7 minute read
Bentonville Provisions
219 S Main St Bentonville, AR (949) 201-5577 bentonville-provisions.com
Bentonville Public Library
405 S Main St Bentonville, AR (479) 271-3192 bentonvillelibrary.org
Bentonville School District
500 Tiger Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 254-5000 bentonvillek12.org
Bentonville Schools Foundation
500 Tiger Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 367-8033 bentonvilleschoolfoundation.org
Bentonville Taproom
109 S Main St Bentonville, AR (479) 553-7577
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Solutions
Real Estate
2905 S Walton Blvd Suite 29 Bentonville, AR (479) 271-2424 berkshirehathawayhs.com
Best Friends Animal Society in Northwest Arkansas
1312 Melissa Dr Bentonville, AR (479) 274-0510 bestfriends.org/nwa
Best Title LLC 3201 S Market St Suite 106 Rogers, AR (479) 337-4543 nwabesttitle.com
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Journey 523 SE 6th St Bentonville, AR (479) 319-3737 BHGRE-Journey.com
BFFoundation / Bentonvillle Film Festival 702 SE 5th St Suite 8 Bentonville, AR (479) 381-1900 bentonvillefilm.org
BHC Insurance 1626 Empire St Lowell, AR (479) 878-1896 bhca.com
Big Cedar Lodge 190 Top of the Rock Rd Ridgedale, MO (800) 225-6343 bigcedar.com
Big Deal Marketing, LLC 1083 E Lowell Ave Suite 1 Cave Springs, AR (479) 925-8819 bdmarketing.com
Big Frog Custom T-Shirts & More of NWA 2501 SE 14th St Suite 11 Bentonville, AR (479) 464-0160 bigfrog.com/nwa
Big Orange 2203 S Promenade Blvd Ste 3100 Rogers, AR (479) 202-5339 bigorangeburger.com
Bike Rack Brewing Co. 801 SE 8th St Suite 61 Bentonville, AR (479) 319-6593 bikerackbrewing.com
Bike School Bentonville 408 NW 3rd St Bentonville, AR (405) 850-2103 bikeschoolbentonville.com
Bing Bing Investments LLC 606 NW B St Bentonville, AR (479) 254-8265
Blake Street House 301 NE Blake St Bentonville, AR (479) 715-0160 blakest.com
Blue Crane dba Food Hub NWA, LLC PO Box 668 Bentonville, AR (479) 431-2222 bluecrane.us
Blue Wave Hearing ctr 1501 SE Walton Blvd Suite 119 Bentonville, AR (479) 254-0011 bluewavehearing.com
Bob Morey’s Auto Body, Inc. 1019 N Walton Blvd #7 Bentonville, AR (479) 271-7292 bobmoreyautobody.com
Boba Journey 1501 SE Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 367-2748 bit.ly/3IrY2n8
Bogle’s Garden City 2105 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 273-5928 gardencitynurserybentonvillear.com
Bookkeeper Plus 3606 W Southern Hills Blvd Rogers, AR (479) 633-1735 bookkeeperplusar.com
Bost, Inc. 5812 Remington Cir Fort Smith, AR (479) 478-5556 bost.org
Botanical Garden of the Ozarks 4703 N Crossover Rd Highway 265 Fayetteville, AR (479) 750-2620 bgozarks.org
Boys & Girls Club of Benton County 2801 Walker St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-7187 bgcbentoncounty.org
Branches Mission Lab 200 SE 6th St Suite 108 Bentonville, AR (479) 264-8677 brancheslab.com
Brandi Mallard REALTOR - Collier & Associates 437 SW B St Bentonville, AR (479) 721-8599 collierhomesnwa.com
Brandon Cox, Realtor, Collier & Associates 5103 Sloan Cir Rogers, AR (479) 426-6575 brandonacoxrealtor.com
Breast Center of Northwest Arkansas, The, a MANA clinic 801 SE Plaza Ave Suite 5 Bentonville, AR (479) 271-0084 mana.md/clinics/the-breast-center
Brick Avenue Lofts 902 SE Brick Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 802-0641 brickavelofts.com
Bridging Us 800 Founders Park Dr Springdale, AR (408) 693-9290 bridging-us.com
Brown’s Collision Center 1450 SE J St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-2639 brownscollisioncenter.com
BRR Architecture 700 SE 5th St Suite 120 Bentonville, AR (479) 286-2900 brrarch.com
Brush Brothers Painting 1405 Barberry Ln Bentonville, AR (479) 321-2466 NWAPaint.com
Bryan Properties 1014 E Walnut #101 Springfield, MO (417) 840-1111 bryan-properties.net
Budget Blinds Serving Northwest Arkansas 122 Virginia St Springdale, AR (479) 751-6655
BUF Architecture Studio PLLC 702 SE 5th St Suite 30 Bentonville, AR (479) 685-2777 bufstudio.co
Buffington Homes of Arkansas 2826 E Joyce Blvd Suite 1 Fayetteville, AR (479) 251-1106 buffingtonhomesar.com
Burckart Construction, Inc. / I Street Landing 2302 SW I St Suite 106 Bentonville, AR (479) 273-1881 burckart.com
Burn Boot Camp
103 SW Winsted Ln Suite 21 Bentonville, AR (479) 250-5870 burnbootcamp.com
Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc.
