West Africa Civil Society Institute
WACSI COURSE CALENDER Twin-packed capacity development programmes to strengthen civil society
2016 WACSI Courses Schedule
In its continuous effort to enhance the performance of civil society organisations (CSOs), the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) has designed a unique training programme for 2016. This programme has been designed in response to the capacity needs and financial potentials of CSOs in West Africa. This approach was successfully rolled out in 2015. It gained significant success and attracted participants from South Sudan, Nigeria, DRC, Cameroon, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Benin, Ghana. Lessons learnt from the experience in 2015 specifically and previous years since WACSI began operations in 2007 will be used to provide beneficiaries of these listed programmes with tested solutions to their organisations’ capacity challenges. This is to strengthen beneficiary CSOs. WACSI’s decisive position is to support CSOs in West African countries and beyond with capacity strengthening programmes that will enhance their efficiency and overall performance. The capacity development programme takes into account vital areas that require thorough strengthening to ensure an effectively functional CSO. It lists six carefully paired courses combined in twin packs to holistically address specific capacity challenges identified within CSOs across the region over the years. This carefully thought through programme for 2016 comprises the following twin-packs and specific courses:
2016 WACSI Courses Schedule
TWIN PACK I: SUSTAINABLE & EFFECTIVE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR CSOS Courses: • Resource Mobilisation & Proposal Writing and • Financial Management and Grants Reporting
TWIN PACK II: TRACKING RESULTS, SHOWING IMPACT Courses: • Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation and • Results-Based Communication for Nonprofits
TWIN PACK III: EVIDENCE BASED ADVOCACY AND NETWORKING FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Courses: • Policy Research Methodology and Analysis and • Policy Advocacy, Networking and Alliance Building
WHY A ‘TWIN-APPROACH’? The ‘twin-approach’ is a carefully adopted capacity development methodology that combines two specific inter-related courses to specifically strengthen an organisation’s performance in the targeted area of learning. This approach was designed and adopted by the Institute in response to practitioners’ request after attending previous courses since 2010.
THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS APPROACH INCLUDES: • Topics address typical interconnected programme areas; • Paired courses constitute core pillars to improve CSOs’ performance and guarantee their sustainability; • The paired courses give value added knowledge streams to attendees; and • Attending both courses back-to-back is substantially cost effective for participants.
2016 WACSI Courses Schedule
METHODOLOGY Indigenous approach to learning: WACSI’s capacity development programmes benefit from practical experiences from the successes and challenges faced by CSOs in West Africa. They also tap on the expertise of grant making organisations that have a commendable track record working in the region. Traditional to WACSI’s programmes is the Institute’s established record of West African experts who have an in-depth knowledge of civil society work in West African countries particularly with grassroots organisations.
Learning by doing: All WACSI’s capacity development programmes incorporate challenging tasks that give participants an opportunity to solve problems that they are likely to experience in their day-today work. By so doing, participants who take part in the Institute’s programmes leave with applicable knowledge and skills vital for resolving organisational challenges at one go.
Peer learning: 99% of participants at the Institute’s training programmes work within civil society. During training programmes, they are given equal opportunities to share their successes and challenges related to the specific course. This widens the scope of learning as participants gain knowledge from both the experienced WACSI facilitators and other participants based on their experience within the sector.
Outdoor learning opportunity that fosters high learning and networking:
Our training platforms give participants a unique opportunity to meet experienced colleagues in similar portfolios from different organisations and countries. The in-session and outdoor interactive sessions facilitate diverse learning and networking among participants. A special addition for our courses in 2015 is the experiential tour. A session that takes participants to discuss with leading experts in the specific training area in a relaxed, yet deeply engaging atmosphere. This is to foster practical learning and sharing.
2016 WACSI Courses Schedule
CONTENT Our trainings are context relevant: The training content is tailored based on challenges and experiences from civil society organisations working on the African continent, most especially, the West African region. WACSI’s trainings are customised to addresses challenges faced by participating practitioners and organisations represented. A detailed curriculum that addresses theoretical concepts, best practice scenarios and exemplary case studies. This makes the content of our training to be comprehensive and suitable for civil society organisations in the region.
