Ougd503:studiobrief3 project report

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COMPETITION BRIEFSD&Ad Brief - Asos D&Ad Brief - Monotype Penguin Awards - Book Cover Design Secret 7 Album Artwork Design Tiger Print - Pattern Design LIVE BRIEFSDialogue - University Exhibition Christening Invitation

LIVE BRIEFS/BRANDINGLets Sign Together Beauty By Faye Fe26 Limited Branding


D&AD ASOS For my main brief i chose to do the D&AD Asos brief. I worked on this brief with a fashion student called Carmel Woolmington i felt this would be beneficial to me as the Asos brief was fashion related i could have insight from someone who studies this specifically.


Mandatories of the brief ask Design you design to a concept in line with the Asos brand and aesthetic viewable on a smart-phone. Your outcome must be presented as a video or up to 8 images. (Include appropriate supporting boards & mood boards.)

THE BRIEFThe creative challenge for the Asos brief was to come up with a new interactive way for 20’ somethings to engage with the Asos Online fashion store. The brief wants you to focus on what is next after street style with keeping the mobile platform in mind as 20’ somethings are always connected to the web by there digital devices. The Asos ethos is friendly playful & unique. As the Asos brand is global it asks for you to consider all users and how you can produce a new forward way of thinking to engage users to Asos through a digital platform. OUGD503

For the Asos d&ad brief i began by thoroughly reading through the brief and re-writing it so i could come up with the most appropriate way of executing a strong concept and design. My initial idea when beginning my thought process was to propose an App, that mainly focused on a virtual wardrobe. This would give the user the chance to upload a picture of themselves and try clothes on them selves digitally. I felt like this would be a good concept as it would heighten the company’s users as it was a more interactive feature than anything they had at the moment.

I came up with another idea to create your very own user profile. I named the App Asos Revive. I decided to name it Revive as it means to give new life or meaning to something. There are three main parts to the App such as ‘Categories’ which allows you to refine your searches further , uploading your own fashion finds ‘ Daily Edit’ and ‘Location’.With this stronger concept in mind i decided to leave the virtual wardrobe idea as not everyone has time to take pictures of them selfs and to try out a virtual wardrobe it also doesn’t bring anything to the street style theme.

After considering the brief further it came to my attention how much it wanted you to focus on street style and how it wanted the public to be more involved as the Asos demographic are seen to the future of the brand by sharing and viewing each others trends. After developing my ideas further i wanted to think of how i could actually combine the digital platform with street style.

The theme behind the App brings a new meaning to Asos and a more connecting way for the Asos audience to use the website on a digital device. The App captures the genuine and fast paced nature of street style on a platform that is accessible to anyone and user friendly.





To showcase my Revive App i decided to create a Look Book which would feature the inns and outs and functionality of the App. The brand Asos already has a monthly magazine but i felt creating a supplement which you would receive inside of that monthly magazine would be perfect to give to customers to show them whats new and available.

The Asos Revive App has been designed to make it easier for users to look through there favorite styles of clothes , and to upload and share there own fashion finds also being able to view other peoples.

I wanted to show the three main sections of the App across the magazine and in more detail so the viewers would understand it clearly i wanted to keep it minimal and use negative space to keep the attention on the mock up Iphone images and the minimal text. Unfortunately at the time of me designing this look book i had missed out a specific part of the Asos logo which the brief required so then had to edit some of the photography after. It was annoying at the time but a valuable lesson as i will also double check everything in future. (The App proposal video is on my project report.)

The Asos d&ad brief has been the most challenging yet enjoyable brief out of all the briefs i had chosen and designed throughout the responsive module. I have never designed/proposed a full App before and i felt i got more out of designing for this brief than i have with any other. I found it very stressful to try and consider every element they were asking you to within the brief but once i had completed it and had produced the final outcome that i had i was so pleased and it worth it all the time put into it. I spent more time on finalizing the aesthetics of the App rather than the look book as that was just something extra i chose to do. OUGD503

After considering what the brief wanted i am pleased i reflected back to the actual creative challenge and changed my concept slightly as my most current and final concept answers the requirements and also the considerations. The main problem i found when designing for this specific brief was that i had missed looking at the branding guidelines and had actually missed a sentence of the logo that was a mandatory to use so i had to go through my work and change and edit the App as well as the look book. I’m glad i found this before submission but i would of saved time finding this at the beginning. Overall i am pleased with my outcomes and would love to do a similar brief to this next year. I feel I’ve gained more experience working with a brief with such specific mandatories also designing for a more digital platform.






