1111: Nomad & Muse

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#1111 / FEB 09, 2017 – FEB 15, 2017 VUEWEEKLY.COM

Othello’s red flags // 7 Doug Hoyer releases Stepping Stone // 12

ISSUE: 1111 • FEB 9 – FEB 15, 2017




FRONT // 3 DISH // 4 ARTS // 6 FILM // 11 MUSIC // 12

vapes | e-cigs | pipes | papers | detox | bongs | seeds




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VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017


Self-care for the queer nation

Get off social media, smash some dishes, or soak in the tub. Do something for yourself this week.


am on vacation this week—in a wonderful coincidence I left the continent right after our friends to the south celebrated a certain inauguration—and I have no idea what the state of the world will be upon my return. “How much damage can a president really do?” I mused to myself in the days leading up to the inauguration, only to wake up January 20th and find that any mention of LGBTQ rights on the White House webpage had disappeared. But who knows: maybe a new page has appeared by now that promises gay sex for every household in America. Stranger things have happened. Regardless, with a vacation on my mind and anxiety in my, well, entire body, I figure it’s a good time to pause for a moment and reflect on self-care. Let’s start with the obvious: get off social media. Just do it. Embrace your


FOMO, give your Twitter and Facebook passwords to your bestie so you’re not tempted to check in, and spend a weekend away from the Internet. Use your phone for its original intended purpose and call someone. Go for a walk, bake some cookies. Do anything to give yourself a digital break. Have lots and lots of queer sex. Lots of it. More than you usually do and in places you don’t usually do it. Celebrate the fact that we can and remember that every time a queer has an orgasm, a homophobe feels a little uncomfortable. Go somewhere warm. No, I don’t

mean Mexico, I mean the Muttart Conservatory. Don’t like plants? Go to a public sauna. Hate crowds? Buy a SAD light. Broke? Walk around the Citadel Theatre’s lobby. The last few months have been cold and your bones miss

try adding a handful of green tea bags. Milk and honey is also a good option: two cups of full fat milk and a half cup of honey will leave your skin feeling soft. Epsom salts and a few drops of essential oil is another classic. Whatever option you choose, make sure it feels indulgent, and remember to bring a glass of wine or your favourite book in with you. After, get your lover to rub your body down with some lotion (this is also a good lead-in to all the queer sex you’re about to have). Have a queer dance party. Maybe it’s you and your cats in your apartment jamming to the Scissor Sisters. Maybe

If survival is an act of resistance, then living well is an act of revolution

being warm. While we are on the subject of getting warm, take a luxurious bath. Bubble baths are the quintessential option, but I always find them disappointing (and yeast-infection inducing). Instead,

it’s you and your squad at karaoke night at Mama’s Gin Joint. Or maybe you find out where Derek Fildebrandt stays when he’s in town and have a queer dance party outside on the street. If it’s good enough for Mike Pence, it’s good enough for the Wildrose. Or buy a cheap set of dishes from Goodwill. Write everything you dislike about the world on them. Smash them, in a pillow case, one by one. Scream if you want to. Cry if you need to. When you are done, chest heaving and nose dripping, take a moment and savour the feeling of being free. Tuck yourself into bed and wake up the next morning committed to making the world a better place for everybody. Remember, if survival is an act of resistance, then living well is an act of revolution. Keep each other and yourself safe, queers.


Lessons in maintaining a democracy

Keeping political leaders in check requires both alert citizens and conscientious lawmakers


n Romania, after five straight nights of mass demonstration in Bucharest’s main square, the government agreed to withdraw an emergency decree that decriminalized various abuses of political power (on the grounds that the jails were too crowded). If you defrauded the state of less than $47,500, under the new rules, you might have to pay it back, but you wouldn’t go to jail. More to the point, those already serving sentences or facing charges for stealing, say, $47, 499 would be released from jail or see the charges dismissed—including the leader of the governing Social Democratic Party, Liviu Dragnea, who was convicted of stealing only $27,000. (That’s not necessarily how much he stole; just how much they could prove he stole.) Romania used to be one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, but since it joined the European Union in 2007 it has been under great pressure from Brussels to clean up its act. There was also huge domestic pressure from ordinary Romanians who are sick of their venal politicians, and the anti-corruption drive was making real progress. Then on January 31, Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu’s government issued its decree freeing hundreds of jailed politicians, officials and even judges. It was due to go into effect on February 10, but right away the Crowd came pouring out into the streets in Bucharest and all the other big cities. After five nights of mass demonstrations, the government cancelled its decree on February 4. The crowd won, and both justice and democracy were well served.

The other very dodgy decree of recent days was in Washington, where President Trump signed an “executive order” imposing a 90-day ban on citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries seeking to enter the United States (even if they were legal US residents or had been issued visas after vetting by US embassies) and an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees. Like the Romanian decree, its legality was doubtful. As in Romania, the protesting crowds came out in large numbers in the United States (though proportionally in much smaller numbers, and certainly not for five successive nights). But what really brought Trump’s plan grinding to a halt, at least for the moment, was a judge. United States District Court judge James Robarts issued an order suspending the Trump ban—and even President Trump obeyed it (although he did refer to Robarts, with typical graciousness, as a “so-called judge”). The whole machinery of government went into reverse, entry visas are being re-validated, and even Syrian immigrants are being admitted to the United States again. The rule of law has prevailed. Two crises in two democratic countries, and two reasonably satisfactory resolutions. It was the Crowd that did the heavy lifting in Romania, and the Law that did the crucial work in the United States. But they should not be seen as alternatives; sometimes you need them both.

Robarts was not required to make a full legal case for his action at this stage in the proceedings: he simply ordered the ban suspended to avoid serious harm being done to individuals by an executive order that may contravene the First Amendment to the US Constitution. When the case goes to the appeals court, and possibly then to the Supreme Court, the argument of those opposing the ban will doubtless be that it flouts the First Amendment requirement that one religious denomination cannot be officially preferred over another. This may persuade the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco, which is relatively liberal, and even to the Supreme Court, which will continue to be split evenly between liberals and conservatives until Trump’s nominee for the ninth seat on the court is approved by Congress. Or it may not. Even if the appeal courts ultimately rejects Robarts’ argument and reimposes the ban, the Law will have successfully curbed the abuse of executive power. It always has to be curbed, because even with the best of intentions those who hold power will inevitably try to expand it—and sometimes they do not have the best of intentions. The US Constitution has won the first round of the battle against Trump’s authoritarian tendencies. Full marks to James Robarts (who was nominated, by the way, by George W. Bush’s Republican administration). But four years is a long time, and there will be occasions when law-

yers won’t be enough. The Crowd will be needed as well: demonstrations as large, as disciplined and as patient as those in Romania. And as suspicious of being betrayed once they have gone home. The night after the Romanian government cancelled its “emergency decree,” there was the biggest demonstration of all: half a million people in Victory Square in Bucharest. Why? Because the government had muttered something about ad-

dressing the same “issue” of allegedly crowded jails through normal legislation in parliament, which would still really be about getting crooked politicians out of jail. So they won’t go home until Prime Minister Grindeanu promises not to bring the subject up again. V Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.



More studies on equality needed WOMEN'S QUALITY OF LIFE On Tuesday, [Jan. 31] the city released its "Edmonton Women's Quality of Life Scorecard," which highlighted that conditions have improved for women in the areas of finance and economy, education, and health. However, we still have much to overcome in terms of political empowerment and safety. Future scorecards need to go further, looking at the comparisons between women and men, and to better understand how different groups of women are doing in our city. A recent study from the University of Alberta about diversity in academia showed that progress made in gender equity can often mask the progress needed in ra-

VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017

cial equity. A diversity scorecard that examines the quality of life for communities of colour in Edmonton, for example, could serve as a much-needed counterpart to the gender scorecard, so we can see the whole picture. KEREN TANG Vue Weekly welcomes reader response, whether




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DISH High Score E-Sports and Gaming Lounge facebook.com/highscoreyeg that,” Noel says. “They’re pretty respectful for people’s equipment and it actually really showed. In a bar setting, we didn’t have a single thing stolen or lost. In this situation, we just had to keep an eye out on everything.”

// JProcktor

The first in a line of pop-up events reveals a different experience for gaming patrons


ashing buttons and pounding back a few drinks with your buddies was once an activity saved for your home’s respective gaming area. The folks behind High Score ESports and Gaming Lounge—Steven Noel, Josh McKenney and Mathew Vetten—have taken that experience from the basement to the bar allowing patrons the thrill of Mario Kart victory while enjoying urban nightlife and a choice beverage. “It’s a growing industry that’s only getting bigger,” says founder and CEO Noel. “E-Sports is becoming a common thing and slowly, but surely, it’s making its way.”

Situation Brewing Company was the first in High Score’s line of pop-up events, before the crew eventually opened a permanent location. Eight TVs were assembled along the side wall of the bar, connected to Xbox One, PS4 and Wii U. Also included was a retro corner—with the beloved Super Nintendo and N64—a back wall of six gaming PCs and E-Sports on mounted TVs around the bar area. The mass of gaming equipment needed to cater the event was one of the biggest obstacles High Score had to address. “It was 65 to 70 percent borrowed from family and friends and the rest

was ours or purchased,” Noel explains. “But just for this one because we didn’t know how well it would do and didn’t want to drop a ton of money.” The trio next prepped its food and drink menu. Video game themed cocktails such as “Ocarina of Lime,” “Falcon Punch,” “Smoke Screen” and “FINISH HIM!” were created especially for the event, as were shooter specials like “Nerf This” and “Heroes Never Die,”—named after featured game, Overwatch. Craft beer was also on the menu along with hot sandwiches, including butter chicken, pulled pork, Reubens, grilled cheese, and finger

foods like veggies and hummus, soda cracker taffy and pretzels. High Score’s owners hadn’t initially expected it to be busy, but once the doors opened at six o’clock, the house was packed. High Score entertained 150 customers and was at its 114 patron capacity for a large part of the evening, on January 29. At the next pop-up High Score hopes to have one or two servers on the floor, helping alleviate traffic to the bar. Noel explains that they had prepared for the risks of mixing crowds, alcohol, and expensive gaming equipment. “We had done our research and we just knew that this crowd isn’t like

Console players were privy to games such as Madden, NHL, HALO, Call of Duty, Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart and Mario Party. PC gamers had the opportunity to partake in the titles Starcraft 2, Overwatch, Counter Strike-GO, Heroes of the Storm, Dota 2 and League of Legends. High Score went out of the way to give the Super Smash Bros. community the proper equipment they needed. CTR TVs—an older tube model television—was used to quell latency issues, providing quicker response from controller to screen than LCD or plasma options. The pop-up’s social scope included gamers of all ages, with no signs of confrontation or belligerence to report. “Everyone was pretty good sharing, moving around to different stations, trying different things,” Noel says. “We did have multiple copies of some things, so that worked out. Every station was full the entire time and people kept swapping in and out.” In the future they’ll be adding ID strips to each piece of equipment and have scanners placed at the door. When their own location is established they will enact a pay-to-play model instead of a cover charge at the door. The owners are currently in talks with locations on Jasper Avenue and Whyte Avenue for their next pop-up. "All in all, the night was a huge success. It had it's fair share of surprises but nothing we haven't learned from. We already can't wait to get this going again,” McKenney says. LEE BUTLER


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VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017





Against snobbery

Novetly not the only factor in beer choice


Toast a rebel

// Tarquin Melnyk

Knock back Frank Meier’s Bee’s Knees cocktail


ree house, tavern law, speakeasy, are some of the words associated with bars, but it's easy to forget where these terms for pubs came from. The history of the bar is fully intertwined with free speech and the right to protest. When a government seeks to control the rights of all, or some, conversations between assembled groups of drinkers is one of the hardest to stop. The surreal political climate in the United States has me heartened to see famous bartenders like Charles Joly— past winner of the Diageo World Class Bartending Competition—using their elevated standing to call out authoritarian forces. He's posted from the Women’s March on Washington, and the airports he frequents.

There needs to be an immediate discussion about the role of the modern bartender in protest. That conversation suggests a notable bar man who did his best in trying circumstances; Frank Meier, head bartender of the Café Parisian, in the Paris Ritz, during Nazi occupation. “There were very few people, who were staff at the Ritz, who were not actively engaged in some kind of resistance” notes Tilar J. Mazzeo in his book The Hotel on Place Vendôme. Trained by Harry Craddock in New York, at the famous Hoffman House, Meier created the Bee’s Knees cocktail. If you believe that refugees should

be able to continue to flee persecution and violence, here's the Frank Meier classic to toast that flight. Bee’s Knees by Frank Meier 1.5 oz London dry gin 1 oz fresh lemon juice .75 oz clover honey water Method: Dilute the honey with hot water using the formula of two parts honey to one part water, then allow the mixture to cool. Combine the ingredients in a shaker, then give it a hard shake. Finally, fine strain the mixture into chilled coupé. V

raft beer has been a thing in Alberta for about a quarter century. That said, it has really taken off in the last couple years. There are new breweries opening up almost every week these days. There is no shortage of interesting beer for thirsty Alberta beer drinkers to try. It is all very exciting. But it is also creating a tendency among many—not all by any stretch—to combine their embrace of the new up-and-comers with a casual disparaging of the craft breweries that have been around for awhile. The argument goes something like this: new brewery X has all of these interesting beers, they try new things and create flavours people aren’t used to. By comparison, older brewery Y’s beer is boring, unimaginative and conservative. Thus brewery X must be better and more worthy of our attention and dollars. It is a natural tendency. We get excited by the new arrival and by comparison the beer we have been drinking for more than a decade seems kind of, well, stale. But I am here to argue that is a false dichotomy. Both can be appreciated for what they are. We in the beer world are often predisposed to be drawn to a beer we haven’t tried before. It fits that we will be quick to try the brewery that just opened up. And that is completely fair. However, the hidden aspect of that tendency is to subconsciously downgrade that which we have had many times over. It simply isn’t as exciting. But we forget that beer hasn’t

changed, it might be our expectations that have shifted. We also tend to reserve our biggest excitement for the new breweries’ more adventurous beer. Their aromatic IPA, sour beer or imperial stout. It can be easy to forget that the same brewery also has a blonde ale, pale lager, or session ale as part of their line-up—and often that is their bestselling beer. That matters because there is a tendency to compare the creative beer from the new brewery with the workhorse of the old brewery—invariably a fruit beer, blonde ale or pale lager. It is an unfair comparison. Every brewery, at least those bigger than a nano brewery, have to find a beer that attracts a sizeable following. Since Alberta is still a developing beer market, that usually means something lighter bodied and approachable. Both new and old breweries face this reality. They are not so different from each other after all. Finally we have to guard against snobbery. I will fully admit fruit beers are not my go-to style by any stretch. But, as a beer judge and experienced beer drinker I am well aware my preferences are not the point. The only issue at hand is how well the beer is made. You might like IPAs—and that is fine—but don’t criticize a brewery for making a decently made blonde ale. V Jason Foster is the creator of onbeer.org, a website devoted to news and views on beer from the prairies and beyond.

Alberta Electoral Boundaries Commission

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Follow the Commission’s progress on social media. #AlbertaEBC An independent body established under Alberta legislation

Suite 100, 11510 Kingsway Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5G 2Y5 e-mail: info@ABebc.ca phone: 780.415.2878 toll free: 310.0000 website: www.ABebc.ca

VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017




// JProcktor

Knowmadic's immigrant experience informs his art and community contributions


hmed “Knowmadic” Ali is best known as a storyteller, comedian, writer and poet. His stage name, Knowmadic, describes his life as a knowledgebased nomad, something he proudly represents every time he performs. “I try to make sure that I’m asking a lot of questions, going against the grain, talking about policies, so definitely it comes through my art,” Ali says. His upbringing in Somalia, Italy and

Canada shapes the way he presents his stories on stage. Hardships due to migration and racism have followed him throughout his life, hindering him greatly at times. But his positive mindset and message have gotten him past those obstacles, allowing him to share his journey with the community and disenchanted youth. “I’m not a victim, I’m a champion. I’m a survivor,” says Ali.

He was born in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1984 and escaped with his family in 1989 before tensions in the country boiled over. His family moved to Italy once his father raised enough funds through the community—hoping to find a better life outside of Somalia. Once in Italy, Ali and his three older brothers were forced into boarding schools and felt a resounding

Government Inspector by Nikolai Gogol Adaptation by David Harrower

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culture shock. “One night [the nuns] were feeding everybody pork and we said, ‘We can’t eat pork because it’s against our religion,’” Ali explains. “Then they’d get upset and bring back the same soup with the pork still in it, with not the other pieces. They’d hit us in the back of the head like, ‘You’re coming as a refugee and you’re not going to eat our food?’ It was that type of mentality.” His family moved to Canada in 1992, eventually settling in Kitchener, Ont. His school would have what he describes as “race wars,” provoking violence and rage within Ali. These feelings are something he’s grown to deal with in his poetry, letting racial attacks slide off his back. “If somebody calls me the N-word it’s up to me, it’s my decision whether I want to fight this person or I want to validate their racial slurs,” Ali says. “So I learned just to ignore them, because meaning is provided by the person who gives value to the words being said to them.” After a trip back to Somalia to see his mother and father—who had returned—he saw the desolation and lack of opportunity of his home country. This gave him a new perspective on Canada and ultimately his life’s purpose. Ali moved to Toronto, becoming the first Somali to enrol in Humber College’s comedy writing and performance class. This unlocked his humour and talent for expression. “What that did was really help me define my funny,” Ali says. “The structure of my funny helped me to learn how to write skits, how to write stand-up bits and helped me to hone my skill.”

some of the kids he works with. “The main reason I help out these youth is because I never had that and I don’t want them to feel like they’ve never had a connection,” Ali says. “Because this world is 100 percent about who you know, and so I try and position myself in places that gives youth the opportunity to be whoever they want.” His company, Confident Camel, is a registered vendor with the Edmonton Public School Board. He is currently creating contracts to spend time teaching poetry and black history. Ali is also working out a contract to present art to incarcerated youth. Although he’s escaped his past, he still feels the sting of racial profiling from time to time. He describes his treatment at airports and the detrimental nature of a potential travel ban proposed by President Trump. “I’m not allowed to check in online and I’m not allowed to check in on the machine at the airport,” Ali explains. “For the longest time, that I can remember, I’ve always had to go up to the counter and then they’d call in to make sure I wasn’t the person they were looking for. ... It’s become a routine.” Ali encourages all people to use their voice as he has. He stresses that keeping quiet in the current social climate serves as more of a detriment than anything. “Being silent is talking,” Ali explains. “People think that if they’re not saying anything then they’re not part of a conversation, but by not talking you become part of the conversation—in the sense, you’re the person that’s indifferent when things are going down."

These days, Ali is using his voice to inspire the youth in various communities and enacting change by rubbing shoulders with authority figures. He doesn’t like talking about his various accolades and accomplishments and would rather take joy from the work he does with youth. He explains that he sees part of his younger self in

Editor's note: This profile is the first in a series highlighting artists and cultural contributors from the seven countries named in the now suspended travel ban. If you have suggestions for this series, please send them to arts@vueweekly.com.

VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017




Othello's red flags B

// Curtis Hauser

Walterdale Theatre's production of Othello showed signs of trouble well before the cancellation

y now you've likely heard of the ill-fated Walterdale Theatre production of Othello. The play was set in a dystopian future where genders were switched, “traditional power structures were inverted” (as described by artistic director A nne Marie Szucs), and where Othello—traditionally played by a person of colour—was to be played by a white female. As events unfolded, there were allegations of threats, criticism from the community itself, and finally, the lead (Linette J. Smith) apologetically leaving the production followed by the play's cancellation. But Smith's departure was not the first sign that this production was problematic. When the word got out that Othello was to be played by Smith, people in the community responded. Gina Puntil is the artistic director and program coordinator for The Alberta Workers' Health Centre's Work Plays Schools Program. The organization stages theatre productions to inform students of their responsibilities and rights in the workplace. She says Othello should be played by a person of colour, and any other choice is problematic. She met with Szucs to voice this to her directly, outlining her feelings in a letter that was sent to the Walterdale Theatre board of directors' current president Adam Kuss. “I don't want to censor [Szucs], demean, demoralize or diminish her,” Puntil writes in the letter. “I get her politics, she is coming from a privileged, white female perspective. It's her experience that she is focused on. But she needs to take it further than her experience, her politics, her privileged viewpoint. The Walterdale is, after all, a community theatre. Not meant for elitism and white privilege.” Szucs pitched Othello to the Wal-

terdale Theatre board more than a year ago. Sarah Van Tassel, who was then president of the Walterdale board but had left before the Othello casting process, says that Othello wasn’t always going to be a white woman. “There were members of the board who strongly cautioned that Othello, the character, needs to be played by a person of colour. That conversation absolutely was had during the original discussion,” Van Tassel says. “The original discussion had Iago being played by a woman. A lot of us bought into that idea of the show.” But somewhere during the course of the year, those ideas changed. Cast member Émanuelle Dubbeldam was drawn to the gender swapping vision as a way to explore their own identity on stage. Dubbeldam, who is a transgender person, says they came out to Szucs in an email before auditioning. After getting together an ensemble, they felt comfortable in rehearsals. According to Dubbeldam, this started to shift. During a part of the play in which they interact with another character, the gender of their role was switched mid-scene. While this was minor, to Dubbeldam, this was a curious choice. “To be told I couldn’t play even an androgynous character was confusing,” Dubbeldam says. “But I was also in a position where no one in the cast, at that point, knew I was transgender. So for me to stop [Szucs] and ask what the justification was or to remind her would mean outing myself to everyone there.” Dubbeldam sees this as a possible symptom of a bigger problem. “I, by no means, believe that anybody in the production was intentionally trying to silence anybody, but at the same time, the people

in the [all white] production team come from an incredible place of privilege,” Dubbeldam says. “I think that it was their responsibility to acknowledge and realize that they don’t have all the answers and there are certain things they might not be thinking about that could affect people in the community in a different way than they are trying to convey.”

Kuss declined to comment and Szucs did not reply to messages requesting an interview. TRENT WILKIE


With all that said, the Walterdale is in a unique situation. Van Tassel points out that they can only work with what they have. “Any professional or independent theatre company can hire whomever they want, but Walterdale can only use who comes through their door,” she says. “It is not an excuse for her to cast the way [Szucs] did. There were opportunities there that were missed.” Dubbeldam also mentions they found it curious that the play was to be staged in February, which is Black History Month. Another red flag was that Queens University had also planned a staging of Othello with a white female lead. They cancelled their version in November of last year due to public outcry. In the end, the Walterdale play was also cancelled. A press release by the Walterdale said this was due to "both online and in-person threats" that were received from people who were angry over Smith’s casting as Othello. Van Tassel hopes some good can come out of all this. “I think Edmonton has a larger problem,” she says. “There are shows that go on, shows that were written last year, that have all white casts. Nobody seems to be looking at those issues as well. I think that this is an opportunity for this conversation to start.”

VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017

*Trent Wilkie has been involved in the Edmonton theatre community for 15 years with Mostly Water Theatre and various other theatre groups.


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Vibe: Pop up live music featuring GRAY, K-Riz and Josh Sahunta FEBRUARY 17, 5–9 PM | $20 $10 Free Movie Night—Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Impassioned Eye and Muybridge’s Strings FEBRUARY 22, 7 PM ART CLASSES FOR KIDS AND TEENS

Spring ArtBreak Camps (Ages 6-12) MARCH 27–31, 9 AM–4 PM

Drop-in Art Classes (Ages 6-12) SATURDAYS, 1–3 PM Studio Y Drop-in Workshops (Ages 13-17) THURSDAYS, 4–6 PM


Self_Refinery Late-Night Art Party MARCH 25, 9 PM–2 AM Family Day: free admission and activities for all ages. FEBRUARY 20, 11 AM–5 PM

youraga.ca/vueweekly ARTS 7


The Future is bright

Local photo exhibit expands to include works from across the country

Lorelle Whittingham hangs works by Andy Greening at The Front Gallery. // jProctor


reaking new ground as the firstever national photography contest and exhibition, rooted right here in Edmonton, The Future is a fitting theme for this year's InFocus event. InFocus started as an idea shared across a restaurant table in the summer of 2015, between founder and curator Alexis Marie Chute and her husband Aaron.

“We saw a need for a national photography exhibition held in Western Canada, specifically Edmonton,” she says. Since 2002, Chute has been “bootstrapping it,” basically, as a visual artist, attempting to figure out how to get her photographs, sculptures and other artwork seen in galleries. InFocus acts as a way for young artists to

be represented alongside other upand-comers and, now—as its profile has expanded—veterans of the craft. It began with local work, showing a few Edmonton photographers in Harcourt House in 2015, then grew last year to include Alberta artists at the dc3 Art Projects gallery. This year, the burgeoning exhibition is being hosted

at The Front Gallery from Feb. 7 to Feb. 28, and features photographers from around Canada, students and enthusiasts rubbing artistic shoulders with veterans from coast to coast. “It really is trying to bring together really amazing photography. It’s not like you have to have a long C.V. full of galleries to have access to the space,” Chute says. “It doesn’t really matter where you’re from. It’s more of the eye of the person that’s taking the picture.” This year 190 photos were submitted by deadline. Of them, organizers selected 45 for the show, representing 27 photographers from across Canada. Of those, 13 are local. When Chute put forward InFocus’s theme—The Future, in a very broad sense—she says the contributors ran with it, and the interpretation of the idea spawned some interesting results. Local artist Andy Greening’s three pieces ponder the future of Edmonton’s urban development, particularly surrounding Northlands Coliseum, which is quickly losing many of its big-ticket events. “[He's] documenting something old before it’s gone,” Chute says. Then, perhaps a little more direct in its approach, there's a portrait of local actor Mark Meer dressed in the garb of Commander Shepard (who

Tues., Feb. 7 to Tues., Feb. 28 The Front Gallery, free

Meer voices) of Mass Effect game fame. “We’re just amalgamating so many different photographer’s voices and, in doing that, we have a really innovative exhibition,” Chute says. Like exhibits prior, 2017’s run of InFocus is offering a people’s choice award, provided by Vistek, in which anyone from around the world could vote on their favourite submission once per day. The winner will be announced during the opening reception on Thursday, Feb. 9. The following night, the gallery will host portfolio reviews, in which local professionals—like documentarian Larry Louie and photographer Curtis Trent—in the field will weigh in on aspiring photographer's works, although this segment costs $40. Anyone interested needs to register online prior to that evening at InFocusPhoto.ca. Submissions for next year’s contest will be open sometime during the first week of March. “I think Canadians are just as brave and bold and experimental and thoughtful as photographers from anywhere else in the world,” Chute says. “We just might not be as inyour-face.”



Broadway brings the heat


Story of acceptance embraces a transgender experience


// Supplied


ony Award-winning, high-heeled, Broadway musical Kinky Boots is making its debut at the Northern Jubilee Auditorium this Valentine’s Day. Kinky Boots tells the true tale of Charlie Price, a beleaguered shoe factory owner struggling to keep his family business alive, and Lola, an enterprising drag queen trying to save her instep. The story pulls Charlie into a world of glamour, romance, and the underserved needs of Lola’s shoe rack. It’s a story of acceptance, community, compassion and friendship. Based on a 2005 British film of the same name, Kinky Boots debuted on Broadway in 2013, taking home six Tony Awards, including Best Score for pop icon Cyndi Lauper. It was adapted for the stage in 2012 by director and choreographer Jerry Mitchel, writer and actor Harvey Fierstein (La Cage aux Folles) and backed by Lauper’s original score. While still active in the Big Apple, Kinky Boots is touring to North American audiences and the cast happens to have a handful of Canadians on board. Nova Scotia native Julia McLellan is one of just one of four Canadians rounding out the touring cast appearing in Edmonton for shows through to Feb. 19. McLellan, who recently

played Val Clark in the critically acclaimed Stratford Festival production of A Chorus Line, is now Gemma, an employee of Price’s factory. The significance of the production’s treatment of transgender issues and the tension between social conservatism and progressive liberalism currently being felt around the globe was at the forefront of McLellan's mind as she approached the production. “I’ve never really done a show where I feel like it’s so important to be doing it at that time,” says McLellan. “It takes gender identification—and not just gender, but accepting people that are different from you—and takes it head on.” Last summer, Fierstein and Lauper rewrote the lyrics to the show’s finale, “Just Be,” to “Just Pee” as a demonstration of support for the transgender community in the wake of the so-called ‘Bathroom Bill’ controversy debating transgender access to bathrooms in North Carolina. While politics do play a significant role in the production’s ethos, McLellan notes the real power of the show rests in its ability to open people’s minds through joy and sheer theatrical energy.

VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017

Tues., Feb. 14 to Sun., Feb. 19 Northern Alberta Jubilee, $56 + “There is a term in the Kinky Boots universe [known as] ‘the first 15’,” McLellan says of the musical’s opening, in which the entire first 15 minutes are spent solely within Price’s factory. “It’s workers that pretty much anyone can identify with … After ‘the first 15’ we switch to Lola’s drag club. It’s the first moment you see Lola in her full drag and all of her angels. It’s in this moment that the cast sees a noticeable shift in the audience’s demeanor. “My character sits in the drag club and watches the drag show, so I get to watch the audience watch the show and that’s the moment when you start to see everyone lean over and go, 'Are they men?'” One of the show’s final lines is, ‘You can change the world, when you change your mind,’ an excellent message for any audience member to take away these days. “You will come feeling one way, whatever that, is and you’ll leave with a broader acceptance and love and joy —no matter what your stance on anything is,” says McLellan.





Dance Be Our Valentine • Sewing Machine Factory, 9562-82 Ave • dbommesquad14@ gmail.com • A live band interactive burlesque show with D'bomme Squad & Bad Communicators • Feb 11 • $15 (adv), $20 (door); limited seating; email for tickets

Dance Classes with Good Women Dance Collective • Muriel Taylor Studio at Ruth Carse Centre for Dance, 11205-107 Ave • info@goodwomen.ca • goodwomen.ca/classes • Every Tue, Thu, Fri; 10-11:30am • $15 (drop-in), $65 (5 class pack), $100 (10 class pack)

Shumka School of Dance • Jubilee Auditorium, 11455-87 Ave • 780.455.9559 ext 101 • shumka.com • Honouring the Ukrainian culture in a performance celebrating the passage of “Winter” and the anticipation of “Spring” • Feb 12, 2-4pm • $10.50-$15.75

Sugar Swing Ballroom Open House • Sugar Swing Ballroom, 10019-80 Ave NW • 587.786.6554 • dance@sugarswing.com • sugarswing.com • A brand new home for jazz, dancing, and music in YEG! Guests can check out swing dance as well as Edmonton's newest event rental space • Feb 24-26, 6:30-8:30pm • Free (Fri night stomp, Sat daytime tour/taster, Sun tour/taster), $18 (Sat night stomp)

Sweet Nothings • Art Gallery of Alberta Ledcor Theatre, 2 Sir Winston Churchill Square • youraga.ca • A collection of love themed contemporary dances accompanied by live music • Feb 10, 6pm & 8pm

Valentine's Dance at Sugar Swing Ballroom • Sugar Swing Ballroom, 10019-

galLeries + Museums ACUA Gallery & Artisan Boutique • 9534-87 St • 780.488.8558 • info@acuarts.ca • acuarts.ca • Signature Artist Series: artwork by Char Vanderhorst and Sophia Podryhula-Shaw; Feb 3-23 AJ Ottewell Gallery • 590 Broadmoor Blvd, Sherwood Park • 780.449.4443 • artstrathcona.com • Open: Fri-Sun • Artwork by gallery members; Mar-Apr

ALBERTA CRAFT COUNCIL GALLERY • 10186-106 St • 780.488.6611 • albertacraft. ab.ca • Citizens of Craft; Jan 21-Apr 22 • The Recipients; Jan 14-Feb 18 Allied Arts Council of Spruce Grove • Melcor Cultural Centre, 355th Ave, Spruce Grove • 780.962.0664 • alliedartscouncil.com • Rotation - Gallery; Jan 21-May 5 • Samantha Thompson; Jan 24-Feb 17 • Instructor's Show; Feb 21-Mar 17

Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA) • 2 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.422.6223 • youraga. ca • Season to Season, Coast to Coast: A Celebration of the Canadian Landscape: artwork by Emily Carr, Dorothy Knowles, Cornelius Krieghoff, John McKee and more; Until Feb 20 • A Story We Tell Ourselves About Ourselves: artwork by Hannah Doerksen; Until Feb 20 • Survival Guide; Jan 28-May 7 • Clocks for Seeing: Photography, Time and Motion; Feb 18Jun 18 • Fischli and Weiss/Ibghy and Lemmens; Feb 18-Jun 18 • BMO Children's Gallery: Touch Lab: Leave your Mark; until Apr 9 • Weekly Dropin Activities: Tours for Tots, Every Wed, 10-11am • Youth Workshops, ages 13-17, Every Thu, 4-6pm • Kids’ Open Studio, Every Sat, 1-3pm • Spring ArtBreak Camp Mar 27-31 • Exhibition Tours; Every Sat-Sun, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm • Art for Lunch; 3rd Thu of the month, 12:10-12:50pm • VIBE; 3rd Fri of the month, 5-9pm

Art Gallery Of St Albert (AGSA) • 19 Perron St, St Albert • 780.460.4310 • artgalleryofstalbert.ca • Creative Endeavours: artwork by Gene & J Marg Brenda; Feb 2-Apr 8

Borealis Gallery • 9820-107 St • Storytellers: Alberta and the Great War; Feb 17-May 22

CAVA Gallery • 9103-95 Ave •


FAB Gallery • Fine Arts Building Gallery,1-1

Museum, 12845-102 Ave • 780.439.5285 • edmontonfilmsociety@gmail.com • royalalbertamuseum.ca/movies • Presenting: Enduring Stars • Schedule: High Society (Feb 6), Love In The Afternoon (Feb 13), High Sierra (Feb 27), Suspicion (Mar 6), The Sons of Katie Elder (Mar 13), The Man Who Knew Too Much (Mar 20), The Stratton Story (Mar 27), River of No Return (Apr 3) • $6 (general), $5 (seniors 65+, students), $3 (kids 12 and under)

Flashback Film Fest • Scotiabank Theatre Edmonton, West Edmonton Mall, 8882170 St • cineplex.com/Events/FBFF • Bringing a line-up of sci-fi, fantasy and fan favourites back to the big screen. Films include: Air Force One, Fight Club, Jurassic Park, The Princess Bride and more • Feb 3-9

metro • Metro at the Garneau Theatre, 8712109 St • 780.425.9212 • Black History Month; all through Feb • Afternoon Tea: The English Patient (Feb 19) • Beach Party Double Feature: For Those Who Think Young (Feb 19), Beach Blanket Bingo (Feb 19) • DEDfest: Mad Max: Fury Road - Black & Chrome (Feb 10) • Gateway to Cinema: Moonlight (Feb 22) • Quote-A-Long Series: The Princess Bride (Feb 14) • Reconciliation in Focus: We Can’t Make the Same Mistake Twice (Feb 12) • Reel Family Cinema: Ponyo (Feb 11, Feb 13), Kubo and the Two Strings (Feb 18) • Science in the Cinema: How to Train Your Dragon (Feb 25) • Strange Canada: Scanners (Feb 11)

Movie Night • McDougall United Church, 10086 Macdonald Drive (south entrance) • 780.428.1818 • mcdougallunited.com • Movies that are family friendly and always inspiring and entertaining. Popcorn and lemonade are available • Monthly, 7:30pm • Free

Struggle to Survive: Film Screening and Discussion • Westwood Unitarian, 11135-65 Ave • Feb 3, 7pm • Free

dc3 Art Projects • 10567-111 St • 780.686.4211 • dc3artprojects.com • Storyland: artwork by Tammy Salzl; Mar 1-5 • Crafting Ruin: artwork by Jude Griebel; Mar 10-Apr 15 FAB (University of Alberta) • ualberta.ca/ artshows • Alcuin Awards for Book Design in Canada 2015; Jan 17-Feb 11 • Artwork by Adrian Emberley; Jan 17-Feb 11

Loft Art Gallery • 590 Broadmoor

Campus, 7-266 • amatejko@icloud.com • I Don't Want To Die in the Digital Age/Windows of Light and Text; Oct 31-Feb 21

Multicultural Centre Public Art Gallery (MCPAG)–Stony Plain • 541151 St, Stony Plain • multicentre.org • Buffalo Corral: artwork by Heather Shillinglaw; Jan 9-Mar 4

Musée Héritage Museum • St Albert Place, 5 St Anne Street, St Albert • MuseeHeritage.ca • 780.459.1528 • museum@ artsandheritage.ca • 1867 Rebellion and Confederation–A Travelling Exhibition developed by the Canadian Museum of History; Jan 24-Mar 26

Muttart Conservatory • 9626-96a Ave • Earth's Laughter: Alberta Wildflowers by Karen Bishop; Feb 17-Mar 31• karenbishop.ca/ earths-laughter.html

Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts • 9225-118 Ave • 780.474.7611 • volunteer@ thenina.ca • Black Hole Thought Grenades: illustrations by Kevin Kunce; Jan 20-Feb 10

O'byrnes Irish Pub • 10616-82 Ave NW • 587.986.3618 • angela@letsartyparty.com • Don't be shy- paint a naked guy: Guests will start with three poses to warm up, then move to a longer pose on 16" x 20" canvas. All will go home with a painting; Every 2nd Tue starting Nov 22, 7-8:30pm; $35 (adv at Eventbrite), $45 (door)

Park • 780.410.8585 • strathcona.ca/artgallery • Canadianisms: A Half Decade Inspired by Canada: artwork by Brandy Saturley; Jan 6-Feb 26

Gallery U • 9206-95 Ave • 780.913.5447 • contact@galleryu.ca • galleryu.ca • Reflecting Black: Ceramic work by Aba Garbrah; Jan 31Mar 28; All ages Harcourt House Gallery • 3 Fl, 10215-112 St • 780.426.4180 • harcourthouse. ab.ca • After the Hunt: artwork by Emily Jan; Jan 26-Feb 25

Jeff Allen Art Gallery (JAAG) • Strathcona Place Senior Centre, 10831 University Ave, 109 St, 78 Ave • 780.433.5807 • seniorcentre.org • For the Love of Art: artwork by local artists; Jan 19-Feb 23

Jubilee Auditorium • 11455-87 Ave NW • coordinator@albertasocietyofartists.com • albertasocietyofartists.com • Fire: a group exhibition featuring artists from across the Province that explores this force of nature; Jan 10-Mar 1

