Express'o issue three

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Issue #Three




Issue #3

Content Page

English Spiritual Article 4

Chinese Revelation Article 6

Church Service Summary 8

Recommendations 10

Photo of the Month 16



The Contributors

Jeanette Zee English Revelation

Hannah Xu Qian Ru Chinese Revelation

Chris Benhard Armanda Church Service Summary

Yvonne Teo Yen Pin Recommendations

Jason Lee Photo of the Month & Newsletter Design



English Spiritual Article

Death, Burial and Resurrection of Christ by Jeanette Zee To non-believers, Good Friday and Easter are just public holidays. To children, it is a time to receive Easter eggs and chocolates. However, to believers, like you and me, I believe there is a deeper meaning to it. In John 3:16 it says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God loves us so much that He is willing to sacrifice His one and only son for us. Even though it is a common verse to many, this verse is the evidence of how great God’s love is for us. It is because of God’s unfailing love that we are able to live and be who we are today. The only thing that we need to know about Jesus is: His death, burial and resurrection. It is because of what Jesus had done for us on the Cross, there is no bondage of sin in our lives. Our sicknesses and sins are chained at the moment Jesus died on the Cross. Tempted in all ways, yet resistant against sins and He was even willing to die for all of our sins. What an amazing Heavenly Father we serve! Look at the nails that were hammered through His hands and feel the pain that Jesus went through just for us. Upon His burial, everyone thought all hope was lost - Our saviour, the son of the living God had died. Similarly, in trials and testings in our lives, we do feel hopeless and sometimes think that the circumstances are against us.



English Spiritual Article

Lastly, Jesus resurrected from the dead and has overcome all sicknesses. No sicknesses, trials or tribulations in our lives are able to stop us from reaching our destinies in Christ! We will definitely achieve our promises, visions and dreams in time to come because nothing is greater than our Almighty God. When we identify with Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, NOTHING is able to stop us because Jesus has already overcome the world! Never ever give up because “on the Third Day, He will rise again!



Chinese Spiritual Article

十字架的牺牲,造就了爱的永恒 by Hannah Xu Qian Ru

耶稣出生的日子被世人称为圣诞节,而耶稣被牺牲的那天称为复活节。在这个世 上,也许只有少许著名的人去世的日子会被世人纪念做为一个节日。而全世界的 人纪念了耶稣的一辈子。这多多少少说明了些什么。大多数人都知道复活节无非 就是耶稣被钉在十字架上,死后的第三天复活了。这个故事几乎家喻户晓,大同 小异。 2014年的复活节,又和往常有什么区别?要听实话么?其实没区别,我们还是向 往常一样,邀请朋友去教堂看话剧,然后听牧师传道,然后阿门,然后吃饭,然 后回家。哈哈。没区别的前提是因为我们没把它变得不一样。如果想把她变成一 个特别的日子,那就好好想一想今年的复活节对你来说是什么呢?是希望,还是 重生的机会?是信心,还是鼓励? 耶稣是为了洗清我们的罪才被钉十字架,这是他的使命。他的牺牲造就了爱的 永恒。有没有想过这份牺牲又给你带来了什么样的震撼和领悟?在这里我想说 的是,如果上帝能让耶稣起死回生,那对你来说所谓的奇迹在上帝眼里并不是奇 迹。这也就意味着,没有什么事情是上帝做不到的,阎王爷都要敬他三分。 接下来,给你们看一个故事。 “早上起来,她发现家里停电了。于是没办法用热水洗漱,用电吹风吹头发,不 能热牛奶,烤面包,只好草草打理一下就出门。 刚走进电梯,邻居家养的小狗一下子冲进来扑住,上周刚买的米白长裙上顿时出 现两只黑黑的爪印儿。 开车被警察拦,才想起来今天限行,罚了一百。 到了公司,正好晚了一分钟,又罚五十。 冲进会议室开例会,老板正在宣布工作调整的名单。她的业务居然被无故暂停,她 的职位则被一个不学无术,整天就知道开豪车,用菠崃史特泡嫩模的家伙所 取代。 午餐时间,所有人都闹着要新任主管请客,一窝蜂笑闹着出了门,没有人叫她。 她一个人去了餐厅,刚把一口饭送进嘴里,重要客户打来电话。 对方取消了金额最大的一笔订单,年底的奖金泡汤了。 她看着面前的午餐,再无半分胃口。 刚回公司,电话响起,妈妈在电话那端哽咽,说姥姥的病又重了,可能熬不过个 月了。 她安慰着妈妈,丝毫不敢提及自己的工作变动,只说一定尽快回去看姥姥。