SPECIFIC COURSE CONTENT I. Resource Mobilisation & Proposal Writing (14 – 17 March): For more information visit http://goo.gl/PcZmYa This course will help practitioners to identify the current gap in resources for sustainable programme intervention. It will help to understand the diverse sources and methods to mobilise resources. Nonprofit organisations will understand the significance of relationship building in resource mobilisation. The overall objective of the module is to enable the learner to mobilise a diverse range of financial and non-financial resources for their organisation. To apply, contact capacitybuilding@wacsi.org
II. Financial Management and Grants Reporting (21 – 24 March): For more information, visit http://goo.gl/Ndx4HR This course provides practitioners with financial management skills that is often lacking during programme implementation. This module
will deepen the participants’ understanding of financial management techniques and systems for financial analysis and management, planning, monitoring and control and strengthen skills and provide insight into financial systems, budgets, and cost controlling tools that work. The process of managing grants and reporting in a timely and accurate manner is also the focus of this course. To apply, contact capacitybuilding@wacsi.org
III. Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation (30 May – 02 June): For more information, visit http://goo.gl/8j9XLK This course will help non-profits assess how well they are doing and how they can do it better. It will enable participants to gain a better understanding on how to assess the effectiveness of their interventions and develop relevant tools and techniques to track their progress and the achievement of results. The course is designed to provide nonprofits with a better understanding of the role of effective results-based monitoring and evaluation framework and how this supports project/ programme management and organisational performance. Non-profits will learn how to ensure the organisation strengthen its results-based monitoring and evaluation system and use it to inform effective decisionmaking, learning and reporting to key stakeholders on their results. To apply, contact capacitybuilding@wacsi.org
IV Results-Based Communication for Nonprofits (06 – 09 June): For more information, visit http://goo.gl/icPBTX This course will balance both theoretical and practical skills required for effective communication for CSOs. It is designed to equip participants to confidently design and implement communication activities including working with the media, fundraising communication, developing press kits, influencing public policy and formulating a strategic communication plan. It will enable participants develop their knowledge and skills in communicating their results, i.e. telling the success of their interventions in an effective and compelling manner. To apply, contact capacitybuilding@wacsi.org
2016 WACSI Courses Schedule
IV. Policy Research Methodology and Analysis ( 12 – 15 September) For more information, visit http://goo.gl/S98J9v The policy research methodology and analysis course is geared towards training civil society actors in research and documentation skills, communicating evidence-based research, research methodologies, field research techniques and policy analysis amongst others. In order to influence governance and national policies, civil society needs to develop the capacity to undertake credible investigative and policy research and analysis to produce cogent reports, policy briefs, monographs and books around which more focused advocacy can be launched. This is important, because too often government officials tend to dismiss civil society actors in West Africa as “ill-informed noise-makers” who should be ignored. At the end of this course, participants should be able to develop strong research and analytical skills and also produce excellent policy recommendations. To apply, contact research@wacsi.org
V. Policy Advocacy, Networking and Alliance Building (19 – 23 September): For more information, visit http://goo.gl/t2TF6u This course is tailored to respond to the policy influencing capacity gaps identified among civil society constituencies in the region. It seeks to introduce development practitioners to key concepts of policy advocacy and deepen their knowledge in policymaking processes in West Africa with the goal of promoting open societies, participatory and responsive governance. Additionally, this course provides participants with requisite tools to acquire collaborative strategies to leverage their capacities to hold governments accountable in policy making and implementation processes. Participants who attend this course will be equipped with knowledge and skills for evidence-based policy engagement and to effectively network to influence policies and decision-making processes. To apply, contact policyadvocacy@wacsi.org
Application deadline
Deadline for fee payment
Course fee (in USD*)
Financial Management & Grants Reporting
14-17 March, 2016
17 February
21-24 March, 2016
17 February
02 March
02 March
USD 450
USD 450
Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation
30 May -02 June
29 April
15 May
USD 450
Results-Based Communication
06-09 June
29 April
15 May
USD 450
Policy Research Methodology and Analysis
12-15 Sept.
17 August
26 August
USD 450
Policy Advocacy, Networking and Alliance Building
19-23 Sept.
17 August
26 August
USD 550
*United States Dollar
2016 WACSI Courses Schedule
WHAT FORMER PARTICIPANTS SAY ABOUT OUR TRAININGS “We had a wonderful session in monitoring and evaluation. Among the monitoring and evaluation tools that were introduced to us was the work plan dashboard. This is a document that enables all staff to have a precise workplans with detailed expected results. We implemented this in our organisation. This has enabled us to be more efficient and produce more results...” Adja Roland, Executive Director, ONEF, Cote d’Ivoire.
“WACSI’s training enhanced my knowledge in policy influencing processes and empowered me to contribute in empowering CSOs in my state.” Ada Henry-Peter, Chief Executive Officer, Successful Youth Foundation, Nigeria.
“NAYMOTE has done a lot of work, but has not been able to effectively communicate with its different stakeholders. However, following a fiveday training on Communication Skills and Strategy by WACSI, we can now communicate with our stakeholders in a clear, effective and in a timely fashion. This training helped us to develop a communications strategy that provides a feasible roadmap to deliver key messages to our stakeholders. Thanks to this training, NAYMOTE staff carefully identified their stakeholders and the specific messages and communication tools which the organisation uses to reach out to its stakeholders.”Eddie Jarwolo, Executive Director, NAYMOTE, Liberia.
“If WACSI can continue to organise such programs to update CSOs on their financial management system and other managerial functions, there will be a great improvement in the civil society sector.” Augustine Forkpa, Acting Administrative Manger, Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in West Africa, Togo.
West Africa Civil Society Institute
No. 9 Bingo Street, East Legon. P. O. Box AT 1956, Achimota, Accra - Ghana. Office: +233 (0) 302 542010, 522589, 550222 Fax: (+233) 302 522 588 Website: www.wacsi.org Email: info@wacsi.org
2016 WACSI Courses Schedule