Developing Leaders for Vibrant and Sustainable Communities
A regional leadership program developing Leaders for Vibrant and Sustainable Communities.
An annual program which aims to develop the skills, knowledge, confidence and networks of participants to prepare and support them in active community and industry leadership roles.
Proudly supported by Regional Development Victoria with funding from the Victorian Government’s Regional Growth Fund
Hugh DT Williamson
Message from Parliamentary Secretary for Regional & Rural Development
Participant Report
Program Days
7 - 20
Executive Officer’s Report
Participant Profiles
21 - 31
Chair’s Report
Bug Blitz Project at Merbein Common
Program Manager’s Report
We are looking for up to 24 passionate and community minded people who want to join us for the experience of a lifetime.
• Build your skills and confidence • Hear about regional issues and innovative ideas for action • Meet leaders from all walks of life • Expand your networks
• Learn more about yourself and increase your effectiveness • See how YOU can make a difference in YOUR community... 1
The Victorian Coalition Government is a strong supporter of the Northern Mallee Leaders Program. The program is effective in encouraging the development of emerging community leaders by creating links across all levels of government. I am proud to be part of a government which invests in its people to create new prosperity, more job opportunities and a better quality of life for our regions. It is encouraging to see such a strong participation rate in such a meaningful platform, connecting those who want to make a difference in society. I always say, you need to be informed and involved to be in a position to make a meaningful difference. I believe Northern Mallee Leaders is a program achieving this. It is creating strong future community leaders through building skills, confidence, knowledge and networks. I would like to extend my congratulations to this year’s participants and I wish you all the best into the future.
Peter Crisp, MLA
Member for Mildura
It has been such a pleasure and a privilege to be involved in the re-establishment of the Northern Mallee Leaders Program over the last two years. This would not have been possible without the amazing support we have received from a diverse range of individuals, businesses and organisations across the Sunraysia region, and of course our great fortune in attracting a program manager of the calibre of Cheryl Rix. The leap of faith taken by this year’s 19 program participants in agreeing to take part in the “new” Northern Mallee Leaders program has, I think, been well rewarded as the group has certainly grown in skills, knowledge, confidence and networks over the last nine months and are actively involved within their communities in a range of ways, as are their alumni counterparts. I thank them for their commitment and contribution to the program this year, and wish them well in their future endeavours and look forward to hearing about their achievements in years to come. To the NMLP Advisory Committee – Chairman Rebecca Wells, Leonie Burrows, Ian Ballantyne, Laurence Burt, Darryl Pearl, Jenny Heaslip, Chris Crewther, Glenn Stewart, Tom Crouch, Mark Jenkins, Melissa Amos and Louise Searle – thank you for your role in shaping the Northern Mallee Leaders Program this year and for the support and assistance you have provided to both myself and Cheryl in her role as program manager. To Cheryl – thank you. When we began this project we had a vision of what a re-established Northern Mallee Leaders Program could look like and through your hard work and dedication this has become a reality. I look forward to continued involvement in the program in 2015.
Julie Slater
Executive Officer, Community Leadership Loddon Murray Inc.
I have great pleasure in providing this report for the 2014 Northern Mallee Leaders Program Yearbook. I would like to formally thank the Victorian State Government, and the Minister for Regional and Rural Development, the Honourable Peter Ryan, for the support we have received. I’m privileged to see and hear firsthand the impact the program has on individuals and our wider community. Our Program Manager Cheryl Rix continues to be an outstanding asset to the program. Her tireless work ensures the participants have the best experiences that we can possibly provide to them. I thank her for all her work she’s done this year. I would like to thank our Northern Mallee Leaders Advisory Committee for their support throughout the year. A local committee was established in late 2012 to oversee the design and delivery of the relaunched Northern Mallee Leaders Program and to provide support to the Northern Mallee Leaders Program Manager. The committee is made up of key stakeholders and community representatives, including graduates of 2008, 2009 and 2013 program. I thank them for all their work including attending and presenting at program days and related events. I must acknowledge and thank Community Leadership Loddon Murray Inc who have provided the structural framework for the program. The support of Executive Officer Julie Slater and her team, Kerry Anderson and Melinda Mann, has been invaluable. We look forward to continuing to strengthen our relationship with them. This year we had our second leadership luncheon with guest speaker Natasha Duckett from Pozible. Pozible is one of the most successful crowd-funding companies worldwide and is based in Melbourne, Victoria. The luncheon was held in conjunction with the support of the Mildura Development Corporation and was a great success.
There are ten community leadership programs in Victoria. In 2014, a survey was undertaken by the Victorian Regional Community Leadership Programs (VRCLP). Results from this stakeholder evaluation survey and the 2013 Graduate survey, give further significant evidential data of the impact that community leadership programs have. In the future we will not only be able to use this data in our own regions, but also collectively as a group, as the ten community leadership programs across Victoria grow and develop. We now have data that advises us that leadership programs are proven to provide social and economic outcomes for industries and communities across regional Victoria. Over $13 million per annum is generated from the contributions of community leadership participates and graduates. From the survey ‘Significant Impact Benefits to the Community’ results noted participants as more actively aware and influential citizen/advocate in the community, increased capacity and access to resources and skills, developed a sense of shared purpose and a common language for regional development and enhanced their ability to act as a catalyst for community action. The top three benefits to employers and why they nominated their staff to participate were noted as enhanced leadership skills, professional development and reputation of the leadership program. This was supplemented by strengthened networks and cross sector connections, broadened perspectives, mindset, attitudes and behaviours, retention of workforce in the region and increased capability to perform in their role. The top four benefits to the individual participants were noted as leadership skills development, knowledge of regional issues, networking and professional development. Cont’d...
We hope that you find this data as impressive and inspiring as we do and that you’ll continue to support the Northern Mallee Leadership Program, as we in turn support our local community and work towards making the program sustainable. The community contributions of sponsorship, scholarships, supporting participants, direct donations or in-kind support really do make a difference as on average it costs us $8,000 to put a participant through the program.
I would also like to acknowledge and congratulate those employers that are supporting a participant through the program.
Finally I’d like to say congratulations to all involved in this year’s program, the participants, program staff, spouses, partners, families and most importantly our sponsors.
Chair, Northern Mallee Leadership Program Advisory Committee / Graduate, Northern Mallee Leaders Program
Finally, thank you to those that have freely given their time to contribute to our program days. Without you all, none of this would be possible.
Rebecca Wells
2014 was the second year Northern Mallee Leaders was delivered in its new format and its reputation has continued to grow. The high calibre of the 2014 group and the active engagement of many graduates has undoubtedly contributed to its success. The energy, creativity, acceptance of each other and commitment this group has displayed throughout the program has been their trademark. At the program launch in February they established the following guiding lights for their year, noting they would be: · Passionate in their endeavours; · Innovative thinkers; · Inspiring to others; · Courageous in their actions; · Influential in making a difference. They also wanted to be united and leave a positive legacy, and they have done that and much more.
I would like to acknowledge the NMLP Advisory Committee, the Community Leadership Loddon Murray team, and the Victorian Community Leadership Program’s Secretariat for providing support and ongoing advice. As the 2014 Northern Mallee Leaders now become alumni of the program, I strongly encourage them to use the friendships and networks made and the skills they have learned to advocate for, and advance the region. It has been a great privilege for me to watch each truly remarkable individual embrace their community leadership learning journey this year. I wish each and every 2014 graduate all the best for their future endeavours and ask them to continue to follow their guiding lights.
