Volunteer Opportunities for Teens Fall 2011

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V O L U N T E E R O P P O R T U N I T I E S F A L L 2 0 11


The Volunteer Center Serving Howard County

Making a Difference for10Years!


10221 Wincopin Circle Columbia, MD 21044 410-715-3172 Info@VolunteerHoward.org VolunteerHoward.org Facebook.com/VolunteerHoward

September 13, 2011 Dear Youth Volunteer, Thank yo ou for your interest i in making m a diffeerence in ouur communitty! By choossing to volunnteer you will not n only ben nefit those you y serve – your y commuunity will bennefit and so will you. No ow is the time to join the national n youth service movement. m W We know that you are bbusy; we remembeer what it was w like in middle and higgh school. Beetween sporrts, clubs, baand, homewo ork, friends, family fa and reeligious obliggations, life can c be prettyy hectic. Wee’re not asking you to drrop everythin ng in your liffe, we’re askking you to take t a little ttime to makee a big differrence! Volunteeering can be fun. This guide was desiigned to helpp you find ann opportunitty that is rigght for you. The T guide is presented alphabeticall a y by agency name. We ssuggest that you read all of the entries, though – you never know what new interessts you mightt discover! Volunteeering is someething anyon ne can do. Evvery person has skills annd abilities thhat they can share witth non-profit organizatio ons. When you y find an o opportunity that looks innteresting, contact the t agency directly. d If yo ou have trouble finding s omething thhat interests you, please feel free to caall us at the Volunteer Center C for additional sugggestions orr updates. We challlenge you to o try someth hing new, do something unfamiliar, ddiscover a neew skill or a career th hat you migh ht want to pu ursue, meet new peoplee, learn abouut yourself and others, hhave fun and change c lives! Sincerelyy,

The Volunteeer Center Servving Howard Couunty Staff

Show your su upport of the Volun nteer Center by visiting our page on n Facebook and cli cking on "Like" orr following us on Twitter!

Volunteerr Opportunity Updates: y volunteer opportunities th hat we receive aafter our deadliine! Don’t misss out on great youth

Visit ourr website at www.volunteerh w howard.org and d click on thee calendar too learn aboutt additional oonetime or ongoing o volu unteer opporttunities, check the key w word search, or visit the Y Youth page for updated information. i . Thank you for your inteerest in makking a differeence.

Youth Volunteers Why Volunteer? Meet new people Ð Learn new skills and gain experience Ð Develop and share skills that you already have Ð Learn about local social issues Ð Help make a difference in your community Ð Enhance job and college applications Ð Include experiences on academic or professional resumes Getting started

Pick an issue – what interests you? What changes would you like to see in your community? What are your skills? What would you like to learn? What makes you think, “That’s not fair!”? Participate in a volunteer opportunity offered through a local agency

Create a project • Learn to listen to the community – what is the need? • Learn about what is already available in the community – work in partnership with existing programs so that you don’t duplicate efforts. • Locate an agency with which to partner using resources available through the Volunteer Center such as the Volunteer Opportunities for Youth Guide or online listings of local agencies. • Plan your project using resources available through your school, group and/or the Volunteer Center. • Implement the project. • Reflect on the experience (What? So what? Now what?). • Evaluate the experience (What worked? What didn’t?).

• Locate an agency or project using resources available through the volunteer center, which you can access by registering, using the calendar or search box on the website, viewing the Volunteer Opportunities for Youth Guide, or visiting the Youth Page (ex: National Youth Service Day). • Contact the agency directly. • Request an orientation to the issue when you go to volunteer. • Request training as needed. • Reflect on your experience (What? So what? Now what?). • Evaluate the experience. (What worked? What didn’t?).

