931: Oh, Rats!

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Best of Fringe 12 | Best of the Proclaimers 21

#931 / AUG 22 – AUG 28, 2013 VUEWEEKLY.COM

ISSUE: 931 AUG 22 – AUG 28, 2013



aRTS / 15 FILM / 20 MuSIC / 27 EVENTS / 29 aDuLT / 30 CLaSSIFIED / 32



“Going after shisha restaurants would be kind of a slam dunk.”



“I just wanted to push some boundaries for people.”



“The awkward process of wowing the girl of his dreams.”



“Images of foley artists massacring watermelons.”



“I fall into trance when I receive my lyrics.”

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VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28, 2013

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Rebecca medel rebecca@vueweekly.com

Most certainly hate It's hard to believe police in an Ontario town have said a letter asking the family of a 13-year-old autistic boy to euthanize him is not a hate crime. The boy often visits his grandmother's home in Newcastle, and the anonymous letter-writer claims his wailing is worse than that of crying babies or barking dogs and scares the hell out of her "normal" children. The writer adds that if the boy's family does not want to donate his "non-retarded body parts" to science they should either move to a trailer in the woods or euthanize him. The Criminal Code of Canada states that a hate crime is a criminal offence directed towards anyone motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, language, colour, sex, sexual orientation, mental and physical disabilities and other such biases. All parts of this letter point towards it being a hate crime. It was written with the purpose of discriminating against a minority—in this instance a mentally challenged person—and of intimidating his family. The writer goes on to say no woman will ever love the boy and no one will ever hire him for a job. This is, first, based on the conjecture of an erratic person, and, second, makes the assumption that the value of a life is based on falling in love and holding a job. While holding an opinion like this is not illegal, the writer of the letter needs to be held accountable by the law for delivering it. The poor grammar, all caps, excessive exclamation points and illogical nature of the letter (which is available to read online) suggest that the writer is an ignorant person, however, this does not excuse the sheer hate and intimidation the writer hoped to instill. And, to top it all off, it was written anonymously by "One pissed off mother." A concerned neighbour knocked on everyone's door in the neighbourhood to gauge people's reactions to the news of the letter. She said everyone seemed shocked to find out about it. I hope the police will do even more to find out who was shameless enough to suggest the death of a child just because she and her children felt annoyed by his presence. Durham Regional Police have said they are continuing their investigation. It's unsettling to think our society has come to a point where instead of talking to a neighbour about one's concerns, or even involving a mediator to ease any tension that might arise from a one-on-one discussion, thoughtless letters are slipped under doors. Where have proper etiquette and human compassion gone? People feel their actions have no consequences when they're done anonymously or through an online persona. Just check out your Facebook and Twitter accounts and you'll find countless rants from people who feel much braver behind a keyboard than they would actually owning up to their opinions in public. This writer needs to be found and charged because demanding a family euthanize their child or move far away is a hate crime. It's not something to be shrugged off as the ranting of an ignorant person, because ignorance is never a valid defence. V

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What are you smoking? The province's attack on shisha seems uncalled for


// Andrea Foht

hisha is being smoked all over Alberta and the provincial government doesn't like it. In 2002, the province implemented a 20-year strategy to prevent and reduce tobacco use. It seems that peeking through the windows of Middle-Eastern restaurants and watching patrons suck back on a hookah was enough to blow smoke out of someone in the Conservative party's ears. Even though Shisha sold here is made of herbs and molasses rather than tobacco, the government will still be seeking a ban on any shisha use when the legislature reopens this fall. A report from the Office of Alberta's Chief Medical Officer of Health from February 2012 claims that water-pipe use can cause health problems even if the product being smoked is herbal rather than tobacco, and the document stated a research trial found no difference in the carbon-monoxide levels of the two products. An Alberta Health Services report from October 2012 about the dangers of smoking from a water pipe stated results would be available soon on air-quality tests done in Edmonton hookah venues, including an analysis of the water-pipe smoke and a testing of water-pipe products for nicotine, heavy metals and other toxins. But those results are still not available almost a year later. Raid Ghazal, the manager of Co Co Di restaurant in Edmonton, is one of many in the shisha business who don't understand why the government did not consult them first. He says he does not use tobacco in his water pipes since it is illegal in Alberta, but says AHS is claiming the

problem is with the chemicals in the charcoal used to heat the pipe. But the charcoal he uses is chemical-free. This is the first time since he first brought shisha to his restaurant in 2001 that there has been any fuss about it. "I got a licence and every year I renew the licence. Most don't have a licence and they open without anybody asking to see their licence," he says. Ghazal is strict with enforcing guidelines in his restaurant regarding the water pipes, too. "I have a policy at the door: less than 18, they can't smoke it, even though this is molasses, but this is the law," he adds. "And you need to have a Canadian ID. We can't serve the shisha without food; you have to spend money to eat, then have fun with the shisha—that's what the tradition is." Since May, lobbyist Don Martin has been working hard to keep shisha restaurants open—the reputable ones, anyway. He says shisha places have been cropping up all over the city, but not all are going about it the right way. "These places are unregulated, unventilated, they're being used to launder money, they have bad rep on the street," he says. "There are good, reputable guys in the industry. There's guys that don't serve people under 18—even though legally you can serve the stuff to anybody because it's an unregulated product. But for the sake of giving the industry a good name, a lot of people have taken on these sort of voluntary initiatives that, actually, we're try-

VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28 2013

ing to codify and recommend that the government adopt." They've also been seeking to limit the number of licences that can occur in an area based on population and to have shisha licensed the same way liquor is. "If you can bring it under liquor and gaming, then you've got to apply through the government for your shisha licence and you've got to go through the criminal background check," Martin says. "You're subject to all of these inspections without notice and it's just a much higher standard." So why has the government made shisha such a big concern if it could be so easily regulated? "The long and short of it is Alberta Health Services has this line in its budget for anti-tobacco reduction initiatives and somebody inside the bureaucracy got the idea that going after shisha restaurants would be kind of a slam dunk," he says. But Martin adds that the big questions concerning how the Conservatives gathered their information have remained unanswered: what establishments did they find tobacco in? Which brand of products were they using? Why have there been no fines? "What's really concerning about this, though, is that the government only put this out in its anti-tobacco reduction plan which it publishes on its own website, and of course none of these guys read or would think to even go looking for, because who goes digging around in the bowels of the government?" Martin notes. Martin says if policy hounds like himself had not stumbled on this, it would have gone through fall legislature and many businesses would have been closed without any prior consultation—which isn't fair to those going about their business legally. "There are good actors on the stage and then there's some incredibly irreputable ones. There are some shisha places in Edmonton you can go into and you'll find them stuffing the shisha pipe with cut, which is a very strong addictive stimulant, it's a class-two narcotic in Canada," Martin explains. "You could go through Edmonton and shut down 20, 25 of these places. Believe me, no one would miss the ones that would get cut—they're pretty sketchy. The government could actually have a pretty good win on community health and safety just by taking away the irreputable side of the field." But lumping the responsible and the irresponsible establishments together, without consulting the owners, means people like Ghazal could lose a thriving business he's built up over the last decade. Ghazal says he will close his restaurant if the shisha ban happens. "I lost my business over there on Rice Howard Way (due to arson). Then I came over here. I spent $700 000," he says. "There was nothing in this place. I made the restaurant. I bought the equipment; I did everything. Now they want to stop the shisha. If they stop shisha, come take my restaurant." rebecca medel


FRONT NewS // rodeNTS

Total annihilation

What's the deal with Alberta's rat-free status?


hey come into our homes, eat our food, leave their droppings all over the floor and even helped take out a massive chunk of the European population by spreading bubonic plague back in the day. Rats tend to get everywhere. Not so much in alberta, though. The rest of the country knows it, too, with "Cat finds rat in Medicine Hat" being an actual Toronto Star headline earlier this year. Since the '50s, our province has proudly proclaimed its rat-free status. It's not that there is never a single rat anywhere in alberta. Rather, it's when a rat is reported, its removal is taken seriously. The price of freedom being eternal vigilance and all. "We continue to get rats from trucks and trains and recreation vehicles or whatever," says Phil Merrill, provincial rat and pest specialist. "and we have a network of pest patrol officers who, when a rat comes in, they deal with it, get rid of it, phone if they need help, and that way we keep our rat-free status." Merrill says there are about 200 calls regarding rat sightings per year, but of those only six to 12 will actually be rats. Most sightings will be other misidentified rodents, and when it is actually a rat, it tends to just be one at a time. "They're not a big threat because one rat won't do much," he says. "He doesn't last long. Either bait or pets or wildlife kills them, and that's the end of Mr Rat." Of course, sometimes Mr Rat comes in or meets up with some of his friends. Mrs Rat, for example. and before you know it, there's a colony. Medicine Hat recently saw this happen. a smaller infestation the year before led to a larger one at the landfill last year. "If someone called in and has an actual rat colony, we get very excited. The pest control officer would call me, and we'd move in with our specialists along the border and annihilate that colony." This only happens outside of the rat patrol zone once every five or six years. But not everyone believes that annihilation is the answer to rat infestations. "Rats are intelligent, sensitive animals who will risk their lives to save their offspring," says ashley Byrne, a spokesperson for PETa. "So they deserve our compassion, and they deserve to be treated humanely." Rather than be killed, rats could be trapped alive and moved elsewhere—to places without human populations. and those areas where we don't want them could be rat-proofed: holes in buildings filled up, garbage effectively disposed of and so on. "Poisons and other lethal methods have repeatedly failed to address long-term problems associated with rat populations in urban areas

like New York city," Byrne adds. "It's likely that alberta's low rat population can actually be attributed to the region's harsh winter climate, as well as cities' preventative measures to keep rats out of buildings." according to Merrill, however, despite Saskatchewan's similar climate, the eastern border is a major entry point. On the other side of the continent cities such as New York have long wrestled with their rat problem. Earlier this year, the city started resorting to setting out bait that would sterilize the rat over a period of time rather than kill it outright, reducing population growth. They have also focused some effort on mapping the areas rats frequent and having stricter controls on things such as garbage disposal. But, of course, no matter where you are, the garbage ends up somewhere—hence Medicine Hat's problem. By mapping the rat sightings on farms and the surrounding area, specialists were able to narrow the rat colony down to the dump. "Once we found the infestation, it took us about a month to clean it up," Merrill says. "and about another three months to make sure there were no stragglers left." a dump is a prime location for rats. an abundance of food plenty of places to hide, and relatively few humans interfering. It would seem to be a problem waiting for rats to make worse. "addressing how garbage is dealt with, again, is probably going to be a more effective long-term solution than simply killing rats that are spotted in a landfill," Byrne says. She argues that removing one population will only result in a new population eventually moving in. Though the situation in alberta, at least, considering Medicine Hat's prior three decades without infestation, appears not to fit that pattern of rat population dynamics entirely. Keeping the rat population out is the job of alberta's Rat Patrol: the collection of pest control officers who watch along the Saskatchewan border. The zone is 18 miles deep and when there's an infestation beyond it, they're the people who get called in. as for the cities, Calgary has had approximately four confirmed sightings so far this year, but Edmonton's doing pretty well. "In Edmonton, we haven't had a confirmed rat—I don't think we've had a confirmed rat this year. But we will. We'll get one shortly. It'll either be a pet rat or one that comes in somewhere. We expect three or four in Edmonton and half a dozen in Calgary," Merrill says. "The rat-free status means that we don't have an existing population of rats in alberta.

To maintain that, any time a rat are here," she says. "Regardless of comes in, we quickly annihilate it." whether they are a native species The Saskatchewan border may or not, they are an intelligent and become less of an issue in the fu- sensitive species that feels pain ture as Saskatchewan makes prog- and fear and deserve to be treated ress in becoming rat-free itself. with compassion." Some municipalities have already Byrne says that if we address the attained this and more are expect- urban-area issues that attract rats, ed. BC, on the other hand, will not they won't be a concern. have an easy time. "There are always ways to work in "They're a coast province and harmony with wildlife. Non-lethal the rats come in on ships. It's a methods are not only the kindest never-ending battle. Rats are dif- approach, but they're also the most ficult to contain when they jump effective approach," she says. "If we off ships," Merrill says. kill a population off, we don't adShips are exactly how rats got dress the problem that made this here in the first place. The pre- place attractive for them in the dominant species to watch out for first place. You're simply leaving in North america is the brown rat, originating in asia. They largely displaced black rats in Europe during the Middle ages but first found their way to alberta only in 1950. The next year, the province began an aggressive and successful program to keep them out. Only a few other places in the world—isolated islands and the polar regions—are similarly free. "The other pests we have are native or natural pests that are part of the ecosystem. They're pests because they bother man, but they also play an important role in the ecosystem," Merrill says. "The rat is the only rodent that is a parasite of man. They have to have man's food and his shelter to survive. If we had no cities, and if farmers didn't allow rats to get into their grain, they wouldn't survive." But Byrne points out the rats just did what comes naturally: they followed f o o d , they followed shelter and they ended up on the North american continent on our farms and in our urban areas. "It's not their fault // Charlie Biddiscombe that they

that habitat open for more of the animals to come in and take up residence there. The humane solution is also the most effective solution." Our borders are somewhat unique: the Rockies to the west, the plains of Montana to the south, and the colder climate to the north leaving the Saskatchewan border as the main point of entry. But it's still a lot of land to cover. For now, at least, for a mere third of a million dollars per year, alberta's Rat Patrol is watching, and willing, to keep the prized rat-free status going. ryaN bromSGrove


we don't have an existing population of rats in alberta. To maintain that, any time a rat comes in, we quickly annihilate it.

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RICARDO ACUña // ricardo@vueweekly.com

Bitumen blunder

CNRL's pipeline leak near Cold Lake is the culmination of a trail of former inadequacies Over the course of the last three months, over 1.2 million litres of bitumen has escaped from four well sites at Canadian Natural Resources Limited's Primrose bitumen project near Cold Lake. As a result, there have been numerous wildlife deaths, tons of trees, muskeg and soil have had to be removed and an unnamed body of water has been contaminated. We don't know what's causing the spill, how to stop it, how much more bitumen will pour out before it stops and what's happening underground in terms of bitumen escaping its natural rock formation and seeping into ground water and other sensitive subterranean formations. CNRL reports that they spotted the first leak on May 20 and immediately reported it to the Alberta Energy Regulator. It is not clear when exactly the project started leaking. Primrose uses a process called High-Pressure Cyclic Steam Stimulation (HCSS) to extract the bitumen from the underground formation. The process essentially involves injecting high-pressure super-heated


steam into the formation to melt the bitumen, then reversing the flow of the injection site to draw the bitumen up. It's a variety of the SteamAssisted Gravity Drainage process (SAGD), which is being used more and more often as a "more environmentally sound alternative" to actually digging up the bitumen. The Alberta government estimates that up to 80 percent of the province's bitumen will actually be recovered by way of in-situ extraction. The company claims the leaks were caused by faulty cement casings on old well-bores in the area, and that it knows what it needs to do to avoid future leaks of this type. The AER says it's still not certain about the cause of the seepages, but has ordered CNRL to stop all steam injections in the area until its investigation into the incident is complete. That stop order will have no immediate impact at all on the company's production levels, as its summer injection cycle had already wrapped up for the season. This incident will be the first real test of the effectiveness of the AER, which was recently created to take

over the regulation function previously served by the Energy Resources Conservation Board. If history is any indicator, however, the ultimate outcome will be a lengthy report by the government regulator, that may or may not be made public, and business as usual for CNRL and all other companies using HCSS and SAGD to extract bitumen. This may sound cynical, but that was exactly the result the last time this type of leak happened in the same area, to the same company, using the exact same process. In January 2009, CNRL reported a release from its Primrose site to the ERCB. The ERCB responded to that incident by immediately ordering CNRL to cease injections in the area, and commenced an in-depth investigation. It is important to point out here that the results of that investigation were not made public until January 2013, long after CNRL was allowed to resume steam injection in the area, and only four months before this latest leak was spotted. After that incident, just like this time, CNRL insisted that the bitumen

released was caused by mechanical failure of old well-bores, and that they knew what to do to prevent future leaks of this type. The ERCB report, however, disagreed with CNRL's assessment. The ERCB concluded that the most likely reason for the incident was the geology of the area itself. In other words, there are weaknesses in the various underground strata in the area that cannot withstand the pressure from the steam injections. That determination from the ERCB should be quite worrisome to Albertans—steam injection was being allowed to happen in an area where the geology was totally inadequate for the process. Did the ERCB not look at this before it granted the initial permit to CNRL? Was CNRL not required to provide incontrovertible proof that the process would be safe as part of its initial application to the ERCB? Either way, how many other similar projects are currently ongoing around the province with similar vulnerabilities? What should be downright terrifying to Albertans, however, is the fact that even after the ERCB's report

into the 2009 incident identified the geology in the area as the culprit, CNRL was allowed to continue using the exact same process in the exact same area. Who made that decision and why? Who signed the authorization to resume work? Was the energy minister aware of this at the time? Whoever made the decision showed a blatant, and potentially criminal, disregard for the public interest and environmental well-being in the province. Ultimately, that's where full responsibility for this current incident should be placed. Now, the AER has the opportunity once again to get it right. The Alberta government claims it has world-class environmental monitoring, regulations and accountability, and this is a perfect opportunity for them to prove it through their actions. I, however, wouldn't recommend you hold your breath and wait for it to happen. V Ricardo Acuña is the executive director of the Parkland Institute, a non-partisan, public policy research institute housed at the University of Alberta.

GWYNNE DYER // GWYNNE@vueweekly.com

Egypt: the futility of foreign intervention The West's interference in Egyptian politics is not as influential as they'd hope


t's a silly question, obviously, but it still has to be asked. What, if anything, should the rest of the world do about the tragedy in Egypt? The same question has been hanging in the air about the even greater Syrian tragedy for well over a year now and it is starting to come up again in Iraq. All three of the biggest countries in the heart of the Arab world are now in a state of actual or incipient civil war. The death toll in the Syria civil war last month was 4400 people. More than 1000 people were killed by bombs and bullets last month in Iraq, the bloodiest month in the past five years. And at least 1000 people have been killed in Egypt in the past week, the vast majority of them unarmed civilians murdered by the army. You will note that I did not write "killed in clashes." That's the sort of weasel-word formula that the media

use when they do not want to offend powerful friends. Let's be plain: the Egyptian army is deliberately massacring supporters of the democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood government that it overthrew last June (whom it now brands as "terrorists") in order to terrorize them into submission. The "deep state" is coming back in Egypt, and the useful idiots who now believe that the army is on their side, the secular democrats of the left and the opportunistic Noor Party on the religious right, will in due course find themselves back in the same old police stations, being tortured by the same old goons. So should outsiders just stand by and watch it all happen? The inaction of the United States is due to two causes. First, the only major leverage at Obama's disposal, cancelling the annual $1.3 billion in aid

that Washington gives to the Egyptian army, is no threat at all. It would instantly be replaced, and probably increased, by the rich and conservative Arab monarchies of the Gulf that heartily approve of the Egyptian army's coup. Secondly, Washington remains transfixed by the notion that its alliance with Egypt is important for American security. This hoary myth dates back to the long-gone days when the US depended heavily on importing oil from the Gulf, and almost all of it had to pass through Egypt's Suez Canal. Today, less than 10 percent of the oil burned in America comes from the Middle East, and new domestic production from fracking is shrinking that share even further. Even if Obama understood that Egypt is not a vital American strategic interest and ended US military aid to the country, it would only be

a gesture (although a desirable one). The International Monetary Fund has already broken off talks on a large new loan to Egypt, and the European Union is talking about cutting aid to the country, but there are no decisive measures available to anybody outside the Arab world, and no willingness to act within it. There will be no major military intervention in Syria either, although outside countries both within the Arab world and beyond it will continue to drip-feed supplies to their preferred side. And the Iraqi government's request last Friday for renewed US military aid to stave off renewed civil war there has been no hope of success. Getting involved again militarily in Iraq would be political suicide for Obama. So what's left of the Arab spring? On the face of it, not much. Tunisia, where the first democratic revolution

started three years ago, still totters forward, and there is more democracy in Morocco than there used to be, but that's about it. The non-violent democratic revolutions that have worked so well in many other parts of the world are not doing very well in the Arab world. There may be many reasons for this, but one stands out above all the others. In the Arab world, unlike most other places, two rival solutions to the existing autocracy, poverty and oppression compete for popular support: democracy and Islamism. The result, in one country after another, is that the autocrats exploit that division to retain or regain power. Democracy may win in the end, but it is going to be a very long struggle. V Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.

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DisH eDitor : MeAGHAN BAXter MeAGHAN@vueweekly.coM


Cheese please

Café by day, wine bar by night, but Cavern's focus remains on cheese

// Andrea ross


possible, [and] just meet people's avern is a quaint new eatery tastes," Bell explains. "I was testand wine bar nestled in the ing to see what the Edmonton basement of the Phillips Lofts palate was craving as well, and I building in downtown's trendy 104 Street area, and through its just wanted to push some boundaries for people spread of quality and introduce wines, cheeses, #2, 10169 - 104 St them to things chocolate and 780.455.1336 they haven't coffee, the estab- thecavern.ca lishment is makseen before." The bright and ing its mark on modern eatery opened in april Edmonton's food scene. and aims to appease clients at The focus is on the cheese, with more than 75 varieties availwork or at play. By day, Cavern able, and it's not your standard sells cheese from a retail display case and serves various pastries, cheddar: inspired by her love of baguette sandwiches and Coava travel, owner Tricia Bell serves direct-trade coffee. In the eveup goat, bloomy-rind, washed rind, blue-veined, semi-firm and ning, Cavern transforms from a café-style eatery into a sophistifirm cheeses from around the cated wine bar, offering cheese world. Bell, who was trained by and charcuterie boards paired american cheese expert Max McCalman, strives to provide an adwith select beers and beautiful wines from their state-of-the-art venturous selection of only the enomatic wine preservation syshighest quality cheeses. tem. "I wanted to reflect the sort of Cavern's wine selection rivals diversity of categories as much as


the cheese, ranging from crisp Spanish whites to spicy Chilean Cabernet Sauvignons. and, while happy to abide by traditional rules to create "spectacular pairings," Bell seeks to put the ease back in cheese. Tremendously passionate for her craft, she lights up as she muses on how playful experimentation with different wines and cheeses can create a wholly unique and even intimate experience. "There might be some flirtation, there might be some melting, some long-term relationships that develop. There might be proposals, affairs," Bell laughs. "There are all kinds of things that could happen on the palate." "I think my philosophy is you can look at the rules to examine them and determine how they might suit your tastes, but I think you should just eat and drink what you want. It should be fun; it shouldn't be something you

feel like you have to do." In full swing of "white winedrinking season," Bell says popular summer wines include the 2011 unzu Labores do Rueda Verdejo, a full-bodied, dry yet flavourful Spanish white—one of Bell's personal favourites. This juicy and refreshing white made a recent visit a memorable one. My group paired the wine with a cheese and charcuterie board of French Ossau Iraty, a firm sheep's milk cheese with a buttery and nutty flavour, as well as Quebecois Oka artisan and the Swiss Vacherin Fribourgeois, both washed-rind cow's milk cheeses with delicate, mild and nutty flavours. We were delighted by the fresh and dried fruits, baguette, nuts and sweet and spicy preserves provided to compliment the cheese. Cavern's knowledgeable staff makes cheese fun and exciting

VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28 2013

for anyone looking to try something new, and from the handling of the cheese to the spot-on wine pairing, the eatery doesn't miss a beat with the details. But even though Cavern offers top-notch cheeses and wines, Bell firmly believes in maintaining integrity and principle through quality products and fair pricing. The eatery's reception in the community has been a "warm embrace," and she hopes to provide a unique experience for wine and cheese fans. "I just think people need to be satisfied," she explains. "[Customers] don't want to pay a dollar for something that doesn't satisfy them, but they are willing to pay an extra dollar for something that does. "I think that ultimately people want quality. That comes through in the product, and pleasure will follow." ANDREA ROSS



Mel Priestley // mel@vueweekly.com

A shame to waste

Solutions to save leftover wine—if there ever is any price from very cheap (around $10) to very expensive (over $100) I recommend choosing one at the midrange around $40, which won't be so cheaply made as to break easily but won't break the bank either.

// ©iStockphoto.com/vladacanon

One of the great tragedies in the wine world is that after being opened for a few hours, wine begins an inevitable decline into vinegar. Most wines taste all right the day after being opened—and some really full-bodied red wines (like Bordeaux and Barolo) taste better the next day—but after two and especially three days, all wines are a pale version of their former glorious selves. The cause of this is oxidation: oxygen reacts with the wine's phenolics (colour and flavour compounds) and causes the wine to lose its fruity aroma and turn brown; eventually the wine's ethanol is converted into acetic acid (vinegar). The key to slowing this process, and squeezing a little extra time out of your open bottle, is to reduce the amount of oxygen contact.

