18 minute read
OZ Cycling Tours
40 Latshaw Dr
Bella Vista, AR (479) 530-9420 ozcyclingtours.com
OZ Excursions, LLC
1435 Le Chesnay Dr Centerton, AR (512) 426-3647 shrednwa.com
OZ Outdoors, LLC
11 Mere Ln Bella Vista, AR (479) 544-4702 ozoutdoorsllc.com
Ozark Adaptive Sports Association - OZASA
PO Box 1265 Rogers, AR (479) 274-8315 ozasa.org
Ozark Bike Guides 1310 Punkin Hollow Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 644-8893 ozarkbikeguides.com
Ozark Dermatology Clinic 901 SE 22nd St Suite 3 Bentonville, AR (479) 273-7006 ozarkderm.com
Ozark DJ LLC 2789 N Grey Squirrel Dr Fayetteville, AR (505) 504-8704 ozarkmixdj.com
Ozark Group/KW Market Pro Realty
3105 NE 11th st Bentonville, AR (870) 280-8270
Ozark Mountain Bagel Co. 3600 Guess Who Blvd Suite 14 Bentonville, AR (479) 319-6688 ozarkmountainbagelco.com
Ozark Mountain Van Company
6159 E Huntsville Rd Fayetteville, AR (479) 326-9200 ozkvans.com
Ozark Outdoor Foundation PO Box 2055 Bentonville, AR (509) 822-8255 ozarkfoundation.org
Ozark Regional Transit 2423 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR (479) 756-5901 ozark.org
Ozark Tails Company 2038 S Florida way Fayetteville, AR (501) 351-0949
Ozarks Community Hospital - Benton County Clinic 102 Russell Rd Rogers, AR (479) 278-7189 ochonline.com
Ozarks Community Hospital - Benton County Lab 907 SE Village Loop Suite 3 Bentonville, AR (479) 657-6740
Ozarks Community Hospital - Gravette Clinic
1101 Jackson St SW Gravette, AR (479) 787-5221 ochonline.com
Ozarks Electric Cooperative 3640 Wedington Dr Fayetteville, AR (479) 684-4959 ozarksecc.com
OzarksGo 3641 Wedington Dr Fayetteville, AR (479) 684-4900 ozarksgo.net
PACE of the Ozarks 813 Founders Park Drive E Suite 107 Springdale, AR (479) 463-6600
Pafford EMS 520 S Lincoln Lowell, AR (479) 202-9926 paffordems.com
Pain Treatment Centers of America 2902 SE Mid-Cities Dr Bentonville, AR ptcoa.com
Panda Express 319 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 273-2828 pandaexpress.com
Paradigm Advisors 310 W Dickson St Suite 220 Fayetteville, AR (214) 756-6066 paradigmadvisors.com
Paradox Retail, LLC 2225 S Bellview Dr Suite 102 Rogers, AR (479) 790-6471 paradoxretail.com
Parc at Bentonville 5806 SW Crozier Cir Bentonville, AR (479) 319-4961 parcatbentonville.com
Park Place Building Co LLC 8704 W Birdsong Ln Bentonville, AR (972) 839-4843 parkplaceroofing.com
Parkhill, The Clinic for Women 3215 N North Hills Blvd Suite 3 Fayetteville, AR (479) 521-4433 parkhillclinic.com
Parsons Stadium/ Rodeo of the Ozarks 1423 E Emma Ave PO Box 1909 Springdale, AR (479) 756-0464 rodeooftheozarks.org
Pastimes 220 Riverside Blvd Apt 9E New York, NY (917) 287-4103 pastimes.io
Patterson Baugh LLC. 202 N 6th St Rogers, AR (619) 888-9553 pattersonbaugh.com
Patton Process Service & Investigations
44 Headely Dr Bella Vista, AR (479) 544-7004 pattonlegalservicesnwa.com
Paul Law Firm, PLLC 2003 S Horsebarn Rd Suite 7 Rogers, AR (479) 657-6400 dpaullaw.com
Pax8 5500 S Quebec St Suite 350 Greenwood Village, CO (719) 207-2407 pax8.com
Pea Ridge Cafe LLC 467 Lee Town Rd Pea Ridge, AR (479) 488-6014
Pea Ridge National Military Park Foundation PO Box 925 Garfield, AR (479) 451-8122 pearidgefoundation.com
Peak Fit 2905 S Walton Blvd #15 Bentonville, AR (479) 426-5754 peakfitnwa.com
Pedal It Forward 3902 NW Wishing Springs Rd Bentonville, AR (747) 217-2703 pedalitforward.org
Pediatric Dental Associates & Orthodontics 801 SW Regional Airport Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 582-0600 smilesarewild.com
Peel Compton Foundation 312 N Main St Bentonville, AR (479) 254-3870 peelcompton.org
702 SE 5th St Suite 34 Bentonville, AR (479) 966-9619 peopleforbikes.org
Phat Tire Bike Shop
125 W Central Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 715-6170 phattirebikeshop.com
Phat Tire Bike ShopBella Vista 3803 NW Wishing Springs Dr Bentonville, AR (479) 268-3800 phattirebikeshop.com d/b/a Vanguard Cleaning Systems of the Ozarks 551 White Rd Suite B Springdale, AR (479) 717-2410 vanguardcleaning.com
Phidora Group, Inc.
