Issue 2 • April 2021
This term’s news... New beginnings Planning permission granted for new library Staffing and trustee updates Henry Nolan obituary More premises improvements
TransformNews Issue 2
New beginnings
CEO editorial ....................................3
Spring and Easter are associated with new beginnings, and never more so than this year. This week, we are at last able to meet friends and family in small groups outside, something which we have looked forward to for several months. During our school Easter holidays, we are hopeful that restrictions can be lifted further, so that a return to a new ‘normal’ can begin.
Obituary – Henry Nolan................4-5 Staff and Trustee updates.............6-7 Chair’s update...............................8-9 Park House School New Library planning approved .........................10 Premises improvements ................11 Questions and answers ............12-15 Transform – New Website .............16
A year ago, I could not have believed that we were facing a year where we would experience three national lockdowns, being deprived of meeting family and friends, many people working from home, and students learning remotely. It would have been difficult to conceive that in schools, face masks and hand sanitisation would become part of our daily lives, and that our staff would be running a mass testing centre, overseeing more than 4000 covid tests, rather then overseeing the usual examinations. As we reach the end of the Spring Term, we can be proud of the way students have engaged with school life following their recent return to school. Despite the challenges of the last twelve months, they remind us of our resilience; how we have overcome so many challenges and changes, and the importance of us continuing to provide a safe and nurturing environment so that we can continue to welcome them back, to work together through the gradual easing of restrictions. I’d like to pass on my thanks to all of the staff in the Trust and Park House School for their flexibility, hard work and dedication, helping achieve the seemingly impossible. I would also like to thank the parents and carers of our students, who have supported their children with remote learning (which I know will have presented its challenges). The staff are now assessing all students to see where any gaps in their learning exist, so that we can support them further, both academically and more crucially, to catch up on the social experiences that they will have missed, having been separated from friends.
Transform Learning Trust The Stables Park House School 239 Andover Road Newbury RG14 6NQ
As we look forward to the Spring break, the start of summer, and the gradual release of restrictions, we can also reflect on what we have gained over the last year. In years to come, as well as the endless zoom meetings, what many of us will remember is the one-off opportunity that we had to spend quality time with our families. I’d like to wish you all a good holiday, and look forward to our return to the Summer Term.
Tel: 01635 953172
Laura Bromberg, Interim CEO Issue 2 TransformNews
Henry Nolan Finance Director Park House School In January, we were shocked and saddened to hear of the loss of Henry Nolan, Finance Director at Park House School. Henry was known at school for his warmth, and quick wit. He will be remembered, as someone who always had a humorous reply or witty response. Whenever setting dates in a meeting, we would often hear, ‘I’m not sure, ‘I’m washing my hair that day!’ accompanied by a large smile. Henry was passionate about ensuring that every penny that the school received, was spent for the benefit of the students. It became an affectionate joke, that any spending at all, would need Henry’s approval first – and that was not easy to gain! Henry supported all school events – especially the cake sales. The picture accompanying this piece was of him in the staff room at a recent cake sale, sporting his ‘favourite’ yellow jumper, which he wore for the school’s ‘wear yellow day’. Henry was not only a colleague, but respected friend to those who he worked with, and his loss is hugely felt. After Easter, Henry’s wife will be coming into school to work with us on planning a lasting tribute for Henry, which will be ‘unveiled’ later in the summer term, with an opportunity for us to formally remember a friend and colleague, who is dearly missed. 4
TransformNews Issue 2
Issue 2 TransformNews
Trust Staffing changes to finance and operations This term, we have restructured the way in which finance and operations are handled between the school and central trust team to build capacity ,whilst not increasing costs. Previously the school had a Finance Officer (30 hours a week) and full-time Finance Director. The Trust had a Chief Finance and Operating Officer (a statutory role) for one day a week. From April onwards these roles will be replaced by a full-time Chief Finance and Operating Officer (covering school and Trust Central Finances), supported by a temporary Operations Director (20 hours a week) and two finance assistants (20 hours a week each). We are really grateful to Kim Halliwell (former CFOO) for covering the Finance Director’s role at very short notice, until we were able to recruit.
Chief Finance and Opera ng Officer – to be appointed 4 days a week school finances 1 day a week Trust Opera ons Manager – Kim Halliwell
20 hours a week managing site team
TransformNews Issue 2
Finance Assistant Susan Freeman 20 hours a week
HR & Payroll Co-Ordinator Carrie Carter Full- me
Members Since our last edition has recruited additional members with an aim to ensure the Trust that the board of Trustees and the members are appropriately separate. Transform Learning Trust now has six Members who have a similar role to the shareholders of a company. They have ultimate control over the academy trust, with the ability to appoint Trustees, They meet once a year, and their function is ‘eyes on, hands off’ (DFE Academies Financial Handbook). Members
Achievement, Curriculum and Ethos Commi ee
Dr Coleen Jackson
Professor Sandra Jowett
Stephanie Tyrer
Bishop Ian Brackley
Local Advisory Body
Barry Jones (new)
Peter Lambert (new)
Finance, Audit, Resource andRisk Commi ee
Find out more about our members and trustees at:
Trustees The Trustees, are both charity trustees and company directors. We refer to them as Trustees, though they perform both roles. They ensure the strategic direction of the Trust, hold executive leaders to account and oversee the financial performance. Since our last update we have three additional trustees:
Dr Coleen Jackson
Stephanie Tyrer
Nicky Orr
Mark Larby
David Marson
Nicki Wright
Robin Precey
Darron Cox (new)
Ian Stokes (new)
Gordon Dunn (new)
Issue 2 TransformNews
Governance for Growth An update from the Chair of the Transform Learning Trust Board
It only seems a short while since I wrote our last update and much has happened in the intervening months. This term has been very demanding for everyone and on behalf of the Transform Learning Trust I would like to thank all our students, staff and parents for all that you have done to ensure that learning continues. Fully returning to school and work has meant putting a significant number of procedures in place and to ensure that all risks have been considered so that it is a safe learning environment.
