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Victoria Redmond

Brief To brand the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ and create awareness of it’s many and varied attributes to the rest of the world. There’s still a lot of uncertainty around the detail of how a ‘Northern Powerhouse’ will manifest itself, however for the moment let’s assume the four cities that head up the ‘Powerhouse’ Will be Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and Hull

Response which creates a nice neat line across ‘the North’. The idea requires a name and a brand, so that the world understands that this is a significant single entity. After a ‘consultation process’ with all the key stakeholders the name ‘Capital North’ has been selected - combining purpose and place. It’s easy to remember and recall.

The concept - The Relationship Between Leeds, Hull, Liverpool And Manchester Is Communicated Through Simple Bonds.



Victoria Redmond

Research & Inspiration

Background Information The government has recently revealed a strategy to develop the North of England as a second economic capital in Britain to redress the economic balance across the country and to compete on the world stage. They are calling this strategy ‘Northern Powerhouse’.

The government believes that, by improving the transport infrastructure through HS3, connecting Leeds to Manchester, and tapping into the huge potential of the North of England, the North will become the globally significant economic force it has always promised to be.

Careful research and consideration was taken when looking into existing branding for the DBA brief. Looking into poster design, minimal posters and unified colours. 02


Victoria Redmond

Development The briefs development started with the idea around cogs and how they work as a set and one can work without the other. After feedback the concept seemed to be dated and we needed to update the concept to something more upto date.

The concept was then further pushed instead of having an obvious cog focusing more on the theme of circles and how the infinite bond connects things together and working as a whole. 03


Victoria Redmond


Manchester C=11 M=35 Y=100 K=0

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 .,!%&()-

Hull C=93 M=85 Y=40 K=34


Liverpool C=80 M=16 Y=53 K=0

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 .,!%&()-

Leeds C=47 M=20 Y=6 K=0

Branding specifications Logo, Typeface, & colour palette.



Victoria Redmond

Range A series of posters have been created to represent each city as and individual whilst working as a set. The routes on the posters representing the connection throughout the north.

Each city is represented by its own colour and connected using the same title branding and poster aesthetic all along side other promotional material.



Victoria Redmond

Promotional Material An example of flyer’s, each colours representing the city.


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