SABBATICALS time to reflect...
Sumatra, Indonesia
Things to do, places to be, people to see. When life becomes one long To Do list, we can easily forget to ask the questions that really matter. Who am I? What do I want? Why do I want it? At Original Travel we’re big fans of holidays (no surprise there), but sabbaticals are a rare opportunity to truly break out of the normal routine and answer those big questions; to press the reset button on life, rather than just the pause button. We’ve organised sabbaticals of all shapes and sizes, but all with the same core intention - allowing yourself the privilege of space and time to focus on what matters to you. This guide is full to the brim with insights, ideas and inspiration on the whys, wheres, whats and whens of taking a sabbatical. After all, life is for living. Start with a sabbatical.
Tom Barber, Co-Founder, beneficiary of a sabbatical back in 2009 and probably due another one
CONTENTS 1. CONSIDER ........................................................... 06 - Who, What, Why?.................................................... 10 - The Benefits............................................................ 12 - Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway......................... 16 - FFFs (Frequently Faced Fears)............................. 20 - How to Ask For a Sabbatical................................. 22 2. INSPIRE................................................................. 24 - Culture, Nature, Learning a New Skill................... 26 - Wellness, Giving Back, Family .............................. 34 - Bucket List............................................................... 44 - More Ideas............................................................... 50 - Where to Go When.................................................. 52 3. PLAN...................................................................... 54 - The Planning Process............................................. 56 - How to Prepare For a Sabbatical.......................... 60 - Travelling Together ................................................ 62 - Why Original Travel?............................................... 66
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WISH YOU WERE HERE? Sabbatical snapshots from around the world…
“Original Travel are one of the world’s best kept secrets in travel – nothing is too much for their team of experts.” PF, an 18-month worldwide sabbatical
“We have nothing but praise for the very kind and efficient attention paid by the whole Original Travel team. It would have been very difficult to organise a sabbatical like this oneself. We felt entirely confident that in the unlikely event of any problem arising, Original Travel would solve it. You took away the potential stress and made it very enjoyable. Thank you!” RS, three-month Africa sabbatical
SHOULD I ...? There’s more to taking a sabbatical than packing a bag and booking a flight. You need to consider multiple things such as work, family, home, pets, finances, health… the list goes on. The good news? It’s all totally manageable and any fears are completely normal. Over the next few pages you’ll discover what a sabbatical actually is (spoiler: it’s whatever you want it to be); who should take one (spoiler: it’s everyone); the answers to your questions and the solutions to your concerns.
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WORK-LIFE (OUT OF) BALANCE The ‘Work-Life Balance’. That elusive nirvana we’re all aiming for. In a world of technology and flexible working, it’s theoretically easier than ever to make work work around us, but the flipside is the added pressure and expectation to always be, well, working. In fact, despite all of this wonderful flexibility, a survey in
see what’s happening in our inbox, and a deflating ‘we’re
2017 reported that 69% of employees across the UK and
already halfway through and I’m only just relaxing!’ feeling.
Europe said they do not have a good work-life balance. If
When it comes to that tricky little thing called work-life
we have the opportunity to work from home, work early,
balance, it’s difficult to truly tune into the Life frequency
work late, work on the go, work the second we wake up and
when we keep changing the channel back to make sure we
check our emails, then when does the ‘work’ part end and
didn’t miss anything on Work FM.
the ‘life’ part begin? How often do we truly switch off? Does
Sabbaticals are a game changer. A sabbatical allows us
life begin at 5pm every Friday and pause again on Sunday
the space and time to reset, to unblur the boundaries, to
evening as we mentally prepare for Monday morning, or
fulfil the promises we’ve made to put health/travels/family
do thoughts of work lurk in our every waking moment?
first, as well as reignite our passion for a fulfilling worklife.
We’ve all done it. Woken up and checked our phone
When you’re on sabbatical, there are no urgent emails that
before saying good morning to the person next to us, or
need a quick reply before breakfast, there is no loop to be
even fully opening our eyes. Even when we go on holiday,
kept in, there is no work-life balance; it’s all life balance.
there’s often an incessant, addictive need to check in and
Sounds good, doesn’t it?
Images clockwise from left: The backwaters in Kerala, India; The view from The Peak, Hong Kong; Sunset in Yosemite National Park, USA; Kayaking in Pha Nga Bay, Thailand; Hiking in Garibaldi Provincial Park, Canada
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Sabbaticals come about in different ways. Once the
A sabbatical is defined simply as an extended break away
preserve of academia, they were an encouraged leave
from work, meaning that we can handpick all the fun stuff.
of absence for scholarly writing and research. In fact,
They could last one month or 12, consist of ticking off
the word sabbatical derives from the Hebrew word
multiple bucket list items across 30 different countries
'Sabbath', the day of rest, as scholars would take a year's
or spending the whole time getting under the skin of just
break from their studies every seven years. Sabbaticals
one destination; it’s all a sabbatical, and the juicy details
have now been redefined, and
are down to you (and us). What
come about in various different
we do know is that however they
circumstances across all
come about and however long
industries. It may be about taking
they last, the same themes come
advantage of time off (voluntarily
up again and again. “I want to…
or otherwise) between jobs;
reconnect with family/pursue
enjoying some gardening leave
self-improvement/prevent myself
(minus the gardening); taking a
from burning out/reignite my
well-earned break from a current
passion for life and work/see the
role. Or due to a big personal
world while I can…” Whatever your
change; selling a business; shifting
motivation, we’ve come up with
priorities; embarking on a fully-
some ideas on what might work
fledged mid-life crisis, being freshly
for you, from pages 24 to 51.
responsibility-free (hurrah!) or
easing into retirement. After all,
going from spinning 20 plates at
Pretty much everyone. For CEOs,
once to suddenly doing nothing
teachers, entrepreneurs etc, the
can be a bit daunting.
benefits of being refreshed and reinvigorated both personally and
The great thing about the word sabbatical is that it covers all of
professionally are so clear that
the above, but requires minimal
there is no single profile for who
explanation of the details, which
needs a sabbatical, or what that
can be tricky to talk about.
break should look like. An increasing
Consider it a fig leaf for a wealth
number of savvy companies are developing sabbatical policies
of situations where we’re essentially just putting ourselves first for once. We have
for their staff because the positive impact on employee
little trouble with the hedonistic pursuits of youngsters
retention and workplace happiness is huge. Indeed, 25% of
taking gap years, so let’s start getting comfortable with
Fortune’s '100 Best Companies to Work For' offer their staff
the adult equivalent (minus the Thailand full moon
sabbaticals. It's never been more socially acceptable to
parties, backpacks and hostel bunk beds, unless you
prioritise life over work. There’s no longer any stigma about
want that, of course).
putting our wellbeing first, in whatever form that takes. Which leads us nicely onto the benefits… b
of clients who took a sabbatical
of people who took a sabbatical
of employees surveyed across
with Original Travel went for
in 2017 and 2018 wanted
the UK and Europe said they do
between three and six months
to learn a new skill
not have a good work-life balance
(47% for one to three months)
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“We have little trouble with the hedonistic pursuits of youngsters taking gap years, so let’s start getting comfortable with the adult equivalent”
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No matter what you do as a day job, we've all
Taking a sabbatical doesn’t have to mean tuning out
experienced the benefit of seeing things through a
entirely. In fact, we may find ourselves refocusing the
different lens. Sometimes when we’re caught up in the
energy normally channelled into work into a philanthropic
moment of a project, we forget exactly what we’re doing
project (page 38) or to learning a new skill (page 32).
and why we’re doing it. We often look to an outsider for
Whether we’re swapping morning meetings for mountain
an objective point of view, but a sabbatical allows you the
biking or mindful meditation, travel in all forms broadens
emotional and physical space to be that outsider yourself.
the mind and inspires us in myriad ways. From appreciating
Who am I? What do I want? Why do I want it? How can I
the joy of simplicity in rural life (page 30) to experiencing
make it happen? Very important questions, but ones that
a wealth of culture and history in ancient cities (page 26),
can get lost in the day-to-day doing of life. If we only have a
these skills, challenges and experiences transcend the
limited amount of energy and we’ve already used up a hefty
personal to enrich our professional lives too, letting us
portion running a business/team/project; or on our
bring new perspectives and ideas into the workplace. MD
commute; or on politics at work; or the general daily grind,
of Personal Career Management Corinne Mills suggests:
how can we be expected to have the time, energy and
'Taking time out to study, learn a new skill or try some
space to see the bigger picture? Viewing the world from
interesting experiences can be positively life-changing, both professionally and from a personal point of view. Stepping off the treadmill of work enables you to think about what you really want to do with the rest of your career, and life.'
another perspective can make us
“Taking time out to study, learn a new skill or try some interesting experiences can be positively life-changing, both professionally and from a personal point of view. Stepping off the treadmill of work enables you to think about what you really want to do with the rest of your career, and life.” Corinne Mills, MD of Personal Career Management
Snaefellsnes, Iceland
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realise we want something totally different – a complete career change – or maybe it will make us appreciate what we already have and renew our passion for it. Either way, we’ll have more clarity and be making more informed decisions.