Frequently Asked Questions I can’t find any volunteer opportunities for young people in Howard County! The Volunteer Center Serving Howard County provides resources to help young people find volunteer opportunities in our community. The Volunteer Opportunities for Teens guide is updated 3 times a year and includes close to 40 local non-profit and governmental agencies seeking young volunteers. The guide includes minimum age requirements, contact information, and descriptions of available opportunities. It is available online at www.volunteerhoward.org or you can contact the center for a free copy. There is also an online calendar and a search box on the website where young people can search for one-time or ongoing opportunities, as well as a youth page that spotlights recognition opportunities and opportunities related specifically to young volunteers. I’ve found an opportunity/agency - what do I do next? Contact the agency directly to determine what volunteer opportunities are available, to ask questions, and to find out when and how you can get started as a volunteer. We’ve included a sample script on the other side of this sheet. You and your parent/guardian should feel comfortable with the agency that you select, so do not be afraid to ask questions or for your parents/guardians to ask questions. For younger volunteers, there may be opportunities for you to volunteer at a local agency with your parent/guardian. I’ve found some opportunities but none of them appeal to me. You may need to come up with a project idea on your own to “pitch” to local agencies. For example, are you an artist? Do you like music? Are you great with computers? Do you enjoy building? Create a project idea and contact local agencies that appeal to you, or learn a little about local agencies and try to work with them to develop a project that you like.


Volunteer Center Serving Howard County Volunteer Opportunities for Teens – September 2011 Update www.volunteerhoward.org

Can I volunteer with a friend? Yes - many agencies offer one-time opportunities that would be perfect for volunteering with a friend or a group of friends! You can learn about one-time opportunities by searching our online calendar at www.volunteerhoward.org. I’ve contacted the agency and never heard back from them. Some agencies have part-time volunteers or even Volunteer Managers, and it can sometimes take time for them to respond to your request. You may need to contact them more than once, and you may find that phone calls work better than e-mail communication for some agencies. You may also decide to try to contact several agencies to find the one that is right for you. Is it important for me to show up when I say that I will be there? After all, I’m the one helping the agency. YES. It is very important for you to show up when you say that you are going to be there. Many agencies depend on volunteers to get things done, and some make special arrangements in order to offer you a great volunteer opportunity. If you say that you will be there, do everything that you can to honor your commitment or to let the agency know in a timely manner if you are not able to make it. If you are volunteering in part because you would like to include your experiences on an application or resume, keep in mind that (just like a job) it is often more impressive to show an ongoing commitment to an agency. Being a responsible and reliable volunteer may gain you a positive referral - even more importantly, it may open up exciting opportunities not available to a casual volunteer.

Sample Phone Script for contacting a local non-profit or governmental agency 1. Who should I ask to speak with? Ask to speak with the person identified as the contact person. If that person is no longer with the agency, ask to speak with the Volunteer Coordinator. 2. When is the best time to call? Call the contact person during the days and times indicated in the agency directory. If you have to leave a message, leave your full name, why you are calling, your phone number and the best time to reach you (remember to speak slowly). Be persistent. If your call has not been answered within a day or two, call back. You may need to leave several messages. 3. What should I say? Hi. My name is , and I am interested in volunteering. I would like to know if you have any volunteer opportunities that would allow me to learn more about your agency and its services. (Be sure to highlight skills and experiences that might be relevant to the agency. Also, let the agency know if you have any requirements, such as completing a specific number of hours by a certain deadline for school or a group or club.) 4. What questions should I ask? What will I be doing? Where will I be volunteering? (Ask for specific directions.) How should I dress? Is there anything else I need to know before I start?

Materials modified from the Howard Community College’s Service Learning Student Handbook 2008.


Volunteer Center Serving Howard County Volunteer Opportunities for Teens – September 2011 Update www.volunteerhoward.org

American Heart Association Address: 415 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Location of Work: Centennial Park in Ellicott City and Baltimore Contact: Kimberly Moore at 410-637-4566 or kimberly.a.moore@heart.org Website: www.greaterbaltimoreheartwalk.org Mission of Agency: The mission of the American Heart Association is building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Minimum Age: 16 Volunteer Opportunities: The American Heart Association (AHA) in the Greater Baltimore region has two separate Heart Walks in which we need volunteers. The Heart Walk is the AHA's premier fundraising event, with a goal this year of $1.1 million. Each year, we try to secure as many volunteers as possible to help with day of event activities, including: helping set-up/break down, helping other volunteers in our activity tents and being route guides and cheerleaders for the actual walk. • The Howard County Heart Walk is on Saturday, September 24th. For this event, we ask volunteers to arrive by 8:15am. Events and clean-up should be over before 1pm. The walk is at Centennial Park in Ellicott City. • The Baltimore Heart Walk is on Saturday, October 22nd. Again, for this event, we ask volunteers to arrive by 8:15am. Events and clean-up should be over by 1pm. This walk is at Rash Field in Baltimore (directly next to the Science Center). For both events, we ask our volunteers to remember to dress comfortably yet modestly – no super short or low-cut clothing, inappropriate wording or graphics; also, it is probably in your best interest to wear tennis shoes. There will be light snacks/water at both events, however you are encouraged to eat before you arrive as once the event starts, there is little break time for eating. More information/details will be provided as the event dates approach. We look forward to working with you and hope for sunny days and successful events!

