chairman’s message
Dear Members,
he 30th Annual National VPPPA Conference, held August 24–28 at the Gaylord National Hotel, was a big success, as the 2,500 attendees enjoyed 120 workshops, keynote speakers, receptions and a great Expo
Hall. The location also provided attendees and guests with an opportunity to enjoy the sites around the Washington, D.C., area. As 2014 winds to a close, we are looking forward to an outstanding 2015. Interest in VPP has grown and with OSHA now conducting new application audits, there should be an even higher level of interest in the program. The total attendance at the regional conferences was very impressive; over 7,000 attendees were provided with an opportunity to attend outstanding educational events and network with other attendees. The regional chapters are already working on having outstanding 2015 conferences, beginning with the Region III conference in March with other regional conferences taking place through June. The 31st Annual National VPPPA Conference will be at the Gaylord Texan, located between Ft. Worth and Dallas, Texas, Aug. 24–27, 2015. We are looking forward to having the conference back in Texas, where we always have excellent attendance. Information on 2015 membership will be sent out very soon, and I urge each site to make sure your dues are up-to-date, as I continually repeat, strength is in numbers. We will continue to make progress in 2015, and we
As 2014 winds to a close, we are looking forward to an outstanding 2015. Interest in VPP has grown and with OSHA now conducting new application audits, there should be an even higher level of interest in the program.
look forward to having strong congressional outreach campaigns throughout the year. Thank you and remember the best is yet to come.
MIKE MADDOX Chairman VPPPA Board of Directors THE LEADER
Leveraging Leadership for Superior Results
There is an old debate that seems to crop up during discussions on leadership; are leaders born or made? The problem with the concept of “born leaders” is that it implies that some people will never be able to lead unless they were born with certain traits. This is discouraging, and experience in the military has shown that regardless of background or innate characteristics, many people can become leaders. If you are a leader or manager seeking to improve performance in your organization, consider this: perhaps everyone (or almost everyone), can be a leader regardless of his or her job title. Leadership is more of a mindset, a willingness to take risks that will improve your organization and employee well-being as well as the deep desire to inspire others to work towards a common vision.
Life Safety Solutions
As growing interest for employee safety had increased through VPP initiatives and other management concerns, Marathon Petroleum Company LP’s (MCP) refinery plant manager and supporting management team started looking into whether an intelligent continuous “man-down” monitoring system was available in the industry. With nothing on the market that met MPC’s needs, the decision was made to investigate and pursue the ideas that came out of a work site in Robinson, IL, and then to look for partnering opportunities to develop the functionality envisioned. The innovation had to meet three criteria: reliability, ease of use and affordability.
Leading in the Prevention of Slips and Falls
Leaders in safety exhibit a variety of behaviors that enhance and reinforce organizational safety excellence. Many of those behaviors are obvious—like building an atmosphere of trust, being uncompromising relative to ensuring worker safety and working hard to communicate safety information in new and fresh ways. Other leadership behaviors may be a bit more subtle, but important nonetheless. Leadership is not always defined as being the first one out of the gate with a good idea, practice or behavior. It can also be defined as recognizing something valuable and enhancing it further in order to meet a particular need. Such was the case with Savannah River Remediation, LLC (SRR) and the mobile slip simulator, recently recognized as the 2014 Innovation Award winner, by the Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association.
www.vpppa.org VPPPA National Board of Directors
features continued
Chairperson Mike Maddox, NuStar Energy, LP Vice Chairperson Mike Guillory, SGE, The Brock Group
Walk the Talk—Building a Culture Requires Planning, Accountability and Visibility
Put your passion for safety into practice with visible commitment. The secret to building a winning culture begins with you! When individuals model a passion and conviction to achieve zero incidents, organizations excel in safety. No matter where you fit in an organizational chart, you influence those around you and your positive influence translates to a winning culture. A personal dedication to safety does not exist if one does not display the commitment with visible, consistent action. Your actions are a reflection of what you believe about safety. I want to offer three techniques that organizations can institute to visibly exhibit commitment and build safety culture. Commitment cannot exist without consistent and visible reinforcement of each technique.
Treasurer Chris Adolfson, Idaho National Laboratory Secretary Anthony Stoner, Integrity Windows and Doors Director from a Site With a Collective Bargaining Agent Kent Lang, Clearwater Paper Corporation Director from a Site Without a Collective Bargaining Agent Rob Henson, LyondellBasell Director from a DOE-VPP Site Stacy Thursby, Washington Closure Hanford
Announcement— VPP Certificate Program Graduates
Director from a VPP Contractor/ Construction Site Richard McConnell, Austin Industrial at LyondellBasell Director-at-Large Bill Harkins, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company Director-at-Large J.A. Rodriguez, Jr., CSP, SGE , Raytheon Technical Services Company LLC Director-at-Large Terry Schulte, NuStar Energy, LP Director-at-Large Kristyn Grow, CSP, CHMM, SGE Cintas Corporation Director-at-Large Don Johnson, Phillips 66
Editor Sarah Neely, VPPPA, Inc.
39, 41
Look for these topics highlighted in the top right corner of each section. G overnment M embership H ealth
Editorial Mission The Leader (ISSN 1081-261X) is published quarterly for VPPPA members. The Leader delivers articles from members for members, safety and health best practices, developments in the field of occupational safety and health, association activities, educational and networking opportunities and the latest VPP approvals. Subscriptions are available for members as part of their membership benefits and at a 50 percent discount beyond the complimentary allotment. The nonmember subscription rate is $25 a year.
Ideas and opinions expressed within The Leader represent the independent views of the authors.
Postmaster >> Please send address changes to: VPPPA, Inc. • 7600-E Leesburg Pike • Ste. 100 Falls Church, VA 22043-2004 VPPPA, Inc., the premier global safety and health organization, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization that promotes advances in worker safety and health excellence through best practices and cooperative efforts among workers, employers, the government and communities.
global safety and health watch
In 2007, the World Health Assembly endorsed the Global Plan of Action on Workers’ Health 2008–2017, which set occupational health objectives for WHO.
he World Health Organization (WHO), as a UN agency, is the world’s leading health institution. However, like many international bodies, its structure and role is not clear to most of the general public. The WHO was founded by a constitution signed by all UN members in 1946 and 10 other countries, which entered into effect on April 7, 1948. WHO took over maintenance of the International Classification of Disease (ICD) that year, a now common system of diagnosis. ICD was rooted in early efforts to share and standardize medical data in the mid-nineteenth century, first taking form as the International List of Causes of Death. The importance of international, and specifically global, cooperation on health issues is not only based on altruistic motives, but the nature of disease and health. Health touches every aspect of civilization and research, treatment and prevention are more efficient and effective when coordinated across borders. The example par excellence of this level of cooperation is the eradication of smallpox in 1979. Membership now stands at 194 countries, with 147 hosting country-level offices. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, WHO maintains six regional offices in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo; Cairo, Egypt; Copenhagen, Denmark; Manila, Philippines; New Dehli, India; and Washington, D.C. WHO is headed up by the World Health Assembly, comprised of delegates from member states. It acts as a supervisory body and appoints a director-general. The smaller, 34-member Executive Board is elected to threeyear terms and must have technical health qualifications. These individuals are often highranking officials from member health agencies and are charged with facilitating the policy decisions of the assembly. The organization has a biennial budget of just under $4 billion. Approximately one quarter of this amount is assessed from member states. The remainder largely consists of voluntary contributions from members, other international organizations, charities and non-governmental organizations.
Proposed spending in 2014–2015 across WHO’s major project areas directs 21 percent of this funding to combatting communicable diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Noncommunicable diseases, including programs addressing violence, disabilities, nutrition and mental health, received eight percent. Health promotion through the life-course, which covers areas of reproductive and sexual health and aging and social factors that contribute to health, accounts for ten percent of the budget. Health systems receives 13 percent, which addresses access to healthcare in member states and facilitates the spread of information, technology and research. Seven percent is reserved for preparedness, surveillance and response to health emergencies, disease outbreaks and disasters. Seventeen percent is directed toward administrative costs. The remaining amount is divided between 18 percent for polio eradication and six percent for crisis response. These program areas reflect WHO’s current goals and shift with each new budget to meet new challenges. Much of its work is in support of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. In 2007, the World Health Assembly endorsed the Global Plan of Action on Workers’ Health 2008–2017, which set occupational health objectives for WHO. Members are to create national policies in collaboration with workers, employers and organizations. These policies should endeavor to provide health access to all workers across economies, including the informal sector and migrant workers. Evidence collected to support policy and government and hazards introduced into local communities should be actively monitored. Health programs should work together across disciplines and other government agencies should coordinate with health ministries. Additionally, sick or injured individuals should be aided in their reintegration into society. These objectives are deliberately vague because of the discrepancy in economic activity, development and resources among the WHO’s numerous members.
washington update
OSHA Call for Training Proposals The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a call for proposals for its 10- and 30-hour Outreach Training Program online courses across general industry, construction and maritime sectors, particularly training targeting young workers. Three hard copies of proposals along with a CD or flash drive must be submitted to OSHA by 4 p.m. CT on Dec. 12, 2014. Further details and requirements can be found on OSHA’s website.
PEL Dialogue Launched OSHA has announced a national stakeholder dialogue concerning hazardous substance exposure. The first stage of this initiative is a request for information about hazardous chemical exposure in the workplace. The agency seeks to update its permissible exposure limits (PEL), the maximum amount of a substance allowed in the air, which have not been updated since 1971. Public comments are requested on current practices and potential new methods for updating PELs and for worker protection. Two areas of focus for OSHA include streamlining risk assessment and feasibility
analyses and examining alternative approaches for managing chemical exposures. Other avenues of public participation in the initiative will be announced in the future. For more information, visit www.osha.gov/ chemicalmanagement/index.html.
New Temporary Worker Resource The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and OSHA have released a recommended practices document for staffing agencies and host employers in order to better protect temporary workers. Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA, Dr. David Michaels, announced the new document at the 30th Annual National VPPPA Conference citing the joint responsibility of staffing agencies and host employers to protect temporary workers. More information can be found at www.osha.gov/ temp_workers/.
September 11 Health Outreach Program NIOSH has announced a new program for responders and survivors of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and in Shanksville, PA. The World Trade Center Health Program was created
to provide monitoring and treatment for emergency responders, recovery and cleanup workers, volunteers and those who resided in the New York City disaster area. The program is encouraging those eligible to make use of the services it provides through a concerted social media campaign and coordination with local organizations. More information can be found at www.cdc.gov/wtc/socialmedia.
Truck Driving Resources from NIOSH To coincide with Truck Driver Appreciation Week, NIOSH released a guide on improving sleep quality for truck drivers. The guide includes information on creating a healthy sleep environment, properly preparing for sleep and other information. As covered in the Summer 2014 edition of The Leader, the dangers of driving while drowsy or exhausted have been the subject of debate recently after several high-profile accidents involving allegedly sleep-deprived truck drivers.