Sedona, Arizona, USA
It’s no secret that stress has a massive impact on our health, both physical and mental. Reduce stress and you also
“As a GP, I regularly see patients with work related stress and burnout. A change of environment, for example a sabbatical, can be a great antidote to these problems.” Dr Rachel Allen
reduce the risk of stroke,
where do we find the time to simply sit and think and reflect? Mindfulness and meditation have become increasingly popular in the West for this very reason - we’re searching for a
diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure and mental
way to be in tune with ourselves - but it’s often temporary,
health issues… the list goes on.
and finding the time can be tough, so the cycle continues.
The sad truth is that some of us don’t appreciate our
Even our sacred holidays that we’ve worked so hard for are
health until it’s too late; until either we or someone close
only a temporary change of pace before we’re right back in
to us has a wake-up call that makes us sit up and value our
the rat race again.
physical and mental wellbeing. Whether you’re currently
Always being in work mode can mean we forget to make
in top shape, looking to improve or want to totally revamp
time for the things we actually enjoy and that make us
your health routine, taking a sabbatical not only eliminates
happy. Studies show that 15% of people are experiencing
the health-battering stress-factor of work from our lives,
mental health problems in the workplace, and evidence
but also allows us to focus generally on what our bodies
suggests that 13% of all sickness absence days in the
and minds actually want and need.
UK are attributable to mental health issues. Sabbaticals
We've become so used to rushing from pillar to post,
provide a remedy, a total break from the norm to help us
grabbing food on the go (we’re no strangers to a cheeky
reset ourselves, refocus our priorities and - essentially
desk lunch between meetings), pushing ourselves until we
- put our wellbeing and happiness first. Being happier
have no energy to do anything but watch TV and go to bed;
makes us healthier.
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Sadly, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves disconnected from those we love the most. Whether our family consists of a partner, children or any other wonderful combination, time away from the stresses of everyday life can help us reconnect, rebuild and strengthen these important bonds. Overcoming challenges together, having more time for one another and enjoying fresh experiences together bonds us.
The same is true if the person we’re disconnected from is ourself, left
of clients who took a sabbatical
wondering who we are and where we belong. Whether it’s a full-on identity
with Original Travel did so out of
crisis or a more gentle dawning realisation that we’re far from being the
a desire for self-improvement
person we thought we’d turn out to be, travelling to new places with new challenges - and the space to make mistakes and try new things - can help us figure things out.
Original Travel have had the precious task of planning many sabbaticals and handling all of the life admin that entails. This sabbatical guide is just a snapshot of what we can do for you.
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“THANK YOU to the team for such life enhancing experiences!! We have had an amazing experience with some fantastic guides, and in some of the most beautiful places in the world! It is only when looking back that the enormity of what we have done truly hits home. It has been an absolutely mind-blowing experience.” TG and family, a six-month sabbatical
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FEEL THE FEAR... AND DO IT ANYWAY “It’s only normal to come up with excuses not to try something new or bold. We all fear uncertainty and things going wrong. Another way is to focus instead on the potential upsides and how the decision could transform your life for the better” Gil Dove, Leadership Coach
Change can be scary. Whether we’re teetering on the edge,
into submission, especially with the help of experts who’ve
or have already taken the sabbatical decision plunge, fears
seen it all before (that’s us). Other fears are more deeply
about the logistics - the ‘what abouts', the ‘what ifs' - can
rooted emotional barriers within ourselves, but these too
start to creep in. Sometimes these are self-doubts, other
are entirely surmountable. After all, “twenty years from now
times they're niggling questions from those far-too-practical
you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t
voices around us, but either can lead to excuses as to why
do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
we should or shouldn’t do something.
Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in
The good news is that these concerns are entirely conquerable. After all, the practicalities can be organised
your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Turns out Mark Twain may not actually have said this, but it still stands.
Images, clockwise from left: Cliff jumping, Croatia; Exploring Havana, Cuba; Skiing in Verbier, Switzerland; Friends reunited, California, USA; Silver surfers, Bali, Indonesia
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Once we’ve tackled the logistics and no longer have any
Just for a minute, mind. Many of us have thrived in other
excuses about those practicalities to deal with, we can
areas of our lives - at work, for example - by appearing
look at what it is we’re actually scared of, feel that fear...
fearless, but there’s no shame in having some concerns
and then do it anyway.
around leaving one's emotional comfort zone. Many of us feel
prepared to overcome work barriers; after all, we’ve already
Planning a sabbatical can seem overwhelming – you’re
done it time and again and survived (and often thrived) to
faced with the prospect of organising all of the mechanics
tell the tale, but we're often less comfortable with facing
of a huge trip with flights, packing and visas aplenty,
personal barriers, unlocking new ideas or perspectives
plus all of the practicalities of being away for an extended
and, potentially, confronting a few home truths.
period of time, such as finding nannies or tutors for
We’ve heard tales of those brave souls who seek out
children, coordinating home security, ensuring you can access healthcare as and when
mountain retreats and, alone with their thoughts and without the distractions of day to day life, achieve great realisations about their place in the world; about who they truly are and what they truly want. While this idea may excite some of us, others might be scared of this introspection; of not having a perceived purpose like we have at work; of being out of the loop or behind the group as the world keeps turning without us, and
“Once we’ve tackled the logistics and no longer have any excuses about those practicalities to deal with, we can look at what it is we’re actually scared of, feel that fear... and then do it anyway.”
missing the predictability of
you need it - all the boring-butimportant stuff that has its place in our ordinary lives. Luckily, you’re in the best hands possible. We’ve seen it all before and have a vast amount of experience tending to these details so that you can focus on simply enjoying the trip. So, the dream of exploring the world is there, and the passion to discover something new and get out of your comfort zone is ignited,
routine. These are all very valid concerns. We have
but there are still several things to think about, and a
structure in our lives for a reason: to help us predict the
lot of excuses we might still make as to why we shouldn’t
future and control whatever we can control, but the truth
go through with it. At Original Travel we’ve got a lot of
is that while these fears are understandable, they should
experience in planning (and taking our own!) sabbaticals,
not be debilitating or stop us from living our best lives.
so we’ve collated some expert advice and information on
The best way to conquer these emotional fears is first
conquering your fears about travelling for an extended
to ensure all of the practicalities are taken care of. Afraid
period (page 20); asking for and taking time off work
of getting homesick and missing family and friends?
(page 22) and how to pack for it (page 60), and have even
Book in regular trips back home, or organise for people to
included space for you to scribble a few inspirational notes
come and join you. Concerned about how to pack for five
(page 72). We’re on hand to help you out with planning,
different climates in one bag? We’ll organise your luggage
budgeting, logistics and generally making the most of
to be sent ahead so you only need to carry the basics.
the time you have in the destination(s) you want to visit.
Images, clockwise from above: Overlooking Oludeniz, Turkey; Admiring Udaipur, India; Exploring Khao Sok National Park, Thailand; Family fun, Wyoming, USA; Exploring Tokyo, Japan.
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Anything! Everything! The point is to stop doing what you were doing beforehand, be that for a month or much longer. Ideally you’ll recall a long lost desire to achieve something, improve somehow, go somewhere. Identify that and the rest will follow, and if it’s in any way travel and/or experience related, we’re here to help, but it might just as easily be learning
You've got questions, we've got answers
to play the piano or paint watercolours. Equally valid, but we’d argue you can do that sort of thing of an evening during your ‘normal’ life. If you have managed to secure the longest single amount of time off you will ever have in your working life then we strongly urge you to think big and head out into the world. Who knows, you may get a flavour for it and become a serial sabbatical taker. I RUN MY OWN COMPANY. WHAT HAPPENS WHILE I'M AWAY?
It might be a sweeping generalisation, but most founders/bosses tend to have a touch of control freakery in their make-up. It’s the flipside of the perfectionism that makes them such excellent entrepreneurs in the first place. You'll find it hard to resist checking up on the business, but we'd recommend keeping it to a bare minimum. After all, handing over the reins to your second-in-command will help succession planning and you can take immense pride when the team rise to the challenge in your absence. WHAT IF I DON'T HAVE A JOB TO RETURN TO BECAUSE THE PERSON COVERING FOR ME HAS TAKEN IT?