One of the simplest and easiest methods is to re-cork the bottle and stash it in the fridge. If you have a smaller bottle, like a half (375 mL) wine bottle, pour the leftover wine into that and then cork it. The stopper reduces the amount of oxygen in contact with the wine (and the smaller bottle reduces it even further), while the cold air in your fridge slows the movement of the oxygen particles, which in turn slows down the process of oxidation. Refrigeration also masks wine faults, so you won't notice off flavours as much if you drink it partially chilled. A better method of wine preservation is a vacuum pump. This gadget involves a special stopper and a hand pump; pumping the air out of the bottle creates a vacuum that tightly seals the bottle and prevents oxygen from entering. Ranging in

Another preservation method is an inert gas (typically argon) spray. A can of this spray looks and works just like the compressed-air canisters used to clean keyboards and electronics: simply spray a couple blasts into the bottle and then tightly stopper it. Argon is heavier than oxygen so it sits on top of the wine and creates a barrier against oxidation. It's also totally inert so it doesn't impart any odours or flavours to the wine. The best-known brand is Private Preserve and a single canister will cost around $20; this is good for about 120 uses. I prefer using the spray as it keeps wine fresh for over a week, while the vacuum pump only works for a couple days. If you don't get to a bottle in time, there are a couple things you can do with wine that's no longer tasty enough to drink on its own. Try cooking with it, using it to deglaze a pan or jazz up a soup or stew. Making your own red wine vinegar is another option—after all, that's what it's already turning into anyway. Fill a clean jar about three-quarters full and let it sit, partially covered, in a warm place and shake once a week for about two months. You can speed up the process by using a vinegar "mother" which is available from homebrew equipment stores. And if you use none of these techniques, at the very least pour spoiled wine onto your compost pile, rather than just dumping it down the drain. V


VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28, 2013

grab a beer after?”




ou wouldn’t believe how much coffee we drank this weekend. Enough that teeth are still chattering from the bean-buzz in our editorial office, so let’s let the fruits of our caffeine-injected labour speak for themselves: Vue’s intrepid, 22-person-strong reviewer team made it out to every single ticketed show playing at the 32nd Annual Edmonton Fringe Festival, and wrote reviews of each. You can browse that mountain of reviews in its full, towering glory at edmontonfringe. ca, but to pare that down a little, we’ve collected some of the best reviews we handed out to shows at the fest. We couldn’t fit all the fourstar reviews into print, so know that there’s more of those, too; but, for your consideration, we present our condensed Best of Fest list. Reviews by Kathleen Bell (KB), Bryan Birtles (BB), Kate Black (KBL), Paul Blinov (PB), Saliha Chattoo (SH), Megan Dart (MD), Paige Gorsak (PG), Michael Hingston (MH), Carolyn Jervis (CJ), Fawnda Mithrush (FM) Rebecca Medel (RM), Andrea Ross (AR), Bryan Saunders (BRS), Ryan Stephens (RS), Marliss Weber (MW), and Alana Willerton (AW). Assassinating Thomson Venue 4: Academy at King Edward


Assassinating Thomson has an obvious hook: after all, who wouldn’t be curious to see a legally blind artist paint a live portrait of his audience while he acts. But while this may be what gets people in the door, it’s Bruce Horak’s cheeky grin and natural comedic timing that will keep them captivated to the end. Horak has a gift for spinning the ordinary into something fascinating, regaling the audience with colourful stories about the famous Group of Seven painters, the mysterious death of artist Tom Thomson and his own experiences living with




only nine-percent vision in one eye. Never before has an art history lesson been so interesting. AW Countries Shaped Like Stars BYOV 33: Strathcona Presbyterian Church


This exquisite telling of Gwendolyn and Bartholomew’s adorably awkward love proves you don’t need pyrotechnics to make sparks. The chemistry between the actors and their voices, along with dialogue that takes full advantage of the rainbow that is the English language, ensures you fall hard for Gwendolyn and Bartholomew too. Countries Shaped Like Stars perfectly hits what must be the hardest note when it comes to love stories—it sweetly captures the beauty of the silly, goofy side of fresh and honest love. This electric, bittersweet musical ride is a tender reflection on the risks and invaluable rewards of human connection. CJ Matchstick Venue 8: OSPAC


Fun! Funny! Soviet Russia? This two-person musical is a treasure. The singing, dancing, set design and storyline are definitely not your typical fairytale of girl meets boy and falls in love. Just who is Prince Charming really? Hint: you’ll be shocked. Folksy, pop-culture-y, upbeat and a little weird, you might be back in line for this one before Fringe is over. RM Limbo Venue 2: Fringe Cabaret Lounge


Would you believe it? A Fringe one-man-show with substance, and the man doesn’t even limbo once? Andrew Bailey starts his show the day after a suicide attempt, when he tries to answer the big ques-

tions in life. He deals with life, death, love and OCD with sensitivity, intelligence and philosophic humility, and the man is damn funny to boot. Can’t say enough about this lovely performance—excellent writing, great performance and an excellent message. A Fringe must-see. MW Scratch BYOV 18: Princess Theatre


The lineup for Scratch stretched down the block, and for good reason. Back for its ninth year at the Fringe, talented improv duo Arlen Konopaki and Kevin Gillese generate hilarious skits from audience-hollered topics. Opening night’s show involved a sky-diving father and son, salvation of a puppy mill and plenty of references to The Walking Dead and Pacific Rim. It’s absurd, fast-paced and unpredictable, and you’ve got to wonder if Konopaki and Gillese can read each other’s minds to produce such seamless and sidesplitting scenarios. This is the pinnacle of improv, and a show you could (or should) see night after night. AR April in Peril BYOV 25: Holy Trinity Anglican Church–Lower Hall


April in Peril is a remount of a ‘94 Belke script, one that lands us in occupied France during the Second World War. A pair of allied soldiers, hidden behind enemy lines and waiting to transport a defecting scientist to safety, find their plans derailed by a trio of US showgirls looking to stir up soldier spirits. Toss in a couple of increasingly suspicious members of the French resistance, and you’ll find yourself embedded in an irresistible comedy-musical, skillfully handled in acting, direction and song (both the writing and performance thereof). The two-hour runtime might

seem daunting from the outside, but it’s worth it. PB Freud’s Last Session BYOV 27: Holy Trinity Anglican Church–Sanctuary


The “unlikely meeting of minds” is a mini-genre that seems to appear almost exclusively at the Fringe— Green Eggs and Kerouac of a few years back is perhaps the most memorable, but this year we have Poe and Mathews: a Misadventure in the Middle of Nowhere and this show. Rarely do they pop up during main season, though Freud’s Last Session makes a case that such shows could easily carry in the big houses: deftly acted, intelligently executed and wonderfully imagined, it places CS Lewis inside Freud’s makeshift office in London on the eve of the Second World War and lets the two analyze each other, trading wits and barbs on God, psychology, moral evolution and each other’s personal failings. An uncommonly good thinker of a show. PB Capital City Burlesque Presents: An Elvis Odyssey BYOV 48: The Starlite Room


Dancing and removing clothes to the songs of the King himself, the ladies of Capital City Burlesque put on a high-energy and coquettishly sexy show. Costume changes abound and are a huge part of the fun: nuns, astronauts, can-can girls, luau dancers, cowgirls, leopards and that Bavarian girl (call me!) are just a few of the characters who strip down to nothing but their panties and bras in this performance. The act also features three amazing belly dancers shaking their thing (swoon!). I’d be remiss if I didn’t also mention the boisterously entertaining host and the lovely panty Zamboni. My only complaint? The sightlines in the venue! Put the ladies on a raised stage next time, be-

VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28 2013

cause the sunken stage makes some of the routines difficult to see from anywhere but the first row. BRS Hip.Bang! Improv BYOV 22: Wunderbar


After some ultimately hilarious technical difficulties, this two-man improv troupe hit the stage and decided to take the word “esoteric” from the audience as the basis of their show that day. These performers were uproariously funny, and many audience members were literally holding their sides from laughing so hard. Though the creativity was endless, the elegance of a cohesive theme was lacking and the final scenes were a tad rushed. Still, thanks to the impressive on-stage chemistry these two performers have, the laughs were in huge supply at this show. SC Lorax Improv BYOV 22: Wunderbar


The energy these three improvisers brought to the stage was impressive. From the first moments of the performance, they endeared themselves to the audience and the laughs started to roll in. It’s typical long-form improv here, but it was the atypical liberties the performers took that made this show so fresh and enjoyable. At one point, one of those twists came in the form of opening the back door of Wunderbar and inviting an unsuspecting couple in off of the street to enjoy the rest of the show with us. The three performers exploded into each scene, had us laughing throughout and ended up creating an elegant storyline to boot. SC The Anger in Ernest and Ernestine Venue 5: King Edward School


So it turns out the person you marCONTINUED ON PAGE 14 >>

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VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28, 2013




ried isn’t as flawless as you once thought. This is the realization blissful newlyweds Ernest and Ernestine are coming to, rage seeping through gritted teeth as they come to grips with their partner’s antics. While the two characters’ dynamics are cartoonishly bubbly and air on the side of ridiculous, the play toys with the more serious topic of the repressed anger that can eat away at a pictureperfect relationship. The Anger in Ernest and Ernestine is a little long, but capably hits all the points many Fringe shows attempt to: a valid message, cute and weird in all the right places. KBL Coraline the Musical BYOV 44: Rutherford School


Enter the whimsically weird world of Coraline. a clever girl with a passion for exploring, Coraline uncovers a door to another world where things are not quite as they seem, forcing her to put her bravery to the test with help from a charmingly creepy cast of cohorts. Based on the Neil gaiman novella, the Canadian premiere of

Coraline the Musical makes inventive use of a curious found-object set, transforming the drab Rutherford School gymnasium into a wondrous, at times slightly scary imaginarium. The piano orchestra— a mish-mash of pianos of all shapes, sizes and tunings—provides eccentric accompaniment for cleverly performed songs. at 90 minutes, the show is a bit of a trek for younger Fringers, but Impossible Mongoose Productions will keep you entranced the whole way through. MD The Legend of White Woman Creek Venue 3: Walterdale Playhouse


a ghost story told by the ghost in question, The Legend of White Woman Creek tells the tale of anna Morgan Faber, who left West Virginia to marry a man in Kansas and start a new life of tragedy, hardship and disappointment. Less a play than a song cycle, the piece is told simply by actor and co-creator Katie Hartman, accompanied by a guitar and surrounded by candles. It’s a show that isn’t afraid of silence, that builds meaning and gravitas by the subtlety Hartman em-

ploys, the pathos of the simple, mournful songs. By the end you’re haunted as much by the story as the ghost herself. BB Princess Confidential Venue 11: PCL Studio


The latest from local playwright/director Ellen Chorley is a fine, crackling case of mistaken identities and fairy tales twisted just so. It stars Merran Carr-Wiggin as an amnesiac princess, and Neil Kuefler as the detective charged with figuring out what story she belongs in. (a list of possible identities on his blackboard runs the gamut from Snow White to Princess Peach.) The show is inventive in both its structure and delivery: Kuefler is forced to act out all of the non-princess roles, including seven dwarves in quick succession—and later we learn his backstory, too. It is a bit complicated, though, so make sure your kids have the attention span, or at least the sit-still-ability, of a six-year-old. MH Fracture Venue 1: Westbury Theatre


If you’re only going to see one dance show this Fringe, I recommend seeing this one. Fracture is a contemporary dance piece that includes two works: Pod and Shatter State. In Pod, the stage is coated in a semitransparent sheet of plastic, and two dancers create the story beneath the sheet for much of the first half. as air ripples under the sheet, you become lost in the visualization of a dance underwater, and the effect is mesmerizing.

In Shatter State, we see a story told through three perspectives, and the originality behind the choreography of both this piece and Pod is inspired. Themes of rebirth, bravery, perspective and individuality are all expertly expressed through the performers’ talent for conveying emotion through their craft. The dancers take each movement of their journey seriously, and you’ll find yourself doing the same. SC Off Book: The Musical Venue 7: Yardbird Suite


While “gah! awesome!” doesn’t really meet the requirements for an elevated critical review, if you are a fan of the genre, this will be your overwhelming reaction as you watch Edmonton’s Rapid Fire Theatre conquer musicals. Hitting every musical mark, from the big opening number to the “I want so much more than this” dreamy solo to the final reprise, this assembled company of improvisers knows exactly how to patch together a show-stopping number. Clever, dynamic, versatile and hilarious, this crew works nearly seamlessly together and creates a gem of a show right before your eyes. KB Hockey Night at the Puck and Pickle BYOV 42: La Cite Francophone– Suzanne Thibaudeau Auditorium


This new show by never-beforepartnered Fringe vets Jon Paterson and Ryan gladstone is a total hoot for hockey fans and theatre junkies alike. Watch the pair as they enter

the local watering hole—The Puck & Pickle Pub—to take in a hypothetical Olympic gold-medal final game between Canada and Russia. The bar is packed, and the two introduce the characters at each table with an energy and comic prowess that is a riot to witness. as the bar patrons get into the game, so does the audience, and the irresistible camaraderie in fandom that inevitably occurs around those high-stakes games easily spreads through the house. Paterson and gladstone get too into it sometimes and hiccup from script, but overall it’s so much fun that their gaffes are forgivable. They share apt observations about the differences between hockey and theatre, hockey in theatre, and the power of strangers sitting in a room together and caring about the same thing. With a little polish, this show is bound to become the stuff of Fringe legend. FM Radio: 30 Venue 9: Telus Building


as his muddled past and failed relationships sneak their way into his sound booth sanctuary, Radio: 30’s Ron, a radio voice actor, spirals down from the peak of confidence to the depths of despair. The paragon of this crisp, essentially one-man production is actor/writer Chris Earle himself, whose flawless presentation of radio man Ron—and not to mention his impeccable radio voice—carry this eerie dark comedy to its tense and jarring finale. While a slow burner might sidestep the lively Fringe atmosphere, Radio: 30 is engaging, thought provoking and definitely worth seeing. PG Promise and Promiscuity: A New Musical by Jane Austen Venue 5: King Edward School


Fringe performers take note: this is how you do a one-man show. New Zealand’s Penny ashton dazzles in her performance of eight-or-so distinct characters, expertly telling the story of regency-era Elspeth Slowtree falling in love and fighting the literary patriarchy. Though set 200-years ago, the performance is anything but stale. The audience is putty in ashton’s hands as she flaunts dirty double-entendres and witty musical numbers (ie Beethoven mashed up with Bon Jovi). Don’t let the literary title scare you away—knowing anything about Jane austen probably just comes as a bonus. KBL Weaksauce BYOV 14: Strathcona Library


It’s a special kind of devastation when everything in a romantic situation is working perfectly in our favour, before suddenly, catastrophically crashing down before us. Weaksauce latches onto this feeling, as Sam Mullins tells us, for better or for worse, the awkward process of wowing the girl of his dreams at a summer hockey camp (Spoiler alert: it’s usually for worse). Solo love stories too often falter under emotionally unaffecting performers, but Mullins drips with authenticity, and his genuinely anxious smirks, nostalgic sighs and snide observations pull you deep into his lovelorn memories. RS


VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28 2013


and Aaron Paquette; from the AFA collection; until Sep 7 • Dream within a dream: Photos by Tyler Enfield, collage by Julie Nauman-Mikulski; until Aug 31

Réveil de la Muse: Works by Claudine Audette-Rozon • Until Sep 11

BUGERA MATHESON GALLERY • New Location: 10345-124 St • 780.482.2854 • bugeramathesongallery.com • RCA Artists: Peter Deacon, Michele Drouin, Donald Pentz, Scott Plear, Daniele Rochon, Ernestine Tahedl, Ken Wallace • Aug 22-Sep 7 • Opening: Wine and Chees: Thu, Aug 22, 5:30-9pm


Centre d’arts visuels de l’Albertas (CAVA) • 9103-95 Ave • 780.461.3427 • Artworks


City Hall • Main Fl, 1 Sir Winston Churchill Sq •

Good Women • Westbury Theatre, 10330-84 Ave •

I. Marquez Lugo, Lesley Schatz Miciak

Gallerie Pava • 9524-87 St, 780.461.3427 • Le

Gallery 7 • Bookstore on Perron, 7 Perron St, St Albert • Artworks by Karen Blanchet, Martha Grell, Father Douglas • Until Sep 3

Gallery at Milner • Stanley A. Milner Library Main Fl, Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.944.5383 • epl.ca/art-gallery • Articulate: Sketchbooks by 31 art educators from Edmonton and St Albert schools; until Aug 31 • Alberta Farm Women: Paintings and photographs by Dawn Saunders Dahl; Display Cases: Edmonton Weavers' Guild, selected works; Display by the Edmonton Stamp Club; Sep 1-30

by Louise Piquette, Jacques Martel, Paulette Lefaîvre, Pauline Ulliac and Jody Swanson • Until Sep 3 The Art of Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truth, Compassion, Tolerance): International exhibit • Aug 25-31

Fracture • Aug 22, 10pm; Aug 25, 6:30pm

Crooked Pot Gallery–Stony Plain • 4912-51


Ave, Stony Plain • 780.963.9573 • Summertime

HAPPY HARBOR COMICS v1 • 10729-104 Ave • happyharborcomics.com • COMIC JAM: Improv comic art making every 1st and 3rd Thu each month, 7pm •


AFGHAN MISSION FILM FESTIVAL • Edmonton Garrison Military Family Resource Centre, Bldg 161, Mons Avenue, Lancaster Park • Series of films to remember the human side of the conflicts in Afghanistan and around the world and to shed light on the film festival’s accompanying book tour: Afghanistan: A Soldier’s Story • Fri, Aug 23, 12-4pm

Bailey Theatre–Camrose • baileytheatre.com • Summer Movie Series present: On The Road (14A) • Aug 26, 7pm • $7 (adult)/$5 (youth/senior)/$20 (family)

Edmonton Film Society • Royal Alberta Museum Auditorium, 12845-102 Ave • Summer 2013 Series: Musicals for a Summer Night: until Aug 26 • Call Me Madam (1953, colour, PG); Aug 26, 8pm • $6/$5 (senior/student)/$30 (membership for the series, 8 films)

Old-time hospitality

780.990.1161 • landogallery.com • Summer on 124th Street: New works by gallery artists and secondary market works • Until Aug 22

Latitude 53 • 10242-106 St • 780.423.5353 • ProjEx Room: YORK: By Sydney Lancaster and Marian Switzer; until Aug 31 • Main Space: Art Party: Megan Morman; until Aug 31 • Patio: Thursday Night Patio Party: Final Patio Party with gravitypope and Blackbyrd

Plain • 780.963.9935 • multicentre.org • Tanya Harnett; until Aug 28 • Paintings by Elizabeth Verhagaen; Aug 30-Sep 25; reception: Sun, Sep 8

Musée Héritage Museum–St Albert • 5 St


Anne St, St Albert • 780.459.1528 • Transforming Tradition: Contemporary Aboriginal Artists Reenvision Traditional Crafts: Traditional works by 1st Nation artists who bring their own interpretations to their work; until Aug 25 • Lace Up: Canada’s Passion for Skating: Travelling exhibit by the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Quebec; Sep 3-Nov 3

Muttart Conservatory • 9262-96A St • Gaia: The Great Mother of All: Works by Sculptors’ Association of Alberta • Until Sep 3

Naess Gallery • Paint Spot, 10032-81 Ave

NFB Film Club • Sprucewood Library • Monthly film series featuring animated and documentary films from the National Film Board of Canada • War of the Worlds, PG-13; Fri, Aug 23, 2pm • Reel Injun (STC); Aug 26, 6pm • Drop-in; no registration required • Free



Alberta Skies: Works by Judith Hall • Until Aug 25

Lando Gallery • 103, 10310-124 St •

Multicultural Centre Public Art Gallery (MCPAG)–Stony Plain • 5411-51 St, Stony

Movies At The Capitol–Fort Edmonton • fortedmontontickets.com • Northern Light; 4-D short film on Edmonton’s history from the ice age to the present, free for visitors to Fort Edmonton Park • Cinema Series: Singing in the Rain (PG); Aug 22, 8pm • $10/$8 (with same day general admission or admission receipt to the park); at the door/online

Art Gallery Of St Albert (AGSA) • 19 Perron St, St Albert • 780.460.4310 • artgalleryofstalbert.ca • Animal Spirit: Works by Joane Cardinal-Schubert, Jason Carter, Erik Lee Christophersen, Terry McCue,

Kiwanis Gallery–Red Deer Public Library •

West Halls • Edmonton Art Club Exhibition • Aug 31-Oct 26

MosqueRs 2013 Film Awards Show • Jubilee Auditorium, 11455-87 Ave • Film made by Muslims from Calgary and Edmonton. The Movies are judged and awarded live. Featuring comedian, Maz Jobrani • Aug 24, 6-11pm • $20-$25 at W: mosquers.com

Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA) • 2 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.422.6223 • youraga.ca • Manning Hall (main level public space): Now You See It: A giant word search puzzle by Megan Morman, free • Water Into Art: British watercolours from the V&A, 1750-1950; until Nov 24 • New Acquisitions: Views and Vistas: until Oct 6 • BMO World of Creativity: Cabinets of Curiosity: Lyndal Osborne's curious collection; until Jun 30, 2014 • 19th Century British Photographs: From the collection of the National Gallery of Canada; until Oct 6

Kaasa Gallery • Jubilee Auditorium, 11455-87 Ave; VAAA: Off-site location • Open Photo/Open Digital 2013: Visual Arts Alberta, in partnership with the Alberta Jubilee Auditoria Society, presents Open Photo/Open Digital 2013, opening in Edmonton at the Kaasa Gallery, then moving to Calgary mid-October. This contest and exhibition presents work by some of Alberta’s finest photographers, diverse in subject matter, styles and techniques • Aug 30-Oct 12 • Opening: Fri, Aug 30, 6-8pm

Misercordia Hospital • North/South and East/

Grandin Theatres–St Albert • 101-22 Sir Winston Churchill Ave, Grandin Mall • Monty Python: the Holy Grail; audience participation movie night presented by St Albert Library. Come in costume; instructions and props will be provided • Aug 22, 7-8:30pm • Free; reserve in adv at 780.459.1682

Spruce Grove Art Gallery, Spruce Grove Library, 35-5 Ave, Spruce Grove • 780.962.0664 • alliedartscouncil. com • BEAUTY IN NATURE AND TAMED: Artworks by Fran Mansell; until Sep 7; reception: Aug 24, 1-3pm

Jurassic Forest/Learning Centre • 15 mins N of Edmonton off Hwy 28A, Township Rd 564 • Education-rich entertainment facility for all ages

112 St • 780.407.7152 • Procession West: A photographic Visual Journey from Plains to Coast by Rob Pohl and Robert Michiel • Where Dragonflies Dance: Watercolours and graphite botanical paintings by Elaine Funnel • Until Oct 20 • Opening: Aug 22, 7-9pm

Library Centennial Rm, 7 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.496.7000 • epl.ca • I, Robot (2004), PG-13; Fri, Aug 23, 2pm

Allied Arts Council of Spruce Grove •

ings by Mali Vargas, Sarah Bing, curated by Arlene Westen-Evans; until Aug 28 • Kaasa Gallery: Open Photo Open Digital 2013: Presented by Visual Arts Alberta–CARFAC; Aug 30-Oct 11; opening: Fri, Aug 30, 6-8pm

McMULLEN GALLERY • U of A Hospital, 8440-

From Books to Film • Stanley A. Milner

Alberta Railway Museum • 24215-34 St • 780.472.6229 • AlbertaRailwayMuseum.com • Open weekends during the summer

Jubilee Auditorium • The Road To......: Paint-

Myoozik; Incubator Series: featuring artist Chelsea Boos; Aug 22, 5–9pm

Film Forum • Stanley A. Milner Library • A series of film screenings followed by facilitated discussions; running through the summer for 18+ • Drop-in; no registration • The Young Girls of Rochefort (STC), French w/English subtitles; Aug 24, 1:30pm; Paul Matwychuk, Heather Noel, Erin Fraser will be in attendance to chat about the film

10186-106 St • 780.488.6611 • albertacraft.ab.ca • Discovery Gallery: FROM: Correspondence TO: TXT: Collage artist Anita Narwrocki offers her perspective on the state of written communication; until Sep 7 • Tails from a Rejuvenated Forest: A narrative installation exploring the drive of nature to revive itself by ceramic artists Lisa McGrath and Mindy Andrews; until Sep 7 • The Others: Exhibit of mythical creatures by ceramic sculptor, Dale Lerner; until Sep 7 • Static BlooM: Botanical polymer clay wall art by St Albert artist Kristin Anderson; until Sep 7 • Feature Gallery: Hanging by a Thread: Group exhibit using textiles to explore the relationship among multiple generations of women; until Sep 28

Jeff Allen Art Gallery (JAAG) • Strathcona Place Senior Centre, 10831 University Ave, 109 St, 78 Ave • 780.433.5807 • Instructors and Students: Come and view the works of the instructors and students of Strathcona Place Senior Centre • Until Aug 28 • Summer Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-3pm





EXPLORE HARVEST ACTIVITIES FROM DIFFERENT ERAS WWW.FORTEDMONTONPARK.CA Blues: Wheel and slab built, functional and decorative pottery by Bruce and Donna Wakeford; until Aug 31

OPEN DOOR: Collective of independent comic creators meet the 2nd & 4th Thu each month; 7pm

Daffodil Gallery • 10412-124 St •

Harcourt House Gallery • 3 Fl, 10215-112

780.760.1278 • Blooming • Until Aug 31

St • Main Gallery: SMALL DISASTERS: Paintings by Andrea Kastner • Front Room Gallery: Ligaments and Ligatures: Katrina Bergmans’ soft sculpture installation; Aug 22-Sep 6 • Artist Talk: Bergmans, Thu, Aug 22, 7pm • Opening: Thu, Aug 22, 7-9pm

The Drawing Room • 10253-97 St • I am the Fire: Sculptural art installation by Ali Nickerson, Mackenzy Albright, and Rachelle Bowen • Until Aug 31 • Artist reception: Aug 23, 7-10pm

Enterprise Square Galleries • 10230 Jasper Ave • Open: Tue-Fri 12-6pm, Sat 12-4pm • When the Sky Falls: Features more than a dozen meteorites from famous Western Canadian falls; presented by U of A Museums

Expressionz Café • 9938-70 Ave Olive Tree Project: Brian Zahorodniuk, Ginette D'Silva, Jane Chesebrough, Selena Phillips-Boyle, Lauri Ansell, Jose

Harris-Warke Gallery–Red Deer • 2nd Fl, Sunworks, 4924 Ross St, Red Deer • 403.597.9788 • Alchemy: Paintings by Liz Sullivan and Shirley Cordes Rogozinsky • Until Sep 14 • Reception: Fri, Sep 6, 6-8pm; part of First Friday ISBE Domain • 9529 Jasper Ave • The Secret Garden:–2013 Series: A night of art, photos by Jonathan Havelock; live music by Shaun Bosch • Sat, Sep 14, 7pm • Free

• 780.432.0240 • paintspot.ca • Array: Abstract paintings group show; until Sep 30; reception: Aug 29, 5-7pm • Artisan Nook: Basalt Dalik: Mosaic paintings by Cathy Jackson; until Sep 15

Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts • 9225-118 Ave • Summer Republic: New works from the Nina Haggerty Centre's collective (held over) • Until Sep 9

Peter Robertson Gallery • 12304 Jasper Ave • 780.455.7479 • probertsongallery.com • Summer Group Show: Painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking by gallery artists • Until Aug 31 Pro's Art Gallery • 17971-106A Ave • 780.486.6661 • First Impression: Paintings by Adrian Zorzut • Until Aug 30 Provincial Archives of Alberta • 8555 Roper Rd • Photo exhibit showcasing the construction of the High Level Bridge and its historic profile • Until Sep 14; Tue-Sat 9am-4:30pm; Wed 9am-9pm; closed Sun and Mon • Free Royal Alberta Museum • 12845-102 Ave • 780.453.9100 • royalalbertamuseum.ca • Chop Suey on the Prairies: Until Apr 27, 2014 • The Art of Seating: 200 Years of American Design: until Oct 6 Scott Gallery • 10411-124 St • scottgallery.com • Summer TWO: Mix of contemporary and historic work • Through summer sNAP Gallery • Society of Northern Alberta Print­Artists, 10123-121 St • 780.423.1492 • snapartists. com • Main Gallery: Generated Line: Series of prints by Shawn Reynar • Community Gallery: Super Spy Narratives: Paintings of drawings of prints by Jessie Thomas • Until Sep 21 • Drink and Draw: Drawzilla: rooted in the infamous Japanese Kaiju monster films; draw monsters rampaging through miniature cities in SNAP's printshop; Aug 24, 6-10pm

Strathcona County Art Gallery @ 501 • 501 Festival Ave, Sherwood Park • Members show • Until Sep 8 Strathcona County Museum Archives • 913 Ash St, Sherwood Park • strathconacountymuseum.ca • The Past Shows us the Way: Artworks by Aaron Paquette • Aug 22, 1-5pm • Opening celebra-

VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28, 2013

tion: bannock, tea and activities in an authentic tipi. Aboriginal drummers, dancers and musicians at 4pm

The Studio • 11739-94 St • Works by Glen Ronald, Bliss Robinson, Debra Milne and guest artists • Until Dec 31, 12-5pm Telus World of Science • 11211-142 St • telusworldofscienceedmonton.com • BODY WORLDS and The Cycle of Life: Revealing the Symphony Within; until Oct 14; $26.50 (adult)/$16.50 (child (3-12)/$23.50 (senior/youth/student) at door; prices incl general admission and admission for exhibit • Adult Night: Aug 22, 6-10pm • Your Spine Through the Cycle of Life: presented by chiropractors, Chad Kulak and Kelly Fleck; Aug 23, 7-8:30pm • How Do We Detect Cancer: Presentation by Sanjay Sharma; Aug 22, 7-8:30pm

University of Alberta Museums • museums.ualberta.ca • Human Ecology Gallery: Main Fl, 116 St, 89 Ave: The Re-Birth of Venus: Fashion & The Venus Kallipygos: Explores the influence of art on fashion through the study of Venus Kallipygos, and its pervasive influence on dress • Until Mar 2, 2014 VAAA Gallery • 3rd Fl, 10215-112 St • 780.421.1731 • storytellers: Drawn from the collection of the AFA, artworks regarding narratives • Until Aug 28 VASA Gallery • 25 Sir Winston Churchill Ave, St Albert • 780.460.5990 • vasa.ca • Abstracts from 5 Miles: Artworks by Constable, Pat Wagensveld, Karin-Ann Bosma, Connie Osgood, Kristine McGuinty; through Aug