Celebrating VPP’s Successes Leaders in safety and health policy heaped praise on the Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) at the 30th Annual National VPPPA Conference. In honor of the milestone, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, Dr. David Michaels, joined his predecessors, Charles Jeffers from the Clinton administration and John Henshaw from the George W. Bush administration to recognize sites that have been participants since the programs’ inception. In an address to attendees, Michaels stressed participants’ status as “role models” for workplace safety, adding, “I know that many of you are already doing this, but we need, this country needs, every single person in this room to reach out to these other employers, large ones and small ones, to show them why safer, healthier workplaces are better for business, better for workers, better for the economy and better for the country. […] Teach them what everyone in this room knows, that investing in safety and health isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s also good for the bottom line. When employees feel protected, morale goes up and performance and profitability increases. Tell
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Dr. David Michaels (middle) joined by his predecessors, Charles Jeffers from the Clinton administration and John Henshaw from the George W. Bush administration.
Dr. Micheals presenting the award for SGE of the year.
them that workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities take an enormous toll, not just on workers and their families, but also on our nation’s economy and on our businesses.” Michaels also asked the VPP workers and employers to reach out to companies, organizations and policymakers to, “share your success, to pay it forward, convincing others what we know is true, that businesses succeed when they protect their workers. You are the best advocates for safety and health protections and we need your help to educate others.” Commissioner of Labor and Industry for Maryland, J. Ronald DeJuliis, also emphasized the effect of VPP participants on other worksites, “It permeates through all of industry and actually sets a challenge. And that’s what we did in our state. We challenge the companies, we challenge the contractors to outdo their competitors. And again, it has really benefited everyone. So I’m going to thank you all for the outstanding job you do every day by instilling a strong culture of safety in the workplace.”
New Site Approvals as Backlog is Eliminated
The benefits of a strong safety and health culture impact companies’ performance. Michaels shared that every dollar spent on holistic safety approaches like VPP yields six times that amount in returns on investment. Additionally, this savings is realized across sectors. Brad Davy, Director of the Office of Worker Safety and Health Assistance at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), shared that agency’s experience with its VPP sites: “In 2013 we estimate that VPP programs in DOE covers about 47,000 people, which is about half of the contractor workforce in DOE. Those 47,000 people collectively avoided over 1,300 injuries. With an estimated cost avoidance, and that’s taxpayer dollars, between $30 and $60 million. It costs DOE annually between five and seven million dollars to implement VPP, which goes to that six to one number that Dr. Michaels referred to. So I’m glad to hear that OSHA is seeing similar results. It seems that it is a pretty good investment from us in the Department of Energy.”
Michaels went on to announce that several of OSHA’s regions have eliminated backlogs of VPP re-approvals that had been created due to the recent budget crises and that they have, “begun aggressively evaluating new applications.” OSHA will be paying particular attention to its Department of Defense (DoD) applicants as many such sites have used the VPP process as a mission readiness tool. “I’ve made a very strong commitment to the Department of Defense and to helping our nation’s armed services protect their uniformed and civilian workers,” Michaels added, “and we’re fulfilling that by growing the number of partnerships we have with Defense Department sites. […] We care deeply about this commitment to DoD, and we’re very proud that we’re putting the DoD facilities at the front of the list [for approval evaluation].” THE LEADER
state-plan monitor
Federal OSHA States State-Plan States Public Sector Only
Arizona The Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health (ADOSH) has welcomed a new VPP participant into the Star program. Loven Contracting, Inc., a general contractor based in Flagstaff, successfully completed their 90-day action item list in July and became the fourth construction company to receive the Star designation. With the addition of Loven Contracting Inc., Arizona now has 35 participating VPP sites. Jessie Atencio, ADOSH VPP coordinator, also explained that with the federal fiscal year coming to a close, ADOSH will have completed 11 VPP site re-approval audits, and during that process, they benefitted from the participation of three Special Government Employees (SGE) who joined their teams. Atencio anticipates that with the new year upon them, ADOSH will continue to utilize an additional three to five SGEs as part of inspection teams throughout calendar year 2015. “These SGEs have been a great asset to the ADOSH VPP team and current site participants,” Atencio said. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact ADOSH or Jessie Atencio at (520) 628-5478 or www.ica.state.az.us/ ADOSH/ADOSH_main.aspx.
Nevada Recently, Jess Lankford was appointed as chief administrative officer of the Nevada OSHA section. Lankford will be responsible for
managing internal and external relationships with private and public employers and employees statewide. Most recently, he served as the program coordinator where he managed the Voluntary Protection Programs for Nevada and was a great resource during the regional and national conferences. We look forward to watching Jess in his new role and thank him for his contributions to VPP. We also look forward to working with whomever the VPP torch is passed to next as Nevada expands the number of participating sites. Nevada offers voluntary and cooperative programs to employers such as the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) and VPP. Contact Nevada OSHA for information on VPP at dirweb.state.nv.us/ OSHA/osha.htm.
Hawaii Hawaii’s VPP count is still listed as four sites for the state program and there are two sites participating under the Federal OSHA Program. If your organization is interested in applying for VPP status in Hawaii, please contact the consultation section at (808) 586-9100 or visit labor.hawaii.gov/hiosh/.
Washington There are currently 30 recognized VPP sites in the Washington State program. In the past four months, onsite re-approval evaluations were conducted at Intermech, Inc. in Richland, Columbia Vista in Vancouver and
contacting each state >> Monsanto in Othello. In August, an initial approval onsite was conducted for Mortenson Construction in Tacoma. Three celebrations were held. In June, a celebration was held at Wheelabrator Spokane to present them with a plaque and flag for their re-approval. Veolia ES in Vancouver and Cascades Sonoco in Tacoma both received certificates and flags at their celebrations to recognize them as new VPP sites. Cascades Sonoco is the first site to graduate from START (Safety Through Achieving Recognition Together) to VPP. START is the equivalent to OSHA SHARP. Re-approval onsites are scheduled in the coming months for GE River Road Generating Plant in Vancouver and Carlisle Construction Materials in Puyallup. Initial approval onsites are scheduled for NuStar Energy in Tacoma and Starbucks Roasting Plant in Kent. The Washington Voluntary Protection Programs held a networking meeting of VPP participants and others pursuing VPP status on Aug. 13, 2014. Oldcastle Precast in Auburn hosted the group and provided a tour of their plant for the 30 attendees. Rick Goggins and Ernesto Carcamo of DOSH presented on preventing sprains and strains. Cindy Schultz of Honeywell Aerospace, Redmond, presented on Employee Leadership/Ownership. Finally, Rich Carroll and Jeremy Fanning of Cascades Sonoco presented on Blending Production and Safety as well as Sustaining Safety Culture.
Alaska Bill Nickerson VPP Coordinator Phone: (907) 269-4948 www.labor.state.ak.us/lss/ oshhome.htm Arizona Jessie Atencio Assistant Director Phone: (520) 220-4222 www.ica.state.az.us/ ADOSH/ADOSH_main. aspx California Iraj Pourmehraban Cal/VPP & PSM Manager Phone: (510) 622-1080 www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/cal_ vpp/cal_vpp_index.html Hawaii Clayton Chun Manager Phone: (808) 586-9110 labor.hawaii.gov/hiosh Indiana Michael Gaskill Manager Phone: (260) 373-2860 www.in.gov/dol/ Iowa Shashi Patel VPP Coordinator Phone: (515) 281-6369 www.iowaworkforce.org/ labor/iosh Kentucky Joe Giles VPP Program Administrator Phone: (502) 564-4089 labor.ky.gov/dows/ oshp/doet/partnership/ pages/VPP---VoluntaryProtection-Partnership. aspx Maryland Cynthia L. Wheeler VPP Coordinator Phone: (410) 527-4473 www.dllr.state.md.us/ labor/mosh/vpp.shtml
Michigan Doug Kimmel MVPP Specialist Phone: (231) 546-2366 Sherry Scott MVPP Manager Phone: (517) 322-5817 www.michigan.gov/mvpp Minnesota Ryan Nosan MNSTAR VPP Coordinator Phone: (651) 284-5120 www.doli.state.mn.us/ mnStar.html Nevada Jess Lankford VPP Coordinator Phone: (702) 486-9046 www.dirweb.state.nv.us New Mexico Melissa Barker VPP Coordinator Phone: (505) 222-9595 www.nmenv.state. nm.us/Ohsb_Website/ ComplianceAssistance/ VPP.htm North Carolina LaMont Smith Recognition Program Manager Phone: (919) 807-2909 www.nclabor.com/osha/ osh.htm Oregon Mark E. Hurliman, CSHM VPP/SHARP Program Manager Phone: (541) 776-6016 www.cbs.state.or.us/osha/ subjects/vpp.htm Puerto Rico Ilza Roman Director Phone: (787) 754-2171 www.dtrh.gobierno.pr
South Carolina Sharon Dumit VPP Coordinator Phone: (803) 896-7788 www.scosha.llronline.com Tennessee David Blessman VPP Manager Phone: (615) 253-6890 www.state.tn.us/laborwfd/vppStar.html Utah Holly Lawrence VPP Manager Phone: (801) 530-6494 www.laborcommission. utah.gov/divisions/UOSH/ VPPprogram.html Vermont Daniel Whipple VPP Coordinator Phone: (802) 828-5084 www.labor.vermont.gov/ vosha Virginia Milford Stern VPP Coordinator Phone: (540) 562-3580 www.doli.virginia.gov/ vosh_coop/vosh_vpp.html Washington John Geppert VPP Manager Phone: (360) 902-5496 www.lni.wa.gov/safety/ topics/atoz/vpp/default.asp Wyoming Karin Schubert Consultation Supervisor Phone: (307) 777-7710 www.wyomingworkforce. org/employers-andbusinesses/osha/Pages/ safety-and-healthcompliance.aspx
For additional information and up-to-date contacts, please visit www.vpppa.org/chapters/contacts.cfm.
30TH ANNUAL NATIONAL VPPPA CONFERENCE VPPPA celebrated its 30th anniversary this year in National Harbor, MD, at the Gaylord National Convention Center from Aug. 24–28, 2014. More than 2,500 attendees gathered to participate in educational workshops, visit the packed exhibit hall, hear motivational keynote speakers and network with other health and safety professionals from around the globe.
