“Government and Citizens: Technologies of Collaboration” CONFERENCE
Government and Citizens: Technologies of Collaboration 11-14 December 2014 as part of the IV Moscow Urban Forum
Modern cities consolidate a great number of economic affairs, social and cultural relations. The management of the collaboration between residents and the city government is becoming a real challenge, and information technologies play a key role in addressing it. They can help the government to obtain much needed feedback, as well as respond to the problems and needs of residents. The main aim of the conference is to discuss how to improve cooperation between the city government and residents through extensive implementation of information technologies for communication.
Government and Citizens: Technologies of Collaboration § Which tools for involving residents in the life of the city are currently used in Russia and worldwide? § How can residents be motivated to engage more actively with the government in city management? § How can modern information technologies assist in establishing a constructive dialogue between all stakeholders, and contribute to sustainable city development?
Government and Citizens: Technologies of Collaboration
In order to systematise the existing mechanisms, discuss successful and relevant cases, and outline the prospects for future development, the conference will bring together: § International and Russian experts § Theorists and practitioners § Representatives of the city government and the scientific community
Government and Citizens: Technologies of Collaboration § Extensive business and cultural programme on 11-14 December 2014 § 30-40 well-known international and Russian speakers § Over 3000 Forum participants § Exclusive networking opportunities with city mayors, high-level government officials, leading urbanists, business leaders and industry experts § Exhibition of Moscow Government projects § Lectures by experienced theorists and practitioners
Government and Citizens: Technologies of Collaboration Six sessions and roundtables: 1. Control over the provision of city services by residents: § Interactive tools for cooperation between local authorities and the public. 2. E-surveys for residents: § How can residents be motivated to participate in e-surveys? § Should the active minority decide for the silent majority? § What potential risks exist in relation to the organisation of public discussions using e-surveys? 3. Crowdsourcing projects: a new form of cooperation between local authorities and residents.
Government and Citizens: Technologies of Collaboration 4. Provision of e-services: § How can residents be motivated to use e-services? How can research be conducted into customer satisfaction in terms of the quality and convenience of services? § Reduction of the risk of corruption in the provision of e-services. 5. Modern formats of public places – performance standards for integrated government service centres: § Standards of service, philosophy of public places. § A new type of civil servant: a set of basic work principles for employees of integrated government service centres, customer-oriented approach to service. 6. Public awareness of city government activities (open data): § Management of data collection and updating (regulatory support, training and motivation of data providers). § Competition on the market of mobile applications based on open data.
Moscow Urban Forum “Moscow, Europe’s largest megacity, is once again initiating dialogue on topical urban planning issues. Today we have a vibrant and developing city. The ideology underlying the development of our megacity should change: instead of creating isolated pockets of prosperity, we need to focus on improving the quality of city life as a whole.” S. Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow, III Moscow Urban Forum
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The Moscow Urban Forum is an annual international conference dedicated to city development, architecture, economics and strategic planning of cities The Moscow Urban Forum has been held annually since 2011 under the auspices of the Moscow Government The Forum has established itself as a key international forum for interaction among world-renowned urbanists, city managers and representatives of the business community At the Forum the opportunities and challenges related to modern megacities are discussed openly, and their development prospects are considered not just in the context of economics and effectiveness of governance, but through the prism of the person – city residents
Moscow Urban Forum 11 DECEMBER: GLOBAL AGENDA EVENTS § Opening and welcome speech by the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin § Mayor's think-tank § Presentation of the results of global research § Presentation of the results of the closed workshop "Planning for a Rapidly Growing Megacity" § Discussion of international urban planning issues
EVENTS § Plenary session with the participation of representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, governors and mayors § Presentation of the results of a special study on Russian cities § Discussion of opportunities for development of Russian million-inhabitant megacities
AGENDA § Managing growth of megacities and agglomerations § The future of urban infrastructure § Society: prospects and challenges of growing cities
AGENDA § The role of the country’s major cities § Competition among cities and formation of identity for urbanised territories § Competition among cities for professionals
PARTICIPANTS § Key representatives of government, business and expert communities – representatives of world megacities
PARTICIPANTS § Governors, mayors, key representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation and the business and expert communities
Moscow Urban Forum 12 DECEMBER: MOSCOW AGENDA EVENTS § Special report by the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin § Presentation of the results of Moscow research § Presentations of urban development projects § Special presentations by experts of the Moscow Government AGENDA § Discussions revolving around current issues and opportunities for Moscow PARTICIPANTS § Key representatives of government and the business and expert communities
EVENTS § Special events for urban communities § Exhibition of urban projects for citizens § Lectures by Forum speakers AGENDA § Research into existing urban communities in Moscow § Map of urban communities § Photo exhibition dedicated to projects by urban communities PARTICIPANTS § Around 10,000 citizens and experts and members of the Moscow Government VENUES § VDNKh – an "Open Pavilion" will be created, as a model for a city center to support the development of communities § MANEZH – lectures by leading world experts on urbanism, educational seminars, the first URBAN TALKS scientific conference for experts in urbanism
Moscow Urban Forum EXHIBITION 2014
11-14 December 2014 MANEZH
§ Exhibition of the Moscow Government projects § Exhibition of research projects § Exhibition of technologies and platforms for involving citizens § Exhibition of Forum partners and sponsors
EXHIBITION OPEN DAYS Open to citizens daily: 11-12 December – from 18:00 to 22:00, 13-14 December – from 10:00 to 18:00
Submit an application for registration at the Forum: http://mosurbanforum.com/form/ Contacts of the Organising Committee: +7 (964) 707-30-95
11-14 December 2014 www.mosurbanforum.com facebook.com/mosurbanforum