LITERARY Alberta Magazine Publishers As-

sociation • Beaver Hills Park, 10404 Jasper Ave (inclement weather at Audrey's Books, 107 St, Jasper Ave) • Prose and poetry readings from Alberta's literary magazines, with EPL writer-in-residence Omar Mouallem, featuring Krista Ball, Sydney Budgeon, Lynn Coady, Mathew Fasullo, Alice Major, ky perraun, and Jay Smith • Sat, Aug 24, 1-2:30pm Carrot Coffeehouse • 9351-118 Ave • vzenari@gmail.com • Prose Creative Writing Group • Every Tue, 7-9pm Ground Zero • Brittany's Lounge, 10225-97 St • groundzerorevolution.com • Ground Zero: a revolution of word, image and sound • Last Tue each month, 4pm (door), 8pm (show) • Free • Special Show: Ground Zero welcomes internationally acclaimed poet John Yamrus and local singer/songwriter Lora Jol. Show will be recorded and released as a CD; Aug 27

Koffee Café • 6120-28 Ave • 780.863.4522 • Glass Door Coffee House Reading Series: Monthly readings with new headliner • Last Thu each month, 7-9pm Rouge Lounge • 10111-117 St • 780.902.5900 • Spoken Word Tuesdays: Weekly spoken word night presented by the Breath In Poetry Collective (BIP); info: E: breathinpoetry@gmail.com

T.A.L.E.S.–STORYTELLING FESTIVAL • Fort Edmonton Park • fortedmontontickets.com; storyfestalberta.ca • Silver Tongues: 26 storytellers from across Canada: Morning Storytelling workshops (pre-register); afternoon storytelling, 1-5pm (cost incl with park admission); Sep 1-2 (Labour day weekend) • Anniversary Showcase: with Tololwa Mollel, Amanda Woodward, the Native Family Dancers, Chris Lindgren and Bob Barton (Sun, 3pm) • Youth showcase (Mon, 1pm) • Festival Concert: Capitol Theatre: the Once (folk music), storytellers: Renée Englot, Wendey Edey, Gail deVos, Marie Anne McLean, guest Bob Barton (Sat-Sun, 8pm)

T.A.L.E.S.–Strathcona • New Strathcona Library, 401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park • 780.400.3547 • Monthly Tellaround: 4th Wed each month 7pm • Free

THEATRE Best of Friends Reunion • Jubilations Dinner Theatre, 8882-180 St, WEM • 780.484.2424 • jubilations.ca • Friends, one of the most popular sitcoms of all time. Catch up with these lovable characters. Set to hits from the '90s, along with a few timeless classics • Aug 30-Oct 27

From Fringe with Love • Various locations through Old Strathcona and beyond • fringetheatre.ca • Edmonton's International Fringe Theatre Festival: Fringe Theatre Adventures brings danger, excitement, adventure and theatre to churches, bars and boudoirs • Until Aug 25 • $6-$12.50 (single tix) at Central Fringe Theatre box office, TIX on the Square • Programs available at Audreys Books

Johnny B Goode: A Rock and Roll Reunion • Jubilations Dinner Theatre, 8882-180 St, WEM • 780.484.2424 • jubilations.ca • Back in high school, Johnny spent more time with his guitar then he did studying or socializing with other students. He was considered to be a "music nerd" and was teased by most of the other kids. In 1956, Johnny went on a school band trip to Ottawa, where he met another music student by the name of... Paul Anka. The two boys became friends and when Anka's career took off, he took Johnny with him • Until Aug 25

Marvelous Pilgrims • Varscona Theatre, 10329-83 Ave • teatroq.com • Teatro at the Fringe by Stewart Lemoine • Others swept up in this sumptuous adventure are Farren Timoteo, Jenny McKillop, Davina Stewart, and in her first Teatro appearance, newcomer Mackenzie Reurink • Until Sep 1 • $24 (adult)/$22 (adv student/senior); Holdover tickets at TIX on the Square




Down the rabbit hole Berberian Sound Studio cultivates a creepy allure

Another night in the editing suite. Sigh ...


e could be K coming to the Castle or really see much. What matters is what we Jonathan Harker paying a visit to Count hear, a meticulously textured sonic world Dracula. Just a man on an unusual sort of slowly slipping away from the orderly and business trip. But the ever-so-cordial Mr coherent until it shoots down an aural rabGilderoy (Toby Jones, offering countless gra- bit hole from which the film never returns. dations of tempered disgruntlement) seems even less assuming than those unlucky Strickland has said that Berberian Sound literary forbearers. He is an English sound Studio was inspired by music, specifically engineer in Italy to commence mixing on a that of Nurse With Wound and Broadcast, giallo film titled The Equestrian Vortex— who made the film's excellent score. This we are somewhere in the '70s. This is not comes as no surprise, not only because a horror film, Gilderoy is told—it's a Santini sound is central to the film—it's literally film, Santini being the name of its director, the central word in the title—but because a manipulative schemer this film/object is less and playboy of question- Fri, Aug 23 – Wed, Aug 28 about telling a story than able talent. Whatever the Directed by Peter Strickland it is about the cultivation case, Gilderoy just wants Metro Cinema at the Garneau of a certain esthetic/psyto do his job, which he  chic space for the audiclearly loves, and get his ence to inhabit. Watching remuneration and travel Berberian Sound Studio so reimbursements. But however touchy-feely as to find out what happens next is probthese Italians may be, they seem alarmingly ably not going to lead to a very satisfying hesitant to cough up the promised cash. All experience—Inland Empire feels tidy and Gilderoy can do is keep asking, keep work- conclusive by comparison. Yet the film's fasing, and try to keep his head together. cinating and often funny milieu is depicted Berberian Sound Studio is the second fea- with tremendous affection and detail. It ture from English director Peter Strickland. is infused with a love of tape and moving It's something of a horror film, too, though parts, an interest in aspects of filmmaking the more time its protagonist spends on rarely glamourized or dramatized, and an The Equestrian Vortex, the more Berberian understanding of the peculiar, transitory reSound Studio begins to resemble a vortex lationships that form between the diverse itself. Gilderoy immerses himself in his work artists and technicians that come together to an unhealthy degree—an alternate title at various stages of production. I didn't mind could have been Audiodrome. Not a flicker of that Berberian Sound Studio didn't really go daylight penetrates the film, but the light of anywhere, per se. I was happy to surrender a film projector flickers away in scene after to the creepy allure of this place for a time, scene. This mixer's sense of reality becomes and to heed the film's most insistent visual mixed with that of the film he's mixing—a refrain, an image of a flashing red sign that film we never actually see. Mind you, while reads SILENZIO. Silence the part of your the film's images are gorgeously lit and mind that wants any of this to make sense, framed—images of foley artists massacring and allow yourself to get lost in the hermetwatermelons, of unhappy actresses over- ic realm of Berberian Sound Studio. dubbing screams, of beautifully designed JOSEF BRAUN analogue gear in fetish close-up—we don't JOSEF@VUEWEEKLY.COM


VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28 2013


Mosquers Awards Show S

ometimes all it takes is the The Mosquers began six years actions of a few to damage ago and allows filmmakers to the perception of many. Omar submit short pieces reflecting Taliani, coordinator of the Mos- Muslims or Islam in Canada in quers Awards Show, a night to a variety of genres. Regardless honour Muslim of the chosen angle, Taliani film and culture, Sat, Aug 24 (7 pm) believes such Jubilee Auditorium, $20 general notes each film is the case fol- seating, $25 VIP raises awarelowing 9/11 and mosquers.com ness in its own more recent inway, and as the cidents such as event continues the Boston bombings. But, as he to grow he hopes it can reach points out, education is an impor- beyond the Muslim community tant first step in demolishing ste- in Edmonton. "Obviously we have a following reotypes and entertainment has the potential to be an effective in our Muslim community and platform to do just that. we're trying to branch beyond


that. To be honest with you this is not a religious event at all," he adds. "It's awareness and a positive message about us and to give people an avenue to get into film and media." This community outreach aims to carry out the Mosquers' unofficial mission statement of promoting a positive understanding of Islam and Muslim communities. Taliani acknowledges that while the perception of these communities has improved since 9/11, there are still remnants of negativity perpetuated in the media. "A lot of people don't sit down

and read the other side of the story, so we're just trying to deliver a fun atmosphere where you can educate through entertainment or deliver a positive message through entertainment," he adds. "We're all folks just like everyone else. You know, stuff you see on the news, it's definitely one side of the story and very biased and a small fraction of the entire truth. There's always another side of it. There's the 99 percent that are good and then the one percent that give the image that lasts and resonates with people." However, Taliani remains opti-

VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28, 2013


mistic that there is the possibility for change. He notes he does not experience discrimination or stereotyping in his day-to-day life and that when he does speak about his culture and religion, people are often intrigued to find out more. "I think we haven't engaged ourselves proactively as a community with the other—I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but with the other side," he admits. "I think the lack of education, the lack of engagement with the other is what's killing everything." MEAGHAN BAXTER




You're 3”Next wide version F

couple'sHIRING! 35th anniversary. The whole irst a prelude. In some cabin in NOW family/so rarely gets together—thanksome woods some goofy look-Highway Heavy Formwork Carpenters ing guy (American genre-indie auteur fully, since Professionals most of them can't stand & Night Laborer eachFlatiron other, brothers Larry Fessenden) atopLocation. To joinreaches Flatiron atorgasm our Edmonton is one of North Crispian America’s (AJ Bowfastest growing heavy contractors. We have (Joe landmark projects most a pretty, bored-looking lady.civil Heinfrastructure show- en) and Drake Swanberg) across Canada and we12345 have established ourselves as a builder and employer of ers. She gets butchespecially. The choice. Fri will be offering competitive compensation ered. He's next. A Opens reunion's freighted Our Edmonton projects on a 3-year project. Adam Wingard with potential diquick dose of sex Directed by This is year-round work. sasters. Mom (Barand violence—a  Flatiron has been named Heavy Civil Contractor of the Year in Alberta and has taste of what's to been recognized as a 2012 Best Workplace in Canada.bara Crampton) is a sweet-natured, heavily medicated come. And, before we getby too comfortPlease apply sending your resume to cmckay@flatironcorp.com fax: 780-454-8970 able, some reassurance for theorfreaks bag of nerves; taciturn littlest brother indicate in your email which location you are applying to. that You're NextPlease is indeed a horror film. Felix (Nicholas Tucci) turns up with a www.flatironcorp.com Us non-freaks will be reassured by rigorously unfriendly girlfriend named what immediately follows this prelude: Zee (Wendy Glenn); eager-to-please Aicharacter development! An affluent mee (Amy Seimetz) brings her vaguely older couple, their four adult offspring foreign-looking "intellectual filmmaker" and the romantic partners of said off- boyfriend (Ti West) to sup with her spring converge at a cottage for the extremely white, not terribly intellec-

3.75” wide version

tual clan. And here's a portentous bit of exposition: Dad (Rob Bowen) has just retired from a lucrative gig doing marketing for a defense contractor. So the specter of violence is already in the air when, just as the family launch into their first full-on squabble around the dinner table, a trio of assailants in animal masks—manifestations of the family members pent-up rage?—suddenly place the house under siege. An arrow flies through the window. It is somehow appropriate that the first one to bite it is the suspicious filmmaker. The choice to set-up You're Next as a family reunion is perversely clever. The idea of witnessing your

own family's endangerment, injury or slaughter is genuinely horrifying; the fact that most of the family members half-hate each other only makes their bond that much more realistic. Understandably, everyone immediately falls apart or goes numb. The only one who seems at all capable of taking control of the situation is the one who initially seemed easiest to write off. Erin (Sharni Vinson), a literature major and Crispian's cute young Australian girlfriend—and, ahem, former student—turns out to be more than graceful under fire. She's good at making weapons out of household objects. She's our final girl, an outsider and


Heavy Highway / Formwork Carpenters & Night Laborer Professionals To join Flatiron at our Edmonton Location. Flatiron is one of North America’s fastest growing heavy civil infrastructure contractors. We have landmark projects across Canada and we have established ourselves as a builder and employer of choice. Our Edmonton projects will be offering competitive compensation on a 3-year project. This is year-round work. Flatiron has been named Heavy Civil Contractor of the Year in Alberta and has been recognized as a 2012 Best Workplace in Canada. Please apply by sending your resume to cmckay@flatironcorp.com or fax: 780-454-8970 Please indicate in your email which location you are applying to.



Let me axe you a question

protectress, and ultimately the one with whom we identify and root for. Prolific director Adam Wingard's latest is actually a couple of years old already—it debuted at TIFF 2011—but it's worth the wait. Well, mostly. Simon Barrett, who also scripted Wingard's A Horrible Way to Die, has written about 66 percent of an exceptionally smart and effective genre film. It's only once the initial disorientation wears off and we begin to realize the motives behind this seemingly senseless violence that things start to get a little dumb and deflating, leading up to a hokey-jokey ending. But maybe 66 percent is good enough? Working with an excellent ensemble cast, half of which are also laudable independent filmmakers— besides Fessenden, Swanberg, West and Seimetz are all directors—Wingard is in full control of the film's ominous atmospherics and delicate tonal shifts—he knows just when to let the humour override the horror, and vice versa. You're Next is easy to recommend but hard to completely love, falling just short of something really good. Of course, the way Wingard cranks out films, there's good reason to hope the next one will be brilliant. JOSEF BRAUN JOSEF@VUEWEEKLY.COM


Kick-Ass 2 coarse, mock-teenage sense of life as flatly, shruggingly sado-masochistic: villain Mother Fucker wears a modified gimp suit; Kick-Ass and co. get their asses kicked as much as they beat up others; cops are killed by bad guys without consequence. UFC-style melees (accessorized with fancy weapons) meet schoolground insults; there's almost no scene here that isn't capped with a sneered "bitch" or "dick" or a thrown punch or kick. Can't we just talk about this?


n 2008, a comic book with an in- aka Hit-Girl (Chloë Grace Moretz), triguing premise hit the stands— for lulling stretches, Kick-Ass 2 what if a kid, Dave Lizewski, donned flops on its faux-adolescent flipa mask and acted the tough-guy hero pancy. It pretends to offer emotionabout town? But the story never al realism for Dave (Aaron Taylorflew with its 21st-century-vigilante Johnson) and Mindy but its high school and street premise, dragged down by leering Now playing worlds—and all violence and ori- Directed by Jeff Wadlow other characfice-obsessed, To-  ters—are crudely urette's-Syndrome cartoonish. The dialogue. Then the story flirts with 2010 movie spin-off kicked nearly notions of vigilantism in a YouTube $100-million worth of ass at the box and Twitter age for about as long as it takes a tween today to text office, so here comes the sequel. Magnifying the comic's problems a message. And for all its babble on the big screen, while sidelining about maturity and the "real world," a main character, Mindy Macready what this flick's channeling is a


VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28 2013

And instead of parodying or playing with comic-book tropes, the story imitates them, ticking off the formula's boxes: hero's cool motorbike; suit in plexiglas case; swelling music; character close to the hero gets killed; villain's lair; hero evading bullets; character-integrity speeches; pat quips. But with all the flips and shrugs, any mind- or heart-tugs get lost. So, Peter Parker's "with great power comes responsibility" schtick, after his Uncle Ben's killed, is much easier to both enjoy and take seriously than the similar moments here. Kick-Ass 2 drops its coldly cynical characters into "our world" so casually and childishly they soon seem more like poseable actionfigures than any Spider-Man toy. BRIAN GIBSON


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Non Profit Fund raising More info on Newman Consulting, CKUA, and the Ronald McDonald House can be found at http://www.newmanconsulting.ca/ http://www.ckua.com/ http://rmhnorthernalberta.org/ There are nearly 20,000 non-for-profit organizations in Alberta and many of them are barely surviving because they don’t know how to fundraise. Ken Regan, the CEO of non-profit radio station CKUA, explains the situation as follows: “Organizations are on this treadmill of filling out grant applications and inventing work just to get money in the door. And it’s a really unfortunate situation, because you cannot sustain an organization by doing that. And grants are never guaranteed.” Regan should know: CKUA experienced its own difficulties in the 1990s, and the radio station went off the air. The station’s resurrection required a new business model and lots of fundraising, but it paid off in a big way. “We are now the most successful non-for-profit broadcast entity in the country,” Regan says. “And, one

of the big changes for us was being very honest and upfront with the CKUA audience that we needed their support and their money if CKUA was going to survive.” The radio station is now wrapping up a capital fundraising campaign that will allow them to upgrade their radio transmitters, develop their online programming, and buy the Alberta Hotel on Jasper Ave as their beautiful new office. So far, the campaign has raised $16 million of a $20 million goal. Professional fundraising consultant Rhonda Newman helped lead the campaign, and explains how it was done. “The biggest phase is what we call a ‘quiet phase,’” Newman begins. “So you start off by figuring out how you’re going to raise a certain amount of money. Really, that’s about taking an elephant and biting it off in small pieces.”

By Bryan Saunders This means approaching governments, corporations, and private donors for large donations, and also getting staff, board, and volunteer members excited and involved with the campaign. “So you have to find these prospects and match them with the cause. You say, ‘Here’s an opportunity for you, do you want to be a part of it? And how?’ “Then, when you reach 60-70% of your fundraising goal, that’s when you go into your community phase. That’s when you finally start approaching the masses—everyone— to support your cause. “But first, you need those major leadin gifts,” Newman emphasizes. “It shows that there is a commitment behind the project—and people are more likely to support a winning project!”. Of course, it’s not easy for organizations to do “extra” things, like fundraise, when they’re barely keeping the doors open. This is where grants can be helpful: to help a non-profit get out of “survival mode.” Newman explains that the grants such as the Community Initiatives Program were instrumental in getting organizations like HIV Edmonton or the Muttart Foundation back into a good position. “Then, at that point, if they make fundraising a priority, they will be very successful,” Newman says.

Acro and Aerial Yoga Lion’s Breath Yoga’s beginner Acro-Yoga sessions are offered on a drop-in basis every Monday at 8:30pm. Classes are $16.50 for adults and $12 for students. For more information, please phone 780-488-4433, check out lionsbreath.ca or visit Lion’s Breath Yoga at 301 JE Place, 10534-124 St. Firefly Theatre’s next set of Aerial Yoga classes starts September 20th, and runs each Friday at 1:00pm for 6 weeks. The class fee is $144 for 6 sessions. Preregistration is required. For more information on this class or other aerial classes, please phone 780-758-9999, check out fireflytheatre.com, or visit Firefly Theatre at 8540 Roper Road. In a big, sprawling, converted warehouse just north of Millwoods, dozens of people are swinging and hanging from hoops and loops. This is, after all, a circus school.

For the last ten years, Dugan’s most popular classes have always been aerial arts and aerial silks, but her newest class, aerial yoga, has also really been taking off.

The sky-high, wide-open space has been Firefly Theatre and Aerial Arts’ new home for a little over a year now, once the owner and founder Annie Dugan realized she had to find a bigger place for the school to keep up with growing demand.

As Dugan notes, the class is a bit of a departure for them from their usual offerings, “For us, we’re very clear that aerial yoga is yoga, not circus training. With this class, you’re going to stretch and you’re going to use the support of

Finally, the last step in the fundraising process—which so many non-for-profits forget—is keeping donors engaged. Newman points to the Northern Alberta Ronald McDonald House (RMHNA) as an example of an organization with great donor engagement. As RMHNA executive director Martin Dugas explains, RMHNA doesn’t just send their donors newsletters: they also invite donors to come and tour the house to actually see their donation in action. They also run a program called “Home for Dinner.” “With that, a business or group of people can come in and they cook dinner for the entire home, and actually meet and interact with all the residents.” In the case of one really prolific donor, the Ronald McDonald House even wrote a children’s book in their honour. That level of engagement, Dugas notes, keeps RMHNA’s donors coming back, and as Newman explains, that may be the most important goal of all. “You do all this work to bring donors on board, and then now that you have them on board, you have to treat them like gold to keep them returning.”

By Bryan Saunders the fabric loops to be able to stretch your body in ways that you can’t when you’re on the ground.” Acro-yoga instructor Michalene Giesbrecht explains that the fabric loops help many people get more physical benefits out of yoga than they might normally be able to. “You can hold poses for longer, and you can also do a handstand really easily with aerial yoga because the hammock can support part of your weight. She explains with a smile, “There’s a lot of hanging upside down so your spine can lengthen more. Aerial yoga is also really good for spinal decompression.” And there’s a spiritual aspect to aerial yoga as well: “We always end in shavasana inside the hammock and do a 5 minute meditation at the end,” Giesbrecht notes. Across the city, on 124th Street, another kind of yoga is taking off at Lion’s Breath Studio. Here, Lion’s Breath owner Dawn Lamothe and instructor Kelsey Waddell are teaching acro-yoga, which is inspired by acrobatics and involves working with a partner.


“Most people show up solo and I match them up,” explains Waddell. “And it’s almost better than only working with one partner all the time. Your learning curve is better when you’re working with different bodies and skill levels. You might work with someone who is more skilled and they can help you through the transitions because of their experience.” In acro-yoga, one person acts as a “base” and the other acts as a “flyer,” and then there’s also a “spotter,” just to be safe. And it’s not just smaller people who get to fly either: “Everyone gets a chance to base and fly,” Waddell emphasizes. “We’ve had guys who are 300 pounds and we get them flying. It’s all about physics. Even somebody who is 130 pounds can base somebody who is 200 pounds.” And people love it. Lamothe thinks she knows why: “All the things that yoga does, this does, but it puts it in a community. When you’re in a regular yoga class, you’re with a whole bunch of other people but you’re in your own geography. The mat is your mat and you don’t interact with anybody. And I think people want to interact. So this gives them that opportunity.” 3


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building a better world

lethbridge College programs give students the training and experience they need to succeed in high-demand fields. Lethbridge’s Cherie Souther grew up in oilfields around the world. So when the mother of seven children started thinking of returning to school, she looked back to the experiences she had as a child in Libya, Iran and across Canada where her father, an engineer, lived and worked. “I got a taste for it growing us,” she explains, “and I thought I’d like to give my own children that experience.” As Souther made her way back to the classroom, she met with the Lethbridge College’s Career Counsellors and realized that a career in Geomatics Engineering Technology – work which could take her back to oilfields to survey and map the land – was the perfect fit. “They really helped me form a picture of what the future could look like,” she says. Souther’s dream of the future became a reality this spring when she walked across the stage at convocation to receive her diploma – and had several job opportunities waiting for her as she did. Souther and hundreds of other students from around the province and around the world discover each year that with the hands-on, high-tech training they receive at Lethbridge College, they can be in, out and working in their chosen fields in less than two years. For nearly 60 years, Lethbridge College has been giving students the tools they need to turn their passions into professions. Students can enroll in over 50 career-training programs, applied degree programs and apprenticeships, ranging from environmental


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We also offer courses recognized through partnerships with professional associations: • Purchasing Management • Risk and Insurance Management

Citation Programs Business Analysis Professional Citation This program is for Business and Project Managers who seek solutions for process improvement and organizational changes as well as Systems Analysts who need to bridge the gap between business processes and technical requirements. Citation in Entrepreneurship Examine the entrepreneurial process and the important factors to consider when starting your own business in this compact but comprehensive program. Citation in Social Media Strategic Marketing Learn to create a strategic and effective social media plan that will enhance the brand, reputation and customer relationships of an organization. Citation in Social Media Communications Learn how to communicate effectively in the social media age, deriving the most from the increasing number of different social media platforms, and understand the new rules of this multi-dimensional communication model. Supervisory Development Citation Provides up-to-date information and advice you need to be an effective leader in your work environment.

Management Seminars Equipping participants with specific and relevant skills to empower them as they respond to rapid changes in the business world, most seminars are between 7 and 14 classroom hours.

The CACE program is designed to meet the growing need for formal education and training by developing and enriching the knowledge and level of competence of those practicing in the field of adult education.

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English Language Program (ESL)

Writing and Editing

Discover a whole new world by studying English at the University of Alberta, from English basics to pronunciation enhancement to university-level English. Small class size means you get lots of opportunity to practice with students from around the world. Both intensive day and part-time evening courses are offered year-round.

Explore the clear expression of ideas, create interesting characters that amuse, write poetry that has meaning to others, or move from pen to print or the Internet. Guided by professional writers, many of whom have won awards, our writing courses will help you transform your thoughts into effective and inspired writing.

Government Studies Local Government Certificate Integrate theory and practice to better understand local government administration. Distance delivery with online components offers flexibility as well as personal contact with the instructor and other students. Applied Land Use Planning Certificate (ALUP) gives you a solid understanding of the fundamentals of the Alberta planning environment, including legislation, policy and technical issues. Information Access and Protection of Privacy Certificate (IAPP) focuses on the ideas, structures and processes that define appropriate administration of access and privacy legislation at a municipal, provincial and federal level in Canada. The program aims to develop and enhance managerial leadership in the access and privacy field.

Construction Administration Certificate Become an effective administrator of construction projects in a wide range of sectors in the economy. Whether you work in construction, design, project management, manufacturing and supply, development or real estate, you will benefit from this application of administrative and technical concepts, principles and practices to your role in the construction field.

Environmental Resource Management Certificate This program explores the critical ideas and developments that affect your organization’s environmental performance. The ERM program examines several areas, including air, water and soil processes, environmental monitoring, biotechnology, instrumentation, and experimental design.

Languages Spanish Language Certificate Whether you plan to vacation or to do business in Spanishspeaking countries, our Spanish Language Certificate opens up a world of opportunities. Learn Spanish in intimate classes formatted in short modules that let you begin at whatever level suits your skills. We also offer: Chinese (Mandarin) • French • German • Italian • Japanese

Occupational Health and Safety Certificate Health and safety is a growing field in the workplace. Learn the competencies needed to plan, implement, and evaluate occupational health and safety programs and systems in a wide variety of workplace settings and on-the-job situations.

Find out what part-time study can do for you! Attend our Information Sessions, Tuesday, August 27 from 6 to 9 pm. Check our website for specific program session times and room locations. All sessions held on the second floor of Enterprise Square, 10230 Jasper Ave, Edmonton.

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educating for engagement in the digital age

*NEW!* 2804 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton • 780 758-4400 #30, 580 St. Albert Trail, St. Albert • 780 460-4400

Media literacy, Grande Prairie Regional College political science instructor Dawn Moffat McMaster tells her students, is a lot like reading the nutrition labels on food packaging. It requires being more aware of the messages we digest as we navigate our way through a complex media environment. “Today we’re consumers of information. We need to be smarter, more literate consumers of the messages that bombard us every day,” says Moffat McMaster. “That means analyzing and ‘getting beneath’ the surface of what we read and hear . . . not really so different from reading nutrition labels to make wiser choices about the food we buy.” Moffat McMaster – herself is a former GPRC political science student – says that she continually challenges her students to expand their “media diets” and seek out new perspectives and different sources for their news and information. For many of her students, thinking critically about media is a new concept, so integrating media literacy into the curriculum helps equip them with the skills to be savvy analysts of their multimedia culture. As her students study today’s political landscape, Moffat McMaster says it is imperative that they harness an understanding of the relationship between media and politics. In her course Politics and the Media, she introduces her class to the impact of the Internet on politics. The development of this relatively new and interactive technology, she says, has radically shifted the



terrain of politics, how people participate in politics, and interact with political leaders. With a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Political Science, Moffat McMaster says a new area of study since her years as a student is the powerful force of social media on politics. Still in its early stages, social media has presented a steep learning curve for many politicians. With a municipal election right around the corner, and many of her students of legal voting age for the first time, the opportunity is ripe to pique students’ interest in the political debates in their communities . . . and on the smartphones in their back pockets. “Young people are moving away from the more traditional forms of political engagement,” explains Moffat McMaster. “My students take a close-up look at how politicians are learning to use social media to access their public, including this young demographic.” “We are now living in a social context where engagement is expected,” says Moffat McMaster. “In all of my classes, my primary goal is to create engaged citizens. Media literacy and the understanding of the impact of technologies like the Internet and social media on politics are absolutely necessary in order to be effective citizens.” CoNteNt Provided by gPrC

Harris Institute Achieves Milestone The Ultimate Bartending Toronto’s Harris Institute and the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) now offer two college Diplomas and a Master’s Degree in thirty-two months. “Our innovative relationship with UWS is a timely acceleration of the post secondary experience that achieves comprehensive education and significant credentials at less cost in a shorter period of time”, says John Harris, president of Harris Institute. Students who complete both the Audio Production Program and Arts Management Program at Harris receive $2,500 ‘Music Business Professional Bursaries’ and $3,500 ‘UWS Scholarships’ for Master’s Degrees in ‘Songwriting and Performance’ or ‘Music: Innovation & Entrepreneurship’ with $1,500 accommodation bursaries. UWS students receive full scholarships for certificate courses at Harris and work placements in Toronto. Fifty-two Harris graduates have previously earned BA(Hons) Commercial Music or BSc Music Technology degrees at UWS in 8 months on full scholarships over the past eight years. Eighty-six UWS students have completed work placements in their field of study in Toronto. The partnership also includes senior faculty exchanges and the ‘International Artist Exchange’ coordinated by students from both institutions.