Phillip Shepard - All Things NWA 53 Briarmeadow St Farmington, AR (479) 332-9631 allthingsnwa.com
Phoenix Moving LLC
1418 W Cypress St Rogers, AR (479) 332-1041 phoenixmovingllc.net
Physical Therapy Now of Bentonville
2508 South Walton Blvd Suite 4 Bentonville, AR (479) 341-1090 physicaltherapynow.com
PICKL 702 SE 5th St Bentonville, CA (562) 668-2943 pickl.xyz
Pig Trail HarleyDavidson 2409 Hudson Rd Rogers, AR (479) 878-4907 pigtrailhd.com
Pillar to Post Home Inspectors - Wolfe Team 1709 E Centerton Blvd Apt 416 Centerton, AR (479) 502-5990 pillartopost.com/wolfeteam
Piney Creek Fitness LLC 1920 County Rd 3630 Lamar, AR (479) 518-2235
Pinnacle Car Services, Inc. 1695 Electric Ave Springdale, AR (479) 205-0505 pinnlimo.com
Pinnacle Country Club #3 Clubhouse Dr Rogers, AR (479) 273-0500 pinnaclecc.com
Pinnacle Groves 5272 W Northgate Rd Rogers, AR (479) 662-2145 pinnaclegroves.com
Pinnacle Media, LLC 4058 N College Suite 245 Fayetteville, AR (479) 561-8559 univisionarkansas.com
Pinnacle Springs Retirement Community 2055 S Bellview Rd Rogers, AR (479) 878-2711 rlcommunities.com
Plaza at Highlands Crossing Cooperative 1 Highlands Crossing Dr Bella Vista, AR (479) 876-1877 plazaindependentliving.com
Polar Bear Ice 16500 State Highway 76 Cassville, MO (417) 772-2884
Polk Stanley Wilcox
Architects 509 W Spring St Suite 150 Fayetteville, AR (479) 444-0473 polkstanleywilcox.com
Portfolio Sothebys
International Realty
3712 S Pinnacle Hills Pkwy Suite 101 Rogers, AR (479) 273-6697 portfolionwa.com
Precision Door Service of Northwest Arkansas 1907 Town West Dr Rogers, AR (479) 282-3042 precisiondoornwa.com
Preferred Office Technologies, Inc. 4256 Frontage Rd Fayetteville, AR (479) 521-6209 preferred-office.com
Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista 1880 Forest Hills Blvd Bella Vista, AR (479) 855-2390 pcbv.org
Priority Health Direct Primary Care 1100 Mallard Pl Suite D Bentonville, AR (479) 888-4787 priorityhealthdpc.com
Prisma 307 S Main St Suite 101 Bentonville, AR (479) 657-6768 madebyprisma.com
PRN Medical Services 4400 S Thompson Springdale, AR (479) 756-8701 prnmedstaff.net
PRO Clean Commercial Cleaning 444 Old Wire Rd Springdale, AR (479) 575-0482 cleaningarkansas.com
Professional Business Systems 2905 S Walton Blvd Suite 5 Bentonville, AR (479) 636-0001 PBSteam.com
Profile by Sanford 4305 S Pleasant Crossing Blvd Suite 103 Rogers, AR (479) 340-0909 profileplan.com
PromoHog 402 SW A St Suite 201 Bentonville, AR (479) 644-2594 promohog.com
Psychology & Counseling Associates 1 W Sunbridge Dr Fayetteville, AR (479) 443-5575 pca-nwa.com
Pure The Salon 700 SE Walton Blvd Suite 6 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-4440 purethesalonandspa.com
Purely Natural CBD 1406 S Walton Blvd Suite 6 Bentonville, AR (479) 553-7024 purelynaturalcbd.com
QBrainX Inc 1116 S Walton Blvd #216 Bentonville, AR (703) 577-1310 qbrainx.com
Quadrivium 5537 Bleaux Ave Springdale, AR (479) 419-4600 quadrivium.com
QualChoice Health Insurance 1001 Technology Dr Suite 401 Little Rock, AR (479) 442-0700 qualchoice.com
Quality Inn Bentonville 215 SE Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 250-9944 choicehotels.com
Quality Millwork 5556 Market St Springdale, AR (479) 872-0222 qualitymillwork.net
R2 Impact 2720 Frankfort Ave Suite 2 Louisville, KY (502) 645-2256 r2impact.com
Raines Tree Care PO Box 1227 Rogers, AR (479) 244-5228 Rainestreecare.com
Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers 1402 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 464-0607 rasingcanes.com
Rapid Prototypes 2910 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 273-3278 rapidnwa.com
Rausch Coleman Homes 4058 N College Ave Suite 250 Fayetteville, AR (479) 455-9090 rauschcolemanhomes.com
RA-VE Cultural Foundation Inc 1380 SW Westpark Dr Suite 2 Bentonville, AR (479) 259-2257 ra-veculturalfoundation.org
Razorback Foundation 1295 S Razorback Rd Suite A Fayetteville, AR (479) 443-9000 razorbackfoundation.com
RazorBox Storage Bentonville 12942 W Hwy 72 Bentonville, AR (479) 344-6100 razorboxstorage.com
Red Barn Apartments 1525 NW Shores Loop Unit 101 Bentonville, AR (479) 250-1011 redbarnbentonville.com
Red Hat Raleigh, NC (919) 412-4568 redhat.com/en
Red Ladder LLC 300 NE M St Bentonville, AR (617) 571-3263 redladdernwa.com
Reeves Medical Associates, PLLC 1415 E Centerton Blvd Centerton, AR (479) 224-1565 reevesmed.com
Reform Chiropractic PLLC 2308 SE 28th St Suite 8 Bentonville, AR (479) 250-9834 reform-chiropractic.com
Regions BankBentonville 1409 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 464-1200 regions.com
Regions Bank - Rogers
5050 Northgate Rd Rogers, AR (479) 464-1243
Rejoicy Inc.