Cheryl Rix
Program Manager, Northern Mallee Leaders Program
Through their community projects, all have contributed positively to our region’s economic and social fabric. Developing effective and respected leaders is vital to the Northern Mallee’s future and the program is becoming recognised as a valuable community development asset. The challenge remains to entrench the program into the community for the long term. It has once again been gratifying to receive both financial and in kind support, with more than 100 individuals presenting and openly sharing their knowledge during the year. Without this type of support the program could not run and so I acknowledge the many contributions and many doors opened to the group. There have also been many highlights during the year, but our opening and closing retreats and trips to Melbourne and Canberra have undoubtedly made the experience special. Themed program days across the region provided leadership skills building blocks and helped explore possibilities, challenges and the interconnectedness of our community.
It has been an honour to take part in the 2014 Northern Mallee Leaders Program. We are grateful to the small band of determined past participants for pushing to bring the program back to the region after a hiatus between 2010 and 2012. We are also grateful to the Coalition State Government, particularly the three Peters – Walsh, Ryan and Crisp – for having the foresight to continue to fund community leadership programs in Victoria. It is only through these kinds of programs that people who have potential, but are not necessarily aware of how to utilise it, can network, connect and forge strong working relationships to truly make our communities and in turn, our region, great. We have been privileged to hear first-hand from some amazing leaders across the three tiers of government – local, State and Federal, from people in the business community, the community development sector and the media this year, as well as passionate community groups.
To each and every one of you – a sincere thank you. We would not have had the experience we have had if it were not for your contribution. To those who have sponsored us, we are also truly grateful. But the biggest thanks should go to Cheryl Rix, our program manager, who has worked tirelessly this year despite some trying personal circumstances, to ensure that we got the most out of this program. To our families and our workplaces, we also thank you for giving us the time to grow, personally and professionally. It may have been tough at times, but what we have gained through completing this program will make us better individuals, now and into the future.
Rachel Broad, Kaitlyn Fasso-Opie, Dianne Johnstone, Rohan Morris and Kerry Thompson
[ PROgram
23 days 118 speakers 17 workshops 28 site tours 19 leaders
R “Overall the program has been challenging in so many ways that I had never expected. I have really opened my mind to new ways of engaging with others around me and I have learnt to further value the diversity of our region... and more so how it fits into our nation.� Belinda Fitzgerald
PROGRAM LAUNCH Date 12 February 2014 Venue Crowe Horwath, La Trobe University, Mildura Sponsor Victorian Government through the Regional Growth Fund
Program Afternoon Introduction and Workshop Julie Slater - Executive Officer Community Leadership Loddon Murray Inc Effective Teams Craig Biddiscombe - Culture and Leadership Facilitator, Crowe Horwath Geelong
Evening Master of Ceremonies Robert Libchard - 2013 NMLP Graduate Welcome to Country Clair Bates - Community Elder Presentation of Badges Peter Crisp - MLA Member for Mildura Guest Speaker Luke Owens - Founder, Bendigo for Homeless Youth and Winner 2013 Pride of Australia Young Leader Medal
OPENING RETREAT Date 21 -23 February 2014 Venue Lake Cullulleraine RSL Camp Sponsor Bob & Heather McNaught
Program Welcome Rebecca Wells – Chair, NMLP Advisory Committee and 2009 NMLP Graduate Program Outline and Information Cheryl Rix - Program Manager, NMLP Understanding Yourself and Others Conflict Resolution and Emotional Intelligence Bob & Heather McNaught Team Building Activities Wild Side Outdoors Team Making Good Decisions Cr. John Arnold - Deputy Mayor, Mildura Rural City Council Leadership Characteristics and Nelson Mandela, Leader of Our Times Melissa Amos – Member NMLP Advisory Committee and 2013 NMLP Graduate
Dinner Venue Sponsor
14 March 2014 Sunraysia Daily, ABC Mildura Swan Hill, La Trobe University Campus, Mildura Rural City Council Chambers Sierra Lounge, Mildura Workingman’s Club La Trobe University, Mildura
Program Making the Most of Print Media Patrick Elligett – Editor, Sunraysia Daily Live and Local Anthony Gerace - Regional Content Manager and Breakfast Radio Presenter, ABC Mildura Swan Hill Deb Banks - Radio Producer, ABC Mildura Swan Hill Media 101 Rebecca Wells - Communication and Liaison Officer, La Trobe University and 2009 NMLP Graduate Rebecca Crossling - Communication and Liaison Officer, La Trobe University Vision of the Region Cr. Glenn Milne – Mayor, Mildura Rural City Council Vision of the Region Ross Lake (OAM) - Managing Director, Tasco Petroleum Australia Strategic Planning Rachael Fyfe - Teacher Business, SuniTAFE and 2013 NMLP Graduate
Evening Master of Ceremonies Louise Searle – Member NMLP Advisory Committee | 2013 NMLP Graduate Welcome Michelle Oates - 2014 NMLP Participant Panel Discussion Chris Ellis – Chair, Mildura Development Corporation Paul Naylor – Superintendent, Police North West Erin Hoye - 2013 NMLP Graduate
30-31 March 2014 Wentworth Memorial Rooms, Artback Gallery & Café, Wentworth Public School, Wentworth Cruises, Murray House Aged Care Facility, Australian Botanic Gardens Sponsor Wentworth and District Community Bank Branch of the Bendigo Bank | Mildura Development Corporation
Caring for the Elderly and the Business of Aged Care – Site Visit Sid Duckett - General Manager, Murray House Aged Care Facility Icon Site Tourism and Volunteerism, Australian Inland Botanical Gardens Tractor Train Tour Ken Mansell - President, Australian Inland Botanical Gardens
Program The Future of Economic Development for the Northern Mallee Region Chris Crewther - CEO, Mildura Development Corporation Community Economic Development in Action Margaret Thomson – Chair, Wentworth and District Community Bank Branch of the Bendigo Bank Lunch at Artback Gallery and Café Anne Hederics – Host/Owner Winning Public Speaking Skills Peter Dhu - Public Speaking Dynamics Wentworth River Cruise of the Junction of the Murray and Darling Rivers – Site Tour Greg and Julia Evans Stephanie Alexander Garden Program Bronte Rix - Vice School Captain, Wentworth Public School Governance Plus Leonie Burrows - Management Consultant Tourism in a Fast Changing World Greg Leslie - Industry and Strategic Projects Manager, Mildura Tourism
28 April 2014 Mildura Visitor Information Centre, Mildura Arts Centre, Art Vault, Arts Mildura, Mildura Brewery Dinner Venue Mildura Brewery Theatre Club Sponsor Hugh DT Williamson Foundation
Program The Importance of Arts in the Community Neil Fettling – Asscoiate Professor and Director, La Trobe University Art Institute, Artist and Recipient of the Elliot Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Arts The Art Vault an Internationally Recognised Space – Site Tour Robert Watson - Artist and Sonja Hodge - Artist The Future of the Mildura Arts Centre – Site Tour Antonette Zema - Arts and Culture Development Manager, Mildura Rural City Council Filming to be part of the new TV commercial promoting the Arts Centre Arts Mildura Managing Five Festivals – Site Visit Paul Lambeth – Executive Director, Arts Mildura Community Project in Action - Red Cliffs Pop Up Art Gallery Jo Farrell - Red Cliffs Resource Centre Co-ordinator and 2013 NMLP Graduate