The University of the West of Scotland is the largest modern university in Scotland with campuses in Ayr, Dumfries, Hamilton, Paisley and Glasgow, It provides relevant, high quality, inclusive higher education and aims to have a transformative influence on the economic, social and cultural development of the West of Scotland, and beyond.

School of Edmonton The Ultimate Bartending School of Edmonton (UBSE) has new classes starting this September, and they are now the only school in Western Canada offering courses in the exciting new field of Molecular Mixology.

city—UBSE can even assist students in finding work experience and job placements in their desired field.

Best of all, UBSE’s offers courses in the mornings, afternoons, evenings, UBSE is also the only school and weekends. Classes in Alberta offering Fine are offered not just at Dining and French Service their central location on classes—which are in Whyte Avenue but also increasing demand at fine- at a number of top bars dining restaurants, hotels, throughout the city. This and cruiseships. means that any schedule can be accommodated and For those wanting to students can truly take Harris Institute is an international leader become experts in their classes at their leisure. in audio production and music industry education. Founded in 1989, the college was field, UBSE also offer specialized workshops For more information or the first to introduce accelerated 12-month focusing on wine, beer, to join the school that has Diploma programs taught by active industry and spirits. been teaching Edmonton’s leaders. After completing a survey of leading bartenders for graduates from Canada’s leading media arts Of course, Mixology and 10 years now, phone 780 schools, Jim Lamarche ranked Harris Institute flair bartending courses 966 6568 or visit www. ‘The Best in Canada’ with A+. The complete are offered on an ongoing ultimatebartending.ca. ‘Final Report Card on Media Arts Education in basis. And—as the official Canada’ is at: jimlamarche.wordpress.com training school for a Content provided by the ultimate bartending number or restaurants, Content provided by school of edmonton bars, and a hotels in the harris institute “This strengthening of our strategic partnership further develops our unique brand of practice-based, industry-focused education”, says Anne Gifford, UWS Dean. “Harris ‘double diploma’ graduates will achieve a Master’s qualification that has been designed with industry. This sector leading collaboration delivers value to our students and contributes to internationalism and global citizenship”.




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So you want to be a Sommelier? Recommended Wine Books: World Atlas of Wine – Hugh Johnson & Jancis Robinson The Wine Bible – Karen MacNeil The Oxford Companion to Wine – Jancis Robinson (editor)

world as to which agency offers the “best” sommelier course. My opinion is that you should only use the title if you can back it up: you should possess enough knowledge to be able to shoot down anyone challenging your expertise, and you should have passed a rigorous multi-part test (usually encompassing a written exam, blind tasting and service component).

My designation is through the Court of Master Sommeliers. If you haven’t Wine & Sommelier Education: heard of this agency you’re not alone in this part of the world – the Court www.mastersommeliers.org is based in the United States and is geared towards the more traditional www.internationalsommelier.com definition of sommeliers: someone who works in the service industry in a www.winecollege.ca role focused around serving wine and offering recommendations and food www.wsetglobal.com pairings. While their primary focus is on wine, the Court also encompasses spirits, beer and tobacco. Though I have precisely zero experience as a Often when I tell people I’m a exist at all levels of the wine industry: server in a restaurant or bar, I chose sommelier their typical reaction is everyone from wine importers and to go through the Court because they usually one of both admiration and retail shop workers to avid collectors were internationally recognized. There confusion. “A sommelier?” they say. and wine writers might decide to may not be a standardized sommelier “Wow! But what exactly does that pursue this designation. The reasons test, but one could make a strong case mean?” for doing so are varied: some may that the Court’s is the closest thing to simply wish to learn more about wine, it. Though I stopped after passing the Truthfully, I don’t particularly like while others may need it to further Certified Sommelier exam, those who identifying myself as a sommelier. It’s a their careers. My personal motive are interested can continue further tricky term laden with misconceptions was to increase my credibility in the down the Court’s path to the Master and conflicting definitions; there’s also industry – some people found it difficult Sommelier Diploma Exam – pass an implied stuffiness that I, as a young to believe that a 23-year-old woman that and you earn the title of Master woman who entered the wine world could possibly possess any detailed Sommelier. It sounds grandiose at the ripe old age of 18, have been knowledge about wine; being able to because it truly is: only 201 people fighting against my entire adult life. tell them I was a sommelier certainly in the entire world have ever passed helped my case. this exam in the four decades that the The dictionary definition of a sommelier Court has been around. is a trained wine professional who The problem with calling oneself works in the restaurant industry and a sommelier, however, is that the Self-directed study is the type of whose main tasks involve proper wine designation is not held to any education offered by the Court of service and food pairings – essentially, standardization – many different Master Sommeliers, which is to say they a wine waiter. However, this is the agencies offer similar training, don’t really offer education at all (other traditional definition that’s often and even more offer general wine than the Court’s two-day introductory irrelevant nowadays, as the role of a education courses, but a sommelier course, which is really more of a crashsommelier has greatly expanded in SAT doesn’t exist (at least not yet). course in their blind tasting technique the twenty-first century. Sommeliers There is also some debate in the wine than it is a primer in wine education).

By Mel Priestley Pursuing a sommelier designation through the Court is essentially all up to you – so if you decide to go this route, start reading right now. It’s also mostly geared towards those who work in the wine industry, so having some industry experience is very useful. Two other agencies that offer a sommelier designation include the Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET) and the International Sommelier Guild (ISG). The WSET offers courses a couple times a year throughout centres in North America (including in Edmonton), while the ISG is currently working on establishing a local program. Both of these agencies offer classes ranging from wine basics to more advanced sommelier diploma courses. For those who aren’t really interested in becoming a sommelier but would like a bit of formal instruction, there are a few wine shops around town that offer regular tastings, usually oriented around a specific theme, region and/or grape variety. The great thing about these tastings is that they cost considerably less than a professional course and you can also pick and choose based on your own particular interests. Ultimately, the first step in gaining wine knowledge – whether you go on to become a sommelier or not – is to drink as many different wines as possible. Start with a good reference book that explains the proper tasting method as well as the basics of the world’s wines, and just go from there. Try attending tastings by a local wine shop, order sample flights at wine bars, or have tasting nights with some friends. Above all, I encourage you to simply enjoy yourself and keep it down to earth. Being a sommelier may sound impressive, but remember: wine is only fermented grape juice, after all.

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A hard life of crime

The Little Thief a tiny social-humanist masterpiece One of the most non-prolific auteurs of the last 20 years, director Erick Zonca made arguably the debut of the '90s—The Dreamlife of Angels (1998), which won the Best Actress Prize at Cannes and took the César for Best Film—then appeared to disappear for a decade. The absence, apparently, wasn't due to his drinking problems, which did lead him to his next film, but to film-funding problems. In 2008, despite the studio cutting his budget by one-third a month before filming, he managed to finish and release Julia, starring Tilda Swinton as a debt-ridden alcoholic who does the near-unthinkable and riskily unlikeable for a woman—kidnaps a child. (European critics praised it; many American critics panned it; for me, its depiction of an inept, drifting drunk proved gloriously, raggedly, whirlingly good—alongside nonprolific Jonathan Glazer's Birth, it's one of my great I-can't-stop-watching-this-film experiences.) A year after his first and bestknown feature, though, Zonca

made the 62-minute, film noir-ish The Little Thief. It remains available only as a Region 2 DVD and it remains a fantastic little find, the runt in Zonca's tiny litter of socialhumanist masterpieces tracking prickly protagonists. Even more movingly, Zonca's films, as if mirroring the director's career, are about the wrenching struggle to just get by and get on in life. It starts with bread, that quintessential French food, but quickly becomes all about making dough. Esse (Nicolas Duvauchelle) is fired as a baker's apprentice; next, he's talking tough to Sandra (Emilie Lafarge) about how he doesn't need a job—he'll rake it in by stealing. (The anger of tough guys and wanna-be toughs is often expressed here as a kind of frustrated, simplistic socialism—a taking-back of the riches that the wealthy don't deserve.) His first theft, though, is as petty as it gets, nabbing Sandra's envelope of weekly wages after he sleeps with her, then taking off into the night. Landing in sun-soaked Marseilles,

wanna-be Esse (the name, aptly, is Latin for "to be") falls in with a crew of thieves, starts to kickbox, and gets paid to sit watch outside the workplace of his boss's brother's prostitute. It's the stuff of noir: thievery, gunplay, gangsters and whores, boxing rings. But Zonca, likely in homage to Godard's Breathless and other French New Wave films about outsiders, slashes through it all with razor-sharp cuts, cuts that foretell a brutal slash near the end, in one of cinema's most disturbingly realistic moments of violence. Fittingly, too, the film's all about eyeing: thefts mean sweeping rooms and looking out for cops; Esse's boss is called "The Eye"; a wayward look provokes Esse's sickening humiliation—a brutal moment when all the macho, angry, quasi-homoerotic posturing and posing comes to a head. Beyond its feral glances, whipping pace, and unlikeable but hypnotically watchable anti-hero (much like the Dardennes' protagonists), The Little Thief's greatest ingenuity is its view of crime as hard work. The

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Collared shirt but no tie? Harrison is most displeased



gang's got a more rigid hierarchy— Esse must slowly work his way up via menial, boring duties—than the legitimate working-world. And this time, when the 12345 Métis youth between the ages of 18 –30. film returns, in Theupgrading in Math, Physics, Get theas academic DreamlifeChemistry, of Angels, toand English necessary for Biology the grinding mundanadmission into a full time post-secondary program in Engineering, Health Sciences or ity of shift -work—Esse Environmental Sciences. slashes those tell-tale Deadline: August 26, 2013. marks onApplication a baguette Call: 1-888-48-MÉTIS (1-888-486-3847) after rolling the online at: www.metisemployment.ca dough—it comes as a relief after our crawl along the nasty, brutish underbelDoing the rounds ly of French life. V

his corporate espionage thriller their cerebral circuitry. Mind you, nobody in Paranoia is designed to be "of the times," which is to say smart about tech- is anywhere near as dumb as its nology, which amounts to suggest- protagonist Adam Cassidy (the ing that phones, or whatever we bafflingly cast Liam Hemsworth, call them now, are ubiquitous and brother of Thor). After blowing a can do anything and/or will do any- proposal so badly that it gets he thing once well- Now Playing and his entire funded wizards Directed by Robert Luketic team axed from figure out how to their gig working  make it happen. for a company But Paranoia is run by Nichoextraordinarily dumb about every- las Wyatt (Gary Oldman), Adam thing else, especially human be- decides to take his disheartened ings. The film's two veteran mar- colleagues to a lame nightclub, quee cast-members play ostensible charging their colossal bill to the tech-industry geniuses, master and Wyatt expense account. He's subprotégé turned enemies with Oe- sequently rewarded by Wyatt with dipal undercurrents, but the dun- buckets of money and a multiderheaded ways they attempt to floor luxury Manhattan apartment outsmart each other makes you with the tackiest idea of tasteful wonder if dementia has corroded décor imaginable. The catch? He

has to join the ranks of Wyatt's archrival Jock Goddard (Harrison Ford, groomed to resemble Gerhard Richter) and steal priceless data. Adam also begins a whirlwind romance with Emma (Amber Heard) a key member of Goddard's marketing team, giving him even better access to Goddard's goodies and finally making Adam a sort of Mata Harry. All the while Adam looks very innocent and feels really bad and, after all, he's got a sick dad (Richard Dreyfus—presumably Adam was adopted), and, hey, look at how many times he gets to take his shirt off—them abs!—so we're not supposed to notice that what he's doing is totally, unambiguously despicable.

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Generic characters, ridiculous twists, a dopey lead actor, an ultra-cheesy love scene: very little works here, though it's nice to see Ford give a relatively understated performance. The film's most compelling—if, again, wildly implausible—scene has Wyatt, Goddard and Adam taking a secret negotiation meeting in which each of them are obliged to put their phones on the table, batteries removed as though they were ammo clips. For this one scene, Paranoia nearly becomes a parody of a western, which, alas, is nearly interesting. JOSEF BRAUN


VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28, 2013





ELYSIUM (14A gory violence) THU, AUG 22: 1:30, 4:30,

THE CROODS (G) Closed Captioned THU, AUG 22: 1:40 STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS (PG not rec for young

9:30; MON, WED-THU 3:00, 6:30, 9:30; FRI-SUN, TUE 1:00, 3:55, 7:25, 10:10; MON, WED-THU 3:55, 7:25, 10:10

2:00, 9:00; TUE 7:00

7:20, 10:00

DESPICABLE ME 2 (G) THU, AUG 22: 1:20; 3D: 3:50,

KICK-ASS 2 (18A crude coarse language, gory brutal)

4:00; THU 9:30

6:15, 8:30

children, violence) THU, AUG 22: 1:00; 3D: 3:50, 6:55, 9:40

PACIFIC RIM (PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec

IRON MAN 3 (PG not rec for young children, violence, frightening scenes) THU, AUG 22: 1:20; 3D: 4:10, 7:00, 9:55

FAST & FURIOUS 6 (14A violence) THU, AUG 22: 4:20,

for young children) THU, AUG 22: 12:35

CLOSED CIRCUIT (14A) WED 3:10, 6:40, 9:40 LEE DANIELS' THE BUTLER (14A) DTS Digital 7:10, 10:00



MAN OF STEEL (PG violence, frightening scenes, not


rec for young children) Closed Captioned THU, AUG 22: 1:35; 3D: 4:40, 7:40

frightening scenes) THU, AUG 22: 11:45, 1:50; 3D: 4:20, 7:00, 10:10

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language, sexual content) DAILY 1:30, 7:00, 9:05

ELYSIUM (14A gory violence) DAILY 9:05 THE SMURFS 2 3D (G) Real D DAILY 1:30, 7:00 DUGGAN CINEMA–CAMROSE 6601-48 Ave Camrose, 780.608.2144

THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS CITY OF BONES (PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) DAILY 6:30, 9:10; SAT-SUN, TUE, THU 1:30

PERCY JACKSON SEA OF MONSTERS (PG frightening scenes) DAILY 7:00; SAT-SUN, TUE, THU 2:00

1:30, 4:25, 7:15, 9:45

(PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) THU, AUG 22: 11:40, 5:50; ULTRAAVX: 1:40, 4:40, 7:40, 10:40

THIS IS THE END (18A gory violence, crude coarse

PARANOIA (PG coarse language) THU, AUG 22: 2:15, 4:50,

language, substance abuse) THU, AUG 22: 1:55, 4:35, 7:30, 10:05 4:05, 7:05, 9:50

THE INTERNSHIP (PG crude coarse language, not rec for young children) THU, AUG 22: 1:45, 7:20

CHENNAI EXPRESS (PG violence) Hindi W/E.S.T. THU, AUG 22: 1:10, 4:30, 7:50

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language,

3:55, 6:45, 9:30

sexual content) DAILY 6:45, 9:00; SAT-SUN, TUE, THU 1:45



violence) Hindi W/E.S.T. THU, AUG 22: 1:25, 4:45, 8:00

CINEMA CITY MOVIES 12 5074-130 Ave 780.472.9779

7:30, 10:05

WHITE HOUSE DOWN (14A violence) THU, AUG 22: 1:15,


violence) DAILY 7:15PM 9:30; SAT-SUN, TUE, THU 2:15


NOW YOU SEE ME (PG coarse language) THU, AUG 22:

ELYSIUM (14A gory violence) DAILY 9:20

KICK-ASS 2 (18A crude coarse language, gory brutal

THE WOLVERINE (14A violence) THU, AUG 22: 1:00; 3D: 4:10, 7:10, 10:40

EPIC (G) THU, AUG 22: 1:05, 4:15, 6:50, 9:15

BAKIT HINDI KA CRUSH NG CRUSH MO? (PG coarse language) THU, AUG 22: 1:30, 4:00, 6:40, 9:20 =


14231-137 Ave 780.732.2236


7:30, 10:20

THE SMURFS 2 (G) THU, AUG 22: 3D: 3:45, 6:20, 8:40

Fri, AUG 23-Thu, Aug 29, 2013 6094 Connaught Dr Jasper, 780.852.4749

FRI-SUN, TUE 1:10, 4:05, 7:30, 10:20; MON, WED-THU 4:05,

THE CONJURING (14A frightening scenes, disturbing content) THU, AUG 22: 3:25, 8:45, 10:50

FRI-SUN, TUE 12:40, 3:40, 7:10, 10:00; MON, WED-THU 3:40,

JOBS (PG coarse language) DTS Digital FRI-SUN, TUE 12:10, 3:10, 6:40, 9:40; MON, THU 3:10, 6:40, 9:40

ELYSIUM (14A gory violence) FRI-SUN, TUE 12:30, 3:30, 7:00, 9:55; MON, WED 3:30, 7:00, 9:55; THU 3:30, 9:55

THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS CITY OF BONES (PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) FRI-SUN, TUE 12:20, 3:20, 6:50, 9:50; MON, WED-THU 3:20, 6:50, 9:50

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language, sexual content) DTS Digital FRI-SUN, TUE 1:20, 4:10, 7:35, 10:25; MON, WED 4:10, 7:35, 10:25; THU 4:10, 7:00, 10:25

KICK-ASS 2 (18A crude coarse language, gory brutal)


THU, AUG 22: 12:30, 3:00, 5:30, 8:00, 10:40

YOU'RE NEXT (18A gory brutal violence) THU, AUG 22: 10:15

2 GUNS (14A violence) THU, AUG 22: 2:40, 5:15, 7:45

4211-139 Ave, 780.472.7600

2 GUNS (14A violence) FRI, MON-THU 3:15, 6:30; SAT-SUN 12:40, 3:15, 6:30 PERCY JACKSON SEA OF MONSTERS (PG

sexual content) THU, AUG 22: 12:00, 2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 10:30

frightening scenes) FRI, MON-WED 3:10, 6:25, 9:10; SAT-SUN 12:30, 3:10, 6:25, 9:10; THU 3:10

JOBS (PG coarse language) THU, AUG 22: 12:50, 4:00,

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language,

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language,

6:50, 9:50

PLANES (G) THU, AUG 22: 11:50, 2:00; 3D: 4:15, 6:40, 9:30 LEE DANIELS' THE BUTLER (14A) THU, AUG 22: 12:45, 3:40, 6:45, 9:45

CINEPLEX ODEON SOUTH 1525-99 St 780.436.8585


sexual content) FRI, MON-THU 3:25, 6:35, 9:25; SAT-SUN 12:25, 3:25, 6:35, 9:25

ELYSIUM (14A gory violence) FRI, MON-WED 3:20, 6:10, 9:20; SAT-SUN 12:15, 3:20, 6:10, 9:20; THU 3:20, 6:10 PLANES (G) FRI, MON-THU 3:30, 6:40, 9:30; SAT-SUN 12:45, 3:30, 6:40, 9:30

KICK-ASS 2 (18A crude coarse language, gory brutal) FRI, MON-THU 3:00, 6:05, 9:00; SAT-SUN 12:10, 3:00, 6:05,

DESPICABLE ME 2 (G) THU, AUG 22: THU 1:05; 3D: 3:50,


for young children) THU, AUG 22: 1:00, 3:55, 6:55, 10:00

THE SMURFS 2 (G) THU, AUG 22: 12:45; 3D: 3:45, 6:30, 9:25


130 Century Crossing, Spruce Grove 780.962.2332

LEE DANIELS' THE BUTLER (14A) Digital FRI 3:10, 6:10, 9:10; SAT-SUN 12:10, 3:10, 6:10, 9:10; MON-THU 3:20, 6:10, 9:10

PERCY JACKSON SEA OF MONSTERS (PG frightening scenes) Digital FRI, MON-WED 3:20, 5:50; SAT-SUN 12:20, 3:20, 5:50; THU 3:20, 6:30

ELYSIUM (14A gory violence) Digital FRI-WED 8:40 THE WORLD'S END (14A crude coarse language) FRI, MON-WED 3:30, 6:40, 9:20; SAT-SUN 12:30, 3:30, 6:40, 9:20; THU 3:40, 6:50, 9:30

THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS CITY OF BONES (PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) FRI, MON-THU 3:00, 6:00, 9:00; SAT-SUN 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language, sexual content) FRI, MON-WED 3:40, 6:50, 9:30; SAT-SUN 12:50, 3:40, 6:50, 9:30; THU 3:15, 6:20, 8:50

GETAWAY (PG coarse language) THU 10:00 KICK-ASS 2 (18A crude coarse language, gory brutal) FRI, MON-WED 2:50, 6:20, 9:15; SAT-SUN 12:15, 2:50, 6:20, 9:15; THU 3:30, 6:40, 9:20

ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US 3D (G) Reald 3d THU 7:00, 9:50

PLANES (G) FRI, MON-WED 6:30; SAT-SUN 12:40, 6:30; 3D: Reald 3d FRI-MON, WED 3:15, 8:50; TUE 8:50; THU 3:50


THE WAY WAY BACK (PG coarse language) FRI 6:50, 9:00; SAT-SUN 2:00, 6:50, 9:00; MON-THU 6:50, 9:00

YOU'RE NEXT (18A gory brutal violence) FRI, MON-THU


FRI 7:10; SAT 1:00, 7:10; SUN 1:00, 7:10, 9:10; MON-THU

7:10, 9:10

3:05, 6:15, 8:45; SAT-SUN 12:35, 3:05, 6:15, 8:45

LEE DANIELS' THE BUTLER (14A) FRI, MON-THU 3:30, 6:40, 9:35; SAT-SUN 12:05, 3:30, 6:40, 9:35


MON-WED 3:15, 6:30, 9:15; SAT-SUN 12:20, 3:15, 6:30, 9:15; THU 3:15, 6:30, 9:10

ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US 3D (G) THU 7:00, 9:40 GETAWAY (PG coarse language) THU 10:00

3D: 4:20, 10:20


PARANOIA (PG coarse language) THU, AUG 22: 2:15, 4:50,

2020 Sherwood Dr Sherwood Park 780.416.0150

7:50, 10:30


THE CONJURING (14A frightening scenes, disturbing content) THU, AUG 22: 1:25, 4:10, 9:50

ELYSIUM (14A gory violence) THU, AUG 22: 1:50, 4:30, 7:15, 10:05

KICK-ASS 2 (18A crude coarse language, gory brutal)

DESPICABLE ME 2 (G) THU, AUG 22: 1:25, 4:00,

THU, AUG 22: 2:05, 5:00, 7:35, 10:10

6:40, 9:10

YOU'RE NEXT (18A gory brutal violence) THU, AUG 22:

THE SMURFS 2 (G) THU, AUG 22: 1:30; 3D: 4:10, 6:50,



2 GUNS (14A violence) THU, AUG 22: 1:45, 4:20, 7:05


WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language,

ening scenes) THU, AUG 22: 2:20; 3D: 4:55, 7:35, 10:15

sexual content) THU, AUG 22: 4:35, 7:25, 10:10; Star & Strollers Screening: THU 1:00

THE WOLVERINE (14A violence) Closed Captioned THU,

WEM 8882-170 St 780.444.2400

DATE OF ISSUE ONLY: THU, AUG 22 ELYSIUM (14A gory violence) THU, AUG 22: 2:20, 5:10, 8:00, 10:45

DESPICABLE ME 2 (G) THU, AUG 22: 12:30, 3:30, 6:50, 9:30

PACIFIC RIM (PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) THU, AUG 22: 4:45

THE SMURFS 2 (G) THU, AUG 22: 12:50; 3D: 3:40, 6:45, 9:25

PERCY JACKSON SEA OF MONSTERS (PG frightening scenes) THU, AUG 22: 1:10; 3D: 4:10, 7:25, 10:10

GROWN UPS 2 (PG crude content, not rec for young children) THU, AUG 22: 1:15, 3:50, 9:50

THE WOLVERINE 3D (14A violence) THU, AUG 22: 4:10, 7:10, 10:40; Closed Caption & Descriptive Video: 1:45; 3D: 4:40, 7:40, 10:35 PARANOIA (PG coarse language) THU, AUG 22: 1:50, 4:50, 7:55, 10:35

THE CONJURING (14A frightening scenes, disturbing

AUG 22: THU 1:15

content) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video: THU, AUG 22: 2:00, 8:10, 10:45

7:30, 10:30


KICK-ASS 2 (18A crude coarse language, gory brutal)

PLANES (G) THU, AUG 22: 12:30, 2:50; 3D: 5:10, 7:40,

(PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) THU, AUG 22: 1:00, 4:05, 7:10, 10:15; 3D: 7:00, 10:00

JOBS (PG coarse language) THU, AUG 22: 12:55, 4:05,


LEE DANIELS' THE BUTLER (14A) THU, AUG 22: 1:10, 4:10, 7:15, 10:15

Cineplex Odeon Windermere, Vip Cinemas, 6151 Currents Dr, 780.822.4250


10:15 Video THU, AUG 22: 1:30, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language, sexual content) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video THU, AUG 22: 1:10, 3:50, 6:30, 9:10; VIP 18+: 2:00, 5:00, 8:05

PLANES (G) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video THU, AUG 22: 1:20; 3D: 3:40, 6:40, 9:00


BLUE JASMINE (PG substance abuse, coarse language, mature subject matter) Dolby Stereo Digital FRI-SUN, TUE 12:50, 3:45, 7:20, 10:05; MON, WED-THU 3:45, 7:20, 10:05

IN A WORLD... (14A) FRI-SUN, TUE 12:00, 3:00, 6:30,


The Imax Experience (PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) THU, AUG 22: 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 10:45 LEDUC CINEMAS 4702-50 St Leduc, 780.986-2728

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language, sexual content) DAILY 1:00, 3:40, 7:00, 9:40

frightening scenes) DAILY 5:20, 7:30, 9:30


THE SMURFS 2 (G) DAILY 1:10, 3:15

(PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) DAILY 12:45, 3:40, 6:45, 9:40

KICK-ASS 2 (18A crude coarse language, gory brutal) DAILY 12:55, 3:00, 5:00, 7:05, 9:15

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language, sexual content) DAILY 12:45, 2:55, 5:05, 7:15, 9:25

PLANES (G) DAILY 1:20, 3:20, 5:10, 7:20, 9:20 THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS CITY OF BONES (PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) DAILY 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:05

METRO CINEMA AT THE GARNEAU Metro at the Garneau: 8712-109 St 780.425.9212

4:00, 7:00, 10:00

10200-102 Ave, 780.421.7018

PLANES (G) THU, AUG 22: 1:20; 3D: 3:45, 7:00, 9:20

Grandin Mall Sir Winston Churchill Ave, St Albert, 780.458.9822


2 GUNS (14A violence) THU, AUG 22: 1:20, 4:00, 6:45,


ening scenes) THU, AUG 22: 2:10; 3D: 4:40, 7:10, 9:40

2 GUNS (14A violence) Closed Caption & Descriptive

sexual content) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video THU, AUG 22: 1:30, 4:30, 7:20, 10:15

PLANES (G) THU, AUG 22: 2:25; 3D: 4:45, 7:05, 9:40


VIP 18+: THU, AUG 22: 1:30, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10; Closed Caption & Descriptive Video: THU, AUG 22: 2:00, 4:40, 7:40,

THU, AUG 22: 2:15, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10

sexual content) THU, AUG 22: 1:40, 4:25, 7:10, 9:55

7:20, 10:00; VIP 18+: 2:50, 6:10, 9:10

KICK-ASS 2 (18A crude coarse language, gory brutal)

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language,

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language,

ELYSIUM (14A gory violence) THU, AUG 22: 1:50, 4:30,

(PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) Ultraavx: THU, AUG 22: 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10

Video THU, AUG 22: 1:00, 4:00, 7:30, 10:30




Ultraav: THU, AUG 22: 2:10, 5:00, 7:50, 10:40

2 GUNS (14A violence) Closed Caption & Descriptive

THE HEAT (14A crude coarse language) THU, AUG 22: KICK-ASS 2 (18A crude coarse language, gory brutal)




20 FEET FROM STARDOM (PG coarse language)

THE WORLD'S END (14A crude coarse language) FRI,

THE WOLVERINE (14A violence) THU, AUG 22: 1:20, 7:20;

BODY DOUBLE (R violent scenes) Cult Cinema TUE 9:00

(PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) FRI, MON-THU 2:55, 6:00, 9:30; SAT-SUN 12:00, 2:55, 6:00, 9:30

ening scenes) THU, AUG 22: 1:40; 3D: 7:50, 10:25; 4:15, 7:10, 9:55 (PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) THU, AUG 22: 12:40, 3:40, 6:50, 9:40

MON 9:00

10337-82 Ave, 780.433.0728

PARANOIA (PG coarse language) DAILY 9:05

PACIFIC RIM (PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec



ELYSIUM (14A gory violence) THU, AUG 22: 12:50, 3:35, 6:35, 9:30; ULTRAAVX: 1:55, 4:40, 7:35, 10:25 6:40, 9:20

THE WILD BUNCH (STC) Best of the West SAT 7:00; SUN



PLANES (G) DAILY 2D: 1:10, 3D: 3:30, 7:10, 9:30; TUE 2D: 7:10, 3D: 9:30

PARANOIA (PG coarse language) DAILY 12:50, 3:25, 6:50, 9:25

WETASKIWIN CINEMAS Wetaskiwin 780.352.3922

WE'RE THE MILLERS (14A crude coarse language, sexual content) DAILY 1:00, 3:40, 7:00, 9:40

PERCY JACKSON SEA OF MONSTERS (PG frightening scenes) DAILY 2D: 12:55, 3D: 3:35, 6:55, 9:35; TUE 2D: 6:55, 3D: 9:35


9:00; SAT 9:45; SUN 7:00; WED 9:30

(PG violence, frightening scenes, not rec for young children) DAILY 12:45, 3:40, 6:45, 9:40


PLANES 2 3D (G) DAILY 2D: 1:10, 3D: 3:30, 7:10, 9:30;

FRANCES HA (14A coarse language) SAT 12:45; SUN

VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28 2013

TUE 2D: 7:10, 3D: 9:30



Fri, Aug 23 (8 pm) Century Casino, sold out "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)," "I'm On My Way": you know the words. Charlie and Craig Reid are the Scottish twins behind the famous songs and they've added another disc to an already lengthy catalogue. Prior to a sold-out show in Edmonton, Charlie spoke about the process of making Like Comedy with Vue.

songs, did you come at them in a particular way? Lyrics first? Music first? CR: Generally our songs start with the melody and chords. We have written songs where the lyrics came first, but mostly the tune will be established and then words added to it.

