Ryan A waggoner RAW
Landscape Architecture
michigan state university
People, Places, & Spaces
Ryan A waggoner RAW
Landscape Architecture
michigan state university
Table of Contents Landscape “I think taking design out of the studio and really having a relationship with the people that you’re making it for really convinced me of how powerful a thing design is. It’s not just an aesthetic decoration.” Genevieve Gorder, famous barefoot interior designer
Campus Planning
Land Planning Urban Design
3 5 7 10 12
Landscape Architecture Rainbow Lake, Michigan Fluidity Sports Complex
3 T Existing elevation of hillside
his design is an early illustration of developing color palettes and understanding techniques developed through the study of Mike Lin’s graphic teachings.
o many people, landscape architecture is simply residential landscaping. Landscape architecture contains much more than this; including art, planning, design, management, preservation and rehabilitation of the land and design of human-made constructions. However, design for single structure sites is still extremely common in the industry. This section illustrates early development in these smaller sites with focus on the circulation, plant material, and existing elevations. These early works began the thought process of inventory, analysis, and the cyclic design process..
Current perspective of waterfront
Final Hand Rendered Design
Landscape Architecture East Lansing, Michigan Kresge Art Museum
East Lansing, Michigan Grounds Complex
his design is for the Kresge Art Museum on the campus of M.S.U. This is an area for relaxing and clearing of thoughts before and after exhibits and performances. This patio design was developed in this mind-set. The site is developed to give several different areas for reflection and contemplation while maintaining a general social arena. The changes in elevation give the users many options for intimacy or exhibition. Plant material has been developed to soften edges and add a sense of life and vitality. This comes as a striking contrast to the stiff edges and hard surfaces containing and controlling the site. Circulation has been developed with ebb and flow in mind, developing a central corridor with pocket passages allowing users to get lost in motion and in thought.
4 Hand Drawn Plan Design
East Lansing, Michigan Kresge Art Center
onstruction Documents: An intensely thoughtful aspect of landscape architecture, construction documents are the key to conveying concept to implementation. These designs are artful at the core, but technically accurate to fulfill completeness in the design process. Even the best, most creative designs are nothing if they can’t be realistically portrayed. Eaton Rapids, Michigan School District Grounds Design
Hand Drawn Patio Design Hand Drawn Plan Design
Color does not add a pleasant quality to design-it reinforces it. Pierre Bonnard, French Artist with and intense use of color
Campus Planning Old Mission Peninsula, Michigan M.S.U. Landscape Architecture Alumni Center
Educational Center
Functional Use Diagram
Design Concepts: Education Alternatives Form & Function
The power of imagination makes us infinite. John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club
Inspiration: Nicholas Grimash & Partners Eden Project Cornwall, United Kingdom
ampus planning takes a broader look at a site. Instead of focusing on just one or two structures, campus planning looks at an entire collection of facilities. In this design, an alumni center for landscape architecture graduates was developed in the old mission peninsula just northwest of Traverse City. Many elements were featured in the design. The center was also designed to develop community interest. The style in which this was developed was through educational and entertaining uses of landscape architecture.
New Urbanism Plaza
hese two examples show some of the thought process that was developed in the beginning of the design process. Several functional use diagrams were developed to find the best combinations and interactions of the program elements. Two major program elements that were featured were the New Urbanist plaza shown to the right and the educational center shown on the opposite page. These areas would help to make education in landscape architecture interactive and fun for all users.
Hand Drawn and Rendered Master Plan
Campus Planning Atlanta, Georgia C.O.R.E. Sports Campus
Site Inventory
6 I
n a more in-depth design, inventory and analysis become more complex and become graphic assets for the designer to convey factors behind the design process. By looking at factors such as slope aspect, slope and hydrological analysis, program elements can be placed in areas that are sensible, and eliminate areas that are undevelopable. This design was began in MicroStation and then completed by hand rendering.
MicroStation developed Photoshop Rendered
Final Hand Rendered Design Phasing
Preliminary MicroStation Design
Phase I
Phase II Phase III
Campus planning Waterloo, Michigan Waterloo Historic Farm
his project illustrates the use of foresight in the design process. By phasing a project, the designer can clearly show the client the time line and ability to follow through with a design.
Land Planning Tuttle Creek, Kansas Bayside Meadows
Tuttle Creek, Kansas Bayside Meadows
Road Alignment: MicroStation
Design Concepts: Water Interaction Community Inspiration: The tidal wetlands of Chesapeake Bay Maryland, U.S.A.
Lighting: MicroStation Topographic Analysis:MicroStation
Site Irrigation: MicroStation
[Academic use only] ...\LASTUD~1\Desktop\LIGHTI~1.DGN 11/16/2006 12:20:59 PM
Plan Grading: Hand Graphic
his is the first attempt at community planning. Many different factors are involved in this process, including increased focus on circulation and accessibility. Preliminary Sketch
Final Hand Rendered Computer Aided Design
Land Planning Neahtawanta, Michigan 40 Acre Family Development Project
Land Cover Inventory Slope Inventory
SketchUp Analysis Model
Suitable Soil Inventory
or the Neahtawanta area, much time was invested in the inventory and analysis phase of the design. The site had some steep slopes, making hydrology and circulation large concerns. The master plan shows how this initial work was a great benefit in the end, and clearly displays how time invested in the beginning of the project pays off in the end. Functional Use Diagram:
Final Photoshop Rendered Design
Land Planning Traverse Tri-County Watershed Northwestern Michigan
9 Proximity to urban areas
Pinewood Preservation
his project looked at the development and preservation of the Grand Traverse TriCounty watershed region. This used ArcGIS to locate many different physical and cultural factors in the region. Using nearly 20 different maps, the best areas for preservation and development were located, and then compared the two to find the most suitable areas for development while maintaining ecological sensitivity.
