Annual report vice-rectorate Innovation & Industry Relations

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VUB TechTransfer is the multidisciplinary operational team of the Vice-rectorate Innovation & Industry Relation that takes care of knowledge and technology transfer and exchange. Together with VUB Foundation, philanthropic fundraising, and Crosstalks, the transdisciplinary exchange platform of the VUB, we constitute the Vice-rectorate. Our mission: connecting innovative academic research with industry and society for a better world.

CONTACT VUB TechTransfer Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels Belgium In the course of 2021, VUB TechTransfer will move to new premises at Pleinlaan 11, 1050 Brussels. T +32 (0)2 629 22 07 (new number in the course of 2021: +32 (0)2 614 88 00) E W



Facts & Figures 2020


Innovative research: flexibility and solidarity in times of pandemic


4 5

Government funding for strategic & applied research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Flanders project funding .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Brussels project funding .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 EU funding support for projects with economic purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Revenue from valorisation and contract research with industry .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Intellectual Property (IP) management & licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 University spin-offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Research park & incubators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Entrepreneurship education



TechTransfer communication & events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 VUB Foundation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Fellowship Programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 VUB Crosstalks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 VUB TechTransfer, Foundation & Crosstalks team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24





• Brussels Humanities, Sciences and Engineering Campus • Brussels Health Campus • Brussels Photonics Campus • • Brussels City campus











“We continue to build the VUB as a research-driven educational institution with a pioneering approach, by making smart choices and setting the right priorities, bearing the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in mind.” Caroline Pauwels, Rector

1,909 3 198





EUR 112 M EUR 12 M


INNOVATIVE RESEARCH: FLEXIBILITY AND SOLIDARITY IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC In the second half of March, our VUB reseachers had to adjust their way of working. Physical presence in the research lab was restricted and only allowed when absolutely necessary. Research activities had to be pursued through teleworking where possible. Contrary to what was initially thought, the applied research and valorisation activities turned out to be quite resistant to the many restrictive COVID-19 measures. VUB TechTransfer, the multidisciplinary operational team of the Vice-rectorate Innovation and Industry Relations, received more valorisation and project application files to support and process than ever before. Together with VUB Foundation, philanthropic fundraising, and Crosstalks, VUB’s transdisciplinary exchange platform, VUB TechTransfer continued offering its services digitally: 2020 was a busy year, and indeed a very fruitful year. This resulted in more funding for applied research from Flanders, Brussels and the EU, more revenue from collaboration with companies and the creation of 3 VUB spin-offs. We also continued focusing on the VUB Industrial Research Fund that stimulates excellent strategic research, with 5 new GEAR programmes (Groups of Expertise of Applied Research) in 2020. Innovation was also needed to tackle different issues related to the pandemic very urgently. Researchers moved up a gear and this resulted in applications such as a low dose lung CT to detect COVID-19, a fullface protection mask, an affordable ventilator with full functionality, and many others. In collaboration with partners from industry and the academic world. With its industrial and societal oriented research, the VUB strives for real impact creation. Valorisation opportunities are pursued through further development of research results so that knowledge and technology become transferable.This generates resources that can be re-invested in research and valorisation, guaranteeing growth of the VUB. Cooperation among researchers, institutions and companies, including SMEs, and the creation of new economic activities in the form of spin-offs remain the obvious ways to transfer knowledge and technology to society. In addition other forms of societal valorisation are also explored and stimulated. Cooperation with the other Flemish universities and research institutions is also part of our mission - just like the partnership with the ULB. Besides, the VUB will also continue to profile itself internationally as an institution where innovation and valorisation are embedded in its culture. We invite you to discover our accomplishments of 2020 in this annual report.

“With its industrial and societal oriented research, the VUB strives for real impact creation. Valorisation opportunities are pursued through further development of research results so that knowledge and technology become transferable.This generates resources that can be reinvested in research and valorisation, guaranteeing growth of the VUB. ”

Sonja Haesen, Director VUB TechTransfer

Hugo Thienpont, Vice-rector Innovation & Industry Relations




Media, Innovation & Technology

Sustainable Mobility, Logistics & Automotive

Human Robotics


Artificial Intelligence

Reproduction & Genetics

Sustainable Chemistry

Structural Biology

Sustainable Material Technologies

Electronics and Informatics

Accoustics & Vibration

INTEGRAL Immunotherapy

Peptidomimetic TheranOstics

Industrial Microbiology & Food Biotechnology


Software Systems

Imaging with nanobodybased tracers





The strategic and applied research output of the universities influences the regional innovation degree and reinforces the economic landscape. On the other hand it generates revenue for the university which can be reinvested in research. Government funding from Flanders, Brussels and Europe is crucial to support this valorisation of research. In 2020 governmental funding for strategic and applied research received by VUB amounted to € 63M. A positive trend is the fact that, besides Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics or STEM-oriented projects, more and more projects from the Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (SSHA) are introduced. VUB TechTransfer offers assistance and support to researchers for: • Projects financed by the Industrial Research Fund of the VUB (Flemish government funding) • Flanders VLAIO & FWO calls • Brussels-Capital Region funding through Innoviris • Projects with SOCs and spearhead clusters • EU-projects with economic purpose • Financing for applied projects with valorization potential by other (international) organisations or administrations