Evening Creativity takes Courage and Defining Art Peta Cooper - Director of Marketing One Idea A Historical View of the Development of Arts in Mildura Stefano De Pieri - Celebrity Chef and Arts Champion
18-19 May 2014 Euston Club Conference Room, Robinvale Organic Wines, LMW Authority Robinvale High Pressure Water Pumping Station Sponsor Lower Murray Water Authority
Program The Future Agriculture, Water and the Environment Hon. Peter Walsh MLA, Member for Swan Hill - Minister for Agriculture and Food Security, Minister for Water A Local’s Welcome and Perspective Cr. John Katis - Swan Hill Rural City Council and Robinvale Resident Mallee Sustainable Farming, Purpose and Projects and Farmer Engagement Gemma Walker - Executive Officer and 2013 NMLP Graduate
Water – A Regional Perspective Owen Russell - General Manager, Customer Services Lower Murray Water Authority Managing Rivers and Wetlands using Hattah Lakes as an Example and The Future of Environmental Management Louise Searle - Waterways Co-ordinator, Mallee Catchment Management Authority and 2013 NMLP Graduate Agriculture Issues and Opportunities Tania Chapman – Chair, Citrus Australia, 2012 Victorian RIRDC Rural Woman of the Year and 2013 Nuffield Scholarship Recipient Leadership in Agriculture and an Investment Prospectus for Loddon Mallee to be used for Advocacy Stuart McLean - Deputy Chair, Regional Development Australia Loddon Mallee Region
Sunraysia Rural Counselling Service - Services, Challenges and Opportunities Stephanie Ferdelja - Rural Counsellor and 2013 NMLP Graduate A View of Leadership and Serving a Diverse Community Mara Richards - Chief Executive Officer, Robinvale District Health Services (RDHS) supported by Connie Chirchiglia Quality Assurance Co-ordinator, RDHS and 2013 NMLP Graduate Robinvale Organic Wines – Site Visit Hosted by the Caracatsanoudis Family A Corporate View Agriculture, Water and the Environment Guy Kingwill - Managing Director, Tandou Limited Robinvale High Pressure Water Pumping Station – Site Tour Ailsa Willis - Irrigation Engineer, Lower Murray Water Authority
UNDERSTANDING OUR POLITICAL LANDSCAPE & NATIONAL ISSUES Date 15-19 June 2014 Venue Canberra Sponsor Mildura Rural City Council
Program Networking dinner with the Loddon Murray Leaders at Alivio Park Accommodation CSIRO - Climate Adaptation Flagship including the science behind climate change, sustainable agriculture and climate adaptation in SE Australia – Site Visit Dr. Mark Stafford Smith - Scientist and Director, Climate Adaptation Flagship Dr. Mark Howden - Scientist and Leader for Adaptive Primary Industries, Enterprises and Communities Dr. Craig James - Scientist Basin Planning Past, Present and Future David Dreverman - Executive Officer River Management, Murray Darling Basin Authority A View of Leadership Rachelle Towart - Chief Executive Officer, Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre | Wonnarura Woman Recognised as one of Australia’s 100 Most Influential Women Australian War Memorial Site Tour - Last Post Ceremony with Northern Mallee Leader Wreath being laid on behalf of NMLP by 2014 participants Rohan Morris and Andy Charles John Mansil - Volunteer Guide Australian War Memorial – The Soul of the Nation and Volunteer Management – Site Tour Anne Bennie - Acting Assistant Director, Branch Head Public Programs Richard Cruise - Visitor Services Floor Co-ordinator Dinner - Parliament House Members Dining Room – Site Tour Andrew Broad MP - Member for Mallee
Parliament House - ‘About the House’ Education Session Bronwyn Notzon - Sergeant at Arm, House of Representatives Tim Bryant - Director of Research, Department of the Senate Joe Italiano - Multimedia and Events Coordinator, International and Community Relations Office Parliament House Question Time Andrew Broad MP welcomed Northern Mallee Leaders in a 90 second statement in the House of Representatives Member of Parliament briefings in Parliament House Catherine McGowan AO - Independent Member for Indi Hon. Sussan Ley - Liberal Member for Farrer | Assistant Minister for Education Clare O’Neil - Labor Member for Hotham Member of Parliament briefings in the Nationals Party Room Hon. Warren Truss - Deputy Prime Minister, Leader of The Nationals, Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development and Member for Wide Bay Hon. Barnaby Joyce - Minister for Agriculture and Nationals Member for New England Andrew Broad - Nationals Member for Mallee Hon. Darren Chester - Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence and Nationals Member for Gippsland Keith Pitt - Nationals Member for Hinkler Media at Parliament House Sally Branson - Press Secretary of the Office of the Prime Minister, Tony Abbott Lyndal Curtis - Political Editor for ABC News 24 Effective Networking Cheryl Rix - Program Manager, NMLP Networking dinner with Fairley Leaders and Loddon Murray Leaders at the National Press Club Speakers and Panel Discussion: Leading national organisations and effective advocacy Denita Wawn - Chief Executive Officer, Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand Tom Chesson - Chief Executive Officer, National Irrigators Council
Canberra Convention Centre 2014 National General Assembly of Local Government Conference – Site Visit Day Opening Address by Jeremy Lask - Chief Executive Officer, National Australia Day Council High Court in Session with Seven Judges attending and Tour of Court Room Two Lunch - National Museum First Peoples Exhibition Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) – The Story Behind a Special Keeping Place – Site Visit John Paul Janke - Director of Communications and Media John Roe - Events and Special Projects Politics behind the Art - Workshop National Portrait Gallery Dinner at the Kingston Hotel followed by a city by night view of Canberra at Mount Ainslie lookout Canberra Group Reflections 2014 Participants
14 July 2014 Mildura Specialist School, MADEC Community College (Mildura), Mildura Law Courts, Mildura Police Station Sponsor MADEC
Program Education for All – Site Tour Margaret Curran – Principal, Mildura Specialist School The Future of Education in the Northern Mallee Win Scott - Chief Executive Officer, Sunraysia Institute of TAFE The Importance of Adult Education and Employment Services Laurence Burt - Chief Executive Officer, MADEC Law in the Region Fran Medina - Principal, Medina Legal Services Mildura Police - The State of Law and Justice in the Region - Site Tour Seargent Kaare Anderson – Detective and 2009 NMLP Graduate Inspector Robert Simpson - Inspector for Tasking & Coordination and Investigation Response
LEADERSHIP WEEK LUNCHEON Date 23 July 2014 Venue Ballroom, Quality Hotel Mildura Grand Sponsor Held in conjunction with Mildura Development Corporation
Program Speaker Natasha Duckett - Public Relations Manager, Pozible Crowdfunding Creativity
1 August 2014 Merbein P-10 College, Merbein Football Netball Club Rooms, Merbein Citizens Club, Wakefield Transport Sponsor Merbein & District Community Bank Branch of the Bendigo Bank
Program Community Breakfast Program, Merbein P-10 College - Site Tour Merbein Secondary College School Leaders Graeme Cupper – Principal, Merbein P-10 College Chances for Children Fiona Harley (AO) - Deputy Executive Director and Head of Community Development, Mallee Family Care Kokoda – Youth Mentoring Program Ken Innes - Leaving Care Support Worker, Mallee Accommodation and Support Program (MASP) Grant Writing Kerry Anderson - Projects, Community Leadership Loddon Murray Leadership in Business – Game Street Logistics – Site Tour Ken Wakefield, Wakefield Transport The Youth Great Debates Hosted by Sue and Wally Rudd
METROPOLITAN COMMUNITIES / STATE ISSUES / SOCIAL JUSTICE Date 17-20 August 2014 Venue Melbourne Sponsor La Trobe University - City Campus, Collins Street