VUE WEEKLY: How long did it take to

What were the recording sessions like for this album? Is this the kind of thing you recorded live or did you piece it together one track at a time? Why? CR: Unusual recording system for us this time. Steve Evans, our producer, started by putting basic ar-

make Like Comedy from the initial songwriting through to the end of the recording? CHARLIE REID: Probably about nine months, give or take. VW:

When you were writing the


rangements with sampled sounds down for us to sing to. After the vocals were completed, we replaced the sampled sounds with acoustic instruments. It felt odd to be working this way for the first time, but the results were excellent. VW: Were there any other songs written that were left off the album? Why? CR: Yes, there were two other songs recorded. One of them, "Not Cynical," is on our new 25th anniversary compilation.

How did you decide which songs to include on the album? Did VW:

you have an idea of what you wanted Like Comedy to be when you started, or did the finished shape emerge as the writing and recording went along? CR: We always start by finding arrangements that suit the songs. From there, we build the tracks and thereby get a feel for the atmosphere and quality of the tracks. At the end of the recording sessions we pick the songs that sound best to us, and hang together as an album. You worked with Steve Evans to produce the record. What drew you to him and what did he bring to


VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28, 2013

the process? This is the third time we have worked with Steve. His name was suggested to us by our first producer John Williams as someone who would work well with us. As usual with John Williams, his advice was excellent.


VW: If you were to trace the musical map that led you to Like Comedy what would it look like? CR: Reaching 51 years of age has given us a different perspective on our lives and our music. This more than anything else, would count as our road map. All roads lead to Rome. V



Pinback B

eing part of a touring band deavours—Smith is also a member can't always entail packed ven- of Three Mile Pilot and recently ues full of adoring fans or televi- began releasing solo material unsion appearances on, say, Jimmy der the name Systems Officer while Fallon. Sometimes you've got to Crow's lengthy resumé includes solo step back into reality. releases, a Misfists tribute/mash-up "I'm watching Wed, Aug 28 (8 pm) band called the my kids while my Devfits, Thingy Starlite Room, $25 wife goes with and playing the her brother to the role of Lord Phaleye doctor," explains Rob Crow, one lus in the comic-book metal band half of the venerable underground Goblin Cock—which he's in the pop-rock group Pinback, which he midst of writing an opera for while formed more than a decade ago finishing up another Thingy album. alongside bass player Zach Smith. "It's a cock-opera called Dragon Not that he minds: the band has Fucker. It's really complicated musibeen steadily on the road for the cally, but at the heart of it it's just past few months touring Europe, about being middle aged," he laughs. Japan and Australia before heading "It's like a rock opera but dumber." out for another round of dates in Canada and the US, so a little home When he's not writing for his varitime seems like a welcome reprieve. ous projects—which is rare—Crow "Going to Australia is hard ... and switches interviewing roles and gets everything always goes wrong on to ask the questions on his podcast that flight, so ours was probably Rob Crow's Incongruous Show. about 30 hours," Crow chuckles. "I definitely like asking questions Long-haul flights aside, Crow still because a lot of times it's someviews every show as a blessing, as body I always wanted to know well as the fact fans continue listen- things about and had no excuse to ing to and want more music from ask them about it, even if they're Pinback, which released its fifth al- friends. I always want to know the bum, Information Retrieved, last fall. little questions," he says, adding The band formed in 1998 as a way to Don Dansley would have been his keep Crow and Smith busy between ideal interview before he died. "He's releases by their other musical en- my musical hero for sure ... he had

this amazing mind that put out my favourite records. There's all sorts of things I would have asked him. You know, somewhere there's got to be all these tapes of him writing all these things on piano that were later transcribed by whomever into these totally weird things." For now, Crow is focused on touring Information Retrieved, an album evoking a sonically varied landscape possessing a quiet power which backs lyrics telling of a modern society teetering on the edge of destruction. It's a complex album that no doubt took a great deal of time to get just so, and Crow is the first to admit Pinback isn't exactly quick when it comes to writing material. "We're the slowest writin' band I can think of. Seriously, it takes us forever to do anything because we're such different people ... What makes a good song for us is if we accidentally made something that was cool, so we're always looking for a collection of happy accidents," Crow says, explaining one song could take anywhere from eight hours to three years. "It's not always easy to get into each other's heads without disturbing what the machine is in each other." MEAGHAN BAXTER



VUEWEEKLY.COM/SLIDESHOWS >> for more of Steve Edgerton’s photos


VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28 2013




Aug 22 - Aug 24 ROB TAYLOR Aug 27 - Aug 31 DERINA HARVEY




On the road again


e're true vagabonds and just work is all part and parcel for Huntliving the gypsy lifestyle at ress, which signed to Napalm Rethis point," says Huntress front- cords in 2011 and has been releasing woman Jill Janus. "I've surrendered a record per year since—a pace Janus to the road and this is my life, and hopes to maintain. Touring permityou know, I'm livting of course. ing my purpose." "Hey, listen, if Sun, Aug 25 (6:30 pm) That purpose has With Danzig Judas Priest and currently landed Union Hall, $38.50 (advance), Iron Maiden and Janus in Indianapoall of the great $41.50 (day of show) lis in the middle of early metal a tour with Danzig, bands can do it, which comes in the wake of Hunt- there ain't no reason why we can't ress's appearance at the Rockstar do it," she adds, noting she's already Energy Drink Mayhem Festival. begun work on the band's third alThe metal five-piece plans to con- bum, but can't reveal details just tinue the frenetic pace, too: after a yet. "It's still very much in its infant break in September, Huntress will stages. I don't even really like speakbe back on the road with Killswitch ing about the third album because I Engage, Lamb of God and Testa- don't want to take any lustre away ment—plenty of opportunity to from Starbound Beast because this continue promoting its latest al- is the album that we're touring on bum Starbound Beast. right now and we're all so proud of "As Blake [Meahl] the guitarist says, and it's been a really natural prowe spend a lot of time driving around gression for us." in circles," Janus laughs, noting it's the group's second time in Indianapolis in The band's evolution is one Janus a matter of weeks. "It does become a feels evokes a newfound confiblur, especially if you're on the May- dence and a raised level of musihem Fest where you're on a bus, you cianship—impressive, since Janus load out and then you're sleeping can already belt out a four-octave and you wake up and you're in the vocal range. middle of a field again ... it's kind of "We put a lot of effort into all elelike Groundhog Day, that movie with ments of Huntress, you know, theBill Murray; it's always on repeat." matically, the imagery, the lyrical However, Janus acknowledges hard content. I bring the lyrics and the

boys bring the riffs. What comes out of it is a beauty and a brutality," Janus explains. This juxtaposition stems directly from Janus's somewhat unorthodox writing process, which she freely admits may seem strange to most, but it's all she's ever known. Janus is one of seven children who were raised pagan and encouraged to explore the psychic side of themselves, which has led her to become aware of her surroundings in ways most people are not, recognizing another presence around her and allowing herself to connect with it. "I fall into trance when I receive my lyrics and this has been happening for as long as I can remember. It's almost like the top of my skull opens and I'm fed the lyrics from a thin blue line in the sky, and this is what I visualize," she continues, adding that other beings and other realms play a part in the process, particularly extraterrestrials in the making of Starbound Beast. "This album is heavily influenced by the Annunaki ... and I was also influenced by Nikola Tesla ... so a lot of this out-of-this-world trippy shit, that's all from falling into a trance and going somewhere else and that seems to be working for me just fine." MEAGHAN BAXTER


VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28, 2013



In Sutton Place Hotel #195, 10235 101 Street, EDMONTONPUBS.COM



wed, AuG 28, Avenue theAtRe. no MinoRs

douG stAnhope wed, sept 11, the ARteRy. no MinoRs

vAnCe Joy ARoARA

w/ Guests

wed, sept 18, Avenue theAtRe, no MinoRs

(AndRew whiteMAn of BRoken soCiAl sCene, Apostle of hustle)

w/ Guests

sun, sept 22, Avenue theAtRe. no MinoRs

younG GAlAxy

w/ Guests

fRi, sept 27, Avenue theAtRe. no MinoRs

Rose Cousins

w/ RAChel seRMAnni

sAt, sept 28, Avenue theAtRe, no MinoRs

eAMon MCGRAth tues, oCt 8, Avenue theAtRe, no MinoRs union events And Avenue pResent


fRi, oCt 18, RoyAl AB MuseuM. All AGes & liCensed


w/ Guests

w/ Guests

w/ Guests

thu, oCt 24, Avenue theAtRe, no MinoRs

the GRApes of wRAth w/ Guests fRi, oCt 25, the ARteRy. no MinoRs

the hARpoonist & the Axe MuRdeReR

w/ Guests

sAt, nov 2, Avenue theAtRe, MRG ConCeRts pResents:


w/ Guests

wed, nov 6, RoyAl AB MuseuM

MAtt MAys ACoustiC duo w/ Guests

fRi, nov 8, RoyAl AB MuseuM

lindi oRteGA

w/ Guests

sAt, nov 30, Avenue theAtRe, no MinoRs

BAsiA BulAt 24 MUSIC

VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28 2013

w/ Guests



// Jade Dobney


enial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance—also known as the five tumultuous emotional stages one often experiences in various degrees following the death of a loved one—a post-mortem journey which has become the topic of Woke Up Alone, the latest album from Saskatoon-based hiphop producer Factor.

If an album focused solely on death sounds like a sombre slice of gloom and doom, it's not. The opening track is surprisingly up tempo, accented by a blasting trumpet fanfare before moving into the meat of the necromantic story, where a widower in the throes of denial following the death of his wife grapples with his own conscience as he at-

tempts the impossible: to raise her acter in it and I didn't want it to be cheesy, so I went with the dead wife from the dead. "I was a little bit worried about and I started thinking about how doing the concept album just be- the main character would feel and cause of the way music's so focused I thought he could go through the on singles these days. I just didn't steps of grief and loss while he was want to do that and I thought the trying to bring her back to life," he concept was the explains, addbest way to go," Sun, Aug 25 (9 pm) ing the story Factor says while With Sabo Forte is fictional and taking a break from Wunderbar, $10 nothing in parthe real-life game ticular sparked of Tetris that is packing a tour van. it, the shape coming together natu"I feel like I'm always trying to do rally on its own. Once the concept was in place, something unique and creative and I've had a few compilation albums the next challenge was filling the that were kind of instrumental roles of each character—which and then just random emcees that include the widower and his wife's I liked and vocalists/singers all on ghost, a false prophet, a medicine the same album. Maybe the music man and the devil—with Factor fit together but the songs didn't calling on artists he had worked link together and I just wanted to with in the past and trusted to do something completely different fulfil his vision. Factor allowed than other people were doing and I each artist to take creative control of the lyrics for their respective hadn't done before either." tracks, only laying out the founSo why death? Factor began work dation of their character and how on the concept a year before record- each fit into the story. "The guys I was working with I coming began, first toying with the idea of a travelling freak show, which pletely trusted, especially Kirby," eventually transformed into the Factor says. "We had multiple conalbum's current incarnation as the versations on the phone and threw around different ideas and how he death idea continued to resurface. "I wanted to have a female char- was going to feel about it and what

direction. The story's fictional but I wanted to have something that people could relate to as well." This relatability is reflected not only through a life event no one is immune to, but also in the moods which the album appears to progress through. Tracks like "In Sickness and In Health," featuring Onry Ozzborn as the psychiatrist attempting to scratch the surface of the widower's pain and help him move on—a conversation that transports the listener into the psychiatrist's office as an observer to the protagonist's strife—possess a morose tone, but others are more upbeat, offering a sense of optimism in the midst of sadness. "I felt like when you are going through something like that, you're going to [go through] different steps, different days, different times or feeling different, and I didn't want the record to be too slow either," Factor adds. "I wanted it to have a bunch of different moods so I did concentrate on having some songs that were a little bit more upbeat or a glimmer of hope, light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel-type beats, optimistic." MEAGHAN BAXTER



TECH N9NE / SAT, AUG 24 (7 PM) Independence rules, and Tech N9ne is reaping the benefits. The rapper is one of the most prolific independent entities in the US and he’s currently on tour behind his latest release Something Else. (Encore)

FAYE BLAIS / THU, AUG 29 (9 PM) They love her Down Under, and before she heads south of the border for a bout of US dates, indie-pop artist Faye Blais is spending some time back home in Canada. She’s been said to sound like a little Feist and Joni Mitchell rolled into one— give her new album On the Bright Side a listen and see if you agree. (Wunderbar)

POWDER BLUE / THU, AUG 29 (7:30 PM) Think Saskatchewan’s all country? Think again. Bridge City (that’s Saskatoon, by the way) has become the launching point for the dark, shadowy sounds of all-girl psych-rock band Powder Blue, now embarking on its first tour across Western Canada in support of its EP Dream in Black. (Artery, $8 in advance, $10 at the door)

VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28, 2013



10442 whyte ave 439.1273 10442 whyte ave 439.1273 cd/ lp


Flourish // Perish

Faux Fur Faux Fur (Independent) 


blackbyrd M











w w w . b l a c k b y r d . c a




w w w. b l a c k b y r d . c a SEE MAG: Jan 3, 1c x 2”/ 28 AG RB: BLACKBYRD MYOOZIK SALES:Samantha H S01367

Fronted by 17-year-old Jean Sebastien Audet, Faux Fur effortlessly slides between urgent guitar-pop like "Laundromat" and the low-key

the motorleague Acknowledge, Acknowledge (SONIC) 

You listen to vinyl? Ever buy one of those Super Awesome Sunshine Disco Hits of the '70stype compilations? It's full of massive Top-10 hits, but you've only ever heard of, like, three songs. They're classics, but the rest are simply a testament to an old trend or time frame. That's what this record sounds like, except it'd be for rock and punk of the last 25 years. Confused? It's definitely a rock album, but

minimalism of "Discolouration." With Andrew Flegel—whose big brothers Matt and Patrick played in Calgary noise-rockers Women—on the drums, Faux Fur is a great debut from this Calgary band. But despite Flegel's involvement, it's lazy to compare Faux Fur with Women. Faux Fur is less processed, the guitar tones purer and the band is much more concerned with creating pop music with a weirdo twist. The songs are restrained, spare and tight even when they purposefully plod along like on "Burnt" and "Worn." Gorgeous guitar-driven melodies twist and turn, exploding into full-blown pop bliss on "I Saw You Standing" and "Laundromat."

construction and Destruction Dark Lark (The Quarantine) 

as for breaking it down into subgenres, or talking about tones or content, none of that really stands out. It's all just very familiar: "North America" could easily be confused for the Gaslight Anthem; "We are all Going Directly to Hell" is total riff rock that is equal parts Motörhead and Nickelback; and you could probably be convinced that "Cry Havoc" was a new Bad Religion track if we got rid of the vocals. I'm not trying to say that the Motorleague is just a knock-off artist, or that this is a poorly made and inconsistent record. The clapping piano breakdown on "We Are Chemical" and everything about "Burned in Effigy" are almost inspirational for their abilities to engage. It just seems the group's influences are fairly apparent, though the fact that the entire album isn't just a carbon copy of one artist or style, displays an interesting diversity that doesn't really seem to work for or against them.

This is a stripped down and gloomy record. If the drawn-out sludge tones and downtuning weren't enough to ensure that Construction and Destruction have crafted a record that will never in a million years see any chart ranking, don't fret, because Colleen Collins' vocals will put the final nail in that coffin! It is a very small portion of the population that enjoys the sounds of isolation and madness, and I'm convinced that if you play Dark Lark long enough, someone is bound to demand, "What the fuck are we listening to?" For the most part, the record lurches down the path of art noise (with the amount of feedback and wobbly, out-oftune vocals in the mix) but there are one or two tracks that carry enough melody to make you think these two could write more traditional songs, but they just choose not to. Being way out there can work if it has enough passion behind it, but this entire thing just seems so impersonal that it leaves you feeling distant and distracted. If you enjoy a challenge and you like your shit deep into the fringe then maybe Dark Lark is for you, but keep it to yourself, because this shit will clear a room.



JOrDYn mArcELLus






Volcano choir, Repave (Jagjaguwar) @VueWeekly: 1 of Justin Vernon's alterations, which sounds a great, great deal like a Bon Iver album.

neko case, The Worse Things Get ... (—ANTI) @VueWeekly: Beautifully layered piece of captured chaos. Multiple listens will still leave you scratching your head wondering.

Earl sweatshirt, Doris (Tan Cressida) @VueWeekly: A big part of the Odd Future collective's dark, twisted, triumphant album.

Braids, Flourish // Perish (Flemish Eye) @VueWeekly: After a band-breakup, Braids returns. Brighter & in love with computers.

26 music

VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28 2013




Bohemia Otto Stalk, the Strugglefucks, Crazy Truck, Electromatic


Brixx One Life Animal, guests;

THE BOWER Zukunft: Indie


Brittany’s lounge

Velvet Hour: Live music in the afternoons hosted by Rob Taylor and Bill Bourne; Mon-Fri; 4:308pm; no cover Brixx Silence Be Damned:

SherLock Holmes–


Goth/Industrial with DJs Siborg, Nightroad; 9pm

Downtown Rob Taylor

Café Tiramisu Live music

Accent European Lounge Live Music every

SherLock Holmes–WEM

The K-Tels

every Fri: Rebecca Jane Crossman; 7-9pm

Smokehouse BBQ Live

Carrot Coffeehouse Live

Thu: this week: Paul Woida; 10-11pm Blues on Whyte Cece


THE BOWER Thu: Back to

Mine: Hip hop, funk, soul, rare groove, disco and more with Junior Brown and DJ Mumps

Brittany’s lounge

Velvet Hour: Live music in the afternoons hosted by Rob Taylor and Bill Bourne; Mon-Fri; 4:308pm; no cover Brixx Hosted by Christian

and Justin of the Canyon Rose Outfit: The Ultimate open stage, open jam, open turntables E: kevin@starliteroom.ca for info

Café Haven Music every

Thu; this week: Tama Neilene and Maddie Milne, Darren Eedens with Sam the Living (alt blues/folk); 7pm; donation

CARROT Coffeehouse

Zoomers Thu afternoon open mic; 1-4pm Cook County Pony Up Thu:

Country, Rock Anthems and Top 40 Classics with Mourning Wood

Druid Irish Pub DJ every

Thu at 9pm

Early Stage Saloon– Stony Plain Open Jam Nights;

no cover

Fandango’s Thu Battle of

Blues every Thur: rotating guests; 7-11pm Starlite Room Fringe

Festival B.Y.O.V.: Capital City Burlesque: An Elvis Odyssey; 6:30pm

Wee Book Inn Short

Stories in Small Spaces: with An drix: New Music Edmonton Fringe show; 8:30pm; $10/$5 (student) at Fringe box office, tickets. fringetheatre.ca/DateSelection. aspx?item=1661, door just before show

Classical St Faith’s Anglican Church Good, Bad Ugly:

The C’mon (Chamber music old–new) Festival launch: showcase traditional and contemporary chamber music in an informal atmosphere (different program each night): the C’mon Ensemble, Lucas Waldin (conductor), guests Andrea House and Eric Wigston, Tammy Sluzar, Chris Smith; 7:30pm; $12.50 at fringetheatre.ca, door

DJs Black dog Freehouse

Main Floor: wtft w djwtf - rock ‘n’ roll, blues, indie; Wooftop:

Thu; 9pm

Musical flavas incl funk, indie, dance/nu disco, breaks, drum and bass, house with DJ Gundam

Java Express–Stony Plain

Century Room Lucky 7:

the Bands; 9pm

J R Bar and Grill Live Jam

music every Fri; all ages; 7pm; $5 (door) CASINO EDMONTON Stars

Tonight; 9pm


Rose and Crown Pub

Encore–WEM Zany

Sou Kawaii Zen Lounge

HOGS DEN PUB Sinder Sparks

Show; 8-12pm

J+H Pub Early show: Acoustic

Open mic every Fri, 10-15 mins to perform; 5:30-8:30pm, no cover; Late show: Every Friday: Headwind (vintage rock ‘n’ roll), friends, 9:30pm, no minors, no cover Jeffrey’s Café Trio Bembe

(Latin band); 9pm; $15

L.B.’s Pub Pötatoe Head;


Lizard Lounge Rock ‘n’ roll

open mic every Fri; 8:30pm; no cover

New West Hotel C.C. and


On the Rocks Love Junk Overtime–Sherwood Park

Bunker Thursdays


every Thu; dance lessons at 8pm; salsa DJ to follow

Pawn Shop An Evening of

audio/video synthesis Egyptrixx, Borys and Shawn Pinchbeck, Wind Rose, Pigeon Breeders, Skrunt Skrunt, DJ Nik 7

Lucky 13 Industry Night On The Rocks Salsaholic:

SherLock Holmes– Downtown Rob Taylor SherLock Holmes–WEM

The K-Tels

Starlite Room The Flash

Studio Music Foundation Kingsland

every Thu

Union Hall 3 Four All

Thursdays: rock, dance, retro, top 40 with DJ Johnny Infamous


pianos at 8pm

(Reggae); 9pm

Atlantic Trap and Gill

most Thursdays; 7-10pm

Dirty Pool; 7pm

richard’s pub Her Alibi,

Bailey Theatre–Camrose

Stuart Bendall, the Salesmen

rendezvous Metal night

Wild Life Thursdays

Ric’s Grill Peter Belec (jazz);

hosted by Loren Burnstick; 8:30pm-1am

Rose and Crown Pub

Outlaws Roadhouse

Apex Casino Catalyst

The Rig Every Thu Jam

Intensives, Warsenal, KroBonez; 8pm (door), 9:30pm (show); $10

Jam, Cruel Young Heart, Rend, FLTF; 9pm

Red Piano Every Thu: Dueling

The Capital Newz; 7pm; no cover

Fringe Festival B.Y.O.V: Capital City Burlesque, An Elvis Odyssey, 6:30pm; Late show: Zombie Disco Squad, 9pm

Treasury In Style Fri: DJ

Tyco and Ernest Ledi; no line no cover for ladies all night long

Union Hall Ladies Night

every Fri



SAT AUG 24 Apex Casino Catalyst

(Reggae); 9pm

Atlantic Trap and Gill Black Dog Freehouse

Dirty Pool

Hair of the Dog: Ben Arsenault (live acoustic music every Sat); 4-6pm; no cover Blues on Whyte Every Sat

afternoon: Jam with Back Door Dan; Cece Teneal

Bohemia DARQ Saturday

Open mic; 7pm; $2

every Fri

blues, jazz, Top 40); 9pm-2am every Thu; no cover

Red Piano Bar Hottest

Suite 69 Release Your Inner Beast: Retro and Top 40 beats with DJ Suco; every Fri


New West Hotel Canadian Country Hall of Fame Guest host Bev Munro; C.C. and Highrider

Overtime Sherwood Park Jesse Peters (R&B,

PAWN SHOP Higher and

SherLock Holmes– Downtown Rob Taylor

TEMPLE Rapture–Goth/Ind/alt; every Fri 9pm

Five Dollar Fridays: The Black Hyenas, Trevor Duplessis; 8pm (door), $5 (door) Blues on Whyte Cece


(alt prock), Luna, Meet Terra, Heroes Start Here, the Way Maclellan Band, Better Than Heroes; 7pm; $10 (adv)/$15 (door) Wee Book Inn Short