D&AD MONOTYPE THE BRIEFTo create a new typographic system for The Big Issue focusing on typography. The aim is to create a connection between print and digital consistent identity. Create something which is primarily user friendly. Without changing the brand ethos the brief asks you to develop and expand a new typographic system. To consider the Big Issues history and its ultimate focus which is to help people in need. Considering - There always needs to be a physical printed element to the paper as this means that it can be sold form the street. This is essential to the Big Issues Business. Mandatory/Deliverables - New typographic system. Create a printed paper using 8 images and mock-up digital other.



For the brief Beth and i began planning and arranging what we were going to do to execute the brief. We decided we would love to create an interactive magazine but it would be far to cost effective. So we decided we would re-brand the Big Issue with our new typographic system and integrate the digital with the print based.

For my typeface i was interested in designing a minimal/geometric style sub header typeface. I prefer more structured style so i felt this would be appropriate.

We first began designing and gathering information by meeting up brain storming and researching together. Our collateral for the brief was a printed and photographed - re-branded publication of The Big Issue along with a proposed website, and digital IPhone mockups. To begin with we were not to sure about creating a new typeface , we assumed a new typographic system was to brand the magazine using well researched typefaces so we began thinking of ways we could execute the brief using different layout and new typography displayed in a high end way. We realized shortly after we were asked to execute our own typefaces as there was two of us we both began designing typefaces to re-brand The Big issue.

I took inspiration from clash magazine i really like the high end aesthetics of the magazine and find there typeface works well across a range of different layouts such as headers , sub headers and even over imagery. I wanted the typeface to integrate with Beths hand rendered brush stroke typeface but unfortunately it didn’t work as a set we made a decision as a pair to leave my typeface and to focus on using the brushed typeface across the newly branded publication. I am really pleased with my typeface although i designed over and existing one i feel like i have benefited from experimenting with typography.




Another task of mine throughout the brief was to consider the digital platform whilst Beth prepared a web page mock up i worked on the I phone & I Pad mock ups. Beth and i both considered the original website making sure we have the same tabs such as - News, features , arts & Music. We wanted to make sure that the usability was still straight forward to the user and the website was easy to use and navigate.

OUR VISUAL IDENTITYOur concept for the big issue was to create a hand crafted typeface . Paste up is real friendly honest. Paste up doesn’t pretend to be something its not. Paste up is bold & brilliant. Paste up isn’t scared to shout about the big issues.

We produced the cover by experimenting with different photography images when we initially started we were testing the cover with black and white images and after a crit it was brought to our attention that it made the cover look miserable which is the opposite of what we wanted to do. We finally chose a cover which was an image of - Standing stone and Whernside, Twistleton Scar, near Ingleton, Yorkshire Dales. This worked really well when we placed our typography over the top. The typography fit well onto the dark stone making it bold but still legible . We also used an image of the front cover full bleed for our first submission board to cause impact.

We made sure that the website aesthetics and the rest of the digital platform all worked together as a set and used simple black and white aesthetics , we felt this would be appropriate as we were using imagery and didn’t want the pages to cause confusion. Designing the mock ups were straight forward and i enjoyed experimenting its good practice for further modules. Overall i enjoyed this brief and working with Beth i feel like i have stepped out of my comfort zone when designing for this specific type of brief as its not normally something i would do. Its been a challenge but it has been rewarding. OUGD503



Beth & i decided for submission and to finish off the brief we would produce branding guidelines unfortunately due the style of the typeface there wasn’t to many mandatory’s when using it. We knew we only wanted the typeface in black & white this is because its a header and sub header typeface and because of legibility we felt it worked best in these colour choices. We also stated how the typeface should only be used in large point sizes. This typeface is focused on conveying the personality of the Big Issue as a genuine publication with a good cause. The typeface moves away from standard editorial design which is opulent and high-end. PASTE-UP has a more approachable tone of voice, which creates an aesthetic able to look comfortable in the hands of vendors and readers.

