2014 hidrospak

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ADCO & DIXI d.o.o.

Avtoservis Makoter Ljutomer

medijski sponzor:


varovanje okolja


Program srečanja HIDRORAID 2014 Četrtek, 10. julij

• 16.00 - začetek srečanja • 20.00 - happy hour (zobl&špricar žur z DJ Zokijem)

Petek, 11. julij

• 9.00 - 8.hidrotek v Ljutomer (13 km) • 18.00 - srečelov • 19.00 - grill večerja • 20.00 - prvenstvo v ročnem nogometu • 21.00 - francoski večer z živo glasbo

Sobota, 12. julij

Programme of the HIDRORAID meeting 2014 Thursday, 10.7.

• 16.00 - beginning of the meeting • 20.00 - happy hour (zobl & špricar party with DJ Zoki)

Friday, 11.7.

• 9.00 - Hidrorun to Ljutomer (13km) • 18.00 - raffle • 19.00 - dinner (grill) • 20.00 - hand fotball championship • 21.00 - french night with live music

Saturday, 12.7.

• 8.00-10.00 samopostrežni zajtrk • 10.30 - otroške igre • 12.00 - kosilo + špricar • 13.30 - štart raida • 14.30 - 1. postanek "Negovski grad" • 16.30 - 2. postanek "Okoslavci" - degustacija vin • 18.00 - prihod v kamp • 18.30 - igra hidro lebdenje • 20.00 - večerja (pasulj) • 21.00 - razglasitev in žur z EKLIPS BAND-om

• 8.00-10.00 breakfast (selfservice) • 10.30 - games for children • 12.00 - lunch + špricar • 13.30 - start of the raid • 14.30 - 1st stop - Negova castle • 16.30 - 2nd stop Okoslavci - wine tasting • 18.00 - return to the camp • 18.30 - hidro floating game • 20.00 - supper (bean stew) • 21.00 - proclamation of the winner and party with EKLIPS

• 8.00 - 10.00 samopostrežni zajtrk • 12.00 - zaključek srečanja

• 8.00 - 10.00 breakfast (selfservice) • 12.00 - end of the meeting

Nedelja, 13. julij

Sunday, 13.7.


Programm HYDRORAID 2014

a HYDRORAID 2014 programja

Donnerstag, 10.7.

Csütörtök 10.7

• 16.00 - offizieller Beginn des Treffens • 20.00 - Happy Hour (Verhackert & Spritzer-Party mit DJ Zoki)

• 16.00 - A találkozó megnyitása • 20.00 - Happy Hour (húsos sendvics és fröccs party DJ Zoki-val)

Freitag, 11.7.

Péntek 11.7

Samstag, 12.7.

Szombat 12.7

Sonntag, 13.7.

Vasárnap 13.7

• 9.00 - HydroLauf nach Ljutomer (13 km) • 18.00 - Tombola • 19.00 - Abendessen vom Grill • 20.00 - Tischfußball-WM • 21.00 - französischer Abend mit Livemusik

• 8.00-10.00 - Frühstück (Selbstbedienung) • 10.30 - Spiele für Kinder • 12.00 - Mitagessen + Spritzer • 13.30 - Start der HydroRaid • 14.30 - 1. Aufenthalt: Burg von Negova • 16.30 - 2. Aufenthalt Okoslavci - Weinverkostung • 18.00 - Rückkehr ins Camp • 18.30 - Spiel “HydroSchweben” • 20.00 - Abendessen (Bohneneintopf) • 21.00 - Preisverleihung und Party mit der Band EKLIPS

• 8.00-10.00 - Frühstück (Selbstbedienung) • 12.00 - Abschluss des Treffens

• 9.00 - Hydrofutás Ljutomer-be (13 km) • 18.00 - Tombola • 19.00 - Grillvacsora • 20.00 - Asztali foci VB • 21.00 - Francia est elö zenével

• 8.00-10.00 - Reggeli (önkiszolgálás) • 10.30 - Gyermekprogramok • 12.00 - Ebéd+fröccs • 13.30 - Hydroraid start • 14.30 1.- Állomás : Negova vára • 16.30 2.- Állomás : Okoslavci – borkostoló • 18.00 - Visszaérkezés a táborba • 18.30 - HydroLebegés játék • 20.00 - Vacsora (babfözelék) • 21.00 - Díjkiosztás és party az EKLIPS zenekarral