Attendees taking it all in at the VPPPA booth in the expo hall
Conference participants attending “Humor in Safety: From Blah Blah Blah to Ha Ha Ha”
ver a hundred attendees came out early to participate in preconference workshops and OSHA’s SGE training. The official kickoff of the conference began Monday with the Annual Meeting of the Membership, with reports on the status of the association, including the treasurer’s and membership reports. Some design changes to the association’s membership materials were introduced, including the new membership brochure and the new look of The Leader. Two new competitions were announced, including a contest to illustrate members’ growth in VPP through pictures, as well as “VPPPA’s Got Talent,” a contest designed to explore the vocal gifts of our members and to find our National Anthem singer for the 2015 national conference. The Opening General Session featured a range of speakers including J. Ronald DeJuliis, commissioner of the Division of Labor and Industry for the State of Maryland; Dr. David Michaels, assistant secretary of labor for OSHA; Ann Klee, vice president of corporate environmental programs for GE; and our keynote speaker, Keni Thomas. Keni, in addition
to being an award winning country music recording artist, was also a part of the elite special operations unit that would later be famously recounted in the book and movie, “Blackhawk Down.” The Grand Opening of the Exhibit Hall occurred Monday night with over 220 exhibiting companies. Attendees visited with exhibitors to learn about their products and services designed to improve employee health and safety. Exhibitors showcased their products in the new product theater through demonstrations. Exhibitors’ services ranged widely from personal protective equipment, to promotional products to training and consulting services. There were more than 120 workshops that attendees participated in throughout the conference. These workshops included presentations focusing on best practices, to personal stories, all designed to inspire and motivate attendees and provide material to bring back to their sites. The Closing Reception, co-sponsored by Region I, featured the musical stylings of the Motor Booty Affair, a 70’s tribute band. They brought the funk with their renditions of 70’s classics, complete with costumes and wigs.
We hope to see you at next year’s conference, taking place Aug. 24–27, 2015, at the Gaylord Texan Convention Center in Grapevine, TX, right outside of Dallas.
The Board of Directors took part in the fun, wearing 70’s wigs while dancing to the music. Attendees relaxed and networked on the last night of the conference, while partaking in delicious food and desserts. Thursday morning concluded the conference with the Closing General Session breakfast and presentation by keynote speaker, Jeff “Odie” Espenship, who encouraged culture leadership safety systems in the workplace. Thank you to all those who attended our 30th anniversary conference and we hope to see you at next year’s conference, taking place Aug. 24–27, 2015, at the Gaylord Texan Convention Center in Grapevine, TX, right outside of Dallas.
chapter round-ups
Region I Greetings from the New England OSHA VPP Stars! VPPPA Region I held its quarterly chapter business meeting and VPP Meet N’ Greet at the annual national VPPPA conference in Maryland, with attendees representing “The Best of the Northeast.” Following a welcome by Region I Chairperson Stephen Gauthier, introductions of the national VPPPA Board of Directors members were made, followed by the Region I BOD members, OSHA officials and attendees. Following acceptance of the previous chapter meeting minutes prepared by Secretary Deb Bowie and Karen Girardin’s Treasurer’s Report, the chapter board of directors in attendance gave updates on their respective chapter committees’ activities and future plans. Steve Gauthier updated the group on the Region I Communications Committee and requested that Region I members please keep an eye on the chapter website for chapter updates and 2015 regional conference announcements at www.vppregion1.com. The 2015 BOD elections will be held on Tuesday, May 19, 2015, at the regional conference. Region I will be announcing its call for 2015 scholarships later this year. We were glad that we were able to present three scholarships in 2014. OSHA Region I Assistant Regional Administrator, Timothy Irving, updated the attendees on Region I VPP activities and OSHA. Region I continues to work collaboratively on VPP efforts with the local BOD. Mentoring activity continues, site applications are being submitted and reviewed and some new approval audits are being scheduled. SGEs are encouraged to fully support the OSHA VPP audit schedules. Preparation continues for the 2015 Region I VPPPA, “The Best of the Northeast” Conference & Exposition, which will be held on May 18–20, 2015, at beautiful Sea Crest Beach Hotel in Cape Cod, MA. The conference is the premier safety and health conference in the New England region focusing on the Voluntary Protection Programs and VPP excellence. We anticipate another very successful and value-added conference. It’s not too early to begin planning to join us there! We are thrilled to have scheduled as our Opening General Session keynote speaker, Mr. Steve Williams of Max Proactive—The Advanced
Safety Research Cooperative. Twenty breakout sessions are planned along with a pre-conference workshop on Preparing VPP Applications. We are also excited to have scheduled Mr. Lee Shelby as our Closing General Session keynote speaker. We have communicated our 2015 call for vendors, and our 2015 call for speakers and sponsors will be announced this fall. Best practice sharing by our member VPP Star sites is encouraged and desired. Contributed by Region I Communications Committee
Region II Thousands of GE employees and their families celebrated Family Day at GE Power & Water in Schenectady, NY, on Saturday, Sept. 13. Attendees participated in a variety of fun activities and enjoyed tasty carnival fare. A number of local organizations were on hand to greet and educate employees, including VPP! Despite the rain, a great time was had by all. In the coming months, you may receive calls from volunteers in Region II to update contact information. We are planning on making our 2015 conference bigger and better, but to do that we need our members’ input. We appreciate any help you can provide. If any individuals or organizations are interested in helping us develop and improve our Region II conference for 2015, please visit our website at www.region2chapter-vpppa.org. Region II asks for your continued support of the Norman Deitch Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Fund. Its mission is to provide free AEDs to non-profits and organizations that traditionally do not have
Region II asks for your continued support of the Norman Deitch Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Fund. Its mission is to provide free AEDs to non-profits and organizations that traditionally do not have the resources to purchase an AED on their own.
the resources to purchase an AED on their own. Over the past nine years, with your help, we have donated over 19 machines. Anyone interested in contributing to the fund should contact the Region II chairperson, at Brenda@accesshealthsystems.com. Contributed by Brenda Wiederkehr, Chairperson, Region II Board, Access Health Systems
Region III The Board of Directors encourages everyone in Region III to take advantage of the Region III website as a resource. We continue to make website improvements and provide valuable information. If you have job openings or safety alerts that you would like to post on the website, please reach out to any member of the board, contact information is on the website. Information regarding the Larry Shaffer Scholarship can be found at: vppparegion3. org/homepage.html Our annual regional conference will take place much earlier than usual next year. The dates of our 18th Annual Region III VPPPA Conference are March 4–6, 2015. It will be held at the amazing OMNI Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, VA: www. thehomestead.com/pools-and-hot-springs. This venue has everything: natural warm spring pools, snow skiing on its very own ski mountain, two championship golf courses,
hiking trails, swimming, tennis, not to mention our top notch safety conference! Book early as you do not want to miss this event! Register by Jan. 31, 2015, to get the early bird rate. A link to the conference registration is on the website. vppparegion3. org/homepage.html If you have an idea for a breakout session for our conference or would like to present a workshop at our 2015 conference, please reach out to Region III board member, Brad McPherson, via email at bmcpher@firstenergycorp.com. In addition to visiting the Region III VPPPA website, vppparegion3.org/homepage.html, you can also keep up with activity by becoming a Facebook “friend” of Region III VPPPA. Contributed by Bob Schroeder, Secretary, Region III
Region VI We had yet another successful conference in 2014 and we are already gearing up for our 2015 Conference in Corpus Christi, TX, “Hooked On Safety.” As always, we expect thousands of you to show up and partake in one of the best conference experiences you will ever be a part of. With hundreds of exhibitors and more information-packed workshops than you can possibly attend in three days, it is hard to pass this opportunity up. This safety conference is open to
Region 2 VPPPA Board member, Perry O’Neil, helping to man the VPP booth at the Schenectady Family Day Event
EVERYONE, and EVERYONE gets a super low price! The following positions will be up for election at the 2015 conference • Vice Chairperson—Pam Mendiola, Valero, Texas City TX • Treasure—Danny Barrett, NRG, Houston, TX • Director at Large #1—Open • Director at Large #3—Johnny Collazo Chevron Phillips Chemical, Port Arthur, TX • Employee Representative from a NonRepresented Site—Richard McConnell, Lyondell, Houston, TX Calling all Region VI SGEs! As you may have heard, Region VI OSHA offices have caught up on all re-approvals and are starting to do new approvals. They need our assistance to stay on top of these audits; check with your area OSHA VPP coordinators and see if they need your help. Have you recently celebrated a success at your site? Share your story with the rest of the VPP community! Send us your stories with photos and brag a little about what you’re doing well and how it’s impacted your site and safety program, a recent re-approval, etc. Send your stories and photos to Kirk Crandall (kirk.crandall@ nrgenergy.com) for publication. Visit the Region VI website at www.regionvivpp.org for more details. Contributed by Kirk Crandall, Director-at-Large
Rita Young, Albany Asst Area Director, presenting at Konica Minolta’s VPP re-approval ceremony (as well as their 25th anniversary) THE LEADER
chapter round-ups
Region VIII
Region IX
It has been a busy couple of months in Region VIII! It’s great to see we are still awake, alive and willing to be advocates. Our national conference attendance almost matched our regional attendance, proving we are a remarkable force. Through our hard work and marketing efforts, I expect we will see an unparalleled spike in our region’s growth. Board members have been at work preparing VPPPA webinars, supporting Utah’s safety conference, mentoring, performing audits as SGEs, supporting the national SGE training re-write and planning the next conference. The most exciting piece is seeing the region working together and realizing we are all part of something bigger. In October, Ball Corporation in Golden, CO, volunteered to host the first, “What is great in Region 8?” benchmark event. Approximately 10 sites along the Front Range wanted to start an effort to help each other, and any other interested companies, in becoming an OSHA VPP Site in Region VIII by sharing best practices and visiting a current OSHA VPP Star host site twice a year. This event also included a tour of the facility and multiple presentations on lock out/tag out programs from other VPP sites. Holly Hodnik, Kevin Camp and Jenelle Mote coordinated the event, which was developed when they met for the first time as SGEs during a VPP audit in Montana. In August, Region VIII operated a booth at the ShurShales Full Contact Safety Combine in Denver, CO. Shelly Ettel and I were pleased to see the response as VPPPA National and Region VIII information was distributed. Region VIII currently has 72 VPP sites with numerous 2014 re-approvals. In addition, we are pleased to receive many new VPP applications for FY15. Congratulations to our two newest VPP sites: Kiewit–– Cherokee Power and URS Energy & Construction. I’m very proud of what we’ve done and what’s yet to come. It’s an honor buckling my seatbelt and going on this ride with each and every one of you. Thank you Region VIII for rocking the Rockies!