Jasper Ave • 780.455.7479 • probertsongallery. com • Artwork by Giuseppe Albi; Feb 9-Feb 25; Reception: Feb 9, 7-9pm; Artist talk: Feb 11, 4pm

liuba@ualberta.ca • Invitations 2017: artwork by students from the BA History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture and Bachelor of Fine Arts programs; Feb 17-Mar 7; Opening reception: Feb 17, 5pm

sNAP Gallery • Society of Northern Alberta Print­-Artists, 10123-121 St • 780.423.1492 • snapartists.com • Insigators: artwork by Guillermo Trejo & How Many Reasons Do You Need?: artwork by Marie Winters; Feb 2-Mar 4

Telus World of Science • 11211-142 St • telusworldofscienceedmonton.com • Free$117.95 • Daily activities, demonstrations and experiments • Wild Africa; opens in late October • Angry Birds Universe; Oct 8-Apr 17 U of A Museums Galleries at Enterprise square • Main floor, 10230 Jasper Ave • Open: Thu-Fri, 12-6pm, Sat 12-4pm • International Print Exhibition–Canada and Japan; Feb 16-Mar 25; Opening reception: Feb 16, 7-9pm; Free (RSVP)

VASA Gallery • 25 Sir Winston Churchill Ave, St Albert • 780.460.5990 • vasa-art.com • Release and Discovery - An Introspective: artwork by Pat Wagensveld; Jan 31-Feb 25

Jurassic Forest/Learning Centre • 15 mins N of Edmonton off Hwy 28A, Township Rd 564 • Education-rich entertainment facility for all ages

Latitude 53 • Latitude 53, 10242-106 St

Die-Nasty • Varscona Theatre, 10329-83 Ave

Room,10575-114 St • edmontonstoryslam. com • facebook.com/mercuryroomyeg • Great stories, interesting company, fabulous atmosphere • 3rd Wed each month • 7pm (signup); 7:30pm • $5 Donation to winner 10225-97 St NW • 780.691.1691 • There will be different themes each month • Every 2nd Tue of month, 8:30-10:30pm • $20 (door); 18+ only

• die-nasty.com • Live improvised soap opera. Join the whole Die-Nasty family REBORN, for a whole season of great artists, earth-shaking discovery, glorious music, hilarious hi jinx ... but mostly Machiavellian Intrigue • Runs every Mon, 6:30pm (doors), 7:30-9:30pm • Oct 17-May 29 • $18 or $13 with a $40 membership; at the door (cash) or at tixonthesquare.com. Season passes are available at the door (cash or cheque only) for $400 with a reserved seat

Rouge Poetry Slam hosted by Breath In Poetry Collective • BLVD

Disgraced • Shoctor Theatre, Citadel

Naked Girls Reading • Brittany's Lounge,

Supper x Club, 10765 Jasper Ave • Every Tue

Scrambled YEG • Brittany's Lounge, 10225-97 St • 780.497.0011 • Open Genre Variety Stage: artists from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue-Fri, 5-8pm

SCRIPT SALON • Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Upper Arts Space, 10037-84 Ave • A monthly play reading series: 1st Sun each month with a different play by a different playwright

TALES–Monthly Storytelling Circle • Parkallen Community Hall, 6510-111 St • Monthly TELLAROUND: 2nd Wed each month • Sep-Jun, 7-9pm • Free • Info: 780.437.7736; talesedmonton@hotmail.com

Upper Crust Café • 10909-86 Ave • 780.422.8174 • strollofpoets.com • The Poets’ Haven Reading Series • Most Mon (except holidays), 7pm, Sep-Mar; presented by the Stroll of Poets Society • $5 (door)

Theatre 11 O'Clock Number • Basement Theatre at Holy Trinity, 10037-84 Ave • grindstonetheatre. ca • This completely improvised musical comedy is based on the suggestions from the audience who will get to experience a brand new story unfold in front of them, complete with impromptu songs, dance breaks and show stopping numbers • Every Fri, starting Jan 20Jul 30, 11pm

Baskerville: a Sherlock Holmes Mystery • Mayfield Dinner Theatre, 16615 –

Rutherford Library (Galleria Space) • 90 Ave NW • 780.940.3925 •

Gallery@501 • 501 Festival Ave, Sherwood

Edmonton Story Slam • Mercury

Peter Robertson Gallery • 12304

Ocean & Land: artwork by Amanda Schutz; until Mar 3

Rue Marie-Anne Gaboury • Rubaboo Visual Art Exhibition; artwork by David Garneau, Lana Whiskeyjack, Arsan Buffin, Brandon Atkinson, Dawn Marie Marchand and MJ Belcourt Moses; Jan 30-Mar 25

performers invite the audience into a mysterious clock tower equipped with a variety of timekeeping devices. • Feb 11, 7:30 pm

Axis Theatre - Hamelin • Arden Theatre, 5 St. Anne Street, St Albert • stalbert.ca/exp/ arden/events/hamelin-a-new-fable • Stretching the boundaries of live theatre through mime, dance, clown, puppetry and acrobatics • Feb 12, 2-3:30pm

Roots on Whyte Community Building Lobby Gallery • 8135-102 St •

Galerie Cite • La Cite Francophone, 8627

1, 7pm • Local author Emma Pivato launches her latest Claire Burke mystery, Deadly Care; Mar 3, 7pm

Paint Spot • 10032-81 Ave • 780.432.0240 • paintspot.ca • Naess Gallery: Thank You Conservation: encaustic paintings by Jordan Pearson • Artisan Nook: Collect & Re-Imagine: collaged-materials pieces by Shawn Zinyk & Linda Stanford • Until Feb 18

Picture This Gallery • 959 Ordze Rd, Sherwood Park • 780.467.3038 • picturethisgallery.com • The Winter Art Show; Nov 17-Feb 28

front gallery • 12323-104 Ave • thefrontgallery.com • Infocus Photo Exhibition; Throughout Feb

NW • latitude53.org • Melting Hearts: melt your frozen heart with dancing and drinks

780.990.1161 • landogallery.com • February Group Selling Exhibition: artwork by Linny D Vine, Steven Friedman and Cindy Revell; until Feb 28

MacEwan University • City Centre

780.461.3427 • galeriecava.com • La bande dessinée au musée: un défi; Jan 13-Feb 18

Edmonton Film Society • Royal Alberta

Lando Gallery • 103, 10310-124 St •

Blvd, Sherwood Park • artsoc@telus.net • artstrathcona.com • Sat-Sun, 12-4pm (closed Easter weekend) • Artwork by 12 local artists

80 Ave • 587.786.6554 • dance@sugarswing. com • sugarswing.com • An evening of social dancing and sweet treats. For both couples and singles, guests will take beginner-lessons and then the dance will take place • Feb 11, 8pm • $14 ($2 off for members and $1 off students and out-of-towners; free for volunteers)

Cinema CAVA • Centre des arts visuels de l'Alberta, 9103-95 Ave • 780.461.3427 • cavalberta@gmail.com • galeriecava.com • Enjoy a repertoire of French movies • First two Wed each month

in the gallery plus special surprises and prizes to be won all night long; Feb 11, 8pm (for members and guests) • MADE presents Sheltered + Exposed: design for Alberta’s winter life; Feb 16-Apr 1

Literary Audreys Books • 10702 Jasper Ave • 780.423.3487 • audreys.ca • 3rd Annual Galentine's Day; Feb 13, 7-9pm • Local author Robert Bhatia "Passage Across the Mersey" Book Launch; Feb 23, 7pm • Gary Geddes launches Medicine Unbundled: A Journey through the Minefields of Indigenous Health; Mar

109 Ave • 780.483.4051 • mayfieldtheatre.ca • Equal parts adventure and comedy, Baskerville finds Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson attempting to crack the mystery of the “House of the Baskervilles” before a family curse dooms its newest heir • Feb 7-Apr 2

Bello • La Cité Francophone, 8627 Rue Marie-Anne Gaboury • Based on stories from the Mennonite Ukraine of the 1920’s, Bello is set in a fable-like world, performed with rhythm and rhyme where hard times and struggle are part of daily life, but where the healing powers of humour, love and family ultimately flourish • Feb 17 (7pm in English), Feb 18 (11am in English, 2pm in French) • $19 (adults), $16 (seniors/students); available at bookings@ concretetheatre.ca, or at the door (cash/credit)

Bust • Roxy on Gateway, 8529 Gateway Blvd • theatrenetwork.ca • Several months after the Fort McMurray Fire, a controversial call at a Peewee hockey game propels two couples into dangerous territory. A darkly funny comedy about two families, whose lives are intrinsically tied to Alberta’s boom and bust economy • Feb 9-26, 8pm (Tue-Sat), 2pm (Sun)

Buying the Moose • Performed by the St. Albert Theatre Troupe. After his wife discovers him with a blow up doll wearing her dress, Rob's wife kicks him out. He connects with his brother while his brother's wife connects with his wife • Feb 16-Mar 4 (Thu-Sat) • $50-$55

Canoe2017 theatre Festival • Backstage Theatre, ATB Financial Art Barns, 10330-84 Ave • 780.477.5955 • workshopwest. org • This year's CANOE Theatre Festival is entirely dedicated to Black theatre artists from Canada, Africa and the United States • Feb 9-19 Chimprov • Citadel's Zeidler Hall, 9828-101A

Theatre, 9828-101 A Ave • 780.425.1820 • citadeltheatre.com • A New York dinner party. A shattering cultural collision. When discussion turns to politics and religion, the match is lit on a “combustible powder keg of identity politics” • Jan 21-Feb 12

Expanse Festival • 780.454.0583 • azimuththeatre.com • Art is Community. Art is Collaboration. Art is Commitment. Three companies, three festivals, one series. Azimuth Theatre‘s Expanse, Workshop West Playwrights’ Theatre Canoe, and Fringe Theatre Adventures’ Edmonton Fringe come together to present you with the hottest two weeks of live performance you’ll experience this winter: the CHINOOK SERIES. Get Chinook-ed! • Feb 9-19

Ferris Buellers School of Rock • Jubilations Dinner Theatre, West Edmonton Mall, #2061 8882-170 St • 780.484.2424 • infoedmonton@jubilations.ca • edmonton. jubilations.ca • In 1986 Ferris Bueller took a day off. With wit and charm he managed to skip school and keep the teachers in the dark. 30 years later Ferris finds himself back in high school, but this time he’s the teacher • Jan 27Apr 2 (Wed-Sun) • $33.25-$77.95

Footloose • John L. Haar Theatre, 10045156 St • Presented by MacEwan University. Ren is prepared for the inevitable period of adjustment at his new high school when he and his mother move from Chicago to a small farming town. What he isn't prepared for is a ban on dancing instituted by the local preacher who is determined to exercise control over the town's youth that he cannot command in his own home • Feb 8-18 • Tickets available at Tix on the Square

The Government Inspector • Timms Centre for the Arts, 8703-112 St • ualberta. ca/artshows • By Nikolai Gogol/ Adapted by David Harrower. In this raucous political satire, a case of mistaken identity goes comically awry, revealing a town gripped by corruption, greed and self-deception • Feb 9-18 • $12 (student, evening), $25 (adult, evening), $22 (senior, evening); $12 (student, matinee), $20 (adult matinee), $18 (senior, matinee); $5 (Wed preview); 2 for 1 (Mon)

HMS Pinafore • Capitol Theatre, Fort Edmonton Park, 7000-143 St • operanuova.ca • Opera NUOVA presents Essgee’s version of Gilbert & Sullivan classic operetta • Feb 22-26 • $15-$26 (online or by phone)

Kinky Boots • Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, 11455-87 Ave • 780.427.2760 • jubileeauditorium.com • Kinky Boots is Broadway’s huge-hearted, high-heeled hit! With songs by Grammy and Tony-winning pop icon Cyndi Lauper, this joyous musical celebration is about the friendships we discover, and the belief that you can change the world when you change your mind. Inspired by true events, Kinky Boots takes you from a gentlemen’s shoe factory in Northampton to the glamorous catwalks of Milan • Feb 14-19

Moi, Monsieur, Moi! • La Cité Francophone, 8627-91 St • lunitheatre.ca/ buy-tickets • Presented in French with English surtitles, “Moi, Monsieur, Moi!” is the story of a young Senegalese girl who, like many others, was handed off from an aunt, to a cousin, an uncle. A story of how a young girl becomes a woman in Africa • Feb 7-11, 8pm

New Works Festival 2017 • Timms Centre for the Arts • newworksfest.com • An exciting theatrical event that allows budding playwrights at the University of Alberta to connect and develop their work with directors, dramaturges, designers, and actors. The future is now! • Feb 7-12

Ave • rapidfiretheatre.com • Rapid Fire Theatre’s longform comedy show: improv formats, intricate narratives, and one-act plays • Every Sat, 10pm • $15 (door or buy in adv at TIX on the Square) • Until Jun

Open Jam • Holy Trinity Church, 10037-84 Ave • 780.907.2975 • grindstonetheatre.ca • Facilitated by Grindstone Theatre. Swap games and ideas and get an opportunity to play. For those of all levels • Last Tue of each month

Clockwork Mysteries • Horizon Stage, 1001 Calahoo Road, Spruce Grove • 780.962.8995 • $35 Adult, $30 Students & Seniors • horizonstage.com • With the help of an elaborate Victorian time machine, the

TheatreSports • Citadel's Zeidler Hall, 9828-101A Ave • rapidfiretheatre.com • Improv • Every Fri, 7:30pm and 10pm • Sep-Jun • $15

VUEWEEKLY.com | feb 09 – feb 15, 2017

arts 9





FRI: 9:30PM SAT: 4:00 & 9:30PM SUN: 4:00 & 8:30PM MON: 9:30PM TUES TO THURS: 9:15PM


FRI & MON TO THURS: 7:00PM SAT: 1:15 & 7:00PM SUN 1:15 & 6:15PM MON TO THURS: 6:45PM

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Entwining hearts and minds


FRI: 6:45 & 10:00PM SAT: 1:00, 6:45 & 10:00PM SUN: 1:00 & 7:00PM MON: 6:30PM TUES TO THURS: 7:00PM

Documentary shows a murky, tedious path to justice and reconcilliation for indigenous children in Canada









NERUDA THUR @ 6:30, SAT @ 4:15, MON @ 9:15


SILENCE FRI @ 6:30, SAT @ 9:30, SUN @ 9:30 DEDFEST








lanis Obomsawin’s latest documentary, We Can’t Make the Same Mistake Twice, breathes new life into the near decade-long process to reclaim the dignity, equality, and rights of indigenous children across Canada. The central figure is Dr. Cindy Blackstock, executive director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada (FNCFCSC). “For many First Nations children, the clearest memory of their childhood was the day when they were taken away,” she says in the film. The thrust of the documentary, produced by the National Film Board of Canada, examines the progress of the discrimination claim made by the FNCFCSC and the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) in 2007. The claim is made against the Canadian government and its welfare policies concerning its treatment of indigenous children—as seen since the first days of residential schools, and the later child welfare policy known as the “Sixties Scoop,” which took indigenous children away from their homes, placing them with non-indigenous families, and many other actions.

But to say this is the sole focus would take away from the many subtle victories that reveal themselves throughout Obomsawin’s film. Victories seen, for example, through the focus on the power of language. Throughout her documentary, Obomsawin seems to question how much has changed between indigenous peoples and the government since the last residential school finally shut down in the late 1990s. The answers are not comforting. Obomsawin makes this clear through the stutters and disquieting pauses on the faces of those speaking to defend the Canadian government’s actions. All of this stands against a moment at the very beginning of the film where, after briefly focusing on Ottawa’s castle-like Parliment—conjuring the heyday of colonialism—the documentary takes shape by focusing on three bilingual and essential words engraved within the architectural structure: “égalité,” “dignity,” and, lastly, “rights.” The documentary is long—two hours and 45 minutes—and focuses on large portions of the tribunal itself. It creates a feeling of the frustration felt by Dr. Blackstock,

Sun., Feb. 12 at 1 pm We Can’t Make the Same Mistake Twice Garneau Theatre, $10 

and the FNCFCSC, AFN, and all other parties and individuals working for reform. And, at this time when the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has formally come to an end, the film makes viewers witnesses to the continued ways in which inequalities, and most especially, systemic racism born out of Canadian residential schools, still exist today.


*This film is being shown as part of Reconcilliation in Focus, a broader series hosted by the University of Alberta's Faculty of Arts. The University of Alberta and Metro Cinema acknowledge their relationship with Treaty 6 territory and specifically wish to acknowledge the Papaschase First Nation on whose unceded land our institutions occupy


VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017

VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017




Doug Hoyer embraces his role as a singer/songwriter in Stepping Stone


or the fair-skinned, Edmontonborn Doug Hoyer, it wouldn’t be an immediate assumption that Presi-


//Supplied photo

Sat., Feb. 11 (4 pm) Album release Empress Ale House, free dent Trump’s recently lifted travel ban would be weighing on his mind. But as an outsider living in Athens, Georgia, with plans to return here this week, the extreme maneuvers by the American president are causing some concern for him and his wife who is staying behind. “There’ve been so many things changing every single day, some terror arises and who knows what can happen,” Hoyer says from his home down south. “What if I get stuck back in Canada and my wife’s down here, or whatever. I mean, there’s so much more going on right now—and I know I’m not a visible minority or someone who’s going to be targeted but, it’s still something that’s definitely present on our minds.” Hoyer’s returning to Edmonton for some lab time at Grant MacEwan University as part of his hearing aid practitioner program he’s been doing from a distance. And while here, he’ll be dropping in at the Empress Ale House this Saturday to formally release his brand new album, Stepping Stone. Having been an active and prolific musician for almost fifteen years, often in collaboration with others, it’s no surprise Hoyer is returning with new music. But his approach to creat-

ing this latest album, as well as how he sees it playing out, have morphed with the move in 2015. Back then, Hoyer actually released his last recorded effort, Dream Life, in tandem with his farewell show all while wrapping up OLD UGLY Recording Co.— the local label he’d helped establish half a dozen years prior. “I’d spent a lot of time writing that album and recording it, and I had a bit of a budget so there were nice string arrangements and I was quite pleased with that record. But it felt so weird to just release it and go to the States,” Hoyer says of Dream Life. “I’d worked so hard and had this big release, so it’s not like I was itching to write.” Shortly after arriving in Athens, Hoyer’s scientist wife immediately left for her first month-long field placement and Hoyer, without a permit to work, was alone to settle in and get to know his new home. Understandably, he missed his wife, and he missed his friends, family and the creative community he’d been so entrenched in. Instead of writing about the immediate new environment or current affairs of the day, Hoyer found his focus reflecting back to

what he knew from a new perspective and appreciating the little things we don’t always recognize until they’re removed. “I wanted to sing songs that people could directly understand, directly relate to, or at least have a scene painted to them that they could enjoy. As I started writing, I realized I was writing sort of self-referential stuff,” he says of the tracks about old band houses, local gigs, and even his first Star Trek convention. Other than laying down a couple tracks with his old backing band when he came through town last spring, Hoyer made Stepping Stone on his own, and to play on his own. “Generally in the past, my music’s been fairly bombastic in terms of production, you know, strings and horns and break beats and stuff like that. And on this album I thought, maybe I’ll just dial it back a bit,” says Hoyer, adding the logistics of performing on his own also played into the approach. “I definitely remember a period where I did not like being labelled a songwriter, and for this album, I just totally wanted to embrace it.” Still, there were collaborators, including Matthew Belton of Mangled Tapes, who is helping release the al-

VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017

bum. And, Hoyer’s made some new musical connections down in Athens and they’ve already recorded a couple songs for Hoyer’s upcoming album, Background Actor, which will be a collection of character studies from the part-time works he’s found as … a background actor. Atlanta is a hub for movie studios, which enjoy a tax-break deal, and Hoyer has found himself in several movies, including Hidden Figures— currently in Edmonton theatres— where he can be seen bobbing around behind Kevin Costner’s head. “You kind of come up with your own little script as you’re doing it,” says Hoyer. “For that movie, we actually had a TA that would give us our own little micro plot, if you will, so that it looked realistic and we weren’t running in circles. I’d be at my station and I’d have direction to be working there for seven beats or seven seconds and then move over to this other guy and pretend to give him information or to another person and then go back to my station. So everyone had little mini plots they had to do.”



