Social media strategy document

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64% B2B rate social media as the second most important factor (64%) in search, behind only strong content (82%)

75% One third of global B2B buyers use social media to engage with their vendors, and 75% expect to use social media in future purchases processes

77% B2B rate social media as the second most important factor (64%) in search, behind only strong content (82%)

WHY GO SOCIAL? We have a story to tell We are a partner of choice & trusted to deliver! But beyond that, we seek to impact the lives of all with whom we interact with, through Kingdom Business Principles & way of life



Build an online brand presence and create awareness about the company & it’s operations

Engage with existing & potential clients, partners, and online followers

Showcase & share our company culture: warmth, trust, friendliness & doing business God’s way

HOW SOCIAL TIES IN BRANDING: Businesses can give their brand a personality through social networks. Through how we interact with followers, the look and feel of the pages, which encompasses the characteristics of the company’s brand. This is usually even more important than the website.

DRIVING TRAFFIC: Most traďŹƒc to websites are referrals from social media sites. And the time spent on the site is usually determined by the experience they had on the social network. Not to mention, they are a huge boost when it comes to search engine optimization. SEO: Search Engine Optimization refers to how fast your company shows up in search engine results. With every upcoming update to search engines, social results are being integrated into the algorithms.

MOBILE: At the forefront of social is mobile, because most social activity is being done through mobile devices. Optimizing the website for mobile viewing is therefore important to factor in. ENGAGEMENT: Engagement is important for any business, but positive engagement with our customer base can lead to improved reputation. Social aids this by allowing brands & users to interact freely and quickly. By taking on a personality, the company can in time develop a quality brand image.


Consumer Insights Currently ranks in the top 2 most visited sites worldwide according to alexa traďŹƒc ranking. The other site most visited site is Google. As of 2015, approximately 70% of Kenyans had access to the internet. 23% of them access social networks using mobile devices. 35% of the Facebook audience in Kenya are aged between 18 and 34 & are interested in conversations around tech, fashion, football & music. As it stands, one of our main topics to post on will be around technology.

Facebook Audit Linksoft is a powerful brand that has been operating in the industry for quite a while. However, quite a number of people are oblivious to its operations & services. As at May. 19. 2016 with 44% of its followers between the ages of 25-34. Leveraging on new tech - related posts, as well as informative posts would help drive traďŹƒc. We need to connect Linksoft to its followers to its audience through regular updates of its internal workings, industry related posts, as well as providing relevant info to our target audience: THE YOUTH!


Best Practices The youth are constantly looking for empowering & inspirational opportunities to guide their career paths & journeys. Engaging content that is localized will also resound among our local followers as we scale the brand beyond Kenya. Strategic partnerships with other brands in similar industries creates a more wholesome experience for the consumer & builds trust and loyalty for the brand. Regular and consistent posting will also boost engagement, through real time & optimized posting.

Competitor Analysis Linksoft is a power house when it comes to the telecommunications industry. Having won several awards over the years and becoming one of Safaricom’s (the leading telecommunications provider in Kenya) most trusted partners & contractors. However, its competitors like Huawei & Netsol, are more well known by the masses. This may be largely due to their participation in the mobile phone industry as well. However, Linksoft is positioning itself to build a technology-centred brand, and this being a leading topic among our audience, should provide some leverage. Huawei has over 400k likes while Netsol Technologies has just over13k likes. Huawei’s page is more appealing and engaging as it features stunning images with relevant & captivating information.

LINKSOFT: BUILDING THE ONLINE BRAND! Like human beings, people relate with people. Not logos & brands. We need to give Linksoft a “face”!

HUMANIZING THE BRAND Personality: Spirit-led, trustworthy, friendly, warm, excellent, reliable, innovative & unique

VOICE/TONE Voice: Mission Statement Tone: Implementation of the mission

Companies with a similar personality: ECONET What we want customers to think about us: A company that does business God’s way, reliable, unashamedly ethical


Managing Time Real/Right time posting, as well as use of apps that automate posting. Generating Content Content is King!

Relationship with customer: Friend What our personality is NOT: Untrustworthy, unreliable, no integrity, un-innovative


OUR MISSION: Through Kingdom Business Principles, to be the business partner of choice by forging close relationships, rigorous application of world class technical expertise, awless execution and continuous innovation


Organic content generated from CEO & departmental activities > company milestones > leverage on the CEOs success + tips (e.g. Strive Masiyiwa > link to relevant industry trends/links to videos or write-ups Engagement Actively engaging followers through polls, posts that incite a reaction & opportunities.


LEARN, FIX, APPLY This stage involves analyzing what worked, what didn’t, and how it can be tweaked to optimize future results. Keeping an ear on the ground helps with this stage, through weekly analytics, we then compile a monthly analysis of the performance, even gauging against competitors’ successes/failures. As the brand grows and builds a reputation, we can then leverage on that and form strategic partnerships to boost our brand even further, with the ultimate goal being to monetize our brand. This is achieved through numbers [likes].


THE APPROACH Like human beings, people relate with people. Not logos & brands. We need to give Linksoft a “face”!

MANAGING TIME Use of automation software to update frequently & evenly across platforms Use of the social media posting plan spreadsheet; approved the prior week, and draft posts at least a day in advance

ENGAGEMENT Posting regularly using the 4:1 ratio For every 4 staple posts, 1 different/unique type for variety Content will be generated from internal events, CEOs communications, departmental happenings & industry news

CONTENT Refer to the content generation pyramid periodically: * Provide Relevant Information * Teach How to do something * Start a Conversation * Inspire * Entertain Keep to the theme: Kingdom Business Doing Business God’s Way!

ANALYZE Is a continuous process of analyzing what worked & what didn’t against benchmarks set when posting began.


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