Stories in Small Spaces: with Andrix: New Music Edmonton Fringe show; 8:30pm; $10/$5 (student) at Fringe box office, tickets. fringetheatre.ca/DateSelection. aspx?item=1661, door just before show WUNDERBAR Cannon Bros,

the Good Goddamns, Haunter, Animal Teeth


guests; 9pm

Carrot Coffeehouse Sat CASINO EDMONTON Stars

Tonight; 9pm


Colleen Rae and Cornerstone (country rock); 9pm

Studio Music Foundation Any Last

step’d up satuRdays e V e R y s aT u R d ay

ZEN Lounge Of Swat,, J.F.C.,


OnE lifE AnimAl aug/24 mAtChbrEAkEr

Keith Whomp, Kalmplx DJ, VIXX, M Biddy B, MC 3P OH; 9pm (door)

W/ Guests


W/ bRaedeN maRsHall baNd

Main Floor: The Menace

Sessions: Alt Rock/Electro/Trash with Miss Mannered; Wooftop: Sound It Up!: classic hip-hop and reggae with DJ Sonny Grimezz; Underdog: Dr Erick

aug/27 tHe dRRty sHOW aug/31 WintErCOAst Ruby Tuesdays pResenTs w/ Vanessa domingues

THE BOWER For Those Who

Know...: House and disco with Junior Brown, David Stone, Austin, and guests

THE Common Get Down

Druid Irish Pub DJ every

Encore–WEM Every Sat: Sound and Light show; We are Saturdays: Kindergarten Fandango’s DJs night every Fri and Sat with DJ Stouffer FLUID LOUNGE R&B, hip hop

Early Stage Saloon– Stony Plain Sugarfoot (Sophie

Level 2 Lounge Collective

Hunter and Mike Chenoweth); 9pm; $5

Saturdays underground: House and Techno

Encore–WEM Tech N9nE

Lucky 13 Every Fri and Sat

and dancehall with DJ Aiden Jamali; every Sat


with resident DJ Chad Cook


Newcastle Pub Top 40 requests every Sat with DJ Sheri

Gas Pump Saturday Homemade Jam: Mike Chenoweth

PAWN SHOP Transmission

Jam every Sat; 3:30-7pm

eveRy fRIday NIGHt IN temple staRtING auG 2

Wee Book Inn Short Stories in Small Spaces: with Andrix: New Music Edmonton Fringe show; 8:30pm; $10/$5 (student) at Fringe box office, tickets. fringetheatre.ca/DateSelection. aspx?item=1661, door just before show

Duggan’s Irish Pub The

Hilltop Pub Open Stage,


Regrets, Medical Pilot (dual CD release party), No Witness, others; $10 (adv)/$15 (door)

Sat; 9pm

Tiff Hall and the Family Band, Jessica Denise; 4pm; no cover

uBk Bass Festival sept/26 blIss N esO oct/3 monster truck sept/21

Starlite Room Early:

Crown Pub Acoustic blues

Rural Routes

chali 2na W/ sON Real

The K-Tels

Crown and Anchor

open stage with Marshall Lawrence, 2-6pm; Evening: Down to the Crown: Marshall Lawrence presents great blues with Trevor Duplessis, Mad Dog Blues Band, every Sat 10pm2am, $5 (door)


SherLock Holmes–WEM

It’s Saturday Night: House and disco and everything in between with resident Dane

Basler; 8:30pm

Frankie mCQueen

Stuart Bendall, the Salesmen

Amplified Fridays: Dubstep, house, trance, electro, hip hop breaks with DJ Aeiou, DJ Loose Beats, DJ Poindexter; 9:30pm (door)

rendezvous pub Mortillery,

Level 2 lounge Funk

vistA ChinO

Starlite Room KLUB OMFG

electric rodeo–Spruce Grove DJ every Thu

stage; 7pm; no cover

W/ Guests

On the Rocks Love Junk

Hunter and Mike Chenoweth); 9pm; $5

Brixx Braeden Marshall Band,

Krush Ultra Lounge Open

Sat, 3-7pm; DJ every Sat, 9:30pm

dueling piano show featuring the Red Piano Players every Sat; 9pm-2am

Legends Sports Bar DJ

dueling piano show featuring the Red Piano Players every Fri; 9pm-2am

Back Thursdays

W/ Guests

O’byrne’s Live band every

Red Piano Bar Hottest

Higher, Daniel and the Impending Doom, the Most of August, Hearsay; 8pm; $10 (adv) at Blackbyrd

Jam by Wild Rose Old Time Fiddlers every Thu; contact John Malka 780.447.5111

and dancehall with DJ Aiden Jamali; every Fri

pinback aug/30 murdEr by dEAth aug/28

New West Hotel Country jam every Sat; 3-6pm; Late Show: C.C. and Highrider

rock, funk, soul, hip hop with DJ Gatto, DJ Mega Wattson; every Fri

Crown Pub Break Down Thu at the Crown: D&B with DJ Kaplmplx, DJ Atomik with guests

Thu open stage: fully equipped stage, bring your instruments and your voices; gaming everyday


W/ ReNd, cRuel yOuNG HeaRt & fROm lOve tO fORfeIt

RED STAR Movin’ on Up: indie,

Rural Routes

Early Stage Saloon– Stony Plain Sugarfoot (Sophie

Jeffrey’s Café Dayna

Naked Cybercafé and Boardgame Emporium

every Fri and Sat with DJ Stouffer

Suchy Sister Saturdays: Amber, Renee or Stephanie with accompaniment; 9:3011:30pm; no cover

Sleaze w/ alterra, sept/14 Summer thrillhouSe, DeaD City DollS,

Duggan’s Irish Pub The

Classics; 9pm-1am; no cover

the New Big Time with Rocko Vaugeois, friends; 8-12

Fandango’s DJs night

“An Elvis OdyssEy” aug/23 Flash Jam

Louisiana Purchase

Palace Casino–WEM The Classics; 9pm-1am; no cover

Proclaimers, Whitney Rose; $34.95

Uncommon Thursday: Rotating Guests each week

Druid Irish Pub DJ every

electric rodeo–Spruce Grove DJ every Fri

aug/16-25 capItal cIty buRlesque aNd fRINGe fest pReseNt

Leaf bar and grill Sat jam with Terry Evans, and featured guests; host Mark Ammar

Lucky 13 Every Fri and Sat with resident DJ Chad Cook

Century Casino The

Palace Casino–WEM The

Thu; 9pm

The Druid Irish Pub DJ

every Fri; 9pm

Mel Degen (rock); 9pm


The Common The Common

L.B.’s Pub Thu open stage:

nu disco, hip hop, indie, electro, dance with weekly local and visiting DJs on rotation plus residents Echo and Justin Foosh

(R ‘n’ B sax, vocals); 9pm; $10

L.B.’s Pub 63 Street Band,

request live; 9pm-2am every Fri and Sat; no cover

Retro ‘80s with house DJ every Thu; 7pm-close

Night, karaoke with band the Nervous Flirts; every Thu, 8pm-12am

THE Common Good Fridays:

Jeffrey’s Café Jeff Hendrick

Dayna; featuring special events every Fri

Colleen Rae and Cornerstone (country rock); 9pm

Acoustic/singer songwriter the 1st and 3rd Thu each month, 7-10pm; no cover

Kelly’s Pub Jameoke

and alternative with Dusty Grooves, Fraser Olsen, Taz, and Josh Johnson

Irish Society Amie Weyme

Overtime Sherwood Park Dueling Piano’s, all

Dueling Piano’s, all request live; 9pm-2am every Fri and Sat; no cover

Walker (country pop); 8pm, $10

Every Friday DJs on all three levels

W/ mONdRIaN sHIft


Ruby tuesday pReseNts

hOnEy bAdgEr sept/5 Erin HalEy CD Release sept/10 WAvEs upOn us EvEry EAts And bEAts wEdnEsday W/ JORdaN JONes

Ruby tuesday pReseNts W/ bReNdaN byeRs

eVeRy wednesday, $0.35 wings

EvEry THE UlTimaTE OpEn sTagE THUrsday EvEry THUrsday, OpEn TUrnTablEs, OpEn sTagE

NOW HIRING seRveRs, busseRs, secuRIty staff aNd baRteNdeRs

Saturdays: Indie rock, new wave, classic punk with DJ Blue Jay and Eddie Lunchpail; 9pm (door); free (before 10pm)/$5 (after 10pm); 1st Sat

VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28, 2013

music 27

each month and electro every Sat with DJ Hot Philly and guests


Union Hall 25th Anniversary

Saturdays: global sound and Cosmopolitan Style Lounging with DJ Mkhai

Sou Kawaii Zen Lounge






Your Famous Saturday with Crewshtopher, Tyler M

Sugar Foot Ballroom

Swing Dance Party: Sugar Swing Dance Club every Sat, 8-12; no experience or partner needed, beginner lesson followed by social dance; sugarswing.com Suite 69 Stella Saturday: retro,

of Danzig and Danzig, Doyle– Danzig; 6:30pm; $38.50 at unionevents.com, Ticketfly. com, Blackbyrd

Wee Book Inn Short

Stories in Small Spaces: with Andrix: New Music Edmonton Fringe show; 8:30pm; $10/$5 (student) at Fringe box office, tickets. fringetheatre.ca/DateSelection. aspx?item=1661, door just before show WUNDERBAR Factor and the


old school, top 40 beats with DJ Lazy, guests


TEMPLE Step’d Up Saturdays


with Lolcatz, Yaznil, Badman Crooks, Ootz

Union Hall Celebrity Saturdays: every Sat hosted by DJ Johnny Infamous Y AFTERHOURS Release


Industry Sundays: Invinceable, Tnt, Rocky, Rocko, Akademic, weekly guest DJs; 9pm-3am


Blackjack’s Roadhouse– Nisku Open mic every Sun

Meatforce, Jordan Fritz

Blues on Whyte Cece













Cha Island Tea Co Live on the Island: Rhea March hosts open mic and Songwriter’s stage; starts with a jam session; every Sun, 7pm Duggan’s Irish Pub Celtic Music with House Band; 5-8pm Fandango’s Sun Industry Night: House mix with DJ JEZ LF; Show and Shine/open stage every Sun: hosted by Marshal Lawrence; 6-11pm



Bohemia Max Uhlich, Brittany’s lounge

with Kirtan Klan (singing and devotional Kirtan chants and mantras) O’BYRNE’S Open mic every Sun; 9:30pm-1am Richard’s PUB Sun Jam

hosted by Andrew White and the Joint Chiefs; 4-8pm

The Rig Every Sun Jam

hosted by Better Us than Strangers; 5-9pm


Velvet Hour: Live music in the afternoons hosted by Rob Taylor and Bill Bourne; Mon-Fri; 4:30-8pm; no cover Brixx Bar Ruby Tuesdays

with host Mark Feduk; $5 after 8pm; this week guests: the Drrty Show, Vanessa Domingues

Tues hosted by Chris Wynters, guest

DV8 Until Dawn, guests; 8pm

night every Tue hosted by Lorin Lynne; Everyone will have 10-15 minutes to play L.B.’s PUB Tue Blues Jam with

Darrell Barr; 7:30-11:30pm Leaf bar and grill

Tuesday Moosehead/ Barsnbands open stage hosted by Mark Ammar; every Tue; 7:30-11:30pm New West Hotel Trick


Duggan’s Irish Pub

Singer/songwriter open stage every Mon; 8pm; host this week: Rob Taylor

The Campfire Hero’s (acoustic rock, country, top 40); 9pm2am every Tue; no cover


New West Hotel Trick

SherLock Holmes– Downtown Derina Harvey

Overtime–Sherwood Park

SherLock Holmes–WEM

Monday Open Stage

Joanne Janzen



Rouge Resto-Lounge

Open Mic Night with Darrek Anderson from the Guaranteed; every Mon; 9pm Studio Music Foundation Bleeker

DJs BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: alternative retro

and not-so-retro, electronic and Euro with Eddie Lunchpail; Wooftop: The Night with No Name featuring DJs Rootbeard, Raebot, Wijit and guests playing tasteful, eclectic selections CRown Pub Underground at


the Crown Tuesday: Trueskool and live hip-hop with residents Jae Maze, Xaolin, Frank Brown; monthly appearances by guests Shawn Langley, Locution Revolution, and Northside Clan

Central Senior Lions Centre 11113-113 St Century Casino 13103 Fort Rd, 780.643.4000 Cha Island Tea Co 1033281 Ave, 780.757.2482 Common 9910-109 St Crown and Anchor 15277 Castle Downs Road Northwes Crown Pub 10709-109 St, 780.428.5618 DRUID 11606 Jasper Ave, 780.454.9928 Duggan's Irish Pub 901388 Ave, 780.465.4834 DUSTER’S PUB 6402-118 Ave, 780.474.5554 DV8 8130 Gateway Blvd Early Stage Saloon– Stony Plain 4911-52 Ave, Stony Plain Electric Rodeo–Spruce Grove 121-1 Ave, Spruce Grove, 780.962.1411 Elephant and Castle– Whyte Ave 10314 Whyte Ave Encore–WEM 2687, 8882-170 St Fandango's 12912-50 St, fandangoslive.com Festival Place 100 Festival Way, Sherwood Park, 780.449.3378 FIDDLER’S ROOST 890699 St FILTHY MCNASTY’S 1051182 Ave, 780.916.1557 Fluid Lounge 10888 Jasper

Ave, 780.429.0700 Hilltop Pub 8220-106 Ave HOGS DEN PUB Yellow Head Tr, 142 St HOOLIGANZ 10704-124 St, 780.995.7110, 780.452.1168 Irish Society 12546-126 St, 780.453.2249 J+H Pub 1919-105 St J AND R 4003-106 St, 780.436.4403 Java xpress 110, 4300 South Park Dr, Stony Plain, 780.968.1860 jeffrey’s café 9640 142 St, 780.451.8890 L.B.’s Pub 23 Akins Dr, St Albert, 780.460.9100 Leaf bar and grill 9016132 Ave, 780.757.2121 Legends Sports Bar 9221-34 Ave, 780.988.2599 LEVEL 2 LOUNGE 11607 Jasper Ave, 2nd Fl, 780.447.4495 Lit Italian Wine Bar 10132-104 St Lizard Lounge 13160118 Ave Mercer Tavern 10363104 St Naked Cybercafé 10303108 St, 780.425.9730 Newcastle PuB 6108-90 Ave, 780.490.1999 New City 8130 Gateway Boulevard noorish caFé 8440-109 St

RidgeRock, Shelbi, Thrillhouse; 8pm; $10 (adv)/$15 (door)



Suite 69 Rockstar Tuesdays:

Brittany’s lounge

Volatile, Cross, Mathew Cardinal

Overtime–Sherwood Park

Noorish Café Kirtan Songha

RED STAR Experimental Indie rock, hip hop, electro with DJ Hot Philly; every Tue

Bohemia NEK Trio, Sal

O’BYRNE’S Celtic jam every Tue; with Shannon Johnson and friends; 9:30pm

Service (acoustic jam): Willy James and Crawdad Cantera; 3-6:30pm

DV8 Creepy Tombsday: Psychobilly, Hallowe’en horrorpunk, deathrock with Abigail Asphixia and Mr Cadaver; every Tue

Mash up and Electro with DJ Tyco, DJ Omes with weekly guest DJs

Velvet Hour: Live music in the afternoons hosted by Rob Taylor and Bill Bourne; Mon-Fri; 4:30-8pm; no cover

instrumental old time fiddle jam every Mon; hosted by the Wild Rose Old Tyme Fiddlers Society; 7pm; contact Vi Kallio 780.456.8510

Newcastle Pub Sun Soul


J+H Pub Acoustic open mic

Sleeman Mon: live music monthly; no cover

hosted by Tim Lovett

with DJ Phoenix and MJ with Sleepless DJ, DJ Breeze and more every Mon; 9pm-2am

LeveL 2 lounge Stylus

Country Extravaganza; 1pm (door), 2pm (show); $12 at the box office, online


Crown Pub A Sexy Night

Druid Irish Pub Jamhouse

SUN AUG 25 Bailey Theatre– Camrose Buckaroos Classic

Main Floor: Blue Jay’s Messy Nest: mod, brit pop, new wave, British rock with DJ Blue Jay

Main Floor: Soul Sundays: A fantastic voyage through ‘60s and ‘70s funk, soul and R&B with DJ Zyppy



28 music

Smokehouse BBQ Hair

of the Dog acoustic Sun Jam with Bonedog and Bearcat; every Sun; 2-6pm

RED STAR Indie rock, hip hop,


Open stage Wed with Trace Jordan; 8pm-12 Artery The Archaics, Raptor

Strike, Beds Pushed Together, Arachne’s Web, ThetTruth, KOC; 6pm


Main Floor: Glitter Gulch: live music once a month; On the Patio: Funk and Soul with Doktor Erick every Wed; 9pm

Blues on Whyte Uncle

Wiggly’s Hot Shoes Blues Band

Bohemia My Geometric Exile,

Takedown, the Play Plays, New Orleans Swim Team

Brittany’s lounge

Velvet Hour: Live music in the afternoons hosted by Rob Taylor and Bill Bourne; Mon-Fri; 4:30-8pm; no cover Crown Pub The Dan Jam: musical styles from around the globe with Miguel and friends; musicians are invited to bring their personal touch to the mix every Wed

Duggan’s Irish Pub

Wed open mic with host Duff Robison

Matthews; every Wed, 8pm Mercer Tavern Willhorse New West Hotel Free classic country dance lessons every Wed, 7-9pm; Trick Rider Overtime Sherwood Park Jason Greeley (acoustic

rock, country, Top 40); 9pm2am every Wed; no cover


Bluegrass jam presented by the Northern Bluegrass Circle Music Society; every Wed, 6:30-11pm; $2 (member)/$4 (non-member) Red Piano Bar Wed Night

Live: hosted by dueling piano players; 8pm-1am; $5

rendezvous pub Until


THE RIG Open jam every

Wed hosted by Will Cole; 8pm-12am

SherLock Holmes– Downtown Derina Harvey SherLock Holmes–WEM

Joanne Janzen

Starlite Room Early: Fringe Festival B.Y.O.V: Capital City Burlesque’s An Elvis Odyssey, 4pm; Late show: Pinback, guests, 8pm (door), $25 (adv) at unionevents.com, Ticketfly. com, Blackbyrd Studio Music Foundation Marry Me

(blues, punk rock), Fight to Swill, Better Us Than Strangers, What the Water Sees; 7pm; $10 (adv)/s$15 (door)

Wunderbar Babysitter,

Eugene Ripper, Hag Face, Nolan Bossert

Elephant and Castle– Whyte Ave Open mic every

Zen Lounge Jazz Wednesdays: Kori Wray and Jeff Hendrick; every Wed; 7:3010pm; no cover

Fandango’s Wed open


Wed (unless there’s an Oilers game); no cover

stage hosted by Michael Gress and Cody Noula; Original artist showcase at 9pm

Festival Place Doug Berner and the Bearhills Brass; The Dryland Band; 7:30pm; $8 Filthy McNasty’s Until

Dawn; 8pm

Fiddler’s Roost Little

Flower Open Stage every Wed with Brian Gregg; 8pm-12 HOOLIGANZ Open stage

every Wed with host Michael Gress; 9pm

J+H Pub Acoustic open mic

night hosted by Lorin Lynne

Leaf bar and grill Wed variety night: with guitarist Gord


Main Floor: RetroActive Radio: Alternative ‘80s and ‘90s, post punk, new wave, garage, Brit, mod, rock and roll with LL Cool Joe

Brixx Bar Really Good... Eats

and Beats: every Wed with DJ Degree and Friends

THE Common The Wed Experience: Classics on Vinyl with Dane NIKKI DIAMONDS Punk and

‘80s metal every Wed

RED STAR Guest DJs every


TEMPLE Wild Style Wed: Hip hop open mic hosted by Kaz and Orv; $5

VENUEGUIDE Accent European Lounge 8223-104 St, 780.431.0179 ALE YARD TAP 13310-137 Ave Apex Casino 24 Boudreau Rd St Albert ARTery 9535 Jasper Ave Avenue Theatre 9030-118 Ave, 780.477.2149 BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE 10425-82 Ave, 780.439.1082 Blackjack's Roadhouse– Nisku 2110 Sparrow Dr, Nisku, 780.986.8522 BLUES ON WHYTE 10329-82 Ave, 780.439.3981 Bohemia 10217-97 St THE BOWER 10538 Jasper Ave, 780.423.425; info@ thebower.ca Brittany's Lounge 1022597 St, 780.497.0011 Brixx Bar 10030-102 St (downstairs), 780.428.1099 BUDDY’S 11725B Jasper Ave, 780.488.6636 Café Haven 9 Sioux Rd, Sherwood Park, 780.417.5523, cafehaven.ca Café Tiramisu 10750124 St CARROT Coffeehouse 9351-118 Ave, 780.471.1580 Casino Edmonton 7055 Argylll Rd, 780.463.9467 Casino Yellowhead 12464-153 St, 780.424 9467

VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28 2013

NORTH GLENORA HALL 13535-109A Ave O’BYRNE’S 10616-82 Ave, 780.414.6766 ON THE ROCKS 11730 Jasper Ave, 780.482.4767 O2 Joes–North 13509-127 St, 780.451.7799 O2's–West 11066-156 St, 780.448.2255 Overtime Sherwood Park 100 Granada Blvd, Sherwood Park, 790.570.5588 PAWN SHOP 10551-82 Ave, Upstairs, 780.432.0814 Pleasantview Community Hall 1086057 Ave Pub 1824 12402-118 Ave, 587.521.1824 Red Piano Bar 1638 Bourbon St, WEM, 8882-170 St, 780.486.7722 RED STAR 10538 Jasper Ave, 780.428.0825 Rendezvous 10108-149 St Richard's Pub 12150-161 Ave, 780.457.3118 Ric’s Grill 24 Perron Street, St Albert, 780.460.6602 The Rig 15203 Stony Plain Rd, 780.756.0869 ROSEBOWL/ROUGE LOUNGE 10111-117 St, 780.482.5253 Rose and Crown 10235101 St St Faith's Anglican

Church11725-93 St Set Nightclub Next to Bourban St, 8882-170 St, WEM, Ph III, setnightclub.ca Smokehouse BBQ 10810124 St, 587.521.6328 Sou Kawaii Zen Lounge 12923-97 St, 780.758.5924 Sportsman's Lounge 8170-50 St STARLITE ROOM 10030-102 St, 780.428.1099 Studio Music Foundation 10940-166A St Sugar Foot Ballroom 10545-81 Ave Suite 69 2 Fl, 8232 Gateway Blvd, 780.439.6969 Treasury 10004 Jasper Ave, 7870.990.1255, thetreasurey.ca Vee Lounge, Apex Casino–St Albert 24 Boudreau Rd, St Albert, 780.460.8092, 780.590.1128 Wee Book Inn 10310-82 Ave Winspear Centre 4 Sir Winston Churchill Square; 780.28.1414 WUNDERBAR 8120-101 St, 780.436.2286 Y AFTERHOURS 10028-102 St, 780.994.3256, yafterhours. com Yesterdays Pub 112, 205 Carnegie Dr, St Albert, 780.459.0295 Zen Lounge 12923-97 St, 780.937.6532


COMEDY Avenue Theatre Doug Stanhope • Aug 28, 7pm • $30 (adv) at Blackbyrd

BRIXX Comedy and Music once a month as a part of Ruby Tuesdays

Century Casino • 13103 Fort Rd •

780.481.9857 • Open Mic Night: Every Thu; 7:30-9pm

COMEDY FACTORY • Gateway Entertain-

ment Centre, 34 Ave, Calgary Tr • Ken Valgardson; Aug 23-24 • Tim Koslo; Aug 30-31

Comic Strip • Bourbon St, WEM •

780.483.5999 • Wed-Fri, Sun 8pm; Fri-Sat 10:30pm • Hit or Miss Mondays: Amateurs and Professionals every Mon, 7:30pm • Battle to the Funny Bone; last Tue each month, 7:30pm • Simon King; Until Aug 25 • Angelo Tsarouchas; Aug 28-Sep 1

DRUID • 11606 Jasper Ave • 780.710.2119

• Comedy night open stage hosted by Lars Callieou • Every Sun, 9pm

Filthy McNasty's • 10511-82 Ave •

780.996.1778 • Stand Up Sundays: Stand-up comedy night every Sun with a different headliner every week; 9-11pm; no cover

Overtime Pub • 4211-106 St • Open mic comedy anchored by a professional MC, new headliner each week • Every Tue • Free river cree–the Venue • Rob Schneider • Aug 24, 6pm (door), 8pm (show) • $29.50

Rouge Lounge • 10111-117 St • Sterling Scott every Wed, 9pm

Rumors Ultra Lounge • 8230 Gateway

Blvd • Every Thu Neon Lights and Laughter with host Sterling Scott and five comedians and live DJ TNT; 8:30pm

Vault Pub • 8214-175 St • Comedy with

Liam Creswick and Steve Schulte • Every Thu, at 9:30pm

X-Wrecks Lounge/Connie’s Comedy • 9303-50 St • Travelling open mic • Aug 23, 7pm • T: 780.914.8966 to get on roster

Zen Lounge • 12923-97 St • The Ca$h

Prize comedy contest hosted by Matt Alaeddine and Andrew Iwanyk • Every Tue, 8pm • No cover

Groups/CLUBS/meetings Aikikai Aikido Club • 10139-87 Ave,

Old Strathcona Community League • Japanese Martial Art of Aikido • Every Tue 7:30-9:30pm; Thu 6-8pm

Argentine Tango Dance at Foot Notes Studio • Foot Notes Dance Studio

(South side), 9708-45 Ave • 780.438.3207 • virenzi@shaw.ca • Join Vincenzo and Ida Renzi every Friday at Foot Notes Dance Studio for an evening of authentic Argentine tango • Every Fri, 8pm-midnight • $15 (per person)

Berg Lake • lionsbreath.ca; click on adven-

ture • Depart from studio 301,10534-124 St • 780.990.6247 • Back Country Tent and Hike • Aug 30-Sep 2 • $199 +GST

Brain Tumour Peer Support Group • Mount Zion Lutheran Church, 11533-135 St NW • braintumour.ca • 1.800.265.5106 ext. 234 • Support group for brain tumour survivors and their families and caregivers. Must be 18 or over • 3rd Mon every month; 7-8:45pm • Free

Canadian Injured Workers Association of Alberta (CIWAA) •

Augustana Lutheran Church, 107 St, 99 Ave • canadianinjuredworkers.com • Meeting every 3rd Sat, 1-4pm • Injured Workers in Pursuit of Justice denied by WCB

Discover Downtown • edmonton-

downtown.com • Tours start at the park next to Evoolution, 104 St, 101 Ave • Discover Downtown's history, architecture and public art: 90 min guided walk • Mon-Wed, Fri at 1pm; Thu, 2:30pm (arrive 10 mins early) • Until Aug 23

Edmonton Ghost Tours • Meet infront

of the Rescuer statue next to the Walterdale Playhouse, 10322-83 Ave • A Ghostly Walk Through Old Strathcona. Tours are outside and walking; dress for the weather and wear walking shoes • Summer: Wed-Thu, 9pm; meet

(15 mins early) until Sep 12 • $10/$30 (2 adults and 2 kids)

Stomp: beginner lesson followed by dance every Sat, 8pm (door)

Edmonton Needlecraft Guild • Avonmore United Church Basement, 82 Ave, 79 St • edmNeedlecraftGuild.org • Classes/workshops, exhibitions, guest speakers, stitching groups for those interested in textile arts • Meet the 2nd Tue each month, 7:30pm

Sustainability Walking Tour • U of A, 114 St, 87 Ave • 780.492.9289 • U of A's Office of Sustainability's free summer walking tours on the North Campus and discover the green buildings, environmentally-friendly features • Wed, Aug 28, 12-1pm • Free; E: sustainability@ualberta.ca; Pre-register online: sustainability.ualberta.ca/Projects/CampusSustainabilityTours.aspx

