Branding guidelines 1

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Our brand is called Sparks & Sons we are an independant brand and furniture store. Selling unique,individual and innoative one of a kind pieces. Our brand holds strong ethical values. With everything made from recycled materials.

For one of our main guidlelines our logo which is featured on our buisness cards , information flyer , website & shop sign has to be displayed within a circle and only the colour choices exsisting or black and white can be used. The reason behind the circular shape is to push the recylced theme. The colour choice has been inspiried by materials typically used by welders more specefically the oxidisation of copper which turns to a teal like shade. Also the the yellow shade used to repesent a welding spark.

Another guideline of ours is to always use the typefaces that were orginially used. ‘Dragon is coming’ is the typeface we used for all of our headers and main logo.We used ‘Apercu’ for Sub headers & also body copy. For the headers pt size 48 was used For the body copy pt size 14 was used ‘Dragon is coming’ typeface was used to portray a homely bespoke feel whilst also joining of the letters to convey the physicality of welding. ‘Apercu’ is used for the subheaders and body copy because its easily readable and gives a traditional brand a modern twist.


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As Spark & Sons is an independant brand we have strong ethical beliefs meaning we choose carefully where to post our advertisements. We pry our selfs on being one of the best local business because of all the recycling we do. We advertise in local newspapers & homeware magazines. Rather than publicity and gossip driven publications.

None of our images or content from our website should be re-produced and all of our images are copyright.

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