So here’s the thing. If this happens to you then they're not the sort of company you should be working for anyway. Or, they didn’t think you were right for them, in which case you're better off not working for a company that doesn’t value you.
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If you’re confident that you are an
integral part of your organisation and
It might be, but almost certainly for
Some sabbaticals are all private jets
that they would never willingly want
the better. You’ll return refreshed and
and luxurious experiences. Others
you to leave, then - frankly - working
renewed, with a new perspective. If
are about pretty much the exact
out who will cover for you is their
you're returning to work, your company
opposite, with clients looking to
challenge, not yours. No one is so
will have learned how to cope -
divest themselves of the materialistic
mission critical that the world won't
temporarily, at least - without your
trappings of modern life and experience
turn without them, so give the
sheer awesomeness.
a more humble, spiritual way of life. That can cost next to nothing, and
company enough warning, guarantee that you will come back refreshed
yet be more enriching than any other
and reinvigorated, and they can’t
experience, so deep pockets are
have a problem with your decision.
absolutely not a prerequisite.
Have you actually been reading any WHAT ABOUT MY KIDS' EDUCATION?
of this guide? If that’s a concern, leave
This is, of course, the single most
this dog-eared and dearly loved guide
Yes and no. If you had a ‘Gap Yah’ then
important thing to consider for parents
on their desks and they might soon
you’ll know that those few precious
of school age children who want to
understand. Besides, the 'new you'
months before the onset of adulthood
take them on sabbatical. First, the
should be all the proof they need that
related responsibilities are an
practical response. If there are the
sabbaticals are a winner of an idea.
unmissable chance to experience
funds to consider it, then taking a private tutor with you is an option (and a great gig for the tutor in question). This is something we have arranged on a number of occasions for clients, and it works extremely well. Then there's the internet. If you’re disciplined and organised, you can arrange for the children to receive a ‘remote’ education through online assignments
untold freedom and - let’s not forget
of clients who took a sabbatical with Orginal Travel said they were excited and proud to tell others about their trip.
and tutoring. On a more emotive level,
- fun. Those lucky enough to have had a year off will also remember that it’s profoundly depressing knowing that you’ve probably already had the best year of your life. Well, thanks to a sabbatical, that no longer need be the case. Chances are, in fact, that if you take a sabbatical you will appreciate the time off even more than the younger you did, because you have the
the pay-off that parents need to
power of comparison to appreciate the
consider is this: will any perceived
deficit in ‘traditional’ education while
freedom and - let’s still not forget - fun.
the children are away be matched or
bettered by the life experiences and
Where there’s a will, there’s a way,
education-by-experience that they
Waving this guide under the right
Fun sponge alert! If you’d prefer your
enjoy through seeing the wider world?
noses won’t do your cause any harm,
sabbatical served with stale bread
In our view, and with our planning, the
and might make less enlightened
and water and a side order of guilt we
answer is an emphatic 'yes'.
bosses see the error of their ways.
can arrange it, but that might put a
You’re welcome.
slight dampner on things. This is a once-in-a-working-lifetime opportunity
If you identify what emotional need
to do something (or things) completely
you are looking to satisfy on your
incredible; to visit places you’d only
sabbatical, and plan the essential
The truth is, time out doesn't look as bad
ever dreamed of visiting; to experience
details of said sabbatical to ensure
as you think it will. Leaders understand
things that will linger in your memory
you'll meet your goals (we might know
the realities of life and the ebbs and
for a lifetime. Self indulgent?
a multi award-winning travel company
flows of careers. In fact, your sabbatical
who can help with that) then, in a
will make you a better candidate than
word, no. You'll be back a more
ever, by reinvigorating and refreshing
fulfilled, culturally aware you.
you - especially if you've spent some time volunteering or learning a new skill.
We've fielded hundreds of sabbatical questions over the years, so ask away...
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Does your company have a sabbatical policy?
Read the policy and discuss with your manager the duration, when you want to depart and how you see your return to work
Start planning your sabbatical. (We're here to help...)
Offer to help develop a sabbatical policy (and share this guide)
Request sabbatical
22 | originaltravel.co.uk
Would you be willing to resign?
Decide on the duration, when you want to depart and how you see your return to work
Meet your manager to share plans, explain rationale and ask if they'd consider implementing a sabbatical policy
Share a copy of our sabbatical guide with the powers that be...
Spell out your sabbatical reasoning, share the company benefits (see page 12) and explain your ideal situation, from duration to start date. Give careful consideration to how you feel your role can be covered while you’re away and ask to discuss these ideas with your manager. Then ask if they can see a way in which this could work
Explain sabbatical reasoning and share the company benefits (see page 12) and your ideal position (e.g. sabbatical duration and starting date) and how you feel your role can be covered while you're away
Wait a reasonable amount of time (1-2 weeks)
Re-share sabbatical rationale and personal importance - highlighting that if required, you will resign
“I couldn't fault the service at all right from the start you completely understood our requirements. The organisation was exceptional. Our flight home was cancelled last minute but Original Travel managed to sort out our journey home with minimal hassle. Thank you again.” LM, East African sabbatical
I WANT TO... What would you do if you could take a break from day-to-day life for a while? See as much of the world as possible? Reconnect with family? Yourself? Nature? Maybe there's a certain country, region or city you want to explore, or maybe it’s all about what you’ll do and learn, wherever you are. Either way, think about what you want to achieve with the statement ‘I want to…’ and let our ideas and insights in the following few pages inspire you.
BE IMMERSED IN DIFFERENT CULTURES You can get a flavour of a place on a traditional holiday, but a sabbatical offers a unique opportunity for immersion. Spending extended time with people from a totally different culture provides not only unparalleled insight into their values and history, but also encourages you to reflect on your own. With our unparalleled contacts and network of Concierges, who can open otherwise inaccessible doors and introduce you to local communities, we can ensure you have the most eye-opening experience imaginable. 26 | originaltravel.co.uk
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TRIBAL TRADITIONS WITH THE ETHIOPIAN OMO For a truly authentic experience away from Western civilisation, travel to Ethiopia’s remote Omo Valley and meet with the local tribespeople as an honoured guest. Regarded as one of the world’s final frontiers, this valley is home to various tribes co-existing in a diverse landscape of grassland, riverine forests and delta marshes. Stay in a remote lodge for a fortnight or so and venture out by 4x4 to meet the likes of the lip plate-wearing Mursi and the body painted Karo. You may also get the opportunity to witness the extraordinary bull jumping ceremony with the Hamer people, the culmination of a three-day long rite of passage for young men within the tribe.
MULTI-LAYERED LIFE IN MEXICO With so many layers of history (including Aztec, Zapotec, Mayan and Spanish Colonial) Mexico is something of a cultural onion just waiting to be peeled. Although visiting the country’s numerous ancient archaeological sites offers important context, immersing oneself here is really about getting to know the culture through everyday activities. Take time to perfect cooking traditional dishes with a local Zapotec family in Oaxaca, or wander through lesser-visited neighbourhoods in San Angel or Coyoacan in Mexico City with a knowledgeable guide; just two ways to get a real feel for Mexico.
ACCESS ALL AREAS IN ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIA Visit Australia’s remote Arnhem Land, where sacred lands and ancient rock art dominate the rich, red landscape. This vast wilderness is still owned by the indigenous Yolngu people, and permits are required to visit. When travelling with one of our experienced guides, you have unprecedented access to areas such as the Injalak Hill rock art gallery and can spend several days exploring on foot and by 4x4 from luxury tented camps.
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RURAL COMMUNITIES IN THE INDIAN HIMALAYAS Join expert local guides to hike between the traditional rural communities which are dotted around the stunning Himalayan landscape in Sikkim. Between hikes you’ll stay in beautifully refurbished village houses and spend a week learning about local mountain life. When not exploring the lush surroundings on foot, cultural highlights include participating in early morning prayers at Rinchenpong Monastery, taking tea with a retired school teacher in Khandu village and visiting a typical mountain village market to shop for locally-grown groceries to rustle up delicious dishes.
MAINTAINING IDENTITY WITH SWEDISH SAMI Despite the pressures of modernisation, Lapland’s indigenous Sami people enjoy a quiet continuation of their traditional lifestyle. We can arrange for you to spend several days with a local Sami man who embraces the opportunity to invite visitors into his home and teach them about the threats and challenges his people face in maintaining their identity. During your stay you will sleep in a traditional lavvu (teepee) tent, admire the Northern Lights (hopefully) and learn the dying art of reindeer-herding from your guide's brother.
