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News 12 WEDNESDAY 5 February 2020 Murchison set to celebrate 100 years of the A&P Show
Things are getting busy in Murchison this week, as the town prepares to celebrate its 100th A and P Show next weekend. It was a travelling salesman for Buxtons Ltd who canvassed the area in 1909 and came up with the suggestion that it would be a good idea if the town had an annual show. The first show was held March 17, 1911 and included exhibits of stock, vegetables, domestic produce and flowers. There were horse events, dog trials, athletic sports and axemen’s events. The show was a great success and was followed by a ball at night. Music for the ball was supplied by Miss Mary Hunter’s orchestra which included William Hunter, Mrs Ernie White and Joe Goodyer. The first show grounds were in Charles Downie’s paddock in Grey Street. Tents for the show were hired from Buxton’s store in Nelson. The dairy factory was new at the time and pedigree cows were being bought into the district for the show. The cows had arrived the night before the show, so all had to be milked by hand on the grounds. A night watchman was present in the cookery tent to keep all the stray cats out. The ball was a grand affair with many people dancing until dawn, when they had to go and milk.
These shows were organised by the Farmers Union Show Committee. It was then decided to run shows under the A & P Association’s umbrella. The first show ever Murchison A&P show was opened by the then Prime Minister, the Right Hon WF Massey. During the war years, the shows were not held.
Adrienne Hill Chair, Parish Pastoral Council Our Lady of the Bays Already the first month of 2020 is in the past! Many of us approach each New Year with hopes, dreams and resolutions for the coming 12 months. With the first month gone, how are our resolutions looking? Do we even remember what they were?While our individual goals for the year may seem small in a global sense, we all have the same desires for our family and friends as those who lead and nurture countries and global organisations do - those of peace, harmony and health. In his message on the celebration of the 53rd World Day of Peace on 1 January, His Holiness Pope Francis sees Peace as a journey of Hope, through Dialogue, Reconciliation and Ecological Conversion. Hope is the virtue that inspires us. It keeps us moving forward even in the face of obstacles and trials. Peace will not be obtained unless it is hoped for. Dialogue and listening based on memory and solidarity, Reconciliation by acknowledging one another as brothers and sisters, as well asEcological Conversion with a peaceful relationship between communities and the land. Pope Francis acknowledges that the world does not need more empty words. What it needs is convinced witnesses, and peacemakers who are open to rejecting exclusion and manipulation. The road to peace of any kind, whether within our families, communities or globally, is long and arduous, but it is a process that requires an ongo
ing commitment from all of us. Referring to the recent Synod on the Pan-Amazon region, Pope Francis writes, ‘Faced with the consequences of our hostility toward others, our lack of respect for our common home and our abusive exploitation of natural resources, we are in need of an ecological conversion, one that will lead us to a new way of looking at life.’ Today everything changes so quickly, nothing lasts long. And this mentality leads many who are preparing for marriage to say: “we are together as long as the love lasts,” - and then? Pope Francis said “All the best and see you later... and so ends the marriage. But what do we mean by ‘love’? Is it only a feeling, a psychophysical state? Certainly, if that is it, then we cannot build on anything solid. But if, instead, love is a relationship, then it is a reality that grows.” Let us hope that 2020 will be a year where small steps are taken, so that all may experience a life of peace.
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A band plays at Murchison A and P Show. Photo: Murchison Museum.
Nelson Matters
544 Waimea Road, Nelson
Nelson and Tasman needs were ignored by the Government in last week’s $8 billion infrastructure package of 40 roading and hospital projects around New Zealand. There was nothing for our region. The congestion and road safety issues in Nelson and Richmond just keep getting worse. I am being inundated with complaints about the increasing congestion on Rocks Road, Waimea Road, Richmond’s lower Queen Street intersection and around Champion Road. Journeys that used to take 5 minutes are taking 20 minutes. Frustrated motorists are taking unnecessary risks increasing the number of accidents. Rat running to avoid the snarl ups is affecting suburban neighbourhoods. The problems on Waimea Road will just get worse when the new traffic lights linking Princes Drive are added in June. Nelson also has the most earthquake prone hospital in NZ and our seismic risk is similar to Christchurch. The law I passed in 2016 as Building Minister requires it to be upgraded this decade. It has insufficient beds for our growing and aging population, nor are the facilities up to scratch for patients, doctors and nurses. It should have been included in the list of hospital upgrades. Labour Ministers like Grant Robertson and Phil Twyford justified the lack of local projects by saying the funds had been allocated on the basis of population and growth. Nelson and Tasman make up 2% of New Zealand’s population and our share would equate to $160 million. Northland got $692 million worth of projects. Regions with less growth and population like Gisborne, Whangarei, Levin, Palmerston North and Wairarapa all got significant projects. I commend Tasman Mayor Tim King for pointing out that population growth in our region has been 2.1% per year, the same as Auckland’s. He and other South Island Mayors are right to cry foul. The South Island makes up 22% of New Zealand’s population but is only getting 2% of the investment with minor projects in Christchurch and Queenstown. It rubs salt in the wound that this Government has also put petrol taxes and road user charges up three times for Nelson and Tasman motorists. They are taking millions more out of the region but not investing any back. They last year cancelled $6 million of work on upgrades to SH 6 in Stoke and Atawhai which would have provided quieter and safer road surfacing. We are paying more for less. National has a proven record of major transport investment locally. We built QE II Drive in the 1980s
and the Stoke Bypass in the 1990s (against opposition by Greens and Labour). We built the Mapua Bypass, Spooners Range and Gentle Annie upgrades in the 2010’s. We rightly made the $1.4 billion fix of SH1 the priority after the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake. I lobbied hard to get the $135 million commitment for the Southern Link from then PM Bill English and Transport Minister Simon Bridges in 2017. My greatest disappointment last election from Winston Peters’ decision to go with Labour, was the deferral of this project. Nelsonians are rightly angry with Labour over this neglect of our region. Advt.