Photography of The Big Issue publication



To design a creative book cover for either the children’s puffin book or the adults penguin book. You are given a book for each of the briefs and you have the option to choose. You are asked to create a well designed full spread cover including crop marks and the logos.

In response to the brief i began by reading the book and making a large brainstorm of ideas and key points i noticed throughout the book so i would have a strong concept and something i would be able to focus my design around. A key point to me that stood out in the book was the part about the boys who are staying in an abandoned church come back to find the church burning and save the children inside.

You need to have an imaginative concept and original interpretation of the brief be competently executed with strong use of typography , appeal to the broadest possible audience for the book show a good understanding of the marketplace. Have a point of difference from the many other book covers it is competing against. Be able to sit on the shelves of a supermarket or e book store as easily as it sits on those of more traditional bookshops.

I felt like this was a pivotal moment in the story as the boys are perceived to be ruff and no good they are named hero’s after this act of kindness. I found this brief quite difficult to do i have never designed a book cover before and it took me quite a while to decided what i was going to do. I spent so long designing a church and when it didn’t turn out how i wanted i was really disappointed. I managed to still stick with the concept but changing it slightly and designing it in a simpler form by simply using flames to represent the fire coming out of the typography.

As the brief stated it wanted it to be very typography based i am pleased i experiment with a brush tool to create a ruff and jaggerd typeface to represent the boys in the film. I used an off white colour so my design made more of an impact and it worked well with the colours used for the flames. Although i found this brief a real challenge i did enjoy it i found reading the book made me think outside of the box about the concept rather than just simply researching. The main problems i faced was the style of cover i was trying to create but with persistence i was happy with my final product. Hopefully i will get the chance to submit for this brief again in third year.






The secret 7 brief asks you to design a album cover for an artist you have to choose from the 7 choices on the secret 7 website.

I chose Elbow the song given with the band Elbow was grounds for divorce. I already had listened to the song so i decided to research more into the bands currently album covers and similar artists to get a feel for the genre and style of design that would fit appropriately.

When designing your album cover design it in your own style reflecting the artists particular song give making your own interpretation of it. Your not of use the song name or artist on your design. Consider the style of your work, Research for inspiration. Deliverables 300 DPI Doc. File - tiff , jpeg or PDF.

Going back to the song i looked further into the lyrics and after some research a line in the song used is speaking about a bar in Manchester called the temple bar. I felt this was a really strong representation of what they are singing about and a key point in the song. I decided i would draw my own version of the temple bar in illustrator. I’m really pleased with my outcome. Problems i faced with this brief would probably be getting an initial idea it took me a long time to finalize what i was going to do and make a solid decision.

I felt i was researching for a while until i was happy with my concept. In future i will perhaps sketch more initial ideas as i think i will come up with an idea perhaps quicker than researching. It took me a while to draw the bar out as there was so many line and shapes involved but it was definatley worth while. A plus of entering the competition is that its a really good brief its so open for you to put your own spin or interpretation of a song which i think is important as a designer as you can find what your strengths are. Overall I’m really pleased with my design and i was lucky enough to have my design picked for the second year in a row and be featured on the secret 7 website and in the exhibition. This has been one of my favorite competition briefs although I’m happy to get picked for the second time i can tell my level of work has improved from first year and want to push that even further.

My design was chosen and was featured on the Secret 7 website and in the exhibition.






The brief is to design a surface pattern for a male or female recipient that could be used across a range of our everyday products. Such as..Gift bags, wrapping paper, stationery products or greeting cards.

The brief allows you to submit minim of one design or up to five , to challenge my self i decided to submit all five designs. I really enjoy pattern design and have used it in a wide range of previous briefs so i felt this brief would be perfect for me.

Organic pattern, Floral pattern, Geometric pattern, Traditional pattern, Retro/vintage inspired ,Abstract pattern ,Mark making.

I decided to focus my designs on firstly around a floral theme then moving on to a more geometric style. I firstly began designing a spirographic pattern then adding certain shapes to create flowers. When reading the brief and researching it came to my attention that the demographic of Marks and Spencer’s are middle aged people. Also how they existing products that are on the market currently feature floral or repeat patterns so this helped focus my style of design.

The brief suggests that you consider different ways to approach the pattern different styles such as Hand drawn/mark making , Digital artwork , Collage/embellishments i.e. embroidery etc. & Photographic elements.

