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From the initial design phase, economic viability was a key consideration in the design process. In creating a robust and adaptable framework, the design utilise 6m grid a as opposed to the industry standard 8.4m grid. This was achieved through making the housing block independant from the parking units, adaptable to different site condition.
Economic Efficiency
The alternating corridor create less wastage in circulation space, allowing higher floor efficiency in the scheme.
The triple volumn corridor increases natural survelience in the inner space, increasing safety for kids and elderly.
Spatial Experience
The alternating corridor at every 3 levels create luxurious spatial experience inside the corridor, as oppose to cramp and dark corridor of a typical housig block. This inturns allow the corridor to become a social hardware for the community.
The parking podium becomes an additional program based on the project requirement. The hybrid typology is well-fitted in a future car-less development that focus on public transport and publci spaces.
As the tower typology can be replicated at any site, the size off the podium can be expand or reduced to meet current or future parking code.
Split level parking block stack diagonally allowed for least minimum space wastaega for ramp usage. Scissor-type diagonal accesnding typology have oppotunity to host progarms above and below the parking block.
Exising Bazaria is replaced by F&B Centre punching throught he parking block at ground level, creating connectivity between the east and west area.
The triple volumn corridor plays a keyrole in creating a holistic and engaging community. By having windoes and opening facing both the view externally and internal corridor, more social engagement will occur as part of the instilling neighbourhood conversation.