Third Sector Leaders Kirklees Membership Details 2012 / 2013 Who We Are Third Sector Leaders Kirklees speaks on behalf of not-for-profit organisations and charities which support individuals and communities across Kirklees.
Our Vision We aim to provide innovative solutions and opportunities for participating in civic society which extend opportunity, reduce inequality and builds resilient individuals and communities.
Our Mission We will do this by: • Developing a strong committed membership of those leading voluntary and not-for-profit organisations • Taking the lead on developing and delivering an effective Third Sector strategy • Engaging with key decision makers on strategic issues • Providing input to strategic reviews and commissioning processes • Facilitating consortium and partnership bids, where appropriate • Consulting with members, communities, partners and other stakeholders • Challenging existing practice and being willing to accept challenge
Value and Impact We will use the following as indicators of our success: • Provision of a strong collective voice & influence on key issues facing the Third Sector • Greater recognition of the sector as a key provider to local people • A greater share of future resources accessed for service provision by Third Sector organisations in Kirklees • A greater understanding of local need • An enhanced ability within the sector to actively address future challenges
Benefits of Membership Full Members
Associate Members
TSL Members email updates
TSL mailing list
Information about personal development via training courses
Free access to TSL events / conferences
Free access to wider sector events
Free networking opportunities
Invites to TSL Member meetings
Voting rights
Opportunities to represent TSL in meetings with Yes local authority Representation from TSL in local authority Yes meetings
Your organisation linked to on Third Sector Leaders Kirklees website
Communication / Information
Events / Conferences
Member Meetings
Third Sector Leaders Kirklees is for individuals who work for a charity or not-for-profit organisation: that are based in or have a regional presence in Kirklees. The organisation MUST provide services within Kirklees. Nominated individuals must have decision-making authority on behalf of their organisation in order to fully participate at Third Sector Leaders Kirklees meetings.
Become A Member To remain independent of any Council / Government financial support, the group relies on generating funding through membership. Fees will be used to cover the running costs of Third Sector Leaders Kirklees and must be paid upon application.
Full Membership Third Sector Leaders Kirklees is about inclusion, not exclusion. Therefore the annual membership fees have been set on a sliding scale to match your charity’s / not-for-profit organisation’s full previous year financial income. £25 annual fee for organisations with previous year income of up to £100,000 £50 annual fee for organisations with previous year income between £100,000 and £250,000 £100 annual fee for organisations with a previous year income between £250,000 and £500,000 £250 annual fee for organisations with a previous year income above £500,000
Associate Membership Free membership for individuals working for organisations not eligible to become full members; i.e. private and public sector organisations, but may have an interest in the Third Sector. Associate membership is also available to groups who cannot afford to pay a membership fee. Associate Membership does not offer the benefits of paid membership. Associate Members will be welcome at wider sector events, however they may be required to pay additional attendance fees.
Membership Payments This year Third Sector Leaders Kirklees will accept payment of Membership Fees via standing order (in either one annual, two bi-annual or four quarterly payments). For full details about payment by standing order please refer to our standing order payment form. Members can still pay fees by cheque (in one annual payment only), although we would prefer payment by standing order if possible.
Membership Application Form 2012 / 2013 Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS and return to the following address:
Third Sector Leaders Kirklees, c/o Voluntary Action Kirklees, 15 Lord Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1QB. Individuals wishing to pay for Full Membership by standing order should also complete our standing order payment form (and return it to their bank). Individual’s wishing to pay by cheque should make it payable to Third Sector Leaders Kirklees and send it to TSL along with this application form.
Your Details Title:
First Name:
Email Address: Telephone Number:
Your Organisation Organisation Name: Address: Postcode: Registered Charity Number (If applicable) Type of Membership applying for (Please tick ONE of the following): Full Membership
Associate Membership
Organisation’s previous year financial income (Please tick ONE of the following): Up to £100,000
£100,000 - £250,000
£250,000 - £500,000
Above £500,000
Reasons for joining Third Sector Leaders Kirklees (Please tick AS MANY as applicable) Info & Mailings
TSL Meetings
Events / Networking
Influence & Representation