VUB INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH FUND FOR RESEARCH GROUPS THAT EXCEL IN STRATEGIC AND APPLIED RESEARCH VUB TechTransfer supports projects financed by the Industrial Research Fund (IOF – Industrieel OnderzoeksFonds). Since 2004 universities receive this Flemish government funding according to their valorisation output performance: contracts with industry, the number of patents and spin-offs, share in the European Framework Programme for R&D and publications and citations. The VUB invests IOF funding in knowledge centers that exceed the average scale of a standard university’s research unit, the ‘Groups of Excellence in Applied Research’ or GEARs. They have to elaborate a long term strategic research strategy, demonstrate leadership, and develop new application-oriented inventions with economic potential. In 2020 a call for new GEAR applications was launched. All 5 research teams were selected, of which 4 received a bonus because they are interdisciplinary or they work on the SDG goals. • Advanced GEAR: - Brussels Photonics 2025: Photonics Innovation Powerhouse for Europe and Beyond • Consolidator GEAR: - SuMaT: Sustainable Material Technologies - Tech4Health: Venturing into Future Health Technologies (Electronics and Informatics) • Starter GEAR: - Industrial Food Biotechnology: Food Fermentations and Functional Starter Cultures - TOPGUN: Peptidomimetic TheranOstics develoPment and GMP prodUctioN platform The Acoustics and Vibration research group applied for an upgrade to Consolidator GEAR and a bonus and received both. The overview of the 18 current GEAR programs can be found on the left hand page. Research groups can also apply for Proof-of-Concept projects: 8 projects were supported for € 539,065. Further more 2 strategic valorisation-opportunities were identified that received financing: the hiring of a business developer with focus on valorisation activities at the UZ Brussel, and of a manager to start up BUDA, the new Business Development Academy starting in September 2021.


FLANDERS PROJECT FUNDING 2020: VUB received € 10,2M funding from FWO and VLAIO for strategic basic and applied research # of VUB projects € VUB budget


Cluster (VLAIO) € 3,088,854

Baekeland mandates (VLAIO) € 643,596


R&D (VLAIO) € 581,250

Tetra (VLAIO) € 272,338



CS-ICON (VLAIO) € 237,500


€ 2,411,298



SBO-E (FWO) COOCK-Corona (VLAIO) € 26,010

€ 76,127


Call Circular Building (VLAIO) € 44,050

Applied Biomedical Research (TBM) (FWO) € 178,250

SBO-M (FWO) € 2,690,746





In 2020 the Vrije Universiteit Brussel obtained funding for strategic basic and applied research from the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) and Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) for a total budget of € 10.2M, which is an excellent result.

Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) The Strategic Basic Research programme (SBO) concerns innovative research that offers prospects for later economic or social applications. It has been reformed in 2019 and resulted in 2020 in: • SBO-E (economic finality): 3 approved projects for a total of € 2,411,298 • Energy-efficient, Lightweight, safe Yet Strong manipulator Arm (ELYSA) for cobot applications – Bram Vanderborght • Biogas-MAMBO: Enhanced biogas valorization by membrane, adsorption and microbial technologies – Joeri Denayer • iPSC-based parenchymal and sinusoidal liver cell mimics for DILI and NAFLD studies (iPSC-LiMic) – Leo Van Grunsven • SBO-M (societal finality): 2 approved projects for a total of € 2,690,746 • Digital ageing: How seniors can appreciate the benefits and avoid the pitfalls of a digitalizing society – Ignace Glorieux • Towards efficient pillar II and III pension decisions in Belgium: Product innovations, customized goal-based pension planning and nudging – Steven Vanduffel The Applied Biomedical Research programme (TBM) wants to contribute to the long term implementation of new therapies, diagnostics and prevention methods for which there is not sufficient interest from industry. In 2020 this resulted in 1 approved partner project for VUB with a total budget of € 998,454 (VUB: € 178,250). • iVision-2 - Game-based adaptive therapy for children with cerebral visual impairment – Bart Jansen


Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) Research and Development projects with industry (R&D) In 2020 2 projects with VUB as research partner were approved for a budget of € 581,250.

Baekeland mandates These mandates are awarded to doctoral students who wish to perform research with an economic perspective and added value for the company involved. In 2020 4 mandates were approved for a total budget of € 643,596. • Application of Fiber Optic Sensing to enable Optimized Gasket Sustainability – Thomas Geernaert • EEG-based biomarkers for cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment – Sebastiaan Engelborghs • Active clearance control for flow machinery – Svend Bram • A Design Toolkit for Knowledge Physicalisation and Augmentation – Beat Signer

TETRA projects These projects are awarded to university colleges or integrated education in collaboration with the university. In 2020 2 TETRA projects were approved for a budget of € 272,338. • VELCRO - Ontwerp, ontwikkeling en onderhoud van veilige ingebedde apparaten – An Braeken • SAIRE: Smart devices en Artificiële Intelligentie voor Revalidatie – Eva Swinnen

COOCK projects These projects called ‘Collectief O&O en Collectieve Kennisverspreiding (COOCK)’ were introduced by VLAIO in 2018. In 2020 a specific COOCK-Corona call was launched. 1 VUB project was approved for € 26,010. • CONNECT : Multilingual Communication about COVID-19 – Koen Kerremans

STEM partnerships This call aims at organizing STEM-experiences for the Flemish youth. In 2020 1 VUB project was approved for € 76,127. • Groeituin 5.0 – Hugo Thienpont