125 W Central Ave Suite 200
Bentonville, AR (479) 418-9339 rejoicy.com
Republic Services
36 Bella Vista Way Bella Vista, AR (479) 855-4226 republicservices.com
Republican Party of Benton County PO Box 1678
Bentonville, AR (479) 685-8747 bentoncountygop.org
Restore Dental 3301 S Walton Blvd Suite 19 Bentonville, AR (855) 527-6967 restoredental.com
Retail Aware, Inc. 808 Conagra Dr Suite 401 Omaha, NE (866) 212-1258 retailaware.com
Retail Consulting Team 900B S Walton Blvd Rain Tree Business Center Bentonville, AR (479) 270-0833 retailconsultingteam.com
Rick’s Bakery
4600 W Rozell St Rogers, AR (479) 442-2166 ricksbakery.com
Rife and Company -
1001 N Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 273-7406
Riggs Cat 4117 Wagon Wheel Rd Springdale, AR (479) 756-8080 riggscat.com
River Grille 1003 McClain Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 271-4141 rivergrillesteakhouse.com
RLI Services
900B S Walton Blvd Suites 14-15
Bentonville, AR (479) 303-3533 rliservices.com
RMP LLP 809 SW A St Suite 105 Bentonville, AR (479) 553-9800 rmp.law
Robert Half 438 E Millsap Rd Suite 205 Fayetteville, AR (479) 444-3575 roberthalf.com
Robert Lewis - State Farm Insurance
2832 Bella Vista Way Bella Vista, AR (479) 855-6049 robertlewis.org
Robin Hood Roofing 1732 SE Moberly Ln Suite 11 Bentonville, AR (479) 222-0645
Rock Mortgage 500 SE Walton Blvd Suite 18 Bentonville, AR (479) 321-3355 TeamHartsfield.com
Rockhill Studios 240 E Township St Fayetteville, AR (479) 435-6392 rockhill.studio
Roger T. Groover Photography 4401 SW Lenox Ave Bentonville, AR (817) 201-0325
Rogers Bowling Center 3500 W Walnut St Rogers, AR (479) 636-2320 rogersbowling.com
Rogers Historical Museum 313 S 2nd St Rogers, AR (479) 621-1154 rogershistoricalmuseum.org
Rogers Insurance Agency, Inc. 2809 W Ajax Ave Suite 300 Rogers, AR (479) 636-4551 rogers-insurance.com
Rogers Iron & Metal Corporation 721 N Arkansas St Rogers, AR (479) 636-2666 yaffeco.net
Rogers/Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce 317 W Walnut St Rogers, AR (479) 636-1240 rogerslowell.com
Ronald McDonald House
ARKOMA 1333 Arapaho Ave Suite C Springdale, AR (479) 756-5600 rmhcofarkoma.org
Rope Hounds 407 SW A St Bentonville, AR (479) 845-0144 ropehounds.com
Rose Animal Clinic, Inc 1509 SW A St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-0622 roseanimalclinic.com
Ross Construction Group 3100 E Division St Springfield, MO (479) 841-6508 rosscgllc.com
Rotary Club of Bentonville PO Box 8 Bentonville, AR (479) 640-1557
Runnels Chiropractic LLC
1003 SE 14th St Suite 14 Bentonville, AR (479) 553-7444 chiropractorbentonville.com
Runway Group 125 W Central Ave Suite 300 Bentonville, AR (479) 464-1500 runwaynwa.com
Rush Running Company 1600-2 SE J St Bentonville, AR (479) 464-7866 rushrunning.com
SafeHaven Security Group 212 S 3rd St Suite 201 Rogers, AR (844) 723-3476 safehavensecuritygroup.com
SageWay Behavioral Health
1022 Jones Rd Springdale, AR (479) 318-2300 sageway.com
Saicon Consultants, Inc
1202 NE McClain Rd Bldg #7, Suite 142 Bentonville, AR (913) 553-2662 saiconinc.com
SALT Health LLC 700 SE Plaza Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 715-4645 salt-health.com
Salvation Army of NWA 219 W 15th St Fayetteville, AR (479) 521-2151
Samaritan’s Feet International 4802 SW Blairemont Rd Bentonville, AR (404) 275-6324 samaritansfeet.org
SAM’S Club - Bentonville # 4969 3500 SE Club Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 621-5537 samsclub.com
Sam’s Club Corporate 2101 SE Simple Savings Dr Bentonville, AR (479) 277-7630
Sam’s Furniture 4326 Hidden Creek Ln Springdale, AR (479) 756-8191 samsfurniture.net
Sandi Sue’s Gluten Free Bakery 801 SE 8th St Bentonville, AR (501) 615-3319 sandisuegfb.com
Sands Chiropractic Office 303 SW 16th St Suite 7 Bentonville, AR (479) 271-8100
Sands Fencing 34 Brecknock Dr Bella Vista, AR (479) 271-0481 sandsfencingnwa.com
Schuber Mitchell Homes 601 Braeburn Ct Bentonville, AR (479) 802-3000 schubermitchell.com
