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Every Wednesday
Death row dogs prove best therapy
Wednesday 29 September 2010
P 18 - 19
Police hunt hots up for “rock throwing cowards” charge of community section Mal Drummond says A man who was jolted from sleep and fled with while he can understand some residents feel so anhis daughter down seven storeys of a a shuddering gry they want to deal with the offenders themselves, Christchurch hotel stairwell during the 7.1 earth- “we certainly don’t condone vigilante action. That quake says what happened to him at home in Queen can cause confrontation which may have a terrible result for the innocent party and Street a few weeks later was just as even if they do apprehend the ofterrifying and upsetting. fenders they could end up on the “We were all in bed asleep at wrong side of the law.” 11.30pm on Saturday when a rock Mr Drummond advises members was thrown through the plate glass of the public who are aware of suswindow of our conservatory,” says picious or illegal behaviour to get the man who didn’t want to be a description of the suspects and if named. “It was terrifying; you don’t possible a registration number of a expect that sort of thing in the privehicle they may be travelling in. vacy of your home and you won“The main thing is phone the poder what’s going to happen next. Is lice immediately; we may have a someone in the house, how many patrol car just around the corner. of them, what do they want and are Phoning us up on Monday mornyou going to be able to protect your ing is useless to us,” says Mr family?” Drummond. The man ran outside but the While he wouldn’t say if the net offender(s) had high-tailed without is closing on the offenders Mr leaving a clue to their identity. Mal Drummond, Drummond confirmed police beUnfortunately this is not an isoacting senior sergeant of lieve the same group may be related incident in Richmond as poPolice in Richmond, sponsible for random attacks on lice have received many reports of damage by hand thrown missiles to residential and neighbourhoods from Atawhai to Hope over the commercial properties and motor vehicles over the past few weekends. past few weeks. And it’s been happening for several “The random selection of targets and lack of information provided by the public have made a solution months. Late last year a woman in Templemore Drive was difficult. We have increased the number of traffic woken by a rock which crashed through her win- checkpoints around Richmond on Thursday to Satdow and into the wall near her head. A neighbour urday nights and we’re looking in vehicles we stop told Waimea Weekly, “It could have killed her. This for any possible evidence of things which may be sort of behaviour shouldn’t be tolerated. Your home used for this type of attack.” Apprehending these is where you are entitled to feel safe and if our neigh- cowards is high priority,” says Mr Drummond. bourhood watch group men catch these idiots they’ll Those who wish to report suspected or criminal behaviour without revealing their own identity should wish they’d never gone out that night,” he said. Richmond acting senior sergeant and officer in phone Crime Stoppers on 0800 555111.
Proud to be locally owned and operated
National title for Fighting Fit P 23
Ready for the rush
Dennis Ealam of Richmond was one of several whitebaiters who set their nets on a glorious Monday morning at Rough Island Bridge. “I’ve caught 10 pounds on a tide here in the past but I think those days are gone,” says Dennis
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This Week
2 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Daylight Saving began on Sunday and will run until April 3. We asked some locals if they are pleased with this strategy devised to rouse everyone early and give them more daylight time after work.
Owen Bradshaw
Josie MacDonald
Karl Tarr
Noel Robinson
“We’ll have our sun longer. For us oldies that’s good; we like the sun. I can get out and do some weeding in the evening.”
“It should be a sign of warmer days. I’ll be able to get into barbeques for tea and out in the garden afterwards.”
“It’s going to be very difficult to get my young daughter to sleep while the sun’s still shining outside.”
“I like barbeques and outdoor dining so it’s very good. And I can go surfcasting at Rabbit Island in the evening.”
‘Unlocked’ for a good cause Until Saturday Garin College student Theo Herring had gone 14 months without a haircut. It was Tasman district mayor Richard Kempthorne he asked to snip and shave off his curly blonde locks for the sake of Leukaemia & Blood Foundation of NZ (LBF). The 16-year-old says, “My best friend’s uncle died of melanoma and so I first did this same thing (head shave) in July last year to raise money and awareness of cancer.” So far the 16-year-old has raised over $400 in sponsorship, beating his previous mark by $50. His mother, Paula, says, “People of Theo’s age don’t usually have any money to give to charity so he de-
cided to do something to raise some money. And he’s sending his hair to Hair Creation in Auckland who can use suitable strands over 15cms to make wigs for people going through chemotherapy.” Theo says, “LBF are trying to persuade 1000 people nationwide to shave their heads for sponsorship so now they just need to find 999 others. Otherwise people can make donations by going to the website (” Pictures: Theo Herring before and after his fundraiser head shave at Richmond Mall
JUST-IN NEWS Richmond market resumes
Richmond Sundial Square market operator Karl Hadfield is looking forward to the first market of the season this Saturday from 8.30am to 12.30pm. “It’s great to see people shopping outdoors for local produce, especially on a nice sunny day. That puts them in a festive mood.” Karl says while only about 10 stalls will be part of the first market it should grow quickly as people fill up spaces. “There is good quality fresh fruit and veges as well as honey, jams, chutneys and pickles and hot food to buy,” says Karl. Phone 544 4789 to book your place.
Come & enjoy our Fri & Sat
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Dine in or take out your meal, dessert & espresso. Deliciously healthy and wRapped in oriental flavours - chilli, satay, soya, honey, coriander - it’s a mouthwatering fresh fusion of flavours that you’ll love.
Open week days 7.30am till 4pm, Fri & Sat nights 5-8pm, Sat 9-1pm • 508a Main Road, Stoke • Phone orders welcome - 547 7780
This Week
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Alexandra Hospital closure inevitable
Trish Gray Richmond Ph: 544 6613
Helen Bush Nelson Ph: 548 7955
FREE Drape making * After 42 years as a rest home then hospital Alexandra is regarded as outdated While consultation between Nelson Marlborough District Health Board (NMDHB) and aged-care stakeholders and patients’ families will continue until early November, it seems almost certain Alexandra Hospital will be closed by the end of 2011. Alexandra employs 70 staff in 50 fulltime-equivalent roles and has 27 residents, nine of whom require acute care for serious mental disorders such as dementia. Originally a rest home until 1996, the closure of Ngawhatu Hospital in Stoke meant Alexandra was adapted to provide residential hospital services for those with psychogeriatric conditions. NMDHB CEO John Peters
says, “This facility is no longer able to meet the changes since the move to Acute Assessment Treatment and Rehabilitation provision of services without significant capital expenditure. “The increasingly acute nature of patient conditions means the clinical demand on services is unable to be sustained in Richmond away from supporting medical and diagnostic services.” If the intention to close the hospital is confirmed patients will probably be shifted to either the Nelson Hospital’s mental health unit in Tipahi Street, or into community care under the plan which is currently under consultation. NMDHB health of older people in rural areas manager Ro-
sey Wilson told Waimea Weekly, “Nothing has been decided yet but there certainly won’t be any of the public emotion and reaction to this as there was in Collingwood (Joan Whiting Memorial Rest Home). This is a quite different situation in terms of the condition of residents, care provided and relative location to alternative facilities.” She said if the hospital is closed patients’ new homes will be situations which are of optimum benefit to residents and their families and also to caregivers. Alexandra Hospital sits on a block of land off the end of Gilbert Street which was purchased by Nelson Hospital Board in 1957. The original rest home was opened in 1968.
4 McGlashen Ave, Richmond Ph: 544 6613
40 Vanguard St, Nelson (Countdown Car Park)
Ph: 548 7955
*Special conditions apply. See instore for details.
This Week
4 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Charter commits to protection of Waimea Estuary The signing of a new charter is documented evidence of the commitment of several groups to the protection of Waimea Estuary. Waimea Inlet has changed dramatically over the past 200 years and requires a long term commitment from community and council to protect and enhance its natural state. It is the largest enclosed estuary in the South Island, being 3,455 hectares in area and has an internal coastline of 65 kilometres between Tahunanui and Mapua. To guide and facilitate the commitment a management strategy has been adopted by both Tasman district and Nelson city councils. These councils agreed in October 2009 to jointly develop a Waimea Estuary Management Strategy. The project was launched on 17 November 2009 with a brief presentation meeting followed by a series of half-day workshops during that week. A “Vulnerability Assessment” of the inlet prepared for TDC by Wriggle Coastal Management Consultants was the basis for a technical advisory group workshop in April this year. This was followed by a public symposium in May at Greenacres Golf Club, where a series of brief presentations pro-
vided background information for follow-up discussion groups. Between the April and May workshops, the two mayors hosted a meeting of business leaders to inform them about the project. The project was led by a combined steering group of councillors Glenys Glover (chair), Judene Edgar and Brian Ensor from TDC, Rachel Reese, Derek Shaw and Ian Barker from NCC, and Moetu Stephens from Tiakina te Taiao. The strategy brings together the communities of Tasman and Nelson and the many groups that have an interest in, and a commitment to, Waimea Inlet and its sustainable future. It is an inter-agency strategy that in-
cludes the Tasman and Nelson councils, statutory agencies, non-statutory groups and organisations, businesses and residents. “It was about developing a collaborative approach to the long-term management of the estuary,” says steering group member Judene Edgar. The charter signing, held at Sandeman Reserve (adjacent to seaward side of Nelson Pine Industries) on Monday, offered a way for people to show their commitment to the future of the inlet. It declares a shared recognition of the values of the inlet, the value of working together, and the value of taking a long term, regenerative and integrative approach to sustaining and enhancing
the values of the inlet. Charter signatories are automatic members of a Waimea Inlet Forum, a community of commitment which acknowledges responsibility for the future of the inlet, a collaborative protocol, and a regenerative intention. The forum will pay attention to setting priorities and sequences for actions, sharing progress, monitoring and reporting on results, and maintaining a strategic scan for new issues. It will take a learning-by-doing approach, and will enable participants to choose their contribution. The forum will help keep the strategy alive and report its achievements to the community.