Circular Building – specific call This new call specifically destined to innovative projects in circular building was launched in 2020. 1 VUB project was approved for € 44,050. • Herbronnen – Marijke Huysmans

ICON – Cybersecurity 1 project with VUB as partner was approved and VUB received € 237,500. • CSAI - Cyber Security AI – Johan Loeckx

Spearhead Clusters Spearhead Clusters facilitate a network of companies active in a specific domain. They develop an ambitious long-term strategy and competitiveness programme for Flanders’ strategic domains, in collaboration with knowledge centres and the government. The focus of the Flemish cluster policy lies on a limited number of large-scale and ambitious Spearhead Clusters: Catalisti (sustainable chemistry and synthetics), SIM (materials, circular economy), Flux50 (green energy, mobility), VIL (logistics and transport), Flanders Food (agrofood), Blue Cluster (wind energy, aquaculture) and the most recent one FlandersHealth (healthcare innovation). Different programmes for government funding can be invoked, such as SBO, ICON, R&D-projects or COOCK, and the cluster member companies guarantee 50% co-financing. 8 projects with VUB as research partner were acknowledged for a total budget of € 3,088,854. • Catalisti: MMICAS Multiphase Processing with Microfluidics, Cavitation and Acoustic Streaming – Wim De Malsche • Catalisti-Moonshot: TACBIO: Thermoacidophilic cell factories for innovative biorefinery solutions – Eveline Peeters • Catalisti-Moonshot: Moonrise: Hybrid membrane/sorption technology for more efficient C2 and C3 separations – Joeri Denayer • Catalisti-Moonshot: SYN-CAT: Synergetic design of catalytic materials for integrated photo- and electrochemical CO2 conversion processes – Annick Hubin • Catalisti-Moonshot: Nano-CCU: Novel nanomaterials and nanoarchitectures for CO2 capture and utilization – Joeri Denayer • SIM: PET2VALUE – Lincy Pyl • Intercluster: RAINBOW – Jan Helsen • VIL: PILL Physical Internet Living Lab – Cathy Macharis

Strategic Research Centers (SOCs) SOCs have been created as a result of excellent scientific research in broad domains such as nanoelectronics and digital technologies (imec), biotechnology (VIB), cleantech and sustainable development (VITO) and the manufacturing industry (Flanders Make). They build bridges between fundamental and applied research and are important for Flanders’ economy. VUB participates in these Strategic Research Centers.


BRUSSELS PROJECT FUNDING VUB TechTransfer supports researchers applying for funding for strategic research with valorisation perspectives from the BrusselsCapital Region. This resulted in a total budget of € 4.7M granted by Innoviris for 2020. Dedicated support from TechTransfer has contributed to the approval of no less than 15 projects.

Budget approved Innoviris projects in 2020 Budget € 4,697,167

Spin Off € 490,949

Applied PhD € 513,775

R&D projects € 283,800

Proof of Concept € 227,112

Joint R&D project € 2,498,265

Experimental Platforms € 634,750

Projects in detail: Applied PhD The Applied PhD-programme finances doctoral projects in applied research in collaboration with an industrial partner or administrative authorities. The latter is quite unique, and opens perspectives for SSHA-oriented PhDs. • Het Brusselse woonpatrimonium (1975-2000): materialiteit en erfgoedwaarde ( ARCHBXL) - Ine Wouters, Stephanie Van de Voorde • Data Driven Coaching of Local Communities in Achieving SDG Goals: SDG IN ACTION - Pieter Ballon, Leo Van Audenhove, Nils Walravens

Spin-off This call stimulates the creation of new companies in the Brussels-Capital Region. Spin-off projects can launch an innovative product, process or service in order to investigate the commercialisation opportunities. • TRM4aSF: Transient Radar Methodology for a Sustainable Future - Johan Stiens

Joint R&D project The goal of the ‘Joint R&D project’ call is to encourage collaboration between academics and entrepreneurs in the Brussels-Capital Region. In 2019 a call was launched with the theme “From therapeutic medicine to predictive medicine: Prediction, Prevention, Identification”. In 2020 4 projects were approved, which is an excellent result. • DIMENTIA: Data governance in the development of machine learning algorithms to predict neurodegenerative disease evolution - Guy Nagels, Hichem Sahli, Jo Pierson


• ANTICIPATE: AugmeNTed IntelligenCe In orthopaedics TrEatment - Jef Vandemeulebroucke, Hichem Sahli • IMPACT: Invigorating precision Medicine by Predictive imaging of sdAb-based anti-Cancer Theranostics - Karine Breckpot, Marleen Keyaerts • REFINED: Early Detection of Infectious Disease Outbreaks through Big Data Analytics - Nikos Deligiannis

Experimental Platforms Innovators can develop and test products, solutions and concepts in living labs, together with research centers, companies, non-profit organisations and end-users. The focus lies on a sustainable future for Brussels. • Brusseau Bis - Boud Verbeiren • Smart Water Monitoring in Brussels - Abdellah Touhafi

Proof of Concept Through this call the feasability or socio-economic relevance of an innovative technology, method or idea basesd on research results can be demonstrated. • POC – microASSIST - Karine Hellemans • R2poweR: Robotic Rolling Power - Dirk Lefeber