Brooke Grove Retirement Village Address: 18131 Slade School Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860 Location of Work: Same Contact: Nancy Ochsenreiter at 301-570-7081 or volunteers@bgf.org Website: www.bgf.org Mission of Agency: Brooke Grove Retirement Village is a continuing care community offering independent and assisted living, long-term nursing and Alzheimer’s care, and short-term rehabilitation. Our staff provides excellence in service while offering a practical and sensitive response to people’s need for physical, emtional and spiritual support. Minimum Age: 14 Volunteer Opportunities: Assist the LIFE Enrichment staff in providing scheduled activities, programs and events for the elderly residents; Computer guides to teach basic computer skills to residents on a one-to-one basis. Cradlerock PTA Address: 6700 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD Location of Work: 6700 Cradlerock Way, Columbia MD Contact: Wendy Newton at 301-641-8118 or president@cradlerockpta.com Website: www.cradlerockpta.com Mission of Agency: Our mission is to support the students, parents and teachers of the Cradlerock School Community. Minimum Age: N/A Volunteer Opportunities: Our highly successful after school program needs tutors and mentors. Our 21st Century Learning program opens its doors to all Cradlerock students on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons until 5PM. Please join us to share your unique talents with our students. Contact Wendy Newton at president@cradlerockpta.com Evercare Hospice and Palliative Care Address: 6095 Marshalee Drive, Elkridge, MD 21705 Location of Work: Howard, Baltimore, PG, and Montgomery Counties and the office in Elkridge Contact: Maurie Mullen at 410-379-3599 or marietta_s_mullen@uhc.com Website: www.evercarehospice.com Mission of Agency: Evercare Hospice's mission statement is to provide compassionate individualized end of life services to patients and families. Minimum Age: 16 Volunteer Opportunities: Opportunities range from special projects in the Hospice office to seeing patients in their homes or in skilled nursing homes in the area. Volunteers must be over 18 to do patient visits. Patients 16 and over are eligible to assist with speciality projects, particularly data entry, creating events for patients who are veterans for the different patriotic holidays, research projects, assisting staff with coordination of events, and other projects based on the volunteer's interests and abilities. Training is required and varies from two (2) hours for administrative volunteers to twenty (20) hours for patient care volunteers.

American Red Cross Greater Chesapeake & Potomac Blood Services Region Address: 4700 Mt. Hope Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215 Location of Work: Varies Contact: Terry Ann Karloff at 800-272-0094, Ext 1 or karlofft@usa.redcross.org Website: www.redcrossblood.org/gcp Mission of Agency: To provide safe, reliable, and economical blood components and services to the people of our region with organizational excellence, steadfast commitment to customers, and respect for every individual. Minimum Age: 14 Volunteer Opportunities: Blood Drive Assistant: Greeter and Refreshment Volunteers at the Columbia Donor Center and surrounding blood drives. Must have Daytime/Weekday availability and provide own transportation. Athelas Institute, Inc. Address: 9104 Red Branch Road Location of Work: 9104 Red Branch Road, Columbia, MD Contact: Patricia L. Owens at 410-964-1241 Ext. 128 or plowens@athelasinstitute.org Website: www.athelasinstitute.org Mission of Agency: Athelas' mission is to provide a variety of quality education, rehabilitative, residential, empolyment and individual support options for individuals with intellectual disabilities within a supportive milieu utilizing natural supports to maximize opportunities for individual growth. Minimum Age: 16 Volunteer Opportunities: Monthly Saturday Dance Volunteers - Help set up and facilitate dances for adults with intellectual disabilities. Play games, dance, help serve refreshments.