August 2014 is but a memory now, highlighted by the recollection of all that was encountered at the national VPPPA conference, which commemorated 30 years of safety excellence. The conference did exactly what it was meant to do: motivate and inform its stakeholders of the benefits of the Voluntary Protection Programs. You heard from seasoned speakers, safety professionals and working individuals from all types of industry, about how they each do their part in making this program work within their respective organizations. Thinking about the conference, I can’t help but notice how it continues to change by illustrating that the various stages of any safety management system are ongoing, teaching us that safety is not as simple as ordering a program in small, medium or large to suit the organization and showing us the level of work that has to be done to achieve the next level of effective safety. The people involved in the Region IX VPPPA are committed to helping employers understand these lessons. Whether it be at the national or regional conferences, it’s about sharing, mentoring and growing! We learn that this model, as I call it, works, and it fits! It fits any organization that is willing to challenge themselves and put in the work, implementing its many elements. That’s why it’s important to continue delivering our message of safety excellence. In Region IX, we have some of the biggest proponents of the program and we are constantly working to get the word out. For example, I want to let you know of some of the additional things they are doing within the region. On Sept. 23–25, STM training was delivered in California, and will occur again on Nov. 18–20th, 2014. In addition, Region IX members are working to help finalize STM participation guidelines for use in California. The Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health carries out several summits throughout the year to educate stakeholders on many safety topics, one of which is the Voluntary Protection Programs. Region IX members work with state-plan VPP managers to try to increase participation in various outreach sessions. Lastly, there are many opportunities for mentoring new site participants or those working on applications. You can see there is always something for
Contributed by Mark A Moya, Region VIII Chairperson
everyone and you can get involved in various aspects throughout the year. In closing, just a note to save the date as the Region IX Conference will be held in Reno, Nevada, April 14–16, 2015. More information can be found on the Region IX website www.regionixvpppa.org/. Contributed by Mark Norton, MAOM, RSP Norton Safety Services, Ambassador to the Region IX Board
Region X Since May 2014, Federal OSHA, Oregon OSHA and the Washington State Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), have been busy conducting onsite reviews for new applicants and sites seeking re-approval. As we have all learned, attaining VPP recognition is not easy, it requires dedication and commitment by all parties involved. Maintaining and sustaining VPP at the Star level can have challenges; VPP is not about perfection. It’s a continuous improvement process designed to improve relationships between workers, managers and regulators. Management leadership and employee involvement are key to a successful VPP. Employees at all levels need to be involved in the safety and health program. In addition to protecting workers, the public and the environment from hazards, a common goal desired by VPP Star sites is to reduce accidents and injuries. Since May, Federal OSHA has been very busy conducting onsite evaluations. The following re-approvals have taken place: Monsanto, Potlatch Land & Lumber, LLC, Tessenderlo-Kerley, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest, Naval Station Everett and URS (Boise Complex). A re-approval visit was also conducted at Pioneer Hi-Bred; the report is still in the review process. An onsite review has been conducted at Naval Magazine at Indian Island, WA. The report was approved by the Regional Office and is now at the National Office for review. Two sites have been re-approved as Star: Life Technologies (now ThermoFisher Scientific) in Eugene and Marvin Wood Products in Baker City. Coquille Plywood of Roseburg stepped up from Merit to Star in September. VPP evaluations were also
conducted at AmeriTies West in The Dalles, and Sherwin-Williams Purdy in Portland; those reports are in the review process. Evaluations are also scheduled at Boise Packaging and Newsprint (a wholly owned subsidiary of PCA) and Covanta Energy Marion in the next couple of months. Prior to the safety summit, Region X will be hosting a three-day SGE workshop, May 9–11, 2015. The application deadline for attending the SGE training course is Jan. 15, 2015. In addition, an SGE training course will take place at the HAMMER training facility in Richland, WA, in March 2015. For more information on the SGE training course, go to www.osha.gov/dcsp/vpp/sge.html On May 8, 2014, CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company (CHPRC) celebrated a Merit to Star approval. In July, the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System (EMS) Registration Audit Team audited the EMS and not only did they pass—they aced it! Based on the review of their collective commitment to environmental stewardship, the team found zero non-conformances with eleven proficiencies. The lead auditor stated that three of the proficiencies should be considered “Best in Class” and stand out as superlative environmental activities for federal installations nationwide. CHPRC employees consistently deliver their giving spirit and commitment to the community by investing hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to great causes. In August, employees supported the Tri-City Union Gospel Mission annual golf tournament, where 144 golfers and 21 volunteers enjoyed a day on the course and raised donations of nearly $20,000! CHPRC has worked one million work hours since their last recordable injury and two million hours since their last DART (Days Away Restricted or Transferred) case. Also in August, CH2M HILL announced a community legacy project: They’ve teamed with “Friends of Badger Mountain.” CH2M HILL donated corporate funds totaling $500,000 over five years to support a new partnership that will help extend a trail system that will cross Tri-City area ridges totaling 20 miles—from Badger Mountain across Candy Mountain, Red Mountain to the Yakima River. CHPRC workers, their
From left: CWI President and CEO Tom Dieter, DOE-VPP Manager Carol Henning, CWI CEST Chair Saprena Lyons, CWI ESH&Q Vice-president Kevin Daniels and CWI VPP Manager Bonnie Anderson, proudly display CWI’s new VPP STAR.
friends and families will be able to help in the development of the trail. Congratulations to the entire Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) workforce for their tireless pursuit of excellence in safety & health and for sustaining recognition at the Star level in the Department of Energy Voluntary Protection Programs. The approval was officially awarded on August 19, 2014, in a ceremony at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center (INTEC). On Sept. 8–18, 2014, the DOE-HQVPP team conducted a Star re-approval of HAMMER and Mission Support Alliance LLC of Richland, WA. The report is in the preparation process. The 21st Annual Northwest Safety & Health Summit will take place at the Red Lion Hotel on the River-Jantzen Beach in Portland, Oregon, May 12–14, 2015. Contributed by Jack Griffith, Region X BOD, Communications Chairman THE LEADER
When consideration is given to seeking application and approval into the Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP), a question faced by leaders may be, “Why should our facility/site do this?” This is a fair question. After all, seeking approval into VPP, or a major certification, can be a massive undertaking in terms of human and financial resources and time commitments.
A good leader will be able to create a coalition with key power players and influencers, and will develop an effective vision, which can be communicated across broad platforms in order to reach an audience of followers. 20
or many leaders, understanding the benefits and value of achieving VPP status is easy, but for others who are faced with the pressure of external market forces and economic factors driving production, the benefits may be harder to grasp. Perhaps this may occur when they are overly focused on quarterly earnings and meeting production deadlines, particularly if this is how their job performance is measured. One of leaders’ responsibilities is to guide the organization along the right path, which includes orienting performance focus. This highlights some of the key issues behind leadership, and by examining leadership attributes, we can see what effective leaders should be doing to drive safety and health performance in their organizations. First, it may be helpful to describe what leadership is and what leaders do. While at the operational level, leadership and management activities often intersect and excellent leaders need solid management skills, it is necessary to describe some of the key elements of leadership because these behaviors are required to help create the momentum for change and the adoption and implementation of a safety management system. Two important aspects of leadership are building alliances and setting visions. According to John Kotter, author of Leading Change, one of the functions of a leader is the ability to develop a coalition of key individuals with a shared vision who can help achieve buy-in from other stakeholders in the organization (p.67–68). Additionally, leaders must be adept at creating a vision of the future, which is a conceptual description of the desired end-state. The vision provides a mental image of a desired goal, such as what the organization should look like at the end of a transformation (Kotter 71). A good leader will be able to create a coalition with key power players and influencers, and will develop an effective vision, which can be communicated across broad platforms in order to reach an audience of followers. The ultimate need for a leader is to inspire employees to follow his or her lead and buy into the vision. While this may sound like a function that only occurs at the executive level, leadership is not limited to the C-Suite. In fact, effective leadership is needed at all levels. While middle managers and front line supervisors may not be the ones creating grand visions of the organization’s future, or building major coalitions within the company, they play key leadership roles in their functional
areas. This is a key point to emphasize. Leadership activities do not only reside at the executive level, and mid-level managers and front line supervisors can work to inspire their teams or crews towards achievement of the objectives and goals that are linked to the larger vision. Additionally, at the smaller team level, strong leadership serves as the glue that binds team actions together and links these actions to a larger purpose. One way organizations may leverage leadership activities is by empowering subordinate supervisors and employees, through the granting of authority in their functional areas. By distributing and decentralizing authority, organizations may be able to gain a great deal of value by capitalizing on the experience and expertise of supervisors and employees. Unfortunately, many high level leaders and managers in numerous organizations may be afraid of this concept. Their position is somewhat understandable. After all, if their organizational culture has created a climate where they feel their job will be threatened by giving subordinates too much power or control, or if an atmosphere of micromanagement and distrust has developed over time, leaders and managers will likely be reluctant to relinquish control to subordinates for certain risk management and functional decision-making activities. Unfortunately, foregoing the benefits of distributed authority and leadership may result in organizational stagnation and a decreased ability to innovate, including the development of innovative methods for controlling risks and developing more efficient work methods. Another problem leaders and managers may face is that by failing to develop subordinate leaders and empower employees, they may also be stifling creativity and motivation that ultimately could be lowering employee morale. Employees often work for more than a paycheck, and many employees seek out autonomy, mastery and purpose in their work (Pink 78). Excessive control tactics may, in some cases, work against the intended purposes. The solution may be to relax levels of control, grant employees more autonomy in their work and help them to understand how their work relates to the vision of the organization.
Why should leaders empower employees and front line supervisors? Despite the education and information available on system safety and prevention through design,
when failure occurs, organizations still have a propensity for kneejerk reactions, resulting in blaming the employee who committed the error that resulted in failure or injury. The problem with this approach is that it assumes that correcting the employee will fix the problem. In some cases it may, but if there are system deficiencies, it may not. What happens if another employee commits the same error? Rather than blame the individual worker, leaders should seek to identify deficiencies within the work system, including work methods and procedures. Part of leaders’ responsibilities should include ensuring that operations and safety systems are functioning properly and that system deficiencies are identified and corrected. In order for leaders to be able to identify and correct deficiencies, they need the support of their operational teams and employees. The success of an organization often depends on multiple factors, including the ability of workers to do their jobs safely and effectively. These employees and their supervisors often understand the best way to do a job and how to do a job safely, given their operational context. However, there is often a gap between how managers and leaders higher up in the organization, (at the blunt end, where rules are made) view safety and job performance compared to how those on the shop floor or out in the field (at the sharp end, where the hazardous work is actually performed) view safety and work rules. Those at the blunt end may mistakenly think that job procedures are effective and work all the time and that workers just need to get in line with the procedures. On the other end of the performance “stick,” workers try to match rules and procedures with the reality and context of the operational environment, and the rules as they are designed may not actually work. When matching production demands with safety requirements and work methods, workers and teams will often find the best way to get the job done, as safely as possible, in the given operational context. They are often the ones leaders should seek out when attempting to identify and correct system deficiencies. By empowering front line supervisors and employees, and by allowing them a voice and a seat at the table in the work system design process, leaders and managers at the blunt end may be able to learn better and safer ways that employees can use to perform their work at the sharp end. Using a systemoriented approach that includes risk assessments and potential intended and unintended
consequences, leaders should be able to capture feedback and design better, safer work methods. This employee and supervisor feedback is critical for continuous improvement, and leaders in the organization need to be open to this feedback if they want to benefit from the talents of their employees. In order to work towards exceptional safety performance, a structured safety management system or framework like VPP is necessary so employees know what they should be doing, and so managers can understand where gaps in their programs exist and learn ways to reduce them. Additionally, empowerment and feedback helps organizations focus on risk identification, not simply managing safety. However, even the best safety management system will not be able to overcome a lack of employee buy-in, particularly if this is due to negative leadership attitudes and behaviors towards safety and teamwork. Leaders will need buy-in at all levels of the organization. By creating an environment where managers, supervisors and employees are empowered, and where they can provide feedback on risks, work methods and work system design, leaders may be able to gain lasting support and continuous improvement.