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Representatives of several groups signed the Waimea Estuary charter, including from left: Helen Campbell (Forest & Bird Society), Neil Deans (Fish & Game), Glen Lauder (project enabler), Rachel Reese (Nelson city deputy mayor), Chris Hemi (Ngati Kuia), Neil Clifton (DOC) and Glenys Glover (TDC councillor & estuary steering group chair).
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This Week
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Charity appeal with a string attached
Huge Savings! Mainland Mild/Colby/Edam Cheese 700g
Nestlé Milo 310g Limit 4
Limit 4 Assorted
Abbey Hahn (left) and Chelsea Miles of Richmond School demonstrate the yo-yos from a minimum $5 donation to Save The Children The theme for Save The Children’s annual appeal is ‘Everyone’. This is its largest ever global campaign following its cause to save children’s lives and reduce child mortality. In Richmond there will be a lunch hour collection on Wednesday and Thursday (today and tomorrow) by Waimea College students and a collection in Richmond Mall today until Friday.
Hope to host Age to Be expo
Mother Earth Baked Fruit Sticks/ Soft & Chewy Muesli Bars Range 152/210g
Californian Red/Green/Black Seedless Grapes
Limit 4 Assorted
New Season Asparagus 250g
Tasty Corned Silverside Great with Mustard Sauce
399 4
Prices apply from Wednesday 29th September to Sunday 3rd October 2010, or while stocks last.
Trade not supplied. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Product range may vary from store to store. Proprietary brands not for resale. Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40. FreshChoice Richmond, 216 Queen Street, Richmond, Phone (03) 544 8299, Open 7am - 9pm, 7 days.
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Growing older isn’t always seen as a good thing in today’s society, but at this year’s “Age to Be” expo, the focus will be firmly on the positive. The region’s third bi-ennial expo on Positive Ageing, supported by Tasman District Council, will be held on 1 October 2010 at Hope Community Church, to coincide with the International Day of Older Persons. It will cover all bases from arts to activities, health advice through to financial advice. With more than 45 businesses and organisations already signed up to take part, the expo will provide ideas, inspiration and information for older adults. There is plenty of parking at the venue and there will also be free buses running to and from the event. The buses will take about 45 minutes and will leave from the Nelson City Bus stop in Bridge Street following the usual bus route through Tahunanui, Stoke and Richmond. Buses will depart Nelson at 10.00am, 12.00pm and 2.00pm and return from Hope at 11.00am, 1.00pm and 3.45pm. Ruby Aberhart of Richmond, chair of the Positive Ageing Committee, says the expo is not just for older adults. “It’s also a useful forum for those who are providing care to older people, to children looking for support for their parents or for anyone new to the District. The idea is to let people know more of what’s available in the community and the pathways,” she says.
This Week
6 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Queen Street Pharmacy
• A L L T H E F U N • A L L T H E PA R T I E S • A L L T H E G O O D T I M E S Warren & Kris Phipps, Charlie & Cheryl Gunn, Glenys & Dion Mytton catch up at Waimea Old Boys clubGarin College band Driven played rooms the music at Joe Sardella’s 50th party. From left: Claudio Cannata, Birthday Mark Coghlan, James Bruce, Chris Riley & boy Joe Antonio Sardella Sardella with Philip & Greta Greenwood and Carol Sardella John McKenzie, Gordie Winterburn, Ken Smith & Warren Phipps at the 1990 champion team reunion
Stacey Holder, Katie Pratt, Tini McCuish & Nikki Holdem of Paula’s Preschool/Tiny Tots enjoy a night out
Jan Walbran gives husband Pete an assurance she still loves him going into his 50th year
Chris Trathen, Rik Taikato, Shane Burns, Steve Springer, Tim Trathen & Kyle Byers
Mike Schruer, Nigel & Catherine Barak, & Suzie Schruer are always in the kitchen at parties; on this occasion it’s at Joe Sardella’s 50th
with Craig Goodman
Warren Phipps is home from Melbourne where he works in pest control. He was one of Waimea Old Boys’ key players during the 1980’s-early 90s and former coach Ken Smith arranged a reunion of players and supporters on Saturday evening. Joe Sardella celebrated his 50th birthday at Holy Trinity Church hall with family and friends. The lovely ladies of Paula’s Preschool 7 Tiny Tots held what they described as a Mamas’ Night Out at Mango in Richmond. Pete Walbran was worse for wear on Monday after his 49th birthday barbecue party at home with family and friends. Call me on 0275 326461 if you’re having a social occasion our readers can share in through this popular Out & About montage.
Vanessa Gundry, Melanie McCuish, Kate Wilkens, Kaye Eden & Sally Mallory at Mango in Richmond
Rebecca Gibb, Sonya Leusink-Sladen, Andrea Russ, Melody Barlow & Beth Fox during Mamas’ Night Out
60ml for only
Queen St Pharmacy
While stocks last.
215 Queen Street, Richmond
Ph: 03 543 9034
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
8 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
This Week
St Vincent de Paul could use your help As St Vincent de Paul’s (SVP) Nelson Conference celebrates 100 years service this weekend its Richmond branch can think of no better birthday present than gaining a few more willing helpers. Mick Alder, with 30 years’ involvement in Richmond St Paul Society (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Conference) says, “Our role here is to help people; whatever problem is presented to us we’ll endeavour to help.” SVP’s centre at 11a McGlashen Avenue serves two vital roles to this end. “It’s a fundraiser for our work but it’s also a focal point for the work we do and a physical place people can go to if they want to express their need for help,” says Mick. He stresses SVP “is not a Catholic organization as such. It’s open to all
people and half of our volunteers at the centre are non-Catholic.” Mick says SVP helps those in need because of financial hardship with such assistance as providing food parcels, arranging transport and accommodation in cases and even assistance in paying bills and perhaps helping with funeral costs. SVP runs the Wattie Jenkins Trust which owns six flats in Roeske Street for the elderly who have the greatest need. “Our counselling service for people in need of encouragement and advice is just as important as material help, if not more so,” says Mick. “For example some people don’t know how or aren’t up to dealing with official business such as WINZ or legal matters and we have volun-
teers who are willing and able to help with what can be intimidating and stressful experiences.” Mick says in terms of financial assistance Richmond SVD has just sent $30,000 to its Christchurch office to help with earthquake damage relief. SVD also has a youth arm known as Vinnies which is active in St Paul’s School and Garin College. “We have a Richmond-based paid youth worker, Philippa Winch, who is doing very valuable work with the young people of our region.” Mick asks anyone who has some time to help in the store, as a driver or perhaps has some professional experience which could be used for advice and counselling to contact him (5447178), Margaret O’Connor (5449511) or Jo Coman (5449510). Mick Alder counsels a woman in need
Enrolment Scheme
In order to avoid overcrowding, or the likelihood of overcrowding, the board of trustees of Wakefield School has adopted an enrolment scheme which has been approved by the Ministry of Education. Under this scheme, students will be enrolled if they live within the home zone described below. The proposed zone covers the following areas in relation to the school: - The area north of the summits of the Spooners Range and the Reay Saddle. - The area on Higgins Road and SH 6, south of Barton Lane. - The area south east of the summit of the Dovedale Hill. This includes Hoult Valley, Trass Valley and Pretty Bridge Valley to the west of SH6. - The area west of Pig Valley from the intersection at Wairoa Gorge Road. This includes Bridge Valley, Gibbs Valley, Pig Valley, Church Valley, 88 Valley, Quail Valley and Wai-iti Valley to the east of SH 6. - Wakefield School and Brightwater School share a ‘common' area on the North boundary where the Wakefield School boundary and Brightwater School boundary overlap. The overlapping area being between 40 Higgins Road to Barton Lane and extending across SH 6. The enrolment of out of zone students is governed by the provisions of the Education Act 1989. The enrolment scheme, which includes a precise description of the home zone, may be viewed at the school office where copies of the scheme are also available.
