30 March 2022

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Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Wednesday 30 March 2022

100 years of adventure Jenny nicholson One hundred-year-old Grace Parker looks very comfortable on a motorbike. She always enjoyed riding behind her husband on his motorbike. So, a ride from her home at Stillwater Lifecare into town and around Monaco was a fitting way to celebrate her 100th birthday. Grace’s face was all smiles as she geared up in a jacket, gloves and helmet before waving goodbye to the crowd gathered at the retirement home to celebrate with her. Continued on page 4.

100-year-old Grace Parker looked very happy on a tri-bike surrounded by her family. Photo: Jenny Nicholson.

Memorial trashed three times Jo Kent

A cross which marked the spot where Nicky Edwards’ dad was fatally injured in a car accident in February 2020 has been stolen for a third time. The cross was placed at the Lord Rutherford Road in-

tersection with SH6 in Brightwater after being given approval by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency for it to be there. “The first time it went missing, I thought it must have been taken away in error by an official, but when it happened a second time,

I knew it must be someone being malicious,” Nicky says. “For it to happen a third time is a total punch in the guts.” Nicky’s dad Kevin was wellknown and loved by everybody who knew him. “The day of the accident, dad was

on his way to Kmart to buy a lilo for my niece. It was meant to be a quick trip in and out, but someone pulled out of the intersection without looking properly, causing the accident.” Nicky’s stepmum and niece were also in the car and badly injured,

but survived. “We put the cross there to remind people to take care on what still is a dangerous intersection, so that my dad didn’t lose his life for no reason.”

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