CDI Responses Compiled

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1. Has IT been oering you support and assistance in a timely manner ( i.e within 2 hours)

2. Are you aware of the available options in the event that you experience a network outage? 10

Yes 8

No No, but possibly change the network


Vaguely, please advise


3. From your interaction with IT services, please rate your overall satisfaction with each of the following aspects:

4. How would you rate IT communication to sta and follow up 5. How would you rate the performance of your workstation (Laptop/Desktop) as a tool of work? on problem resolution?

1. Do you understand the current Linksoft performance evaluation model?

2. Do you think there is anything that can be done to enhance the current performance evaluation model? If yes, please explain.





Enabling staff appreciate career progression path (CPP) and understanding areas of development linked to CPP


A 360 degree evaluation process may help in improving wholesome performance


Perhaps including a career progression plan as a motivator to staff?


Sensitization/Orientation/Training/this is something that requires a discussion and may not be possible to answer here


Don’t Know/Not Sure


It’s Ok/Good so far - Yet to close on the rst half year evaluation

3. What can be done to develop your career? OPPORTUNITIES

OTHERS *Doing great so far *No comment at the moment *Inter-departmental internships *Bench mark with International Firms *More challenging tasks & detailed co orientation *Clarity on expectations when role changes



*Opportunities(to meet others in similar eld) *More exposure to HR forums/explore their dpt fully & capabilities


*Tailored Trainings/Seminars(general & career speci c), *Professional Membership Support *Job Rotations/Promotions/Mgt Opportunities

4. Under Growth and Development, do you feel your career has grown since joining Linksoft?

5. How would you rate the staff initiatives provided by HR so far?

6. How would you rate the HR responsiveness to issues pertaining to staff medical bene t?

7. On a scale of 1-5 please rate our Front Office experience.

8. How do you think we can enhance our office administration processes (Office ambiance, catering, courier services, etc) ? Improve catering, access restrictions Have the caterers bring more food especially since missing food has become the norm Provision of snacks Timeliness in delivery of meals :)

IT and power cabling could be improved to prevent possible accidents Circulation of the front office processes and timelines.

A warmer office decor, plants around. Time keeping needs improvement Office ambiance and catering


It's okay (2) For me the services already in place are okay Constanatly acquire feedback N/A...None just yet

Put up some background music More potted plants for office ambiance

Waiting on the feedback from people Customer service training for front office and admin staff Satisfactory to me

1. How would you generally rate the legal services you receive?

2. Were you able to get concise legal information or assistance as per your request?

3. What legal service did you request?

*Teaming agreements and power of attorneys drafting for tenders *NDA, MOU, AGREEMENTS (2)

Contracts & Legal Advise (7)

*Personal legal advise and also contractual information about our subcontractors *Employment Litigation case advise.

* N/A (7) * I Hardly deal with Legal department but when i do i get support 4. What could legal do to add more value to the business? * Keep up the good work (2) * Satis ed so far (2) * N/A...Not sure (3)

* Develop more templates and create folder for updated legal docs * Critically looking at contracts * Create repository of standard contracts/agreement applicable in the industry for benchmarking * Owning up legal initiatives. * Organize more legal clinics that are work related and even those touching on personal day to day life * More education on legal bene ts we can capture as opportunities * More sessions like the one we had on contracts * Frequent talks on managing contracts


* For us who are new....the in-house team to get letter of con rmation immediately after 3months so that we can feel recognized and of importance * The person sitting in the office needs to take ownership * More involvement in commercial decision making * Assist employees with personal affairs in order to improve efficience * More involvement in day to day activity

1. How would you rate us on LPO processing and closure?

3. Do we meet the delivery timelines of materials as requested? If no, please explain below.

2. How would you rate us on the delivery of supply chain services?

4. How would you rate Supply Chain on the selection and pre-quali cation of service providers?

5. What improvement measures would you suggest Supply Chain adopt to serve you better? * Am satis ed already * N/A (3) * Detailed pool of service providers. * Develop long term relationships with suppliers, manage suppliers well, provide oversight on competitive pricing * Undertake more comprehensive supplier capability assessment and provide adequate feedback on areas of challenges which impacts delivery. * Meeting agreed on delivery dates and full delivery of goods; not in parts. * Expedite support for Project needs i.e. PO requisition, materials supply, subcon selection etc * I think it's not very clear who is to source quotations. When we ask for a PO..and we give a preferred supplier, we are asked to source 2 others on our own. My understanding was that the entire process is by Supply Chain * Tracker to track when materials are almost depleted i.e sends an alert to restock to facilitate ample time for supply and delivery * When sending parts to eld teams. There should be a good received note that is sent back to the oďŹƒce from eld teams


* The team needs to be empowered currently they are not * Provide more information of their requirements and timelines for meeting various requests. * Promptness and timely delivery -materials and projects resources required (2) * Reduce the time for supplies * Provide reports on a regular basis; Process POs in a timely manner

1. How long does it take to receive a nished design job from the Brand team after making a formal request?

3. If yes, would you increase our brand footprint by liking the page? [Linksoft Integrated Services - East Africa - Ltd]. If no, please give a reason why not?

2. Are you aware of Linksoft's brand presence on Facebook?

4. Are you aware of our Corporate Values? If yes, please list the ones you know, below.

* Purpose driven * With God we win * Giving is a lifestyle * Unashamedly ethical * Set the standard * Integrity

5. How would you rate your experience with Brand & Communication?

(6) (6) (5) (4) (6) (2)

1. Were you taken through HSE orientation upon employment at Linksoft?

3. How many HSE awareness trainings have you attended so far?

2. How long has it taken for HSE team to resolve incidents/HSE complaints reported?

4. Have you been using the Safehouse application? If no, please explain.

5. Are you aware of any rewards/recognition given to employees for HSE compliance?

1. Are you aware that Finance has Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that governs its operations?

2. How would you rate Finance's response time to your requests?

3. How do you rate overall services oered by Finance?

4. From your interaction with us, what are the areas you feel need improvement? Communication & feedback (2) Feedback need to be enhanced Respond to suppliers promptly and honestly (1) Pick their calls Turn around time and speed of delivery Prompt & correct feedback on issues Handling of all subcons after invoicing (Statement of accounts, payments, managing delayed payments), cash request payments as per SLAs etc ERP issue sometimes i feel its slow Requested nances to be readily available Feedback on the payment timelines for amounts approved on the ERP. Timely Subcontractor payments Timely reimbursable payments Comply with request for better planning


Deal with your internal customers fairly Mpesa option from nance Regularizing pension Visibility on expenditures and contractor payments made; Full engagement with partner & client nance teams N/A



1. Were your sign-os/ departmental approvals processed within a reasonable time?

2. Was your air travel request handled within the 24 hours?

3. Do you receive reasonable time of notice for the meetings held?

4. Are the weekly management meeting minutes communicated within 48 hours?


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