SGcafe Anime, Manga, Cosplay, Vocaloid News For Otaku May 2012 Issue

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May 7th, 2012

Published by: VR-Zone

SGCafe : Cosplay | Vocaloid | Otaku | Pop Culture A daily publication about Cosplay, Vocaloid, Otaku and Japanese Pop Culture

Bushiroad to sell Milky Holmes Curry Source: By shia on May 7th, 2012

Bushiroad has announced the sale of “Detective Opera Milky Holmes ‘Curry for useless living’”(探探探探探 探探探探探探探探 探探探探 探探探探探探探探)

Basic Information Product Name : “Detective Opera Milky Holmes ‘Curry for useless living’”(探探探探探 探探探探探探探探 探探探探探探探探探探探探) Maker : 探探探探探探探探 Sale date : June 2012 Price : 16800 Yen Copyright : (C) bushiroad / Project MILKY HOLMES (C) bushiroad All Rights Reaserved. illust:探探探探探探探 探EDENS’NOTES探 (C) bushiroad All Rights Reaserved. illust:探探探探探探 Additional Information : Contains 20 packs of curry in a carton. Each pack will contain a pack of unflavored curry(no main ingredient like pork/chicken/beef) and a bromide. Source : Amiami and Rakuten , OHP

While it is quite normal for companies to sell character goods along with food products like instant curries, what differentiates it from others is that it only comes in cartons of 20 packs(loose packs not announced). Each of the pack will have its own bromide and there will be 6 designs to collect(Samples below).

Notes from the manufacturer state that as the bromides are sealed in the packs they will be random. It is possible that even if you buy a carton you might not get the full set. “Detective Opera Milky Holmes ‘Curry for useless living’” will be on sale June 2012 at the manufacturer recommended sales price of 16,800 Yen per carton. AmiAmi and rakuten are currently taking pre-orders at 14240 Yen.

Japanese Red Cross Society X ufotable collaboration : Fate/Zero blood donation drive Source: By shia on May 7th, 2012

As part of the 探探探探探探探 vol.8探(Machi探Asobi/Street play Vol.8) festivities in Tokushima starting from the 3rd of May, ufotable collaborated with the Japanese Red Cross Society to try to get people to donate blood. It turned out to be very successful venture. 1

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