Edmonton Ukulele Circle • Bogani

Café, 2023-111 St • 780.440.3528 • 3rd Sun each month; 2:30-4pm • $5

Valley of the 5 Lakes • lionsbreath.ca;

Fabulous Facilitators Toastmasters Club • 2nd Fl, Canada Place, 9700

click on adventure • Depart from studio 301, 10534-124 St • 780.990.6247 • Jasper Bike Adventure • Aug 23-25 • $199 +GST

Jasper Ave • 780.467.6013, l.witzke@shaw.ca • fabulousfacilitators.toastmastersclubs.org • Can you think of a career that does not require communication • Every Tue, 12:05-1pm

FOOD ADDICTS • St Luke's Anglican Church, 8424-95 Ave • 780.465.2019, 780.634.5526 • Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA), free 12-Step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating, and bulimia • Meetings every Thu, 7pm Historic walking tours–St Albert • Little White School, 2 Madonna Dr • A walking tour of St Albert’s past • Aug 29, 6:30pm • Info: Roy Toomey at 780.459.4404 or royt@ artsheritage.ca

Home–Energizing Spiritual Community for Passionate Living •

Garneau/Ashbourne Assisted Living Place, 11148-84 Ave • Home: Blends music, drama, creativity and reflection on sacred texts to energize you for passionate living • Every Sun, 3-5pm

Introduction to Tibetan Buddhist Mahamudra Meditation • Karma Tashi

Ling Society Centre, 10502-70 Ave • Calm Abiding and Insight: Meditation background helpful. Contact Andrew for info/registration at amgmitch@gmail.com; T: 780.437.3688 • Thu 7-8:15pm; Sep 5-Oct 24 • $40 (suggested donation)

Wild Rose Antique Collectors Society • Delwood Community Hall, 7515

town • Practice group meets every Thu

Faculté St Jean, Rm 3-18 • 780.490.7332 • madeleine-sanam.org/en • Program for HIVAID’S prevention, treatment and harm reduction in French, English and other African languages • 3rd and 4th Sat, 9am-5pm each month • Free (member)/$10 (membership); pre-register

NSAI Songwriters Group • The Carrot, 9351-118 Ave • 780.973.5311 • nashvillesongwriters.com • NSAI (Nashville Songwriters Association International) meet the 2nd Mon each month, 7-9pm

Nuns Hospital, Rm 0651, 780.451.1755; Group meets every Thu, 7-9pm • Free

River Valley Vixen Boot Camp •

Summer long drop-in, all girls boot camp • Various days and times throughout the week; info E: rivervalleyvixen@gmail.com • $20 • facebook. com/#!/rvvbootcamp



• Sunnybrook United Church, Red Deer • 403.347.6073 • Affirm welcome LGBTQ people and their friends, family, and allies meet the 2nd Tue, 7pm, each month

Beers for Queers • Empress Ale House,

BUDDYS NITE CLUB • 11725B Jasper Ave • 780.488.6636 • Tue with DJ Arrow Chaser, free pool all night; 9pm (door); no cover • Wed with DJ Dust’n Time; 9pm (door); no cover • Thu: Men’s Wet Underwear Contest, win prizes, hosted by Drag Queen DJ Phon3 Hom3; 9pm (door); no cover before 10pm • Fri Dance Party with DJ Arrow Chaser; 8pm (door); no cover before 10pm • Sat: Feel the rhythm with DJ Phon3 Hom3; 8pm (door); no cover before 10pm EPLC Fellowship Pagan Study Group • Pride Centre of Edmonton, 10608-

Evolution WonderLounge • 10220-

103 St 780.424.0077 • yourgaybar.com • Open: Happy Hour: Wed-Fri, 4pm • Tue: Community Night: with various community groups, different activities • Wed: Karaoke, 7pm • Fri-Sat: DJ, hot dance floor • Sun: Tea Dance Beer Bust, 2pm • Grand opening: with DJ Chi Chi La Rue and a bevy of porn boys Sep 14; $15

Seventies Forever Club • Call

587.520.3833 for location • deepsoul.ca • Combining music, garage sales, nature, common sense, and kindred karma to revitalize the inward persona • Every Wed, 7-8:30pm

Sherwood Park Walking Group + 50 • Meet inside Millennium Place, Sherwood

FLASH Night Club • 10018-105 St •

Place • Weekly outdoor walking group; starts with a 10-min discussion, followed by a 30 to 40-min walk through Centennial Park, a cool down and stretch • Every Tue, 8:30am • $2/ session (goes to the Alzheimer’s Society of Alberta)

780.969.9965 • Thu Goth + Industrial Night: Indust:real Assembly with DJ Nanuck; 10pm (door); no cover • Triple Threat Fridays: DJ Thunder, Femcee DJ Eden Lixx • DJ Suco beats every Sat • E: vip@flashnightclub.com

G.L.B.T. sports and recreation •

Society of Edmonton Atheists •

Stanley A. Milner Library, Centennial Rm (bsmt); edmontonatheists.ca; E: info@edmontonatheists.ca; Monthly roundtable 1st Tue each month

South Edmonton Gardening Vegetarian & Vegan Group • Park

Allen Hall, 11104-65 Ave • 780.463.1626 • Vegetarian Potluck and Speaker: Bring vegetarian/vegan/raw dish for six. Move Hunger out of Edmonton with speaker Dan Johnstone • Sun, Aug 25, 5pm (for speaker only: 6:30pm) • $6; donation for the Food Bank

Sugar Foot Ballroom • 10545-81 Ave

INSIDE/OUT • U of A Campus • Campusbased organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-identified and queer (LGBTQ) faculty, graduate student, academic, straight allies and support staff • 3rd Thu each month (fall/winter terms): Speakers Series. E: kwells@ualberta.ca

Pride Centre of Edmonton • Pride Centre of Edmonton, 10608-105 Ave • 780.488.3234 • A safe, welcoming, and nonjudgemental drop-in space, support programs and resources offered for members of the GLBTQ community, their families and friends • Daily: Community drop-in; support and resources. Queer library: borrowing privileges: Tue-Fri 12-9pm, Sat 2-6:30pm, closed Sun-Mon; Queer HangOUT (a.k.a. QH) youth drop-in: Tue-Fri 3-8pm, Sat 2-6:30pm, youth@pridecentreofedmonton.org • Counselling: Free, short-term by registered counsellors every Wed, 5:30-8:30pm, info/bookings: 780.488.3234 • Knotty Knitters: Knit and socialize in safe, accepting environment, all skill levels welcome; every Wed 6-8pm • QH Game Night: Meet people through board game fun; every Thu 6-8pm • QH Craft Night: every Wed, 6-8pm • QH Anime Night: Watch anime; every Fri, 6-8pm • Movie Night: Open to everyone; 2nd and 4th Fri each month, 6-9pm • Women’s Social Circle: Social support group for female-identified persons +18 years in the GLBT community; new members welcome; 2nd and 4th Thu, 7-9pm each month; andrea@ pridecentreofedmonton.org • Men Talking with Pride: Support and social group for gay and bisexual men to discuss current issues; every Sun 7-9pm; robwells780@hotmail.com • TTIQ: a support and information group for all those who fall under the transgender umbrella and their family/supporters; 3rd Mon, 7-9pm, each month • HIV Support Group: Support and discussion group for gay men; 2nd Mon, 7-9pm, each month; huges@shaw.ca

105 Ave • 780.488.3234 • eplc.webs.com • Free year long course; Family circle 3rd Sat each month • Everyone welcome

Braeside Presbyterian Church bsmt, N. door, 6 Bernard Dr, St Albert • For adult children of alcoholic and dysfunctional families • Every Mon, 7:30pm

10608-105 Ave • 780.387.3343 • edmontonillusions.ca • Crossdressers meet 2nd Fri each month, 7:30-9pm

Y Toastmasters Club • Queen Alexandra Community League, 10425 University Ave (north door, stairs to the left) • Meet every Tue, 7-9pm except last Tue each month. Help develop confidence in public speaking and leadership • Contact: Antonio Balce, 780.463.5331

• A social group for bi-curious and bisexual women every 2nd Tue each month, 8pm • groups.yahoo.com/group/bwedmonton

Organization for Bipolar Affective Disorder (OBAD) • Grey

Illusions Social Club • Pride Centre,


Bisexual Women's Coffee Group

3728-106 St • 780.435.0845 • nawca.ca • Meet every Wed, 6:30pm

Daughters Day celebration • City Hall • Celebration of the importance of daughters in all our lives program, info fair, commitment walk • Aug 24, 1-3pm

WOMEN IN BLACK • In Front of the Old Strathcona Farmers' Market • Silent vigil the 1st and 3rd Sat, 10-11am, each month, stand in silence for a world without violence

9912 Whyte Ave • Meet the last Thu each month

Northern Alberta Wood Carvers Association • Duggan Community Hall,

G.L.B.T.Q Seniors Group • S.A.G.E Bldg, Craftroom, 15 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.474.8240 • Meeting for gay seniors, and for any seniors who have gay family members and would like some guidance • Every Thu, 1-4pm • Info: E: tuff @shaw.ca

LIVING POSITIVE • 404, 10408-

Great Expeditions • St Luke’s AnglicanChurch, 8424-95 Ave • 780.469.3270 • 1st Mon every month, 7:30pm • Suggested donation of $3


and the culminating event of our 2013 Date Night series. The charming "end of summer" film to match the occasion: Wes Anderson's "Moonrise Kingdom"; Aug 29 • $11 (adult)/$6 (student)/$8 (senior)/$8 (friends of the Garden)/$8 (Garden season pass holder); incl admission to the Garden and entertainment; reserve dinner at 780.987.3054, ext 2243

Delwood Rd • wildroseantiquecollectors.ca • Collecting and researching items from various periods in the history of Edmonton. Presentations after club business. Visitors welcome • Meets the 4th Mon of every month (except Jul & Dec), 7:30pm


Lotus Qigong • 780.477.0683 • Down-

• 780.604.7572 • Swing Dance at Sugar Foot

Waskahegan Trail HIKE • waskahegantrail.ca • Meet: NW corner Superstore parking lot, 51 St, Calgary Tr (carpool to trail) • waskahegantrail.ca • Enjoy the views in the Coal Lake part of our trail with hike leader Bev, 780.469.7948 • Aug 25, 8:45am-3pm • $5 (carpool); $20 (annual membership)

E: 311@edmonton.ca • Swimming–Making Waves: Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) pool, 11762-106 St; E: swimming@ teamedmonton.c; makingwavesswimclub.ca • Martial Arts–Kung Fu and Kick Boxing: Every Tue and Thu, 6-7pm; GLBTQ inclusive adult classes at Sil-Lum Kung Fu; kungfu@teamedmonton.ca, kickboxing@teamedmonton.ca, sillum.ca

teamedmonton.ca • Day Hike–Jasper: Sat, Aug 24; Meeting at Beer Revolution in Oliver Sq, 11736-104 Ave; 7am departure; info/sign-up: E: dayhikes@teamedmonton.ca • Cycling: Louise McKinney Park, terrace above River Valley Adventure Co; Thu, 6:30-8pm; For more info: cycling@teamedmonton.ca • Blazin' Bootcamp: Every Mon and Thu, 7pm; $30/$15 (low income/ student); E: bootcamp@teamedmonton.ca • Running: Every Sun, 10am, at Kinsmen • Yoga: Gay/Lesbian yoga every Wed, 7:30-9pm, at Lion's Breath Yoga, 206, 10350-124 St; Instructor: Jason Morris; $10 (drop-in) • Indoor Cycling: Terwillegar Recreation Centre; drop-in;

124 St • edmlivingpositive.ca • 1.877.975.9448/780.488.5768 • Confidential peer support to people living with HIV • Tue, 7-9pm: Support group • Daily drop-in, peer counselling geocities.com/makingwaves_edm • Recreational/competitive swimming. Socializing after practices • Every Tue/Thu

PrimeTimers/sage Games • Unitarian

Church, 10804-119 St • 780.474.8240 • Every 2nd and last Fri each Month, 7-10:30pm

St Paul's United Church • 11526-76 Ave • 780.436.1555 • People of all sexual orientations are welcome • Every Sun (10am worship)

WOMONSPACE • 780.482.1794 • womonspace.ca, womonspace@gmail.com • A Non-profit lesbian social organization for Edmonton and surrounding area. Monthly activities, newsletter, reduced rates included with membership. Confidentiality assured Woodys Video Bar • 11723 Jasper Ave • 780.488.6557 • Mon: Amateur Strip Contest; prizes with Shawana • Tue: Kitchen 3-11pm • Wed: Karaoke with Tizzy 7pm-1am; Kitchen 3-11pm • Thu: Free pool all night; kitchen 3-11pm • Fri: Mocho Nacho Fri: 3pm (door), kitchen open 3-11pm SPECIAL EVENTS Corn Sale–Hope Mission • Edmonton

Valley Zoo, 13315 Buena Vista Rd • Aug 24, 31, 10am-4pm • Proceeds from sale go to Hope Mission Youth Shelter and Edmt and Area Land Trust

Date Night • Devonian Botanic Garden • Stroll the Garden till dusk, enjoy a dinner special at the Birch Patio, and take in a different amusement every week • Every Thu Night • Jun-Aug • Instruction from the U of A Dance Club; 7:30pm; start with dinner at the Birch Patio, call to reserve dinner at 780.987.3054 ext 2243; Aug 22 • Movie Night: Gates 6:30pm, Movie at dusk (approx. 9pm) A perfect way to enjoy the last lingering moments of summer,

VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28, 2013

DeepSoul.ca • 587.520.3833; text to:

780.530.1283 for location • Classic Covers Shindig Fundraiser • Every Sun: Sunday Jams with no Stan (CCR to Metallica), starring Chuck Prins on SG guitars: upcoming Century Casino show as well; GarageGigs Tour; all ages • Fundraising for local Canadian Disaster Relief, the hungry (world-wide through the Canadian Food Grains Bank)

FALL Outdoor Days • Cabela's, 6150 Currents Dr • cabelas.ca/find-a-store/edmonton/2 • Cabela's Free Family Events: until Aug 25 • Free Seminars: Sat: Live and Artificial Bait Techniques for Fall Fishing with Mel Barr, Cabela’s Pro Staff, 10am; Candid Capture: Tips & Tricks for Outdoor Videography with Maximus Outdoor TV Hosts Kris and Lana Cheater, 11am; Tracking that Trophy: Big Horn Sheep Basics with Savanna Koebisch, Cabela's Pro Staff, 1pm; White-tailed Deer Research and Big Game Management in Alberta with Wildlife Ecologist Larry Roy and ESRD Biologist Grant Chapman, 2pm; Hit Your Mark: Cutting-Edge Archery Strategies for Whitetails with Gord Nuttall, Cabela's Pro Staff, 3pm; Targeting Trophy Lake Trout with Shimano Field Staff and Pro Tournament Angler, Corey Nault, 4pm • Free Seminars: Sun: Calls of the Wild: Big-Game Calling Tactics and Strategies with Maximus Outdoor TV Hosts, Kris and Lana Cheater, 11pm; Waterfowl University: Pro Tips for Improving Your Waterfowl Hunt with Claudio Ongaro, Cabela’s Pro Staff, 1pm; After the Shot: Field to Freezer Game Care with Gord Nuttall, Cabela's Pro Staff, 2pm; Blinds of all Kinds: Be Invisible with Savanna Koebisch, Cabela's Pro Staff, 3pm; Targeting Big Pike with Jason Henderson, Rapala Pro Staff, 4pm Field To Table: A Horticultural Extravaganza • Fort Edmonton • Come get your hands dirty and celebrate this horticultural extravaganza. Formerly known as the Harvest Festival • Aug 25

Friends Ukrainian Music Fest •

Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, 8820-112 St • 780.662.3640 • ukrainianvillage.ca • Concert, hosted by Steven Chwok (CFCW’s Zabava Program) • Sun, Aug 25 • Ticket: admission on gate

Hair Cut-A-Thon • Cloverdale Community Hall, Gallagher Park, 9411-97 Ave • Fundraiser, in support of trade skill and business education for women in Tanzania; sponsored by Nafasi Opportunity Society. Get your hair washed, cut and styled by some of Edmonton's top hair stylists. Entertainment, food, and silent auction • Aug 25, 10am-4pm Harvest of the Past & Harvest Food Festival • Ukrainian Cultural

Heritage Village, 8820-112 St • 780.662.3640 • ukrainianvillage.ca • Begins with a pancake breakfast; historical activities include flower and herb drying, feather stripping, making kapusta (sour cabbage), grinding wheat, quilting, and canning of produce from the museum’s heritage gardens • Sun, Sep 8 • Ticket: admission on gate

JLS Night Market • 102 Ave, 106 St • nightmarketedmonton@gmail.com • 780.901.8480 • Every Sat, 7-11pm; until Sep 28 • Email:nightmarketedmonton@gmail.com • facebook.com/#!/events/398830093565798/?c ontext=create MEET LE CORDON BLEU • Pan Tree, 550,

220 Lakeland Dr, Sherwood Park • Open House and Chef Demo: Witness a live pastry demo by a Le Cordon Bleu Chef and learn about our programs, methods of study, student experience • Aug 25, 1-4pm • Free

ride the trail–Cycling Event •

780.469.1448 • ridethetrail.ca/support/rally. html • Join last day of Ed's ride anywhere along the route into Edmonton at the end of his 66 day promotional ride on the BC/AB portion of the Trans Canada Trail • Leaving Devon 9am on Hwy 19 to 185 St to Hawrelak Park; Leaving Hawrelak Park pedestrian bridge at 2pm to 3pm media rally at Alberta Legislature; to the TCT pavillion at Louise McKinney Park • Sun, Aug 25

Tabula Rasa–Social Arts Experience • The Studio, 11739-94 St • Buy a

canvas and paint with encouragement from the 118 Ave artists • Fundraiser for the Carrot Community Arts Coffeehouse • Aug 23, 7-10pm • $118 at the Carrot, info: carrotassist@gmail. com


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On the edge

Climaxing can be more fun when you play around with edging If you have been watching the Netflix series Orange is the New Black, you're familiar with the term 'edging'. In the series, the main character's 'free-spirited' brother tells her fiancé, Larry, about this practice of masturbating without allowing yourself to orgasm. When Larry tells his parents that he is researching this practice for an article, they are horrified. "Please tell me you're cumming, Larry", his mother exclaims. "You'll get blocked up!" Although the idea of edging may be new to some Orange viewers, it's been around for a long time. I often recommend a form of it to men who would like to last longer during sex. Most of the time, they react the same way Larry's parents did. Perhaps now is a good time to clear up

some confusion about what edging is all about. Edging, or orgasm control, is not, as the show implies, masturbating and never cumming. Although some people do practise that as a form of play, spiritual practice or

repeatedly until you can't or don't want to hold back anymore. Although it might sound like torture, edging can be intensely pleasurable. My friend Max, trusted advisor on all things related to men and sex and an experienced ''edger,''

It helps you learn the fine line between being close enough to the edge of orgasm to pull yourself back and when you are too close. exercise in self-control, most of the time edging just means that you get very close to orgasm and then stop or ease back, let your arousal subside a bit, and then build it back up again. This is usually done

says, "The goal in edging is to kind of trick your body into holding onto the euphoria of orgasm without the full orgasm." As a major bonus, an orgasm after a prolonged session of playing and then pulling back is

usually much more intense than one that happens quickly. Orgasm control is also an excellent way to get to know your sexual response patterns. It helps you learn the fine line between being close enough to the edge of orgasm to pull yourself back and when you are too close and will inevitably go over (hence the term ''edging''). This can teach you how to extend sex play and last longer. I suggest exploring orgasm control when people come to me looking for prolonging sprays or creams. These products numb the penis or create a tingling sensation. The reason they make you last longer is because you can barely feel a thing during sex. Edging, on the other hand, takes

VUEWEEKLY AUG 22 – AUG 28, 2013

a lot of work and self-awareness, but it feels great. It's not a quick fix like a spray, but the rewards are far greater. Orange refers to edging mainly as a solo practice, but it's often done during partner sex. A person can ride their own edge while playing with someone else, or they can take control of their partner's climax and ''edge'' their partner—bringing them close to climax and back repeatedly. This can be intensely delicious when done with care and attention. V Brenda Kerber is a sexual health educator who has worked with local not-for-profits since 1995. She is the owner of the Edmonton-based, sexpositive adult toy boutique the Traveling Tickle Trunk.




Ovarian Cancer Canada Walk of Hope - WE NEED YOU

To place an ad PHONE: 780.426.1996 / FAX: 780.426.2889 EMAIL: classifieds@vueweekly.com 130.

Coming Events

oil city dErBy Girls All tickets are $10.00 in advance and $15.00 at the door, Kids under 10 are free! Next up: All stars vs pile o Bones Sept 21 @ Oil City Grindhouse 14420 112 street Doors at 6pm Visit www.oilcityderbygirls.ca for more information

Blush Lane Organic Market is dedicated to providing our customers with certified organic and sustainable farmed produce, grown with care on our family orchard, local family farms and in the worldwide organic community.

Our Edmonton location is looking for a

FULL-TIME DELI MANAGER Reporting to the Store Manager, you will supervise purchasing, receiving, merchandising, rotation and stocking of deli products for optimum sales and profitability. Build and lead team of Deli Sales staff. Ensure staff is competent; sales-oriented; focused on customer service; and confident and content in their work.

send your resume to

hiring@blushlane.com We appreciate the interest of all applicants however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.


Volunteers Wanted

Are you an animal lover? WHARF Rescue is looking for volunteers We are a nonprofit animal rescue that provides shelter to homeless,neglected animals Please check www.wharfrescue.ca for more information As a non-profit, SATS can serve more elders over 65 years who need help with volunteer led transportation, if we can find more volunteer drivers! Please think of giving Volunteer managed Rides to elders. You are needed 8:00 to 8:00 pm seven days a week for three hours at your convenience. Two to three days of notice, in advance of a volunteer given ride, is given. The elders always will be very appreciative of your time and your gas. For more details on gas re-imbursements call SATS at 780 732-1221 Become a victim services volunteer Advocate! Work in conjunction with the RCMP to provide immediate assistance, support, information and agency referral to victims of crime and trauma in Strathcona County and provide support to victims through the criminal justice system. Please contact Stacey at 780-410-4331 or by email at Stacey.grilo@strathcona.ca for more information! Habitat For Humanity is building a pool of volunteers to help us with renovations at our newest ReStore. Flexible hours, no experience necessary If interested, please contact Evan at ehammer@hfh.org or call (780) 451-3416


Volunteers Wanted

Eiff - sept 26 to oct 5 Play with us. Volunteer! Thank-you to the many volunteers who donate their time and energies to create EIFF -- your smiling faces and genuine sincerity rank us among a handful of film festivals deemed to have the nicest people. Whether you’re a returning volunteer or brand new to the whole film fest scene, we welcome your help! If you’re interested in volunteering please fill out the application at edmontonfilmfest.com

Habitat for Humanity requires Landscaping Volunteers! Flexible hours, no experience necessary If interested, please contact Evan at ehammer@hfh.org or call (780) 451-3416

Habitat for Humanity’s volunteer orientation and Basic tool training session Have you often considered volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, but just need information about our program and some training on tools? We are hosting a tool training and information session for new volunteers - or not-new volunteers - who would like to gain some basic knowledge of tools and learn more about how our organization works! contact for more info about the event: Louise Fairley 780-451-3416 lfairley@hfh.org Help someone in crisis take that first step towards a solution. The Support Network`s Crisis Support Centre is looking for volunteers for Edmonton`s 24-Hour Distress Line. Interested or want to learn more? Contact Lindsay at 780-732-6648 or visit our website: www.TheSupportNetwork.com Help someone in crisis take those first steps towards a solution. The Support Network`s Crisis Support Centre is looking for volunteers for Edmonton`s 24-Hour Distress Line. Interested or want to learn more? Contact Lindsay at 780-732-6648 or visit our website: www.TheSupportNetwork.com Help the canadian Breast cancer foundation create a future without breast cancer through volunteerism. contact 1-866-302-2223 or ivolunteer@cbcf.org for current volunteer opportunities Needed for our Long Term Care residence, daytime volunteers for various activities or just for a friendly visit! Please contact Janice at Extendicare Eaux Claires for more details jgraff@extendicare.com (780) 472 - 1106 Support local farmers and your community. SouthWest Edmonton Farmers Market is seeking volunteers to help with set up, market activities and take down each Wednesday. This is fun, vibrant and community-oriented place and you get to be outside! For more information please contact Melissa at 780-868-9210


Volunteers Wanted

Join us on September 8, 2013 at Laurier Park, Edmonton. Walk for HEr, Walk for HopE, Walk for lifE. We are looking for enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to help out in various roles for the Ovarian Cancer Canada Walk of Hope. There is something for everyone: event set-up, cheering on participants, assisting with registration are only few examples. Volunteers are vital in ensuring that everything runs according to plan on the Walk day. Please contact Shauna shauna.occ@gmail.com for more information

Universiade ’83 Foundation Grant program, Edmonton: due sept 6 This is a great chance for Edmontonians running programs for sports, the arts, and culture to help fund themselves for the upcoming year. The applications for this opportunity are due September 6th, so start getting those submissions ready. You could get up to a maximum of $10,000 for your program and projects. Check out the City of Edmonton website for more information: http://edmonton.ca/for_resident s/universiade-83foundation.aspx

volunteering - Habitat for Humanity requires landscaping volunteers! New houses with bare yards need love and our energetic volunteers will be beautifying yards for our families by planting trees, laying sod, building fences and decks and putting the finishing touches on our completed homes. This is an active opportunity open to volunteers of all skill levels. Previous volunteers really enjoyed strengthening friendships and building new ones and knowing they had put in a good day of work. Individual and group volunteers welcome. Contact: Evan Hammer ehammer@hfh.org 780.451.3416 www.hfh.org

volunteering - improve the lives of children in the developing World Room to Read is changing the lives of children in Asia and Africa through literacy programs and gender equality. Join our Edmonton team and help us plan events to support our programs, and spread the word about the fantastic results we are achieving. Skills in event planning, PR, marketing, graphic design are needed, but not essential. We welcome all volunteers. If this sounds interesting, email us at Edmonton@roomtoread.org Contact: Kerri Tulloch Edmonton@roomtoread.org Phone: 780.425.4043 roomtoread.org/Edmonton

Volunteers needed for the open minds Walk & run event September 21. Contact Natasha at 780-452-4661 ext 2


Artists Wanted

Call for Artists: The 2nd annual Strathearn Art Walk is seeking artists to display and sell their work on 95 ave. in Strathearn on Sat. Sept. 14, 11-3. All styles of work are considered and there is no fee to the artist for participation. After a successful event last year popular demand called for an expansion in the number of display opportunities for artists. Including the returnees from last year,organizers are looking to double the number of participating artists. Please contact Andrew Struthers ajstruthers@gmail.com – for more information or to book your space before they fill up. This event is sponsored by the Strathearn Community League. Deadline is Sat. Sept. 7th.

call for proposals: Jackson power Gallery, Edmonton Deadline: Ongoing The Jackson Power Gallery in Edmonton is seeking submissions for future exhibitions. For further information, including photographs, gallery plan and submission requirements please contact: Paddy Lamb paddylamb@mac.com 780 499 7635

The Allied Arts Council of Spruce Grove is hosting its annual Open Art Competition in the Spruce Grove Art Gallery. Please note that the deadline for entries is August 24, 2013. Delivery of Art: Sept 7, 2013 at 10am, Reception and Awards: Sept 13 2013 – 7:00pm, Pickup of Art: Sept 28, 2013 – 10:00am. For a copy of the rules & application form go to www.alliedartscouncil.com Or phone 780-962-0664 or email the Allied Arts Council at alliedac@telus.net


Artist to Artist

Call for submissions: Equinox Vigil at Union Cemetery, Calgary In a nod to remembrance and reflection of the departed, Equinox Vigil invites artists to create work to be installed at Union Cemetery for the night of September 22nd. Deadline for submissions is midnight, August 23rd. http://www.calgaryartsdevelop ment.com/content/callsubmissions-equinox-vigilunion-cemetery call to Artists: Art from the unknown, Edmonton It’s that time of year again! MLA Rachel Notley is seeking artists for Art from the Unknown, 2013. Deadline for Applications is Sunday, September 8th, 2013 This free event provides a nocost gallery space to new and emerging artists in our community. A new and emerging artist is defined as any artist, regardless of skill level, whose primary income does not come from selling their work. Low-income artists are especially encouraged to apply. For more information: contact Heather Fernhout at 780-414-0702 or email

Edmonton.strathcona@assembly.ab .ca

VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28 2013


Artist to Artist

Edmonton Arts Council Information Session : Edmonton Arts Council Information Session John Mahon Arts Administrators’ Sabbatical Fund (October 2013 deadline) Thursday September 5, 2013 6:30pm – 8pm Kerr Room Prince of Wales Armouries 2nd Floor, 10440 108 Avenue free event, but space is limited so registrations are requested Please register by email to Jana O’Connor joconnor@edmontonarts.ca spEciAl cAll for suBmissions: The Artisan Nook, Located at The Paint Spot, Edmonton, AB Looking for submissions of Holiday-themed craft/ artisan work for display/ sale Nov/Dec 2013. Artists who craft small, artistic objects are invited to submit exhibition proposals suBmission dEAdlinE: September 30, 2013. For further information, contact Michelle at 780 432 0240 accounts@paintspot.ca www.paintspot.ca/galleries transitory public Art program 2014 The Edmonton Arts Council, on behalf of the City of Edmonton, is seeking local applications from a Lead Artist(s) and/or Curator interested in participating in the Transitory Public Art Program 2014. Budget: $30,000.00 maximum per proposal Deadline for Submissions: 4:30 PM on Friday October 25, 2013 Installation: Project Complete by December 2014 For more information, contact the Edmonton Arts Council Dawn Saunders Dahl, Public Art Program Officer phone:(780) 424–2787 ext 229 email:publicart@edmontonarts .ca dsaundersdahl@edmontonarts.ca


Musicians Available

Experienced bass player looking to play with established band. Between the ages of 35 and 55. No heavy metal or punk but willing play 80’s power metal Call Tony 780-484-6806. Old shuffle blues drummer available for gigs. Influences: B.B. King, Freddy King, etc. 780-462-6291


Musicians Wanted

August 2013 - Call for Submissions/Entries to 3rd Annual Memphis Bound Blues Challenge. Entry deadline will be early September 2013. Watch for more details. Edmonton Blues Society conducts their search for two Northern Alberta blues acts, one Solo/Duo act and one Band, to represent EBS and Alberta at the 30th International Blues Challenge in Memphis, Tennessee early 2014. Acts must reside in Alberta from Red Deer, north between BC and Saskatchewan borders. or more info email: ibc@EdmontonBluesSociety.n et Rules and past winners at www.EdmontonBluesSociety.n et Bass guitar player looking for Top 40 Band Call Matt 780-484-6806 Guitarists, bassists, vocalists, pianists and drummers needed for good paying teaching jobs. Please call 780-901-7677


Musicians Wanted

Singer /songwriter looking for mature musicians to collaborate with in songwriting and performing. Influences- Jazz, pop, country and blues. Please e-mail me at: cdguen@telus.net.