Chinese Spiritual Article

放下电话,短信声响起。 居然是暗恋了十年的对象发来的消息:HI,我要结婚了。 黄昏,她站在回家的路边等着打车,可每位司机听到要去的地点都拒载。无奈她 踩着高跟鞋,拎着沉重的电脑包,向家的方向走去。 脚很快磨出了血泡,实在走不动了,太痛了,她蹲下来缓缓地揉着伤口。 夜色笼罩,头顶的月亮冷冷地俯瞰着她,仿佛无声的提醒,家里还是一片黑暗。 她的眼泪在一瞬间夺眶而出。” 看到这里你有什么想法?看起来,我们人生充满了悲伤,于是我们失望、沮丧、 困惑、挣扎,甚至绝望,对这一切产生深深的不信任感与抗拒感。终于觉得筋疲 力尽,无路可走。可是真的走不下去了吗?继续往下看。。 “她站起来,擦干眼泪,摇晃着继续往前走。 直到下一个路口,有一辆车终于停下来。报了地址,司机和气地说这么巧,我们 住同一个小区,看小姑娘你走得辛苦,正好收工,免费送你回家。 她连声道着谢上了车,电话响起。客户在另一端说,虽然订单取消,可是她的敬 业态度让他觉得感动。不知她是否对新的岗位感兴趣?如果愿意跳到自己的公 司,薪水涨一倍,职务也提升。他说,其实我等你辞职已经等了好久。 她惊喜地说着谢谢,心情豁然开朗起来。 于是顺手给暗恋对象回了个短信,说祝你幸福。 手机屏幕闪亮,是他发来的回复:今天我跟阿姨通了电话,我们这周末一起回家 看姥姥吧。 她惊疑地回:为什么你要陪我回家看姥姥? 他发来一个笑脸:如果不是想让姥姥开心,我不会把求婚提前这么久的。 她不敢置信地望着那一行话,张大了嘴巴,手足无措。 他像知道她的心事,又发:我都知道,我喜欢你。 她眼圈一下子又红了,心里却轰轰炸开几朵烟花。 一路抿着嘴笑。回家,拿出钥匙,邻居家的门却先开了。 邻居笑眯眯地说:今天我遛狗回来,发现你家的电闸坏了,就叫我老公帮你修 好了。 在她的身后,那只小狗探出头来,汪汪两声,欢快地摇着尾巴。 她推开家门一室融融,满眼暖意。” 看完了,你有感触么?所有的故事都有一个答案,而这个答案只有上帝才知 道。而当你走在风雨里的时候,谁也不知道什么时候才会见到彩虹,但彩虹一 定会出现。我希望你永远不要放弃,耶稣的复活给了我们永恒的希望。要记 住,黎明一定会到来,但你必须耐住性子承受黑暗。就像耶稣一定会复活,但 他必须经历死亡。 2014年,让自己过一个不一样的复活节,一个有意义的复活节。复活节快乐!



Church Service Summary

When the Brook Dries Up (Pst. Dominic Yeo) by Chris Benhard Armanda On Saturday (15/3), Rev. Dominic Yeo shared about a period when people feel their life are drying of blessings and faith. Rev. Yeo began his sermon by defining the word “faith” as “putting one’s entire weight upon”. To illustrate his definition, he instructed four volunteers to lie on four separate chairs and to rest their heads on their neighbours’ thighs. Rev. Yeo slowly took away the chairs one by one, showing that the volunteers can maintain their position without falling to the ground, resting their weights on each other. The title of the sermon was taken from 1 Kings 17:1-24. In the beginning of the Scripture, Elijah was hiding by the brook Cherith, where he drank by the brook and ate bread and meat sent by ravens. However, once the brook dried up, God told Elijah to meet a widow in Zarephath. Likening the brook to our faith in God, Rev. Yeo said that when the brook dries up, the heart of every man and every woman needs to know that God is about to do something great. “Why? Because God is good,” said Rev. Yeo. Faith is required when one is instructed by God to go to a widow’s house during a time of want, as shown by Elijah. Similarly, one needs faith when a stranger demands for food when he has barely enough to feed himself and his children, as shown by the widow. “If you’re feeling your brook has dried up, you’re a candidate for God’s greatness,” explained Rev. Yeo. However, the sad reality is that when most people find their brooks drying up, they choose to wail without realising God’s destiny for them. “When the brook dries up,” continued Rev. Yeo, “the ears of faith must hear what God is saying”, which is his second point. Some of the common misconceptions among believers are thinking that sin decreases our socalled faith level and that God will distance Himself from us whenever we sin. Rev. Yeo assured us that it is God’s nature to communicate to us although we sin. God did communicate with Adam, despite eating the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and with Cain, despite his murder of his brother Abel. 8