Program Corporate Sustainability Networking Dinner at Young and Jacksons with Loddon Murray Leaders Tim O’Leary - Chief Sustainability Officer, Telstra Corporation Networking Breakfast at Social Enterprise Cafes with Loddon Murray Leaders The Changing Shape of Australian Society Prof. Peter Norden – Adjunct Professor, School of Global Social and Urban Studies, RMIT University Building Social Enterprises Mindy Leow - Learning and Development, Social Traders Thank You Water, a Successful Social Enterprise Daniel Flynn, Co-Founder, Thank You Water Leadership in Sport Mick Malthouse – Coach, Carlton Football Club You be the Judge Chris Gill – Education and Online Engagement Coordinator, Sentencing Advisory Council Social Enterprise Networking Dinner at Lentil as Anything at Abbotsford Convent with Loddon Murray Leaders Steve Grabner – Floor Manager Presentation Port of Melbourne – Site Tour Don Forsdyke – Business Development Manager, Port of Melbourne
A Better Future for Melbourne Sander van Amelsvoort – Policy and Research Manager, Committee for Melbourne David Gould - Manager, Committee for Melbourne Future Focus Group – Business Leadership Program Member for Parliament briefings in Parliament House How Parliament Works – Site Tour of the Chamber Paul Groenewegen Peter Crisp MLA Member for Mildura - Parliamentary Secretary for Regional and Rural Development Hon. Peter Ryan - Deputy Premier | Minister for Regional and Rural Development | Minister for State Development Hon. Tim Bull – Minister for Local Government Hon. Martin Dixon – Minister for Education Hon. Russell Northe – Minister for Energy and Small Business Gary Blackwood – Parliamentary Secretary for Transport Hugh Delahunty – National Party Whip Promoting Regional Produce David Fussell - Marketing Manager, Melbourne Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Markets Jan Claire - C the Market Train Tour
15 September 2014 Red Cliffs Community Resource Centre, AS Kenyon Red Cliffs Library Sponsor Mildura Rural City Council and Enterprising Partnerships Pty Ltd
Program Understanding the Importance of a Community Hub and Volunteers Jo Farrell – Red Cliffs Community Resource Centre Co-ordinator| 2013 NMLP Graduate Jan Cecchi - Red Cliffs Community Resource Centre Volunteer Community Development Mini Workshop Cheryl Rix – Program Manager, NMLP Community and Diversity Panel Discussion Mark Jenkins – Manager, Community Futures, Mildura Rural City Council | Member NMLP Advisory Committee Glenn Stewart – Strategic Project Manager, Advancing Country Towns Robinvale | Member NMLP Advisory Committee Dean Wickham – CEO, Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council (SMECC) Walk a Mile Diversity Workshop Lynda Ford – CEO, Enterprising Partnerships Pty Ltd Visit the Red Cliffs “Cliffs” Lookout – Community Project Yvonne Allford – 2014 NMLP Participant
10 October 2014 Mildura District Aboriginal Services (MDAS), Sunraysia Cancer Resources, Mildura Base Hospital and Mildura Riverfront Rowing Club Lawns Dinner Venue Varapodio Estate Sponsor Lions Club of Mildura and Deakin Rotary Mildura
Program Welcome to MDAS Rudy Kirby - CEO, MDAS MDAS Medical Centre meeting the needs of the Aboriginal Community – Site Tour David Kirby - Manager, MDAS Medical Centre Danielle Dougherty - Manager, Early years MDAS Raelene Stephens - Nurse Manager, MDAS Greg Pepper - Bringing them Home MDAS Ross Hensgen - Bringing them Home MDAS Sunraysia Cancer Resources (SCR) easing the cancer journey – Site Visit Viona Woodroffe, SCR Co-ordinator| 2013 NMLP Graduate Mildura Base Hospital servicing the health needs of the community – Site Tour Dane Huxley - CEO, Mildura Base Hospital Is laughter the best medicine? Coral Crook - Mildura Laughter Club
Evening Andrea Sloane – Manager, Healthy Together Mildura Sharing the stories behind the award winning olive oil Joe and Donna Scopelliti - Varapodio Estate
Date 18-19 October 2014 Venue Ouyen Council Service Centre and Roxy Theatre Sponsor Mildura Rural City Council
Program Welcome to Ouyen Steve Vallance – Committee Member, Ouyen Inc. A Successful Think Big Community Project - The Roxy Jenny Heaslip - Member NMLP Advisory Committee and 2008 NMLP Graduate Participant Community Project Presentations Panel: Rebecca Wells – Chair, NMLP Advisory Committee | David McNabb - NMLP 2013 | Sharon Trewin - NMLP 2013 2014 Group Reflections and Presentations including the Gift of Words Life after a Leadership Program Stephanie Ferdelja - 2013 NMLP Graduate Louise Searle – NMLP Advisory Committee Member and 2013 NMLP Graduate Where to from here? Continuing the Journey Donna Salathiel - Greatness Life Coaching and 2012 Loddon Murray Leadership Graduate Lessons from a Candle and Last Words Cheryl Rix – Program Manager, NMLP
GRADUATION CEREMONY Date 6 November 2014 Venue Sunraysia Institute of TAFE - Restaurant Sponsor Regional Development Victoria, State Government of Victoria
Program Welcome Rebecca Wells – Chair, NMLP Advisory Committee and 2009 NMLP Graduate Master of Ceremonies Brendan Alderton – Committee Member, Red Cliffs Musical Society Guest Speakers Sue Rudd – 2014 NMLP Participant Toby Heil – 2014 NMLP Participant Presentation of Certificates Peter Crisp - MLA Member for Mildura
THANK YOU The Northern Mallee Community Leadership Program would like to extend a sincere thank you to all the wonderful people and organisations who helped make this year possible. We acknowledge the contributions of all our financial partners and our in-kind sponsors. This valuable support truly makes a difference in building the leadership capacity of the Northern Mallee region.
R “From the Opening Retreat I was amazed by the impact that the program had already made on me and considered it already paid for. Our community is our future, and the program connects and establishes networks of likeminded people from a diverse range of backgrounds, enabling them to implement change for the greater good of our region. You may not change the world, but you can make Sunraysia a better place to live.� Rohan Morris
Favourite “Quote” “Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things,”
Favourite “Quote” “Perception becomes reality in regional communities.”
Peter F Drucker. Mara Richards
Yvonne is employed as a Curriculum Coordinator at Sunraysia Institute of TAFE. She joined the NMLP with the aim of increasing her community involvement. Yvonne considered the need to build her community knowledge and networks, and to participate in personal growth in order to make a positive difference. The program has achieved exactly these aims for Yvonne. “My personal development has grown, I am more confident in my interactions with the community and now I have a much better understanding of the issues, and assets our community has and as such, I am better equipped to get more involved in my community.” Yvonne is a member of the Red Cliffs and District Landcare Group, and feels well-equipped to search for other areas of passion to increase her community involvement, especially in the Red Cliffs community. Yvonne identified several program highlights including, “Parliament for the sacrifice and the difference one person can make; Robinvale and Euston to learn about the real impacts, strengths and strategies facing the land; the Melbourne trip to understand our justice system, where our fresh produce heads to when it’s sent to ‘the Markets’, and how it is distributed after that. I was also very excited about the Port of Melbourne and the importance, size and dynamics of the importing and exporting industry.” Yvonne believes our region is heading in the right direction. “I believe we will get the train for produce, we will get broadband and better mobile phone coverage, and our natural gas lines will expand across the district. The river front development will be a massive success for Mildura, and with our affordable housing we are set to grow.” Yvonne’s community project is the restoration of the Red Gum Gully boardwalk at the Red Cliffs cliffs.