I thoroughly enjoyed doing this brief and i didn’t face any challenges or problems when designing. I am really glad i decided to have a variation with my design creating floral and geometric patterns. I find geometric style is a strength of mine so i used this throughout the brief.

It asks you to create and focus concept using these elements

I feel doing this brief has widened my ability to make quick decisions and suitable variations when producing repeat patterns. One of the most positive things i gained from this brief was finding about the company ‘Tiger Print’ they have many briefs that run all the time so i would like to make a point of entering them even when responsive submission is over so i have more experience in entering a wide variety of different briefs. My favorite patterns produced in this brief would be the first two patterns below and the last i feel like all five patterns differentiate and i found that was important when submitting to this brief because there was the opportunity to submit five different designs. This has been one of my favorite briefs and I’m really pleased i entered it and that my work was displayed on there website.






Yoke welcomes creatives from all creative backgrounds to contribute to the exhibition. We’re now ready to start receiving your ideas based around the theme of ‘Dialogue’.

In response to the brief set i decided to make a mind map and literally brainstorm everything i thought of when i thought of dialogue.

Submissions can take any form of the theme. It could reflect directly on past conversations, forms of interaction or it could spread further afield to what you think communication is today.

I initially considered doing a poster with a strong quote about dialogue but i didn’t find any appropriate.

Specifications Submit to: yokeleeds@gmail.com

I began thinking of ways you can communicate. I thought of when children play with a string and cup to create there own DIY tel. I thought this would be a good interpretation of dialogue.

Artwork must be: - A3 Landcape or portrait - Vector or halftone images - Black and white - 300 dpi

I designed the vector illustration by using the pen tool in illustrator i decided to have the word ‘Hello’ in twined in the thread as its the start of most dialogue.

I am glad i had the opportunity to design something that was used for other students in university. I would like to think if i was to have my own exhibition in third year that other years would take part. My work was selected for the exhibition i went to the opening night and everyones worked looked really professional. This was a really quick turn around brief i didn’t find any challenges whilst executing it and i enjoyed it. Reflecting back to the brief i wish i had done a few more vector illustrations just to gain more experience working on quick turn around briefs and to see what other outcomes i could of produced.






Design a christening invitation that will be given to family and friends. Considering the theme and meeting the aesthetics of the venue. The client asked for the style of the invitation to be in a contemporary style.

In response to this brief i took in all considerations set by the client and researched to achieve the best understanding about what i was about to produce.

Considerations -Catholic try including a cross -The colours Ivory & Silver -Style Simplistic -Script typeface

This brief ran fairly quickly for me as i was constantly sending over invitations and receiving feedback pretty much straight away my client was good in that sense as i wasn’t ever waiting around for a reply. I didn’t find this brief a challenge although i haven’t ever designed a christening invitation before and there are points you don’t really realize will need to be taken into consideration such as the aesthetic has be friendly and neutral as its a christening not any other type of event.

I designed various outcomes and the client choose out of a final five designs which one she liked the most. This int usually isn’t i would design for so i did have to try and acknowledge what i could do differently to make the outcome be just what the client wanted. I am pleased with the colour choices she requested as they weren’t cliche. In the beginning of the brief my client told me how she wanted a minimal and contemporary design i realized after sending multiple variations and working through the brief that wasn’t actually what she wanted. After suggesting i using a more decorative typeface i experimented more with different script fonts. The client then started to choose one she liked most and i only had to alter them slightly. I think the client really wanted a more traditional invitation from the beginning.

That is one of the most important things i have learnt through the responsive module is that sometimes people aren’t sure what they actually want so you need to persist and try more variations until they are happy. At one point in the brief i suggested to my client that she should go for the a variation which i was pleased with (Bottom invitation on right) as the style she wanted was going to have more of a wedding invitation aesthetic. The client wasn’t very pleased with my suggestion so i kept creating variations until she was happy.(Final top right invitation) This made me realize its not about what i think looks good I’m designing for a client and i should design to there needs and taste. Although i was disappointed at first when she didn’t want to use the variation i suggested i still really benefited working for a client. Its gave me invaluable experience.






To come up with a name and branding For a Sign language business. The client asked that the work designed had a minimal aesthetic.

Beginning the brief i decided to come up with the name ‘Lets Sign Together’ I felt it would be quite light hearted to represent the nature of the business but also professional.