3 Volunteer Center Serving Howard County Volunteer Opportunities for Teens – September 2011 Update www.volunteerhoward.org

Friends of Patapsco Valley & Heritage Greenway Address: Varies Location of Work: Patapsco Valley Area (Howard, Baltimore & Anne Arundel Counties) Contact: Betsy McMillion at (410) 480-0824 (w) or patapscofriend@gmail.com Website: www.patapsoheritagegreenway.org Mission of Agency: To connect people with the natural environmental, historic, cultural, and recreational assets of the Patapsco Valley in ways that interpret, preserve, and enhance those assets and people’s awareness, understanding, and appreciation of them. Minimum Age: 3 yrs and up Children under 16 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult volunteer Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteer Position: Stream clean up helpers, tree planters & invasive weed pullers Description: Environmental events including cleaning up trash from streams and streambeds, planting trees and removing invasive plant species. To see what happens at our events, visit the website where we post volunteers in action at http://patapscofriend.myphotoalbum.com and http://patapscofriend.dotphoto.com. Time Requirements: One day events, from March through November, lasting approximately three (3) hours per event. Request pre-registration two (2) days in advance of event to participate. For updated calendar of events, visit http://www.patapscoheritagegreenway.org//eventcal.html.

Howard County Living Farm Heritage Museum Address: 10551-C1 Twin Rivers Road, Columbia, MD 21044 Location of Work: 12985 Frederick Road, West Friendship, MD Contact: Sue Romanic at 410-995-0435 or SueRomanic@verizon.net Website: www.3MileHauntedHayRide.com Mission of Agency: The 3-Mile Haunted Hay Ride is an annual fund raiser for the Howard County Living Farm Heritage Museum, which preserves and educates the public about Howard County's farming tradition. We are a family-oriented event, and we have one wheel-chair accessible hay ride approximately every 40 minutes. Detailed information for volunteers is available at www.3MileHauntedHayRide.com. Minimum Age: 8 with parent Volunteer Opportunities: 3-Mile Haunted Hay Ride Fund Raiser Groups of student actors for 1-Night each Adult actors for 6-Nights each Behind-the-Scenes set building, make-up, costumes, set up, tear down, etc Howard County Autism Society Address: 10280 Old Columbia Road, Suite 215, Columbia, MD 21046 Location of Work: Merry Acres Farm, Centennial Park, 307 Walt Ann Dr., Ellicott City, MD Contact: Mary Beth Collins at 410- 290-3466 or info@howard-autism.org Website: www.howard-autism.org Mission of Agency: The Mission of the Howard County Autism Society is to serve individuals on the autism spectrum, their families, and their communities by: providing information, support and advocacy; promoting awareness of autism that values the dignity and uniqueness of each individual; working to improve the quality and access to services and to educational opportunities. All individuals on the autism spectrum have a contribution to make to their family, their community, and society at large. Minimum Age: 16 Volunteer Opportunities: • Saturday, 9/10/11 - Merry Acres Goes to Pieces Fun Horse Show & Family Fun Day (horse competition fundraiser to benefit HCAS). Volunteer as riders compete in cross country, show jumping and dressage. Help out with pony rides, hay rides and other fun games. No experience necessary. For more information, contact 410- 290-3466 or email infor@howard-autism.org. • The Howard County Autism Society's Fifth Annual One Step Closer Autism Walk and 5K will be held on Saturday, 11/5/11. We need volunteers from 8:30 - 11:30 am to help with registration, managing the kids' area, serving food items to participants, working the water stop, etc. No experience necessary. For more information, contact 410- 290-3466 or email info@howard-autism.org.

The Howard County Conservancy Address: 10520 Old Frederick Road, Woodstock, MD 21163 Location of Work: Conservancy grounds Contact: Tabby Fique at 410-465-8877 or tabby.fique@hcconservancy.org Website: www.hcconservancy.org Mission of Agency: - To protect the open spaces, rural environment, and agricultural resources of Howard County - To promote the preservation and improvement of the natural environment and historic sites. - To engage in and promote education and the scientific study of Minimum Age: 11 Volunteer Opportunities: Habitat Restoration Work Group The Habitat Restoration Work Group works on projects such as removing unwanted invasive nuisance plants, replanting and maintaining planting areas with native plants, stream bank restoration, deer protection, erosion control as well as general trail maintenance. We meet the following days and times. In case of inclement weather, call the day of to see if we are still meeting. • Thursday, September 8th 3:00pm-5:00pm • Thursday, September 22nd 3:00pm-5:00pm • Thursday, October 13th 3:00pm-5:00pm • Thursday, October 27th 3:00pm-5:00pm • Thursday, November 10th 3:00pm-4:30pm • Thursday, December 8th 3:00pm-4:30pm Please join us. We provide tools, but you should wear appropriate clothing with long sleeves for working in the woods. All levels of experience welcome. For more details call 410-465-8877.