PREVUE // POP Fri., Feb. 10 (8 pm) Mercury Room, $10 in advance

After that it was just a matter of coming up the vocal melody. We decided to focus it all around that concept of the phone.” It’s difficult for a three-piece band to perform these intricate songs on stage. The MNKD manage to compliment the sound of their EP and still add surprises while performing. The trio wanted to add bigger vocals or different drum sounds that would create a different experience from the EP and the live show.

Feeling a little Say Anything


// Dale Macmillan

Fort Saskatchewan band The MNKD inspired by '80s romantic movies

he MNKD’s debut EP It’s Nothing opens with a beautiful swell—joined by swirling synths, pittering guitar and repeated lyrics fading in the background. You wouldn’t guess that these sounds are being produced by a three-piece group. Therein lies the magic that singer Steven Sware, multi-instrumentalist Chad Pankiw and drummer/producer Max Pankiw have found together. The Fort Saskatchewan band began

as a four-piece in 2013 with a more traditional rock sound. However, they parted ways with their guitarist in the summer of 2015, and the three chose to create a soundscape of their own. “We figured we might as well take the opportunity to make a new sound that’s a little bit different from kind of what you hear out of Edmonton,” says Chad Pankiw. “We didn’t want to sound like your geographic location.”

The result is an pop/alternative “wall of sound” that covers a vast amount of sonic ground. Max Pankiw is tasked with producing and mixing hundreds of tracks into one smoothing backing arrangement for each of their songs. With help from Hands Up! Music’s Dan Davidson and Ari Mastoras, The MNKD’s first EP is an ear-pleasing journey. Sware’s voice floats above the orchestrations, providing a compliment for the pop-tinged tracks.

“Elate Me” is the EP’s first single and was inspired by watching plenty of ‘80s films, love, and vulnerability. The MNKD began practicing as the soundtrack to scenes from these '80s movies. One particular scene gave them an immense amount of inspiration. “It was an over dramatic scene between a teenage guy and a teenage girl,” Max Pankiw says. “We decided to write around that scene because we all work really well with visuals.

VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017

Logistically, the band has a lot of room to work with while on stage. At first it was a learning process to figure out how best to use the space. “Because we’re a three-piece, there’s a lot of room to occupy on a stage now,” says Chad Pankiw. “We’ve noticed that in order to occupy that space you have to be moving a lot more, taking up the space that you’re given. A large part of the performance side is that interaction.” Their goal is to influence the crowd to put down their phones and get lost in the music, bringing back the essence of what music was about when they began playing. Sware will go out into the crowd to engage the audience. The MNKD started the year opening an arena show for Marianas Trench. Playing for thousands of people was something they didn’t expect at this time last year. The band’s constant growth and musical maturity has set them up for an exciting year while supporting It’s Nothing.. “I think 2017 for us is going to be a growing year, trying to create that fan base that isn’t just local,” Sware says. “In smaller cities even if it is just fifteen or twenty people, it’s still a start.” LEE BUTLER





Underage artists back on stage In 2007 the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) removed its policy allowing minors as entertainers in bars (and other establishments serving alcohol) as a public safety concern. But the organization has reversed that decision, and licensees can request approval from the AGLC for underage performers. Kids can rock too, man.

Mercy Funk Love Fest // Sat., Feb. 11 (8 PM) Mercy Funk are going to croon some love funk and they can’t help themselves. With the aid of Billie Zizi’s introspective soul, this sonically arousing duo is like Viagra for your ears. Also: what is the girl version of Viagra? Channing Tatum? (9910, $15 in advance)

Henry Wagons // Wed., Feb. 15 (7 PM) Aussie country rockers Henry Wagons are rolling their jams into Edmonchuck next week. Rumour has it these guys are the Talus Balls of Australia. That is a good thing. (The Almanac, $17 in advance, $20 at the door)

Taj Weekes & Adowa // Thurs., Feb. 9 (8 PM) Reggaenauts rejoice! Taj Weekes and Adowa mix poetry and rhythm with smooth vocals to create a swayable concoction. Old and new reggae fans will appreciate the group’s craftsmanship. (The Forge, $12 in advance)





1001 Calahoo Rd., Spruce Grove

Ronnie Earl and the Broadcasters Stony Plain Records // Maxwell Street

Ivan Coyote: Kraft Singles for Everyone Wednesday, February 22 – 7:30 p.m. A heart-felt and thought-provoking show about family dynamics, self-awareness, gender identity, and individuality by an award winning Canadian author and storyteller. Tickets: $25



The Infected Mass Constellation // Those Who Walk Away


Night Vision’s Four Year Anniversary // Fri., Feb. 10 (9 PM) Night Vision is putting on its celebration pants and offering a toast to four years of music. Be it traditional (fruit and flowers) or modern (appliances), the retro house music of Octo Octa will make your gift decisions seem right. (9910, $10 early bird, $15 in advance)

For almost 100 years Maxwell Street was the most unusual street in Chicago. It was home to an outdoor market that ran for about a mile and, because it had easy access to electricity, was a place a lot of blues musicians could set up and busk. This is where you would go to hear Robert Nighthawk, J. B. Lenoir, Arvella Gray or even a young Mike Bloomfield before he joined the Paul Butterfield Blues Band. It’s been claimed that post-war Chicago Blues was born on Maxwell Street. The empty piano chair on album cover belonged to David Maxwell, the longtime keyboardist with the Broadcasters. Maxwell, who died of cancer in February 2015, was a master of the Chicago-style, touring with people like Freddie King and Bonnie Raitt. Often compared to Otis Spann, Maxwell famously replaced Spann one night in Muddy Waters’ band—perhaps the highest

Those Who Walk Away is as interesting as it is hard to describe. With some effort, I’ve come to the conclusion that it is the ambient soundtrack to the funeral of a stranger that you regret not meeting. The opening track, “Before the Beginning,” impressed me with the feeling that I had woken up in a casket floating in the ocean. As the songs—if you can call them that—slightly shift in tone, I was overwhelemed by the minimalist tone. Created by Winnipeg-based com-

VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017

compliment that could be paid to a blues musician. Ronnie Earl is no slouch either. Widely considered to be one of the finest blues guitarists working today, he draws on an enormous sonic palette of blues and jazz influences. He is as likely to play a Coltrane or a Monk tune as he is a blues standard. The original Broadcasters formed in 1988 and now, 24 albums later, they continue to get better. Ten tracks are split evently between instrumentals and songs featuring the powerful vocalist Diane Blue. In honour of Maxwell, pianist Dave Limina contributed his composition “Elegy for a Bluesman” and Earl wrote “Blues for David Maxwell.” Earl’s combination of spirituality and deep soul make his music a deeply felt experience.



poser Matthew Patton, this collection is a haunting study of sound— flowy and boundless. Those Who Walk Away is interlaced with voice recordings of cockpit conversations on airplanes in distress. These recordings are not there for sensational impact, rather they embrace the sombre mood of the work. For audiophiles, this is a must. TRENT WILKIE


10442 whyte ave 439.1273 10442 whyte ave 439.1273 CD / LP




Go bigger every time

SonReal says focusing on the basics helped him build a fan base









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//Supplied, Universal Music Canada

Fri., Feb. 10 (8 pm) The Needle, $22-$65


or the last seven years, SonReal has had one goal in mind—being the biggest artist in the world. When the Vancouver hip-hop artist first started out, he may not have been the most talented rapper in the game, but his naivety to that fact—and passion to push ahead— are keys to his current success. “The music just kept getting better and we just didn’t give up,” SonReal says. “It’s not like I hit a gold mine and became able to sell out shows and do bigger venues. It really was something that I took my time with. I got better at singing, I got better at writing. I found out who my fans were and I connected to them more with my music.” SonReal takes notes from artists like David Bowie and Stevie Wonder. His relentless hustle and lyrical honesty have touched a chord with fans across Canada, and now the United States. The rapper doesn’t pay attention to what the mainstream expects from him and crafts songs that sound “dope” to his ear. “You get to a point in your career where you spend so much time hiding things that you wouldn’t really say,” SonReal explains of his lyrics. “I got to a point this year, and it was super fuckin’ difficult, but I kind of put it all out on the table and said, ‘Hey, if I say something that’s crazy right now, or if I say something that might be almost too honest, that’s good and that’s OK with me.” Although he wants to be known

as an album artist, he subscribes to the philosophy that there is no right way to navigate through the music industry. With his upcoming, yet to be titled full-length LP, SonReal is changing the way an artist typically releases an album. During his current “No Warm Up” tour, SonReal is releasing singles sporadically from his upcoming project. SonReal wears his heart on his sleeve on stage, giving highly emotional performances that resonate with his loyal fan base. This current tour is his biggest yet, and includes stops in Boston and New York. While rehearsing, he had a decidedly tough task of choosing what to play from his now extensive catalogue. “We wanted to do an hour and 20 minutes,” SonReal explains. “We were going over [the songs] and it was just banger after banger. Then we play them brand new songs. There’s this brand new song we play called "Repo Man" and it’s just ridiculous, man. It’s the loudest song of the entire set and people don’t even know the song, but they sing it with me.” After releasing his latest video for “No Warm Up” on Jan. 25, it’s already received nearly half a million views on YouTube, definitely fitting with SonReal’s mantra of “go bigger” each time.



VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017






Jimmy the Janitor; 7:30pm; $35 at the Bailey Box Office or online BLUES ON WHYTE Sonny

Rhodes; 9pm BLVD SUPPER X CLUB B**ch A Little, Wine Alot (house, hip-hop and reggae music); Every Thu; No cover


Call 780.481.YUKS FOR TICKETS & INFO .....................................................................



McDonald; 9pm Feb 6-11 NORTH GLENORA HALL Jam by

ON THE ROCKS Salsa Rocks: every Thu; dance lessons at 8pm; Cuban Salsa DJ to follow


Andrew Scott; 5pm

Wild Rose Old Tyme Fiddlers every Thu; 7pm


Every Fri-Sat, 7pm; No cover


9910 Night Vision's 4 Year

Anniversary featuring Octo Octa with NVS, Dailey and Adrian de Vries; 9pm; $10-$15

LB'S PUB Big Red Shoe (rock/

music THE REC ROOM Karaoke with live band, The Nervous Flirts; Every other Thu, 7pm


SANDS INN & SUITES Karaoke Thursdays with JR; Every Thu, 9pm-1am



Daddy Thursday Jam. With host Randy Big Daddy Forsberg; 7pm

- The Patsy Cline Project; 7:30-9:30pm Sweet Nothings; 6pm & 8pm ATLANTIC TRAP & GILL Jimmy

Whiffen; 8:30pm; $5

IRONGATE PUB Bryant Sailor;

pop/indie); 9:30pm; No minors LION'S HEAD PUB Mike Chenoweth; 8pm; No cover MERCURY ROOM THE MNKD

Remo, Noosh, Fingertips & guests; Underdog: Rap, house, hip-hop with DJ Babr; every Fri THE COMMON Quality Control



Hour featuring Young Medicine; 5:30pm • SonReal; 8pm; $22

Fridays with DJ Echo & Freshlan

playing the best in hip-hop, dance and classics; Every FriSat, 9pm; No cover EVOLUTION WONDERLOUNGE


GAS PUMP Live DJ; 10pm

YEG: Open Genre Variety Stage: artist from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue- Fri, 5-8pm


playing outlaw country, rock and retro classics; Every Fri-Sat, 10pm; No cover THE PROVINCIAL PUB Video


Music DJ; 9pm-2am

Trio; 7:30pm; $5


CAFÉ HAVEN Music every





THE CARROT Hip-hop night;




Whiffen; 8:30pm; $5


Karaoke; Every Thu, 7pm FIDDLER'S ROOST Acoustic

Circle Jam; 7:30-11:30pm THE FORGE ON WHYTE Taj

Weekes, The Soulicitors and introducing Oozeela (reggae/ funk); 8pm; $12 (adv); No minors


BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: DJ Late Fee; Every Fri; Wooftop: Selection Fridays with

Flashback Friday; Every Fri

CHA ISLAND Thursday open


every Thu: rotating guests; 7-11pm SQUARE 1 COFFEE Singer/


(general), $65 (VIP)

Rhodes; 9pm


BOHEMIA Toecutter Cult, Fear

McDonald; 9pm

The Mammoth



Edmonton's best solo musicians


Songwriter Open Mic (individual performer format, first-come, first served); Every Thu, 7-9pm; All ages

2pm; $25; All ages



Bistro Jazz; Every Thu, 7:30pm; Free

stage with Michael Gress (fr Self Evolution); every Thu; 9pm-2am

YEG: Open Genre Variety Stage: Artists from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue- Fri, 5-8pm




oke/DJ ; Every Thu-Sat, 9pm



Wood; 9pm PALACE CASINO Rule of Nines;

Robison (folk); 9pm

a Branch; 2nd Thu of every month, 7-8:30pm; No cover (donations welcome)

Trio; 8pm; $15

Open stage with host Naomi Carmack; 8pm every Thu



LB'S PUB Open Jam hosted by


Stage–Thursday Nights; Every Thu




(alternative/pop) with guests; 8pm; $10 (adv)



The Latin Side Of #Albertajazz; 7pm (doors), 8pm (show); $22 (members), $26 (guests)

BORDERLINE SPORTS PUB Karaoke/DJ ; Every Thu-Sat, 9pm

Thu; 7pm




Russell Johnston MAMA'S GIN JOINT Live Music

Thursdays; Every Thu, 9pm; $5 (some events)


Winspear Overture Tour; 12-1pm


Potatohed; 9pm music every Fri; all ages; 7pm; $5 (door) CASINO YELLOWHEAD M*A*R*S;


The Last Calls; 9pm; Free

9:30pm REC ROOM Social Xperiment;


with entertainment, Every Fri SHAKERS ROADHOUSE 7Even

(rock/pop/indie); 9pm; $10; No minors SHERLOCK HOLMES– DOWNTOWN Adam Holm (folk/


Mcgarrigle (folk); 9pm



Jam Night with Rockin' Rod; Every Thu, 7pm; No minors

BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Thu Main Fl: Rock N' Roll, Funk &

Soundtrack; Every Fri-Sat

Bands: live music; Every Fri


Soul with DJ Modest Mike; Every Thu; Wooftop Lounge: Dear Hip Hop with Freshlan; Underdog: Underdog Comedy Show


Stroud (country/pop/rock); 9pm

TIRAMISU BISTRO Live music every Fri with local musicians

stage; 7pm NEEDLE VINYL TAVERN Happy

Hour featuring Rott'n Dan and the Lightnin' Child; 5:30pm • Hayes Carll with Swear By The Moon; 8:45pm; SOLD OUT


Uncommon Thursday: Rotating Guests each week


DV8 Waking Mayhem with Dead as December, Global Genocide and Dayshift Stripper (metal/ hard rock/punk); 8pm; $10 (adv), $15 (door); No minors

Upcoming BIG Events


UNION HALL Full Moon Beach Party; 9pm; 18+ only WILD EARTH BAKERY– MILLCREEK Donna Durand;

8-10pm; $5 suggested donation


Battle River Big Band Valentine Dinner and Dance; 5:30pm (doors), 6:30pm (dinner), 7:30pm (show); $50 (dinner & show) $20 (balcony - show only) at the Bailey Box Office or online BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Hair

of the Dog: Ido van der Laan (live acoustic music every Sat); 4-6pm; no cover BLUE CHAIR CAFÉ Bob Dylan -

Highway 61 Revisited...squared!; 8:30-10:30pm; $15 BLUES ON WHYTE Sonny

Rhodes; 9pm BOHEMIA Primrose Hawkmouth

with Moth Priest, Old Crows and Kodama; 8pm; 18+ only BORDERLINE SPORTS PUB Karaoke/DJ ; Every Thu-Sat, 9pm BRIXX BAR Voodoo Children's One Year Anniversary Show featuring Sparrow Blue, The Mothercraft, The Millennial Project and Darryl Matthews; 8pm; $10; 18+ only CAFE BLACKBIRD Ruth Blais

Group; 8pm; $15 CAFFREY'S IN THE PARK



Kenny Shields and Streetheart Farewell Tour; 7pm (doors); $69.95 (available at Century Casino and Ticketmaster); No minors CENTURY CASINO–ST. ALBERT

The Last Calls; 9pm; Free DENIZEN HALL Champ City Soundtrack; Every Fri-Sat

FEB 11

UFC 208

DRAKE HOTEL Open Jam– Saturdays; Every Sat, 2-5pm• House band; 5-8pm • Guest band; 8pm • No minors

FEB 14

Valentine’s Day Speed Dating

DUGGAN'S BOUNDARY Doug Stroud (country/pop/rock); 9pm

FEB 18

Kardinal Offishall

DV8 Bring Us Your Dead, FALU, Heart's Content, Absinthe From Society (metal/hard rock/punk); 9pm; $10 (adv), $12 (door); No minors

FEB 21 & 23 Oscar Nominated Shorts FEB 25 FEB 26


at the Empress: this week featuring: Doug Hoyer Stepping Stone album release; Every Sat, 4-6pm; Free; 18+ only

Carter & The Capitals and Klusterfunk Daytona 500 Academy Awards Viewing Party Pool Tournament

Tickets and event listings TheRecRoom.com #tellbetterstories

GAS PUMP Saturday Jam;

3-7pm & 10pm HORIZON STAGE Outerbridge:

Clockwork Mysteries “Grand Masters of Illusion”; 7:30pm; $35 (adult), $30 (students & seniors) IRONGATE PUB Bryant Sailor;

Every Fri-Sat, 7pm; No cover Must be of legal drinking age. The Rec Room is owned by Cineplex Entertainment L. P.


VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017

LB'S PUB Mark Ammar's Saturday Sessions Jam; Every Sat, 4-8pm MKT FRESH FOOD AND BEER MARKET Live local bands


Saturday Brunch with Lisa Anderson; 11am; No cover • Benjamin Francis Leftwich; 8pm; $20 (adv) NEW WEST HOTEL Early:


playing the best in hip-hop, dance and classics; Every FriSat, 9pm; No cover ENVY NIGHT CLUB Resolution Saturdays: top 40, throwbacks and club anthems EVOLUTION WONDERLOUNGE

Rotating DJs Velix and Suco; every Sat HAVE MERCY Resident DJs

Saturday Country Jam (country); Every Sat, 3pm • Later: Joe McDonald; 9pm

playing outlaw country, rock and retro classics; Every Fri-Sat, 10pm; No cover



Every Sun, 7-11pm SHAKERS ROADHOUSE The

Sunday Happening Jam featuring The Todd James Band; 4pm


Varsovie: Paris express de l'amour; 6pm; $20 CITY HALL Swing 'n Skate; Every Sun until Feb 26, 1-4pm; Free SOUTH POINTE COMMUNITY CENTRE Orchestra Borealis


in Concert with The King's University Choirs; 3-5pm; $12-$15


Nights: Indie rock and dance with DJ Maurice; 9pm-2am


Wood; 9pm


PALACE CASINO Rule of Nines;

Dance Party: Sugar Swing Dance Club every Sat, 8-12; no experience or partner needed, beginner lesson followed by social dance; sugarswing.com

Band with Tommy Banks and Mallory Chipman; 8-10pm; $35 (available at Tix on the Square)

9:30pm ROSE & CROWN PUB Duff

Robison (folk); 9pm SHAKERS ROADHOUSE 7Even

(rock/pop/indie); 9pm; $10; No minors SHERBROOKE PUB Valentines

Day Party; 9pm; $10 (door) SHERLOCK HOLMES– DOWNTOWN Adam Holm (folk/


Mcgarrigle (folk); 9pm STARLITE ROOM Truth; 9pm;

$15-$25; 18+ only YARDBIRD SUITE The Stryker/

Wong every Sat

GAS PUMP Karaoke; 9:30pm



Wednesdays Live Piano Karaoke featuring the Fab Tiff Hall; Every Wed, 8:30pm


Boots; 8pm; $30-$140 (available at Ticketmaster)


LB'S PUB Tuesday Night Open


Boots; 8pm; $30-$140 (available at Ticketmaster) KRUSH ULTRALOUNGE Karaoke





Band; 9pm

Dreamer Jam featuring Picture the Ocean; 8pm



SUN FEB 12 THE ALMANAC Sunday Song Stage Hosted by Rhea March; Every Sun, 6:30-10pm; Free BLUE CHAIR CAFÉ Sunday Jazz

Brunch - Bossa; 9am-2:30pm; Cover by donations BLUES ON WHYTE Sonny

Every Sun, 2pm; No minors HAVE MERCY YEG Music



Black History Month Gospel Concert; 7pm; $25 (at Ticketmaster)




Acoustic Jam; Every Sun, 12pm Sunday brunch with Bramwell Park and Ben Spencer; 11:30am; No cover • 9:27 Mixtape Release for Sole Rhythm with guests; 3pm; $12 (adv)

Ukulele Circle; 6:30pm; Free

Ferguson; 9pm

CHA ISLAND Karaoke Monday

O’BYRNE’S Guinness Celtic jam


night; Every Mon, 9pm; Free FIDDLER'S ROOST Open Stage;

7-11pm HAVE MERCY Have Mercy Blues

Jam hosted by Dylan Farrell Band; Every Mon, 8:30pm (sign up) NEEDLE VINYL TAVERN Happy

Hour featuring Celeigh Cardinal; 5:30pm NEW WEST HOTEL Brad

Ferguson; 9pm PLEASANTVIEW COMMUNITY HALL Wild Rose Old Tyme

Fiddlers Association: Acoustic instrumental old time fiddle jam every Mon; hosted by the Wild Rose Old Tyme Fiddlers Society; 7pm SIDELINER’S PUB Singer/

every Tue; 9:30pm POURHOUSE A Pourhouse

Valentine's evening; 6pm RIVER CREE–The Venue Purple

Reign – World Famous Tribute to Prince; 6pm (doors), 8pm (show); Tickets start at $29.99; 18+ only SHAKERS ROADHOUSE Crazy

Dave's Rock & Roll Renegade Jam; 7:30pm STARLITE ROOM Prof with guests, Finding Novyon, Metasota, Willie Wonka; 8pm; $15; 18+ only UNION HALL 112; 8pm; $34$80; 18+ only YARDBIRD SUITE Tuesday

Session: Don Berner Trio; 7:30pm (door)/8pm (show); $5

DJs BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: Chris Bruce spins Britpop/


Songwriter Monday Night Open Stage; Hosted by Celeigh Cardinal; Every Mon (except long weekends), 8:30pm

Service: acoustic open stage; Every Sun, 3pm



O’BYRNE’S Open mic every Sun;

BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: Substance with Eddie

9:30pm ON THE ROCKS The Dating

Game and Jellybean; 9pm SANDS INN & SUITES Open Jam;

punk/garage/indie; Every Tue

DJ Thomas Culture




THE ALMANAC Henry Wagons

hip-hop with DJ Creeazn every Mon; 9pm-2am

(country/folk/rock) and guests; 7pm; $17 (adv), $20 (door)













Karaoke; Every Wed, 9pm; Free


Hour featuring Lucette; 5:30pm • Good Nature and The Johnny Lemons; 8pm; No cover




Ferguson; 9pm ON THE ROCKS Karaoke


Wednesdays hosted by ED; Every Wed, 9pm PLEASANTVIEW COMMUNITY HALL Acoustic Bluegrass jam


presented by the Northern Bluegrass Circle Music Society; Guests and newcomers always welcome; every Wed, 7pm; $2 (donation, per person), free coffee available




Wednesday SHAKERS ROADHOUSE 4 Dollar Bill Country Jam; 7:30pm







Music Wednesdays At Noon: Trevor Sanders, solo guitar (Feb 15); 12:10-12:50pm; Free




BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: DJ Late Fee; Every Wed PINT DOWNTOWN Wild Wing

Wednesdays at the Pint with DJ Thomas Culture; Every Wed, 10pm



VENUEGUIDE 9910 9910B-109 St NW, 780.709.4734, 99ten.ca ACCENT EUROPEAN LOUNGE 8223-104 St, 780.431.0179 THE ALMANAC 10351-82 Ave, 780.760.4567, almanaconwhyte. com ARCADIA BAR 10988-124 St, 780.916.1842, arcadiayeg.com ARDEN THEATRE 5 St Anne St, St Albert, 780.459.1542, stalbert.ca/ experience/arden-theatre ART GALLERY OF ALBERTS 2 Sir Winston Churchill Sq ATLANTIC TRAP & GILL 7704 Calgary Trail South, 780.432.4611, atlantictrapandgill.com BAILEY THEATRE 5041-50 St, Camrose, 780. 672.5510, baileytheatre.com BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE 1042582 Ave, 780.439.1082 BLVD SUPPER X CLUB 10765 Jasper Ave BLUE CHAIR CAFÉ 9624-76 Ave, 780.989.2861 BLUES ON WHYTE 10329-82 Ave, 780.439.3981 BOHEMIA 10217-97 St BORDERLINE SPORTS PUB 322682 St, 780.462.1888 BRITTANY'S LOUNGE 10225-97 St, 780.497.0011 BRIXX BAR 10030-102 St (downstairs), 780.428.1099 THE BUCKINGHAM 10439 82 Ave, 780.761.1002, thebuckingham.ca CAFE BLACKBIRD 9640-142 St NW, 780.451.8890, cafeblackbird.ca



Every Tue-Wed

Jam Hosted by Darrell Barr; 7-11pm; No charge


10030 - 102 STREET

GAS PUMP Karaoke; 9:30pm

Kraziness with host Ryan Kasteel; 8pm-2am

out in your Jammies; Every Sun, 3-10pm; Free

Saturday Night: House and disco and everything in between with Wright & Wong, Dane

FIDDLER'S ROOST Fiddle Jam Circle; 7:30-11:30pm

DUGGAN'S BOUNDARY Wed open mic with host Duff Robison; 8pm

open mic; Every Tue, 9pm; Starts Jan 3; Free

presents “Compete With The Beat”; Every Sun, 6pm; $10

THE COMMON Get Down It's

YEG: Open Genre Variety Stage: artist from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue- Fri, 5-8pm

YEG: Open Genre Variety Stage: artist from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations; Every Tue-Fri, 5-8pm • Wednesday Night Jazz; Every Wed, 9pm

Metal Mondays with Metal Phil from CJSR's Heavy Metal Lunchbox

String Quartet Concert Series: Sounds from the North Sea; 7:30pm

britpop/punk/garage/indie; Every Sat; Wooftop: Sound It Up! with DJ Sonny Grimezz spinning classic hip-hop and reggae; Underdog: hip-hop open mic followed by DJ Marack



motown, funk, R&B and more with DJs Ben and Mitch; every Sat; 9pm-2am

DRAKE HOTEL Sunday Jamming;

BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: DJ Chris Bruce spins

Band; 9pm





Day with Acellorosa; 6-10:30pm BLUES ON WHYTE The James

Starliteroom starlitetoomyeg

John & The Hawks; 9pm


Rhodes; 9pm

Requiem; 8pm; $29-$79

GAS PUMP Kizomba-DJ; 8pm


StarliteRoom BLUES ON WHYTE Studebaker


Slagle Organ Quartet with Jared Gold; 7pm (doors), 8pm (show); $24 (members), $28 (guests)


BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: DJ Zyppy; Every Sun



CAFÉ HAVEN 9 Sioux Rd, Sherwood Park, 780.417.5523, cafehaven.ca CAFFREY'S IN THE PARK 99, 23349 Wye Rd, Sherwood Park CAMPUS ST. JEAN AUDITORIUM 8406 Rue Marie-Anne Gaboury CARROT COFFEEHOUSE 9351118 Ave, 780.471.1580 CASINO EDMONTON 7055 Argylll Rd, 780.463.9467 CASINO YELLOWHEAD 12464153 St, 780.424 9467 CASK AND BARREL 10041104 St; 780.498.1224, thecaskandbarrel.ca CENTRAL SENIOR LIONS CENTRE 11113-113 St CENTURY CASINO–EDMONTON 13103 Fort Rd, 780.643.4000 CENTURY CASINO–ST. ALBERT 24 Boudreau Rd, St. Albert, 780.460.8092 CHA ISLAND TEA CO 10332-81 Ave, 780.757.2482 CHVRCH OF JOHN 10260-103 St, 780.884.8994, thechvrchofjohn. com COMMON 9910-109 St CONVOCATION HALL Old Arts Building, University of Alberta, music.ualberta.ca DENIZEN HALL 10311-103 Ave, 780.424.8215, thedenizenhall. com DEVANEY'S IRISH PUB 1111387 Ave NW, devaneyspub.com DUGGAN'S BOUNDARY 9013-88 Ave, 780.465.4834 DV8/MAMA'S PIZZA 7317-101 Ave NW EL CORTEZ MEXICAN KITCHEN + TEQUILA BAR 8230 Gateway

Blvd, elcortezcantina.com EMPRESS ALE HOUSE 9912-82 Ave NW ENVY NIGHT CLUB West Edmonton Mall, 8882 170 St EVOLUTION WONDERLOUNGE 10220-103 St NW, 780. 424.0077, yourgaybar.com FESTIVAL PLACE 100 Festival Way, Sherwood Park, 780.449.3378 FIDDLER'S ROOST 7308-76 Ave, 780.439.9788, fiddlersroost.ca THE FORGE ON WHYTE 1054982 Ave (Whyte Ave) GAS PUMP NIGHT CLUB & BAR 10166-114 St HAVE MERCY SOUTHERN TABLE + BAR 8232 Gateway Blvd, havemercy.ca HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH 10037-84 Ave NW, 780.433.5530, holytrinity.ab.ca HORIZON STAGE 1001 Calahoo Rd, Spruce Grove, 780.962.8995, horizonstage.com JT'S BAR AND GRILL 1107 Knottwood Road East JUBILEE AUDITORIUM 1145587 Ave NW, 780.427.2760, jubileeauditorium.com L.B.’S PUB 23 Akins Dr, St Albert, 780.460.9100 MAMA'S GIN JOINT 11723 Jasper Ave, 780.705.0998, mamasginjoint.com MCDOUGALL UNITED CHURCH 10086 MacDonald Dr NW, mcdougallunited.com MKT FRESH FOOD AND BEER MARKET 8101 Gateway Blvd, 780.439.2337

MERCER TAVERN 10363 104 St, 587.521.1911 MERCURY ROOM 10575-114 St MUTTART HALL 10050 Macdonald Dr, 780.633.3725 NAKED CYBERCAFÉ 10303-108 St, 780.425.9730 NEEDLE VINYL TAVERN 10524 Jasper Ave, 780.756.9045, theneedle.ca NEWCASTLE PUB 8170-50 St, 780.490.1999 NEW WEST HOTEL 15025-111 Ave NORTH GLENORA HALL 13535109A Ave OASIS CENTRE 10930-177 St NW O’BYRNE’S 10616-82 Ave, 780.414.6766 O'MAILLES IRISH PUB 104, 398 St Albert Rd, St Albert ON THE ROCKS 11730 Jasper Ave, 780.482.4767 PALACE CASINO 8882-170 St NW, 780.444.2112, palacecasino. com PINT–DOWNTOWN 10125-109 St NW PLEASANTVIEW COMMUNITY HALL 10860-57 Ave POURHOUSE BISTRO & TAPROOM 10354-82 Ave THE PROVINCIAL PUB 160, 4211-106 St RENDEZVOUS 10108-149 St ROSE AND CROWN 10235-101 St SANDS INN & SUITES 12340 Fort Rd, sandshoteledmonton.com SHAKERS ROADHOUSE Yellowhead Inn, 15004 Yellowhead Trail SHERLOCK HOLMES–DOWNTOWN 10012-101 A Ave, 780.426.7784,

sherlockshospitality.com SHERLOCK HOLMES–WEM 8882-170 St, 780.444.1752, sherlockshospitality.com SIDELINERS PUB 11018-127 St SMOKEHOUSE BBQ 10810-124 St, 587.521.6328 SNEAKY PETE'S 12315-118 Ave SQUARE 1 COFFEE 15 Fairway Drive ST. BASIL'S CULTURAL CENTRE 10819-71 Ave NW, 780.434.4288, stbasilschurch.com STARLITE ROOM 10030-102 St, 780.428.1099 SUGAR FOOT BALLROOM 10545-81 Ave TAVERN ON WHYTE 10507-82 Ave, 780.521.4404 TILTED KILT PUB AND EATERY 17118-90 Ave TIRAMISU 10750-124 St TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 10014-81 Ave NW, 780.433.1604, trinity-lutheran. ab.ca UNION HALL 6240-99 St NW, 780.702-2582, unionhall.ca UPTOWN FOLK CLUB 11150-82 St, 780.436.1554 WILD EARTH BAKERY– MILLCREEK 8902-99 St, wildearthbakery.com WINSPEAR CENTRE 4 Sir Winston Churchill Square; 780.28.1414 WOODRACK CAFE 7603-109 St, 780. 757.0380, thewoodrackcafe. com Y AFTERHOURS 10028-102 St, 780.994.3256, yafterhours.com YARDBIRD SUITE 11 Tommy Banks Way, 780.432.0428




VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017












COMEDY 47th Annual Beverly Heights Variety Show • Beverly Heights Hall, 4209-111 Ave • An evening of adult comedy. Featuring a production entitled "150 Years from Eh to Zed" • Every Fri-Sat, 7:30-10:30pm; Feb 24-Mar 25 • $20 (via 780.471.3600)

Big Rock Presents: Devaney’s Comedy Night • Devaney's, 11113-87 Ave • 780.433.6364 • stephen.f.mcgovern@ gmail.com • Weekly open-mic hosted by Stephen McGovern • Every Wed, 8:30pm • Free

Black Dog Freehouse • 10425-82 Ave • Underdog Comedy Show • Every Thu

COMEDY FACTORY • Gateway Entertainment Centre, 34 Ave, Calgary Tr • Fri-Sat: 8:30pm • Tom Liske; Feb 9-11 • Bob Angeli; Feb 16-18 Comic Strip • Bourbon St, WEM • 780.483.5999 • K Trevor Wilson; Feb 8-12 • Ruben Paul; Feb 14-19

El Comedy • El Cortez Mexican Kitchen + Tequila Bar, 8230 Gateway Blvd • Hosted by Dion Arnold with weekly headliners & guest comics • Every Wed, 7pm (door), 7:30pm (show) • No cover Empress Ale House • 9912-82 Ave • Empress Comedy Night: Highlighting the best stand-up Edmonton has to offer. New headliner every week • Every Sun, 9pm • Free Odd Wednesday • Sewing Machine Factory, 9562-82 Ave • debutantescomedy@ gmail.com • thedebutantes.ca • A sketch (and other) comedy showcase featuring local, national and international acts. Hosted by the Debutantes • Every 2nd Wed, 8:30-11pm • $5

VALENTINE Dating Game • On The Rocks, 11740 Jasper Ave • Sterling Scott hosting with Jellybean • Feb 12, 7:30pm (doors), 8pm (show)

Groups/CLUBS/meetings Aikikai Aikido Club • 10139-87 Ave, Old Strathcona Community League • Japanese Martial Art of Aikido • Every Tue, Thu; 7-9pm

Argentine Tango Dance at Foot Notes Studio • Foot Notes Dance Studio (South side), 9708-45 Ave • 780.438.3207 • virenzi@shaw.ca • Argentine Tango with Tango Divino: beginners: 7-8pm; intermediate: 8-9pm; Tango Social Dance (Milonga): 9pm-12 • Every Fri, 7pm-midnight • $15

Babes In Arms • The Carrot, 9351-118 Ave • A casual parent group • Every Fri, 10am-12pm

Book Group • McDougall United Church, 10086 Macdonald Drive (south entrance) • 780.428.1818 • mcdougallunited.com • Discussing the current reading selection. The group chooses mostly current fiction or long-time favourites • 3rd Wed each month, 7pm

Brazilian Zouk Dance Classes

• Spazio Performativo, 10816-95 St NW • 780.974.4956 • hello@ludiczouk.com • ludiczouk.com/buy • Every Wed, Jan 18-Jun 28, 7-8:30pm • $20 (drop-in, at the door); discount on classes online

DeepSoul.ca • 780.217.2464; call or text for Sunday jam locations • Every Sun: Sunday Jams with no Stan (CCR to Metallica), starring Chuck Prins and Les Paul Standard; Pink Floyd-ish originals plus great covers of classics: some free; Twilight Zone Lively Up Yourself Tour (with DJ Cool Breeze); all ages Drop-In D&D • Hexagon Board Game Café, 10123 Whyte Ave • 780.757.3105 • info@thehexcafe.com • thehexcafe.com • An epic adventure featuring a variety of premade characters, characters that guests can

18 At the back

make on their own, or one that has already been started. Each night will be a single campaign that fits in a larger story arc. For all levels of gamers and those brand new or experienced to D&D • Every Tue & Wed, 7pm • $5

Group meets every Thu, 7-9pm • Free

Painting for Pleasure • McDougall United Church, 10086 Macdonald Drive (south entrance) • 780.428.1818 • karenbishopartist@gmail.com • mcdougallunited.com • A weekly group for those who like to paint, draw or otherwise be creative on paper • Every Thu, 10am-noon

EC (Infant Pottying) and Potty Training Support Meeting • Lendrum Community League Hall, 11335-57 Ave • danielle@godiaperfree.com • facebook.com/ groups/gdfedmonton • For anyone doing EC (elimination communication or infant pottying) or hoping to, or those looking for potty training support • 3rd Wed of every month, 10-11am • Free