KAZAKH EAGLE HUNTERS IN MONGOLIA Every autumn Mongolia’s nomadic ethnic Kazakh population hold Eagle Festivals deep in the dramatic Altai Mountains. These ancient festivals are a celebration of the extraordinary partnership formed between the eagles and their master handlers. To better understand this centuries-old, hunter-gatherer lifestyle and its importance for these communities’ survival, we can arrange for you to live in a traditional ger felt tent and work as a respected member of a Kazakh family during the lead up to the festival.
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Spending time in the natural world is a vital balm for the soul and one we should all try and make time for, but it’s easier said than done. Sabbaticals allow us the privilege of time to truly get away from it all. With weeks or even months to spare, looking for niche wildlife species in the rainforests of Borneo or dedicating time to learning astronomy aren’t such far-flung ideas. 30 | originaltravel.co.uk
Become more closely acquainted with nature on a
There’s a whole other world beneath the waves,
multi-day guided walking safari in Zambia’s South
so what better way to get away from the constant
Luangwa, taking your time to travel between luxury
demands of email, Instagram and the latest
mobile camps, getting much closer to the bush and
must binge-watch box-set than swapping your
its resident wildlife in the process. Exploring on
smartphone for a snorkel? Explore the marine
foot means that you’ll not only see some of the
world and escape day-to-day life on a private island
big stuff (from a safe distance, of course) but also
surrounded by pristine reefs just off the coast of
plenty of fascinating smaller creatures. Then head
Mozambique, where it feels as if time has stood still.
over to the Lower Zambezi National Park for a tranquil boat safari.
At the ripe old age of 130 million years old,
Think nature and wildlife and your mind might jump
Malaysian Borneo’s Danum Valley Conservation
to the Big Five-hosting savannahs of Africa, but
Area is one of the oldest and most biodiverse
head to Canada's British Columbia and you will find
rainforests in the world. Spend a few nights
another abundance of animals great and small, and
exploring with our expert guides and spot
locals who can regale you with stories, myths and
orangutans, Bornean slow lorises, proboscis
legends about them. Take in the watery wildlife off
monkeys and pygmy elephants. There's also the
Vancouver Island and the elusive spirit bears of the
opportunity to go swimming in natural river pools,
Great Bear Rainforest, all set against a wild
test your head for heights on a treetop canopy walk
mountainous backdrop.
or simply relax and listen to the chorus of birds.
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 31
Make the world your classroom. What better way to learn a skill than on an immersive sabbatical, where you have the freedom to dedicate proper time to your pursuit? As well as being incredibly rewarding, learning new skills keeps you sharp, so don’t worry about the sabbatical-shaped gap in your CV. Fill it with all the transferable skills you picked up en route and you'll make yourself a better candidate than ever. LEARN A LANGUAGE WITH A LOCAL
Whether you’re mad about Mandarin or fanatical about
Serving something you have lovingly made yourself is
French, earn yourself some serious achievement points
immensely soul-soothing and satisfying in equal measure.
(in both work and life) by learning a language on your
The eating part is pretty fun, too. You may have tried your
sabbatical. Lessons with a friendly and qualified local
hand at a pad thai, mole or pintxo (Basque tapas) at home,
are the perfect way to get it started; then, with some
but it adds a whole new dimension to visit a vibrant
basics under your belt, you can practise to your heart’s
market, pick fresh ingredients and learn to cook up an
content as you live like a local or travel around. How
authentic culinary creation with a local cook talking you
about challenging yourself to speak no English at all
through each step. Pick up recipes and techniques from
for a portion of the trip?
around the world to impress dinner guests for a lifetime.
Whether you're a beginner or semi pro, take your
Muay Thai (Thai boxing) is about more than getting a
photography to the next level on a dedicated photography
sweat on, focusing instead on the relationship between
safari, taking the time to really capture that perfect
mind and body. Thailand's national sport dates from the
shot – hippo yawning, lion pouncing or lilac breasted
18th century, when Burmese soldiers captured famed
roller, er, rolling. The right lodge (we know ones with
fighter Nai Khanom Tom and gave him the chance to win
amazing hides) and a professional photographic guide
his freedom by beating ten of their number. His fighting
are crucial to putting you in the right place at the right
style and dance to respect his ancestors before the
time, and teaching you skills you can then use on the rest
smack-down is the stuff of Thai legend, and you can learn
of your adventures.
some of his moves in Bangkok’s legendary boxing camps.
A universal expression of feelings and desires, dancing
Imagine yourself on horseback at an Argentinian estancia
forms a huge part of cultures around the world, and
(ranch), learning how to ride, play polo and ranch. It’s a
nowhere more so than in Latin America. With the help of
picture-perfect movie moment come to life, and you'll learn
our expert instructors, learn to tango in Argentina, salsa
with the help of some of Argentina's finest polo players,
in Cuba or samba in Brazil. Before you know it you’ll be
who are so good they are known as 'hired assassins' when
wiggling your way into Rio Carnival’s sambadromo parade
they play for overseas clubs.
ground – by exclusive invitation, which we can sort.
32 | originaltravel.co.uk
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 33
In recent years wellness and mindfulness have become synonymous with social media braggability, but the quest for wellness was being pursued the world over long before we started Instagramming our dinners and downwards dogs. Whatever your motive - be it physical, mental, or spiritual - and however hard you want to push yourself, the extended nature of a sabbatical allows you to curate a trip to achieve those goals.
34 | originaltravel.co.uk
There’s nowhere quite like the so-called Land of the
Sit in total solitude (with your favourite tipple for
Long White Cloud to rediscover the joy of physical
company) under a stunning canopy of stars in the
wellness. With ten aptly-named Great Walks to tick
Namib Rand International Dark Sky Reserve and
off (and on a sabbatical you’ll actually have time
you’ll almost feel the stress leaving your body. To
to do them all), drawing in lungfuls of good-old-
really complete the tranquillity treatment (however
fashioned fresh air and increasing your daily step
long that takes for you) and continue the feeling of
count is easily achieved, not to mention fun. It also
calm, enjoy a customised menu of massages and
helps that the scenery is famously epic and that
yoga classes and test your legs on several nature
fresh, seasonal produce (yes, that does include the
walks across this vast desert, the scale of which
wine) is available in abundance.
helps put even the biggest issues into perspective.
So you’ve been practising yoga for years and always
Simply spending time soaking up the atmosphere
dreamed of learning to lead your own class? Forget
in a country whose government measures Gross
your dingy local gym and instead head to Santa
National Happiness should help improve mental
Teresa Beach in Costa Rica. Over the course
wellbeing. Factor in the numerous Himalayan
of three weeks you’ll learn practical instructor
mountain treks and other outdoor adventures on
techniques, deepen your physical awareness and
offer here and you’ve got physical wellness covered
collaborate with your fellow students to inspire and
too. And for the ultimate trifactor, add on some time
encourage each other. While there, make the most
learning traditional meditation techniques. We can
of your stunning surroundings with fun surf lessons,
arrange for you to join a group of devout Vajrayana
challenging rainforest hikes and plenty of sun-
Buddhists in one of the country’s many ornate
kissed R&R.
dzongs (fortresses).
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 35
RETREAT IN INDONESIA Visiting a retreat needn't mean having to lock up your phone or live exclusively off green juice - unless you want it to, of course. For instance, the lovely COMO Shambhala on Bali offers various programmes (including active, Ayurvedic and cleansing) which can all be tailored to suit individual needs. With beautiful surroundings in the jungle north of Ubud, fantastic spa facilities and qualified on-site wellness and yoga experts, this is somewhere to switch off and detox without compromising on luxury.
36 | originaltravel.co.uk
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 37
GIVE SOMETHING BACK Knowing where to start when it comes to giving back in a constructive way can be difficult, but we're here to help. Responsible travel and conservation are things we feel very strongly about (see page 64), so if you want to help reduce your carbon footprint by planting trees or do research to help protect your favourite species, we can introduce you to the right experts and best projects to make that possible.
38 | originaltravel.co.uk
Teetering on the brink of extinction, rhinos across
The number of mangroves in India’s Sundarbans
Africa are reliant on the efforts of conservation
region is rapidly dwindling due to climate change,
organisations for their very survival. We can arrange
heightening the risk of devastating floods. Visitors
for you to join a conservation team to witness
to our project here are encouraged to spend time
first-hand as they dart and notch individuals,
getting their hands dirty while planting trees and
providing crucial data for researchers and helping
meeting the local communities our work benefits.
rangers keep track of these magnificent creatures
To date, volunteers have replanted 11,110 acres
for ongoing support. For the super keen, there is
of mangroves, helping restore biodiversity and
even the option to take part in a rhino relocation.
countering 700,000 tonnes of CO 2 .