Howard County Library System Address: 6600 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD 21045 Location of Work: 6 area branches (Central, East Columbia, Elkridge, Glenwood, Miller and Savage) Contact: Kathleen Plitt at 410-313-7750 or kathleen.plitt@hclibrary.org Website: www.hclibrary.org Mission of Agency: To promote lifelong learning and enrichment through access to information, a knowledgeable staff, and service in a free and open organization that brings people together to stimulate the free exchange of ideas and a sense of community. Minimum Age: 15 yrs old Volunteer Opportunities: Customer Service Aide

4 Volunteer Center Serving Howard County Volunteer Opportunities for Teens – September 2011 Update www.volunteerhoward.org

International Center For Artistic Development, Inc. Address: 6001 Jamina Downs, Columbia, MD 21045 Location of Work: Oakland Mills Community Center Contact: Dr. Camellia A. Blackwell at 410-730-6008 or cab@icadev.org Website: http://www.icadev.org Mission of Agency: ICAD is a non-profit arts education organization whose purpose is to promote the arts and artists through local, national and international venues such as art exhibitions, lectures, workshops, study/travel programs demonstrations and festivals. Collaborations with museums, galleries, art centers, universities and community centers provide opportunities for ICAD member artists to participate and develop professionally. Events and activities are generally free and open to the public. Minimum Age: 14 Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers are needed for Friday, September 16th at 5 to 8 pm to assist artists in installing an art exhibition called Art In The Mills at the Oakland Mills Village Center: 5851 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia, MD 21045. Volunteers are also needed for the opening reception of the Art In The Mills reception on Sunday, September 25th from 1 pm to 8 pm to help with the outdoor en plein air painting program for children 1-4 pm and the reception (replenish the refreshments 4-7); assist in taking down their art work, and preparing the art to be transported back to the artists' studios. Interested students should call 410-730-6008 and speak to Dr. Blackwell or leave a message with your name, and phone number.

Maryland Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure Address: 200 E. Joppa Road., Ste. 407, Towson, MD 21286 Location of Work: 245 Shawan Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Contact: Brittanie Stuber at 410-938-8990 or bstuber@komenmd.org Website: www.komenmd.org Mission of Agency: To save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find the cures. Minimum Age: 16 Volunteer Opportunities: Race for the Cure Volunteer Opportunities include: Pre-Race Registration, Race Site Set-up, Volunteer Tent Check-in, Kids for a Cure, Food Distribution, I Am The Cure - Cure Leaders I Am The Cure Roving Volunteers, Parking, Race Day Registration/Bib Packet/T-shirt Tent, Survivor Tent National Family Resiliency Center, Inc. Address: 10632 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 121, Columbia, MD 21044 Location of Work: 10632 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 121, Columbia, MD 21044 Contact: Kathy Helt at 410-740-9553 x208 or khelt@nfrchelp.org Website: www.nfrchelp.org Mission of Agency: The National Family Resiliency Center is committed to helping children and adults preserve a sense of family, foster healthy relationships, and adjust constructively to change, especially during times of separation, divorce, remarriage, the end of an adult relationship and other family life cycle transitions. Minimum Age: 15 Volunteer Opportunities: • ONE TIME EVENT- 5K Race on September 10, 2011- we need help with registration, kids activities, cheering runners, directing runners. No experience necessary - we will train you! Lot's of Fun. • OFFICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - help with answering phones, database entries, filing, typing, other administrative tasks. Two hours per week - after school or during daytime hours.

