6 minute read

#1 Liquor
1200 SE 14th St Suite 2 Bentonville, AR (479) 657-6766
21c Museum Hotel Bentonville
200 NE A St Bentonville, AR (479) 286-6500 21cmuseumhotels.com
37 North Expeditions
3449 S Woodstock Springfield, MO (417) 827-4582
3W Magazine 1800 S 52nd St Suite 301 Rogers, AR (918) 906-2363
479 Chiropractic and Wellness
2508 S Walton Blvd Suite 8 Bentonville, AR (479) 367-7619 479chiroandwellness.com
4media Group
702 SE 5th St Suite 50 Bentonville, AR (888) 890-8066
80 Acres Urban Agriculture
1890 D East Emma Ave Springdale, AR (513) 341-6777 80acresfarms.com
A & B Distributors of Arkansas
1200 Federal Way Lowell, AR (479) 347-2350
A Modern Touch Construction and Remodeling LLC 2701 SE G St Suite 9 Bentonville, AR (479) 900-9008 roofsbyamt.com
Abbey Carpet and Floor 2812 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 464-4411 abbeycarpetandfloornwa.com
Academy Bank
1100 Main St Suite 350 Kansas City, MO (870) 688-7216 academybank.com
Adams Pest Control of NLR 13203 Sharp Springs Rd Lowell, AR (479) 280-0941 adamspestnlr.com
Adobe 345 Park Ave San Jose, CA (408) 753-5826 adobe.com
3511 SE J St Suite 9 #277 Bentonville, AR (479) 426-0957 adoptaphone.com
Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center, PLLC 701 NW McNelly Rd Suite 11 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-3555 advancedskinmd.com
Advantage Title & Escrow 2744 Millennium Dr Suite #3 Fayetteville, AR (479) 301-2440 goadvantagetitle.com
Adventure Church 305 SE 22nd St Bentonville, AR (479) 553-9342 adventurebentonville.com
Advise Your Career 13520 Cardinal Cir Bentonville, AR (479) 321-9018 adviseyourcareer.com
Aflac - Sheron Harp 2816 N Thompson Springdale, AR (479) 750-3138 sheronharp.com
Air Compressor Equipment Company 521 S Bloomington St Lowell, AR (479) 770-0006 acec-ark.com
Air Evac Lifeteam 712 W Maple Springdale, AR (870) 809-9186 lifeteam.net
Airship Coffee 1000 SE 5th St Bentonville, AR (479) 268-6376 airshipcoffee.com
ALDI INC 1006 SW 14th St Bentonville, AR (913) 768-1119 aldi.us
All A-V Services LLC 1024 Burrell Pl Lowell, AR (479) 756-0888 allavservices.com
All Clean By Anabelle, LLC 820 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 888-4239 allcleanbyanabelle.com
All Pets Animal Hospital 209 N Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 273-9299 allpetsnwa.com
All Saints’ Episcopal Church 2904 NW 3rd St Bentonville, AR (479) 802-0302 allsaintsbentonville.org
Allergy & Asthma Clinic of NWA 1900 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 254-9777 achoo.yourmd.com
Allgeier, Martin and Associates 1004 Beau Terre Bldg E, Suite 507 Bentonville, AR (417) 680-7200 amce.com
Allied Cycle Works 1701 N 13th St Suite A Rogers, AR (844) 222-1666 alliedcycleworks.com
Alloy Technologies 548 Market St PMB 87951 San Francisco, CA (650) 814-7788 alloy.ai
Aloft Hotel Rogers/ Bentonville 1103 S 52nd St Rogers, AR (479) 268-6799 marriott.com/rogal
Alzheimer’s Association
11300 N Rodney Parham Rd Suite 205A Little Rock, AR (501) 265-0027 alz.org
AMB Technology, LLC 612 Leisure Ln Bentonville, AR (479) 903-1268 ambtechnology.com
American Hunt Inc 1 E Center St Suite #330 Unit #501 Fayetteville, AR (479) 402-0969 americanhunt.com
American Water Sports 701 W Hudson Rogers, AR (417) 739-2314 americanwatersports.com
America’s Car-Mart of Centerton 350 W Centerton Blvd Centerton, AR (479) 224-7010 car-mart.com
Amp Electric 1603 W Centerton Blvd Suite 102 Centerton, AR (479) 426-4740 nwaelectrician.com
AMP Sign & Banner 907 SE 21st St Bentonville, AR (479) 464-3565 chooseamp.com
Amped Electric Games, LLC 7640 SW Regional Airport Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 349-2223 ampedelectricgames.com