Scooter’s CoffeeRegional Airport Blvd 1101 SW Regional Airport Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 268-6360 scotterscoffee.com
Scooter’s CoffeeWalton Blvd. 206 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (402) 587-0310 scootersoffee.com
Scott C Wood
Photography Bentonville, AR (479) 430-2378 scottcwood.com
Scott Family Amazeum 1009 Museum Way Bentonville, AR (479) 696-9280 amazeum.org
Screenmobile of Northwest Arkansas PO Box 7026 Siloam Springs, AR (479) 715-4600 screenmobile.com/nwa
Seek2Work / Seek2Hire 601 Drake St Bentonville, AR (479) 276-8700 seek2work.com
Senator John Boozman 213 W Monroe Suite N Lowell, AR (479) 725-0400
SERC Physical TherapyCenterton 1240 E Centerton Blvd Centerton, AR (479) 795-0173 serctherapy.com
Serfco Termite & Pest Control 1701 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 273-2220 serfcopest.com
SERVPRO of Benton/ Carroll Counties 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR (479) 419-5544 servprobentoncarrollcounties.com
Shared Families of NWA 809 SE 28th St Suite 1 Bentonville, AR (479) 274-8271 familiesnwa.com
Sharing and Caring of Benton County 303 SW 18th St Suite 7 Bentonville, AR (479) 657-6884 sharingandcaringkids.com
Sharp Development, LLC 820 S Walton Blvd Suite 1 Bentonville, AR (479) 271-9032 sharp-properties.com
Shawmut Design and Construction 420 SW B St Bentonville, AR (617) 593-0167 shawmut.com
Shelley Smart-CPA 807 SW I St Suite 17 Bentonville, AR (479) 273-7828 ssmartcpa.com
Shiloh Christian School 1707 Johnson Rd Springdale, AR (479) 756-1140 shilohsaints.org
Shirley’s Flower Studio 128 N 13th St Rogers, AR (479) 636-0118 shirleysflowersinc.com
Shreve Cleaning 117 Mecca St West Fork, AR (479) 445-3613 shrevecleaning.com
Sign Studio 508 SW 14th St Bentonville, AR (479) 250-4844 yoursignstudio.com
Members Sorted by Company
Siloam Springs Chamber of Commerce PO Box 476 Siloam Springs, AR (479) 524-6466 siloamchamber.com
Simmons BankBentonville 1411 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 845-5160 simmonsbank.com
Simple Man Farms dba Jerry Beck 20403 Shady Grove Rd Gentry, AR (479) 752-7711
Simple Pleasures Event Center 13718 Rothbury Dr Bella Vista, AR (479) 876-5959 simplepleasures.us
Simplemachine 105 NW 2nd St Suite 207 Bentonville, AR (479) 319-6880 simplemachinedesigns.com
Simplify Professional Services 1671 Quailridge Way
Bentonville, AR (479) 715-0564 simplifyprofessionalservices.com
Simply Divine Catering 1211 SE Eagle Way Bentonville, AR (479) 263-1343 simplydivinenwa.net
Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Northwest Arkansas 2601 SW D St Bentonville, AR (479) 254-8550 spsfnwa.org
Skills Lab Training, L.L.C. 6 Glenbrook Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 715-0711 skillslabtraining.com
Skyline Printing and Merchandising 12560 Scott Rd Gravette, AR (479) 787-8693 skylinemerch.com
SLH/ Hachem Investments, Inc. 5100 W JB Hunt Dr Suite #500 Rogers, AR (479) 340-0999
Smile Shoppe Bentonville 3101 SE 14th St Bentonville, AR (479) 876-8883 smile-shoppe.com
Smile Shoppe Pediatric Dentistry 5518 Walsh Ln Rogers, AR (479) 631-6377 smile-shoppe.com
Smiley’s Bike Rentals of Bentonville 428 NW Retreat Ln Bentonville, AR (785) 221-1232 smileybikerentals.com
Smith Family Clinic 1300 SE 14th St Suite 2 Bentonville, AR (479) 271-6992 SmithFamilyClinic.com
Smith Hurst PLC 5100 West JB Hunt Dr Suite 900 Rogers, AR (479) 301-2444 smithhurst.com
Smith Plumbing & Gas 35 Bedford Ln Bella Vista, AR (479) 877-5803 smithplumbinggas.com
Smooth Vapes 1406 S Walton Blvd Suite 15 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-5700 smooth-vapes.com
Snack Lab 102 SE 28th St Suite 2 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-5353 snacklabnwa.com
Snapbox Self Storage 2113 E Central Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 640-7039 snapboxselfstorage.com
Social Project Brewing Co. 600 SW 41st St Suite 4 Bentonville, AR (479) 553-7355 drinksocialbeer.com
Softtek Integration Systems, Inc. 15303 Dallas Pkwy Suite 200 Addison, TX
Soul’s Harbor NWA 1206 N 2nd St Rogers, AR (479) 631-7878 soulsharbornwa.org
Southern Caregivers 1400 SW Susana St Suite 6 Bentonville, AR (501) 463-9990 southerncaregiversar.com
Speakup About Drugs 1200 W Walnut Blvd Suite 1425 Rogers, AR (479) 717-7480 speakupaboutdrugs.org
Specialized Bentonville Experience Center 240 S Main St Suite 170 Bentonville, AR (479) 410-0450 specializedbentonville.com
Specialized Real Estate Group 200 W Center St Fayetteville, AR (479) 439-8650
Spicer Nationwide Agency 1003 SE 14th St Suite 3 Bentonville, AR (479) 273-0900 spicer-insurance.com
Springdale Chamber of Commerce 202 W Emma Ave PO Box 166 Springdale, AR (479) 872-2222 springdale.com
Springwoods Behavioral Health 1955 W Truckers Dr Fayetteville, AR (479) 973-6000 springwoodsbehavioral.com
Spud Doctors 903 SW A St Bentonville, AR (479) 257-0681
SRM Productions 4301 SW Cornerstone Rd Bentonville, AR (870) 204-4424 srmpro.net
St. Francis House NWA, Inc dba Community Clinic
614 E Emma Ave
Suite 300 Springdale, AR (479) 751-7417 communityclinicnwa.org
Stafford & Westervelt, Chartered 800 N 20th Pl Rogers, AR (479) 631-1655 cpasw.com
State Farm InsuranceDewayne Trichell 202 N Walton Blvd Suite 10 Bentonville, AR (479) 273-7719
State Farm-Serena Smith 1401 SE Walton Blvd Suite 109 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-6431 serenasmith.com
Staton Innovation Consulting (SIC) 9462 Digby Dr Gentry, AR (210) 837-3843
3404 SE Macy Suite #2 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-4597 steamaheadnwa.com
Stephens, Inc. 3425 N Futrall Dr Suite 201 Fayetteville, AR (479) 718-7400 stephens.com
Steve Fineberg & Associates, Inc. 104 S Main St Bentonville, AR (479) 271-4161 arkrealestate.com
Steven Burch, CPA, PA 2404 SE 14th St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-1301 burchcpa.com
Sti Metal Fab 2275 Ford Ave Springdale, AR (479) 321-9881 stimetalfab.com
STL Appraisals 817 SE E Ct Bentonville, AR (314) 616-9526 stl-appraisals.com
StrongPoint Self Storage 3100 SW Regional Airport Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 273-1100
Sullivan Square Apartments 1102 SW Sullivan Way Bentonville, AR (479) 279-6919 sullivansquareapts.com
Summit Aviation, LLC 2205 SW I St Bentonville, AR (479) 254-0817 IFLYsummit.com
Summit National Peer Groups, Inc. 326 SW A St Suite 200 Bentonville, AR (479) 306-1782 summitpeergroups.com
SumnerOne 305 SW 18th St Suite 9 Bentonville, AR (479) 271-6622 corporatebusinesssystems.com
Sunshine School & Development Center 3400 N Woods Ln Rogers, AR (479) 636-3190 nwasunshineschool.org
Surfco Restoration & Construction LLC 4500 S School Ave Suite C Fayetteville, AR (479) 747-5115 surfcorestoration.com
Susana Hurtado Realty LLC 1530 Bristol Ln Centerton, AR (479) 340-6879
Sweet Freedom Cheese 801 SE 8th St Suite 1 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-5867 sweetfreedomcheese.com
Swepco 101 W Township Fayetteville, AR (479) 973-2396 aep.com
Symphony of Northwest Arkansas (SoNA) PO Box 1243 Fayetteville, AR (479) 521-4166 sonamusic.org
Synergy One Lending 3201 NE 11th St Suite 1 Bentonville, AR (479) 866-9659 lynseycamp.com
Synergy Realty Group, LLC 3760 Bitterroot St Bentonville, AR (479) 464-9999 synergyrealtynwa.com
Talk Business & Politics Bentonville, AR (479) 459-1298
Tall Oaks
Construction, LLC 813 W Central Ave Suite 4 Bentonville, AR (479) 273-5540 talloaksconstruction.com
Tazikis Mediterranean Cafe 1000 SE Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 715-0647 tazikiscafe.com
TC Screen Printing & Apparel 709 SW A St Suite 5 Bentonville, AR (479) 427-2176 tcscreenprint.com
TEC Staffing Services / Career Solutions 100 N 8th St Suite 101 Rogers, AR (479) 246-0111 tecjobs.net
Tejas Dogs LLC 1512 E Centerton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 877-5222
Thaden School 800 SE C St Bentonville, AR (479) 268-5321 thadenschool.org
Thai Kitchen 707 SW A St Bentonville, AR (479) 464-7288 thaikitchenbentonville.com
The ARK Academy 3701 SW H St Bentonville, AR (479) 268-4781 thearkacademy.business.site
The Aviator Apartments 7807 SW Starling Ln Bentonville, AR (479) 721-1029 aviatorapts.com
The Ballroom at I Street 2202 SW I St Bentonville, AR (479) 353-8171 theballroomatistreet.com
The Bike Inn, Bentonville 3400 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (541) 233-3741 TheBikeInn.co
The Buttered Biscuit 1403 SE Moberly Ln Bentonville, AR (479) 319-4822 thebutteredbiscuit.co
The CALL in NWA 701 N Walton Blvd Suite 1 Bentonville, AR (479) 418-1314 thecallinarkansas.org
The Children’s Hour 2501 SW D St Bentonville, AR (479) 464-4026 tchnwa.com
The Elrod Firm 906 McClain Rd Suite 3002 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-5678 elrodfirm.com
The Employers’Advanced Cooperative on Healthcare 3600 Old Greenwood Rd Suite 3 Fort Smith, AR (479) 431-6762 eachmember.org
The Event Group, Inc. 2518 N Gregg Ave Suite 5 Fayetteville, AR (479) 444-8626 eventgroupcatering.com
The Fire Truck 405 SW A St Bentonville, AR (479) 321-6195 thefiretrucknwa.com
The First Seat 106 SW 2nd St Bentonville, AR (479) 250-9149 facebook.com/thefirstseat
The Fitzroy Grove 2950 S Fitzroy Pl Suite 100 Rogers, AR (479) 337-4040 fitzroygrove.com
The Geek Foundation 1126 N Broadway Ave Springfield, MO (417) 414-0628 thegeekfoundation.org
The Goddard School of Bentonville 3702 SW H St Bentonville, AR (479) 877-3199 goddardschool.com
The Greater Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce 44 Kingshighway PO Box 551 Eureka Springs, AR (479) 253-8737 eurekaspringschamber.com
The Hatcher Agency 4311 W Coneflower Pl Fayetteville, AR (501) 375-3737 hatcheragency.com
The House of Songs 508 SE C St Bentonville, AR (512) 786-9105 thehouseofsongs.org
The Howard on Central 321 SE 2nd St Bentonville, AR (479) 208-5046 thehowardoncentral.com
The Inn at Bella Vista 101 Chelsea Rd Bella Vista, AR (479) 876-5645 iabv.com
The Kidz Krib 305 SE 22nd St Suite 21 Bentonville, AR (479) 715-6840 infinitiathletics.com
The Law Firm of Christopher W. Dumm 4000 S Rangeline Rd Joplin, MO (417) 623-2062 protectingwealth.com
The Links at Bentonville 2101 SE Hilton Head Dr Bentonville, AR (479) 271-0205 lindseymanagement.com
The Magical Spatula LLC 2304 SW Preston Park Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 544-2611 themagicalspatula.com
The Meteor 401 SE D St Bentonville, AR (479) 268-4747 espressochampagnechainlube.com
The Mitre Corporation 2408 NW Turner Dr Bentonville, AR (512) 667-4929
The Momentary 507 SE E St Bentonville, AR (479) 367-7500 themomentary.org
The Pet Sitting Company, LLC 700 Cornell St Bentonville, AR (479) 426-8905 thepetsittingco.com
The Resiliency Initiative 11898 Oak Hills Dr Bentonville, AR (818) 239-2228 theresiliencyinitiative.com
The Ride Series 1108 NE 2nd St Bentonville, AR (281) 684-7134 therideseriesmtb.com
The RoArk Group 1600 N 35th St Rogers, AR (479) 636-1686 roarkgroup.com
The Seay Firm CPAs PLLC 32 Sugar Creek Center Suite 8 Bella Vista, AR (479) 876-9980 seaycpas.com
The Swamp Kitchen 10057 E Hwy 72 Bentonville, AR (479) 619-8465 theswampkitchen.biz
The Trails at Bentonville 2400 SW Fireblaze Bentonville, AR (479) 657-6633 LindseyManagement.com
The Trails on the Green # 1 Watkins Way Bella Vista, AR (828) 348-2511
The Tree House 310 S Main St Bentonville, AR (479) 553-7353 blackapplehardcider.com
The Weekly Vista 13026 Frontage Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 855-3724 nwanews.com
The Wellness Champions of NWA 103 SW Winsted Ln Suite 25 Bentonville, AR (479) 301-3384 wcnwa.org
TheatreSquared 477 W Spring St Fayetteville, AR (479) 445-6333 theatresquared.org
Thrasher & Chambers, Inc. 1110 SE 28th St Suite 10 Bentonville, AR (479) 273-5333
Three Dog BakeryBentonville
113 W Central Ave Suite 101 Bentonville, AR (479) 268-5599 threedog.com
TLC Tutoring Company
3404 SE Macy Rd Suite 2
Bentonville, AR (844) 788-8677 tlctutoringco.com
Todd Whatley PA 308 SW 24th St Suite 4 Bentonville, AR (479) 601-4119
Top Shelf Fungi 21875 Lawrence 2080 Ash Grove, MO (417) 466-8915
Top Shelf Tint 780 Buckhorn Flats Rd Suite 101 Bentonville, AR (479) 341-7370 topshelftint.com
Toro Construction 3604 NW Frontage Rd Bentonville, AR (417) 850-0880 toroconstructionco.com
Touchstone Village 501 SW 20th St Bentonville, AR (479) 464-9332 touchstonevillage.org
Toula A Team LLC 3506 SW Brittany Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 313-4060 toulaateam.com
TownePlace Suites by Marriott
3100 SE 14th St
Bentonville, AR (479) 621-0202 mariott.com/rogts
TPC - More Than Payroll 820 Tiger Blvd Suite 2 Bentonville, AR (479) 273-0079 morethanpayroll.com
1000 SE 5th St Suite E Bentonville, AR (479) 231-1365 wearetrailblazers.org
TrailPilot / Trail Tours, LLC
1200 SE 28th St Suite 3
Bentonville, AR (479) 364-4441 trailpilot.co
Trash Creamery 401 SW A St Suite 101
Bentonville, AR (479) 367-2412
Travelers Corporate Housing
5340 trinity crossing Dr Conway, AR (479) 747-3537 travelersch.com
Tri City Self Storage 809 SE 21st St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-5973 tri-citystorage.com
Trike Theatre 902 SW 2nd St Bentonville, AR (479) 464-5084 triketheatre.org
Tulsa Innovation Labs Tulsa, OK tulsainnovationlabs.com
Tungsten Wealth Management 803 SE 28th St Suite 3 Bentonville, AR (479) 250-9986 tungstenwealth.com
Turf Etc. LLC
1051 SE Century Dr Lee’s Summit, MO (816) 886-2747 kansascityartificiallawns.com
Turn Key Construction Management, Inc. 3732 Rogers Ave Fort Smith, AR (479) 709-0044 turnkeyconstructionmanagement.com
Turpentine Creek
Wildlife Refuge 239 Turpentine Creek Ln Eureka Springs, AR (479) 253-5841 turpentinecreek.org
Tusk & Trotter 110 SE A St Bentonville, AR (479) 268-4494 tuskandtrotter.com
Two Men and a Truck 1500 SE Phyllis St Bentonville, AR (479) 202-4498 twomenNWA.com
U.S. Small Business Administration 2120 Riverfront Dr 1st Floor Little Rock, AR (501) 952-7216 sba.gov
UNIFY Financial Credit Union 2905 S Walton Blvd Suite 25 Bentonville, AR (877) 254-9328 x5785 UNIFYFCU.com
United Bank 2600 S Thompson Ave Springdale, AR (479) 756-8811 united-bk.com
United Cerebral Palsy of Arkansas 9720 N Rodney Parham Rd Little Rock, AR (501) 747-0005 ucpark.org
United Federal Credit Union 2000 S Promenade Blvd Suite 103 Rogers, AR (479) 646-0114 unitedfcu.com
United Industries 1900 E Central Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 273-2924 ultraboard.com
United Way of Northwest Arkansas 100 Parkwood St Lowell, AR (479) 750-1221 unitedwaynwa.org
University of Arkansas 700 SE 5th St Suite 130 Bentonville, AR (479) 575-7900 collab.uark.edu
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 1125 N College Ave Fayetteville, AR (479) 521-8269
Up to Par Technology, LLC
2130 N Rodeo Drive Fayetteville, AR (479) 871-7642 uptopartechnology.com
Uptown Kitchen + Taphouse
4204 S JB Hunt Dr Suite 40 Rogers, AR (479) 633-8233 NWAuptown.com
Urban Land Institute of Northwest Arkansas PO Box 11232 Fayetteville, AR (501) 269-8238 arkansas.uli.org
US Bank
115 Highway 64 West Alma, AR (800) 872-2657 usbank.com
US Congressman Steve Womack-AR-03
3333 Pinnacle Hills Pkwy/ JB Hunt Bldg Suite 120 Rogers, AR (479) 464-0446
US Senator Tom Cotton
1108 S Old Missouri Rd Suite B Springdale, AR (479) 751-0879
USA Mortgage 1007 SW A St Suite 9 Bentonville, AR (479) 282-1480 usamortgage.com
UST 1500 E Central Ave Suite 200 Bentonville, AR (949) 607-7579 ust.com
Vacation Rentals, Inc.
407 Town Center Bella Vista, AR (479) 855-1111 vacationrentalsinc.net
609 SW 8th St 6th Floor Bentonville, AR (479) 866-4149 valenta.io
Valiant Property Solutions, LLC
2258 W Centerton Blvd Centerton, AR (479) 802-5205 valiantnwa.com
Vanguard Packaging 2700 SE G St Bentonville, AR (479) 464-0765 vanguardpkg.com
Venture Noire 409 SW A St Bentonville, AR venturenoire.org
Verdant Studio 216 W Birch St Suite 101 Rogers, AR (479) 202-8631 verdant-studio.com
VeriTX Corp.