Edmonton Needlecraft Guild • Avonmore United Church Bsmt, 82 Ave, 79 St • edmNeedlecraftGuild.org • Classes/workshops, exhibitions, guest speakers, stitching groups for those interested in textile arts • Meet the 2nd Tue ea month, 7:30pm

EDMONTON OUTDOOR CLUB (EOC) • edmontonoutdoorclub.com • Offering a variety of fun activities in and around Edmonton • Free to join; info at info@ edmontonoutdoorclub.com

Edmonton Photographic Historial Society • Highlands Library • 780.436.3878 • edm_photographic_ hist_society_2@yahoo.ca • All interested in sharing the joys of film photography, such as experiences or favourite equipment. Schedule: historic companies (Jan 18), milestone events (Feb 15), historic cameras (Mar 15), photography books (Apr 19), historic images (May 17), photoshoot outing (Jun 21) • 3rd Wed of the month, 7:30pm (no meetings in Jul & Aug)

Edmonton Stamp Club • St. Joseph High School, 10830-109 St, main floor cafeteria • edmontonstampclub.com • Get into a new hobby. Featuring lectures, circuit books, catalogues and packets that can be browsed • Feb 13, 27; Mar 13, 20

Flamenco Dance Classes (Beginner or Advanced) • Dance Code Studio, 10575-115 St NW #204 • 780.349.4843 • judithgarcia07@gmail.com • Every Sun, 11:30am-12:30pm

FOOD ADDICTS • Alano Club (& Simply Done Cafe), 10728-124 St • 780.718.7133 (or 403.506.4695 after 7pm) • Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA), free 12-Step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating, and bulimia • Meetings every Thu, 7pm

Fort Saskatchewan 45+ Singles Coffee Group • A&W, 10101-88 Ave, Fort Saskatchewan • 780.907.0201 (Brenda) • A mixed group offering conversation and friendship • Every Sun, 2pm

Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Information Night • Habitat for Humanity Prefab Shop, 14135-128 Ave • 780.451.3416 ext. 236 • vbatten@hfh.org • hfh.org/volunteer/vin • Learn about taking the next steps and what opportunities are available at Habitat for Humanity • Every 3rd Thu of the month, excluding Dec; 6-7pm • Free

Lotus Qigong • SAGE downtown 15 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.695.4588 • Attendees can raise their vital energy with a weekly Yixue practice • Every Fri, 2-3:30pm • Free Cafe, 10123 Whyte Ave • 780.757.3105 • info@thehexcafe.com • thehexcafe.com • Meet new gamers. Go to the event solo or with a group • Every Mon, 5-11pm • $5 (one drink per person)

Northern Alberta Wood Carvers Association • Duggan Community Hall, 3728-106 St • nawca.ca • Meet every Wed, 6:30pm

Open Door Comic Creator Meetings • Happy Harbor Comics, 10729-104 Ave • 780.452.8211 • happyharborcomics.com • Open to any skill level. Meet other artists and writers, glean tricks of the trade and gain tips to help your own work, or share what you've already done • 2nd and 4th Thu of every month, 7pm

Nuns Hospital, Rm 0651, obad@shaw.ca;

#103-10324-82 Ave • capoeiraacademy.ca • Brazil's traditional game of agility and trickery • Every Sat, 2:30pm • Free • All ages

Sacred Circle Dance • Riverdale Hall, 9231-100 Ave • Dances are taught to a variety of songs and music. No partner required • Every Wed, 7-9pm • $10

Schizophrenia Society Family Support Drop-in Group • Schizophrenia Society of Alberta, 5215-87 St • 780.452.4661 • schizophrenia.ab.ca • The Schizophrenia Society of Alberta offers a variety of services and support programs for those who are living with the illness, family members, caregivers, and friends • 1st and 3rd Thu each month, 7-9pm • Free

Scrambled YEG • Brittany's Lounge, 10225-97 St • 780.497.0011 • Open genre variety stage: artist from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue-Fri, 5-8pm Seeing is Above All • Acacia Hall, 10433-83 Ave NW • 780.554.6133 • Instruction into the meditation on the Inner Light. Learn a simple technique that will lift you above life's stresses • Every Sun, 5pm • Free

Seventies Forever Music Society • Call 587.520.3833 for location • deepsoul. ca • Combining music, garage sales, nature, common sense, and kindred karma to revitalize the inward persona • Every Wed, 7-8:30pm

Sugar Foot Ballroom • 10545-81 Ave • 587.786.6554 • sugarswing.com • Friday Night Stomp!: Swing and party music dance social every Fri; beginner lesson starts at 8pm. All ages and levels welcome. Occasional live music–check web; $10, $2 (lesson with entry) • Swing dance social every Sat; beginner lesson starts at 8pm. All ages and levels welcome. Occasional live music–check the Sugar Swing website for info • $10, $2 lesson with entry

TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY (TOPS) • Grace United Church annex, 6215-104 Ave • 780.479-8667 (Bob) • bobmurra@telus.net • Low-cost, fun and friendly weight loss group • Every Mon, 6:30pm

Toastmasters • Chamber Toastmasters Club: 6th

floor, World Trade Centre, 9990 Jasper Ave; Contact: 780.462.1878/RonChapman@shaw.ca (Ron Chapman); 780.424.6364/dkorpany@ telusplanet.net (Darryl Korpany); Meet every Thu from Sep-Jun, 6-7:45pm • Club Bilingue Toastmasters Meetings: Campus St. Jean: Pavillion McMahon; 780.667.6105 (Willard); clubbilingue.toastmastersclubs.org; Meet every Tue, 7pm • Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking: Norwood Legion, 11150-82 St; 780.902.4605; norwoodtoastmasters.org; Every Thu, Oct 13Jun 29, 7:30-9:30pm; Guests are free • Fabulous Facilitators Toastmasters Club:

Monday Mingle • Hexagon Board Game

Organization for Bipolar Affective Disorder (OBAD) • Grey

Roda de Capoeira • Capoeira Academy,

2nd Fl, Canada Place Rm 217, 9700 Jasper Ave; Carisa: divdgov2014_15@outlook. com, 780.439.3852; fabulousfacilitators. toastmastersclubs.org; Meet every Tue, 12:05-1pm • Generating Power Speakers: EPCOR Tower, 10423-101 St NW: Meeting will take place on the 8th floor, 780.392.5331 (Phil); 1st and 3rd Tue each month, 12:05-1:05pm • N'Orators Toastmasters Club: Lower Level, McClure United Church, 13708-74 St: meet every Thu, 6:45-8:30pm; contact vpm@ norators.com, 780.807.4696, norators.com • Terrified of Public Speaking: Norwood Legion Edmonton, 11150-82 St NW; Every Thu until Jun, 7:30-9:30pm; Free; contact jnwafula@ yahoo.com; norwoodtoastmasters.org • Y Toastmasters Club: Queen Alexandra Community League, 10425 University Ave (N door, stairs to the left); 780.437.1136 (Mark) or 780.463.5331 (Antonio); yclubtoastmasters@gmail.com; Meet every Tue, 7-9pm except last Tue each month

Wiccan Assembly • Ritchie Hall, 7727-98 St • The Congregationalist Wiccan

Assembly of Alberta meets the 2nd Sun each month (except Aug), 6pm • Info: contact cwaalberta@gmail.com

LECTURES/Presentations 2017 Curatorial Lecture Series: Curling in Alberta • Royal Alberta Museum, 12845-102 Ave • 780.453.9100 • royalalbertamuseum.ca • Curling has long been a beloved Canadian winter pastime. Explore how the innovations of Albertans Ole and Herb Olson revolutionized curling in the 20th century • Feb 22, 7-8pm • Free

Alberta Women Entrepreneurs' Learning Day - Building a Resilient Business • MacEwan University, Robbins Health Learning Centre, Building 9 Main Floor • 1.800.713.3558 • info@awebusiness.com • An event to support women entrepreneurs through skills training and community networking. Hear from industry experts, learn best practices to grow the business, and expand your tool kit through various workshops • Feb 22, 9:30am-4:30pm • $143.54 (full day + lunch); available at Eventbrite

Glass ​Blowing ​C​lasses ​• Pixie Glassworks, 9322-60 Ave • 780.436.4460 • pixieglassworks.com/pages/classes • Offering three levels in each of: hollow body work, implosions, sculpture, pipe-making and beads. Call to book. No classes on holidays • Every Mon, Wed, Thu, 6-9pm • $150

No Duty to Live: Section 7 & How We Choose to Die • Enterprise Square,10230 Jasper Ave, Room 2-926 • ccsedu@ualberta.ca • bit.ly/FebDCS • What exactly does a right to life, liberty, and security of the person have to do with seeking assisted dying? What does this right mean for how we choose to die and what are its limits? Join Professor Ubaka Ogbogu as he tackles this question and shows how Canadian courts interpret and apply section seven of the Charter • Feb 15, 12-1pm • Free & open to the public

Opera 101 Edmonton Opera's Elektra • 9804 Jasper Ave • edmontonopera. com • Grab a drink and follow Elektra's journey through history, including its origins in Greek drama and adaptation into opera's greatest psychological thriller • Feb 22, 7-9pm • Free (RSVP at Eventbrite)

RASC Regular Meeting - Fantastic Black Holes and How to Find Them • Telus World of Science, 11211142 St NW • edmontonrasc.com • Few astronomical objects are as broadly exciting as black holes. But how exactly do astronomers find these fantastic objects? • Feb 13, 7:30-9:30pm • Free (open to the public)

QUEER Affirm Group • garysdeskcom@hotmail. com • mcdougallunited.com • Part of the United Church network supporting LGBTQ men and women • Meet monthly at Second Cup, Edmonton City Centre for coffee and conversation at 12:30pm; Special speaker events are held throughout the year over lunch at McDougall Church Evolution Wonderlounge • 10220103 St • 780.424.0077 • yourgaybar.com • Mon: Drag Race in the White Room; 7pm • Wed: Monthly games night/trivia • Thu: Happy hour, 6-8pm; Karaoke, 7-12:30am • Fri: Flashback Friday with your favourite hits of the ’80s/’90s/’00s; rotating drag and burlesque events • Sat: Rotating DJs Velix and Suco • Sun: Weekly drag show, 10:30pm G.L.B.T.Q Seniors Group • S.A.G.E

tion for youth aged 12-24; Every other Tue, 7-9pm • Equal Fierce Fit & Fabulous: recreational fitness program, ages 12-24; every other Tue, 6-8pm • Queer Lens: weekly education and discussion group open to everyone; every Wed, 7-8:30pm • Mindfulness Meditation: open to everyone; every Thu, 6-6:50pm • Men's Social Circle: A social support group for all male-identified persons over 18 years of age in the LGBT*Q community; 1st and 3rd Thu each month; 7-9pm • TTIQ (18+ Trans* Group): 2nd Mon of the month, 7-9pm • Art & Identity: exploring identity through the arts, a wellness initiative; Every other Fri, 6-9pm • Edmonton Illusions: cross-dressing and transgender group 18+; 2nd Fri of each month, 7-9pm • Movies & Games Night: Every other Fri, 6-9pm • Thought OUT: Altview’s all-ages discussion group; every Sat, 7-9pm • Seahorse Support Circle: facilitated meet up for families with trans and gender creative kids aged 5-14; 2nd Sun of the month, 3-5pm • Men Talking with Pride: Social discussion group for gay and bisexual men; Every Sun, 7-9pm

Team Edmonton • Various sports and recreation activities • teamedmonton. ca • Bootcamp: Garneau School, 10925-87 Ave; Most Mon, 7-8pm • Swimming: NAIT Swimming Pool, 11665-109 St; Every Tue, 7:30-8:30pm and every Thu, 7-8pm • Water Polo: NAIT Swimming Pool, 11665-109 St; Every Tue, 8:30-9:30pm • Yoga: New Lion's Breath Yoga Studio, #301,10534-124 St; Every Wed, 7:30-9pm • Taekwondo: near the Royal Gardens Community Centre, 4030-117 St; Contact for specific times • Abs: Parkallen Community League Hall, 6510-111 St; Every Tue, 6-7pm and Thu, 7:15-8:15pm • Dodgeball: Royal Alexandra Hospital Gymnasium; Every Sun, 5-7pm • Running: meet at Kinsmen main entrance; Every Sun, 10am • Spin: Blitz Conditioning, 10575-115 St; Every Tue, 7-8pm• Volleyball: Stratford Elementary School, 8715-153 St; Every Fri, 7-9 • Meditation: Edmonton Pride Centre, 10608-105 Ave; 3rd Thu of every month, 5:30-6:15pm • Board Games: Underground Tap & Grill, 10004 Jasper Ave; One Sun per month, 3-7pm • All Bodies Swim: Bonnie Doon Leisure Centre, 8468-81 St; One Sat per month 4:30-5:30pm Yoga with Jennifer • 780.439.6950 • ThreeBattles.com • A traditional approach with lots of individual attention. Free introductory classes • Tue evenings & Sat mornings

SPECIAL EVENTS 2017 Capital Classic Pond Hockey Tournament • Hawrelak Park, 9330 Groat Road • An old-fashioned 3-on-3 round robin done Canadian style in the great outdoors–next to a beer tent • Feb 18, 9am-5pm

2017 Edmonton RV Expo & Sale • Edmonton EXPO Centre, 7515-118 Ave NW • For those who want to enjoy the great outdoors for Canada's 150th now that park passes are free for the year, take a peak at 400 of the newest RVs and the new trends in camping • Feb 9-12 • $11-$15 (or $35 for two adults and two youth); available at Safeways, Sobeys, the door or at Ticketmaster Ice Castles • Hawrelak Park, 9330 Groat Road • icecastles.com/edmonton • Guests are invited to view the structure, and also to squeeze, squish and crawl through parts of the display • Dec 30-Mar 1, 3-10pm (closed Tue except during the Silver Skate Festival) • $9.95-$12.95 (available online)

New Works Festival • Second Playing Space, Timms Centre for the Arts • newworksfest.com​• Featuring four plays: Tempting, Hand of Donald, Ministers of Grace, Pomer and Penelope • Feb 7-12 • Tickets at Tix on the Square or at the door

Bldg, main floor Cafe, Or in confidence oneon-one in the Craft Room • 780.474.8240 • Meeting for gay seniors, and for any seniors who have gay family members and would like some guidance. One-on-one meetings are also available in the craft room • Every Thu, 1-4pm • Info: E: Tuff69@telus.net

Silver Skate Festival 2017 • Haw-

Illusions Social Club • Pride Centre,

ence Centre, Hall D, 9797 Jasper Ave • 1.866.228.3555 • dakota@celebratewinefest. com • celebratewinefest.com/edmonton.html • A wonderland of wines, where attendees will sample from a delicious array of wines from all over the world • Feb 17-18 • $84$89 • Attendees must be legal drinking age

10608-105 Ave • 780.387.3343 • pridecentreofedmonton.org • Crossdressers meet 2nd Fri each month, 7-9pm

Pride Centre of Edmonton • Pride Centre of Edmonton, 10608-105 Ave • 780.488.3234 • Drop in hours: Mon, Wed 4-7pm; Fri 6-9pm; Closed Sat, Sun and holidays • JamOUT: Music mentorship and instruc-

VUEWEEKLY.com | feb 09 – feb 15, 2017

relak Park, 9930 Groat Road • silverskatefestival.org/go • Rooted in Dutch winter traditions, the festival combines sport (especially skating), arts and culture, and recreation • Feb 10-20, 12-8pm • Free

Winefest Edmonton • Shaw Confer-


COMEDY 47th Annual Beverly Heights Variety Show • Beverly Heights Hall, 4209-111 Ave • An evening of adult comedy. Featuring a production entitled "150 Years from Eh to Zed" • Every Fri-Sat, 7:30-10:30pm; Feb 24-Mar 25 • $20 (via 780.471.3600)

Big Rock Presents: Devaney’s Comedy Night • Devaney's, 11113-87 Ave • 780.433.6364 • stephen.f.mcgovern@ gmail.com • Weekly open-mic hosted by Stephen McGovern • Every Wed, 8:30pm • Free

Black Dog Freehouse • 10425-82 Ave • Underdog Comedy Show • Every Thu

COMEDY FACTORY • Gateway Entertainment Centre, 34 Ave, Calgary Tr • Fri-Sat: 8:30pm • Tom Liske; Feb 9-11 • Bob Angeli; Feb 16-18 Comic Strip • Bourbon St, WEM • 780.483.5999 • K Trevor Wilson; Feb 8-12 • Ruben Paul; Feb 14-19

El Comedy • El Cortez Mexican Kitchen + Tequila Bar, 8230 Gateway Blvd • Hosted by Dion Arnold with weekly headliners & guest comics • Every Wed, 7pm (door), 7:30pm (show) • No cover Empress Ale House • 9912-82 Ave • Empress Comedy Night: Highlighting the best stand-up Edmonton has to offer. New headliner every week • Every Sun, 9pm • Free Odd Wednesday • Sewing Machine Factory, 9562-82 Ave • debutantescomedy@ gmail.com • thedebutantes.ca • A sketch (and other) comedy showcase featuring local, national and international acts. Hosted by the Debutantes • Every 2nd Wed, 8:30-11pm • $5

VALENTINE Dating Game • On The Rocks, 11740 Jasper Ave • Sterling Scott hosting with Jellybean • Feb 12, 7:30pm (doors), 8pm (show)

Groups/CLUBS/meetings Aikikai Aikido Club • 10139-87 Ave, Old Strathcona Community League • Japanese Martial Art of Aikido • Every Tue, Thu; 7-9pm

Argentine Tango Dance at Foot Notes Studio • Foot Notes Dance Studio (South side), 9708-45 Ave • 780.438.3207 • virenzi@shaw.ca • Argentine Tango with Tango Divino: beginners: 7-8pm; intermediate: 8-9pm; Tango Social Dance (Milonga): 9pm-12 • Every Fri, 7pm-midnight • $15

Babes In Arms • The Carrot, 9351-118 Ave • A casual parent group • Every Fri, 10am-12pm

Book Group • McDougall United Church, 10086 Macdonald Drive (south entrance) • 780.428.1818 • mcdougallunited.com • Discussing the current reading selection. The group chooses mostly current fiction or long-time favourites • 3rd Wed each month, 7pm

Brazilian Zouk Dance Classes

• Spazio Performativo, 10816-95 St NW • 780.974.4956 • hello@ludiczouk.com • ludiczouk.com/buy • Every Wed, Jan 18-Jun 28, 7-8:30pm • $20 (drop-in, at the door); discount on classes online

DeepSoul.ca • 780.217.2464; call or text for Sunday jam locations • Every Sun: Sunday Jams with no Stan (CCR to Metallica), starring Chuck Prins and Les Paul Standard; Pink Floyd-ish originals plus great covers of classics: some free; Twilight Zone Lively Up Yourself Tour (with DJ Cool Breeze); all ages Drop-In D&D • Hexagon Board Game Café, 10123 Whyte Ave • 780.757.3105 • info@thehexcafe.com • thehexcafe.com • An epic adventure featuring a variety of premade characters, characters that guests can

18 At the back

make on their own, or one that has already been started. Each night will be a single campaign that fits in a larger story arc. For all levels of gamers and those brand new or experienced to D&D • Every Tue & Wed, 7pm • $5