Two ONE-WAY Tickets To Broadway Productions is holding auditions for the longrunning Off-Broadway hit musical revue. Audition by appointment. Audition dates: Aug 29-30. BOOK: http://www.signupgenius.com/g o/9040845A8AC22A02forbidden SHOW DATES & LOCATION November 8-16, 2013 at La Cite (Theatre), 8627 91 Street, Edmonton



Auction Wed & fri 6pm 14912-128 ave 780-453-6964 Selling: Tools & Misc * Storage* Estate Items * Coins * Jewellery* etc *last friday of month large Grocery Auction* *Consignments taken*

3100. Appliances/Furniture 08 Kenmore Estate Super Duty Capacity, 4 cycle, 2 speed Combination washing machine top load, white, excellent condition 08 Kenmore Estate 3 speed Combination 220 dryer top load, white, excellent condition $250 FOR PAIR 780-719-7268 Leave message GE Medallion Frost free fridge, white, good working condition $100 780-719-7268 Leave message Whirlpool 11000 BTU, Room Air Conditioner Window Mount. White, comes with digital remote control. New in the box Paid $650 asking $425 780-719-7268 Leave Message



CCM Rebellion 21 Spd Mtn Bike. LN, Blue & White $150 o.b.o. 780-719-7268 Leave message Mens Giant 21 spd MT Bike Rockshox, Large frame, blue & silver chrome alloy LN Paid $1200 Asking $450 $200+ worth of extras. 780-719-7268 Leave Message


Musical Instruments

Goya Antique mandolin new strings, hardshell case excellent tone $450.00 780-719-7268 Leave Message Hammond L111 dual keyboard, electronic organ All stops; bass pedals mahogany, $500.00 obo Excellent condition 780-719-7268 Leave message Kimball Dual keyboard electronic organ, some synchronization, fall keyboard 3 bass pedals, built in drum $350.00 obo 780-719-7268 Leave message



‘87 Mercedes Benz 300E Sunroof, tan interior FDR Maroon, 200 km New Pirellis, runs good, am/fm Needs some TLC $850 obo 780-719-7268 Leave Message



Goodyear Spare/Donut Tire 2002 Corolla 125/70T14 60 psi $100 Brand new, 780-487-9340

ALBERTA-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS Auctions MEIER GUN AUCTION. Saturday, August 31, 11 a.m., 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. Over 150 guns Handguns, rifles, shotguns, wildlife mounts, hunting and fishing equipment. To consign 780-440-1860. NEED TO ADVERTISE? Province wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $269. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details or call 1-800-282-6903 ext. 228. COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION. 6TH Annual Red Deer Fall Finale. September 20 - 21, Westerner Park. Last year sold 77%. Only 100 spaces available. Consign today. 403396-0304. Toll free 1-888-296-0528 ext. 102; www.egauctions.com. 2-DAY ANTIQUE AUCTION. August 24 & 25, 11 a.m. Over 3000 items, furniture, tools, and collectibles. Meier Auctions at 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. To consign 780-440-1860. AUCTION SALE. Dispersal for PTI Premium Camp Services, Spruce Grove, Alberta. Tuesday, August 27, 2013, 10 a.m. Check website for listings: www.rainbowauctions. ca. Sale conducted by: Rainbow Liquidators and Auctions, Stony Plain, Alberta, 780-968-1000.

Auto parts WRECKING AUTO-TRUCKS. Parts to fit over 500 trucks. Lots of Dodge, GMC, Ford, imports. We ship anywhere. Lots of Dodge, diesel, 4x4 stuff. (Lloydminster). Reply 780-875-0270. North-East Recyclers truck up to 3 tons.

CAREER TRAINING GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA Health Care Aide Certification. Classes start September 3, 2013 - January 22, 2014. Visit www.healthcareaideacademy or 403-347-4233. Start your career at The Health Care Aide Academy downtown Red Deer.

Employment Opportunities TJ LOGGING of Whitecourt, Alberta is now taking resumes for 2013 - 2014 logging season. Experienced buncher/skidder/limber/ process operators required. Please fax resume to 780-778-2428. OUTSIDE SALES PERSON for NAPA Store in Three Hills, Alberta. Automotive parts/service knowledge required and sales experience is valuable. Resume to: dfox@napacanada.com. AN ALBERTA OILFIELD company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call 780-723-5051, Edson, Alberta. HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC, Flagstaff County, Sedgewick, Alberta. Please contact Kevin Kinzer at 780-384-4106 or kkinzer@ flagstaff.ab.ca. Competitive salary, benefits & pension plan. WINCH TRACTOR OPERATORS. Must have experience operating a winch. To apply fax, email or drop off resume at the office. Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. Email: rigmove@telus.net. Mail: H&E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. For more employment information see our webpage: www.heoil.com. BLAIRMORE SOBEYS fulltime Baker, full-time Grocery Manager. Wages negotiable. Benefits available. Fax resume to Ken 403-562-8985. ENVIROEX OILFIELD Rentals & Sales Ltd. is looking for a Class 1 Driver to join our team. Oilfield experience is required as well as valid safety tickets. We offer a great benefit package as well as a small company atmosphere. Please fax your resume and a current driver’s abstract 403-501-0387.

FREIGHTLAND CARRIERS, a tri-axle air ride flatdeck carrier is looking for Owner/Operators to run Alberta only or 4 Western Provinces. Average gross $18 - 20,000/ month. 1-800-917-9021. INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator School. No Simulators. Inthe-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Sign up online! iheschool.com. 1-866-399-3853. DISPATCHER POSITION. Calnash Trucking Ltd. has an immediate opening for a Dispatcher in the Ponoka Branch. Responsibilities include coordinating equipment and personnel for rig moves and service work. Computer skills and knowledge of the trucking industry, drilling rigs and oilfield equipment, transportation rules and regulations would be an asset. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please. Submit resume to: Calnash Trucking Ltd., 6526 - 44 Ave., Ponoka, AB, T4J 1J8. Fax 403-783-3011. Email: hr@calnashtrucking.com. Attention: Dispatch Position. NOW LOCATED in Drayton Valley. BREKKAAS Vacuum & Tank Ltd. Wanted Class 1 & 3 Drivers, Super Heater Operators with all valid tickets. Top wages, excellent benefits. Please forward resume to: Email: dv@brekkaas.com. Phone 780-621-3953. Fax 780-621-3959.

Delivered.; www.sshomes.ca. 1-877-887-2254. DARE TO COMPARE! Dynamic Homes absolutely guarantees the lowest price/best service on SRI Homes in 3 provinces. 30 years experience. Why pay more? Call now - 2013 models going fast! 1-877-341-4422. Visit us: www. dynamicmodular.ca. GRANDVIEW MODULAR HOMES now open in Red Deer & Airdrie! Showcasing high-end homes from Grandeur Housing and Palm Harbor Homes. Inquire about opening specials; www.grandviewmodular. com; 1-855-347-0417; 7925B - 50 Ave., Red Deer. HOMES, COTTAGES & More. RTMI - Ready to Move in. Call 1-888-733-1411; rtmihomes.com. Red Tag Sale on now!

Personals DATING SERVICE. Long-term/ short-term relationships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1-866-311-9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+). TRUE PSYCHICS! For Answers call now 24/7 Toll Free 1-877342-3036; Mobile: # 4486; http://www.truepsychics.ca.


OPENINGS in Alberta areas for Highway Maintenance Class 1 or 3 Operators. Full-time and part-time positions available. Fax resume to Carillion Canada at 780-449-0574 or email: mcroft@ carillionalberta.ca. Positions to start Oct. 15, 2013. Please state what position you are interested in.

DOGO ARGENTINO PUPPY. 17 week old female. FCA registered (Argentina). From De La Cocha Kennels. Ears cropped, first shots. $2500. Carly, 780-887-6935.

MOTEL MANAGEMENT required for Ponoka, Alberta. We are seeking a positive, capable, entrepreneurial person or couple with previous resort or motel experience. Email resume: Pamela@inntimateinns.com.

ELINOR LAKE RESORT. 2.5 hours NE of Edmonton. Fully serviced lake lots for sale. Suitable for cabin/house, RV, or investment. Unserviced lots available for lease. 1-877-6233990; www.elinorlakeresort.com.

SEEKING A CAREER in the Community Newspaper business? Post your resume for FREE right where the publishers are looking. Visit: www.awna.com/resumes_add.php.

HOMES & FARMLAND, Fawcett, Alberta. Ritchie Bros Unreserved Auction. 1 HQ, 1 country residential acreage, 4 parcels farmland. Jerry Hodge 780-706-6652; Greg Cripps - Remax 403-3912648; rbauction.com/realestate.

for sale METAL ROOFING & SIDING. Very competitive prices! Largest colour selection in Western Canada. Available at over 25 Alberta Distribution Locations. 40 Year Warranty. Call 1-888-263-8254. STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206; www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. DISCONNECTED PHONE? Phone Factory Home Phone Service. Free activation! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call Phone Factory today! 1-877-336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca. LOOKING FOR a shop? Post Frame Buildings. AFAB Industries has experience, expertise, reliability and great construction practices. For a free quote, contact Ryan Smith 403-818-0797 or email: ryan.afab@gmail.com. EVERY WATER WELL on earth should have the patented “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator from Big Iron Drilling! Why? Save thousands of lives every year. www.1-800bigiron.com. Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.

real estate

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Manufactured Homes


70 HOMES BUILT and ready for delivery. 20 different 1520 square foot models, packed with options. Priced from $129,900, delivered. Toll free 1-855-463-0084; www. jandelhomes.com.

SNOWBIRDS! Parksville/Qualicum, Vancouver Island, 600 sq. ft., 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom fully furnished new cottage in forest setting. $975/month, utilities included. Available October 1/13 - Spring 2014. 250-248-9899 or mawilsonis@shaw.ca.

THE ROSE PEAK. 2223 sq. ft. Four bedroom with family room and living room. Large country kitchen with island. Starting at $199,900.


Rob Brezsny freewill@vueweekly.com

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19): An Indian student named Sankalp Sinha has invented the "Good Morning Sing N Shock." It's an alarm clock that plays you a song and gives you a small electrical jolt when you hit the snooze button. The voltage applied is far less intense than, say, a taser, and is designed to energize you rather than disable you. I encourage you to seek out wake-up calls like the kind this device administers, Aries: fairly gentle, yet sufficiently dramatic to get your attention. The alternative would be to wait around for blind fate to provide them. They might be a bit more strenuous. TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20): If you Google the statement "I can change overnight," most of the results that come up are negative, like "It's not something I can change overnight" or "I don't think I can change overnight." But there's one Google link to "I can change overnight." It's a declaration made by Taurus painter Willem de Kooning. He was referring to how unattached he was to defining his work and how easy it was for him to mutate his artistic style. I wouldn't normally advise you Tauruses to use "I can change overnight" as your battle cry. But for the foreseeable future you do have the power to make some rather rapid and thorough transformations. GEMINI (May 21 – Jun 20): "The artist is by necessity a collector," said graphic designer Paul Rand. "He accumulates things with the same ardour and curiosity with which a boy stuffs his pockets. He borrows from the sea and from the scrap heap; he takes snapshots, makes mental notes and records impressions on tablecloths and newspapers. He has a taste for children's wall scrawling as appreciative as that for prehistoric cave painting." Whether or not you're an artist, Gemini, this would be an excellent approach for you in the coming days. You're in a phase when you can thrive by being a gatherer of everything that attracts and fascinates you. You don't need to know yet why you're assembling all these clues. That will be revealed in good time. CANCER (Jun 21 – Jul 22): Can you remember the last time you bumped up against a limitation caused by your lack of knowledge? What did it feel like? I expect that sometime soon you will have that experience again. You may shiver with worry as you contemplate the potential consequences of your continued ignorance. But you may also feel the thrill of hungry curiosity rising up in you. If all goes well, the fear and curiosity will motivate you to get further educated. You will set to work on a practical plan to make it happen.

VUEWEEKLY aug 22 – aug 28, 2013

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22): "My story isn't sweet and harmonious like invented stories," wrote novelist Hermann Hesse. "It tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream, like the life of all people who no longer want to lie to themselves." As interesting as Hesse's declaration is, let's not take it as gospel. Let's instead envision the possibility that when people reduce the number of lies they tell themselves, their lives may become sweeter and more harmonious as a result. I propose that exact scenario for you right now, Leo. There might be a rough adjustment period as you cut back on your self-deceptions, but eventually your folly and bewilderment will diminish as the sweet harmony grows. VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22): Novelist James Joyce once articulated an extreme wish that other writers have probably felt but never actually said. "The demand that I make of my reader," said Joyce, "is that he should devote his whole life to reading my works." Was he being mischievous? Maybe. But he never apologized or issued a retraction. Your assignment, Virgo, is to conjure up your own version of that wild desire: a clear statement of exactly what you really, really want in all of its extravagant glory. I think it'll be healthy for you to identify this pure and naked longing. (PS I'm not implying that you should immediately try to get it fulfilled, though. For now, the important thing is knowing what it is.) LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22): Now and then a British Libra named Lloyd Scott dresses up in funny costumes while competing in long-distance races. He does it to raise money for charity. In the 2011 London Marathon, he wore a nine-foot snail outfit for the duration of the course. It took him 27 days to finish. I suggest you draw inspiration from his heroic effort. From a cosmic perspective, it would make sense for you to take your time as you engage in amusing activities that benefit your fellow humans. SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21): What will you do now that you have acquired more clout and visibility? Will you mostly just pump up your self-love and bask in the increased attention? There's nothing wrong with that, of course. But if those are the only ways you cash in on your added power, the power won't last. I suggest you take advantage of your enhanced influence by engaging in radical acts of magnanimity. Perform good deeds and spread big ideas. The more blessings you bestow on your fellow humans, the more enduring your new perks will be.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21): You've been pretty wild and uncontained lately, and that's OK. I've loved seeing how much permission you've given yourself to ramble free, experiment with the improbable and risk being a fool. I suspect that history will judge a majority of your recent explorations as tonic. But now, Sagittarius, the tenor of the time is shifting. To continue being in alignment with your highest good, I believe you will have to rein in your wanderlust and start attending to the care and cultivation of your power spot. Can you find a way to enjoy taking on more responsibility? CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19): "The person who can't visualize a horse galloping on a tomato is an idiot," said the founder of surrealism, writer André Breton. I wouldn't go so far as to call such an imagination-deprived soul an "idiot," but I do agree with the gist of his declaration. One of the essential facets of intelligence is the ability to conjure up vivid and creative images in one's mind. When daily life has grown a bit staid or stuck or overly serious, this skill becomes even more crucial. Now is one of those times for you, Capricorn. If you have any trouble visualizing a horse galloping on a tomato, take measures to boost the fertility of your imagination. AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18): "I want to be with those who know the secret things, or else alone," wrote the eccentric ecstatic poet Rainer Maria Rilke. That wouldn't be a good rule for you Aquarians to live by all the time. To thrive, you need a variety of cohorts and allies, including those who know and care little about secret things. But I suspect that for the next few weeks, an affinity for those who know secret things might suit you well. More than that, they may be exactly the accomplices who will help you attend to your number one assignment: exploratory holy work in the depths. PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20): To launch your horoscope, I'll steal a line from a Thomas Pynchon novel: "A revelation trembles just beyond the threshold of your understanding." To continue your oracle, I'll borrow a message I heard in my dream last night: "A breakthrough shivers just beyond the edge of your courage." Next, I'll use words I think I heard while eavesdropping on a conversation at Whole Foods: "If you want to cook up the ultimate love feast, you're still missing one ingredient." And to finish this oracle, Pisces, I'll say that if you want to precipitate the trembling revelation, activate the shivering breakthrough and acquire the missing ingredient, imitate what I've done in creating this horoscope. Assume the whole world is offering you useful clues and listen closely. V



“Networking” --let’s channel your inner TV junkie.


1 Let out ___ (be shocked) 6 Rescue shelter resident 11 Heavenly sphere 14 John Coltrane ballad named after his wife (anagram of MANIA) 15 “Star Trek” crew member 16 Six, in Sicily 17 Alec Baldwin line in “Glengarry Glen Ross” 20 Stylist’s spot 21 “Citizen Kane” studio 22 Middle Easterner, often 23 Grassy plain, in Latin America 25 Bush Supreme Court appointee 26 Team nickname during a 1919 scandal 31 Condition soap opera characters often fall into 32 Get through to 33 Swindle 36 Tried the TV scene again 41 Illegal contribution 43 Worse than bad 44 Tagline from a Montel Williams “Money Mutual” ad 50 For all to see 51 Orange or lemon 52 Bland 53 Hong Kong pan 55 Alleviates 58 Compound based on the formula XeF (hey, cut me some slack; this was a tough one to find) 62 Capp/Pacino blend? 63 “Dingbat,” to Archie Bunker 64 “Fur ___” (Beethoven piece) 65 Bread that’s also a kind of booze 66 Tells stories about one’s coworkers, maybe 67 Max von ___ of “The Exorcist”


1 California’s Santa ___ winds 2 Young ladies 3 Bygone Japanese audio brand 4 Compact category 5 Money in old radio 6 Footlong, e.g. 7 1953 biblical movie with Richard Burton 8 Alan who played Cameron Frye in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” 9 “Alice’s Restaurant” singer Guthrie


Dan savage savagelove@vueweekly.com

matt jones jonesincrosswords@vueweekly.com


10 Towering Ming 11 Brother and husband (!) of Isis 12 Lead role in “La Cage aux Folles” 13 Megastore descriptor 18 Fishing line problem 19 Polio immunologist Jonas 24 Like Swedes and Danes 25 Berliner’s eight 26 Included, as on an e-mail 27 Garden cultivator 28 Oft-protested financial org. 29 Texas city 30 High card, in many games 34 Be next door to 35 Big brewer 37 With reluctance 38 Instagram shot 39 Yellowstone sighting 40 Moines or Plaines opener 42 “Waiting for Godot” playwright 44 Within walking distance 45 In a roundish way 46 Discombobulate 47 Pie crust flavor 48 Bass or treble 49 Elaborate jokes 53 Part of WWW 54 Valhalla figure 56 Kiddie lit author Blyton 57 Just OK 59 Give it some gas 60 Raised eyebrow remarks 61 Cutting-edge ©2013 Jonesin' Crosswords

ured, not stupid. Children fear me! and experimenting. That said ... And what sort of woman would I recently discovered that my "Even if it turns out that his steplook at me with desire when whole 14-year-old stepson, who lives son is really into diapers, it's a pretmen can be found everywhere? with us full-time, has been stealty harmless fetish," Bering says. "As Don't tell me to go to counselling. ing, wearing, soiling and hiding his with any paraphilia, it would be I go to counselling. Do not give me toddler sister's pull-ups. I've found next to impossible to 'cure,' even at the link to some useless "support" them after he hides them in his closhis young age. It's just something group's website. What is there to et, which also serves as a general he'll need to learn how to handle do? How could I possibly approach storage area. After discussions with responsibly. You may be grossed a woman with confidence? him, I'm certain that wearing them out and, yes, a festering pile of Don't Insult My Intelligence is a pleasure thing for him. (He says discarded diapers stuffed under his "curiosity," but this has been going bed would be a sanitary problem, Here's something you can do: get on so long that he knows what it but never underestimate the powthe fuck over yourself. feels like.) He has even stolen some er of a frank conversation groundI know that's harsh, DIMI, but I'm of the neighbour girl's Baby Alive ed in truly unconditional love." thinking harsh is what you came to doll diapers to wear and soil. We've Start that frank conversation by me for. If it isn't—if what you wanttold him he has to stop stealing diareassuring your stepson that you ed was more ladies-of-class bullshit love him. Tell him that most hupers—from our neighbour, because with a side of stealing is wrong, warm and syrupy and from us, because these I remember stealing panty hose when I was 14— sympathy—then you might wanna things are flipI've never told anyone about this—and I enjoyed skip the rest of pin' expensive. We are pretty some exciting moments looking in a mirror while my response. Look, mothgrossed out by wearing them. erfucker, there it, despite beare people out ing pretty openthere with missminded people. ing limbs, who were badly burned in mans are a little bit perverted— I may be more grossed out by the fires, with disfiguring birth defects. that's what Bering's new book is prospect of piles of dirty diapers One day volunteering in a burn ward hidden somewhere in the house, about—but our kinks are private, or at Walter Reed might help you but the thought of purposely peeand you're only talking to him put your mangled hand in some sort ing your pants isn't pleasant, either. about his thing for diapers because of perspective. Because it could be I believe we have a fetish growing he hasn't been very successful at worse. And burn victims and people here, and I don't think a parent keeping it private. Then cut him a with missing limbs and people with needs to be involved in it, but he's deal: if he makes an effort to disbirth defects? Lots and lots of them stinking up the joint. creetly dispose of any diapers he are out there dating and getting laid Parent Is Seriously Stumped soils, you won't go looking for them and finding partners despite the cruand you'll keep your mouth shut if el looks they sometimes get from Is your stepson a diaper perv? Mayyou find one or two in the bottom thoughtless children. be he is, maybe he isn't. of the trash bin out back. Yes, some women will be turned "This may only be a case of 'cu"On the theft problem," Bering off by your right hand, and that riosity,' just as his stepson says," says, "a 14-year-old diaper fetishsucks. But some won't care. And says Jesse Bering, PhD, a research ist can't just run to the store to while there might be one or two psychologist and science writer buy erotic supplies out of his women out there who'll find you who regularly contributes to Slate, own paycheque. So let him earn more attractive as a result of your Scientific American, and other pubenough money to buy a few pairs accident—I've never received a letlications. "Young teenagers can't of pull-ups here and there by doter from a woman with a fetish for express their overwhelming urges ing chores around the house. And missing fingers, but I'll doubtless easily. We provide no 'socially apwhile the stealing is definitely hear from at least one after your propriate' sexual outlets for 14-yearworrisome, it does provide a conletter runs—I can tell you this for olds, masturbation aside—which, venient, less awkward way for sure: no one is attracted to a person you to address the fetishism islet's face it, can get monotonous. So who is paralyzed by self-pity. Each sue. Stealing from the neighbours his stepson may simply be explorand every one of us moves through ing the available materials that he, is the main reason, you can tell life covered with scars, DIMI, some your stepson, that you've decided ahem, comes across." more visible than others. Life has a to bring him to see a therapist. A Bering, who just finished his secway of carving chunks out of all of good psychologist can then exond book about human sexuality us—literal chunks in some cases. plore the reasons for his klepto(Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All All we can do is make the best of of Us), remembers doing some mania and lend a sympathetic and what we have or what we have left. pretty freaky stuff himself at age nonparental ear for him to talk So get the fuck over yourself, get 14. "I recall some exciting moments openly about any taboo feelings." the fuck out of the house and go involving peeing in the bathroom Bering's new book, Perv: The meet women. If you're worried that Sexual Deviant in All of Us, will be sink," said Bering. "It's hard for me your right hand is the first thing a to get into the head of that lasreleased October 8, but it can (and woman notices, get a prosthesis civious kid I once was. The idea of should!) be pre-ordered now. Folmade or wear a glove. And while pissing in the sink with an erection low him on Twitter—@jesseberyou may be tempted to blame your while looking at myself buck naing—to read his highly entertaining right hand for your lack of romantic ked in the mirror isn't particularly #DailyDeviant posts. success, DIMI, remember that very arousing to me these days." DISFIGURED FINGERS few people your age—people with Since it's share time in group: I reI'm a 19-year-old male college stu10 intact fingers—have met with member stealing panty hose when dent. I lost two-and-a-half fingers on much romantic success. I was 14—I've never told anyone my right hand in an accident when I I'm sorry about your accident, about this—and I enjoyed some exwas 13. I am otherwise good-looking DIMI, I really am. Good luck. citing moments looking in a mirror and in shape—but what does that while wearing them. Just as Bering matter? A counsellor once told me, On this week's Savage Lovecast: Dan didn't grow up to be a pee-in-the"A true lady of class will love you for chats with OKCupid cofounder Chrissink fetishist, I didn't grow up to be who you are." I have never wanted tian Rudder about strategies in ona panty-hose-in-the-mirror fetishto punch someone so hard. Bullshit. line dating, at savagelovecast.com. V ist. So while it's probable that your I don't want to listen to politically stepson is a budding diaper fetishist, correct "feel-good" crap. I'm disfig@fakedansavage on Twitter it's also possible that he's just horny

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