TransformNews Issue 2
In terms of governance it has been business as usual albeit in a virtual environment with which we have all become too familiar. In January the Trust members held their AGM. This was to approve new auditors and onboard new members and trustees. We are very fortunate to be working alongside the Regional Commissioners Office and Academy Ambassadors who have helped us recruit an amazing team of professionals with skills ranging from education to finance, HR, premises, risk management and so on. Having got everyone in place, as so often happens, people then move on. This has happened with Tracy Newton Blows, who has been offered a job in Costa Rica. I am sure we can all understand why
Tracy would find it difficult to commute for meetings, and we wish her all the best in her new role. As promised, we have held a second round of update meetings with staff and parents and many thanks to all those who have attended. This has given the Trust the opportunity to share what has happened over the term and answer questions. Laura Bromberg (CEO), Tom Goodenough (PHS Principal) and myself have reflected over the last term and it was very humbling to see what everyone has achieved, even in COVID times. By the time this update goes to press we will have had another Trust Board meeting where we will be discussing our ‘Governance for Growth’ strategy. During the summer term I will be outlining how we will progress our thoughts on local governance within the Trust which will involve parents, staff and the local community. In the government recommendations on local governance it only requires a process that involves parents, but as a Trust we feel that it is important that we hear from the staff and local community too. The network of governance is important for the Trust and Trust Schools so that we can learn from each other and support each other as we provide the best education possible. What is put in place will be designed to support our Academy schools as they implement their improvement plans. Whilst it is reported elsewhere one of the most exciting developments this term was hearing that we had been granted planning permission for the new library resource centre. This will give Park House not just a new library but a refurbished View from Upper Library Book Stacks to Lower Library Work Area
staff room and the creation of three large and one smaller classroom in the old library area. It has also given the opportunity to remove some unsightly existing cabling and the much needed replacement of a boiler which will efficiently heat not just the new building but other areas of the school too. The Trust continues to work very closely with the West Berks Planning team who have been extremely supportive. So, in terms of governance, what is ahead for the summer term? First and foremost we will be restarting the process of recruiting schools to join the Trust. We will be following up a number of leads and working with the Regional Commissioner on this matter. I am sure you will appreciate it has been difficult to progress this during COVID but we are determined to start the journey again which I can only say takes about 18 months or more to onboard a school. In July, restrictions permitting, the Transform Learning Trust Members an Trustees will be meeting in person. During that time we hope to see Park House School at work, and meet with staff and students. The meeting is also intended to confirm our strategic plan for the future. Finally, the Trust Board was extremely sad to hear of the death of Henry Nolan, the PHS Finance Manager. Henry had contributed a great deal to the discussions with the Trust and he will be missed. The Trust will be working with PHS to ensure a fitting memorial is in place within the school grounds. Enjoy the Spring break and once restrictions are lifted I look forward to meeting as many of you in person as possible.
Dr Coleen R Jackson Chair of Trustees
Issue 2 TransformNews
Planning permission granted for New library View of the Lower Library Work Area with Lantern Rooflights Above
View from Main Entrance to Upper Library Book Stacks
This project, designed by Oxford Architects, will provide a brand new purpose built library extension for Park House School connecting the original building and the History corridor, enclosing the west side of the Sixth Form courtyard. The new library will be split between an upper and lower library, housing the book storage and work areas respectively. Three ‘lantern’ roof lights will provide light and volume within the new block bringing the library up to current standards and the correct size for the future needs of the school. The previous library will be converted to three classrooms and one smaller group room to extend the range of class teaching areas available within the school. The staff kitchenette will be converted into an accessible WC to meet the requirements for accessibility at the school, with a new kitchenette to be installed within the existing staff room.
2 TransformNews Issue 1
Park House premises improvements One of the Trust’s key priorities is to improve the premises and facilities at Park House School. Works include:
Nurse’s office/medical room: repainted, new cupboards, new flooring, new plumbing and door refiited.
Around the site: – tree and hedge trimming round site – grass reseeding where needed – line marking – signage and one way system remarked – fire alarms and intruder alarms have been serviced – 30 new windows installed around the site
Food Tech: Work tops fastened, new shelves, resealed sinks, fixed taps, new coat hooks, cleaned all extraction fans, new bulbs in ovens, new sockets and fitted a new basin.
