Curie Cancer Care / HD8 Fundraising Group - Fundraisers About the organisation Marie Curie Cancer Care provides free, high quality nursing to give terminally ill patients the choice to die at home surrounded by the people and things they love. The HD8 Fundraising group are a new group formed to help support Marie Curie. In August 2012 they held a Tea Party and raised over ÂŁ300. About the opportunity Fundraisers are needed to join the HD8 Fundraising team; to help organise and represent the charity at local events such as supermarket collections, tea parties, quizzes etc. How to apply - Call Claire Priestwood on 01274 386191 - Email claire.priestwood@mariecurie.org.uk - Visit www.mariecurie.org.uk


Savoy Youth - Admin & Reception / Community Cafe / Gardeners / Committee Members About the organisation Savoy Youth & Community Centre offers a range of leisure and sports activities as well as rooms to hire. They are run by volunteers and there are plenty of great opportunities available at the Centre for people who’d like to get involved. About the opportunities Volunteers are always needed to help in the office. Ideal for anyone with or wanting to develop reception and admin skills. Occasional helpers are required for the Community Cafe (cooking /baking) Gardening volunteers will be needed for a new garden project that will be starting in the future There are always opportunities for trustworthy committee members with the skills and time needed to help drive the centre forward. How to apply - Call 01484 862347 - Email any of the following Trustees: Vanessa Marsden vjmarsden@hotmail.com Jonny attitudeacademy@hotmail.co.uk Allan King hinde.e@sky.com


Shelley Community Association - Handy Person / Community Helpers About the organisation The Shelley Community Association works to cover all groups, improve community life for residents of Shelley and manage the village hall. About the opportunity A Volunteer Handy Person is required to help with the maintenance and caretaking of the village hall. Community Helpers are also needed to run local events, sell tickets etc - whether for just one event or with a number of opportunities. Volunteers work towards the social welfare of residents and can be used in any role dependent on their skills and experience. How to apply - Write to Ann Priestman, Shelley Village Hall, Huddersfield Road, Shelley. -Visit www.shelleytimes.org.uk


Shepley Conservation Group - Conservation Volunteers About the organisation Working to improve the woodland area around Shepley Jubilee Memorial. The group meets each Sunday 10.00am to 12 noon. About the opportunity Tasks including cutting back branches, clearing brambles and ground cover, creating footpaths, encouraging wild flowers, and helping to develop a recreational environment. How to apply - Call Robert Edmunds 07952 802580

Shepley Spring Festival - Volunteer Stewards About the organisation Shepley Spring Festival plan and run an annual weekend festival of traditional music, song and dance, attracting a local and national audience. About the opportunity Volunteers are needed to help with general stewarding duties, such as checking tickets, supervising fire exits, carparking, gate control and much more. Ideal for anyone with an interest in traditional music. Must be reliable, polite and friendly. How to apply - Call Nikki Hampson on 01484 604704 - Email nikki@shepleyspringfestival.com - Visit www.shepleyspringfestival.com


Ten Villages Conservation Group - Practical Conservation Volunteers About the organisation The Ten Villages group offer a range of volunteering opportunities and meet once a month on a Saturday morning (usually the first or second weekend of the month). About the opportunity The tasks undertaken are set by the group in coordination with the Denby Dale Parish Countryside Project. These tasks can range from hedge laying and woodland management to footpath maintenance, habitat creation and drystone walling. Tasks alter from month to month, being dependent mostly on the season. Contact the countryside project to see what the current tasks are and which are coming up in the future. Tuition and necessary tools will be provided, so no previous experience is required. How to apply - Call Andy Wickham on 01484 222960 - Email andy.wickham@kirklees.gov.uk


Trans Pennine Trail - Volunteer Rangers About the organisation Working to establish the Trans Pennine Trail as a nationally recognised recreational route for walkers, cyclists and horse riders About the opportunity From Southport to Hornsea and with 350 miles of the Trans Pennine Trail to look after, Volunteer Rangers fill a vital role and act as the organisation’s eyes and ears on the ground, while walking or riding the Trail on a regular basis. A perfect excuse to get out into the countryside (if you need one). As a Volunteer Ranger you will be relied on to deal with minor problems yourself and report major problems so they get dealt with rapidly There are several key tasks for rangers, such as; checking signage including reporting missing signs and sometimes putting up temporary ones, keeping an eye on vegetation and cutting back overhanging branches and brambles, monitoring and reporting potholes and other hazards, organising workdays, helping with fundraising, organise guided walks and rides or maybe get involved with the local biodiversity. Trans Pennine Trail’s volunteer scheme works in conjunction with Sustrans the Sustainable Transport Charity. How to apply - Call Trans Pennine Trail Office on 01226 772574 - Email info@transpenninetrail.org.uk - Visit www.transpenninetrail.org.uk Alternatively contact the local group covering Penistone to Dunford Bridge direct: How to apply - Call Kate Dobson on 01484 865852 / 07704333445 - Visit www.tptcv.btck.co.uk


Opportunities to Volunteer in HD8 2012-2013 Your guide to the latest opportunities in Denby Dale & the surrounding areas. Includes tips and FAQs about getting started as a volunteer, and everything you need to know about the latest local opportunities.

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