Jewish Federation of Howard County/JCCHOCO Address: 10630 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia, MD 21044 Location of Work: Varies Contact: Michelle Goldberg at 410-730-4976 X 118 or Michelle@JewishHowardCounty.org Website: www.JewishHowardCounty.org Mission of Agency: The Jewish Federation of Howard County works to support and enhance a strong Jewish future in partnership with all Jewish organizations in our community. It serves as an integrating resource and addresses the needs of the Jewish people locally, nationally, in Israel and around the world. Minimum Age: Middle School Volunteer Opportunities: 1) Shalom Baskets-Intergenerational program. Collecting contents and creating holiday baskets for isolated seniors. 2) Operation Welcome Home - Welcome home soldiers from duty at BWI Airport. Families welcome! 3) Christmas Day visiting - Visit and serve meals at local assisted living facilities. 4) Office opportunities - On days off from school 5) Various individualized volunteer opportunities for teens who want to create a volunteer project and learn to be the project manager.

Owen Brown Community Center Address: 6800 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD 21045 Location of Work: 6800 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD 21045 Contact: Meghan Pierce at 410-381-0202 or obevents@columbiavillages.org Website: www.owenbrowncommunityassociation.org Mission of Agency: The Owen Brown Community Association is a nonprofit civic organization whose purpose is to promote the health, safety, and social welfare of its residents. The OBCA is dedicated to increasing communication and interaction among neighbors. Minimum Age: 15 Volunteer Opportunities: Friday, September 16, 2011. 6-9pm . Family Bingo Saturday, October 29, 2011. 12-5pm. Halloween Event Friday, November 4, 2011. 6-9pm. Movie Night Saturday, December 10, 2011. 2-6pm. Snacks with Santa Saturday, December 10, 2011. 5-9pm. Senior Holiday Dinner and Bingo

5 Volunteer Center Serving Howard County Volunteer Opportunities for Teens – September 2011 Update www.volunteerhoward.org

Project Linus Address: 4967 Moonfall Way, Columbia, MD 21044 Location of Work: Contact: Arlene Kutz at 410-730-8865 or kastle4@verizon.net Website: www.projectlinus.org Mission of Agency: It is the mission of Project Linus to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer "blanketeers". Minimum Age: None Volunteer Opportunities: Blanketeers

Winter Growth, Inc. Address: 5460 Ruth Keeton Way, Columbia, MD 21044 Location of Work: 5460 Ruth Keeton Way, Columbia, MD 21044 Contact: Bonnie Grabelle at 410-964-9616 or bonniegrabelle@wintergrowthinc.org Website: www.wintergrowth.com Mission of Agency: To assist health impaired older and disabled adults to remain in the community. The centers provide and support independence, enhance self-esteem and promote the dignity of each individual. Minimum Age: 16 Volunteer Opportunities: Assist with activities such as arts and crafts, bingo, board and card games, help clients get from one activity to another or to board the vans at close of program, help serve lunch and help with clean up, share any special talents like playing musical instruments, singing, dancing, reading poetry.

Success In Style/Charity's Closet Address: Savage Mill, 8600 Foundry St, New Weave Building, Mezzanine Level, Savage, MD Location of Work: Charity's Closet (above address) Contact: Jeannette Kendall at 410-750-6475 or successinstyle@verizon.net Website: www.successinstyle.org Mission of Agency: Success In Style (SIS) provides free business wardrobes to disadvantaged men and women seeking employment. Charity's Closet is a thrift boutique which sells clothing items not fitting to its mission. Charity's Closet is the fundraising arm of SIS. Minimum Age: 12 Volunteer Opportunities: Sort donated clothing, process donated clothing, customer service, and tidying the boutique. Currently the store is open: Friday 10 to 6, Saturday 10 to 6 and Sunday 11 to 6. Tails of Hope Sanctuary Address: P.O. Box 875 Mt. Airy, MD 21771 Location of Work: Highland, MD 20777 Contact: Sandy Giangrande at 410-313-2713 or tohvolunteers@gmail.com Website: www.tails-of-hope.org Mission of Agency: Tails of Hope Sanctuary fosters healthy relationships among people, animals, and the earth by rescuing animals in need, teaching humane and environmental education, and promoting wellness in the minds, hearts, and bodies of all living things. Minimum Age: 15 Volunteer Opportunities: The Tails of Hope Halfway Home Cattery needs a group of youth to make the Cattery spotlless ("fall cleaning") for the 20 foster cats that live there. You'll be sweeping, washing, scrubbing and meeting the cats! This activity can probably be accomplished in a half day, depending on how many youth volunteer.

6 Volunteer Center Serving Howard County Volunteer Opportunities for Teens – September 2011 Update www.volunteerhoward.org

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