St Vincent de Paul centre volunteers, from left: Erica Erskine, Shirley Keatinge and Mary Firth (supervisor)
This Week
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Death row dogs make the best therapists
Ody Nisbett of Richmond with her buddy, Baxter
“ Coming from a normal or privileged upbringing you can talk to young people who weren’t so lucky all you like but you’re probably not going to make a connection,” says Susan MurrayRifici, founder of Richmond-based compassion in action charity programme, The Nelson Ark. “But team them up with a dog which has been given a reprieve from death row, tell them the story of what the dog has gone through in its miserable life, and you’ll see something special start to happen.” The Nelson Ark’s unique and award winning APART (Animals, People & Rehabilitation Training) programme pairs young people, who perhaps are losing their way, with abused or neglected dogs. “Through training and their care for each other, miracles can and do happen,” says Susan. Susan and Hope woman Karen Howieson started the programme which became a charitable trust in 2002. The Nelson Ark prefers to get those dogs, usually from Control Services or SPCA, which would otherwise have to be put down. “Most of them are what we call death row dogs,” says Susan. Young people are referred to the programme by schools, Mental Health services and other agencies and participate in dog training and compassion education programmes for two hours on each of three days a week at the Nelson Kennel Assn. facility at Richmond Park. “We direct messages to its buddy through the dog; messages go back and forth and a connection is made which often has a profound effect on improving the person’s and dog’s outlook. The children experience unconditional love. Nothing works as fast as animal-assisted therapy,” says
Susan Murray-Rifici, co-founder of The Nelson Ark. With her is Beau who Susan says, “got the sack because he was no good at his job as a cattle dog. He’s found his calling because he’s a wonderful therapy dog.” Susan. Foster homes are found for the dogs which make them available for their buddies on training days. The Nelson Ark will run its annual appeal week during October 4-10. Three information and collection stations will be set up in Nelson city, two in Richmond and one in Stoke.
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For all the latest stock updates and promotional activity - find us on Facebook. Nelson Bays Motor Group.
This Week
10 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Pen pal of 50 years makes first visit down under In 1960, Caroline Pitman, a Teachers’ Training College student, went to see a lady about forming a pen pal relationship through the Letter Abroad programme. “I think my name must have been matched up with Linda Edwards because she wrote me a six page letter setting the scene of her life in North Carolina,” says Caroline. Fifty years on Linda has crossed the equator for the first time and is currently being shown around Nelson and the South Island by her long distance friend. “We’ve written to each other about three times a year since the start, even more-so when I did my OE in England for two years; there was just so much to tell,” says Caroline who often thought her life “was humdrum by comparison to Linda who spent 23 years in Alaska. “I ended up teaching and raising a family there because I married a man who read far too much Jack London,” says Linda. Caroline, well-known in Richmond because of her busy involvement in the community including 15 years as the storytime lady at the library, says, “I took the opportunity to first meet Linda in person when I went to my daughter’s wedding in Philadelphia in 1992.” Caroline has kept every letter Linda ever wrote which are now being used as diary notes for Linda’s just-completed book ‘The Jumping Off Place’. “That name came from my mother who visited my family in Alaska and said the port at Kotlik must be that kind of place.” While Caroline has given her undivided pen-friendship to Linda the com-
mitment hasn’t been mutual. “I must admit I had four pen-pals at the same time but two have since died,” says Linda. Both women are adamant they will keep writ-
ing as long as they can steer a pen. “There will be a lot of emails in-between times though,” says Caroline submitting to the convenience and speed of technology.
Spring Sale Great range of exotics and NZ Natives Good value reductions from grower to you
Open 7 Days 9.00 - 5.00.
Eftpos facilities available
33 Lansdowne Rd, Appleby, RD1, Richmond Ph: 544 5569
From left: Caroline Pitman of Richmond with pen pal Linda Edwards and her daughter Alessa Leeming, both of USA
Honest and up front! Rates are too high, debt is ballooning! I’ll encourage productive development in the region Over 20 years local experience with 3 terms in council I know how things tick! I’m committed to increased efficiency for our council
Authorised by Ted O’Regan, 57 Chalgrave Street, Murchison
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
12 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
This Week
Warring’s Garage
Heyward Realty Ltd Real Estate News
When I started Heyward Realty Ltd I had no real perception of the demand for a real estate agency that could see that changes were coming at us all and at an alarming rate. The costs of selling property had become disproportionate with other similar services. A decade ago it was considered necessary that a real estate company could only succeed if it had a national profile. This may have been true before the internet took over the world but it is not so now. In my wildest dreams I never expected Heyward Realty to grow as we have and I am very proud of our team for what they have achieved and for the real estate service that they are providing to the community. Our flexible commission structure has benefited many buyers and sellers.
Lydia Heyward
• 4B WINDLESHAm PL, WAkEfIELD 4 bdrms $305,000+ • 16 STAIg ST, RICHmOND 3 double bedrooms $359,000+
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Licensed Real Estate Salespeople (REAA 2008)
Amanda Inglis (Motueka Sales) 021 754 826 Wendy Pearson 021 567 722 Lydia Heyward 0274 328 532 Sue Trew 027 230 1328 & Del Trew 027 230 1327
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HEYWARD REALTY LIMITED Licensed Real Estate Agents (REAA 2008)
253 Queen St, Richmond, Nelson
By Peter Kearns Let’s look at what was known to be an ‘iconic garage’ - surely the first motor garage built in Richmond’s Queen Street. Mr & Mrs Jack Warring first commenced a motor vehicle/cycle servicing business sometime prior to 1923, situated at the current traffic lights in Lower Queen Street either in or alongside that old building at the time which was likely owned by Mr Bill May. The situation in those days and for many years on was frequently referred to as ‘May’s Corner’ which in more recent years had become the Waimea Stores building. This today is where Resene Paints and other shops are. In about 1927 the Warrings built a new garage in mid Queen Street, (opposite Star & Garter Hotel). This is shown in one of the photos here with the two hard tyred petrol tankers in front, and where today the Swiss Bakery is and Bank of NZ had been for many years. In 1936 the existing two storey house/shop (built some years prior)was modernised incorporating living accommodation on top and to the rear with the ground floor the cycle retail repair side of the Warring business. These alterations may have been carried out by W E Wilkes construction company. As has been said in a previous article the building still exists today and is where the travel shop of Harvey’s Travel Shop is shown in the other photo. You can just see to the left the different roof line in place prior to the alterations. Mr Warring died in 1956 (obituary notice in a later instalment). The garage continued with ownership of the business by now being with their son-in-law Ray Williams and daughter Zena, their only child. The Williams’ continued in business until retirement in 1962. Brent and Lynne Ferguson purchased the two buildings at the time of Ray and Zena’s retirement and the garage was tenanted to each of Merv Porter and Stan Hebberd at different times. Around 1969, the garage business closed with a sale of that building being made to the Bank of New Zealand for new premises. During this time Brent and Lynne Ferguson lived in the dwelling structure until they established their separate
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farm machinery (International Harvester) business in Lower Queen Street where the Suburban Bus Depot had been. The domestic structure was subsequently sold to Baldwin & Brown real estate and is perhaps still owned by them. In the photo of the garage depicting the petrol tankers you can see the gentleman behind the front vehicle and then behind him an old house which is likely where an early taxi business owned by Paddy Smith was operated from. (continued next week)
Vote Glenys Glover
for council ! Accountable ! Local ! Passionate ! Efficient ! Hardworking ! Practical
Local with a passion Authorised by Glenys Glover 411 Hill St, Richmond
Y E L R U H Candidate
re Ward
ute Waimea/Mo
Vote for Common Sense decision making Authorised by J. Hurley, 91 Pigeon Valley South, Wakefield
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Learning Pool OPEN FROM 1 OCTOBER 2010
Council and the ASB Aquatic Centre ready for Big Splash It may have been the ASB Aquatic Centre theme week of “Pirates” but also representatives from Tasman District Council were willing to walk the plank. This week sees the opening of the new Learn to Swim Facility at the ASB Aquatic Centre which will now bring the number of pools on site to an impressive 7. Facility Manager Robert Kennedy says “it is a very exciting time for the facility and for the wider community as we now have another addition to the facility which will benefit the SwimMagic Learn to Swim Programme but also bring other benefits to the site”. This has been a project that has been in discussion for several years but Tasman District Council has seen the success of the Swim School grow and has given the centre further water space to not only allow more people to learn to swim in the region but also additional sauna and changing areas which will give the customers even more value when
they visit. This has been a real team effort to get the project completed in time from the staff at the facility to TDC and IMB Contractors who completed the build. The overall project was managed by Don Robertson from RDT Pacific who worked on behalf of the council. Community Leisure Management (CLM) who mange the facility now have another great asset to promote to the community for their benefit. “There has already been a lot of interest in the Learn to Swim sessions and when they are completed the facility might host Aqua Zumba sessions, but we will see” added Robert Kennedy This Friday will see the official opening of the new Learn to Swim Facility at 5.30pm by the mayor Richard Kempthorne and representative from TDC and key stakeholders in the facility. Kennedy also says “It is a very exciting time for the staff and the com-
Lisa Stove Regional Manager of Swim Magic, Jim Frater TDC Manager of Property Services and Lloyd Kennedy TDC Community Services Manager making Robert Kennedy, ASB Aquatic Centre Manager, walk the plank into the new pool munity at present as the facility is doing well the community but also its fiscal responsibility to across a lot of areas and this new pool area will the rate payer. With it almost breaking even a lot only help further to add to what is already a great of other ratepayers in other cities are picking up asset for the region.” It is also of note that this substantial shortfalls for their local pools. facility is performing well both in what it offers
14 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Educating Parents There are many reasons why our children should learn how to swim. The primary one is the fact that it makes your children safer around the water. Should they ever go on a school camp or even a backpacking trip, and they find themselves alone in a body of water (e.g. they fall off a low bridge and need to get back to shore) they will have the knowledge and skills to reduce the likelihood of harm coming to them. Water presents far less of a threat to children who participate in quality swimming lessons than to those who do not possess ANY knowledge at all. The enjoyable benefits of knowing how to swim are the ones that matter most to young children.
