VRAI Magazine Fashion Week Chronicles LFW: Matty Bovan Autumn/Winter 2018

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March 2018

LFW Autumn/Winter 18

Fashion Week Chronicles

Matty Bovan 1

Editor’s Letter

Fashion Week Chronicles Volume 4 / Number 3 Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Danny de la Cruz

Discover how we cover the newest collections for Autumn/Winter 2018 through our exclusive photography of the catwalks and events held during London Fashion Week in London, February 2018. All my best,

Creative Director MJ Cadiz Contributing Photographer Ashanti Jason

Contact Us VRAI Magazine LLC P.O. Box 62 Techny, IL 60082

Danny de la Cruz Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Exclusive Photography by Ashanti Jason

General Inquiries editor@vraimagazine.com Advertising Inquiries advertising@vraimagazine.com

VRAI Magazine is a digital lifestyle publication that delivers food, fashion & travel inspiration. With a team of creatives, storytellers, authors and talented contributors, we curate stories that represent the Style of True Living. © VRAI Magazine LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording or other electronic methods without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in digital and print reviews.

Self-taught photographer Ashanti Jason is 33, living in London. She is a diverse photographer running photography lifestyle blog Adorngirl. She loves to shoot catwalk and street style just as much as product and lifestyle setups. She has previously shot for Lancôme, Lavazza and drinks group Sovereign Brands. 2

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Backstage A

Visual Feast by Danny de la Cruz


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I remember seeing a Matty Bovan collection for the first time a few seasons ago during a Fashion East event at Old Spitafields Market. I was in awe that first time and that awe hasn’t subsided. For Autumn/Winter 2018, talk about a feast for the visual senses! How do I even begin to describe a collection filled with patterns, layers, textures, a range of fabrics manipulated and reinterpretted, hand bag accessories, unique facial painting, head caps, and wait for it, balloons floating atop the heads of the models as they paraded down the catwalk? I won’t even try. Take a look for yourself at the wonderful moments captured exclusively by Contributing Photographer Ashanti Jason.



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