They've managed to survive for more than 130
As globalisation takes root and traditional ways
million years but today six of the seven species
of life are passed over in favour of factory work in
of sea turtles are considered endangered.
cities, people in rural areas are struggling to make a
Conservation programmes which monitor nesting
living. For example, in José Manuel Pando Province,
activity and hatching success play a crucial role in
Bolivia, 98% of the population lives below the
protecting them from threats such as plastic in the
poverty line. To help counter the problem you can
sea or poaching. One project in Costa Rica's Osa
spend an extended period helping local women
Peninsula offers volunteers the chance to spend
learn skills to turn their traditional weaving trade
two weeks taking part in essential research and
into a viable businesses, while learning the art of
nest building to help protect turtles.
weaving yourself.
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 39
SPEND TIME WITH FAMILY It can be hard to carve out family time together. Taking a family sabbatical not only ensures oodles of quality time spent exploring, playing and bonding, but also opens your children’s eyes to life outside their little bubbles. What better way to learn Egyptian history than by visiting the Pyramids, or to speak Spanish than with a month in South America? And as for the practical stuff, we’ve got that covered too (see page 54). 40 | originaltravel.co.uk
A California road trip is iconic, especially one chock
The captivating culture of the Far East makes for
full of Original Travel insider tips and activities.
a great living classroom for children to learn about
Over the course of several weeks you'll have the
food, religion, traditions and more. Visit crumbling
freedom to take to the road for as long or little as
temples filled with statues of otherworldly
you like, stopping whenever someone spots a
creatures and fall for the sights, sounds and smells
national park ripe for tree-climbing (read: Big Sur),
of cosmopolitan cities before visiting mountain
or beach break perfect for a surf lesson (say hello
villages and getting messy making traditional
to Santa Barbara). And whether you crave the
dishes in kitchens across Vietnam and Cambodia.
freedom to roam in a motorhome, or prefer hotels each night, we can organise it all.
With desert, mountains and coast to explore, Oman
Messing about on boats is a wonderful way for
is a dream family sabbatical destination. Channel
families to bond. Sail between tiny fishing villages
your little monkeys' energy into rock climbing in the
and harbourside towns, drop anchor and leap into
Hajar Mountains, spotting dolphins on boat trips,
the water whenever you find an inviting spot and
‘defending’ sandcastle-like forts and canyoning
generally spend all day soaking up the sun on deck
through dramatic wadis (river valleys). Then, for
and playing endless games. A few weeks sailing
some real bonding time, journey off the beaten path
around these beautiful Greek islands is the perfect
to go glamping in the Empty Quarter, home to vast
introduction to life on the high seas for children as
sand dunes, sunset camel rides and nobody else
they muck-in, master their ports and starboards
for miles around.
and generally learn to sail.
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 41
OUTDOOR ADVENTURE IN KENYA It’s fairly easy in our technological age to forget the joys of the great outdoors. To jog your memory, travel to Kenya’s remote Laikipia region, the perfect setting for plenty of al fresco adventures. Dedicate a week here and get back to nature on a big game safari, meet local Samburu and Maasai tribes, make the most of outdoorsy pursuits such as rafting, riding or quad-biking, and learn ancestral skills like animal tracking and navigating by the stars.
42 | originaltravel.co.uk
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TICK OFF MY BUCKET LIST It might be something of a clichéd concept, but the fact remains that – consciously or otherwise – we all have bucket lists. Whether you have your own list scrawled on a piece of paper somewhere, or just have several big ideas floating around in your head, a sabbatical is the perfect opportunity to start ticking things off. Having trouble narrowing down your seemingly endless list? With a long stretch of sabbatical time ahead you can finally take on those big-ticket items, the do-before-I-die moments, the money can’t (usually) buy experiences, the long and leisurely trips that you can never fit in on a regular holiday. They're yours for the taking and ticking off.
44 | originaltravel.co.uk
Bucket List: noun: A number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to accomplish during their lifetime.
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SEE THE GREAT MIGRATION Every year over 1.5 million wildebeest, 200,000 zebras and other plains game make a cyclical migration around northern Tanzania’s vast Serengeti National Park before entering into Kenya’s Masai Mara National Park and, finally, heading back south again for calving season (one of the migration’s unsung highlights). Our expertise means we know the best places to see the action, as wildebeest run the gauntlet of lions and charge past your 4x4 on their journey to cross the savannah or croc-infested Mara River. WHEN: Year-round, with Mara River crossings
between July and September
CRUISE THE NILE History and literature lovers can relive the voyage that inspired Agatha Christie’s famous novel by taking a cruise down the River Nile. Spend five nights aboard the stylishly restored Steam Ship Sudan and enjoy peaceful river views and elegant accommodation. Each day, take expertly guided excursions to spectacular sites from Egyptian antiquity such as the Valley of the Kings and Queens and lesser-known, but no less spectacular, sites such as the beautifully preserved Dendera near Luxor, dating from the 4th century BC. WHEN: Best in Northern Hemisphere spring and
autumn. Summer is seriously hot TRAVEL ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS Swap the standard commute for a train ride with a little more elegance. Travelling from London to Venice on the iconic Orient Express, enjoy racing through lush French countryside and dramatic Swiss Alpine scenery, all observed from the comfort of your own luxurious cabin, which magically transforms from cosy lounge to snug bedroom for the night. While admiring the views, dine on word-class cuisine and sip chilled champagne in the elegant dining carriage. WHEN: Best between March and November
46 | originaltravel.co.uk
SEE THE NORTHERN LIGHTS Seeing the Northern Lights is a classic bucket list experience. The Aurora Borealis light up the skies across Scandinavia and other northerly destinations during winter and we can arrange private and fun-filled Northern Lights tours (by dog sled or snowmobile) with you staying in cosy wilderness lodges in the snowy Scandinavian north to view these awesome technicolour displays. Then, why not complete the set and see the southern hemispheric equivalent, the Aurora Australis? WHEN: Best between December and March (or
June to September for the Southern Lights)
HIKE TO MACHU PICCHU After four days hiking at altitude through the Andes, arriving at Machu Picchu as the sun rises to illuminate the mesmerising ancient Incan citadel is a euphoric moment. That said, this is one of those experiences where the journey is as special as the destination. For the best version of that journey we always recommend forgoing the more popular Inca Trail for the little-known Lares Trail, along which you’ll enjoy staggering mountain peak panoramas and ancient Incan ruins almost all to yourself. WHEN: Best between April and October
BALLOON OVER BAGAN Tick two things off your bucket list during one memorable morning in Myanmar. Wake up with an early breakfast before sunrise, then climb into the basket to experience the giddy feeling of being lifted into the air by hot air alone. Tick number one. As you continue to ascend, so should the sun, bathing Bagan’s thousands of stupas and earthen temples in the golden morning light. That would be an incomparable tick number two. WHEN: Best between December and April
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 47
SAFARI IN THE OKAVANGO DELTA No other safari destination is as remarkable, or quite as varied, as the UNESCO-protected Okavango Delta. Every year the Okavango River floods huge swathes of the Kalahari Desert, and so the fertile land surrounding the delta’s waterways teems with wildlife including elephants, buffaloes, lions, rhinos and more. Depending on the season and your location within the delta, we can arrange safaris by traditional mokoro dugout canoe, boat, 4x4 and even on foot. As safaris go, this is the dream. WHEN: Best between June and August
EXPEDITION IN ANTARCTICA The snowy home of the South Pole is a once-in-alifetime destination and, considering the significant amount of time required to venture into Antarctica, a sabbatical is the perfect time to tackle it. We can arrange your travel by small expedition cruise ship to this magnificent icy destination, navigating along a coastline of stunning fjords while spotting elephant seals, humpback whales, orcas, sea lions, Adelie penguins, albatrosses and petrels. Alternatively, base yourself on land for kite skiing tours or even skiing to the Pole like the original Edwardian adventurers. WHEN: Between November and February
ISLAND HOP IN THE GALAPAGOS As a destination with a dizzying number of endemic species, the Galapagos Islands are almost certainly on most wildlife lovers' bucket lists already. If not, they should be. Travel on board a small and luxurious expedition cruise ship to visit some of the 13 major islands and kayak, snorkel, hike and dinghy ride around every day, discovering amazing nuggets of information about the wildlife and habitats from expert guides as you go. WHEN: Year-round (although it works perfectly
directly after an Antarctica adventure)
48 | originaltravel.co.uk
JOURNEY ACROSS JAPAN There’s so much to see and do across Japan’s 6,852 islands (excellent pub quiz fact) that dedicating an entire sabbatical to exploring this fascinating country could easily still leave you wanting more. There are few countries where ancient traditions and modern technology coexist so harmoniously – learn the art of ancient samurai swordsmanship one day and travel by high-speed Shinkansen (bullet train) the next. With fantastic food and stunning scenery to add to the equation, Japan is a real sabbatical all-rounder. WHEN: Year-round with cherry blossom season in
March and April and autumn colours in October
ADVENTURE IN ICELAND The Land of Fire and Ice is, as its nickname suggests, a wonderfully wild, natural adventure playground. Hire a car and spend as long as you can exploring the dramatic scenery in remote corners of this diverse island. Iceland is the only place in the world where you can dive between two tectonic plates, plus it’s also home to lava tubes you can traverse through, geothermal lagoons perfect for bathing, fantastic whale watching, endless volcanoes and some seriously wacky cuisine. WHEN: Year-round
DELVE DEEPER IN ITALY There’s something to discover around every corner in Italy. Spend your sabbatical getting away from the crowds and under the skin of this magical country to truly discover Italy’s secret sauce (and pasta sauces). Travel to remote rural villages, ride a Vespa around the streets of Rome, play cards with locals in Puglia and learn to make pizza in Naples. With any luck you’ll even pick up the language en route (or at least the important stuff, like ‘pizza e vino per favore’). WHEN: Best between April and November
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 49
HEALTH & WELLNESS Detox at an Ayurvedic spa retreat in India Meditate in a Cambodian Buddhist monastery Soak in soothing onsen hot spring baths in Japan
If you’re feeling suitably inspired and have
Bathe under the stars at a luxury safari lodge
started dreaming up your sabbatical itinerary
Practice tai chi with the locals in Henan, China
already, here are a few more ideas you might want to add to that ever-growing list.