Learning Pool OPEN FROM 1 OCTOBER 2010
If a friend’s party is at a swimming pool, and all the kids are in the wave pool because they have swimming skill knowledge that enables them to have fun in that deep water environment and your child does not have this knowledge then they will be stuck in the small pool with children much younger, and the odds are they won’t be having the terrific social bonding experience they could have had with children their own age. 99 New Zealanders drowned in 2009. 26 of these were between the ages of 0 to 24 years. 9 were between 0 to 4 years. At SwimMagic, safety (coping in the aquatic environment) is the most important part of learning to swim. While knowing how to swim does not make drowning impossible, it will give your children a greater chance of survival in a water emergency situation
Proud to have been working with the ASB aquatic centre on the new Learners pool Specialist suppliers of: Commercial and Domestic Heatpumps & Refrigeration & Fisher & Paykel Appliances
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Proud to have been chosen as the main contractor for the ASB Aquatic Centre.
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Magic Moments
Learning Pool OPEN FROM 1 OCTOBER 2010
many positives that can come from a well structured baby, tot and toddler swim program. Magic Moments provide opportunities for children to experience movement in water from a young age. To maximise learning potential, children must be provided with as many opportunities as possible to develop these fundamental movement skills. In real terms, what can you expect to see? - Improved co-ordination & motor skills - Improved immune system - Improved concentration & memory skills - Positive parent-child interaction - Greater independence - Improved social adjustment - Enhanced physical development & upper body strength - Greater body and spatial awareness The benefits are numerous!!! Magic Moments at the ASB Aquatic Centre caters for babies up to 14 months, tots up to 24 months and toddlers 20 months plus where children Magic moments like these are what Swimmagic at the ASB Aquatic Centre is all about are grouped by age and ability.
7229 Dry Crust Communications
Babies, Tots & Toddlers need special nurturing if they are to develop to their fullest. Together with parents, caregivers, friends and family SwimMagic has the desire to create a warm, loving and safe environment where caring and patient teachers deliver lessons that are well balanced, interactive, educational and fun. All children need to be treated with dignity and respect. This program is based on a child centred approach to learning that actively promotes hands on participation from the caregiver and teacher. The Magic Moments program promotes sequential development of appropriate aquatic skills and developmental milestones. A greater awareness to water safety issues and safer behaviours in, on, and around water is encouraged. The teachers who deliver this program are dynamic and vibrant educators with a passion for helping develop competent and confident young swimmers. The benefits of an early introduction to water are numerous. There are so
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
16 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Learning Pool
OPEN FROM 1 OCTOBER 2010 ASB Aquatic Centre Houses a New Zealand First
Your one stop shop for civil contracting
Proud to support the ASB Aquatic Centre
Ph: 547 5670
4 Echodale Place, Stoke
The ASB Aquatic Centre is making history again by being the first commercially operated facility in the country to have a sauna custom-designed which uses “NanoCarbon” technology. Robert Kennedy facility manager commented that “we are really excited about the new sauna and the opportunities and experience it will bring for our customers” Golden Wave, the company that supplied the sauna, have informed us that it is a New Zealand first and that the customers will very quickly realize how much better it is than the traditional sauna which heats the air and the skin’s surface. The heat generated from the new sauna is far-infrared which operates at a more comfortable operating temperature between 40°c-65°c. This gives a more gentle heat which will be more beneficial to the user and which will aid improved circulation, lowering of blood pressure, increased metabolism and weight loss. We believe the sauna will prove a great success for our customers as they realize the health benefits associated with its use and being able to relax and rejuvenate in a great setting. “We will be producing more
Come in and try ASB Aquatic Centres new custom designed sauna marketing information in the coming weeks so customers can fully understand that new technology is moving away from the old sauna systems which operate well in excess of 90°c. So the customer will be experiencing a more comfortable detoxifying experience which will be more therapeutic and relaxing” added Robert.
Anticipate Manage Deliver
Proud to have managed the ASB Aquatic Centre Learners Pool extension RDT Pacific l Project and Cost Management Ph: 547 7833 or 0274 530 796
“One call does it all” Proud to support IMB and ASB Aquatic Centre
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Ph: 544 3199
Congratulations to the ASB Aquatic Centre for the new learn to swim facility. Richmond Fibreglass 2007 Ltd is a locally owned Fibreglass Manufacturing business. We have a large work shop and showroom at 7a McPherson Street, Richmond where we manufacture fibreglass parts for domestic and commercial clients locally and throughout New Zealand. We specialise in everything from small repair jobs to new composite design and build projects to production parts.
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This Week
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Richmond effort grows orphanage in Zimbabwe With the sale of the Kiwi Link house in Richmond completed and proceeds already having built a new house at Khayelihle Children’s Village (orphanage) in Zimbabwe, local man Chris Baigent is preparing for his trip number 21 to the troubled African nation. “I was reasonably happy with the sale price of our Richmond house, given the state of the market at present,” says Chris. “The important thing is that we now have a fifth house in the village which accommodates 20 teenage boys, bringing the number of children in the village to 93.” Zimbabwe’s population has been ravaged by AIDS and other life threatening diseases, leaving thousands of children parentless and homeless. Drinkable water is scarce and, compounded by its volatile political state, the outlook may seem hopeless to a lesser man than Chris he says with determination, “We (Kiwi Link) are eating an elephant one bite at a time.” Kiwi Link, a mission of the Christian Churches of New Zealand, has sent
$320,000 in financial aid to Zimbabwe in the latest financial year, bringing the total to over NZ$1m since the project began seven years ago. As team leader Chris makes regular visits to the village on the outskirts of Bulawayo, not only to give the benefit of his business expertise, but as a hands-on labourer. “This time I’m taking a team of 14 from New Zealand, including my wife Mandy. About half of these are from the Nelson region. Chris Smith of Wakefield and Cheryll Davis, who works at Cuts at Once in Richmond Mall, are coming along. And so is Roger Bay from Town & Country Vets, to do some work with the animals in the village,” says Chris. Under the direction of Rai Valley dairy farmers Paul and Judith Todd, the village is now registered as a small dairy farm with surplus milk sold on the open market. Farming is being encouraged to make the village more self sufficient and to teach the children valuable skills. “I want to take the ‘give a man a fish, teach a man to fish’ proverb a step further. I want
BJ & Chipo Mpofu (Kiwi Link’s Zimbabwe connection) with Mandy & Chris to teach him to set up a company which makes fishing rods,” says Chris. During this visit work for the Kiwis will be divided into three categories. “Eight of us will be doing maintenance around the village. There’s quite a bit of building, plumbing and electrical work to do. And there are programmes for the kids to be run in between times. “Three people will be involved in church services and training pastors and leaders with an important church conference on their agenda, while I am keen to do a research project which I unsuccessfully applied to do as a thesis through Massey
University a few years ago. It focuses on grandma and children headed homes, of which there are so many after parents have died of AIDS or been forced away from home through other circumstances,” says Chris. No matter what is achieved by Chris and his heroic team this time one thing is for sure. He’ll be going back, time and time again. “There has to be a solution over there somewhere. As long as there is a need and I can do something I’ll keep on helping out. It seems I just can’t keep away,” says Chris as he prepares to leave with his team on October 20.
Just a thought – what if God was one of us?