Leonie Burrows
Rachel works as an Occupational Therapist with the Bendigo Health Northern Mallee Community Services and specialises in aged care. She is also a small business owner producing prime lamb for the domestic and export markets. Rachel joined the NMLP as a newcomer to the region after seeing the benefits of other leadership programs across the state. “I knew I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to learn about the region and the various ways I might contribute in the future, and to form long-lasting networks and friendships.” Rachel has valued the opportunity to gain specialised knowledge, leadership skills and inspiration from within the group as well as from the diverse range of community leaders who have presented throughout the program.“It has definitely fast-tracked my sense of belonging and passion for the Northern Mallee.” Rachel identified the Melbourne trip as a program highlight. “Our exposure to social enterprise inspired me to think outside the square about the possibilities to benefit disadvantaged groups and the community as a whole. It was also great to see the Port of Melbourne and Wholesale Market in action, linking fresh produce from Sunraysia with domestic and export markets.” In line with her personal and professional philosophy to help people help themselves, Rachel is passionate about promoting a ‘can do’ attitude and seeing this region reach its full potential and prosper into the future. Since starting the program, Rachel has joined the Committee of the Mildura Young Professionals and is exploring additional opportunities, including voluntary roles with the Christie Centre. She will partner with the Christie Centre in a phased community project to develop an Animal Nursery in Mildura. The project aims to provide training and employment opportunities for people with disabilities as well as an attraction and educational resource for the community.
Contact Contact au.linkedin.com/pub/yvonne-mcnabb-allford/36/318/887 yvonne99_00@hotmail.com
au.linkedin.com/pub/rachel-broad/99/8a4/337 email4rbroad@gmail.com
Favourite “Quote” “Leadership is about telling your story effectively, being relevant and bringing your team with you.”
Favourite “Quote” “Surround yourself with people that lift you up and not drag you down.”
Ken Mansell
Rachael Towart
Andy’s position in the program has been sponsored by Bank Mecu. He is employed as Co-ordinator Prevention Early Intervention, Family Services Mildura District Aboriginal Services (MDAS). His community interests include SAMSA group (Sunraysia Aboriginal Men’s Support Alliance), National Empowerment Project. Andy joined the NMLP to expand community networks for the benefit of the MDAS organisation and his own future leadership opportunities. How has the NMLP impacted Andy? “It has opened my eyes to industries and small businesses within Sunraysia, and highlighted just how important they are to the growth and survival of the region.” Andy identified the Canberra experience as most inspirational, including the laying of the wreath with Rohan Morris at the War Memorial. “Another highlight was our visit to Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), especially seeing the important work they do in preserving Aboriginal art and culture to ensure their history stays alive and well.” “My vision for the future in this region is to see more opportunities for Aboriginal youth created through higher numbers engaged in education and employment and furthermore empowering them to be in control of their own destinies.” Andy’s community project involves the coordination of fortnightly Group Activity days with the clients that are involved in the three family services programs he manages. The activities include peer engagement and guest speakers on various topics such as housing, health, drug and alcohol and financial planning. Contact acharles@mdas.org.au
Luke’s involvement in the program has been sponsored by his proud employer Tandou Limited. He is currently an active committee member of the Mildura Young Professionals Network. Luke joined the NMLP with the aim of embracing leadership and innovation, increasing his self-confidence and interpersonal/ networking skills. Participation in this program has opened his eyes and doors to the community of Sunraysia, in addition to improving his effectiveness in his current role of water administration at Tandou. Luke acknowledges that this has assisted him to implement leadership with a greater ability and confidence in various situations with improved outcomes for all involved. “I now have a greater awareness of the wider Sunraysia community and the importance of leadership for the community to function.” As far as program highlights, Luke has identified the two days in Wentworth as most valuable. “We were privileged to listen to Peter Dhu’s story of overcoming adversity through leading change. I also found the Australian Inland Botanical Gardens tour by Ken Mansell to be of great value.” Luke noted presentations by Guy Kingwill (Tandou) and Laurence Burt (MADEC) to be additional personal highlights of the program. Luke’s vision is to see Sunraysia’s community continue to flourish supported by the region’s innovative agricultural, tourism, environmental, educational, health, and other supporting industries. Luke’s community project will be a small group bonding activity at Tandou and a picnic lunch with the Mildura Young Professionals Network to get people talking (in a positive way) about the benefits of our community and why Mildura is such a great place to live. Contact au.linkedin.com/pub/luke-englefield/62/8b1/569/
Favourite “Quote” “The most important tool you’ve got in your job is the tongue in your head and how you go about speaking to people.”
Favourite “Quote” “Australia gets the Government it deserves.” Andrew Broad MP
Sergeant Kaare Anderson
Kaitlyn is grateful to Mildura Deakin Rotary Club for sponsoring her participation in the 2014 Northern Mallee Leaders Program. She has had a strong connection with Rotary throughout her career as a journalist and travelled to Central New York in April 2013 on a Rotary International Group Study Exchange. Kaitlyn is currently employed with the Sunraysia Daily newspaper. NMLP was the next step in boosting Kaitlyn’s confidence and building her networks and experience. “The program has given me a greater insight into an appreciation for the Sunraysia region.” Kaitlyn identified the Arts and Culture day in Mildura as her most enjoyable program day. “Another highlight was meeting ABC journalist Lyndal Curtis at Parliament House in Canberra.” Kaitlyn already volunteers with Vision Australia Radio Mildura and is currently co-ordinating the Rotary Voyage of Discovery youth leadership program as part of her NMLP community project. Contact au.linkedin.com/pub/kaitlyn-opie/44/78a/703 opie.kaitlyn@gmail.com
Belinda has been sponsored by the Mildura Rural City Council where she is employed as a Community Development Officer. She has taken a year out from her many volunteer roles to focus on the NMLP and reports that every aspect of the program has exceeded her expectations. “I have been challenged by new ways of thinking and changed my view point on a number of issues. The group dynamic and individual personalities have taught me so much about myself and the importance of appreciating diversity. I have learnt so much about our local region and more so how it fits into our nation.” Belinda was surprised that her visit to the Federal Parliament in June had the most impact. “I have always remained blissfully ignorant to politics and thought very negatively of politicians in general. Meeting real people in Canberra who started out volunteering for a cause and then ‘ended up’ in the political ring to see it through, has really opened my eyes to another side of politics.” Belinda was also enlightened by the Australian Sentencing Council in Melbourne noting, “We’re all so quick to judge the appropriateness of sentences when they’re reported in the news. Our “You be the Judge” session highlighted just how many different factors need to be considered and what boundaries the Judges have to work within.” Belinda’s vision for this region is a sustainable and actively engaged community. In line with her passion for volunteering, Belinda is working on two projects: connecting volunteers with opportunities (in partnership with Rohan Morris) and connecting neighbourhoods through Neighbour Day (in partnership with Mark Hayden) - see www.neighbourday.org. Contact 0459 022 013 belsfitzgerald@gmail.com
Favourite “Quote”
Favourite “Quote” “How do you deal with someone who is not like you and doesn’t have aspirations to be like you?”
“Leadership is not about changing everything that is already there before you arrive; leadership is about making what is there better. It’s important to bring people with you on the journey.”