I was aloud up to 3 colour choices keeping teal in mind. Considerations of the brief were that the logo and branding can be used across platforms such as social network websites. Collateral that was asked to be produced was - Business name Business Card , Flyer , Facebook Banners & Price-list. The name is to be professional and the designing material should have a simple and informative tone of voice.

The client asked for a simple Logo/ Branding , i felt the best way to present Sign Language in the form of a logo would be to use hands. I designed a simplistic logo of two hands holding a heart. I felt this was very fitting to go alongside the name i had given the business. I next began branding using the logo across other promotional material such as business cards , flyers & promotional material used for my clients facebook page.

Using a san serif typeface for body copy and a bolder typeface for headers & sub headers. The biggest problem i faced was trying to think of a way to incorporate sign language into an actual logo but i think it executed well in a simple and efficient way. Until i had put the text round the hand shape in a rounded path i couldn’t see the logo working but with a bit of persistence and development it came out how i wanted.

CLIENT FEEDBACK “ I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for the great job you did of designing my logo, flyers and business cards I am delighted with the finished products, everyone I have shown them to love the idea, I have been very impressed with your professionalism, and your patience. I have had the flyers printed and the business cards, and I they look great. I wish you every success in your career. ”

I think i found it hard to do this brief at first as I’ve never designed anything for this specific style of business before but I’m really glad i managed to design something informative yet professional and aesthetically pleasing in a short space of time. I’m really pleased with the feedback i received from my client i believe its important to gain clientele. I think i responded well to this brief and fulfilled each requirement considering all mandatory s and deliverables. I would love to do a similar brief to this again that is challenging but rewarding. OUGD503





Design the branding for a beauty business specializing in Eye Brow waxing. The client has asked for the aesthetics and design to be in a contemporary style. The salon is black and white so to consider colour choices Consider the type as it needs to be read big and small. It needs to be cost effective , Its a popular business so the promotional material will need to be reproduced.

In response to this brief i decided to research different styles of business card not just beauty promotion as i wanted to get a range of resources and inspiration before designing.

Considerations Other platforms such as instagram Consider other promotional material.

& Facebook.

Mandatory requirements Modern , Simplistic , Suitable colour choices. Deliverables Logo , Colour scheme , Business Card & Other collateral.

I am really pleased that i wrote a thorough list of deliverables considerations and mandatory requirements for this specific brief i think it was still really open but the client knew what underlining themes and aesthetics she wanted. This type of brief is my ideal brief and i was really excited when i got asked to do it. The client discussed some colour choices with me she told me was open to colours her interior of the shop is black and white and to keep that in mind when designing. When beginning designing i knew i wanted to try black white and teal and i know from previous experience they work well even just the smallest hint of another Colour with black and white can really break it up and make the difference.

Before i began designing the business cards or any of the other promotional material i began looking at typefaces for the shop sign. At first i thought the client would want something more minimal and contemporary but she said how she would prefer something more script so its a little bit more girly. I agreed with her as i was considering the shop sign being in black and white it the typeface needed to be girly it was appropriate for its style of store. The client only wanted ‘Beauty by Faye’ on the shop sign after some variations sent via email Faye loved the sign and contacted someone to get it made he informed her of the dimensions and i made the document the appropriate size. Faye was an amazing client to work for she was very quick to respond to


Emails and was so pleased with everything i produced for her. After the shop sign was finalized using the same typeface i applied this branding to the business cards and other promotional material to keep the consistency. This brief became quite effortless once i had got the fundamentals finalized. I thoroughly enjoyed this brief. Perhaps one down fall of the brief would be after my sending over all of the finals to be professionally printed on her end , she contacted me asking me to change all of the sizes as the printer had asked her to. Maybe in further briefs i will double check what sizes are needed initially rather than just using standard sizes.



COLLATERAL For the brief different types of collateral were produced such as Shop signage , Business cards ,Posters ,Price-list & Gift Card. The business cards produced feature the business name ‘Beauty by Faye. The business cards aesthetic are minimal and professional with the business name across the middle and ‘specializing in HD brows’ at the bottom. The reverse of the business card shows the business owners name ‘Faye Irvine’ with the address and contact details. Another outcome of the brief is posters were designed with beauty quotes on to be used in side the shop in monochrome to go with the shops aesthetics. The posters use the white script font. I really enjoyed doing this brief and I’m really pleased with my outcomes my client Faye has told me she would like other things branding in the future so I’m looking forward to working on some more branding. This experience has been beneficial as i have go to see the rewards and perks of working with a nice client and everything running smoothly.