R&D projects With this action Innoviris finances industrial research projects. The results can be used to fine-tune a product, process or service. • Design and valorization of innovative ultrahigh surface area porous carbon materials for supercapacitors and separation technologies - Joeri Denayer

International Projects Set-Up (IPSU) This Innoviris program provides funding to facilitate the preparation of European project applications. Support focuses on impact-driven programs such as H2020-Pillar II, H2020-Pillar III, JPIs and ERANETS and umbrella programs such as the Joint Technology Undertakings, INTERREG and EUREKA. In 2020 the ERIS team of VUB TechTransfer completed 13 IPSU applications that were all approved, for a budget of € 182,940. The ‘leverage effect’ of this project proposal support led to € 8.4M in EU funds acquired in 2020. is a technology hub focused on research, development, innovation and valorisation. They help Brussels emerge as the ICT Heart of Europe. Funded by the ERDF and Innoviris and as a joint initiative of ULB, VUB and SIRRIS, has already launched R&D ICT projects in several key domains like education, e-Health, mobility, Internet of Things or 5G. represents 25 research labs and can help companies focus on new innovation projects.


EU FUNDING SUPPORT FOR PROJECTS WITH ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PURPOSE The European Research & Innovation Support or ERIS team of VUB TechTransfer focuses on European programmes and calls in strategic and applied research, more specifically Horizon 2020 Pillars II and III. The ERIS team stimulates researchers to apply for funding and intensely supports them throughout the pre- and post-award trajectory. The clear growth initiated in 2018-19, continues throughout 2020 and is also the trend in 2021. Also very striking is that the share of newly approved projects in social sciences and the humanities has increased enormously. The figure below shows European funding at VUB in Horizon 2020 Pillars II and III, and in the non-framework programmes. For each project, the budget has been distributed equally over the project duration. Two jumps are noticeable: the first one from 2015 to 2016 when a new support system was introduced at VUB (i-ISO), and the second one from 2018 to 2019 when TechTransfer-ERIS focused with renewed efforts on all programmes and calls with applied finality. The figures indicate that the dedicated support services are working.

Approved EU funding at VUB for programmes. Update 02.01.2021

Income (€)
















PHOTONHUB EUROPE Photonics Digital Innovation Hub One-Stop-Shop Open Access to Photonics Innovation Support for a Digital Europe Coordinator: VUB B-PHOT (Brussels Photonics) € 19,000,000 to boost SME growth PhotonHub Europe will help European SMEs and mid-caps become highly competitive digital businesses through faster and smarter deployment of photonics-based technologies, directly creating over 1,000 new high-tech EU jobs and nearly €1 billion in new revenues and venture capital by 2025. Hugo Thienpont


ONTOX Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment. Coordinator: VUB IVTD (In Vitro Toxicology and Dermato-Cosmetology) € 17,146,050 The ONTOX consortium wants to provide a functional and sustainable solution for advancing human risk assessment of chemicals without the use of animals in line with the principles of 21st century toxicity testing and next generation risk assessment. With a deep and long-lasting impact by consolidating Europe’s world-leading position regarding animal-free methods for human risk assessment of chemicals. Mathieu Vinken


STARS4 MEDIA Exchange and training programme for young promising young media professionals to accelerate media innovation and cross-border coverage in Europe. Coordinator: VUB imec-SMIT (Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology) € 790,516 for pilote 1 € 1,408,275 for pilote 2 imec-SMIT is one of Europe’s leading media innovation departments experienced in exchange programmes and coordinates the consortium in cooperation with Fondation EURACTIV, the project Initiator, experienced in cross-border exchanges and media needs.

Luciano Morganti


REVENUE FROM VALORISATION AND CONTRACT RESEARCH WITH INDUSTRY Through contract research and licensing of technologies with industry and other third parties (profit/non profit), the university can develop and maintain long-term cooperations and implement its knowledge in society. In some cases contract research is supported by governmental financing. In contrary to what could be expected as a result of the corona crisis, which forced companies to restructure and retreat to core business, growth was realised in 2020 from collaborations with the private sector. This revenue from valorisation with industry amounted to € 12M. These funds can be reinvested in university research. Important to note is that not all revenue from VUB research in cooperation with spearhead clusters and strategic research centers is included in this amount.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) MANAGEMENT & LICENSING Licensing of research results facilitated by VUB TechTransfer, generates income for the university, creates structural collaborations with companies and gives tangible impact to VUB R&I. At the basis of this licensing lies a strong portfolio of intellectual property (patents and patent applications, software, confidential know-how, design rights, trademarks, etc.). In case of a VUB spin-off company a privileged relationship with a lab is beneficial to the growth of the company, in particular in its early development stages. VUB technologies available for licensing or for R&D partnerships are communicated through bilateral contacts with industry, networking and matchmaking events, the VUB TechTransfer website and weekly newsletter, conferences such as Knowledge for Growth, and other specific channels. In 2020 the numbers continued to increase: 43 inventions were disclosed an 28 new patent applications were filed with VUB as (co-)applicant. The total VUB-portfolio included 166 active patent families, of which 50 are owned exclusively by VUB. 51 active families are co-owned with VIB, 36 with imec and the rest with other research institutes and companies, illustrating the substantial amount of R&D collaboration with third parties.

