Other education at VU Amsterdam
USER-GRADUATE Master’s programmes in English Once you have completed your Bachelor’s degree, a broad range of Master’s programmes is available to you. VU Amsterdam offers more than 150 Master’s programmes in English. More information can be found online at www.vu.nl/internationalmasters
Star Honours programme VU Amsterdam offers an Honours programme for excellent students. The programme is designed for students who have passed all of their first-year Bachelor’s subjects by the end of that year with an average mark of 7.5 or higher and who are motivated to take extra subjects in their second and third year. www.vu.nl/honours
Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Dutch VU Amsterdam also offers many Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Dutch. If you are interested in following one of these programmes as a non-Dutch speaker, you can take advantage of the special language-learning facilities offered by the university. Further information can be found on our website www.vuamsterdam.com
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam