2022 Spring Leader - 100 Years of Safety

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By Stacy A. Thursby, CSP, STS, SGE President and Owner of Safety PACE, LLC

Women in Safety

Teleworking—Changing the Impacts of Women in Safety VPPPA Presents… Women in Safety

While the safety industry is still a male-dominated industry, the number of women is increasing each year. It’s important to identify and communicate the issues that women face. In each issue of the a eL red , we will be including an article from a prominent woman working in the safety and health industry. If you, or someone you know, would like to write for this column, please contact VPPPA at comn um ications@ a pv o . rg .


omen in Safety have seen a dramatic change from

the past roles of women, where women are now, and what the future has in store for females in the Occupational Safety and Health industry. My personal experience includes working in the mining and tunneling industries along with heavy construction, nuclear remediation, and environmental permitting. For the first five years of my career (early 90s) I was the only woman on the jobsite—other than administrative assistants. I was often misplaced as a secretary. Finding a woman doing safety

worked tirelessly to improve

aware that President Richard

Americans. Dr. Alice Hamilton

Nixon signed into law the

(now considered the founder of

Williams-Steiger Occupational

industrial medicine in America)

Safety and Health Act in

met U.S. Commissioner of

1970, which gave the Federal

Labor Charles Neill at the

Government the authority

1910 European conference on

to set and enforce safety and

occupational accidents and

health standards for most of

diseases. At only the beginning

the country’s workers. This act

of her career, Hamilton

workforce. During the last few

was the result of a hard fought

was already pioneering

years with the trend of working

legislative battle which began

investigations as director

remotely, the impact of women

in 1968 when President Lyndon

of the Illinois Occupational

in safety has improved. Women

Johnson unsuccessfully sought

Disease Commission. Neill

are more appreciated to greater

a similar measure. However,

invited her to work as a special

extent for what they provide on

the roots of government

investigator for the Bureau

a technical and programmatic

regulation of workplace

of Labor. She accepted, and

basis. The playing field has

hazards dates back to the late

until 1921, traveled around the

equalized very quickly through

19th century.

country visiting lead smelters,

pivotal role in formulating the laws and regulations that are still in place today. My career experience is quite varied and has shaped the way I mentor and teach new safety and health professionals entering the

telework where “people” are the asset, regardless of gender. Leader—Spring 2022

and tenacious women who the working conditions for

of. However, women played a


Past Experiences— Women’s Role in Safety Many safety professionals are

50 years ago was almost unheard

Women were seen as a risk, as opposed to providing ways to protect the workers.

President Richard Nixon signing the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Department of Labor

Laying the groundwork for this act were strong

storage battery plants, and other hazardous workplaces. In vpppa.org

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