AMR Architects, Inc. 132 W Emma St Suite 202 Springdale, AR (479) 334-2901 amr-architects.com
Amy Bowman, Independent Senior Sales Director with Mary Kay
14299 Andover Ln Rogers, AR (479) 586-0196 marykay.com/abowman
Amy Keever Gallery 120 S Main St Bentonville, AR (479) 343-1010 amykeever.com
Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce PO Box 1217 Anderson, MO (417) 845-8200 andersonmo.org
Anderson Engineering, Inc. 5311 W Village Pkwy Rogers, AR (479) 286-8181 andersonengineeringinc.com
Andrea Pruitt Photography Fayetteville, AR (501) 697-2336 andreapruittphotog.wixsite.com
Andrea VanSweringen, REALTOR®, Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 3113 N Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (480) 220-5182 andreabuysandsellshomes.com
Angelie D2C llc 2200 SE J St Suite 18 Bentonville, AR (312) 420-7596 eataverse.net
Ankle & Foot Centers of Mid-America, Inc. 1000 SE Walton Blvd Suite 16 Bentonville, AR (479) 224-6411 sheehanthefootman.com
APAC-Central, Inc. 755 Millsap Rd Fayetteville, AR (479) 587-3300 apaccentralinc.com
Apexnetwork Physical Therapy 1128 E Centerton Blvd Centerton, AR (479) 464-3548 apexnetworkpt.com
Apollo IT Services 1720 S Walton Blvd Suite 4-202 Bentonville, AR (479) 553-9940 apolloitservices.com
ARcare, Inc. 400 W Capital Ave Suite 2910 Little Rock, AR (501) 859-6564 arcare.net
Arisa Health Inc 2400 S 48th St Springdale, AR (479) 750-2020 arisahealth.com
Arkanpaws Pet Sitting 28 Coalburn Dr Bella Vista, AR (479) 644-0734 arkanpaws.com
Arkansas and Missouri RailRoad Company 306 E Emma Springdale, AR (479) 725-4017 amrailroad.com
Arkansas Army National Guard 6800 SW Minuteman Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 426-4970 nationalguard.com
Arkansas Athletes Outreach 1515 Burr Oak Dr Fayetteville, AR (479) 442-9979 aaoteam.org
Arkansas Business Publishing Group 114 Scott St Little Rock, AR (501) 372-1443 ArkansasBusiness.com
Arkansas Capital Corporation 200 River Market Ave Suite 400 Little Rock, AR (501) 374-9247 arcapital.com
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation 4093 W Sunset Ave Suite 102 Springdale, AR (479) 725-0404 archildrens.org
Arkansas Connections Academy 1009 Beau Terre Bentonville, AR (501) 386-3419 arkansasconnectionsacademy.com
Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism 306 Lake Rd Springdale, AR (479) 751-6234 arkansas.com
Arkansas Division of Services for the Blind 2143 W MLK Blvd Fayetteville, AR (501) 682-0345
Arkansas Early Learning, Inc. 2308 SE 28th St Suite 8 Bentonville, AR (479) 319-6333 arearlylearning.org
Arkansas Economic Development Commission 1 Capital Mall Little Rock, AR arkansasedc.com
ARKANSAS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 2000 W Walnut St Rogers, AR (800) 456-3000 afcu.org
Arkansas Latinas en Bici 4615 Spring Cliff Loop Rogers, AR (479) 366-4406 latinasenbici.org
Arkansas Muscle & Joint Chiropractic & Rehab 1380 SW Westpark Dr Suite 14 Bentonville, AR (479) 339-1481 amjchiro.com
Arkansas Musicworks, LLC 2400 SE J St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-2600 arkansasmusicworks.com
Arkansas PBS Foundation 350 S Donaghey Ave Conway, AR (501) 269-4546 myarkansaspbs.org
Arkansas Philharmonic PO Box 1723 Bentonville, AR (479) 841-4644 arkansasphilharmonic.org
Arkansas Sign & Banner 1914 S Walton Blvd Suite 4 Bentonville, AR (479) 271-9722 arkansassign.net
Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce 3603 SW Willowbrook Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 409-4389 arkansasstatechamber.com
Arkansas State Teachers Association 225 S Pulaski St Suite 200 Little Rock, AR (877) 742-2782 astapro.org
Arkansas Suites 1101 S Bowman Rd Suite A4 Little Rock, AR (479) 464-7368 apthunters-nwa.com