Group meets every Thu, 7-9pm • Free

Painting for Pleasure • McDougall United Church, 10086 Macdonald Drive (south entrance) • 780.428.1818 • karenbishopartist@gmail.com • mcdougallunited.com • A weekly group for those who like to paint, draw or otherwise be creative on paper • Every Thu, 10am-noon

EC (Infant Pottying) and Potty Training Support Meeting • Lendrum Community League Hall, 11335-57 Ave • danielle@godiaperfree.com • facebook.com/ groups/gdfedmonton • For anyone doing EC (elimination communication or infant pottying) or hoping to, or those looking for potty training support • 3rd Wed of every month, 10-11am • Free

Edmonton Needlecraft Guild • Avonmore United Church Bsmt, 82 Ave, 79 St • edmNeedlecraftGuild.org • Classes/workshops, exhibitions, guest speakers, stitching groups for those interested in textile arts • Meet the 2nd Tue ea month, 7:30pm

EDMONTON OUTDOOR CLUB (EOC) • edmontonoutdoorclub.com • Offering a variety of fun activities in and around Edmonton • Free to join; info at info@ edmontonoutdoorclub.com

Edmonton Photographic Historial Society • Highlands Library • 780.436.3878 • edm_photographic_ hist_society_2@yahoo.ca • All interested in sharing the joys of film photography, such as experiences or favourite equipment. Schedule: historic companies (Jan 18), milestone events (Feb 15), historic cameras (Mar 15), photography books (Apr 19), historic images (May 17), photoshoot outing (Jun 21) • 3rd Wed of the month, 7:30pm (no meetings in Jul & Aug)

Edmonton Stamp Club • St. Joseph High School, 10830-109 St, main floor cafeteria • edmontonstampclub.com • Get into a new hobby. Featuring lectures, circuit books, catalogues and packets that can be browsed • Feb 13, 27; Mar 13, 20

Flamenco Dance Classes (Beginner or Advanced) • Dance Code Studio, 10575-115 St NW #204 • 780.349.4843 • judithgarcia07@gmail.com • Every Sun, 11:30am-12:30pm

FOOD ADDICTS • Alano Club (& Simply Done Cafe), 10728-124 St • 780.718.7133 (or 403.506.4695 after 7pm) • Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA), free 12-Step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating, and bulimia • Meetings every Thu, 7pm

Fort Saskatchewan 45+ Singles Coffee Group • A&W, 10101-88 Ave, Fort Saskatchewan • 780.907.0201 (Brenda) • A mixed group offering conversation and friendship • Every Sun, 2pm

Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Information Night • Habitat for Humanity Prefab Shop, 14135-128 Ave • 780.451.3416 ext. 236 • vbatten@hfh.org • hfh.org/volunteer/vin • Learn about taking the next steps and what opportunities are available at Habitat for Humanity • Every 3rd Thu of the month, excluding Dec; 6-7pm • Free

Lotus Qigong • SAGE downtown 15 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.695.4588 • Attendees can raise their vital energy with a weekly Yixue practice • Every Fri, 2-3:30pm • Free Cafe, 10123 Whyte Ave • 780.757.3105 • info@thehexcafe.com • thehexcafe.com • Meet new gamers. Go to the event solo or with a group • Every Mon, 5-11pm • $5 (one drink per person)

Northern Alberta Wood Carvers Association • Duggan Community Hall, 3728-106 St • nawca.ca • Meet every Wed, 6:30pm

Open Door Comic Creator Meetings • Happy Harbor Comics, 10729-104 Ave • 780.452.8211 • happyharborcomics.com • Open to any skill level. Meet other artists and writers, glean tricks of the trade and gain tips to help your own work, or share what you've already done • 2nd and 4th Thu of every month, 7pm

Nuns Hospital, Rm 0651, obad@shaw.ca;

#103-10324-82 Ave • capoeiraacademy.ca • Brazil's traditional game of agility and trickery • Every Sat, 2:30pm • Free • All ages

Sacred Circle Dance • Riverdale Hall, 9231-100 Ave • Dances are taught to a variety of songs and music. No partner required • Every Wed, 7-9pm • $10

Schizophrenia Society Family Support Drop-in Group • Schizophrenia Society of Alberta, 5215-87 St • 780.452.4661 • schizophrenia.ab.ca • The Schizophrenia Society of Alberta offers a variety of services and support programs for those who are living with the illness, family members, caregivers, and friends • 1st and 3rd Thu each month, 7-9pm • Free

Scrambled YEG • Brittany's Lounge, 10225-97 St • 780.497.0011 • Open genre variety stage: artist from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue-Fri, 5-8pm Seeing is Above All • Acacia Hall, 10433-83 Ave NW • 780.554.6133 • Instruction into the meditation on the Inner Light. Learn a simple technique that will lift you above life's stresses • Every Sun, 5pm • Free

Seventies Forever Music Society • Call 587.520.3833 for location • deepsoul. ca • Combining music, garage sales, nature, common sense, and kindred karma to revitalize the inward persona • Every Wed, 7-8:30pm

Sugar Foot Ballroom • 10545-81 Ave • 587.786.6554 • sugarswing.com • Friday Night Stomp!: Swing and party music dance social every Fri; beginner lesson starts at 8pm. All ages and levels welcome. Occasional live music–check web; $10, $2 (lesson with entry) • Swing dance social every Sat; beginner lesson starts at 8pm. All ages and levels welcome. Occasional live music–check the Sugar Swing website for info • $10, $2 lesson with entry

TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY (TOPS) • Grace United Church annex, 6215-104 Ave • 780.479-8667 (Bob) • bobmurra@telus.net • Low-cost, fun and friendly weight loss group • Every Mon, 6:30pm

Toastmasters • Chamber Toastmasters Club: 6th

floor, World Trade Centre, 9990 Jasper Ave; Contact: 780.462.1878/RonChapman@shaw.ca (Ron Chapman); 780.424.6364/dkorpany@ telusplanet.net (Darryl Korpany); Meet every Thu from Sep-Jun, 6-7:45pm • Club Bilingue Toastmasters Meetings: Campus St. Jean: Pavillion McMahon; 780.667.6105 (Willard); clubbilingue.toastmastersclubs.org; Meet every Tue, 7pm • Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking: Norwood Legion, 11150-82 St; 780.902.4605; norwoodtoastmasters.org; Every Thu, Oct 13Jun 29, 7:30-9:30pm; Guests are free • Fabulous Facilitators Toastmasters Club:

Monday Mingle • Hexagon Board Game

Organization for Bipolar Affective Disorder (OBAD) • Grey

Roda de Capoeira • Capoeira Academy,

2nd Fl, Canada Place Rm 217, 9700 Jasper Ave; Carisa: divdgov2014_15@outlook. com, 780.439.3852; fabulousfacilitators. toastmastersclubs.org; Meet every Tue, 12:05-1pm • Generating Power Speakers: EPCOR Tower, 10423-101 St NW: Meeting will take place on the 8th floor, 780.392.5331 (Phil); 1st and 3rd Tue each month, 12:05-1:05pm • N'Orators Toastmasters Club: Lower Level, McClure United Church, 13708-74 St: meet every Thu, 6:45-8:30pm; contact vpm@ norators.com, 780.807.4696, norators.com • Terrified of Public Speaking: Norwood Legion Edmonton, 11150-82 St NW; Every Thu until Jun, 7:30-9:30pm; Free; contact jnwafula@ yahoo.com; norwoodtoastmasters.org • Y Toastmasters Club: Queen Alexandra Community League, 10425 University Ave (N door, stairs to the left); 780.437.1136 (Mark) or 780.463.5331 (Antonio); yclubtoastmasters@gmail.com; Meet every Tue, 7-9pm except last Tue each month

Wiccan Assembly • Ritchie Hall, 7727-98 St • The Congregationalist Wiccan

Assembly of Alberta meets the 2nd Sun each month (except Aug), 6pm • Info: contact cwaalberta@gmail.com

LECTURES/Presentations 2017 Curatorial Lecture Series: Curling in Alberta • Royal Alberta Museum, 12845-102 Ave • 780.453.9100 • royalalbertamuseum.ca • Curling has long been a beloved Canadian winter pastime. Explore how the innovations of Albertans Ole and Herb Olson revolutionized curling in the 20th century • Feb 22, 7-8pm • Free

Alberta Women Entrepreneurs' Learning Day - Building a Resilient Business • MacEwan University, Robbins Health Learning Centre, Building 9 Main Floor • 1.800.713.3558 • info@awebusiness.com • An event to support women entrepreneurs through skills training and community networking. Hear from industry experts, learn best practices to grow the business, and expand your tool kit through various workshops • Feb 22, 9:30am-4:30pm • $143.54 (full day + lunch); available at Eventbrite

Glass ​Blowing ​C​lasses ​• Pixie Glassworks, 9322-60 Ave • 780.436.4460 • pixieglassworks.com/pages/classes • Offering three levels in each of: hollow body work, implosions, sculpture, pipe-making and beads. Call to book. No classes on holidays • Every Mon, Wed, Thu, 6-9pm • $150

No Duty to Live: Section 7 & How We Choose to Die • Enterprise Square,10230 Jasper Ave, Room 2-926 • ccsedu@ualberta.ca • bit.ly/FebDCS • What exactly does a right to life, liberty, and security of the person have to do with seeking assisted dying? What does this right mean for how we choose to die and what are its limits? Join Professor Ubaka Ogbogu as he tackles this question and shows how Canadian courts interpret and apply section seven of the Charter • Feb 15, 12-1pm • Free & open to the public

Opera 101 Edmonton Opera's Elektra • 9804 Jasper Ave • edmontonopera. com • Grab a drink and follow Elektra's journey through history, including its origins in Greek drama and adaptation into opera's greatest psychological thriller • Feb 22, 7-9pm • Free (RSVP at Eventbrite)

RASC Regular Meeting - Fantastic Black Holes and How to Find Them • Telus World of Science, 11211142 St NW • edmontonrasc.com • Few astronomical objects are as broadly exciting as black holes. But how exactly do astronomers find these fantastic objects? • Feb 13, 7:30-9:30pm • Free (open to the public)

QUEER Affirm Group • garysdeskcom@hotmail. com • mcdougallunited.com • Part of the United Church network supporting LGBTQ men and women • Meet monthly at Second Cup, Edmonton City Centre for coffee and conversation at 12:30pm; Special speaker events are held throughout the year over lunch at McDougall Church Evolution Wonderlounge • 10220103 St • 780.424.0077 • yourgaybar.com • Mon: Drag Race in the White Room; 7pm • Wed: Monthly games night/trivia • Thu: Happy hour, 6-8pm; Karaoke, 7-12:30am • Fri: Flashback Friday with your favourite hits of the ’80s/’90s/’00s; rotating drag and burlesque events • Sat: Rotating DJs Velix and Suco • Sun: Weekly drag show, 10:30pm G.L.B.T.Q Seniors Group • S.A.G.E

tion for youth aged 12-24; Every other Tue, 7-9pm • Equal Fierce Fit & Fabulous: recreational fitness program, ages 12-24; every other Tue, 6-8pm • Queer Lens: weekly education and discussion group open to everyone; every Wed, 7-8:30pm • Mindfulness Meditation: open to everyone; every Thu, 6-6:50pm • Men's Social Circle: A social support group for all male-identified persons over 18 years of age in the LGBT*Q community; 1st and 3rd Thu each month; 7-9pm • TTIQ (18+ Trans* Group): 2nd Mon of the month, 7-9pm • Art & Identity: exploring identity through the arts, a wellness initiative; Every other Fri, 6-9pm • Edmonton Illusions: cross-dressing and transgender group 18+; 2nd Fri of each month, 7-9pm • Movies & Games Night: Every other Fri, 6-9pm • Thought OUT: Altview’s all-ages discussion group; every Sat, 7-9pm • Seahorse Support Circle: facilitated meet up for families with trans and gender creative kids aged 5-14; 2nd Sun of the month, 3-5pm • Men Talking with Pride: Social discussion group for gay and bisexual men; Every Sun, 7-9pm

Team Edmonton • Various sports and recreation activities • teamedmonton. ca • Bootcamp: Garneau School, 10925-87 Ave; Most Mon, 7-8pm • Swimming: NAIT Swimming Pool, 11665-109 St; Every Tue, 7:30-8:30pm and every Thu, 7-8pm • Water Polo: NAIT Swimming Pool, 11665-109 St; Every Tue, 8:30-9:30pm • Yoga: New Lion's Breath Yoga Studio, #301,10534-124 St; Every Wed, 7:30-9pm • Taekwondo: near the Royal Gardens Community Centre, 4030-117 St; Contact for specific times • Abs: Parkallen Community League Hall, 6510-111 St; Every Tue, 6-7pm and Thu, 7:15-8:15pm • Dodgeball: Royal Alexandra Hospital Gymnasium; Every Sun, 5-7pm • Running: meet at Kinsmen main entrance; Every Sun, 10am • Spin: Blitz Conditioning, 10575-115 St; Every Tue, 7-8pm• Volleyball: Stratford Elementary School, 8715-153 St; Every Fri, 7-9 • Meditation: Edmonton Pride Centre, 10608-105 Ave; 3rd Thu of every month, 5:30-6:15pm • Board Games: Underground Tap & Grill, 10004 Jasper Ave; One Sun per month, 3-7pm • All Bodies Swim: Bonnie Doon Leisure Centre, 8468-81 St; One Sat per month 4:30-5:30pm Yoga with Jennifer • 780.439.6950 • ThreeBattles.com • A traditional approach with lots of individual attention. Free introductory classes • Tue evenings & Sat mornings

SPECIAL EVENTS 2017 Capital Classic Pond Hockey Tournament • Hawrelak Park, 9330 Groat Road • An old-fashioned 3-on-3 round robin done Canadian style in the great outdoors–next to a beer tent • Feb 18, 9am-5pm

2017 Edmonton RV Expo & Sale • Edmonton EXPO Centre, 7515-118 Ave NW • For those who want to enjoy the great outdoors for Canada's 150th now that park passes are free for the year, take a peak at 400 of the newest RVs and the new trends in camping • Feb 9-12 • $11-$15 (or $35 for two adults and two youth); available at Safeways, Sobeys, the door or at Ticketmaster Ice Castles • Hawrelak Park, 9330 Groat Road • icecastles.com/edmonton • Guests are invited to view the structure, and also to squeeze, squish and crawl through parts of the display • Dec 30-Mar 1, 3-10pm (closed Tue except during the Silver Skate Festival) • $9.95-$12.95 (available online)

New Works Festival • Second Playing Space, Timms Centre for the Arts • newworksfest.com​• Featuring four plays: Tempting, Hand of Donald, Ministers of Grace, Pomer and Penelope • Feb 7-12 • Tickets at Tix on the Square or at the door

Bldg, main floor Cafe, Or in confidence oneon-one in the Craft Room • 780.474.8240 • Meeting for gay seniors, and for any seniors who have gay family members and would like some guidance. One-on-one meetings are also available in the craft room • Every Thu, 1-4pm • Info: E: Tuff69@telus.net

Silver Skate Festival 2017 • Haw-

Illusions Social Club • Pride Centre,

ence Centre, Hall D, 9797 Jasper Ave • 1.866.228.3555 • dakota@celebratewinefest. com • celebratewinefest.com/edmonton.html • A wonderland of wines, where attendees will sample from a delicious array of wines from all over the world • Feb 17-18 • $84$89 • Attendees must be legal drinking age

10608-105 Ave • 780.387.3343 • pridecentreofedmonton.org • Crossdressers meet 2nd Fri each month, 7-9pm

Pride Centre of Edmonton • Pride Centre of Edmonton, 10608-105 Ave • 780.488.3234 • Drop in hours: Mon, Wed 4-7pm; Fri 6-9pm; Closed Sat, Sun and holidays • JamOUT: Music mentorship and instruc-

VUEWEEKLY.com | feb 09 – feb 15, 2017

relak Park, 9930 Groat Road • silverskatefestival.org/go • Rooted in Dutch winter traditions, the festival combines sport (especially skating), arts and culture, and recreation • Feb 10-20, 12-8pm • Free

Winefest Edmonton • Shaw Confer-

FREEWILLASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your reputation is in a state of fermentation. Will this process ultimately produce the metaphorical equivalent of fine wine or else something more like pungent cheese? The answer to that question will depend on how much integrity you express as you wield your clout. Be as charismatic as you dare, yes, but always in service to the greater good rather than to self-aggrandizement. You can accomplish wonders if you are saucy and classy, but you'll spawn blunders if you're saucy and bossy. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Using a blend of warfare and diplomacy, Napoleon extended French control over much of Western Europe. In 1804, he decided to formalize his growing sovereignty with a coronation ceremony. He departed from tradition, however. For many centuries, French kings had been crowned by the Pope. But on this occasion, Napoleon took the imperial crown from Pope Pius VII and placed it on his own head. Historian David J. Markham writes that he "was simply symbolizing that he was becoming emperor based on his own merits and the will of the people, not because of some religious consecration." According to my reading of the astrological omens, Taurus, you have the right to perform a comparable gesture. Don’t wait for some authority to crown you. Crown yourself. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Have you heard the fable about the four blind men who come upon an elephant for the first time? The first man feels the tail and declares that the thing they've encountered must be a rope. The second touches one of the elephant's legs and says that they are in the presence of a tree. The third strokes the trunk and assumes it's a snake. Putting his hand on a tusk, the fourth man asserts that it's a spear. I predict that this fable will not apply to you in the coming weeks, Gemini. You won't focus on just one aspect of the whole and think it's the whole. Other people in your sphere may get fooled by shortsightedness, but you will see the big picture. CANCER (June 21-July 22): For now, at least, your brain is your primary erogenous zone. I suspect it will be generating some of your sexiest thoughts ever. To be clear, not all of these erupting streams of bliss will directly involve the sweet, snaky mysteries of wrapping your physical body around another's. Some of the erotic pleasure will come in the form of epiphanies that awaken sleeping parts of your soul. Others might arrive as revelations that chase away months' worth of confusion. Still others could be creative breakthroughs that liberate you from a form of bondage you've wrongly accepted as necessary.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Human beings upload 300 hours of videos to YouTube every minute of every day. Among that swirling flow is a hefty amount of footage devoted exclusively to the amusing behavior of cats. Researchers estimate there are now more than two million clips of feline shenanigans. Despite the stiff competition, I suspect there's a much better chance than usual that your cat video will go viral if you upload it in the coming weeks. Why? In general, you Leos now have a sixth sense about how to get noticed. You know what you need to do to express yourself confidently and attract attention—not just in regard to your cats, but anything that's important to you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I know you haven't literally been wrestling and wrangling with a sweaty angel. But if I were going to tell a fairy tale about your life lately, I'd be tempted to say this: Your rumble with the sweaty angel is not finished. In fact, the best and holiest part is still to come. But right now you have cosmic permission to take a short break and rest a while. During the lull, ratchet up your determination to learn all you can from your friendly "struggle." Try to figure out what you've been missing about the true nature of the sweaty angel. Vow to become a stronger advocate for yourself and a more rigorous revealer of the wild truth. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Even if you're not an occult wizard or pagan priestess, I suspect you now have the power to conjure benevolent love spells. There's a caveat, however: They will only work if you cast them on yourself. Flinging them at other people would backfire. But if you do accept that limitation, you'll be able to invoke a big dose of romantic mojo from both your lower depths and your higher self. Inspiration will be abundantly available as you work to reinvigorate your approach to intimacy and togetherness. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Here's some advice from Scorpio writer Norman Rush: "The main effort of arranging your life should be to progressively reduce the amount of time required to decently maintain yourself so that you can have all the time you want for reading." It's understandable that a language specialist like Rush would make the final word of the previous sentence "reading." But you might choose a different word. And I invite you to do just that. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to devotedly carve out more time to do The Most Important Thing in Your Life. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sixteenth-century Italian painter



“Spellbound”— just pretend you’re texting.