How do leaders get more out of mid-level managers and front line supervisors? There is an old debate that seems to crop up during discussions on leadership: are leaders born or made? The problem with the concept of “born leaders” is that it implies that some people will never be able to lead unless they were born with certain traits. This is discouraging, and experience in the military has shown that regardless of background or innate characteristics, many people can become leaders, at least on some level. If you are a leader or manager seeking to improve performance in your organization, consider this: perhaps everyone (or almost everyone) can be a leader, regardless of his or her job title. Leadership is more of a mindset, a willingness to take risks that will improve your organization and employee well-being, and the deep desire to inspire others to work towards a common vision. If you can identify opportunities for empowerment, decentralized authority, opportunities for front line supervisors to exercise leadership in their technical or functional areas and feedback mechanisms to help employees voice their ideas on ways to make work better and safer, perhaps
you may be surprised by the willingness of your teams to help when you try to implement a safety management system.
References • Dekker, Sidney. The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2006. Print. • Kotter, John P. Leading Change. Boston: Harvard Business Press, 2012. Print. • Pink, Daniel. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. New York: Riverhead Books, 2010. • United States. Department of the Navy, Headquarters United States Marine Corps. Command and Control, MCDP 6. Washington D.C.: U.S. Marine Corps, 1996. • United States. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. NATOPS General Flight and Operations Instruction OPNAVINST 3710.7U. Washington D.C.: Department of the Navy, 2009. Randy Cadieux is the author of the forthcoming book, Team Leadership in HighHazard Environments: Performance, Safety and Risk Management Strategies for Operational Teams, to be published by Gower Publishing in December 2014. Randy is also the Founder of V-Speed, LLC (www.v-speedsafety.com), a leadership, risk management, organizational resilience and team performance consulting and training company. He is the developer of V-Speed’s team leadership and resource management training system. Randy is also the program manager and an instructor for the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s master of engineering in advanced safety engineering and management program. Randy is a 20-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps, where he served in multiple roles. His primary occupational specialty was as a KC-130 Hercules pilot and he had numerous other leadership roles in the areas of aviation, operations and safety. Randy has experience with a range of safety, operations and human performance training and application methodologies, including Marine Corps aviation operations planning, operational risk management and crew resource management. Randy holds a master of engineering in advanced safety engineering and management from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and is a member of the American Society of Safety Engineers and the International System Safety Society. THE LEADER
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LIFE SAFETY SOLUTIONS Across the oil and gas industry, the single largest challenge for managers is how to keep employees safe in the working environment.
n a remarkable process innovation, Marathon Petroleum Company LP (MPC) teamed up with Accenture to develop and implement a new and potentially life-saving technology known as the Life Safety Solution. At MPC’s Illinois Refining Division (IRD), located in Robinson, IL, operators are now continuously monitored through a wirelessenabled multi-gas detection system that helps protect workers in potentially hazardous environments. As growing interest for employee safety had increased through VPP initiatives and other management concerns, the refinery plant manager and supporting management team started looking into whether an intelligent continuous “man-down” monitoring system was available in the industry. Located on approximately 650 acres, as well as having off-site operations and the significant structures of concrete and steel necessary for a refinery environment, the Robinson Refinery sought to overcome the complex problem of a “man-down” system. The refinery had already tested several systems before this point that were not successful. The industry standard gas monitoring devices on the market were typically single gas detectors that measure H2S, SO2 and CO. Workers and contractor services at refineries, chemical or waste-water plants, oil platforms, utility plants, mines and cargo ships would be issued these single gas detectors to wear as a warning device when gas concentrations exceed a certain level. The monitors’ alarm systems, however, can only be heard or recognized by the person wearing it. Such a localized warning creates its own problem because the only person that knows of the potential danger is the person wearing the device. Locating the affected person in the event of an emergency is an even larger challenge. Information for a rescue, if needed, would be non-existent. With nothing on the market that met MPC’s needs, the decision was made to investigate and pursue the ideas that came out of Robinson, and then to look for partnering opportunities to develop the functionality envisioned. The innovation had to meet three criteria: reliability, ease of use and affordability. MPC looked to Accenture, a leading, world-renowned, consulting organization, to create a consortium of vendors that could
provide components for a new monitoring system. These included Cisco Systems, Industrial Scientific and AeroScout. Refinery workers were involved in the development of the new system from the early stages. With all the players identified, the team was tasked with developing a safety system that could monitor and report H2S, CO, O2, LEL, NO2 and SO2 individually or a combination of any four gases within one device. The idea was to communicate using a wireless network technology to deliver the information back in realtime to a monitoring station at a central location. Refinery workers were fitted with a portable safety device containing a small Wi-Fi RFID tag that could send signals across the Cisco wireless infrastructure. The Cisco Access Point locations were designed using Accenture’s patent pending design approach, which takes into consideration enhanced location capability. In the initial tests, prototype detector devices were simply taped to Wi-Fi tags. This showed that the wireless technology could cover an area with sustained data transmission. During these tests, the team also saw the first data on gas type and concentration, measured by the monitors coming into the central control room via the network. The initial testing was done on two process units at Robinson, the Diesel Hydrotreating Unit and the Gasoline Desulfurization Unit. Both were fitted with Cisco outdoor access points, covering them with an integrated wireless signal. Information regarding gas levels and location were sent every five seconds to the console operator. The new four-gas detectors, supplied by Industrial Scientific, were clipped to the workers’ lapels which included Wi-Fi tags that were supplied by AeroScout. This technology alliance was useful to MPC in all stages of the innovation process, from planning to execution. To build upon the successes realized with the gas detection portion of the system, a panic button was incorporated that can be pressed by the employee if health problems arise unrelated to fugitive gases or leaks, such as personal injury or cardiovascular issues. A motion sensor was another addition used to detect when a worker stops moving for a period of time, triggering a local alarm to alert the individual concerned. If motion is not sensed within a predefined time from the
first alarm, a second alert will be sent to the central control room. The Wi-Fi network took care of the process units, but when it came to the remote facilities that also needed coverage, the thinking caps came out again. Accenture actually mounted mobile access points in vehicles, and then transmitted through a G3 network back to the central control room displaying on the Life Safety Solution screen in the same way as the unit Wi-Fi information. The Life Safety Solution screen has the individual unit, plot plans and/ or Google Maps for remote locations on display for location of affected personnel in and around the unit boundaries. An alarm summary also appears on the screen with the description of location, gas value, alarm type and names of the personnel in alarm. The central control room is where the “heartbeat” of the refinery is monitored, so it was a perfect fit for routing the transmission of the “man-down” alerts. Console operators staff the control room 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In the event of an alarm situation associated with the Life Safety Solution, staff will initiate the alarm response procedure that coincides with the particular incident. A check-in-/check-out station allows the detector to be associated with each employee. The MPC console operator now has a monitor that is worn by workers, day and night, that is personally associated to particular workers and shows the name of the person, his or her location and the environment to which he or she is exposed. As a result of all the new technology and innovative thinking, the Life Safety Solution was officially born, providing a level of safety and security that will be beneficial to all of Marathon’s personnel. Accenture was the overall program manager of the Life Safety Solution. The newly developed Industrial Scientific “Ventis LS” four-gas detector with motion sensor and panic button which also houses the location component, was supplied by AeroScout. It is then pulled together over the Cisco wireless infrastructure. The Ventis LS takes real time gas detection readings, along with the location of the person possessing the monitor, and relays that information to the console operator at the central control room. In simple terms, when asked what the innovation motive was, the mission statement that was achieved probably describes it best:
The Life Safety Solution was developed to better our methods of responding in a timely manner to the detection of dangerous levels of gas that personnel may be exposed to and/or health and physical adversities an employee may encounter. So what is next? With the wireless infrastructure in place, the sky is the limit. For example, iPads or laptops might be located on the units for outside workers to access any piece of equipment details located on local intranet files. Personnel could find, open and execute any unit procedures including emergency procedures, directly from the units or potentially access any and all forms. They will also be able to perform and enter inspection reports directly from the piece of equipment being analyzed. Other ideas include improving efficiency in numerous ways such as tracking high value mobile equipment, creating video links with people in the field, increasing work productivity through the use of hand held devices and much more. For MPC’s Robinson, IL, refinery, the flood gates have opened to the possibilities of activities that can be accessed and transmitted straight to and from the units or remote locations—innovations that were unimaginable only two to three years ago. David has been with Marathon Petroleum Company for 36 years. His first 21 years of employment was with Marathon Pipeline Company, where he worked the construction and maintenance end of the business for 11 years before moving to the operations part of the pipeline. In 1999, he transferred to the refinery in Robinson. He has been involved in multiple facets of Marathon’s operations including working as an outside operator, console operator and chief operator. His current position as the Advanced Training Specialist involves work with all of the development, implementation and coordination of training materials for Complex 5 to ensure the IRD has an informed, skilled and effective workforce that successfully supports the overall operation of the Robinson Refinery.
SLIPS FALL Leaders in safety exhibit a variety of behaviors that enhance and reinforce
organizational safety excellence. Many of those behaviors are obvious, like building an atmosphere of trust, being uncompromising relative to ensuring worker safety and working hard to communicate safety information in new and fresh ways. Other leadership behaviors may be a bit more subtle, but important nonetheless.
eadership is not always defined as being the first one out of the gate with a good idea, practice or behavior. It can also be defined as recognizing something valuable and enhancing it further in order to meet a particular need. Such was the case with Savannah River Remediation, LLC (SRR) and the mobile slip simulator which was recently recognized as the subject of the 2014 Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association Innovation Award. The following is a brief description of the evolution of the mobile slip simulator, why it was developed how it was developed, how it was used and how each of those steps along the way demonstrates leadership.
Background and History The SRR mission is to remove, stabilize and dispose of approximately 36 million gallons of liquid radioactive waste stored in 45 underground waste tanks and ultimately close tanks at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Savannah River Site (SRS) in Aiken, SC. SRR is a young company, having been established at the initiation of the liquid waste contract with the government in the summer of 2009. The company employs approximately 2,000 people who operate the five key facilities used to manage, treat and dispose of the liquid waste. Since many of the work areas are outdoors and much of the work takes place on the tops of tanks (see photo #1), the potential for slip, trip and fall injuries is significant. The mobile slip simulator was developed and placed into the SRR safety toolbox to help minimize that potential.