1576 Sweet Home Rd Suite 217A Amherst, NY (716) 239-6109 veritx.com
Veterans Council of NWA, Inc
PO Box 3085
Bella Vista, AR (501) 944-2967 vetwallofhonor.org
Village Insurance 2860 Bella Vista Way
Bella Vista, AR (479) 254-7070 villageinsurance.net
Village Insurance, Inc. 303 SW 16th St Suite 1 Bentonville, AR (479) 254-7070 villageinsurance.net
Village on the Park
Bentonville 3800 SW Mt Carmel Dr Bentonville, AR (479) 340-0095 villageontheparkbentonville.com
Vital Care Infusion Services, Northwest Arkansas
1121 SE 28th St Suite 10 Bentonville, AR (479) 250-9555 vitalcareinc.com
Vold Vision
1102 NW Lowes Ave Suite 6 Bentonville, AR (479) 442-8653 voldvision.com
Waco Title Company
2886 Bella Vista Way Bella Vista, AR (479) 271-3010 wacotitle.com
Walmart Museum 105 N Main St Bentonville, AR (479) 277-8493 walmartmuseum.com
Walnut Farm Montessori School
4208 E Central Ave Bentonville, AR (479) 271-9424 walnutfarmmontessori.com
Walton Arts Center & Walmart AMP 495 W Dickson Fayetteville, AR (479) 443-5600 waltonartscenter.org
Walton Crossing 303 SE Ranger Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 268-4237 waltoncrossing.apartments
Walton Enterprises, LLC. 110 NW 2nd St #300 Bentonville, AR (479) 464-1500
Walton Family Foundation
110 NW 2nd St Bentonville, AR (479) 273-5605 waltonfamilyfoundation.org
War Eagle Mill 11045 War Eagle Rd Rogers, AR (479) 789-5343 wareaglemill.com
Washington Regional Medical Foundation PO Box 356 Fayetteville, AR (479) 463-4483 wregional.com
Washington Regional Urgent Care 1301 S Walton Blvd Bentonville, AR (479) 367-3078 urgentteam.com
Waterside Apartments
300 NE Moberly Ln C1 Bentonville, AR (479) 271-7300 rentnet.com
Weichert, Realtors-The Griffin Company 3301 S Walton Blvd
Bentonville, AR (479) 268-5500
WER Architects/Planners 112 W Center St Suite 410 Fayetteville, AR (479) 966-4477 werarch.com
WeWork Labs
720 SE 5th St Suite 34 Bentonville, AR (501) 259-0075 weworklabsnwa.splashthat.com
Whaley Properties LLC dba OZ Bike Fit
6514 W Pleasant Way
Rogers, AR (479) 619-6775 ozbike.fit
Whataburger 20484 E 45th St S Broken Arrow, OK (918) 697-8316 whataburger.com
Whiskey Holdings, LLC 3600 SE Guess Who Dr Suite 2
Bentonville, AR (479) 250-9244 bigwhiskeys.com
Whispering Hills Cabins, LLC PO Box 104 Garfield, AR (479) 359-2840 beaverlakecabins.com
White Ember Financial Planning
225 W Austin Nevada, MO (417) 667-4721 whiteember.com
Whole Health Institute 900 McClain Rd Bentonville, AR (479) 350-2379 wholehealth.org
WILD About Learning Academy
2705 SE G St Bentonville, AR (479) 464-0631 Wildwestnwa.com
Wildflower Salon LLC 813 W Central Ave Suite 14 Bentonville, AR (479) 367-4515 wildflowersalonnwa.com
Wingate by Wyndham 7400 SW Old Farm Blvd
Bentonville, AR (479) 418-5400 wingatehotels.com
Winter Moving & Storage
2710 Otis Corley Dr
Bentonville, AR (479) 273-9531 wintermoving.com
Wise Pocket Products 804 Castle Ln
Bentonville, AR (479) 531-7789 wisepocketproducts.com
Women of OZ NWA PO Box 1466 Bentonville, AR (773) 848-9223 womenofoznwa.com
Woodspring Hotel Bentonville 1201 Phyllis St Bentonville, AR (479) 254-1002 woodspring.com
Workmatters 5417 W Pinnacle Point Rd Suite 401 Rogers, AR (479) 444-1477 workmatters.org
Wright, Lindsey & Jennings LLP 3333 Pinnacle Hills Pkwy Suite 510 Rogers, AR (479) 986-0888 wlj.com
Wright’s Barbecue (Bentonville location) 208 NE 3rd St Bentonville, AR (479) 367-2619 wrightsbarbecue.com
Wright’s Barbecue (Rogers-2nd location) 5001 Pauline Whitaker Prky 100 Rogers, AR (479) 278-2428 wrightsbarbecue.com
WSS Cherokee Casino & Hotel US Hwy 412 State Hwy 59 West Siloam Springs, OK (800) 754-4111 cherokeecasino.com
Yeyo’s El Alma De Mexico 801 SE 8th St Suite 41 Bentonville, AR (479) 657-6954 yeyosnwa.com
Zebra 2501 SE J St Suite 1 Bentonville, AR (479) 657-4001 zebra.com
Benton County Assessor
Jim Dotson
Brett Dye
Betty Hughes
Jayne Lowe
Eleni Parsons
Judge John R. Scott & Sue Scott
David & Deb Short
Dick Trammel