Design a business card/Branding for a corrosion consultancy business with a professional aesthetic. The name of the company is fe26 limited. Fe26 is the chemical symbol for iron on the periodic table. The nature of the business is corrosion consultancy.

I was initially worried as the client wanted a business card for a business to do with corrosion consultancy i wasn’t sure how i would design for this style of business. After some research and persistence i came up with my design. To effectively give the aesthetic of the style of company i was designing for i looked at the atom that is used for iron and worked with that for a starting point. Using this starting point i then used the name and created different ways of displaying the company name along with the logo.

Considerations -

I did enjoy doing this brief as its something i wouldn’t normally design for i was pleased to see i can actually design resolutions for uncommon briefs. I was really pleased when the client said they wanted to use grey and black as there colour choice. I find them colours look professional and worked well the style of company.

Feature Elements of the periodic table. Must have all contact details. Mandatory requirements Modern , Simplistic ,Black and Grey Deliverables Logo , Colour scheme , Business Card.

Ive gained more experience working with a client for this brief I’m learning to adapt to clients needs and making more variations for the best possible outcomes. I have recently been contacted by David Bland the client and asked to produce a variation of the existing logo with a slogan for t shirts for the company’s staff. I’m looking forward to tackling this brief and i am really proud that a client has like my resolution that much they’ve come back to have further branding done. OUGD503



SUMMATIVE EVALUATION Overall i think i found responsive module really beneficial it helped to gain work with clients and more of a chance to enter competition briefs and gain more experience working to briefs that i don’t usually design for. I chose to enter two D&AD briefs i was looking forward to entering these but as the projects went on i realized how time consuming and quite stressful they were. Starting with Asos brief as my main brief i was excited to design and produce a resolution for this brief but as i took on more than one concept to distribute my idea i realized it became quite stressful and i was actually trying to manage a lot of work at one time. I researched a lot for this brief to gain appropriate resources and reference i found this was beneficial and its helped me to acquire research quickly and efficiently i will apply these skills to future briefs.

When designing for the collaborative brief i found it less stressful than Asos brief as there two people complete the work load. It was suggested that we didn’t work with people we usually do. I chose to work with Beth Dalzell and i think the collaboration couldn’t of went better than it did we constantly met up made project targets and notes so we were always on top of the work load. One downfall would be the fact we didn’t fully understand the brief when it required us to actually design a typeface but with us both being efficient and double checking the brief we managed to resolve the issue quickly. I would like to work with Beth again and hopefully excel as a pair when it comes to designing and concept thinking.

With the rest of the module i found it really rewarding getting chosen for secret 7 for the second year i a row i feel as though it shows how i have progressed and i can see the difference between my submission last year and this year. I feel proud that i researched and was able to acquire different briefs that were out there. I feel as though i have a wide breadth of different briefs to help me experiment with my design strengths and i certainly found out what my weaknesses were. I decided to make a lot of blog posts which clearly show where i am at the moment in time and what i have next to do i did this more with monotype. I think its so important to document your work. I am glad a lot of my outcomes had a high standard of outcomes so i will be able to use them on my Online portfolio this will also benefit me as all my briefs differentiate it shows how i can respond to different styles of briefs. Strengths of mine throughout the module would be that i chose to in depth re-write the briefs out this

is so important when working with clients even when doing competition briefs it helps you to take your own take on the brief but still making notes of all the mandatories and considerations so i could achieve the most appropriate and effective outcomes. The brief i disliked the most was the christening invitation i felt like i couldn’t put my design strengths into the brief as the client wanted something thats not really my style. I am still really pleased i did it as i feel like i am developing as a designer i know when in the industry i won’t be able to design for everything that i want and like and its the clients decisions and which are important as you are designing for them. I did complete 3 branding briefs which I’m pleased about as i wanted to develop my branding skills. Overall i think I’m a good position and prepared more for third year after trying to complete as many briefs as possible in the time available i felt the more experience i got the better it would be. I have enjoyed this module but found it very challenging at the same time.

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