Photo 1: Outdoor work area, SRR
Leadership Attribute #1 Leaders in safety are proactive—they solve problems before they come to the surface and look for unique ways to solve those problems. Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of injuries in the workplace. Approximately 25,000 such injury events occur daily, representing over 65 percent of all lost work day cases in the United States and resulting in 95 million lost work day cases annually. Although SRR’s safety performance is typically very good and very few recordable injuries occur on an annual basis, slip, trip and fall events were the most common injury types in the 2009–2010 timeframe. In the interest of reversing that trend, SRR entered into a relationship with a company known as MoveSMART®, that has developed a unique training and awareness process incorporating mental and physical skillsets designed to significantly prevent incidences and the severity of injuries. SRR’s rollout of their basic Strength and Control module (designed to target strains/sprains), was strongly embraced by the workforce as highly instructive and valuable, particularly due to the high level of hands-on participant involvement in the learning process. The broad success of the initial module led to the rollout of the MoveSMART® Balance module aimed at slips/trips/falls. The techniques introduced in the MoveSMART® modules paved the way for application of the mobile slip simulator.
Leadership Attribute #2 Leaders in safety recognize something valuable used by others and implement it or model it to meet a specific need.
While the MoveSMART® effort was paying dividends, the intent was not to depend fully upon that approach for minimizing slips and falls. On a visit to the Department of Energy’s Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico, an SRR executive learned of a slip simulator that was being used to train workers in prevention of slips and falls. Further investigation yielded that the simulator had been designed and modeled after a similar but more complex unit created at Virginia Tech at the request of the United Parcel Service who was interested in finding tools to help their drivers more safely negotiate slippery surfaces while making deliveries. Shortly thereafter, a small team of SRR personnel took a benchmarking visit to LANL to observe their simulator in operation. What was observed was an overhead beam to which a trolley was connected. Participants in the slip simulator briefing donned a fall protection harness, attached the harness to the trolley and then attempted to negotiate a tiled surface made slippery by shoe covers. Participants negotiated the runway of the simulator multiple times—the first pass was attempted using a normal gait which resulted in numerous slips that would have resulted in falls if not for the fall protection Outside of slip simulator training unit
harness. After the initial run, a discussion was held with the participant to share tips for staying upright on slippery surfaces and another pass down the runway while implementing those tips was performed. The team came away from that visit highly impressed with the approach, the passion of the team running workers through the simulator and the reception the device was getting from the LANL workforce. Although the slip simulator, as observed, was an outstanding tool, the large, stationary configuration was not a viable option for application in SRR facilities. Therefore, SRR contacted Virginia Tech to request assistance with designing a mobile unit that could easily be moved from one location to another. Upon completion of the initial design, SRR contracted with a large fabrication shop to build a mobile unit in a modified Sealand container designed for personnel use. The mobile unit utilized all the key elements of the stationary simulator at LANL such as the overhead trolley/harness system and the slippery walking surface, but specialized enhancements made by SRR included: • The use of a portable video camera and 42 inch monitor as well as a large Mylar®
support for the process by not only participating in the training, but also allowing his training experience to be videotaped. Excerpts from that video were later used in his monthly video message to employees, where he encouraged them to take advantage of this creative learning opportunity.
Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of injuries in the workplace. Approximately 25,000 such injury events occur daily, representing over 65 percent of all lost work day cases in the United States
mirror to allow for self-monitoring of posture and implementation of techniques as the participant negotiates the runway. • The use of modified shoe covers. Strap-on shoe covers that were originally equipped to facilitate walking on icy surfaces, were modified to accommodate small furniture sliders. The modified shoe covers, in conjunction with the tile floor and the application of spray furniture polish, resulted in an ultra-slippery surface. The modified shoe covers were eventually awarded a U.S. patent. Studies have shown that retention of training significantly increases when the trainee actively engages in learning the materials. The combination of the MoveSMART® Balance training and the mobile slip simulator was a logical step to provide opportunities to put those MoveSMART® slip, trip and fall reduction techniques into practice without risk of injury. As the SRR workers used the simulator, the principles and techniques in the MoveSMART® Balance module were reinforced.
The mobile simulator provides an opportunity for one-on-one interaction between the instructor and the student that offers personalized feedback on behaviors while negotiating the slippery surface. It also enables workers to employ the MoveSMART® Balance techniques in a “safe” environment—they can experience the sensation of a slip and fall without the consequences and are also able to see and feel how employing those techniques can actually benefit them in a slippery situation. The mobile slip simulator is not a silver bullet that forever eliminates slip, trip and fall injuries. It is, however, another tool in the SRR safety toolbox that, when used at the right time and in the right way, can have a positive impact on total safety efforts.
SRR employee using the mobile slip simulator
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Leadership Attribute #3 Leaders in safety share with others. Just as LANL openly shared their generation of the slip simulator, SRR conveyed the availability of the mobile unit to other sites, and as a result, the unit has been utilized on two separate occasions; once in Oak Ridge, TN, and another time in Detroit, MI. Instructional materials were prepared in advance and packaged with the simulator to allow for a turnkey operation as it is relocated from site to site.
Leadership Attribute #4 Leaders in safety work strategically with company executives to publicize their support of safety initiatives. The SRR president at the time of the mobile slip simulator rollout demonstrated his personal
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10/2/14 THE 1:43 PM LEADER
THE BUILDING A CULTURE REQUIRES PLANNING, ACCOUNTABILITY AND VISIBILITY Put your passion for safety into practice with visible commitment. The secret to building a winning culture begins with you! When individuals model a passion and conviction to achieve zero injuries, organizations excel in safety. No matter where you fit into an organizational chart, you influence those around you, and this translates to a winning culture.
eaders have to make their commitment visible. A personal dedication to safety does not exist if one does not display commitment with visible, consistent action. Your actions are a reflection of what you believe about safety. I want to offer three techniques that organizations can incorporate to visibly exhibit commitment and build your safety culture. Your commitment will not exist without consistent and visible reinforcement of each technique.
Technique #1: Project Planning A true injury-free culture applies visible management commitment through consistent methods of execution. Preparation enables the work group to adjust to the unexpected and react with precision.
You have to know how you will train workers, analyze work, adapt to changing conditions and control risks in all phases of the work. Consistent planning visibly shows the workforce the level of commitment that management places on achieving a safe and healthy outcome. Workers and managers in successful safety cultures develop specific safety and health plans and backup plans that help execute work safely and help mitigate catastrophes. A thorough plan minimizes the pressure to take shortcuts that lead to injuries, and a comprehensive plan sets the safety expectations for the project. A good safety and health plan provides defenses for known hazards, anticipates the unknown and answers questions before someone has to ask.
Consistent planning will visibly show the workforce the level of commitment that management places on achieving a safe and healthy outcome.
Technique #2: Measured Accountability A strategic system to evaluate people will drive improvement and instill accountability. A scorecard gives you a method to integrate urgency into an individual’s daily expectations. What does it mean to “hold” someone accountable for safety and to “keep score” on their performance? This is often a deficient part of safety programs because leaders wait until something bad happens before they feel the need to hold anyone accountable. A negative event is already too late to hold someone accountable for safety. The answer is simple: set standards for people, measure the results and either recognize or discipline based on the findings. Do all this routinely and consistently. For example, if audits are required, track audit participation and measure the quality of audits. If your organization values sustained corrective action, track the number of repeat observations on each audit. If your program requires supervisors to perform preshift safety meetings, track the quality
and participation in the process. The records become a performance measurement. The process of accountability provides for a perfect opportunity to instill expectations, urgency and discipline into your program. If your organization does not keep detailed individual scores for safety, you will experience an adjustment period when you introduce the idea. I learned this lesson the hard way. At a previous employer, I developed a scorecard that tracked management participation in four categories. I tracked audit participation, safety team support, safety meeting completion and safety procedure reviews. Each supervisor and manager had responsibilities and I documented their performance. I gave them a score for each item and I rolled up the scores into a final score. Then, I stack-ranked each leader from the best to the worst. I highlighted the top ten percent in green and the bottom ten percent in red. After the report was complete, I distributed the report to the leadership team. The process sounds reasonable, right? The score showed who followed through with their responsibilities and who did not. That is the type of accountability you need because it tells you who deserves a reward and who needs urgent “motivation.” After all, safety is a condition of employment. You have to know the score, and the score has to mean something. My plant manager was in the red! The system was awesome because it measured management commitment with visible tools that have been proven over time to drive safety success. The backlash was predictable. When my plant manager reviewed the results, he came to my office in a bad mood. He was not happy and my scorecard had a short lifespan. Somehow, I managed to keep my job. Where did I go wrong? My mistake was that I did not communicate the purpose and intent of the scorecard well, and I embarrassed important people. In reality, my plant manager always supported safety and I enjoyed working for him, but I failed to properly explain the rules of the game. The moral of the story is that you have to develop your scorecards as a team to gain the greatest value. The goal, of course, is for leaders to embrace measurement techniques and play to win. The prize is a quality of life for your employees.
Technique #3: Strategic Visibility When is safety commitment real? Safety commitment does not exist without visibility. The commitment becomes real when leaders develop obsessions about critical safety processes. Leaders can demonstrate their conviction in strategic ways. Where do you spend your time? The most critical point you need to remember about strategic visibility is that it does not have to cost money. Your presence in the right safety-related processes demonstrates what is important to you. Employees have to see your obsession! For example, new employees form opinions in the first couple of hours they are onsite. This is a perfect opportunity for site managers to set the safety tone by meeting with them. Take the opportunity to communicate safety expectations in person. Intentional interaction with employees during safety meetings, prejob meetings and audits, show an employee that safety is important to you. Ask safetyrelated questions. Workers know your interest by the questions you ask. When leaders balance management participation with decisive action, they visibly demonstrate that safety is important.
Visible management commitment is the cornerstone to building a successful safety culture, and it is a mark that distinguishes a culture. Our words and actions project our commitment, and we have to ask ourselves difficult questions requiring honest reflection on our approach to safety. These reflections are important to discovering a true commitment to safety. All of our actions and the techniques we implement, represent a footprint for safety. We project an image, whether we like it or not. How would your coworkers describe your focus on safety? You have opportunities every day to demonstrate you believe an injury-free culture is possible.
Principle to Practice by David G. Lynn, CSP DAVID G. LYNN, CSP, is vice president of Signature Services, a division of Life & Safety Consultants. He is also professional speaker, published author and improvement strategist with 20 years of experience. David has authored books such as Principle to Practice and Strategic Safety Plan. Both books help readers develop execution plans that put VPP principles to practice. David utilizes these proven principles to help clients achieve their safety goals. For resources and assistance, you can go to www.lifeandsafety.com or www. david-lynn.com.
Sample questions you can ask: 1. What are the critical steps in your job? 2. What is the worst thing that could happen? 3. How do you prevent the “worst� thing from happening? 4. How can I help you prevent a potential injury? 5. Do you feel like you get the proper safety training? 6. Do you feel like you get the proper instructions to perform tasks safely? 7. Do you feel comfortable stopping work if a hazard is present? 8. How do people around you demonstrate their commitment to safety? 9. Do you have the appropriate tools to complete your work safely? 10. Do you believe that all incidents (injuries, near misses, first aid, etc.) can be prevented? 11. Is there anything safety-related you would like for me to evaluate? 12. If you could make one safety improvement, what would you do?
