TWO WEEK COUNTDOWN Presented by. . .
YOUR PORTAL Log in to your MyVol State portal to access all your information. . . 1. Check your class schedule by following the Concise Student Schedule Link on the Pride Online Tab. 2. You can also review your bill and statement of fees by clicking on "Account Summary." 3. Go ahead and site see! Look at all the tabs in your portal and get familiar with what they can do for you.
DID YOU KNOW? Asynchronous 1. Log in at any time. 2. Assignments have due dates. 3. No assigned times for logging in.
Synchronous 1.Virtual instruction where you log in at specific times. 2.Your class schedule has assigned times. 3. Do you have Zoom?
Hybrid 1. This is a combination of online, virtual or inperson. 2. Limits the number of class meetings.
TECHNOLOGY PREP Do you have what you need to take online classes? Vol State can assist you with technology needs. All you have to do is ask! Click on this link to learn more about our Student Technology Checkout.
MATERIALS NEEDED FOR CLASS Do you know what textbooks you need? You can visit the College Bookstore by clicking on this link and find the books you need with your Student V#. Your Professor will provide you with a Class Syllabus on the first day. This will tell you what is required for your class. Make sure to pay close attention to the class syllabus. 3 Tips for How to Do Well in Your Vol State Classes.
WHAT IS DEI? What is DEI (Digital Engagement Initiative? Students enrolled in certain courses are charged an "eBook" fee for the online book and/or homework. Students are automatically charged the fee to their account and will have access to it on the first day of school.
BOOKSTORE CHARGE Some students may have additional funding that can be used each semester with the college's bookstore. Financial Aid will send you an email to your Vol State student email account to let you know if you are eligible.
DEADLINES *August 13th: Fee Payment Deadline *August 15th thru 20th: Bookstore charge for eligible students *August 17th thru August 21st: Pioneer Preview Week *August 23rd: Last day to receive 100% Refund *August 24th: First Day of Classes
ELEARN READY eLearn is the name of the Vol State course management system. It is a platform where connections are made between students, faculty, and course materials. This is where "online" classes happen. Hybrid and webenhanced, on-ground courses also utilize eLearn's administrative and interactive capabilities.
ELEARN FOR STUDENTS Interested students can login as a guest student to our College Online Readiness Course in eLearn to learn more about the system. You will need to use VSGUEST for username and Guest1234 for password.
You can find many "how-to" articles and videos on our knowledge base: eLearn for Students
LEARN TO USE ELEARN Watch this video and get prepared for Fall 2020 classes online.
STUDENT ENGAGEMENT AND SUPPORT Get Involved! Get Support! Get Hired!
Learn outside the classroom!
Take care of your needs.
Remember why you are in college.
CONNECT We are here for you! Email us at You can also follow us on Instagram @VSCCSTUDENTLIFE