6576 Lynchs Prairie Cove Suite B Springdale, AR (479) 725-5460 burnsmcd.com
Burris Architecture, PLLC 820 Tiger Blvd Suite 4 Bentonville, AR (479) 319-6045 burrisarch.com
Business and Industry Training
1490 June Self Dr Springdale, AR (479) 365-7341 busandind.com
Butterfield Trail Village 1923 E Joyce Blvd Fayetteville, AR (479) 442-7220 butterfieldtrailvillage.org
2908 Red Fox Ridge Bentonville, AR (479) 621-3820
Byte-Werx 405 NE Marina Dr Bentonville, AR (346) 757-0700 byte-werx.com
C & D Floor Covering and Renovations LLC
808 Tiger Blvd Suite A Bentonville, AR (479) 633-1066 canddfloorcovering.com
C.R. Crawford Construction Company 1102 S Happy Hollow Rd Fayetteville, AR (479) 422-3735 crcrawford.com
Cabins at Big Springs 14600 Beaty Rd Gravette, AR (479) 530-2176 the-cabins.net
Cadence Bank 701 S 52nd St Rogers, AR (479) 271-4300 cadencebank.com
Cafe Louise 2205 SW I St Suite 100 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-4157 louise.cafe
Callison-Lough Funeral Home 605 W Central Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 273-2477 callisonloughfh.com
Camienne Financial 234 E Millsap Rd Suite 100 Fayetteville, AR (713) 598-1485 travis.m.swanson.nm.com
Camp Gladiator
4019 Pepperwood Dr Flower Mound, TX (970) 901-8448 campgladiator.com
Cancer Challenge
2900 Loring St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-3172 cancerchallenge.com
Candlewood Suites Hotel 4601 W Rozell (N 46th & Olive) Rogers, AR (479) 636-2783 candlewoodsuites.com
Capik Creative Design Studio 715 SW Sterling Pl Bentonville, AR (860) 213-1264 capikcreative.com
Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop 1406 S Walton Blvd Suite 2 Bentonville, AR (479) 326-8999 capriottis.com
Cappy Harris Realtors 1020 Slack St Pea Ridge, AR (479) 451-1146 cappyharrisrealtors.com
Capstone Commercial Advisors 5414 Pinnacle Point Dr Suite 402 Rogers, AR (479) 899-6840 capstonecrea.com
Carpet One 1100 SE 14th St Suite 26 Bentonville, AR (479) 273-7950 carpetone.com
Carroll Electric Cooperative 707 SE Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (800) 432-9720 carrollecc.com
Cartwheel Startup Studio 409 SW A St Bentonville, AR (801) 662-8345 cartwheel.studio
Casey Lock and Key, Inc. 1117 SE 33rd St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-5198 caseylockandkey.com
Cast Co+Work+Space 326 SW A St Suite 200 Bentonville, AR (479) 225-9700 castcoworkspace.com
Catalyst Church 2812 E Central Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 273-7775 catalystnwa.com
Catering Concepts, LLC 903a N Bloomington St Suite 101 Lowell, AR (479) 636-6003 cateringconceptsnwa.com
CBRE Northwest Arkansas 438 E Millsap Rd Suite 103 Fayettevillle, AR (479) 249-6199 cbre-nwarkansas.com
CDI Contractors
4285 N Shiloh Dr Suite 302 Fayetteville, AR (479) 695-1020 cdicon.com
Celebrate Arkansas
416 S Main St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-3700 celebratearkansas.com
Centennial Bank
2901 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 696-3837 my100bank.com
Center Pointe West
1389 West Centerton Blvd Centerton, AR (479) 224-4516 centerpointewest.net
Centerton Parks & Recreation
290 N Main St Centerton, AR (479) 795-2750 centertonparksrec.wixsite.com
CENTRAL BANK 3001 SE J St Bentonville, AR (479) 619-2000 CentralBankAR.com
Certapro Painters of Northwest Arkansas 108 S Main St Floor 2 Bentonville, AR (479) 587-1250 Fayetteville.certapro.com
CFO Network, LLC 900 SE 5th St Suite 22 Bentonville, AR (479) 431-0052 cfonet.biz
Chambers Bank 4201 W New Hope Rd Suite 100 Rogers, AR (479) 464-7888 chambers.bank
Cheetah Graphix Company
803 SW 12th St Suite 1 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-6465 cheetahgraphix.com
Chefs for SeniorsArkansas 811 Valley Ln Elm Springs, AR (479) 485-1213 chefsforseniors.com
209 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 273-3100 chick-fil-a.com
Chris Combs, DDS, PA 2690 Bella Vista Way Bella Vista, AR (479) 855-6764 combsdental.com
Circle of Life 901 Jones Rd Springdale, AR (479) 750-6632 nwacircleoflife.com
CitiScapes Magazine 231 W Mountain Fayetteville, AR (479) 582-1061 citiscapes.com
Citizens Bank
3350 Pinnacle Hills Pkwy Rogers, AR (479) 464-9797 thecitizensbank.net
City of Bentonville 117 W Central Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 271-5966 bentonvillear.com
City of Pea Ridge 975 Weston St Pea Ridge, AR (479) 451-1122 cityofpearidge.com
CJRW 326 SW A St Suite 200 Bentonville, AR (501) 975-6251 cjrw.com
Clark Contractors, LLC 4300 South JB Hunt Dr Suite 100 Rogers, AR (479) 268-6282 clarkcontractors.net
Clever 5001 W Founders Way Suite 100 Rogers, AR (479) 334-8502 clevernwa.com
Climb Bentonville 801 SW 14th St Bentonville, AR (479) 326-8521 climbbentonville.com
Clinard Construction Mgmt., Inc. 615 N Walton Blvd Suite D Bentonville, AR (479) 271-6212 clinardconstruction.com
Cloud 9 Mattress Outlet 1208 SE Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 464-8727 cloud9mattressoutlet.com
Club Car Wash 216 SE Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (833) 416-9975 clubcarwash.com
Coast Technology Group 918 W Central Ave #10 Bentonville, AR (479) 418-3739 coastaudiovideo.com
Cocoon Yoga Lab 801 SE 8th St Suite 35 Bentonville, AR (479) 856-9238 cocoonyogalab.com
Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 3113 N Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 696-0760 cbhmf.com
Colliers | Arkansas 4204 S Pinnacle Hills Pkwy Suite 102 Rogers, AR (479) 636-9000 colliers.com
Comet CleanersBentonville 1406 S Walton Blvd Suite 18 Bentonville, AR (479) 254-8430 cometcleanersbentonville.com
Members Sorted by Company
Comfort Keepers 701 NW McNelly Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 268-5668 comfortkeepers.com
Community Blood Center of the Ozarks 1400 SE Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 927-1200 cbco.org
Community Development Corporation of Bentonville /Bella Vista, Inc. 808 N Main St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-7344 cdcbentonville.com
Community Matters Inc 2979 Pack Saddle Way Fresco, TX (972) 370-1778 communitymattersinc.com
Compass Business Solutions LLC 108 Hailey Dr Centerton, AR (479) 268-3560
Compass Financial 326 SW A St Suite 200 Bentonville, AR (479) 763-9067 compassmo.com
Compassion House 6045 Elm Springs Rd Springdale, AR (479) 419-9100 compassionhouse.us
Complete Aqua Care 3305 SW 14th St Bentonville, AR (479) 466-5378 completeaquacare.com
Concordia Health and Rehab 7 Professional Dr Bella Vista, AR (479) 855-3735 concordiahealthandrehab.com
Concordia of Bella Vista One Concordia Dr Bella Vista, AR (479) 855-3714 concordiaretirement.com
Confidential Business Intermediaries/The CBI+Team 2591 S 48th Springdale, AR (479) 770-8989 cbiteam.com
Connect Dynamics, Inc. DBA FR8relay 409 SW A St Bentonville, AR (479) 310-5053 fr8relay.com
Con-Real, LP 525 S School Ave Suite 210 Fayetteville, AR (817) 640-4420 con-real.com
Continuous Improvement Solutions, LLC 8801 Bethnal Rd Bella Vista, AR (479) 685-8380 cisolutionsllp.com
Coolwag Doggie Daycare, Hotel and Spa 210 Prairie Ln Bentonville, AR (479) 273-3553 coolwag.com
Cooper Communities, Inc. 903 N 47th St Suite 101 Rogers, AR (479) 246-6500 cooper-communities.com
Core Orthotics and Prosthetics 429 W Centerton Blvd Centerton, AR (479) 246-0101
Courtyard by Marriott Bentonville AR 1001 McClain Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 273-3333 marriott.com/fyvbn
Cousins Office Furniture 2700 W Walnut St Rogers, AR (479) 372-6484 cousinsfurniture.com
Crabby’s Seafood 1800 S 52nd St Rogers, AR (479) 273-0222 crabbysseafood.com
Crafton Tull 901 N 47th St Suite 400 Rogers, AR (479) 636-4838 craftontull.com
Crain Hyundai of Bentonville 3000 SE Moberly Ln Bentonville, AR (479) 696-0800 crainhyundaibentonville.com
Creative On Hold Marketing 8401 Cedar Ter Rogers, AR (479) 925-7560
Crepes Paulette, LLC 100 SW 8th St Bentonville, AR (479) 426-1033 crepespaulette.com
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation 5204 Village Pkwy Suite 11 #143 Rogers, AR (479) 531-9204 crohnscolitisfoundation.org
Cromwell Architects Engineers 109 W Emma Suite 201 Springdale, AR (501) 372-2900 cromwell.com
Cross Church Pinnacle Hills 2448 Pinnacle Hills Pkwy Rogers, AR (479) 271-7799 crosschurch.com
Crowder CollegeMcDonald County 194 College Rd Pineville, MO (417) 226-6006 crowder.edu
Crumbl - Bentonville 500 SE Walton Blvd Suite 10 Bentonville, AR (479) 326-8304 crumbl.com