# active patent families: 166 Reuters TOP 100: Europe’s Most Innovative Universities Reuters Top 100 institutions all produce original research, create useful technology and stimulate the global economy. More than 600 universities were screened. In this ranking not only the number of patents is taken into account but also their ‘value’. VUB Ranks 59 which is an excellent result considering the size of the university.


36 imec-VUB

50 VUB only applicant


29 with other partner

UNIVERSITY SPIN-OFFS Spin-offs are companies whose main activities are based on the formal transfer of research results originating from the university or university college. This transfer can take different forms, e.g. through a license agreement or share capital participation, depending on the specific case. In 2020 VUB added 3 new spin-off companies to its portfolio which brings the total to 41 active companies based on research in various fields: engineering, life sciences, economics, ICT, sports, etc. In this context, VUB also cooperates with strategic research centers such as VIB, imec, Flanders Make and VITO. VUB TechTransfer plays a crucial role in identifying, developing and evaluating VUB spin-off projects. To maximise the survival of a start-up, a lot of attention is paid to other factors than the innovative technology, such as market strategy, value proposition and a complementary team.

New spin-offs in 2020: Ensuring the intestinal health of piglets

Animab offers a safe and sustainable way to protect piglets’ intestinal health during the vital postweaning stage. Our proprietary antibodies mimic secretory IgA, a type of natural antibody passed through colostrum and milk to protect nursing animals. In a collaborative effort with VIB, VUB and the Ghent University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Animab further improved these antibodies to target with speed and precision specific intestinal pathogens in livestock without altering the healthy microbiome. Animab will continue to collaborate with these top academic research groups to expand the high precision biological resources available to protect young animals.

Neuro-research services measure implicit emotional reactions

Knowing what citizens and consumers really think of new measures, products or advertising is crucial for governments and businesses. But it is often difficult to find out. iCense, a new spinoff from the VUB, now offers neuro-research services that measure implicit emotional reactions and thus help to better understand and predict behaviour. In addition, it can provide companies and governments with advice and courses on neuroscience and marketing. When people come into contact with information or products, it triggers a series of reactions in their bodies that they are often unaware of, such as changes in their heartbeat or eye movements. Thanks to powerful algorithms developed within VUB and high-tech applications such as eye-tracking devices and sensors that measure emotions and engagement, these bio-signals can be mapped. This gives a deeper insight into the emotional reactions of consumers that ultimately determine their behaviour.

LAVIMA Fertility

A revolutionary next step in in vitro maturation of oocytes

LAVIMA Fertlity, Inc. was founded by Prof. Johan Smitz (VUB), Prof. Andre Rosenthal and Elien van Hecke. The company focuses on the development and commercialisation of a biphasic in vitro maturation (IVM) culture system named “Capa-IVM” which has been developed at VUB, in a collaboration between the Follicle Biology research group (FOBI) and Centrum voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde, the fertility clinic of UZ Brussel. The Capa-IVM technology has the potential to improve the efficiency of the currently available IVM systems for clinical use. “Capa” stands for capacitation, i.e. the in vitro culture of the oocytes is extended in order to enhance the developmental potential of the matured oocytes. The technology of IVM of oocytes is a more patient-friendly alternative for standard hormonal stimulation of the ovaries, because of the lower hormonal burden and reduced risks of adverse events. Moreover, the technology has an emerging role in onco-fertility preservation and may increase access of women to fertility treatment in countries with limited resources. 15

VUB spin-off highlights in 2020 • New start-up Animab secures 3.4 m€ seed investment to improve health and performance of livestock animals October 2020 - Source VIB, VUB Today, De Tijd Animab, a venture spin-off from VIB, VUB and UGhent, announces today that it has successfully concluded a 3.4 M€ seed financing round. The company develops monoclonal antibodies for oral administration to ensure intestinal health of livestock. The initial focus is on improving the resilience of piglets during the fragile post-weaning period. The start-up will use the seed capital to develop its first oral antibody product for protection against ETEC and initiate a product portfolio for the livestock industry.

• Camel-IDS enters next stage with name change to PRECIRIX® and IND approval for CAM-H2 Phase I/II study September 2020 - Source, De Tijd The Brussels biotech company Precirix will treat a first cancer patient with a drug in which a radioactive charge is brought to the tumor via a “taxi”. In an American study, Precirix has received the green light from the American drug watchdog FDA to set up a study in the US with more than 70 cancer patients. The study will start in October and will take several years. “We’re using a new technology, so I can assure you it wasn’t easy to convince the FDA,” said Ruth Devenyns, CEO of Precirix. Precirix is a VUB spin-off created in 2014. It’s original name - Camel IDS - referred to the antibodies of camelids that it deploys.

• Axiles Bionics and BruBotics receive €2M R&D grant from Innoviris September 2020 - Source De Tijd One year after successfully completing a € 2.4M Series A financing round, Axiles Bionics announces a new R&D collaboration with the BruBotics Research group from VUB to achieve its goal in developing a revolutionary next generation bionic prosthesis for lower limb amputees. The collaboration is supported by Innoviris with an additional grant worth € 2.0M, which will be used to reinforce the research, development and innovation in human robotics and artificial intelligence.