VPP EXCELLENCE IN SAFETY GRADUATES Congratulations to the inaugural class of the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s VPP Excellence In Safety Certificate Program! These individuals truly personify leadership as the first class to complete this online, VPPPA endorsed, safety education program designed to equip safety leaders with the tools they need to achieve their maximum potential in pursuit of VPP approval. Christopher Colburn, Ken Sicard, Maryann Hartman, Johnathan Dyer, David Childs, Kyle Kirkpatrick. Not Pictured: Christopher George, Albert Almanza
hen asked about the program, Maryann Hartman of American Airlines wrote, “We have begun our mission to establish world-class safety excellence here at American Airlines; reaching VPP Star status is the goal set for our maintenance bases. The VPP Excellence in Safety Certificate Program at UAB has allowed us to begin on solid footing. The curriculum is set to steer students from the history of VPP, through the application process and into the continuous improvement programs needed to sustain their new rating. While that information has proved valuable, the interaction with other students provides insight on how companies have successfully made this journey; something that typically comes through experience. Best of all, a student will find instructors do not shut their classroom doors when the course is complete; support and information are always readily available, proving safety is not a career—it is a passion.”
Christopher Colburn, Pam Roe
member spotlight
Brenda Wiederkehr What are you hoping to accomplish as the newly elected chairperson of Region II?
Brenda has been a VPPPA member since 2002 and is currently the vice president at Access Health Systems and the Owner of Access Compliance. In 1992, after serving four years active duty in the U.S. Army and a subsequent eight years in the Reserves, Brenda was hired at Access Health Systems, one of the early, true occupational medicine practices in the capital district. She worked with Dr. Warren Silverman, a board certified occupational medicine specialist, to promote the practice and the health and safety of the workforce. One day, Dr. Silverman came to her with a challenge. He had been to an OSHA Federal Health and Safety Council meeting, which he said had an excellent set of lectures, a great faculty, but only five attendees. He said the regional district manager
for OSHA, John Tomich, was considering closing it down. He had talked with John and asked if we could have a shot at reviving it. He came to her with a list of contacts and asked her to do the reviving. Brenda agreed, and she and her team immediately began calling, writing and networking. Their efforts proved successful; attendance rapidly climbed to over 100 people for the meetings. Brenda went on to get a college degree as well as specialized training. Dr. Silverman brought her into the NYS DOL Code Rule 59 and 60 projects. “Before I knew it, I knew a lot. I went to Dr. Silverman one day and told him that it was my lifelong wish to have my own business, and that safety was what it should be. He had incubated other businesses in risk management before, and he agreed to support me. Since then I have been building Access Compliance. It grew strong enough to be on its own, a totally woman owned, veteran owned entity.”
VPP is designed to partner with the business world to promote the goals of health and safety in the workplace as a partner with OSHA. VPPPA represents those organizations that have reached a level of performance resulting in recognition in the VPP. I would like to emphasize a shift in our activities from one of sharing our best practices and our common interests, to an emphasis on outreach and drawing in individuals in the health and safety community, not only business entities. I believe that if we can stimulate an interest in attaining higher levels of involvement and performance, we will have a much bigger impact for the workers and the employers of our region. While mentoring has always been one such mechanism, I believe that now is the time to show the general business world what we, as VPPPA member sites, are so proud of. Many people in this industry “fell into” safety and health by accident only to realize how much they loved the EHS field. How did your career in safety start?
I have been in the safety field for what seems like my entire life. Growing up in a small farming town in the Midwest, where injuries or death affected the whole community, I was aware at a young age of the dangers faced in the working world. After completing high school, I served in the United States Army for four years, United States Army Reserves for eight years, and in 1992 moved into the occupational medicine and health and safety field. Throughout my formative years and career, I have witnessed how safety, no matter where you are, at home, school or work, is one of the most important elements of ensuring a healthy life, not just for yourself, but all who come into contact with you. I believe safety impacts the individual, the family and the community. I really believe that by providing access to valuable information and sharing the knowledge and insight acquired through our own experiences and training, we can help to prevent accidents, injuries and unsafe situations and environments.
How did you get involved in VPPPA?
Our involvement with the Capital District Safety and Health Council, led us to a strong working relationship with the regional OSHA office. As we watched large employers come to partner with OSHA as VPP sites, we asked if a small medical practice could also do the same. We could and we did, becoming the first outpatient medical facility in the U.S. to achieve VPP Star site status. Obviously, when VPPPA became a viable option, I was there, front and center, mentoring sites and promoting VPP as a proud VPP Star site in 2003. What role are you playing or hoping to play, in shaping the organization as a whole?
Over the years, through our involvement with OSHA and workplace health and safety, I have watched as each administration has struggled with the idea of safety and health through punitive means, such as intense inspection and penalty, versus the VPP concept of promoting cultural and ethical incentives, by emphasizing the true rewards of dedicating time, energy and resources to the protection of the worker. As those people who align with the objectives of OSHA, I believe that we do not have to wait, passively watching how administrative emphasis changes. I would like to greatly expand the visibility of those who represent the gold standards of the safe workplace and get the message out to even the smallest employer that this works! Everyone stands to benefit. We, as the members of VPPPA, are in a great position to blow this horn and I hope to work with the excellent people within the organization to get these messages out there.
could pass a VPP inspection, but, I think it is absolutely wonderful. I feel that they have learned how to analyze and prepare for real world situations, from root cause analysis to wearing appropriate protective gear. As far as my professional life, I recall the point at which I decided to develop an expertise in this arena. It was a life changing decision and I have never looked back. It has brought me together with wonderful, caring and intelligent people who really do something important. I would strongly encourage, and I have, people to get into this field and make it their livelihood. Do you have any particular accomplishment within Access Compliance or VPPPA that you are most proud of?
I have assembled a team of professionals that will give Access Compliance a competitive advantage. If your company has a problem to solve, we can help. By integrating safety training, compliance and occupational health into one convenient package, we can develop a safety and health system your employees deserve. Safety has traditionally been dominated by men. Our affiliation with the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) has provided resources for women to develop or enhance safety and health systems, and I am proud to contribute to this aspect of the educational process for women who are also interested in the safety field. We have also actively partnered with various associations like ASSE (American Society of Safety Engineers), Capital District Safety Council and the Federal Motor Carriers Association, to share best practices and promote safety in the workplace.
Do you feel like being a member of VPPPA has helped you in your professional and/or personal life?
What are some of the challenges that you face at Access Health that are unique to your industry or site and how do you overcome those?
This question makes me laugh, because I am the mother of a house filled with young boys. My kids have been brought up with the teachings of workplace health and safety, and I would bet anything that our home
The Affordable Care Act has fundamentally changed the delivery of health care services in the United States. There are very few independently owned practices dedicated to occupational health. Hospitals have initiated
It has brought me together with wonderful, caring and intelligent people who really do something important. I would strongly encourage, and I have, people to get into this field and make it their livelihood. expansion with regard to urgent care-free standing operations. These facilities offer occupational health services, but often do not provide proper oversight to ensure full compliance with various standards. We all are competing for finite resources, and decisions are often made on price alone. The stagnation of the economy has posed another challenge. Organizations have learned to do more with less and have implemented reductions in force initiatives. Many companies have cut back on investing in their safety and health systems. The tide is turning, however, as many companies recognize the benefits of reducing workplace injuries on their bottom lines. In order to differentiate our services from those of our competitors, we have made superior customer service and product availability a priority. For example, most urgent care facilities can offer FIT testing; we can perform your physical, give you a FIT test, write your program and train your employees. Have you always had the resources and support that you have needed to accomplish your safety goals?
I have worked with the safety and health staff members of some of the largest companies in the world, and I cannot think of one that can say that they had all the resources and support that they needed to accomplish the goals. Each employee, line worker or president, is a resource, and until each and every one of them makes the goals of VPP and VPPPA their own, we cannot rest with the other tools we have. THE LEADER
member spotlight
Each employee, line worker or president, is a resource, and until each and every one of them makes the goals of VPP and VPPPA their own, we cannot rest with the other tools we have. What are some of the positive safety trends you have seen over the past several years?
Increased enforcement has forced companies to be more proactive in identifying hazards and implementing control measures to reduce risk. General contractors will take the initiative to review experience ratings and compliance histories. Companies are beginning to make the connection between direct and indirect costs related to workplace injuries. Companies are more willing to utilize outside contractors to augment existing capabilities. For example, it may be more cost effective to contract industrial hygienists for monitoring rather than fund capability in house. Also, emerging technologies, like nanotechnology, are incorporating safety into the process rather than viewing it as an add-on. Are you starting to see new safety issues that need to be addressed that did not exist in previous years?
Oh, definitely. The biggest looming shift is due to the changing workforce, with the aging worker and the increasing proportion of women workers. We used to speak of those issues as on the horizon, but our worker compensation doctors can tell you, they are here! Other issues are the new technologies as our industries learn to deal with nanoparticles, new chemical and biological hazards, security issues, etc. The workplace is constantly changing and we must change with it. Has your family played a role in your safety agenda at work, interest in the implementation and further development of safety education or in other aspects of your personal life?
I have a tremendous amount of support from family and friends. My husband is by far my biggest cheerleader. I work very long hours (not all the time but enough and he keeps the boys going. I have three beautiful boys:
Michael, Hans and Lars). In fact, he stops at the office sometimes, when he knows it is going to be a late night so the boys can see me before bedtime. I am busy managing Access Health Systems as well as developing my own business through Access Compliance; it has been a rewarding challenge. Fortunately, I have surrounded myself with good people. Do not get me wrong, it does get complicated being pulled in so many directions trying to balance my family (including taking care of my aging father), and work. Who inspires/inspired you? Who have you looked to for guidance over the years?
For 22 years (that is half my life!), I have had the privilege to work with Dr. Warren Silverman. He recognized my passion for safety and encouraged me to complete my master’s degree in public health with a concentration in environmental science. I don’t want to ever stop learning or growing. Warren worked around my schedule to obtain various certifications. As the business expanded, he promoted me to vice president to run the day-to-day operations of the practice. I also wanted to branch out in a different direction; I wanted to pursue the safety, training and compliance side, different than the medical surveillance part. I convinced Warren that it would be better served by splitting the company out to have two. In 2006, Access Compliance was born. As a mentor and friend, Warren has had a profound impact on my life. What is the one lesson or piece of advice you would like to offer your peers regarding your experiences?
The safety and health system is only as strong as your weakest link. In order to promote a safety culture, collaboration
between management and labor is critical. The best resource will always be vested in labor. The empowerment of labor to promote meaningful change through proactive participation will enhance the execution of the safety and health system. Management must be willing to relinquish a certain amount of control to meet this end. Management must provide the resources and must practice what they preach at all levels. Special attention must be placed on middle management so that no corners are cut in favor of productivity. Safety must be embedded in all processes and not treated as a secondary objective. What legacy would you like to leave either at your company, or at VPPPA?