Lynda Ford
Mark’s position in the Program has been sponsored by MADEC Australia where he is currently employed as a Team Leader. His community interests revolve around securing sustainable employment and training opportunities for people in Sunraysia, particularly connecting people with community groups to undertake work experience for dual benefit. Mark joined the NMLP to develop a better understanding of the region and to seek out opportunities for further involvement in the wider community. How has the program impacted Mark? “The opportunity to hear from community leaders from this region has provided me with heightened awareness of my role and responsibility within the community in both a professional and personal capacity. I have resonated with a number of speakers who are responsible for managing teams to successfully achieve outcomes within their business. Hearing their philosophies and leadership styles and how they respond to the challenges encountered has assisted with identifying and reinforcing my own leadership abilities and how I can best transfer these skills to others. The program has provided me with assistance in the building of valuable networks in the community, in turn benefiting my role at MADEC.” Mark identified the Canberra trip as a program highlight as it “Reinforced to me that we still do live in a lucky country, a democracy where free speech prevails and where thoughts and ideas can transform peoples’ lives and make a difference.” His vision for our region is to build a stronger community where opportunities are available for all people to contribute. Mark will be working with Belinda Fitzgerald to bring the community closer together by promoting the first Neighbour Day in Mildura on 30 March 2015. Contact
Ken Mansell
Toby is an Electrical Refrigeration Technician and joined the NMLP with an interest in politics and a passion for helping people in the community. He has made strong community connections in Red Cliffs where he is a member and recent Kids Church leader at Diggerland Church as well as 2012 Under-18 football coach. Toby has been juggling NMLP commitments with work, his community project and the birth of his second child in September. Toby’s community project is ‘Emmeline’s Hope’ and consists of three parts. The aim of the project is to support and encourage a young couple and their 9 month old baby girl suffering from a life-threatening liver disease. Part one involved a Renovation Rescue of the family home in Merbein. The second part was a Gala Auction night in which retail businesses donated items and raised over $12,000. The third, ongoing phase of the project is a Facebook page and fundraiser that has raised close to $20,000 to date. According to Toby, “The NMLP was instrumental in the success of Emmeline’s Hope - the media training, public speaking sessions and consistent encouragement from NMLP Manager Cheryl Rix, as well as 2014 participants.” Toby says he learned a great deal about the Sunraysia community and humanity as a whole through this project experience. And the impact of the program? “The thing I loved most about the NMLP was the connection I made with my fellow participants. The NMLP doesn’t create new leaders for the community, it enhances leaders to their full potential.” Toby found the whole Program very inspiring but was able to highlight the following: “My favourite program event was the Political Landscape week in Canberra.” Contact 0413 748 877 au.linkedin.com/pub/toby-heil/8b/5ba/944 tobyallenheil@gmail.com
0428 352 344 mhayden@madec.edu.au
Favourite “Quote” “We can all do anything we want to do, we just have to decide to do it.”
Favourite “Quote” “Mildura gives great people great opportunities.” Peta Cooper
Dianne is a Dried Fruit Producer/Business Owner and has been sponsored by Dried Fruits Australia. She is also the Mildura Field Days Event Coordinator, and enjoys her voluntary roles with the Mildura Ballet Guild and Irymple Primary School as Parents Club Secretary. Dianne joined the NMLP after hearing so many great things about last year’s program. “I thought it would be a great opportunity to learn more about our region, broaden my knowledge about important local issues and network to expand my contacts for our dried fruit business, industry and not for profit organisations.” And the impact of NMLP? “I have learnt so much more about the region through the program days that I feel I have a much deeper understanding of our community and the issues that affect us. We have had access to a wide range of local leaders and inspiring speakers.” Dianne’s favourite program days were Agriculture in Robinvale, Arts and Culture in Mildura, the War Memorial, Parliament House and presentations by CSIRO scientists in Canberra. Dianne has already increased her community involvement since starting the program through fundraising activities for the Irymple Primary School. She aims to increase her involvement in the dried fruit industry and explore opportunities for industry growth. Dianne’s community project will focus on the dried fruit industry - by running an industry workshop or tour. Contact diandash@netspace.net.au
Mayor Glenn Milne
Mel’s position has been sponsored by Trilogy Financial Group where she is employed as a Financial Planner. She was motivated to join the program in order to increase her networks and gain opportunities to get involved in the community. According to Mel, the impact and highlights of the program have been meeting a fantastic group of enthusiastic people, networking, and the insights gained from various speakers. Mel identified the Melbourne trip as most inspiring. “Seeing social enterprise in practice and what is being done to assist those in need while still running successful business was an incredible insight. It was also great to see the wholesale fruit and vegetable market as it is vital to our region.” She found the public speaking workshop with Peter Dhu to be incredibly beneficial and gained a lot from his presentation. What is Mel’s vision for this region? “I would like to see our community become fitter and healthier with a greater emphasis on healthy eating and exercise. I’d also like to see more being done to help the agricultural sector deal with the changing landscape of their industry. We need to support our local growers and farmers who grow and manufacture top quality produce.” In line with her passion, Mel has become a Healthy Together Mildura Health Champion since commencing the NMLP, and hopes to take on additional leadership roles where she can make a positive contribution to the community. Her community project aims to encourage exercise for people with desk/office/ sedentary jobs. Contact au.linkedin.com/pub/mel-lever/98/601/653/ mel@trilogyfg.com.au
Favourite “Quote” “Leaders can come from any background – you don’t need to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth.”
Favourite “Quote” “You can go one step further. You can do this. From humble beginnings...it’s all possible.” Mayor Glenn Milne
Chris Crewther
Danielle has been sponsored by the Hugh Williamson Foundation. She is employed as the Youth E-Mentoring Program Coordinator and Total Learning Centre (TLC) Coordinator at the Education Training and Research Directorate within Mallee Family Care. Danielle is also the Vice-President of the Leo Club of Sunraysia. Her motivation for joining the NMLP was to learn more about what her community has to offer, the issues affecting this region, and networking opportunities. Danielle identified personal and professional networking benefits as a result of her participation in the Program. She also acknowledged that “Working in community development can often make it hard to look at things without a community development or ‘welfare’ lens, however this program has forced me to look at things through multiple lenses and step out of my comfort zone.” A message repeated by several presenters, “You can do and be, whatever you set your mind to,” resonated with Danielle after previously considering it to be a passing comment. Highlights have included Canberra and Melbourne – our political landscape both Federal and State. “I have a new found respect for some of our politicians in understanding the immense pressure they are under in trying to please everyone. I also really liked Mick Malthouse’s analogy of the bike tyre and getting the right people for the job, not token people, so it ‘looks good’.” Danielle’s vision is for a community that believes in and encourages our youth to be the best they can be, without the stigma of being ‘at-risk’ or ‘disengaged’. She will partner with the Leo Club of Sunraysia to develop a “Youth Mind Matters” card for local youths with important contact details of services they may need (doctor, help lines, welfare services). A survey will then be developed to capture the most important issues affecting our youth, followed by a series of “Life Skills” workshops reflecting these issues. Contact dmazza@malleefamilycare.com.au
Dan is the Director of Phoenix Online Solutions P/L and Director / Lead Developer of Regional Online Advertising. He volunteers his I.T. skills to several community groups including, Australian Inland Botanic Gardens, Big hART, Empty Space Project Inc, Sunraysia Fruit and Vegetable Swap, Mildura Young Professionals Network, Mildura Show Society and Sunset Strip (Mildura Drag Club). Dan is also a Committee Member of Sunraysia Fruit and Vegetable Swap and Business Sub-Committee Member of Empty Spaces Project Inc. “I first applied to the Northern Mallee Leaders Program because it looked to be an opportunity to expand my networks and lift my gaze.” All of Dan’s expectations have been exceeded and the personal impact beyond measure. “Not only have I met a great bunch of people (many of whom will be friends for life), I’ve managed to expand both my professional, community and personal networks in ways I could never have envisaged. Going forward, the NMLP has given me the tools, knowledge and contacts to create new social enterprise, effect policy and create genuine change in my community.” In line with his vision for a more inclusive, understanding community with a thriving social enterprise sector that drives development, education and employment in the region, Dan identified the Social Enterprise day in Melbourne as his most inspirational Program day. Dan’s community project focused on the Empty Spaces program, assisting participants to learn how to manage an online product catalogue while providing a selling platform for them as well as additional revenue opportunities for the project Contact www.linkedin.com/pub/dan-menzies/14/454/3a0 twitter.com/Dan_Menzies www.facebook.com/dan.menzies
Favourite “Quote” “Opportunities come from imagination, innovation and ideas.”