Arkansas Support Network 6836 Isaac’s Orchard Rd Springdale, AR (479) 927-4100 supports.org
Arkansas Urology 3400 SE Macy Rd Suite 18 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-6800 arkansasurology.com
Arkansas Welcome Center @ Bentonville 13750 Visitors Center Dr Bella Vista, AR (479) 855-3111 Arkansas.com
Arrowhead Boat Sales 14555 E Hwy 12 Rogers, AR (479) 925-1199 arrowheadboatsales.com
ARSCO Roofing 1101 NW J St Unit B Bentonville, AR (479) 273-2221 arscoroofing.com
Art and Hazel’s Museum Antiques 205 SE 2nd St Bentonville, AR (479) 619-6428
Art Attack Studios 1530 Sweetbriar Way Centerton, AR (501) 650-0224 artattackstudios.com
Arthur Murray Dance Center 4200 W Green Acres Rd Rogers, AR (479) 222-0662 arthurmurraynwa.com
Artisan Alliance at Wishing Spring 8862 W McNelly Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 273-1798 artisanalliance.net
Arvest Bank 201 NE A St PO Box 1229 Bentonville, AR (479) 273-3331 arvest.com
Asami Tea 206 E Main St Gentry, AR (417) 232-3344 asamiteashop.com
Aspect Pest Control, LLC
12359 Bluebird Rd Gravette, AR (479) 319-0212 aspectpest.com
Aspire Gymnastics Academy
906 NW 13th St Bentonville, AR (479) 464-9993 aspiregymnasticsacademy.com
Atlas PO Box 217 Pea Ridge, AR (501) 412-7479 oneatlas.com
Attraversiamo Technologies
447 E Prospect St Fayetteville, AR (501) 655-6013 myhila.app avad3 Event Production 212 Presidential Dr
Baldwin & Shell Construction Company 6514 A Lynch’s Prairie Cove Springdale, AR (479) 845-1111 baldwinshell.com
Bank of America 5209 Village Pkwy Rogers, AR (479) 636-2000 bankofamerica.com
Bank of Gravett 192 E Centerton Blvd Centerton, AR (479) 795-0123 bankofgravett.net
Bank OZK 1010 SE Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 845-4560 ozk.com
Barrett DirectLine Expedited Service 2259 N 2nd St
BBB Septic & Portable Toilet Service PO Box 1271 Bentonville, AR (479) 271-0058 bbbseptic.net
Be Young and Free CBD 13 Mason Ln Bella Vista, AR (479) 202-9938 beyoungandfreecbd.com
Beautifully Done 5900 SW Knotty Pine Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 326-7768 beautifullydone.design
Beaver Water District 301 N Primrose Rd Lowell, AR (479) 756-3651 bwdh2o.org
Beer & Hymns Inc. 1608 Robinhood Rd Bentonville, AR
Bella Vista Church of Christ 989 NW McNelly Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 273-2434 bellavistachurchofchrist.com
Bella Vista Property Owners Association 98 Clubhouse Dr Bella Vista, AR (479) 855-8000 bellavistapoa.com
Bella Vista Wine and Spirits 31 Cunningham Corner Bella Vista, AR (479) 876-2220 facebook.com/ bellavistawineandspirits
BenRo Construction Inc 28119 Nichols Loop Rd Little Rock, AR (501) 952-7277 benroconstruction.com
Benton County Solid Waste District 5702 Brookside Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 795-0751 bentoncountyrecycles.org
Bentonville Acupuncture & Wellness Center 1003 SE 14th St Suite 9 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-3375 bentonvilleacupuncture.health

Bentonville Brewing Company 901 SW 14th St Bentonville, AR (479) 903-7330 bentonvillebrewing.com
Bentonville Community Church of the Nazarene 220 NW A St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-2132 communitynwa.church
Bentonville Glass, Inc. 507 S Main St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-5545 bentonvilleglass.com
Bentonville Head Start 2109 SE J St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-2496 nwaheadstart.org
Bentonville History Museum 416 S Main St Bentonville, AR (479) 696-4210 bentonvillehistorymuseum.org
Bentonville Parks and Recreation 215 SW A St Bentonville, AR (479) 464-7275 bentonvillear.com
Bentonville Plastics, Inc. 607 SW A St