Live like a local on guided walks around the world Enjoy nomadic life and yurt camping in Mongolia Soak up surf culture with Australian surf pros Walk Spain's Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route Master mindfulness on a feng shui course in China
CULTURES Trek with indigenous Vedda guides in Sri Lanka Visit hill tribe communities in Vietnam's Ha Giang Meet the leg-rowing fishermen of Inle Lake, Myanmar Take tea with an apprentice geisha (maiko) in Japan Recieve a Baci ceremony blessing in Laos Go behind the scenes at a sumo stable in Japan Meet Lake Titikaka's floating island Uru people Learn ancient skills with the Bushmen of Botswana Visit the Batwa people in the forests of Rwanda Experience tribal traditions with the Samburu, Kenya
NATURE Stargaze in New Zealand's UNESCO Dark Sky Reserve Kayak in Thailand's unspoilt Khao Sok National Park Climb Mount Kinabalu in Malaysian Borneo Dive the tropical Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar Explore canyons and glaciers in US National Parks Spot bears in Canada's British Columbia Hike, kayak and spot wildlife on an Alaskan cruise Cruise around the dramatic Norwegian Fjords Embrace outdoor adventure activities in Montenegro Sleep under the stars at a private desert camp
50 | originaltravel.co.uk
Stay on a vineyard and produce your own wine
Take the quintessential California road trip
Learn the ancient art of Javanese batik dyeing
Embark on an intrepid self-drive safari in Namibia
Perfect your manga drawing skills in Tokyo
Delve into the music scene in the USA's Deep South
Learn to surf world-renowned breaks in Indonesia
Explore Under-Down-Under in Tasmania, Australia
Visit Malaysian Borneo and learn to songket weave
Cross the Andes by 4x4 in Patagonia
Practise your fishing techniques around the world
Cruise Cuba's colourful cities and coast in style
Learn to cattle ranch, cowboy-style in the USA
Race Bond-style up Switzerland's mountain passes
Learn to read the stars on an astronomy course
Potter around Greece's hugely historic Peloponnese
Take a bush guiding course in Botswana
Go on a self-drive adventure in Hokkaido, Japan
Finally master the art of switching off from work
Cruise along the scenic garden route in South Africa
Make a kite with a traditional artisan in Vietnam
See the endemic Komodo dragons of Indonesia
Enjoy a digital detox on the steppes of Mongolia
Spot one-horned rhinos and tigers on safari in India
Bring new cities to life with scavenger hunts
Go snorkelling with whale sharks in Australia
Experience rural life during a local family homestay
Track rare snow leopards in Ladakh, India
Explore Peru by bike, raft and on foot
Witness Sri Lanka's famous elephant gathering
Cycle, ride and eat your way around Italy's Puglia
Spot grey whales off Baja California in Mexico
Qualify as Junior Rangers on safari in South Africa
Search Brazil's lush Pantanal wetlands for jaguars
Meet the cast of Madagascar, in Madagascar
Help a rhino conservation project in Laikipia, Kenya
Let the children take charge of some sabbatical plans
Go chimp trekking in Tanzania's Mahale Mountains
Bond with your child doing their favourite hobby
Learn to dive and spot turtles, whale sharks & more
Celebrate technicolour at Holi Festival in India
Go back to basics and sleep under canvas for a week
Watch the fireworks over Sydney Harbour, Australia
Take a street food tour in famous gastronomic cities
Watch the first sunrise of the new year in Japan
Reach the summit of a mountain, big or small
Light a candle for Diwali in Varanasi, India
Volunteer at an elephant sanctuary
Get soaked during Songkran in Thailand
Make time to read instead of watching TV
Celebrate gaucho life in San Antonio de Areco, Argentina
Stay in an ancient palace or monastery
Celebrate Orthodox Easter in Greece
Tick off the New Seven Wonders of the World
Spend Christmas as a family in Lapland
See somehwere from above on a light aircraft flight
Join the musical celebrations at Rio Carnival
Go a week without your mobile phone
Learn about other religions from the locals
Take part in a crazy challenge for charity
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 51
WHERE TO GO WHEN Planning a sabbatical across multiple destinations can mean taking several different climates and seasons into account. Fortunately, the team of amateur meteorologists here at Original Travel have come up with a handy guide to weather around the world. Here's a sneak preview...
52 | originaltravel.co.uk
“We had such an amazing adventure on our six weeks sabbatical. We covered 2,800 miles and saw places we would never have dreamed of had it not been for your help. The pre-trip planning and the support during the trip was absolutely brilliant so once again thank you. We have made many, many happy memories which hopefully our girls will remember for the rest of their lives. ” A six-week summer adventure through Europe
” +44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 53
OUR TOP TIPS... Now that your head (and heart) is full of big dreams and grand plans, it’s time to start bringing your sabbatical to life. We’re here to help with advice and insights on the planning process; to provide tips and tricks on the practicalities; to give the lowdown on logistics and to actually make it all happen.
No two travellers plan in the same way. Some of us favour detailed spreadsheets and minute-by-minute itineraries while others just have a great long list of love-to-dos that need turning into an actual plan. Whether you’re in the early conceptual stages, already have a rough idea or own a map smothered with post-it notes, there are some essential logistics that need nailing down in order to turn your dreams into a sabbatical reality.
56 | originaltravel.co.uk
How long you go for really depends on
You need to make sure you're visiting
If you’re travelling as a couple you
a few factors, from the length of your
your dream destinations when they're
need to make sure you’re both happy
company's sabbatical policy to your
at their best, and that's where our
with the places you visit. They say
budget, the logistics and the reality
handy Where To Go When guide (page
opposites attract, so for many couples
of fitting in everything you want to
52) comes in. Want to know the best
that might be easier said than done.
do. We’ve helped people searching for
spots for snorkelling with whale sharks
To help find the magic middle ground,
a ‘live like a local’ experience across
in June? After an accurate prediction
we suggest each picking two or three
Italy for three months as well as some
of when the famous Japanese cherry
can’t-miss destinations and then
seriously adventurous travellers
blossom will be in full bloom? The
letting us create a route to combine
wanting to spend two years ticking off
guide will reveal all, and our expert
those. The result? You both get your
every item on their global bucket list
consultants can then help weave
way, but potentially with wild card
(and some extras). We can look at
together the ideal tailor-made
destinations thrown in to link the trip
what you want to do, what you want
itinerary. And remember: some bucket
together. Who knows, they might end
to achieve, where you’d like to go and
list experiences and events get booked
up being your highlights.
then help you come up with a plan.
up WAY in advance, so plan ahead.