Favourite “Quote” “Fake it until you make it.” Sally Branson
Rohan has been sponsored by the Mildura Lions Club. His motivation for joining the NMLP was to build on networks and community partnerships, and gain a better insight into the keys areas of our region. Rohan is employed as a Development Coordinator at Arts Mildura and has a passion for Arts & Culture, Education and Youth. He is a Board Member of Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival and Mildura Palimpsest, and Treasurer of Mildura Alumni Chapter. The Program has empowered Rohan to engage and develop community strategies and awareness. “Canberra has been the highlight - being privileged to meet and network with such a variety of professionals to enhance my personal skills and knowledge. Wentworth also inspired and opened my eyes to an energetic and driven community along with the insight of the Aged Care facility.” Rohan has a vision for an engaging and efficient community which is always embracing new opportunities and initiatives with a holistic and innovative attitude, drawing upon our environment and multicultural municipality to better the future of tomorrow. In line with this vision, Rohan plans to continue empowering community members to stand up for what they believe in, noting that anyone can make a difference. He also aims to enhance his own leadership potential by actively partaking in larger roles. For his community project, Rohan is developing a Volunteering Database for organisations and community members alike to promote opportunities and engagement. He is also planning to implement a Gardening Program for the elderly who are housebound and do not have the ability to maintain or develop their own garden. Contact 0416 717 669 au.linkedin.com/pub/rohan-morris/31/716/9b0 manager@artsmildura.com.au
Chris Crewther
Sue’s position in the NMLP has been sponsored by Sunraysia Rural Financial Councelling Service Inc. where she is employed as Small Business Program Manager. She is also the founding memeber of women advancing rural communities. The program has achieved exactly what Sue hoped for regarding her community awareness and networking. “Personally I am more aware of the issues in our region and a wider benefit is the new connections I have made which will contribute to my future community involvement.” Sue identified the trip to Canberra as “awesome”, including dinner at Parliament House with Andrew Broad, Member for Mallee who formally recognised the group during his speech in Parliament the following day. When asked about her vision for this region, Sue noted that “We are heavily dependent on agriculture/horticulture industries and both are doing it tough through low commodity prices and global market competition. I think there may be opportunities to identify and develop other industries to add to the economic health of our region.” The ‘Diversify 4 Profit Expo’ was Sue’s community project held during the Mildura Field Days. What’s next for Sue? She will continue to seek funding and support to strengthen rural women and to develop the skills of small regional committees. She also plans to follow up with a number of community organisations at the completion of the Program about potential opportunities for involvement. Contact 0447 241 310 03 5022 9017 srudd@help4smallbusiness.com.au
Favourite “Quote” “Those who say it can’t be done, should get out of the way of the people doing it.”
Favourite “Quote” “You have to always remember your past.” Mick Malthouse
Claudia has been sponsored by the Red Cliffs Secondary College and Mildura Young Professional Network. She is employed as a Chemistry/Science teacher at Red Cliffs Secondary College and joined the NMLP to improve her knowledge of key issues across the region and to increase community networks. “I have met some amazing people who work very hard in our region, which would have otherwise not been possible.” Claudia identified the Presentation Skills Workshop by Peter Dhu in Wentworth as a program highlight. “It was very inspiring to see someone overcome such a disability, turn it around and become a very engaging public speaker. He didn’t let his disability hold him back.” There are several aspects to Claudia’s vision for this region. In addition to seeing the agricultural industry prosper once again, she is passionate about more character buildings being built (especially in housing); people being more active and leading healthier lives to tackle obesity; and disengaged youth being helped back into education or obtaining work related skills. For her community project, Claudia plans to organise a fundraiser for Red Cliffs Secondary College during the summer months; a “Moonlight Cinema” in 2015 showing the latest movie or a family favourite. On completion of the NMLP, Claudia is looking forward to future leadership opportunities. Contact tassone.claudia.c@edumail.vic.gov.au
Luke Owens
Kerry is currently employed with Arts Mildura and received a part scholarship from the Mildura Lions Club. Since being accepted into the NMLP, Kerry has joined a number of local organisations including Member of the Mildura Rowing Club (and Social Committee), Committee Member of the 2015 Sunraysia Multicultural Festival and Member of the Mildura Young Professionals Network. Kerry joined the NMLP for the professional development opportunity and was surprised how much the program also contributed to her personal development. “The NMLP has definitely opened my eyes to a broader view of today’s society. We’ve heard from so many passionate people; it is inspiring to see how much good can be done by putting your hand up and by working together. It has shown me that anyone is capable of making change and the ripple effect can be paramount. To spend nine months surrounded by a group of professionals who challenge your views, support your ideas, who are looking to develop themselves and to contribute towards a common good, can be a powerful experience.” Day one of the Melbourne trip was identified as Kerry’s most inspirational program day. “I really enjoyed learning about social enterprise and just how many businesses and organisations have built their vision around helping others and increasing equality for all.” And Kerry’s vision for this region? “With over 300 annual events in Mildura and hundreds of organisations, there is a lot of opportunity for collaboration, to work together and share ideas to benefit one another. The people of Sunraysia care about the community they live in, this is evident through their passionate opinions. I would like to see more of these people step forward and be encouraged to contribute to committees and to the future of the region.” As the only participant from NSW in 2014, and with a background in event management, Kerry will be part of the planning Committee for the Dareton Coomealla 90th Birthday celebrations to be held in 2015. Contact au.linkedin.com/pub/kerry-thompson/2b/833/a4b/ kerrythompson18@gmail.com
Favourite “Quote” “Never pick up a piece of paper more than once.”