Titian was renowned for his brilliant use of colour. He was also prolific, versatile, and influential. In 2011, one of his paintings sold for $16.9 million. But one of his contemporaries, the incomparable Michelangelo, said that Titian could have been an even greater artist if he had ever mastered the art of drawing. It seems that Titian skipped a step in his early development. Is there any way that your path resembles Titian's, Sagittarius? Did you neglect to cultivate a basic skill that has subtly (or not so subtly) handicapped your growth ever since? If so, the coming weeks and months will be an excellent time to fix the glitch. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Our obsessive use of digital devices has diminished our power to focus. According to a study by Microsoft, the average human attention span has shrunk to eight seconds—one second less than that of a typical goldfish. I'm guessing, though, that you Capricorns will buck this trend in the coming weeks. Your ability to concentrate may be exceptional even by preInternet standards. I hope you'll take opportunity of this fortunate anomaly to get a lot of important work and play done. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The time is now, Brave Aquarius. Be audacious about improving the big little things in your life. (That's not a typo. I did indeed use the term "big little things.") For example: Seek out or demand more engaging responsibilities. Bring your penetrating questions to sphinx-like authorities. Go in search of more useful riddles. Redesign the daily rhythm to better meet your unique needs. Refuse "necessary" boredom that's not truly necessary. Trust what actually works, not what's merely attractive. Does all that seem too bold and brazen for you to pull off? I assure you that it's not. You have more clout than you imagine. You also have a growing faith in your own power to make subtle fundamental shifts. (That's not a typo. I did indeed use the term "subtle fundamental shifts.") PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): "Love does not at first mean merging, surrendering, and uniting with another person," wrote the poet Rilke, "for what would a union be of two people who are unclarified, unfinished, and still incoherent?" That's an excellent meditation for you to entertain during the Valentine season, Pisces. You're in the right frame of mind to think about how you could change and educate yourself so as to get the most out of your intimate alliances. Love "is a high inducement for the individual to ripen," Rilke said, "to become something, to become a world for the sake of another person." (Thanks to Stephen Mitchell for much of this translation.). V



1 Over again 5 Alcohol pads for wound care 10 ___ buco (veal entree) 14 Church or movie ending? 15 Drama with the fictional firm McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak 16 Indian restaurant basketful 17 “Don’t point the finger ... the freeze was an accident!” 20 School crossing sign word 21 It may be copied for family members 22 Mitt Romney’s alma mater, for short 23 “Ology,” for short 24 Grass-like surfaces 26 Startle 27 Extremely 28 Far-sighted person? 29 Adjective for 2017 (but not 2018) 31 Uprising of a sort 32 Desert rest stop 34 Genre for many “Weird Al” Yankovic medleys 35 “That coffee holder won’t work if it’s ginormous” 39 Nastily derogatory 40 FX series with Billy Bob Thornton 41 Tacks on 42 “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” author 44 Prefix with byte or hertz 48 Nabokov ending? 49 Fencing weapon 50 Take, as a coupon 51 Cy Young Award stat 52 Vegas headliner? 53 Day-___ (fluorescent paint) 55 “Kneel before ___!” (“Superman II” line) 56 “I was impervious to constant chatter” 60 “Alice’s Restaurant” singer Guthrie 61 Kerfuffles 62 “Sounds like a plan!” 63 Henchman created by J.M. Barrie 64 Loses it 65 Borscht ingredient

3 Kiddie-lit character with a pinnedon tail 4 Amusingly twisted 5 Swing around a pivot 6 On guard 7 The “A” in many beer acronyms 8 Former pro wrestler ___ Bigelow 9 “Donnie Darko” actor Patrick 10 Put ___ show 11 Stayed put 12 “Twistin’ the Night Away” singer 13 The tiniest amount 18 Green-lights 19 Owed right now 25 Palm features 26 Dollar amount in a Western? 29 Next-to-last Greek letter 30 Semi, to a trucker 31 Surname in a Styx song 33 “Fish” star Vigoda 34 Little dog 35 Deodorant’s place 36 Like mechanical bulls and rocking horses 37 Drive headlong into 38 Cuprite, e.g. 39 Cut down on driving, say 42 Speaks too proudly 43 Champ before Ali 45 Source of a breakdown? 46 Rent co-payer, casually 47 Burning with desire 49 Reason for a yearly shot 50 Companion to five “W”s 53 Unappetizing food 54 Word often confused with “fewer” 57 Strummer or Cocker 58 Agcy. overseeing cosmetics 59 Lobster wearer’s clothing ©2017 Jonesin' Crosswords


1 Certain discriminators (var.) 2 What the befuddled have

VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017


FREEWILLASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your reputation is in a state of fermentation. Will this process ultimately produce the metaphorical equivalent of fine wine or else something more like pungent cheese? The answer to that question will depend on how much integrity you express as you wield your clout. Be as charismatic as you dare, yes, but always in service to the greater good rather than to self-aggrandizement. You can accomplish wonders if you are saucy and classy, but you'll spawn blunders if you're saucy and bossy. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Using a blend of warfare and diplomacy, Napoleon extended French control over much of Western Europe. In 1804, he decided to formalize his growing sovereignty with a coronation ceremony. He departed from tradition, however. For many centuries, French kings had been crowned by the Pope. But on this occasion, Napoleon took the imperial crown from Pope Pius VII and placed it on his own head. Historian David J. Markham writes that he "was simply symbolizing that he was becoming emperor based on his own merits and the will of the people, not because of some religious consecration." According to my reading of the astrological omens, Taurus, you have the right to perform a comparable gesture. Don’t wait for some authority to crown you. Crown yourself. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Have you heard the fable about the four blind men who come upon an elephant for the first time? The first man feels the tail and declares that the thing they've encountered must be a rope. The second touches one of the elephant's legs and says that they are in the presence of a tree. The third strokes the trunk and assumes it's a snake. Putting his hand on a tusk, the fourth man asserts that it's a spear. I predict that this fable will not apply to you in the coming weeks, Gemini. You won't focus on just one aspect of the whole and think it's the whole. Other people in your sphere may get fooled by shortsightedness, but you will see the big picture. CANCER (June 21-July 22): For now, at least, your brain is your primary erogenous zone. I suspect it will be generating some of your sexiest thoughts ever. To be clear, not all of these erupting streams of bliss will directly involve the sweet, snaky mysteries of wrapping your physical body around another's. Some of the erotic pleasure will come in the form of epiphanies that awaken sleeping parts of your soul. Others might arrive as revelations that chase away months' worth of confusion. Still others could be creative breakthroughs that liberate you from a form of bondage you've wrongly accepted as necessary.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Human beings upload 300 hours of videos to YouTube every minute of every day. Among that swirling flow is a hefty amount of footage devoted exclusively to the amusing behavior of cats. Researchers estimate there are now more than two million clips of feline shenanigans. Despite the stiff competition, I suspect there's a much better chance than usual that your cat video will go viral if you upload it in the coming weeks. Why? In general, you Leos now have a sixth sense about how to get noticed. You know what you need to do to express yourself confidently and attract attention—not just in regard to your cats, but anything that's important to you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I know you haven't literally been wrestling and wrangling with a sweaty angel. But if I were going to tell a fairy tale about your life lately, I'd be tempted to say this: Your rumble with the sweaty angel is not finished. In fact, the best and holiest part is still to come. But right now you have cosmic permission to take a short break and rest a while. During the lull, ratchet up your determination to learn all you can from your friendly "struggle." Try to figure out what you've been missing about the true nature of the sweaty angel. Vow to become a stronger advocate for yourself and a more rigorous revealer of the wild truth. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Even if you're not an occult wizard or pagan priestess, I suspect you now have the power to conjure benevolent love spells. There's a caveat, however: They will only work if you cast them on yourself. Flinging them at other people would backfire. But if you do accept that limitation, you'll be able to invoke a big dose of romantic mojo from both your lower depths and your higher self. Inspiration will be abundantly available as you work to reinvigorate your approach to intimacy and togetherness. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Here's some advice from Scorpio writer Norman Rush: "The main effort of arranging your life should be to progressively reduce the amount of time required to decently maintain yourself so that you can have all the time you want for reading." It's understandable that a language specialist like Rush would make the final word of the previous sentence "reading." But you might choose a different word. And I invite you to do just that. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to devotedly carve out more time to do The Most Important Thing in Your Life. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sixteenth-century Italian painter



“Spellbound”— just pretend you’re texting.

Titian was renowned for his brilliant use of colour. He was also prolific, versatile, and influential. In 2011, one of his paintings sold for $16.9 million. But one of his contemporaries, the incomparable Michelangelo, said that Titian could have been an even greater artist if he had ever mastered the art of drawing. It seems that Titian skipped a step in his early development. Is there any way that your path resembles Titian's, Sagittarius? Did you neglect to cultivate a basic skill that has subtly (or not so subtly) handicapped your growth ever since? If so, the coming weeks and months will be an excellent time to fix the glitch. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Our obsessive use of digital devices has diminished our power to focus. According to a study by Microsoft, the average human attention span has shrunk to eight seconds—one second less than that of a typical goldfish. I'm guessing, though, that you Capricorns will buck this trend in the coming weeks. Your ability to concentrate may be exceptional even by preInternet standards. I hope you'll take opportunity of this fortunate anomaly to get a lot of important work and play done. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The time is now, Brave Aquarius. Be audacious about improving the big little things in your life. (That's not a typo. I did indeed use the term "big little things.") For example: Seek out or demand more engaging responsibilities. Bring your penetrating questions to sphinx-like authorities. Go in search of more useful riddles. Redesign the daily rhythm to better meet your unique needs. Refuse "necessary" boredom that's not truly necessary. Trust what actually works, not what's merely attractive. Does all that seem too bold and brazen for you to pull off? I assure you that it's not. You have more clout than you imagine. You also have a growing faith in your own power to make subtle fundamental shifts. (That's not a typo. I did indeed use the term "subtle fundamental shifts.") PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): "Love does not at first mean merging, surrendering, and uniting with another person," wrote the poet Rilke, "for what would a union be of two people who are unclarified, unfinished, and still incoherent?" That's an excellent meditation for you to entertain during the Valentine season, Pisces. You're in the right frame of mind to think about how you could change and educate yourself so as to get the most out of your intimate alliances. Love "is a high inducement for the individual to ripen," Rilke said, "to become something, to become a world for the sake of another person." (Thanks to Stephen Mitchell for much of this translation.). V



1 Over again 5 Alcohol pads for wound care 10 ___ buco (veal entree) 14 Church or movie ending? 15 Drama with the fictional firm McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak 16 Indian restaurant basketful 17 “Don’t point the finger ... the freeze was an accident!” 20 School crossing sign word 21 It may be copied for family members 22 Mitt Romney’s alma mater, for short 23 “Ology,” for short 24 Grass-like surfaces 26 Startle 27 Extremely 28 Far-sighted person? 29 Adjective for 2017 (but not 2018) 31 Uprising of a sort 32 Desert rest stop 34 Genre for many “Weird Al” Yankovic medleys 35 “That coffee holder won’t work if it’s ginormous” 39 Nastily derogatory 40 FX series with Billy Bob Thornton 41 Tacks on 42 “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” author 44 Prefix with byte or hertz 48 Nabokov ending? 49 Fencing weapon 50 Take, as a coupon 51 Cy Young Award stat 52 Vegas headliner? 53 Day-___ (fluorescent paint) 55 “Kneel before ___!” (“Superman II” line) 56 “I was impervious to constant chatter” 60 “Alice’s Restaurant” singer Guthrie 61 Kerfuffles 62 “Sounds like a plan!” 63 Henchman created by J.M. Barrie 64 Loses it 65 Borscht ingredient

3 Kiddie-lit character with a pinnedon tail 4 Amusingly twisted 5 Swing around a pivot 6 On guard 7 The “A” in many beer acronyms 8 Former pro wrestler ___ Bigelow 9 “Donnie Darko” actor Patrick 10 Put ___ show 11 Stayed put 12 “Twistin’ the Night Away” singer 13 The tiniest amount 18 Green-lights 19 Owed right now 25 Palm features 26 Dollar amount in a Western? 29 Next-to-last Greek letter 30 Semi, to a trucker 31 Surname in a Styx song 33 “Fish” star Vigoda 34 Little dog 35 Deodorant’s place 36 Like mechanical bulls and rocking horses 37 Drive headlong into 38 Cuprite, e.g. 39 Cut down on driving, say 42 Speaks too proudly 43 Champ before Ali 45 Source of a breakdown? 46 Rent co-payer, casually 47 Burning with desire 49 Reason for a yearly shot 50 Companion to five “W”s 53 Unappetizing food 54 Word often confused with “fewer” 57 Strummer or Cocker 58 Agcy. overseeing cosmetics 59 Lobster wearer’s clothing ©2017 Jonesin' Crosswords


1 Certain discriminators (var.) 2 What the befuddled have

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Last week, I spoke at the Wilbur Theater in Boston and the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. Audience members submitted their questions on tiny cards before the show, allowing them to remain anonymous while forcing them to be succinct. Here are some of the questions I didn’t have time to get to at both events.


If you or your organization would like to receive five or more copies of the print version of VUE WEEKLY call Heather @ 780.426.1996 and we’ll deliver them to you every Thursday.

Question: My girlfriend wants to explore her sexuality with another woman but be “heterosexually exclusive” with me. She wants me to have equal freedom but doesn’t think it’s fair for me to be with another woman. I am a heterosexual man. How can we achieve sexual equality? Answer: An open relationship for her but a closed-on-a-technicality relationship for you? Yeah, no. Want to achieve sexual equality? Explore your sexuality with other women— as a single man.


Q: I am a 50-year-old queer man who never really came out—except to people I’m cruising or fucking. Oh, and to my wife. Is there any social or political value to coming out now, in the shadow of a Trump presidency?

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You bring:

A: There’s tremendous social and political value to being out, whoever the president is. There’s also social and political risk, whoever the president is. If you’re in a position to come out—and you must be, otherwise you wouldn’t be asking—not coming out is a moral failing.


Q: When I’ve tried to do the fuck buddy thing, I’ve gotten attached. Any way to avoid that? A: Only do the fuck buddy thing with Republicans.

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Q: I’m a 31-year-old straight female. I have an intermittent sexual relationship with a married polyamorous friend. Each time we hook up, he says he regrets it. But several months later, he will contact me and we will hook up again. Should I say no? What do you think is up? A: Your friend’s head is what’s up— up his own ass. Stop letting him stick his dick up yours. (P.S. His regret has me wondering if his marriage is actually open or if he’s cheating on his wife. If you’ve never discussed their polyamorous arrangement with her, that probably what’s up.)


Q: Why are liberals OK with people self-identifying their gender but not their race? Aren’t both considered social constructs? A: “If race and gender are both social constructs,” Evan Urquhart writes at Slate, “and if both have been built around observable biological traits,

then what is the crucial difference that makes a felt gender identity a true one, but a felt racial identity fraudulent? The short answer is that most trans people and their allies suspect that transgender people are born that way.” (Google “Evan Urquhart,” “trans,” and “race” to read the rest of his essay.)


Q: We just legalized weed here in Massachusetts! Yay! How can I, as a consumer but industry outsider, help to ensure more diversity in the legal selling business? A: Before the shops open, get in the face of your elected officials to make sure licenses are made available to pot entrepreneurs of colour. Once legal weed shops are open, go out of your way to patronize pot shops owned by people of colour and insist all legal weed shops employ people of colour and pay a living wage. And once the profits start rolling in, demand that pot activists and shop owners stay in the fight to demand that people convicted of possessing or selling pot in the past—primarily POC—get full pardons and restitution.


Q: Please elaborate on your suggestion that an open relationship could save a marriage. A: Here’s an example: married couple, together a long time, lowconflict relationship, good partners. Spouse #1 is done with sex—libido gone, no interest in taking steps to restore it—but Spouse #2 isn’t done with sex. This can play out two ways: (1) Spouse #1 insists on keeping the marriage closed, and Spouse #2 opts for divorce over celibacy. (2) Spouse #1 allows for outside contact—they open the marriage up— and monogamy is sacrificed but the marriage is saved.


Q: How do you get over the guilt of being a straight guy? I used to feel a lot of sexual shame from hearing that men are pigs all the time. I got over most of it, but I still have leftover shame. I want to be respectful of women without having to take responsibility for the actions of every asshole straight man out there. A: As a gay man, I’m not responsible for the actions of Roy Cohn, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Peter Thiel. Likewise, I deserve no credit for the accomplishments of Michelangelo, Alan Turing, and Stephen Sondheim. When you feel the shame and guilt welling up, all you can do is remind yourself that you’re not responsible for the piggishness of Donald Trump or the awesomeness of Chris Kluwe. (And just to complicate things: While most straight women hate straight male pigs, most straight women want their men to be pigs— but only now and then, and only for them. A dash of controlled/vestigial

VUEWEEKLY.com | FEB 09 – FEB 15, 2017

piggishness is a desirable trait, not a disqualifying one.)


Q: What’s the healthiest way to address jealousy in a relationship with a jealous and confrontational partner? A: The healthiest thing would be for your jealous and confrontational partner to address their issues with a therapist after you’ve dumped them.


Q: Fuck, marry, kill: Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Mike Pence. A: Fuck everything, call off the wedding, kill myself.


Q: I see you’ve resurrected your ITMFA campaign. (Bragging rights: I got the Mass license plate ITMFA. The DMV tried to take it back when someone complained, and the ACLU won the case for me! I removed the plate, of course, after Obama won.) My question: If Trump is removed from office—if we “impeach the motherfucker already”—we’ll have Mike Pence. Do you really think he’d be any better? A: We already have Mike Pence. And Pence, as awful as he is, oscillates within a predictable band of Republican awfulness. With a President Pence, we’ll get shitty Supreme Court nominees, attacks on queers and people of colour, and fiscal mismanagement. With President Trump, we get all that plus war with Mexico and Australia. And you don’t have to remove your ITMFA buttons once Trump is removed from office—keep ’em on until Pence is impeached, too. Speaking of impeachment: Four in 10 Americans support impeaching Trump. Nixon didn’t hit that number until 18 months into the Watergate scandal. And speaking of my ITMFA campaign: We’ve already raised $100,000 at ITMFA.org, with all proceeds going to the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and the International Refugee Assistance Project. Get your ITMFA hats, buttons, and T-shirts at ITMFA.org! (Coming soon: coffee mugs and stickers!) DEAR READERS: Valentine’s Day is coming up. This is your annual reminder to #FuckFirst—have sex and then go out to dinner. Don’t have a heavy meal, drink, eat some chocolate gut bomb of a dessert, and then write to me on the 15th whining about how you didn’t get laid on the 14th. Fuck first! Or better yet, stay home and fuck all night on the 14th and go out to dinner on the 15th. You’re welcome. On the Lovecast, Dan chats with polyamory luminary Cunning Minx: savagelovecast.com. mail@savagelove.net @fakedansavage on Twitter


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