Work in progress: – Costings and quotes for new roof in Sixth form, new flooring and furniture. – new flooring to be done in Textiles.
Asbestos removal in the boiler room, cleaning cupboard in History and the PE store.
Science department: Relocated demonstration desks. Sanded down and varnished tables and all graffiti removed. New electrics and plumbing, new shelves, new carpet, new end panels on the units and sinks unblocked as necessary. Drama: stage-lighting serviced in main Hall and Drama. D&T: equipment serviced and repaired.
If any parents or community members have any premises expertise that they would be prepared to offer, we would be grateful to hear from you. Please email: Refurbished medical room
Business Studies: new outside lighting fitted. History office: new shelves. English: new white boards. Maths: paving slabs fixed and replaced, new white boards. MFL: Toilet and sink repairs. Art: wheelchar access and door closers fitted. PE: repairs to 9-a-side goals. Main house/admin: – Unblocked drains in the House. – new tiling in Ladies toilets in the House. – resealed skylights on the main building. – interim repairs to veranda.
Issue 1 TransformNews
Question time All parents and carers students were recently invited to submit questions to the Trust, which formed the basis of a presentation from Dr Coleen Jackson (Chair), Mrs Laura Bromberg (CEO) and Mr Tom Goodenough (Principal).
Dr Coleen Jackson
Any answers... Student laptops The Trust and the school have been proactive in applying for every available source of laptops to support students, and this has been added to by generous donors.
Laura Bromberg
Tom Goodenough
??? ???? ?
IT improvements Classroom IT survey and questionnaire Cabling Survey Wi-fi survey
DFE – 77 Devices
99% classrooms have at least one cabled desktop
Greenham Trust- £14,320 which bought 47 devices
All Tutor rooms now have hardware for delivering lessons using audio visual equipment
Student donation - £1700 which bought 6 devices
Rollout of ongoing Staff training for virtual platforms
Parent Grant £3000 – which bought 10 devices
Full roll out of Office 365 tenancy (a ‘virtual school’)
Refurbished laptops – 20 supplied by Green Machine Computers Community donations – a mix of Windows, Apple and Android tablets and laptops Student sponsored laptop from a local chemical engineering company - Proman We have also applied for ‘Daily Mail’ devices and additional DFE devices
Year 7 laptop scheme roll-out 170 out of 232 students now have their own devices under the scheme and plans are now in place to ensure laptops will be available within school for current Y7 students who are not part of the scheme to access. Once spaces are allocated, the scheme will be extended to the current Year 6 and Year 8, potentially ensuring that three year groups will have their own secured devices allowing more blended learning. Parents will be contacted after the Easter break with further details, which will allow laptops to be available at the start of the new academic year. In order to cater for this, we hope to upgrade the school wi-fi system over the summer to allow for blanket coverage.
TransformNews Issue 1
Communications – summer term Communications plan – looking at use of Trust and school methods of communication to staff, students, parents and the wider community. Transform Learning have a new website which they are adding to. Policies are currently all being updated or re-written.
Governance Recap In a Multi-Academy Trust, the role of Governors is very different to a Single Academy Trust. The strategic direction of the Trust is set by Trustees, and they are ultimately accountable for the performance of the Trust and all its schools. The Trust itself is accountable to the ESFA for finance and the Regional School’s Commissioner overall.
Use of Social Media and timings of communications will form part of the plan. We will consult with parents on what works for you.
In MATs, at school level, there is generally a layer of governance whose role is advisory on specific issues as delegated by the Board of Trustees.
New Park House school website coming soon
A new level of governance will be introduced at Park House School from September 2021. In the short term, the Principal, CEO and Chair will be holding Trust update meetings with parents and staff on a termly basis about Trust related issues. This will be in addition to the school’s consultation meetings with parents, about school issues and student progress.
School outreach Park House School is now well established as a centre of excellence for supporting teachers in Computing education, providing training for hundred of teachers across both primary and secondary schools for several years now, and using that experience to improve both teaching and facilities at PHS. The School also provides sports tuition to 57 Primary schools in Berkshire and Hampshire, ensuring primary school students benefit from our highly-trained specialist PE teachers. Issue 1 TransformNews
Return to school Overall , students, staff and parents have been overwhelmingly positive about all aspects of the return to school. Over 4,000 Covid tests administered over two weeks to support safe return. Updated and carefully implemented risk management measures in place to reflect changing national situation and full return of students safely. Key messages about wellbeing and ‘reorientation’ post-lockdown shared with students by tutors in extended tutor time.
Extended tutor time allowed for tutors to talk to students about support and what to expect on their return. Additional wellbeing programme being planned for latter part of this year/next academic year. Subject leaders have, once again, reshaped their medium/long term plan for their curricular, to include assessment of missed learning and plans to address it. Year group-specific catch up plans formulated over remainder of this academic year and the relevant Key Stage. has been relaunched to ensure students are aware there is an email for them to report issues and request any support they may need.
TransformNews Issue 2
Issue 2 TransformNews
New Trust Policies added...
TransformNews Issue 2