• Etherna is in a consortium developing a candidate vaccine against COVID-19. June 2020 - Source De Tijd The biotech company Etherna Immunotherapies is raising EUR 34 million in additional capital to accelerate the development of its COVID-19 candidate vaccine and its immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer. When it comes to the biopharma companies in our country that are chasing a COVID-19 vaccine, the spotlight is invariably on big boys like Pfizer, Janssen Pharmaceutica or GlaxoSmithKline. But in their shadow, in the Science Park in Niel, near Boom, the lesser-known Etherna Immunotherapies also burns with ambition. The biotech company, founded in 2013 as a VUB spin-off, announces that it will raise 34 million euros in additional capital, both from all existing and new shareholders.

• PharmaFluidics awarded VLAIO research grant June 2020 - Source VUB spin-off PharmaFluidics, innovative player in the field of analytical chromatography has been awarded a €613.000 grant from VLAIO.The grant will run over two years and will support the further optimisation of PharmaFluidics’ manufacturing flow, and to develop complementary new surface-modified µPAC™ products.

• Data company Collibra raises 112 million and is worth 2.3 billion dollars April 2020 - Source De Tijd The Brussels growth company Collibra is worth $ 2.3 billion after another round of funding. That is more than Belgian stock market icons such as Barco or Melexis. For the fourth year in a row, Collibra is raising an unusually high sum of private capital by Belgian standards. The software company, whose platform helps companies manage their data flows, will receive $ 112.5 million.


RESEARCH PARK & INCUBATORS Companies committed to supporting research and collaboration with the VUB can find space, appropriate facilities or infrastructure in the research park or one of the incubation centers. • The Researchpark Zellik is an area for high-tech or research-based companies near the Brussels Ring, not far from the university Health Campus and the University Hospital (UZ Brussel), and managed by the Flemish Government. VUB was involved from the beginning to monitor the research character of the companies that apply for establishment. VUB TechTransfer also actively supports the ‘Green Energy Park ’ project, officially created in 2019 by UZ Brussel and the VUB. This living lab will be established at the Researchpark Zellik and focuses on three research areas: energy and mobility transition, hospital of the future, smart region. The first research projects have started in the meanwhile and companies have shown great interest. – • The Researchpark Zellik also houses the Innovation & Incubation Center Brussels (IICB) that offers high quality services to starting and young enterprises to enter the market of high-tech products or services. In 2020 the IICB again knew a maximum occupancy rate. • Situated near the Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering Campus, ICAB Business and Technology Incubator offers an ideal work environment for innovative start-ups in the ICT and engineering sectors. • - Bringing people, city and knowledge together The Usquare project combines the ambitions of VUB, ULB and the Brussels-Capital Region to bring people, city and knowledge together in an innovative interuniversity cluster for sustainable development research, knowledge dissemination, entrepreneurship and innovation. Start.VUB, the new incubator for entrepreneurial students of the VUB, and Fablab Brussels, VUB’s fast prototyping for engineers and makers, are also located on the site. - -

ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION To raise more awareness of (technological) entrepreneurship among master and doctoral students, researchers and young professionals, VUB TechTransfer yearly organizes 2 evening courses. The Starter Seminars provide a short but intensive introduction to entrepreneurship and business. A variety of topics is covered such as developing a business plan, finance, marketing and the complex issues surrounding patenting. The Advanced Starter Seminars are a follow-up course where business aspects and starting up a company are treated more in-depth. Marc Goldchstein, Officer Entrepreneurship Education at VUB TechTransfer, is the main lecturer and content coordinator. Expert-speakers from the VUB or the business world are also involved. Entrepreneurs from VUB spin-offs testify on the startup phase and their experience at several seminars.

In 2020

• Start beginning of October with digital Launch Event - information session • New format due to Corona measures: Starter Seminars prerecorded and digital Q&A session every Tuesday • Advanced Seminars postponed to March 2021, in the hope to organize them live (small, interactive group) – Organised digitally since measures were not reduced • Seminar ‘Academic entrepreneurship in practice’ with testimonials about start-up phase by VUB spin-offs PRECIRIX, Collibra and hbits rescheduled to Jan 19, 2021 - Open to participants of both series and external parties • 68 participants for Starter Seminars (as much as for both series year before) and 25 for Advanced. • LinkedIn VUB TechTransfer Entrepreneurship Community with recent posts on entrepreneurships issues and workshops: 237 members in 2020


TECHTRANSFER COMMUNICATION & EVENTS ‘Connecting Science and Society’ is the mission of VUB TechTransfer. To emphasise the fact that we can only do this together with the research groups, companies, other knowledge centers and all our stakeholders, we changed this tagline into ‘Together we connect science and society’ in 2020. This is also in line with the new ‘TheWorldNeedsYou’ campaign of the VUB. The TechTransfer Communication & Events cell informs the research community of all support and other aspects concerning the valorisation of their research and brings the university’s knowledge and expertise under the attention of companies, governmental organizations and society. We also take care of connecting parties through the organisation of (digital) events. With the final purpose to create a positive impact on society. Due to the COVID-19 crisis we had to go radically digital. MS Teams became a new daily tool. Events, info sessions and workshops were organised digitally. Recordings were often available afterwards.

Some of the realisations of 2020:

Communication site on WeAreVUB: on this new VUB intranet a communication site was launched for the Vice-rectorate Innovation & Industry Relations and for VUB TechTransfer. News items are posted regularly and are also available through the WeAreVUB-app. the website is the central point of all our information and is held up to date with news items, events, info on project calls and crisis communication on COVID-19.


