Ougd503 studiobrief1 :beautybyfaye

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BRIEFDesign the branding for a beauty buisness specialising in Eye Brow waxing.The client has asked for the aesthetics and esign to be in a contempory style. The salon is blackand white so to consider colour choices Consider the type as it needs to be read big and small. It needs to be cost effective , Its a popular buisness so the promotioanl material will need to be reproduced. Consdierations Other platforms such as instrgram & Facebook. Consider other promotional materail. Mandatory requirmentsModern , Simplistic , Sutubile colour choices. Delieverables Logo , Colour scheem , Buisness Card & Other collateral.

CONCEPT To design modern & contempory branding for a beauty business deisning colllateral such as buisness card s,posters , priceslists , appointment cards.

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