We’re pretty proud of our connections
Juggling entry requirements, visa
Special occasions can be the prime
across the globe. We can organise
applications and deadlines when
time for homesickness. Maybe you
expert-led activities, tours and
you’re visiting multiple countries can
want to head home to see family and
expeditions, or we can give you some
be daunting. We can help you organise
friends (and sleep in your own bed
gentle guidance and let you discover
all of these details so that you’ve got
again for a few nights), travel to a
for yourself. We’ve found that a bit
peace of mind as you travel around.
favourite destination to celebrate your
of both generally works best and,
Plus, we have a wonderful (if we do
birthday, or swap a bush camp for a
of course, it depends on what you
say so ourselves) Original Travel
luxury lodge come the festive season.
want to achieve. You might want a
app that means everything is in one
These occasions are also a great
professional historian to lead you
paperless place. When it comes to
excuse to have friends and family
around the complexities of an
vaccinations, our advice is simple:
come and join you on your travels, or to
archaeological site in one location,
visit your GP and plan way ahead of
tick something off your bucket list, like
while you’re happy to stroll around
time - some vaccinations need to be
watching the New Year's Eve fireworks
temples in another all by yourself.
done weeks or more before you travel.
over the Sydney Opera House.
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 57
TAKE A BREAK While travelling is pretty darn fun if you ask us (we may be biased), it’s not always the most relaxing pursuit. After trekking through mountains, living off-the-grid and getting your hands dirty planting mangroves, you might find that you want - and need - a little down time. We can organise (and in fact insist on) these well-timed, much-needed breaks, which allow you to reflect on the trip so far, and catch up on a little life admin along the way. For some, a break will mean doing nothing but worshipping the sun on a beautiful sandy beach - living off a diet of daily pampering treatments and cocktails - for others it will mean staying in a city centre apartment that could (almost) be home. Alternatively, if you really don’t want to take a break, why not enjoy a little so-called ‘slow travel’ instead. Perhaps a week aboard a traditional dhow (boat) in Mozambique or several days on your bike during a cycling trip in Spain? Whatever you choose, we’re certain you’ll be thankful for the change of pace.
58 | originaltravel.co.uk
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PREPARATION So you’ve taken the leap of faith. Hats off. You’ve secured the time off work, organised hundreds of ideas into a workable itinerary and finally pressed the 'book' button. Now that the travel admin is sorted, we realise there are some other life-admin-shaped things to think about too. To help you compile a to-do list, here are just a few of our top tips for ensuring life runs smoothly while you’re away.
The biggest worry for anyone
Some of us love them, some of us hate
Rule one when it comes to packing?
travelling for a long time is nearly
them, but the fact is you’re going to
Don’t panic. If you’re going away for
always their home. Depending on how
need at least one. We recommend
a long time, and travelling in various
long you are going to be away, there
making a Google sheet (so you can
different temperatures, you’re going to
are various options you might like to
access it online while away) and
need more than one suitcase. We can
consider. These include renting your
suggest logging things like friends and
arrange for a summer suitcase to be
home out, finding house-sitters, or
family’s contact details, your online
sent to you once you’ve finished your
simply asking friends to pop over and
and telephone banking details (don't
expedition in Antarctica, or for a bag
check on the boiler every few weeks
worry, you can password protect the
of trekking clothes at your hotel while
– you’ll need to keep the heating on to
sheet), and other useful information
you island hop around French
validate your home insurance. We have
like travel and house insurance
Polynesia. A little pre-planning goes
personal experience organising all of
references and your passport details.
a long, long way.
the above and can give you pointers on what might be the best option for you.
60 | originaltravel.co.uk
Make sure your mobile phone isn’t
Leaving pets behind as you travel is a
Accidents happen; wallets are lost,
locked to a specific provider – your
major concern for many. Thankfully
flights are missed, bones are broken.
current provider will be able to
the world is full of animal lovers and
As a result, travel insurance is
arrange this – so that you can swap
many of you will find you have friends
absolutely essential. To make sure
your SIM card for local ones while
more than willing to foster your pets
you’re covered for a sabbatical length
away. Alternatively, pick up a cheap
while you’re away. Time to apply the
trip, and for all the cool stuff you’ve got
second phone for daily use and keep
'don't ask, don't get' rule. If no luck
planned, we can recommend specialist
your main phone squirreled away
there, we can help you find paid pet
policies. And for all those matters out
as back up.
sitters who, rather than putting
of your control – think cancelled flights
beloved Bertie in a cage, will become
and natural disasters – well, that’s
his new best friend in no time.
where we save the day.
If you’re going to be away for
For those of you who own your own
When you’re travelling to different
Christmas or a loved one’s birthday,
business (or who are just self-
countries with different currencies,
pick up a unique gift on your travels
confessed workaholics), the
you need a bank account that isn’t
and we will help you ship it home in
temptation to check in on work emails
going to charge you a small fortune
time for the big day. Alternatively, if
while away can be almost impossible
every time you use it. There are
inspiration fails you, remember there
to resist. To help cure your e-ddiction,
several new challenger banks who
is always Amazon. And, of course,
ask your office’s IT guru to change
won’t charge you a penny to use your
we’ll make sure you don’t go without
your email password while you’re
card or get cash out anywhere abroad.
a stocking on Christmas Day too.
away. And don’t worry, you can make
That said, it’s always a good idea to
sure your second-in-command has
have multiple cards from different
your mobile number for any real
banks with you – just in case.
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We’ve already talked about the potential for anxiety when leaving everyday life and - more importantly - friends and family behind during a sabbatical, but now it’s time to get practical. Whether you want to counter those fears by taking family with you, or by having friends visit, or if you want to go totally solo, we can make sure the logistics are taken care of.
Research shows that roughly a third of our clients who took
It’s amazing how infectious the idea of travel can be. Declare
a sabbatical last year did so accompanied by their partners
at a dinner party that you’re setting off on a sabbatical and
and children. It might seem a daunting feat to take children
we can almost guarantee that half the table will promise to
out of school and travel the world as a family, but if planned
come and visit you in some far flung destination. Granted,
properly this can be one of the most rewarding experiences
not all promises will come true, but many will, and it’s an
both parents and children will ever have. And that’s before
opportunity for your visitors to finally make the trip they’ve
mentioning the invaluable quality time spent together, and
always intended (with the help of Original Travel, we hope)
the family bonding and life lessons learned from
as much as for you to be reunited with long lost friends.
encounters with fascinating people and places around the
Similarly, for families with older children, what better way to
world. Time, though, for a quick reality check. Arguments will still happen, and no, children do not learn how to pass their GCSE’s while on safari in Kenya (but as before they will learn lots of other things). Thankfully we can line up fully qualified and fully flexible tutors to travel with you, recommend great online school courses, or even arrange ad-hoc lessons with teachers from international schools. To help with littler ones, or generally defuse arguments, we also have a healthy address
While we recognise that there is no ‘one-size-fitsall’ approach when it comes to family travel, in our experience, having the advice of those that have planned or taken a family sabbatical before you is utterly invaluable
book of nannies. To put it simply, while we recognise that there is no
spend the university Easter holidays than travelling around India with Mum and Dad? And if you’re away for a birthday or Christmas, who knows, we might even be able to surprise you with a visitor or two… GOING SOLO
For some, the whole point of taking a sabbatical is to get away from everything and everyone, spending much needed time truly alone. It’s an incredibly liberating feeling realising that you are not dependent on the network of people around you, and that you are self-sufficient. It may even help you appreciate your friends and family all the more.
For a taste of total isolation with space and time for
‘one-size-fits-all’ approach when it comes to family travel, in
self-reflection, travel somewhere away from the
our experience having the advice of those who have planned
temptations of Wi-Fi, where beautiful scenery and
or taken a family sabbatical before is utterly invaluable.
peace are the perfect companions on your journey.
