23 March 2022

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Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Ducks found with throats slit at Saxton JO KENT

At least five Muscovy ducks have been discovered with their throats slit at Orphanage Stream in Saxton Field. A family from Stoke stumbled across the dead bodies on their evening stroll last week. The mum, who wishes to remain anonymous, says it was a horrific sight. “We just saw a pile of feathers and when we got closer could see they’d had their throats cut open. It had been done deliberately and that’s just not OK.” There were what looked like breadcrumbs close to the ducks, suggesting they had been lured to their deaths. “It’s disgusting behaviour,” the woman says. “There was a man there moving some of the dead ducks away so that children couldn’t see them. We go there with our kids all the time to feed them and it was sad for them to see that.” SPCA inspectorate team It had been done leader Jamie Hancock deliberately and says SPCA is deeply that’s just not OK concerned to hear about the incident and would like to hear from anyone who might have more information about those responsible. “Acts of violence towards defenceless animals are unacceptable and where evidence of the ill treatment of an animal is found, it could result in a $50,000 fine or 12 months’ imprisonment.” The ducks are a popular sight at the reserve and Lucie Bell, who regularly pops down to feed them, says this particular breed are extremely kind-natured and approachable. “Muscovy ducks are lovely and the ones at the stream are more than likely the result of people dumping them as opposed to being wild.

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sweetbites Wakefield owner suzanne elliston-Mcfarlane has launched cupcake decorating classes. Photo: Jo Kent.

Sweet taste of baked success JO KENT Suzanne Elliston-Mcfarlane is here to add the icing on top of the revival in home baking that came with Covid lockdowns and home isolation. Suzanne has recently

launched a cupcake decorating workshop from her Sweetbites Wakefield shop. “I opened the shop three years ago and customers always ask if I could teach them the basics, so I just thought, ‘Why not?’, she says. The workshops are held in

store for groups of about six at a time. She teaches the basics of piping skills, using moulds and cutters to make fondant decorations and everything in between. “It’s such a fun night and most people who come

along have never tried anything like this before.” At the end of the night, people get six decorated cupcakes and a new set of skills to take home. “My next workshop has an

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