Info sessions on project calls: the communication cell supported 6 info sessions that were organised by our business developers for different project calls (VLAIO, FWO, Innoviris).

Kanaal Z: 10 episodes on Z-Innovation to turn the spotlight on the services of VUB TechTransfer, innovative VUB research and interaction with industry and society. And how this co-innovation leads to a positive impact on people’s lives. Episodes can still be watched on VUB Youtube (Innovation by VUB experts).

Knowledge for growth 2020: first digital edition together with TTO Flanders. VUB presented several licensing opportunities and three IOF research groups in life sciences joined the partnering & matchmaking.

TechTransfer Week: first digital edition with three days of online info sessions about Intellectual Property rights and project funding in Brussels, Flanders and Europe. About 150 researchers logged in to follow the sessions. For the launch of the TT Week three introduction videos about TechTransfer, Foundation and Crosstalks were published on our MS Stream channel, as well as the recordings of the sessions.

VLIR-brochure with impact cases: 45 success stories of university innovations in healthcare, energy, food, etc. are bundled in this brochure in collaboration with VLIR and TTO Flanders.

Some figures on our communication channels in 2020:

• 14,226 people visited our website and looked at 52,265 pages (2.23 pages per session which is higher than average) • 51 newsletters (TechTransfer News) were sent to more than 4000 subscribers with an average open rate of 36% • VUB TechTransfer reached more than 400 followers on Twitter, about 140 more than the year before



The VUB Foundation raises philanthropic funds from companies, organisations, institutions and individuals within the framework of the department TechTransfer of the Vicerectorate of Innovation & Industry Relations. The Foundation coordinates all fundraising at the VUB under the supervision of the Innovation and Valorisation Board. The policy of the Foundation is based on the conviction that for each philanthropic donation, there is a societal return. Each contribution supports education, research, innovation or the heritage of the VUB. The knowledge and insights that arise from this gifting, eventually flow back into our society. Chairs are an excellent means to financially support education, research and innovation and to develop a long-term relationship with companies and organisations. In 2020, VUB counted 24 active chairs among which one newly created: the Coaching and Cancer Chair with the Majin Foundation and the Foundation against Cancer as partners. Among last year’s successful fundraising campaigns is #FabLabForOxygen, supporting engineers of the VUB FabLab to build and test a prototype of a new respirator that can be used in intensive care units during the pandemic. Another campaign that anticipates on the possible consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic is #CaringForTheCarers, aimed at offering psychological support for the care and maintenance staff of our university hospital UZ Brussel. Additionally, a separate relaxation area is provided where doctors, nurses, paramedics, cleaners and logistics employees can recover from all the pressure and stress.

The most successful fundraising campaign of 2020 is #LeaveNoOneBehind, which is embedded in the brand new VUB Caroline Pauwels Relief Fund for students. The Fund’s mission is to stand by students facing urgent financial, material, social or psychological needs. By doing so, rector Caroline Pauwels wishes to tighten and even close the social and digital gaps on the VUB-campuses. Another new Fund that was created in 2020, is the VUB Fund for Natural Sciences in Society. This Fund is founded on the initiative of a VUB alumna and aims to support the Solvay Science project, the STEM Support Point Brussels and the Physics and Astronomy department of the VUB. Finally, Ms. Mireille Aerens appointed the VUB as the universal legatee of her exceptional legacy. The VUB Mireille Aerens Chair for alternative research methods without laboratory animals will benefit from an annual rate of 75% of the interests, which amounted to €250.000 in 2020.


THE NUMBERS In 2020 the VUB Foundation had a total income of €3.188.856, in-kind sponsorships not included.

€250.0 00

Net Revenue (83%) €2.646.750

€736.652 €1.370.281

€831.923 Overhead (17%) €542.106






Photo taken before the COVID-19 pandemic (2019). The VUB fosters a network of 235 Fellows, of which 119 are Honorary Fellows, who connect academia with society. The interactions arising from this network are of huge benefit for education, research and policy. The VUB Fellows are a diverse network of dedicated experts and leaders in their field who commit selflessly to the university and UZ Brussel. Thanks to their commitment, VUB can continue to evolve as an open institution connected with society and the business community.



OPEN AND CONSTRUCTIVE KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE Crosstalks is a transdisciplinary and intersectoral platform for an open and constructive exchange of knowledge between academic and business researchers, philosophers, artists, activists, designers, policy makers and citizens. Through its projects and activities, Crosstalks aims at new insights and escape routes, out of a society driven by profit and divided by power, income, origin, gender, education or age. Crosstalks aims at • unexpected encounters for VUB and other academics, outside their research domain and often in a non-academic context • an integrated, inclusive approach in all its activities • the elaboration of themes and projects through a bottom-up and long-term approach Since 2003 Crosstalks has been an original player at the crossroads of science, arts and culture. Both inside and outside the VUB, Crosstalks is a valued and much sought-after partner for collaborations around societal challenges. Crosstalks involves as many VUB researchers as possible in the start-up and development of its projects and events.