Final Development Map
Wetland Preservation Proximity to inland lakes
Final Preservation Map
Urban Planning Cleveland, Ohio Third Street Peninsula
esigning in an urban environment comes with many difficulties and possibilities. This project was for the Third Street Peninsula in downtown Cleveland. The first object of focus was whether to develop residential and mixed use buildings along the river where the real estate value was the greatest, or to tuck these structures in the interior of the space and leave the prime real estate for public use. These graphics show the comparative analysis that was used in SketchUp to make this choice.
he image above looks at the residential development being placed primarily along the riverfront versus placing the residential structures on the interior of the site. The advantages of both systems were analyzed, before deciding to keep a green ribbon for public access to the waterway. Below to the left is further analysis of this development and how it would appear entering and leaving the city by the main highway.
Interior Section
Riverwalk, showing wind turbines and highway
Intimate spaces
Urban Planning Cleveland, Ohio Third Street Peninsula
Design Concepts: Sense of Place Connections History Inspiration: Robert H. H. Hugman San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. San Antonio Riverwalk
T Canal underpass
his was a zoomed in view of the master plan. This shows the main structures that would be used to draw users into the interior of the newly developed space. Sustainability was a large concern, so multiple uses of alternative energies were placed throughout the design, including green roofs, wind turbines, geothermal power, and hydroelectricity.
Public Park Space
Office Buildings
he master plan of this design was completed on a 3’ * 3’ model. The base was made from plaster to represent the smooth contours that exist sloping down to the river’s edge. The buildings were made from foil and metal to represent the industrial nature of the site, while maintaining as much green space in the interior and along the riverway.
40 Story MultiUse High Rise
Transportation Terminal/ Convention Center
Office Buildings
Sustainability Neahtawanta, Michigan Old Mission Peninsula
Keeping Neahtawanta Green...
Being good stewards of the land is a high priority in our currently high industrial world. Many think that urban areas need the most attention, but truthfully every development should look to the potentials that it can give back to the land that it is infringing upon. This design looks at the benefits that the natural land can provide for our energy use. Using the large slope of the land as a catalyst of green design is what these images illustrate. By digging a hole 20’ deep at the highest point of the site and running a trench down the slope, recycled perforated pvc piping can be placed underground. As the ground water trickles down the soil, it collects in the piping, and begins to flow downhill. As the water accumulates, it flows quicker and pushes turbines placed at areas of largest slopes. The turbines collect the energy and pump electricity to fuel the site. The water then continues down the gradual slope and collect in a storage basin. This water is then used to irrigate the orchard at the bottom of the site. This is a completely renewable energy source that only has positive results.
Wetland Mitigation Wetland Plant List Silver Maple
Collection Basin placed 20’ Underground
Water Turbine
he first step in sustainability is planning. Developing sites that can maintain themselves is a key feature of this concept. Wetland mitigation is a way to make fully functioning, cleansing environments that are as beautiful as they are functional. This is a wetland plant list that was created for the Waterloo Historic Farm Site. The plants were all chosen because they are native and all perform their proper functions in the wetland ecosystem.
Swamp White Oak
Wetland Plant List
Michigan Holly
Sheep Laurel Red Osier Dogwood
Bull Head Pond-Lilly
River Birch
Yellow Hedge-Hyssop Balsam Fir
Water Turbine
Meadow Willow
Water Turbine
innovative architecture
A and G Residential House on Sag Pond
Storage Basin for Orchard Irrigation
Recycled PVC Piping
esigning architecture for the future needs to keep sustainability in mind. LEED’s certified buildings are the future of sensible architecture. This is a SketchUp model of the House on Sag Pond, an innovative design by A and G Residential with much of the surface covered in glass and using local materials.
Sketching European sketches
Old Mission Peninsula, Michigan M.S.U. Landscape Architecture Alumni Center
The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy them. Paul Hawken, environmentalist and author
Rain Garden
his was a housing structure that was developed for the proposed alumni center on the Old Mission Peninsula. This structure is built with the entryway from an underground tunnel, making 50% of the building buried beneath the earth. Platinum LEED’s certification was the goal of the design, with a rain garden, a southern aspect with 180 degrees of glass, solar panels, geothermal heating, and a wind turbine mounted on the rooftop.
Solar panels and wind turbine
Views in and thru the structure
Pulteney Bridge 1 hour Rua de Agusta 1 hour
Alhambra 20 minutes
Arc de la Defense 10 minutes
Versailles 8 minutes
Prince Albert Memorial 1 hour
Current Works
Current Works