What d’you reckon God looks like? A kindly gentleman something like Santa; you know a long white beard and hair; maybe not as fat as Santa. Lots of famous people claim to have seen God – mostly God appeared to them as a bright light. Some have had visions of the Virgin Mary. Yet others have seen the person of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, God in flesh. Wahoo – I’d like that. I’m aware of God, often, but I haven’t actually seen God in any kind of dramatic way. But, I did see God yesterday - and you know what, she didn’t look anything like I thought God would. Susan Gill, No long white hair, no shining face, not even a tiny Holy Trinity Church halo. God looked really ordinary, a woman about 50, nothing special about her, not beautiful or flashly dressed – just an ordinary person. And this ordinary God was on TV. Thousands of people must have seen God this night – she was on the 6 o’clock news on Channel One. So what was God up to on the news? Not what we might think – not parting any rivers, or walking across the sea, not raining down frogs or plagues, not even dramatically saving souls. So what was God up to? God was taking home the washing for some Christchurch families who had no water. And before you say that God would never do someone’s washing; actually God did! Well, kind of – in the person of Jesus, God did more than someone’s
Mental health, disabilities, agerelated, specialists or surgery? We can only adequately fund these issues by maintaining everybody's good health, independence and productivity thus reducing avoidable chronic health problems.
washing. Jesus washed his mates’ dirty smelly feet – ew yuck! Give me someone’s clothes to wash any time! (My husband tells me I’m addicted to washing.) Yep, he washed his mates’ feet – pretty radical eh! Jesus was not the God anyone expected. Ok so I didn’t really see God on the tele. But it was someone made in the image of God. It was someone doing God stuff, Jesus stuff – caring for others in a practical way, showing them that someone actually does give a toss what happens to them. (I think I saw God the night before too – there was a man crying because the people were so distraught and couldn’t see a way out of their distress.) God isn’t so busy doing the big stuff (holding the stars in place etc) that there isn’t room for us. God does give a toss what happens in our daily lives. God will care for us in practical ways through others made in God’s image. God will care for us personally too through the per-
son of Jesus. Jesus came to earth in human form to give all of humanity full and satisfying lives, to set us free, to clean us up and make us whole. Jesus still lives and will do that for you now too… if you’ll let him.
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I have experience with making tough decisions: Tasman Bay Herbs, St John, Jack Inglis Friendship Hospital.
Don GRANT for the NMDHB
Authorised by Don Grant, 84 Dehra Doon Rd, Motueka
Michael Cooper Ph: 027 726 9976 Bell Road, Teapot Valley, Brightwater, Nelson
18 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
FUNCTION CENTRE ~ CATERING ~ RESTAURANT formerly Seifried’s Vineyard Restaurant & Function Centre Corner State Highway 60 and Redwood Road, Appleby, Richmond PH 03 544 1555 Petite Fleur at Seifried Estate – the perfect venue for any function from weddings to corporate events, Christmas functions, meetings or just a delicious meal with friends. Owners, Horst Wellmeyer and - Sound System - Lighting Justine Robertson are celebrating their second anniversary - Jukeboxes - Live DJ with a brand new name. Rebranding as Petite Fleur at Seifried Estate (formerly Seifried’s Vineyard Restaurant) was a logical step for the talented duo. “Petite Fleur has always been our company name, although up until now we have traded under the Seifried name. Renaming allows us to stamp a little bit of individuality to the business and avoids any confusion,” says Ph: 547 5568 or 027 554 4556 Horst. “Now we have a fresh A variety of function rooms are available for your wedding or corporate event. Many new name, but we want to reas- different décor options are available to transform the room to suit your requirements sure people that we are still the same great people dining. A variety of function rooms are available offering the same great service and the same fabu- including: Appleby’s - the perfect venue for larger functions, lous food.” Petite Fleur at Seifried Estate caters for everyone, with a capacity of up to 300 people - ideal for conand has built an exceptional reputation as a venue ferences, weddings, product launches and a multifor events from weddings, large corporate func- tude of other events. tions, conferences and meetings to more intimate Vines Function Room - perfect for more intimate
Making Parties Happen Roger Neame
Nelson Laundry First in textile services worldwide Proud to be suppliers to Petite Fleur at Seifried Estate: Restaurant Linen - Table Linen, Chefs Clothing, Tea Towels etc Paper & Washroom Services - Toilet Tissue & Paper Hand-towels (includes dispensers) - Cleaning Chemicals - Toilet-Sanitisers, Air Fresheners & Female Hygiene Bins Check out our managed First Aid Programs @
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Functions - Weddings - 21st Birthdays Wholesale/Retail Open to the public 20 McGlashen Ave, Richmond P. 03 544 6137 Open 8am-5pm Mon-Fri, Sat 8.30am-12.30pm
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
FUNCTION CENTRE ~ CATERING ~ RESTAURANT formerly Seifried’s Vineyard Restaurant & Function Centre Corner State Highway 60 and Redwood Road, Appleby, Richmond PH 03 544 1555 Owners Justine Robertson and Horst Wellmeyer make an impressive team with an obvious passion for people and the hospitality industry
get-togethers and meetings, with a capacity of 60 people. The Restaurant - offers seating for 80 with additional seating in the large courtyard area. “We like to meet with clients in the planning stages to talk through the options available. Your input, combined with our expertise will ensure your celebration or event will be exactly what you dreamed of. This is particularly important when it comes to planning a wedding. Every couple has clear ideas of what they want for their big day and we work closely with them to ensure that their wishes are fulfilled in terms of décor, entertainment and menus.” The latest offering at Petite Fleur at Seifried Estate is the Outside Catering service. Their experienced and professional team will provide outside catering to any function – weddings, corporate or private residential clients. Simple platters or finger food right through to multi course dinners can be either dropped off, or you
can use their team to provide full service, either in your home or at a venue of your choice. Petite Fleur at Seifried Estate is where fresh local cuisine is perfectly paired with wine grown and made on site, and can be enjoyed in the impressively decorated dining room, or while enjoying the sunshine in the tranquil vineyard garden setting. It is the perfect location to enjoy great food, great wine and the company of good friends. “The theme of the restaurant is relaxed, fun, down to earth and value for money, with a variety of platters or a la carte meals to suit everyone” says Justine. “It’s a great place for families too, with a wonderful playground to keep the children happy and entertained.” Less than 10 minutes from Richmond, on the corner of SH 60 and the turnoff to Rabbit Island, Petite Fleur is open for lunches from Thursday to Sunday up until Christmas when it will be open 7 days. They are available for group bookings outside these hours, by prior arrangement.
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now with extended offsite catering services Whether it’s a few simple platters or a huge elaborate banquet, let the Petite Fleur team help make your event special. Contact us today to organise your next function at our place… or yours!
Phone (03) 544 1555 or visit
20 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
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WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
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22 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Women’s cycling team will Go Local
Tasman Wheelers-affiliated Team fresh choice, one of only two competitive all-women cycling teams in New Zealand, will race under a new brand. Personal trainer and coach Karen Fulton, who is the six member team’s marquee rider and presently leader in the national women’s points series, says while fresh choice Richmond will remain a major sponsor it is the supermarket’s Go Local marketing brand in particular which will now give the team its biggest sponsorship push. “Gary Watson (fresh choice Richmond owner/manager) has been very supportive of our team since I first sold the concept to him and with the popularity and success of the recently launched Go Local campaign, which promotes business opportunities between local producers of quality products and fresh choice as a prime sales outlet, Gary was keen to get the
message out there. Putting their smart logo across our shirts will give fresh choice plenty of exposure and with our team members doing so well in various events from club to national competitions makes that publicity all the more obvious,” says Karen. The six members of Team fresh choice, all from RichmondWaimea district, have made considerable progress since Karen formed the team three years ago as Team Toxic (coffee). “Back then we had riders in the development stage and we were entering a lot of fun rides. Now we have two top national riders; Jeannie (Kuhajek) is leading a South Island points series at present and Christine (Van Hoppe) went to Melbourne on Saturday to contest the Australian Masters Nationals. We’re racing almost every weekend, at club level at least, and this
Team Fresh Choice with their smart new Go Local tops, from left: Kayley Murdoch, Paula Steel, Karen Fulton, Christine Van Hoppe, Vicki Shelling and Jeannie Kuhajek
sponsorship boost from Go Local will help us to get to events outside Nelson,” says Karen. One of the important factors in Team fresh choice social and sporting success is the dynamics within the group. “We’ve got riders from 16 to 62 years of age and we share the same competitive spirit and sheer love and enjoyment of cycling. We - Mowing all appreciate the need - Teddering to put in the hard yards in order to produce our - Balage - round & medium square
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best performance. We’re not affected by the alltoo-common modern attitude among a lot of sportspeople that sport owes us something or there’s got to be money at the end of it,” says Karen. Team fresh choice is looking forward to the Nelson Cycling Festival which starts on Friday, October 8 with around Nelson city streets followed by road racing on Saturday and a series of other events throughout the week. “Our riders will be involved in various races as part of that,” says Karen. Team fresh choice also acknowledges the generous and vital support of Village Cycles, Toxic Coffee and Woollaston Estates.
Blue Beats on the march This Sunday, October 3, at Hope Domain, Tasman Blue Beats are hosting their 2nd Leisure Marching Day. Twelve teams are attending from Hokitika, Marlborough, Motueka, Nelson and Richmond. Teams are using the day as a build up for the South Island event being held in Blenheim on October 16. The day begins at
10.30am with a March Past and official opening ceremony, followed by team displays at 11am. This is a great opportunity to see what leisure marching is all about. For more details of this event, or if anyone is interested in any aspect of marching they can contact Julie on 544 6430 or Sue on 544 7142.