Belgian research institutions

Cultural field VUB

Corporate world and NGO’s

Inter­ national actors

CROSSTALKS.NET Launched by the VUB in 2003, Crosstalks wants to create a new dynamic of knowledge exchange through thematic encounters; beyond specific disciplines and with the active participation of key players from all levels of society. An open and collaborative approach is crucial in every intiative, ranging from small-scale professional workshops to big public events. 22


Sara Ahmed Closing the Door: Complaint as Diversity Work. In her lecture, independent scholar and feminist Sara Ahmed elaborated on (power) abuse within higher education. By sharing experiences of staff and students who have made complaints within universities, she explored the significance of how the treatment of complaints often happen “behind closed doors“. In order to contextualize the work by Sara Ahmed in a local setting, we collaborated with ENGAGEMENT, an artist-led movement tackling sexual harassment, sexism and abuse of power in the Belgian arts field. A zine was produced with contributions of writers, activists and artists whose voices are often marginalized by the mainstream canon. The zine was handed out to the public prior to the lecture.

Black History Month Belgium The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia Together with partners Café Congo, Black History Month Belgium and the VUB research center RHEA (Expertise Centre Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality), Crosstalks set up a richly filled evening in Café Congo around the shift from the celebration of fat bodies towards fear of the black body. With a lecture by scholar Sabrina String, a yoga session, slam poetry performances and Q&A. Crosstalks strives for an inclusive approach in all its projects. Thanks to partners such as Café Congo and BHM, a broad audience participated in the evening that we would not otherwise be able to reach for academic oriented events.

Redelijk Eigenzinnig Reason and Engage: Why do we put up with poverty? Reason and Engage is an elective course for students from 3rd bachelor on. The public lectures are organized in collaboration with Crosstalks. Edition 2020-2021 focused on issues related to poverty. Due to COVID-19 measures the lectures were transformed into an online video series. Only the Q&A with director Ken Loach could take place in a hybrid form, with a small group of students present at Bozar and the other part following from home. This (closed) format guaranteed an environment that felt safe enough for the students to freely ask questions to Ken Loach.

Date: 18.02.2020 @ Kaaitheater

Date: 10.03.2020 @ Café Congo

Date: The online video series was launched in fall 2020

Speakers: • Sara Ahmed

Speakers: • Sabrina Strings (author of ‘Fearing the Black Body: the Racial Origins of Fat Phobia’) • Lisette Ma Neza (Slam Poetry Champion) • Neil Akenzua (musician) • Brunette Matinda (AfroYoga) • Heleen Debeuckelaere (writer) • Rachael Moore (RainbowHouse Brussels)

Speakers: • Thomas Piketty (economist) • Joseph E. Stiglitz (economist) • Julia O’Connell Davidson (sociologist) • The film ‘I, Daniel Blake’ was screened at Cinema RITCS. It was followed by a Q&A at Bozar with Ken Loach present online

This evening was organized in collaboration with VUB, Furia, Kaaitheater and the VUB research center RHEA (Expertise Centre Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality).


VUB TECHTRANSFER, FOUNDATION & CROSSTALKS TEAM  +32 (0)2 629 22 07 (new number in the course of 2021: +32 (0)2 614 88 00)   @techtransfervub

• Hugo Thienpont Vicerector Innovation & Industry Relations

VUB TECHTRANSFER • Sonja Haesen Director VUB TechTransfer

• Tania Bauwens Management Assistant

• Natasja De Landtsheer Administrative Assistant

• Kristel Mommaerts Legal Advisor - Spin-offs/Contract Research

• Thomas De Doncker Legal Advisor - Contract Research


• Twyla Quéva Legal Advisor - Contract Research

• Alexander Herbosch Legal Advisor

• Wesley Verbeke Management Research Contracts

• Sophie Cammaerts Management Research Contracts

• Hugo Loosvelt Technology Transfer Officer - IP & Licensing

• Jessica Hekking Valorisation Advisor Human & Social Sciences

• Liesbeth Bosman Business Developer - Industrial Liaison

• Mieke De Volder Administrative Coordinator Flemish & IOF Projects

• Suzy Renckens Innovation Manager (UZB-VUB)

• Marc Goldchstein Technology Transfer Officer Entrepreneurship Education

VUB FOUNDATION • Isabelle Marneffe Director Foundation

• Philippe Westbroek ERIS Officer

• Elisabeth Rabaey Legal Officer - Foundation

• Mirko Miceli ERIS Officer

• Erkut Gultekin Fundraising & Communications Officer

• Jacky Boonen Technology Transfer Officer Spin-offs

• Qing Cai Technology Transfer Officer - Brussels Projects

• Alena Aga Communication & Events Coordinator

• Lisa Van Reepingen Communication & Events Officer

• Hanan Belaraj Fellowship Coordinator & Foundation Assistant

CROSSTALKS • Marleen Wynants Crosstalks Director

• Goedele Nuyttens Crosstalks Project Manager

• Ine De Bock Crosstalks Communication Officer



Publisher’s imprint Editing: Alena Aga Layout: Gekko Publiciteit bvba Photographs: BruBotics, ETRO, SOFT, IMDO, AVRG, MOBI (BUTO), Qing Liu Brussels Photonics (B-PHOT), Bernadette Mergaerts, Dieter De Court, AI Experience Center, Shipit ©, Ingeblikt, Sara Ahmed, Monday Agbondee Jr., Aurélie Geurts, Thierry Geenen, Bram Tack. Responsible Publisher: Sonja Haesen Vice-rectorate Innovation & Industry Relations VUB TechTransfer Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels - Belgium 27








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