TA F Y University / Careers Mentor Group Programme What job will I do? What university will I attend? What course will I study at university? How do I get to university?
The Mentor Group Programme will help you: Understand your abilities Explore career options Learn about the entrance requirements for universities Learn about TAFY partner universities Choose your university course Select a major / specialisation in that course Understand the university application process
Resources to help me reach my goal: Tertiary Counsellor: Alison Mc Callum Room 1.13B ( Tuesda Wednesday Thursday) Mentor Group teacher Contact details:
Taylors College library: University / Careers section University websites www.careers.govt.nz (interactive careers website) Useful websites:
Study Smart: University Information Taylors College university visits Visit dates:
Alison’s careers / university noticeboard TAFY schedule of university visits
My goal is:
TAYLORS COLLEGE FOUNDATION YEAR AUT University Entry Requirements All New Zealand universities accept Taylors College qualification as entry to university.
Massey University Entry Requirements The University
Auckland Entry Requirements
my goal is...
people I need to see...
my top subjects...
questions I need to ask...
important dates...
after university my job will be...
Taylors College prospectus Discuss these words with your group teacher & friends
Undergraduate Bachelor Degree Faculty Additional Requirements Minimum TAFY Score Semester Conditional Offer Unconditional Offer Pre-requisite Conjoint Supplementary Information
Meaning What university degree interests you?
What faculty is your degree in?
What is the minimum TAFY score?
Does your degree require IELTS?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
student notes
What are the additional requirements for your degree?
What are the English marks?
Are there any restrictions?
Be creative • Answer the questions. • Create a mind map to help you reach your goal. • Write your answers in the boxes on this page.
What marks do I require for entry?
What are the English marks? What degree will I choose?
What is the best university for me?
What a top sub
are my bjects?
Who can help me reach my university goal?
What subjects do I need extra help in?
What will be my second choice for university?
What problems could I face? How do I gain those entry requirements?
Who are the people? Who can help me reach my university goals? Write each name in a box, what are their contact details?
Taylors College Actions I need to take People who can help me
Term1 ENDS
Year Starts Term2 ENDS
Make a time plan Write important dates on the plan below. Write the things you need to do on the plan below. Write the people who can help you with your studies. Update your plan. University Decisions I must make What is my plan B? Graduation Final Offers Day Final Exams
Term3 ENDS Midterm Exam
Term 4 ENDS
CERTIFY YOUR PASSPORT COPY All universities require a certified copy of your passport
A Justice of Peace (JP) certifies your passport Please note times can change, check Alison’s noticeboard for any updates.
Auckland Public Library JP times 1.Monday to Friday (each day) 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. 2.Saturday 10 a.m. – 12 noon 3.Level 1, Auckland Library, Lorne Street. go up escalator to JP 4.Take Passport & copy of front page
Explore careers options
To help you make decisions about your future you need to explore your university and career options. Think about what you enjoy doing and what your abilities are. People succeed when they choose something they like doing. In today’s technological world jobs are always changing; choose a career pathway that suits you, but be flexible and always have a plan B. Research shows most people will have 4-5 different jobs in a lifetime.
Careers Website www.careers.govt.nz Use the interactive tools on this website to learn more about: • Yourself • Your abilities • Your job options • University courses “I’m not sure about what I want to do” Use these interactive tools and find the answers: 1. Know yourself 2. Get careers Ideas 3. Take action Have some fun with: • Know your skills • Skill Matcher • Compare jobs • Jobs database • YouTube job videos
CURRICULUM VITAE [Full name] A Curriculum Vitae is a document that gives the reader a picture of you and your abilities. Some universities require a Curriculum Vitae (CV) to support your application. If you need a job a CV is a useful document to have to impress the employer. A CV needs updating as your qualifications and experience changes. Start a simple CV today, then change and improve it as you study further. Use the following template to help you. Presentation is important, make sure your CV is better than others – be creative.
Contact Details [Street name and number] [Suburb] [City] [Phone] [Mobile] [Email] [LinkedIn profile] Personal statement [A short statement of three or four sentences stating what you are aiming for. A personal statement is optional.] Skills [Name of skill or ability] • [Bullet points detailing how skill was learned and/or used.] ... Education (put the most recent education first) • [Name of qualification, qualification provider, beginning and end date of study]. ...
Work history (record any part time work) [Position held, business name, location]. [Month and year of start and finish of most recent job]. • [Tasks, duties, achievements]. ... Interests [Write three or four sentences about your interests and/or hobbies. Include any interests or hobbies that demonstrate positive skills or abilities.] Referees (Choose someone reliable who knows you) [Referee’s name] [Job title] [Organisation they work for] [Phone] [Mobile] [Email] ...
Alison’s message: Tertiary Counsellor Advice See Alison (Tue,Wed, & Thu) Room 1.13B –by computer room • Find out more about university options University Visits Students visit all partner universities on special Taylors College university visits • Sign up for these visits on lists on careers’ notice board (Room 1.13B) • Alison will give you a schedule of these visits • The University of Auckland Taylors day and Applica- tions: September 2014 University Speakers All TAFY English classes host speakers from different universities. These speakers demonstrate “How to give a presentation” and talk about university life. • Ask lots of questions about university courses • University speakers in English classes (late February early March)
University Applications TAFY students apply to university at Taylors College with TAFY staff help. All Taylors College applications for partner universities are completed at the same time. • Check the careers /university noticeboard for appli - cation times. Partner universities: Massey University, AUT University, The University of Auckland • Your mentor group teacher will remind you of im- portant university dates Final Offers Day University staff come to Taylors College to help you move to university. All TAFY students attend this day - level 4 Taylors College • Final Offers Day Wednesday 10th December 2014