I have been a Tasman District Councillor for three years and have worked hard to represent the people of Tasman. I will continue to provide a grounded viewpoint based on an understanding of the pressures affecting families, retired people, businesses and the community in general. Throughout my three years on Council I have learnt a lot about collaboration and cooperation; working to people’s strengths; and community engagement. I have maintained my availability and community involvement without losing sight of the political side of the job – representing the community at large. I offer my honesty, integrity and a grounded viewpoint. I will continue to be accessible, listen to and be involved in the community. I have enjoyed my time and worked hard and with the help of your vote, I would like to continue.
Vote Judene Edgar Your Councillor
Authorised by Judene Edgar, 46 Otia Drive, Richmond
National title for Fighting Fit boxer Steve Mitchell-trained youth featherweight boxer Gage Brown (pictured right with father Kelvin) has become the first fighter for many years to win a national title under the Nelson Boxing Association banner. He won the title after defeating Masoud Mohamed of Creighton Cobbers Boxing Club of Christchurch at the weekend. Gage, one of twin boxers of Brightwater, convincingly won his bout 22-5 “using a series of technically correct, powerful punches” according to delighted Fighting Fit gym trainer Steve. “We’ve had national champions from Nelson in recent years but this is the first time for ages we’ve had one under the Nelson association banner rather than having to compete under another province’s flag,” says Steve. The nationals were held at Hornby Working Men’s Club. Gage said, “I was pretty nervous going into the fight and I’m rapt to win a national title,” while his dad Kelvin said, “It’s been a huge few days away in Christchurch and his mum and I are very proud of Gage’s achievement.” “Gage is now ranked number 1 in his class in New Zealand and should go on to represent his country in international competition during 2011,” says Steve. Two other Fighting Fit boxers, Jordan Bowen and Danny Parkin, were also in action. Jordan, a junior middleweight, won his first fight 5-2 against Terihi Sturmey of Wellington-Hutt Valley but had to settle for a silver medal after losing to Cory Miles in the final. Danny, an elite welterweight, put up a brave fight against current national champion Bowen Morgan before losing a close decision 14-16. Bowen went on to retain his title while Danny remains in the top three in his division in New Zealand. Nelson has tradition of ‘punching above its weight’ in national competition going back to the 1960s and 70s when the Rackley boys dominated their divisions. Nelson City Council candidate Jeff Rackley won the Jameson Belt, awarded to New Zealand’s most scientific amateur boxer, on several occasions during his heyday. Barry Galbraith and Alan McNamara were other national champions from Nelson. Steve Mitchell founded Fighting Fit gym in the Wakatu industrial estate in 2001. He trains athletes in the sport of Olympic-style boxing and has no connection with kick-boxing.
Ground closure cancels football camp Reconstruction of Jubilee Park has meant the much-anticipated school holidays football camp, run by Richmond AFC, has had to be cancelled. “Interest was very high and we were all looking forward to carrying on the work we started in the previous holidays but we found we had no venue after we’d called for registrations,” says training camp director Firooz Zadech. “The ground will be out of action for about six weeks. We apologise to all those who planned to take part in the camp but we’ll certainly be running more camps at Jubilee Park in future to keep the opportunities for young players to develop their skills going,” says Firooz.
Michael Higgins for Richmond Authorised by Michael Higgins, Spring Grove
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
24 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Waimea Knightriders win Men’s basketball league
Knightriders players from left: Bob Gould, Tom Ingham, Ed Book, Nathan Chippendale and Hiro Natori. Also in the team are Ben Wright, Ben Jeffery and Matt Davies Waimea Knightriders has won the Men’s senior A basketball championship at Saxton Stadium. Playing Stoke-Nayland Old Boys in the grand final, the teams squared off in a physical encounter. Waimea demonstrated good composure in the first quarter scoring inside and out with guards Tom Ingham and Ben Wright combining for 13 points (7 & 6 respectively) and forwards Ed Book and Matt Davies combining for 10 points (4 & 6 respectively). Stoke Nayland Old Boys had 13 from guards Steve Bill and Ricky Brooks (8 & 5) and found themselves down by 3 at quarter time. Wright continued to hit from the long range with three 3’s in the second (he would end up with six in the game) to stretch the Waimea lead to 51 – 36 at half time. Giants small forward Sam Dempster, who had a quiet first half became more active in the 3rd quarter and became a target as Waimea played over aggressive defence sending Dempster to the line 5 times, converting 6 of 10. Stoke clawed back 3 points winning the 3rd quarter 17 – 14. Up 65 – 53 Waimea closed out the game utilising experienced veteran Book who scored 9 of the side’s 13 points in the last eventually running out winners 78 – 68 and uplifting the Horncastle Trophy.
Whiting brushes off cobwebs to play well
It’s been a patient wait for Waimea Old Boys and Tasman Makos reserve halfback Kaide Whiting in the ITM Cup but he was given his chance to show his skills against Waikato in Hamilton on Saturday. After no game time in the first five matches, then only cameo roles in the next four, Whiting found himself in the action after regular halfback and goalkicker Steve Alfield was forced from the field with an injury. Not surprisingly Whiting’s first few passes to James Marshall were a little rusty but as the game wore on he found his rhythm and confidence. By the end of the match the Radio Sport commentary team was singing Whiting’s praises saying he had a bright future at this level with natural improvement expected.
EVERY SATURDAY 8.30am - 12.30pm
Fruit, Vegetables & Fish Local Crafts & Products Enquiries regarding the market can be directed to:
Homestyle Foods Salisbury Shops, Richmond Ph: 03 544 4789
Yoga Class Something for everyone! Stretching & relaxing Beginners Welcome. Thursdays 5.30-7pm. Richmond Recreation Centre, Cambridge Street. First Class $5.00. Ph: Jamila 544 6145. Monaco Spring Garden Party Sun 3 Oct. Come & enjoy a family fun day out on the Village Green at Monaco Resort, 6 Point Road, Monaco 11.30am - 3.30pm – Free Entry. Live Local Jazz Band, Kids Entertainment, Bouncy Castle, Market Stalls, Yummy food & Local wine, High Tea served from the Orangerie Restaurant. More info Contact 547 0794 or Music on Friday 1 October 10 am at St David’s Presbyterian Church Florence St, Richmond. This week Orchestral Hope/Ranzau Women’s Institute Next Meeting Wed 6 Oct 1.30pm at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Dorset St. Richmond. Speaker Felicity, Keeping Women Safe “White Ribbon Day”. Do come. Contact Brenda 5445872. Tasman District Friends of Libraries A.G.M. Tues 19 Oct 7.30pm, meeting room Tasman District Library, Queen St. Guest speaker thriller writer, Trish McCormack, special interest to ex Coasters. Supper provided. Nelson Historical Society Presents the James Jenkins Memorial address at 7.30 pm on Mon 11 Oct at Nelson College Assembly Hall. Speaker Clive Akers (“Charles Monro and his influence in introducing the first game of rugby in 1870 at the Botanics)”$2 Door charge. Inquiries Annette 545 0498 Annual Fair & Garage Sale Richmond Town Hall, Cambridge Street, Sat 9 Oct. 8-11.30 am. Bargains Galore. Proceeds to St David’s Church, Richmond. Enquiries – 544 84 Mahana School Fiesta Sat 16 Oct 4pm to 7pm. An evening of relaxing music & entertainment, spit roast. sushi & more. Great wines & other refreshments. Jumble sale, plants, books, clothing etc. Lots of exciting things for children to do. Sunday if wet. Toastmasters Develope your personal confidence through public speaking in the safety and support of the High Noon, Nelson, or Madhatters Toastmasters Ph: 0800-PEOPLE (0800 736 753) Multicultural Women’s Group 4th Year Anniversary & Art Exhibition. Thurs 30 Sept, 9.30am – 12.30pm Seventh Day Adventist Church, Collingwood St. Nelson. Hear about diverse cultures and experiences of settlement in Nelson by multicultural women. Light lunch provided. Cost $20. RSVP by 27 Sept. or Phone 539 0030 Nelson ARK Street Appeal 4-10 Oct 2010. Volunteers, young people & canines will be out on the streets (Nelson, Stoke, Richmond) collecting for the ARK. Community support during this week contributes significantly towards our ability to provide our programmes including APART (Animals People And Rehabilitative Training) which pairs young people & previously unwanted dogs. For donations & offers or assistance call Susan 03 546-6871 or 021 138 1818. Duck Soup has generated hundreds of opportunities for singles over 30 to meet partners, friends and buddies. Whether you’re new to town or interested in expanding your social network after a break-up, Duck Soup will provide that opportunity for you too. More info on www.ducksoup. OUTrageous 6 Dance Party Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender & Friends. Sat 9 Oct 8pm onwards at the Nelson Yacht Club Dj Danice Dearborn from chch. Theme: Millitary and Nautical. BYO drinks, supper provided, costume prizes. Tickets $20 from Yaza Cafe Nel-