Favourite “Quote” “Panic when I panic.” Mara Richards
Deputy Premier, The Hon. Peter Ryan
Narelle works at La Trobe University as the Student Services Officer. She is also Administration Director of the Sunraysia Gang Show, Assistant Region Manager of Loddon Mallee Region Guides, and Leader of Youth for Guides Victoria. Narelle joined the NMLP with the aim of gaining greater confidence, building vital community networks, meeting new people, and growing as a leader in the community with like-minded people. The NMLP exceeded Narelle’s expectations. “It allowed me to self-reflect on the person that I am, who I want to grow into and has given me experiences that would not have been available.” And Narelle’s program highlight? “The experiences of Canberra were definitely a highlight. It gave a complete view of the government and the role of an elected politician as an advocate for their electorate.” Narelle’s vision is for a “Vibrant, positive region that is growing to the strengths and needs of the community.” Her community project will focus on youth and leadership roles. Narelle is planing to run a leadership team bonding day for the key members of the Sunraysia Gang Show for her community project. Contact au.linkedin.com/pub/narelle-tomlinson/3a/993/994/
Michelle is employed as a Solicitor at Martin Irwin & Richards Lawyers. Her community roles include past Director of both Sunraysia Mallee Group Training (SMGT) and Leighton Community Foundation. Michelle joined the NMLP with the aim of improving her networking and leadership skills. “I expected that the NMLP program would be a good way to expand on my current networks and increase my awareness of current issues facing the Sunraysia/Mallee area. I expected that the NMLP program would be challenging.” Personal growth, improved leadership skills and confidence, and the ability to learn new skills were identified as significant benefits of participating in the program. “My confidence at work has been noticed by colleagues and by my employer as well as my calmer approach to problem solving. I have taken a leadership role at my current workplace and this has extended to my personal life. I have a greater appreciation for my personality traits and the personality traits of those around me which have taught me both patience and humility, and invaluable skills for working in a team as well as autonomously. I feel I have been armed with the skills to make an impact in the community as a young leader and not be embarrassed by my want to help others.” Michelle also noted a new found appreciation for the wider community of Mildura and the varied roles people play within the community to make it great. Michelle is conducting a ‘Wine Drive’ for her community project with the aim of funding a participant in the 2015 Northern Mallee Leaders Program. Any surplus funds will be donated to a charity as selected by the NMLP Committee. Contact mishellewall@mirlawyers.com.au
Favourite “Quote” “Success is the ability to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones” Daniel Flynn
Rachel works as an Accountant with Crowe Horwath in Mildura. She enjoys her extensive community involvement including: Marketing Officer with Mildura Young Professionals Network; Board Member of Australian Inland Botanical Gardens; Team Mentor of Enactus (La Trobe University); and membership with Merbein Football Netball Club. Despite growing up in Merbein, Rachel acknowledged that she knew very little about the region and wanted to learn more. “I also thought it would be an amazing opportunity to meet new people and get more involved in the community.” And the impact of NMLP? “I have learnt so much about myself through the program, in our opening retreat we were told that you can’t understand anyone else until you understand yourself. This has changed the way I interact with a lot of people from having a greater awareness about myself. I have also seen more ways that I can get involved in the local community and make a meaningful difference.” Rachel identified the benefit to the wider community. “Every year around 20 people are having a similar experience, learning more about themselves, the region and how to be a better leader in this community - the opportunity for the region that stems from all of that will be amazing!” Rachel’s vision is for a community where everyone’s opinion is valued and no one is afraid to voice their opinion. “Regardless of age, ethnic background or socioeconomic status, everyone has something to contribute to the community.” Rachel’s community project involved her becoming a board member for Australian Inland Botanical Gardens. Contact au.linkedin.com/pub/rachel-white/49/b62/823 Rachel.white@crowehorwath.com.au
During 2014 The Hugh Williamson Foundation through its Bug Blitz program donated funds to Northern Mallee Leaders to enhance our annual leadership program and to develop a community project that focused on environmental health and education. Northern Mallee Leaders partnered with the Mallee Catchment Management Authority to complete a Bug Blitz project at the Merbein Common. The purpose of the Bug Blitz project was to determine the health of Cowanna and Brickworks Billabongs prior to a change in wetland management. The macroinvertebrate community was surveyed and used as an indication of the health of Cowanna and Brickworks Billabongs. A community launch for the project was held overlooking the wetlands and the local community participated in collection and analysis of macroinveterbrate data. Merbein Common is located on the Victorian Murray River floodplain, approximately 12km northwest of Mildura. The site encompasses a complex system of wetlands, including the freshwater Cowanna Billabong and saline Brickworks Billabong. The wetlands are of national significance and are registered on the directory of important wetlands. The water regime of Cowanna Billabong was naturally a wet/dry regime, however, under an altered water regime it has been permanently inundated. An environmental regulator was installed at the inlet to Cowanna Billabong in 2013-14 to reinstate a wet/dry water regime. The structure would enable the wetland then to support a biodiverse ecosystem. Brickworks Billabong is currently affected by salinity and is managed to support the endangered (EPBC listed) Murray Hardyhead, Craterocephalus fluviatilis. The fish is known to withstand relatively high saline environments, meaning the saline conditions at Brickworks Billabong provide suitable habitat to support the fish. In 2013-14, fish were translocated to the wetland to increase their distribution and population. Results The data collection was interpreted using a waterway health bioindicator score that considers macroinvertebrate tolerance
and sensitivity ratings. Brickworks Billabong received the result of ‘very good stream condition’ with a total count of 1,264 macroinvertebrates. Cowanna Billabong had a total count of 1,238 macrroinvertebrates and received a stream condition bordering fair and very good. These high results for both Cowanna and Brickworks Billabongs are exceptional for autumn as it was expected to gain the highest productivity in Spring. It is expected to see higher bug diversity and abundance with increased productivity to create positive flow-on effects in Spring. Where to next? Macroinvertebrate data collection at Merbein Common has produced informative results to date. The data collected prior to a change in wetland management provides important baseline data and provides an indicator of macroinvertebrate assemblages prior to the change in wetland management. It will be interesting to see any changes in macroinvertebrate assemblage after the change in wetland management and the community will continue to be involved in future surveys. Northern Mallee Leaders thanks the Mallee Catchment Management Authority Project Supervisor Michelle Kelly for her contributions to the Bug Blitz project.
NMLP Advisory Committee
Rebecca Wells, Chair Melissa Amos Ian Ballantyne Leonie Burrows Laurence Burt Louise Searle Chris Crewther Tom Crouch Jenny Heaslip Mark Jenkins Darryl Pearl Julie Slater Glenn Stewart
2013 Alex Wilson Cheryl Benson Connie Chirchiglia David McNabb Erin Hoye Gemma Walker Jo Clutterbuck Jo Farrell Karen Costa Kim Trigg Louise Searle Melissa Amos Racheal Fyfe Rob Libchard Ronni O’Donnell Roslyn Hudson Sharon Trewin Stephanie Ferdelja Tracee Vassallo Viona Woodroffe
NMLP 2014 Committees Graduation Yvonne Allford, Belinda Fitzgerald, Mark Hayden, Danielle Mazza and Michelle Wall Yearbook Rachel Broad, Kaitlyn Fasso-Opie, Dianne Johnstone, Rohan Morris and Kerry Thompson
Program Design Visual Strategy Design Proudly printed by Sunnyland Press
2009 Amy Nicol Brett Kempton Dale Antonysen Darryl Pearl Kaare Anderson Kevin Chaplin Leanne Perry Louise Barnes Mark Turlan Martin Hill Michelle Arnold Nardia Sheriff Rebecca Wells Samantha Cooke Sharon Morrison William Snell
2008 Alex Cross Camille Mansell Carmel Pethick Carrie Belej Dafydd Scholes David Zacher Evette Turlan Debbie McKinnon Helen Healy Jennifer Douglas Jennifer Heaslip Julie Prenc Karlie Conner Kelly Fyfe Leanne Mitchell Louise Williams Lynda Robertson Merryl Whyte Nadine Harley Naomi Burke Nicole Shaw Selfet Kuzu
Sue Rudd
Applications for the NMLP open from September – October.
Further information: PO Box 10311, Mildura Victoria 3500 Email info@nml.org.au
www.nml.org.au /NorthernMalleeLeaders
Proudly supported by Regional Development Victoria with funding from the Victorian Government’s Regional Growth Fund
For more information, please contact Program Manager, Cheryl Rix.
R “The NMLP was exhausting, exhilarating, inspirational and informative. I got out of NMLP what I could not get out of myself - by myself. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get the most out of their lives.”