Invisible Women-Issue XII

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VOX - The Student Journal of Politics, Economics and Philosophy




a fact that women are over-represented in poverty. Yet, women’s agency is rarely given much thought in poverty-reduction projects. It is falsely assumed that the benefits they have regaining control over their lives are equal to their male counterparts from the projects. Poverty is gendered in its experience and impact, and any projects that fail to recognise this almost inevitably have a pro-male bias. Specifically targeting women in povertyreduction efforts is a more moderate move than having an overt element of women empowerment, but it is an effective start to helping poor, disadvantaged women obtain control and attain a better future. IS

Relieving a Heavier Poverty Burden Impoverished women tend to be harder hit by poverty. Adopting a women-orientation in poverty-reduction projects would help level the playing field for women in providing them with a fairer chance of regaining control. Genderbased power relations translate into impoverished women generally experiencing poverty differently and more 20

intensely than their male counterparts (Catagay, 2001). Within the household, the ‘anti-female bias’ results in a male preference when allocating food and healthcare (Sen, 1999, p.194). Inequitable distribution of household resources extends to poor men withdrawing portions of their income from domestic collective funds for personal consumption like alcohol. This ranges from around one-third in Honduras to a half in areas like Nicaragua and Mexico. Hence, women and girls in the family usually experience sharper poverty than husbands and sons (Chant, 2003, p.20).

Women are unable to utilise opportunities presented by development as effectively to improve their welfare. In the sphere of public policy, poor women have difficulty accessing welfare benefits in their own rights and have to act as dependents of male relatives. Poverty-reduction projects ought to rectify this flaw by targeting women

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