• 8.00 - 10.00- Reggeli (önkiszolgálás) • 12.00 -Találkozó vége

HIDRORAID 2014 Trinajstič! Je že lepa cifra, kaj? Kar nekaj hidričev se nam je nabralo, prigurali smo do srečne številke trinajst! Poletje in počitnice so tukaj in največje slovensko srečanje hidroljubcev z njim; je že tako, da nas druži ljubezen do te enkratne pogruntavščine inženirja Paula Magesa, hidriopnevmatskega vzmetenja. In to zdaj še bolj, kot kdajkoli! Šokantne govorice iz citroenovih logov, da naj bi se ta nadvse napredna tehnologija ukinjala so nas užalostile in obenem obvezale še k večjemu čuvanju zakladov, ki jih imamo v garažah. Upajmo, da se bo PSA vseeno zdrznila in bodo videli še kaj več, kot le stroške in bo naša ljubljena hidravlika preživela - zasluži si! Letošnji raid nas vodi v negovski konec! V majhnem mestecu, kjer

je živel naš umorjeni dobrotnik (in kot se vedno bolj zdi, prerok) Ivan Kramberger. Tukaj se bomo ustavili in si ogledali prekrasno obnovljen dvorec, se pomastili s kakšno pogačo in osvežili s kakšnih špricarjem... Po zavitih cestah, idealnih za lebdenje, se bomo odpravili h Kupljenovim, na njihov vinotoč in pokušino vin - kot je v stari dobri tradiciji Hidroraida. Ponudili pa vam bomo tudi pester program na samem srečanju: nove, spektakularne igre, zanimiv kulturni program z živo muziko v petek in v soboto, pester in bogat srečelov, hidrotek in še kaj se bo našlo ... Imejte se prekrasno, plešite, pojte, jejte, pijte, tecite in lebdite!

Vaša HIDRORAID ekipa



HIDRORAID 2014 Citroën CX The Citroën CX is an automobile produced by the French automaker Citroën from 1974 to 1991. Citroën sold nearly 1.2 million CXs during its 16 years of production. The CX was voted European Car of the Year in 1975. The name CX is the French equivalent abbreviation of Cd for drag coefficient in English, drawing attention to the carsaerodynamic styling, which was uncommon in 1974. Available models were a four-door fastback, a station wagon (break, or estate car), and a long-wheelbase model built on the break chassis. The CX employed Citroën's unique hydropneumatic self-leveling suspension system. The CX's flowing lines and sharp Kamm tail were designed by auto stylist Robert Opron, drawing upon its precursor DS. Mechanically, the car was one of the most modern of its time, combining Citroën's unique hydro-pneumatic integral selfleveling suspension, speed-adjustable DIRAVI power steering (first introduced on the Citroën SM), and a unique interior design that did away with steering column stalks, allowing the driver to reach all controls with his or her hands on the steering wheel. The suspension was attached to sub frames that were fitted to the body through flexible mountings, to improve even more the ride quality and to reduce road noise. The British magazine Car described the sensation of driving a CX as hovering over road irregularities, much like a ship traversing above the ocean floor. The CX was a transverse engine design, in contrast to the longitudinal mid-engine layout of the Traction Avant and DS. This saved space; the CX was 8 in (20 cm) shorter than the DS. The CX fastback had insufficient rear legroom to function as a chauffeur driven limousine (a common use for the spacious DS model), so in 1976, Citroën introduced a 10 in (25 cm) longer version, the "Prestige" variant, which used the wheelbase of the longer Safari/Familiale estate. The Prestige offered more rear legroom than any other standard-sized sedan in the world. In 1977, it also gained a raised roofline to improve comfort further. Contemporary reviews of the Prestige were favourable. In 1976 the UK's Driver and Motorist praised its comfort and interior fitments in using the CX design as a template for improvement. In particular, the Audi 100introduced an aerodynamically restyled variant in 1983. Common parts from the CX were used in other more exclusive cars. For instance, the rear view mirrors of the "Series 2" CX were found on many – mostly British – sports cars, like the Lotus Esprit, the Jaguar XJ220, the TVR Chimera and the (French) MVS Venturi.

(source: Wikipedia)


GENERALNA SPONZORJA: Avtocenter Jerovšek d.o.o. Grosuplje Avto Rajh d.o.o. Murska Sobota SPONZORJI:

Pomagali so nam:

• Občina Ljutomer

• Mlekarna Celeia, Arja Vas • Makoter, Cven • Zavarovalnica Triglav • Pivovarna Laško • Ljubljanske mlekarne • Košaki TMI, Maribor • Žito, PE Maribor • Celjske mesnine • Dixi • Zavarovalnica Maribor • Kovinoplastika, orodjarstvo in brusilstvo Strižič, Pečke • Zavarovalnica Adriatic Slovenica • Frizerski salon Mitra • Stavbar IGM Hoče • Vinogradništvo Kupljen • Pizzerija Zvezda • Roto d.o.o. • Tatoo Dejan • GMT • Okrepčevalnica Andreja, Rakičan • Lovenjakov Dvor • Picerija Prelog • Spaček bar • Betty Blue, trgovina s tekstilom • Penzion letališče • Optika Focus • Proteini.si

• Radenska d.d. • Mitra Ljutomer • Meso izdelki Žerak iz Podlehnika

Medijski sponzor: Radio Center Zahvaljujemo se: • Rajku in Darku Mlinarič • Strižič Leopoldu za izdelavo pokalov • Šulek Nini za umetniško izražanje na pokalih




ADCO & DIXI d.o.o.

Avtoservis Makoter Ljutomer

medijski sponzor:


varovanje okolja

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