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 63
RESPONSIBLE TRAVEL As a company, Original Travel are
You can then make an informed
passionate about responsible travel
decision before you travel about
in all its forms, and we are determined
where you want your money to go.
to help our clients travel in as
Why is this all relevant to
sustainable way as possible. To that
sabbaticals in particular? Because
end, we offset 100% of our clients'
if you’re staying somewhere for a
carbon footprints from their holiday
sustained amount of time, that’s
flights, car hire and transfers, and
potentially a once-in-a-lifetime chance
the Original Travel Foundation - set
to really give back in a way beyond the
up back in 2009 - supports a number
merely monetary (undeniably helpful
of humanitarian projects in developing
though that is). Depending on where
countries around the world.
you end up on your sabbatical travels,
Similarly, when it comes to
we can weave in a responsible tourism
wildlife preservation we believe
element, be that visiting one or more
that conservation and tourism
of our Foundation or partner projects
are inextricably linked. At the risk
around the globe, or really getting
of over-simplifying, if there is no
your hands dirty by living and working
conservation, then there will be
with a project over the course of
fewer reasons for tourists to visit,
weeks or even months (see page 38).
which means fewer funds to conserve
The latter can involve some seriously
what made a place and its inhabitants
hard graft, but we find that a sense
(both human and animal) so special in
of doing your bit - truly making a
the first place. And so on and on, in a
difference - is one of the key pieces of
downward spiral.
positive feedback from clients who
That’s why we are increasingly looking to work with suppliers who
have enjoyed sabbaticals with us. So as we plan your sabbatical, bear
take an ethical and sustainable stance
in mind that our unparalleled network
in their destinations. We're not
of suppliers around the globe, and our
perfect, and there's a long way to go
Foundation – something none of our
for responsible travel as a whole, but
competitors can lay claim to – mean
we are determined to do our bit. For
that wherever you travel, and however
instance, we will always let you know
long the sabbatical, we should be able
about any suppliers who are making
to tailor-make a memorable
particularly admirable efforts to
responsible tourism experience for
promote responsible travel,
you that also helps an admirable
sustainability and conservation.
cause. Win-win if there ever was.
Images clockwise from left: Local organic farm produce; Rhino relocation with Rhinos Without Borders, South Africa; Supporting local schools in South Africa, Turtle hatching in Costa Rica, Planting trees in Colombia
64 | originaltravel.co.uk
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 65
ABOUT US At Original Travel we believe life is in the detail. We want to
in a huge variety of destinations (the Original Travel team
get to know you - what you like, love and would rather leave
have lived or travelled in a whopping 161 countries), but
behind - so that we can create
we also have a whole suite of
a bespoke travel experience
additional extras and services
where every detail is tailored
to take your trip to the next
to you and your needs.
level. There's the big stuff,
No two travellers and
such as the 24-hour helpline,
no two itineraries are ever
expert guides and our local
identical. Each, as our name
Concierge service (more on
suggests, is truly original.
that on page 68) to ensure
Our thoughtful team of
you’re making the most
knowledgeable experts are
of your precious time away,
here to do the hard work for
to seemingly simple but
you. To take care of every
infinitely wonderful fast-track
need and smallest personal
services through security
request from the second you
and immigration in airports,
contact us to the moment
fun packs for little travellers
you return home from another
and a handy Original Travel
memorable trip or adventure,
app to keep all of the
be it a long weekend in Europe
important information and
or year-long globetrotting
documents in one place.
sabbatical. Whether you want to go
From your personalised itinerary to the service you’ll
wild and track game with
receive from us, we known
bushmen in the Kalahari
that it’s the tiny details that
Desert, or learn the art of
matter and make an enormous
pizza-making in the Tuscan
difference. We’ve proudly
countryside with your family, we provide something a
been doing detail since 2003 (a crisp and icy morning on
little different. Not only do we have the inside scoop,
the 6th January, to be precise) and we want to share our
bucket loads of experience and specialist knowledge
experience and passion with you.
MORE ABOUT ORIGINAL TRAVEL To learn more about us, what makes us different and what we can do for you, request one of our brochures at originaltravel.co.uk/brochure
66 | originaltravel.co.uk
COUNTRIES Our global network of Concierges help you live like a local with insider insights (see page 68)
Visited by the Original Travel team
TRAVEL EXPERTS In the team, each expert in a specific region
Your holiday is fully protected
SABBATICALS Avoid airlines’ random seat allocation for flights booked with Original Travel
Organised by the Original Travel team
To discuss and plan your sabbatical. We'll come to you or you can visit our London office; it's completely up to you.
Of travel industry experience within the Original Travel team
Things can go wrong; we’re on call 24/7 to offer assistance when required
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 67
LOCAL CONCIERGES Our global network of Concierges are always on hand to take your travelling experience to the next level. The Concierges live locally, know their destinations inside and out and are a phone call (or WhatsApp, email etc…) away to help you out with everything from organising additional activities to helping you with your life admin. Think of them as your well-connected and reliable friends in each country who you can turn to for live, expert advice. You can use them as little or as much as you want, but we find that on sabbaticals they’re more valuable than ever as your needs are invariably different
the number of countries currently covered by our local Concierge network... and growing
from a regular holiday. They may be able to help you when: You want to spend a long time getting under the skin of one place or are looking for ‘live like a local’ experiences away from the polished tourist trails You need some help with personal admin such as posting letters and parcels back, and organising medicines (no need to learn the name of your prescriptions in 12 different languages!) You’ve accidentally on purpose bought too many wonderful trinkets on your travels and you need to send some back home You’re tired from all that adventuring and want a taste of normal life; whether it’s going to the cinema, finding a local pub to play
the number of languages spoken by our local Concierges
pool, or getting a massage Let’s be honest: however well you/we plan, things will undoubtedly change during the course of your sabbatical, and we fully endorse that – the desire for freedom and flexibility is part of the reason you’re taking this trip. Having Original Travel and our knowledgeable Concierges on speed dial to make any logistical changes, introduce you to hidden corners of your chosen countries and make recommendations along the way is the perfect way to ensure that you make the most of your sabbatical and don't make unnecessary compromises.
“From restaurant recommendations to organising transfers for our visitors and sending luggage ahead, Brett the Concierge was always on top of every detail. Nothing was ever too much trouble.” FR, California sabbatical 68 | originaltravel.co.uk
our local Concierges are always on hand and available to you in your time zone
the number of UK travel companies offering this unique service
Today is Bob's birthday so local Concierge Jas has arranged a surprise breakfast picnic for him after his morning hike. Back in the village where he’s been staying for the past month, a package has arrived with gifts and cards from friends and family at home, all collated by Jas. She’s also planned with Bob's new local friends and neighbours to have a party organised with traditional music and food to celebrate with him that evening.
Halfway through a six-week hike along the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in rural northern Spain, Amelia's beloved DSLR camera breaks. Knowing that Amelia is using the trip to practice her photography skills learned on a course on the previous leg of her sabbatical, Concierge Julio sends a loan camera for Amelia to pick up at her next stop on the route, and organises for a courier to pick up her broken one to be repaired and sent back to her.
After two months in South Africa, the Wright family are heading to celebrate Christmas in Finnish Lapland. Sofia, our local Concierge, has made sure that their winter luggage is waiting for them at their lodge when they arrive, as well as their Christmas stockings and a few home comforts, plus there's a computer in their room to Skype family back home.
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 69
We specialise in a wide range of other holiday types as well. Whether you’re an avid diver or in search of a Big Short Break, Original Travel can tailor-make something just for you. For more inspiration visit originaltravel.co.uk/collections
Top to bottom, left to right:
⚫ A Big Short Break in Marrakech, Morocco ⚫ Piazza Maggiore, Bologna, Italy
⚫ A honeymoon in Rajasthan and Agra, India
⚫ A family sailing holiday, Greece
⚫ Heli-skiing in Monte Rosa, Italy
⚫ Sailing on Alexa, Indonesia
⚫ A road trip through Monument
⚫ Elephants in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
⚫ Diving in the Maldives
Valley in Utah, USA ⚫ Villa Mangiacane in Tuscany, Italy
+44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 71
72 | originaltravel.co.uk
Call +44 (0)20 7591 4433 to start planning your sabbatical... +44 (0) 20 7591 4433 | 73
WE HOPE THIS SABBATICAL GUIDE HAS INSPIRED YOU. If so, do get in touch... PHONE +44 (0) 20 7591 4433
ONLINE originaltravel.co.uk originaldiving.com
EMAIL ask@originaltravel.co.uk
All the flights and flight-inclusive holidays in this brochure are financially protected by the ATOL scheme. When you pay you will be supplied with an ATOL Certificate. If you buy a holiday that does not include a flight, as a condition of our membership of ABTA, protection is also provided. Details of this protection is set out in our booking conditions viewable at originaltravel.co.uk.
PHOTO CREDITS Tiger Blue (p.11), Lords Safaris (p.28), Panoramic Journeys (p.29), Shakti (p.29), Corocora Camp (p.30), Robin Pope Safaris (p.31), Azura Quilalea (p.31), Wolwedans (p.35), COMO Shambala (p.36 & 37), Scott Ramsay (p.39), Voyageurs du Monde (p.39), twenty3 extreme (p.41), Ol Lentile (p.42 & 43), Belmond Venice Simplon-Orient-Express (p.46), Willian Justen de Vasconcellos (p.47), Beverly Joubert (p.65)
74 | originaltravel.co.uk
To order one of our brochures call: +44 (0)20 7591 4433 or visit: originaltravel.co.uk/brochure
Front cover image: Lago di Carezza in the Dolomites, Italy
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