son & Hot Mama’s Cafe Motueka Limited door sales $25. Poetry Evening Nelson Live Poets’ Society Mon 27 Sept 2010, 6 for 6.30pm start at the Free House 95 Collingwood Street, open floor. Bring a poem, your own or a favourite, maybe bring a friend or just come and listen. Contact Nelson Skating Rink Hosting the “Southern Area Championships” on Sat 2 Oct.Come on down and support your local club showing off their artistic and speed skills. Free entry. Open from 10-4pm.Please note there will be no public session on this day.Sunday as normal 2-4pm Outdoor Courses Mountain Safety Council Nelson Branch. New courses on-line now including; River Safety,Bushcraft, Outdoor Leader, Outdoor First Aid, Firearms (HUNTS), Risk Management & Abseil. Visit www. for more info or phone Justin 543 7001 anytime. River Safety Courses Sat 16 Oct. Theory & Practical session. Designed for; Trampers, Walkers, Mountaineers, Hunters etc. Bushcraft Intermediate 6th & 7th Nov, with class session 4 Nov. Suit people that have done our ODL course or have a good basic understanding of working in the bush. Application forms on Ph: Justin 03 543 7001 anytime. Pigeon Valley Steam Museum Wakefield. ‘On Steam’ Sun 3 Oct, 10am to 4pm, Adults $5, children free. Old machinery, tractors, trucks, rural life museum, saw milling. Trailer and jigger ride. , 0273 197 42 Herbal Lotions & Potions Workshop Learn to make your own healing salves, natural body butter, lip gloss, hair conditioner and more. Take home recipes and two products, cost $15. At Stoke Memorial Hall kitchen on Sat 2 Oct 1-3pm. Book now, phone Chrystal on 545 7095 or 021 1364592 Armchair Travellers Sat 2 Oct at St Andrew’s hall, Upper Songer St, Stoke at 7.30pm. “Australian Odyssey”. Visit some of Australia’s out of the way places with Earle and Jenny Norriss. Donation appreciated Musical Delights Come and join us for an afternoon of Musical Delights Tues 5 Oct 2-00pm St Stephens Anglican Church, 65 Tahunanui Drive Afternoon tea provided Entry by gold coin donation. Sally 548-5682 or Jean 546-4132 The Lioness Club of Nelson Invite Non Profit Organisations to take part in their Annual Christmas Fair 30 Oct 2010.Your chance for your organisation to raise funds. Lioness Club this year will be supporting the New Ronald McDonald House in Wellington. For info contact Yvonne 547 6364 or Lois 544 7794. Richmond Athletics Club All children from 5 – 14 years old are welcome. Registration Night Tuesday 12th October 5.00pm – 6.00pm Saxton Field All Weather Track Season Starts 5.30pm - Tuesday 12 Oct Saxton Field All Weather Track Enquiries to: Jason or Karryn Stack – ph: 5443203. Thursday’s Nelson Junior Athletics Starts 14 Oct Saxton Field all-weather track. Every Thursday. GOD?! Introducing God Sun @ 7 cafe church. Free supper, discussion, questions, multi-media, a place for your questions on 3 October at Nelson Cathedral 7pm. All Welcome. Jude 548 1008. Festival of Quilts Nelson Quilters Guild at Nelson Girls College Assembly Hall Trafalgar St. Fri Oct 1st - Sat 2 10am - 5pm. Sun 3 Oct 2010 10am - 4pm. Adults $5 Students $3. Art Exhibition New members of the Nelson Suter Art
Society. Featuring paintings, glass & sculpture by Lyn Broughton, Serena Buonaguidi-Haynes, Murray Dill, Nick Duncan, Guy Pettitt, Lynn Price & Sally Reynolds. McKee Gallery, Suter Art Gallery open daily ‘til 10 Oct ‘10. Save the Children Save the Children is holding stalls during Appeal Week in Richmond Mall from Wed 29 Sept to Fri 1 Oct. Free yo-yos with donations over $5, with $1 of donation going to Canterbury Earthquake Appeal. Mahana School Twilight Family Fiesta Sat16 Oct 4pm to 7pm. An evening of relaxing music and entertainment, spit roasts, sushi and more. Great wines and other refreshments. Juble sales, plants, books, and clothing etc. Lots of exciting things for children to do. Sunday if wet. Ex West Coasters Get together Sun 17 Oct at Suburban Club Nelson at 1pm . guest speaker Reon Murtha. For info contact Geoff547 1101 or Doug 546479 Broadgreen Historic House 276 Nayland Road Stoke School holiday activity - The Forgetful Farmer - What’s he left in the House? Find our for a sweet treat. Opening hours 10.30am 4.30pm daily Admission Children $1.00 Seniors $3.00 and Adults $4.00 Contact 547 0403 Wakefield – Village Hall Pilates Mondays 7pm. Fighting 50s Tuesdays 11am. Tai Chi soon on Thursdays - Please register. Zumba Thursday 6-7pm. Men’s Circuit Class Thu 7.30pm Brightwater – Village Hall Zumba Monday 6-7pm. Badminton Tue and Wed 6-8pm Cancer Society Support Group Partners and Carers of cancer patients Support Group. Tues 2 Nov 7.30pm. This is a free 6 week facilicated course. Please register with the Cancer Society Nelson ph 539 3662. Wakefield Plunket Annual Photo Fundraiser Sat 2nd Oct. Take advantage of this wonderfull opportunity to recieve great value and a beautiful 10” x 13” colour or black/white family portrait you will always treasure. Sittings are $15. Ph Donna 5418583 for more details or to book time Sign Language Classes once a week for 8 weeks, 1-3pm at Hearing House, 354 Trafalgar Sq, Nelson. Level 1 starting Tuesday 12/10 to 30/11 and Level 2 starting Thursday 14/10 to 2/12. Phone 548 3270 to book. Health In The Middle Years An evening initiated by Soroptimists International Waimea promoting ‘Health In The Middle Years’ at Richmond Community Church - Warring Car Park on Mon 18 Oct 7.00pm. A panel of notable professionals will cover topics - Menopause, CoronaryCare,Incontinence,Cop ing Alone. Supper provided. A gold coin donationfor expenses. Info contact, Annette 544 0161, Judy 547 7292, Jackie 544 8562. Leisure Marching Day At Hope Domain on: Sun 3 Oct at 10.30am March Past, 11am Team Displays -Teams from Marlborough, Hokitika, Richmond , Nelson & Motueka. Contacts: Sue 03 544 7142 (evenings) Julie 03 544 6430. Board Game & Role Playing Club Tuesdays 7pm. Brightwater. New members welcome. To register interest, email Brightwater RPG@ or visit www.brightwaterrpg. Favourite Hymn Sing-along 10am Wed 20 Oct (every 3rd Wednesday) Come along and sing some good old faithful hymns, along with some of those favourites. Starts with morning tea at 10am, Favourite Hymn service 10.30~11.10am warm heated building, No charge, everyone welcome, bring your friends. Richmond Church of Christ, corner Croucher & Darcy St.
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
public notices
public notices
Tasman Resource Management Plan (TRMP) Proposed Changes 20 & 21 and Proposed Variation 71
Local Authority Elections – Special Votes
Public notice is given pursuant to Clause 5 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991 that the Tasman District Council has prepared amendments to the Tasman Resource Management Plan, known as Proposed Changes 20 and 21 and Proposed Variation 71.
Notice is given that special voting facilities for this year’s Tasman District Council and NelsonMarlborough District Health Board Elections are available at the Council’s main office, 189 Queen Street, Richmond during normal office hours, up until 12 noon on Saturday 9 October 2010. Special voting documents can be posted to electors and requested by a telephone call, Ph. 03 543 7240, or a letter addressed to:
Proposed Change 20 - Richmond East Development Area Proposed Change 20 amends Parts I, II and VI of the Tasman Resource Management Plan (the “Plan”) to accommodate the Richmond East Development Area with approximately 50 hectares of residential land and 34 hectares of serviced rural-residential land.
The Electoral Officer Tasman District Council Private Bag 4 Richmond 7050
Proposed Change 21 – Active Fault Rupture Risk Management Proposed Change 21 amends Parts I and II of the Tasman Resource Management Plan (the “Plan”) to provide a more accurate location of the Wairau Segment of the Alpine Fault and the Waimea-Flaxmore Fault on the planning maps, and to amend the relevant rules accordingly, particularly Section 18.13.