Church Service Summary

Rev. Yeo’s live demostraction of faith

Rev. Yeo reminded that although God always desires to communicate with us, we may not hear His voice. ”The ability to hear God’s voice is determined by your proximity to Him,” Rev. Yeo said. The farther you are from God, the more likely you will hear other things. Rev. Yeo’s third point is “when the brook dries up, the walk of faith takes us to the blessings; God will take you to unlikely places to meet unlikely people”. God told Elijah that He had directed a widow to supply him. Without faith, one would expect a widow an unlikely person who can supply his needs. From Elijah’s perspective, Zarephath is also an unlikely place he would go to. According to Bible scholars, Zarephath is the hometown of Jezebel, King Ahab’s wife. “When the brook dries up,” Rev. Yeo asserted his final point, “the eyes of faith has seen it accomplished before it happens”. Rev. Yeo closed his sermon with a verse from Hebrews 11:1. The widow from Zarephath believed Elijah when he promised that the “bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry”. She made Elijah a small cake as he requested, and the Bible said in 1 Kings 17:15 that they indeed “ate for many days”. 9



What can I do with Eggs? by Yvonne Teo Yen Pin

Eggs are a great source of protein. Numerous vitamins, including vitamin A, potassium and many B vitamins like folic acid, choline and biotin, are present in this wonderful creation. In fact, very few foods share the same nutrient content available in a single egg. The nourishment provided by eghs is specifically needed for the health of the nerves and the brain. Through the years, all fats have become public enemies, often blamed for an increased risk of heart disease. Eggs fell out of favour and people gravitated toward egg whites as a substitute. In truth, the yolk is where many of the vitamins and nutrients are found. The topic of cholesterol has become very confusing. My conclusion is the body needs to achieve a balance when it comes to cholesterol consumption. Fat from healthy sources is vital to the body, while fat from poor choices, such as margarine or foods fried in vegetable oil, is very dangerous. Eggs remain as a beneficial source of healthy fat. Many nutrients, such as vitamin A, are better absorbed with fat, making eggs a very good source of vitamin A. Furthermore, several researches has documented that eggs do not appear to promote heart disease.




Cook It

Now there are plenty of ways to be creative with cooking an egg, I will be sharing with you some recipes that I will use during times that I am just too lazy to prepare an oh-so sumptuous, Instagram-worthy cuisine, and yet I do not want my body to suffer from malnutrition. One egg is honestly sufficient for one’s body to compensate for a meal. However, nobody can be like Gordon Ramsay who makes so much effort for the perfect scrambled egg. Whatever it may turn out, the process of cooking is always the joy of it all! No need to Cook-Hard, Cook Smart. Egg Soup

Easy, sufficient and delicious. For every 500ml of water, 1 egg is needed. Simply beat the egg and slowly pour it into the pot while the water is boiling. For added flavours, my mum love to use carrots and wai-shan, or if you’re too lazy to slice them up, just replace them with corn nibblets. To give your soup a thicker texture, just mix some all-purpose starch with water first, and then as you pour the mixture, stir the pot of soup altogether to avoid clumps. Wa la! Your very effortless soup is done!




Scrambled Eggs with Cheese

Nobody ain’t got time to slice that sausage, or to prep that onion for a perfect scrambled! Oh spare me; we’re not here to learn how to cook, we are here to learn how to get by on days that we are just too lazy to prepare a meal but yet still wanting our body to receive healthy nutrients. But I promise, you won’t feel cheated even with this easiest trick. This is a very personal one so I hope it does help you! Another personal trick, when you skip a meal, pay attention to your protein intake. The body doesn’t require a lot of carbohydrates or vitamin A-Z to function well, but protein gives energy and reproduction of cells, and also to the guys: your muscles to grow!




Mask It

Who has time or money to spend at the local day spa, paying someone to tell you how awful your skin looks? For a little pampering, head to the refrigerator and grab an egg. Egg white is great as for tightening and toning skin. It works wonders for greasy skin as it helps shrink large pores on the skin surface thereby reducing excess sebum. Large pores are potential breeding grounds for bacteria that cause bulbous zits and cysts. Eggs contain an ingredient known as lysozyme, an enzyme which is potent in eradicating acnecausing bacteria by digesting their cell walls. What I adore about egg masks is the results achieved from it: I will always feel that my face becomes so smooth and supple, and my pores are visibly smaller. Even though I have sensitive/dry skin, my face does not feel “overly absorbed� and it does not irritate my skin! I strongly recommend for people with uneven skin surface and enlarge pores, this usually happens on oily skin. Also, aging skin can replace Botox treatment with egg mask. For Dry skin: Separate the egg and beat the yolk For Oily skin: Take the egg white, add a bit of lemon or honey For Normal skin: Use the entire egg, or both ways mentioned above. Relax and wait 30 minutes, then rinse. You’ll love your new fresh face.




Clean It Leather Cleaner

Egg white can be used to clean and restore leather. The thick and sticky base easily removes dirt from a leather surface, upon scrubbing. The base also forms a protective covering on the leather that gives the surface lustre and some protection from temperature changes. To prepare the cleaning solution, crack the egg and separate the whites. Place the whites in a bowl and you can start cleaning your leather items.




Egg Cartons Don’t just throw them away! They are really good art and craft ideas! One does not need to be afraid of their jewellery to be mixed up or lost with an egg carton!

Always looking for containers to put your paint?

What about planting?



“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.� Augustine of Hippo

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