I want the VPPPA to be a showcase for the workers and employers of the United States. The place to see how to do it right. The place to find the protocols, the written policies and the experts creating best practices. The zone where workers and employers can step inside the culture of workplace safety and bask in the benefits and good feelings. At Access Health Systems and Access Compliance, we will focus on being a one stop resource for all your occupational safety and health needs. At Access, you will find the no nonsense, no compromise, right way to train and protect the employee, and the tools to assess the workplace, where it is, where it is going and how to get there. Our affiliates will continue to develop services that will meet the needs of industry. As new technologies are introduced we will work hard to maintain a level of expertise. We will accomplish this by hiring talent that will embrace change and keep current with regulations.
infographic corner
33% of an executive’s time is spent responding to crises or problems.
Between 1997 and 2011, when the number of businesses in the United States increased by 34%,
the number of womenowned firms increased by
—a rate 1½ times the national average.
69% of business leaders say it's
Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of injuries in the workplace.
important to have a mentor.
Approximately 25,000 such injury events occur daily, representing over of all lost work day cases in the United States, and resulting in
As of 2011, it is estimated that there are over
8.1 million women-owned businesses in the United States, generating nearly
$1.3 trillion in
revenues and employing nearly 7.7 million people.
95 million lost work day cases annually.
member info corner
VPPPA’s Got Talent
ing your way to VPPPA’s 31st Annual National Conference! VPPPA’s Got Talent is a new competition to showcase our members’ singing skills at the 31st Annual National VPPPA Conference in Grapevine, TX, Aug. 24–27, 2015! For the first time, VPPPA will be taking auditions from our members to sing the National Anthem during the opening general session at the Gaylord Texan. Submit a clip via YouTube, Dropbox or CD, by Nov. 23, 2014, to be considered. Members will vote for the top five finalists through the VPPPA YouTube account, and the winner will be determined by who has the most likes at the end of the voting period. • Submissions: Sep. 15–Nov. 23 • Finalists Chosen: Nov 23.–Jan. 5 • Voting: Jan. 12–Feb. 23
The rules and requirements to enter this competition are as follows: • Participants must be a member in good standing of VPPPA and located within the continental U.S. • The contest is for solo performances only, not groups or duets • Introduce yourself by including your member number and contact information at the beginning of your audition video • Participants must have permission from their companies to enter the competition and attend the conference • Submissions are the property of VPPPA after they have been entered and may be used for promotional purposes • Song rendition must be either a cappella or acoustic and must be no longer than 90 seconds
• No nudity, alcohol, firearms or bad language may be shown or heard in the audition clip • Must be 18 years or older • Must be a U.S. citizen The winner will receive a complimentary conference registration, lodging at the Gaylord Texan and round-trip airfare to the conference. Submit entries and questions to membership@ vpppa.org or contact the Membership Department at (703) 761-1146. Good luck!
Renew Your VPPPA Membership It’s that time of year—your membership with VPPPA is up for renewal. Be on the lookout for a letter containing an invoice, which will hit your mailboxes in December. Renewing your membership can be done easily by visiting the VPPPA website, www.vpppa.org. From the membership section of the website, you can opt to renew your dues. If you have forgotten your password, simply click on the option that allows you to reset your password and follow the directions. Once logged in, you will be able to seamlessly renew your membership with VPPPA. Please note, you must know your site’s username and password to successfully log in. VPPPA would like to thank our members for their support over the past year. Member participation and dedication to the safety and health industry facilitated our association’s many accomplishments. We urge you to recommit your support to the association and to the safety and health industry by renewing your membership. Continue to reap the rewards of participation, renew your membership now! If you have any questions regarding your membership or dues, contact membership@ vpppa.org or call (703) 761-1146. Those members who joined in 2014 will receive their invoice on their anniversary date.
infographic corner
Companies that implement effective safety and health programs can expect
reductions of 20% or greater in their injury/illness rates and a return of
$46 for every $1 invested. Research shows that the number one area of company spending is management and leadership training, accounting for
35 percent of all corporate training annually, totaling approximately $24.5 billion. Forbes research on corporate talent shows that
global leadership gaps continue to be the most pressing issues on the minds of business and HR leaders.
Organizations with the highest quality leaders were
12 times more likely
to outperform their competition in key bottom-line metrics such as
financial performance, quality of products and services, employee engagement and customer satisfaction. When considering workplace falls, most people immediately think of falls from a height, yet, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, of fall related injuries occur as a result of falls from
same level walking surfaces.
calendar of events
VPPPA Contacts
Sept. 15–Nov. 23, 2014
VPPPA’s Got Talent Submission Round
Membership Renewals
To reach the VPPPA National Office, call (703) 761-1146 or visit www. vpppa.org. To reach a particular staff member, please refer to the contact information below.
December 11, 2014
R. Davis Layne
Oct. 5, 2014–Jan. 16, 2015
Webinar: OSHA Recordkeeping 1:00 p.m. EDT
rdlayne@vpppa.org Senior Advisor
Call for 2015 Conference Workshop Proposals
november Nov. 10–Dec. 8, 2014 VPPPA Facebook Contest
Sara A. Taylor, CMP
january Membership Benefits Mailing
Jan. 12–Feb. 23, 2015 VPPPA’s Got Talent Voting
Nov. 21, 2014
staylor@vpppa.org Marketing Director Ext. 107
Amanda Buckner abuckner@vpppa.org Senior Conference Coordinator Ext. 112
Sarah Neely
Member-Submitted Best Practices Directory Submission Deadline
sneely@vpppa.org Communications Manager Ext. 121
Nov. 24, 2014–Jan. 5, 2015
Benjamin Massoud
VPPPA’s Got Talent Round Two
November 29, 2014 Ad reservation deadline for winter 2015 issue of The Leader
bmassoud@vpppa.org Communications Coordinator Ext. 117
Charlie Doss cdoss@vpppa.org Government Affairs Manager Ext. 113
Tom Webb
CROSSWORD ANSWERS FROM THE LAST ISSUE ACROSS; 2. River located in National Harbor, MD (Potomac); 7. Location of Region IV’s 2015 conference (Florida); 9. Number of fatalities to roadway workers who work on track in 2013 (Two); 14. Number of SGEs who attended the Region I conference (Twentyeight); 15. Texting and driving increases a driver crash risk by ___ times (Twentythree); 17. Three kinds of distracted driving: manual, cognitive and ____ (Visual); 18. Airline US Airlines merged with (American); 20. “Best Practices When Implementing Online ____ Safety Training” Webinar (Mobile); 21. Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for ____ (Teenagers); 23. Month of most recent VPPPA congressional outreach (June); 25. Number of years Phil Walsh has worked with Ecolab (Three); 26. Percent of Americans who say they would bike more often in they had a safe place (Sixty); 27. One of the greatest culprits of annual cost of U.S. vehicle crashes (Speeding); DOWN 1. Established various safety committees to provide advice on railroad safety matters (FRA); 2. Chemical to prevent insect bites (Picardin); 3. These may begin to take on an expanded role in society through the use of business deliveries (Drones); 4. Mosquito borne illness (Chikungunya); 5. New VPPPA Government Relations Counsel (Malveaux); 6. Most inspectors walk or travel in hi-rail vehicles at maximum speed of ____ (Thirty) on CWR track; 7. Percentage of freight railroads move in the U.S. (Forty); 8. Percentage of bicycling every day in European cities (Fifty); 10. Most prevalent geometry cause for track-caused accidents (Widegage); 11. Bicycle ____ teach basic bicycle maintenance (Kitchens); 12. Soft tissue treatment for repetitive motion aches and pains (ART); 13. Destination of National Harbor’s water taxi (Alexandria); 16. Chairperson of VPPPA Region IV (Walsh); 19. Theme of The Leader’s autumn 2014 issue (Leadership); 21. Norovirus cases in the U.S. affect one in ____ people (Twelve); 22. Keynote speaker at the Region VII conference (Eaton); 24. Winner of VPP Outreach Award (Bayou);
twebb@vpppa.org Strategic Development & Member Services Manager Ext. 114
Jenna Shay jshay@vpppa.org Member Services Coordinator Ext. 115
Laura S. Rotzler, CMP lrotzler@vpppa.org Advertising & Sponsorship Coordinator Ext. 111
Marianne Trinh mtrinh@vpppa.org Senior Accountant Ext. 106
Bryant Walker bwalker@vpppa.org Information & Data Analyst Manager Ext. 110
crossword puzzle Fill out this crossword puzzle featuring clues on VPP, the association and content from this issue! Answers to this puzzle will appear in the winter issue of The Leader. Do not include spaces for multiple-word answers. To submit a crossword puzzle clue/answer in the next issue of The Leader, contact communications@vpppa.org.
2 3 4
5 7
9 10 11
12 14 15
16 19
17 20
21 22 23 25
Across 3.
Owner of Access Compliance, Brenda _______
Recognizing something valuable and enhancing it further, in order to meet a particular need
Rather than blame the individual worker, leaders should seek to identify _______ within the work system Subject of the 2014 Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association Innovation Award—Mobile _______ Simulator
12. In response to problems such as personal injuries and cardiovascular issues, Marathon Petroleum Company developed this for their workers 14. To reduce slips, trips and falls, MoveSMART developed a _______ module 15. Duration, in years, of World Health Assembly Executive Board members’ terms 16. The location of the school that completed the VPP Excellence in Safety Certificate Program 18. Cooperation across countries focusing on treatment and prevention, led to the eradication of this disease in 1979
19. _______ River Remediation , LLC, established at the initiation of the liquid waste contract with the government, in the summer of 2009
Location of Region I, “The Best of the Northeast” Conference”
10. The “M” in MRO Products
20. Organization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland (abbreviation)
11. State that welcomed in a new VPP Participant, Loven Contracting, Inc, into the Star Program
22. Jess Lankford was recently appointed as chief administrative officer of this state’s OSHA section
13. NIOSH released a guide on improving sleep quality for these workers
24. Most common work injury types from 2009–2010 25. Second technique for building a safety culture, Measured _______ 27. Name of the book/movie based on Keni Thomas’ elite special operations unit
Down 1.
Percent of fall-related injuries that occur as a result of falls from samelevel-walking surfaces
City in Texas where 31st Annual National VPPPA Conference will be held
Third technique for building a safety culture, strategic _______
Type of work site where Life Safety Solution was implemented
15. NIOSH and OSHA released a recommended practices document for staffing agencies and host employers, in order to better protect this type of workers 17. New competition for 31st Annual National VPPPA Conference, VPPPA’s _______ 21. Maximum amount of a substance allowed in the air. Permissable _______ limits 23. Leadership is more of a _______ than an inherited trait 26. Number of recognized VPP sites in the state of Washington
7600-E Leesburg Pike, Suite 100 Falls Church, VA 22043-2004 Tel: (703) 761-1146 Fax: (703) 761-1148 www.vpppa.org VPPPA, a nonprofit 501(c) (3) charitable organization, promotes advances in worker safety and health excellence through best practices and cooperative efforts among workers, employers, the government and communities.
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