Lloyd Kennedy, Electoral Officer
Proposed Variation 71 – Slope Instability Risk Area Proposed Change 21 amends Parts I and II of the Tasman Resource Management Plan (the “Plan”) to provide a more extensive area of the Slope Instability Risk Area adjacent to Richmond on the planning maps, and to amend the relevant rules accordingly, particularly Section 18.12. Submissions Any person may make a submission on any part of the proposed changes or variations. Submissions need to be in writing, and must clearly indicate support or opposition to the provisions. They must also state the decision that the submitter wishes the Council to make, with reasons, and whether or not the submitter wishes to be heard in support of his or her submission. The submission must also provide an address for service. Forms for making submissions are available as indicated below under “Availability of Proposed Change/Variations”. Submissions can be sent to the Manager Policy, Tasman District Council, Private Bag 4, Richmond 7050 to be received by 4.00 pm on Monday, 1 November 2010. Consideration of Proposed Changes/Variation After submissions have closed, Council will publish a summary of all decisions requested by submitters. There will be a further period of 10 working days within which further submissions in support or opposition to those made may be sent to Council. Council will then hear submissions and make decisions on the Plan Variations and Change. Any submitter who is not satisfied with Council’s decisions will have a right of appeal to the Environment Court. Availability of Proposed Changes/Variation The proposed amendments are available for public inspection at the Richmond office of Council. They are also available on the Council website under ‘Changes and Variations’ via ‘Policy’, ‘Resource Management Plan’, or by contacting Pam Meadows, Ph 03 543 8581 or email Submission forms are also available. For any further information or advice on these amendments, please contact Mary Honey, Ph 03 543 8397 or email with regard to Proposed Change 20, or Steve Markham, Ph 03 543 8427 or email with regard to Proposed Change 21 and Variation 71. Update Pages to the Plan Update No. 36 to the Plan, including all amendments to the text as a result of these amendments, will be available or forwarded to Plan holders as soon as possible. For enquiries concerning the update or availability of the Plan, please contact Pam Meadows, Ph 03 543 8581 or email or contact one of the Customer Services staff.
Voting documents must be received by the Electoral Officer by 12 noon on Saturday, 9 October 2010.
community notices Promote your summer event in Hummin’ Would you like to promote your summer event to thousands of visitors and locals for free? Every year, the Tasman District Council produces Hummin’ in Tasman, a guide for locals and visitors to help promote the events, attractions and businesses of the Tasman District. 20,000 copies of Hummin’ in Tasman are distributed free through i-Sites, libraries, Council offices, A&P shows, campgrounds, the Richmond Mall and other outlets across the region. This year, event details (of events running between 15 November 2010 to Easter 2011 and based within the Tasman District) will be taken from the It’s On website,, the region’s free events guide. So if you want your event included in Hummin’, put it on ‘Its On’ before Friday, 8 October 2010. If you are unable to add details to the Its On website, please email through full event details to Mike Tasman-Jones ( at Tasman District Council by Friday, 1 October 2010.
Tasman Nelson Environment Awards 2010 Let’s celebrate our Environmental Leaders. There are 11 categories: • Rural • Urban Design • Best Use of renewable energy • Commercial (2x categories – Emerging – Leadership) • Schools (2x categories – Early Childhood – Primary/Secondary) • Community/ Neighbourhood Groups • Heritage (2x categories – Sites – Events/ Culture) • Environmental Leadership. Entries close Friday 8 October 2010. Entry forms are available at Tasman District and Nelson City Council offices, libraries and on the websites www.tasman.govt. nz & For more information Ph. 03 543 8484 or email
community notices Age to Be Positive Ageing Expo almost here More than 30 businesses and organisations have already signed up to take part in the region’s third expo on Positive Ageing, being held on 1 October 2010, to coincide with the International Day of Older Persons. The bi-ennial expo will be held from 10.30 am – 4.00 pm at Hope Community Church in Ranzau Road and is designed as a showcase of the recreational and social services available to help make ageing a positive experience. The last expo in 2008 attracted around 3000 visitors. There are a limited number of stands still available. Interested parties should contact Mike Tasman-Jones, Community Recreation Advisor at the Tasman District Council. There is no fee, but numbers are strictly limited. Ph. 03 543 8403, or email Feel free to contact us:
Richmond 189 Queen Street Private Bag 4 Richmond, Nelson 7050, New Zealand Phone 03 543 8400 Fax 03 543 9524
Murchison 92 Fairfax Street Murchison 7007 New Zealand Phone 03 523 1013 Fax 03 523 1012
Tasman District Council Email Website 24 hour assistance Motueka 7 Hickmott Place PO Box 123 Motueka 7143 New Zealand Phone 03 528 2022 Fax 03 528 9751
Takaka 78 Commercial Street PO Box 74 Takaka 7142 New Zealand Phone 03 525 0020 Fax 03 525 9972
council meetings Agendas and Minutes for Council Meetings can be viewed on Council’s website at
Engineering Services Committee Tasman Council Chambers, 189 Queen Street, Richmond, Thursday, 30 September 2010, 9.30 am. Public forum Full Council Tasman Council Chambers, 189 Queen Street, Richmond, Thursday, 30 September 2010, 1.30 pm or at the conclusion of Engineering Services Committee. No public forum Environment and Planning Committee (Tasman District Council - Borck Creek, Notice of Requirement) Tasman Council Chambers, 189 Queen Street, Richmond, Wednesday, 6 October 2010, 9.30 am - meeting reconvened from Tuesday 21 September 2010. No public forum Environment and Planning Subcommittee Consents (J Kemp) Meeting Room, Takaka Office, 78 Commercial Street, Takaka, Monday, 11 October 2010, 11.00 am. No public forum
26 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
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Financial Services
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accessman 21 Elms Street Wakatu Estate, Stoke
Panel Beaters
11 Florence St, Richmond Worship Services This Sunday: 8.15am Breakfast @ St David’s Lively children’s programme 9.30am Classic Church Every Wednesday 7:00pm Ripple Effect Interactive Church ph: 544 8387
nelson ltd
544 3985
021 264 9421 03 544 5294
All Insurance Claims Panelbeating Chassis Straightening Repaints 2-pack Touch Ups
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541 0068 or 027 211 2902
Your Solar Hot Water Specialists
Notice to all Advertisers By placing your advertisement to be run you agree with the terms and conditions of the Waimea Weekly. Namely, payment by the 20th of the following month, or in the event of non payment, the recovery of any debt and its costs will be on charged to the customer. This includes all costs and commissions paid to a debt recovery service. Should you require any further information please phone the newspaper on 544 9037.
AVON representatives required NOW. Ph Jan 5441254 or 0272474222
Work Wanted Hedge trimmimg, weeding and planting etc. Mapua, Richmond, Tahuna area. Reasonable rates and reliable. Ph: 541 0019
544 8059
10.30am Combined Family Worship St John’s Centre
Motorbike Training
7.00pm Praise and Worship St John’s Centre
Public Notice
Saturday Oct 2nd 8-12pm $5 DOOR ENTRY - RAFFLES -
No Youth Group over School Holidays Rev Allan Wasley, Vicar Ph 541 8883 120 Edward St, Wakefield
with Karel Pavich NZ
250GP Road Racing Champion
SPECIAL OFFER FREE 1 Hour Coaching (value $100) with every Basic Handling Skills Test
Sunday Service 9.00am Traditional 10.30am Contemporary Theme: Finishing Well
Learner Licence
Limited offer. Ph.03 545 2299 or 027 699 8089
For Sale
Large family home centrally located in Hunter Ave, Richmond. Large colourful section, gas and electric cooking, views, four plus bedrooms, huge garage. Phone: 544 7957
Holy Trinity Church
27 Dorset St, Richmond Phone 544-8844
Situations Vacant
Sunday Services
Wednesday 10.00am Holy Communion
Available, free quotes, specialising in small jobs. All rubbish removed. Phone Barry on 027 430 9603
Wakefield Anglican Church
LEARN TO RIDE LIKE A CHAMPION Bert Tijsen Property Maintenance Services
Public Notice
Vineyard/Hort work wanted: Mature couple with 5yrs experience in most aspects of vineyard work are looking for permanent/casual positions pref in the waimea plains area. Refs available. Phone 027 2776937 anytime.
Call Tony Johnston 90 VANGUARD ST NELSON PH: 548 3954 027 548 3954
Work Wanted
Plumbing Tasman Bay Plumbing Services
• • • • • •
WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010
Sunday 3 October
10.00am Worship Celebration
To Rent
Pastor David & Linda Dishroon
Richmond. Room. Mature working household. Quiet, easy going. Plenty of space Great sunny location and outlook. $130-00 Tel 021 577 746
(from Tauranga)
Warring Carpark 243 Queen St Central Richmond
Club Waimea
Thursday 30 September
Need a place to park up?
Saturday 2 October
Treasure Chest = $1100
SATURDAY from 5.30pm Great food at affordable prices! Bookings preferred but not essential
Buffet for $19.90 Sundays from 5.30
Club Waimea Caravan Park
Limited Semi Permanent Sites available Conditions apply
Grace Heart
Ph: 543 9179
Members, their guests and affiliated members all welcome.
28 WEDNESDAY 29 September 2010