Feature 14 WEDNESDAY 5 February 2020 A & P SHOW MURCHISON 100 th
This year marks the 100th Murchison A and P Show. The first show was held in 1909. “After that, there wasn’t another show until 1915, then there were five years during the second world war that they didn’t have one,” says the Murchison A and P Show president, Allan James. “So that was 11 years in total that the show didn’t take place.” Fast-forward to 2020, on February 15th, the organising committee has planned a fabulous combination of vintage and new. “A parade will be held with tractors, trucks, cars, and my daughter and granddaughter are part of a riding side-saddle group to lead the procession. My granddaughter is a 5th generation of the James’ family at the 100th Murchison A and P Show.” Allan says Kate Kinzett and another lady will be pulling out all their old ribbons. “Kate has probably been riding for 5 decades or more.” The pair will wear them in the parade on horseback. Following that will be the oldest car they can find because the vintage car club are coming on the day. “We’ll
Maureen Pugh National List MP based in West Coast – Tasman
Congratulations on your 100th anniversary Murchison A&P Show. Looking forward to celebrating with you all there!
0800 628 7336 Maureen.pughmp@parliament.govt.nz wct.maureenpugh
The Murchison A and P Show has been held at the same place since 1909.
have cars from the 50’s and 60’s, maybe even from the 40’s, and also the modern ‘stuff ’ so you can see what’s happened in over 100 years.” There will also be old trucks and modern ones including one of the latest logging trucks purchased just before Christmas, plus a Model T or a Model A that will lead a small convoy. “We’ll do the same for the tractors, led by a traction engine.” Allan says the Sturgeons are bringing their merry-goround that George’s father bought in 1935 and other treasures from the past. “The Sturgeons haven’t missed a show since 1935. We’ve also got the shearing. The Rouse family, we hope, will be attending; Margaret is a life member of the show. Mr Rouse passed away a while ago, so Mrs Rouse will be presenting the shearers with a special Rouse
Funded by the Parliamentary Service. Authorised by Maureen Pugh MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.
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RE: NZ Dairy ( Region 11: Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast ) 2017 / 2018. - Wallplanner. Call Leighton to discuss your ideas 021301154 PR Construction are proud to support the Murchison Centennial A&P Show
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35 Fairfax St, Murchison Ph 03 523 9300 www.dustandrust.nz Follow us @dustandrustnz for regular updates on fresh stock and business info IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR PROOF: FOR ALL YOUR RURAL AND BULK TRANSPORT Ph: (03) 789 7609 | e: admin@jbt.co.nz Lon and Tracey Bradley and Mark and Penny McIntyre are proud to support the Murchison A&P show in its 100 th year. We are pleased to provide farmers in the Murchison, Tasman and Buller region with all their rural and bulk transport. FOR ALL YOUR RURAL AND BULK TRANSPORT Murchison: 03 523 9559 Westport: 03 789 7609 e: admin@jbt.co.nz Mike Harper Livestock Ltd. phone 0274 960 485 or 03 523 9956 harpnjo@gmail.com Locally owned & operated • Prime Stock to the Works • Deer Cartage • Off-Farm Dairy Grazing • Herd Shift Movements • Service Bulls • Store Stock • Interisland Livestock Movements
Feature WEDNESDAY 5 February 2020 15 Proudly supporting farming on Proudly supporting farming on the West Coast. Come along and see “Mo Tro” Live from 8pm on the 15th Feb after the A&P Show A & P SHOW MURCHISON 100 th SATURDAY 15 FEBRUARY 8.30am - 4.00pm MURcHiSOn DOMAin
SATURDAY 15 FEBRUARY 8.30am - 4.00pm 100 th 24HR - PH: 03 544 5723 MAIN ROAD APPLEBY, NELSON 24HR - PH: 544 5723 MAIN ROAD APPLEBY BRANDS - SERVICE - FINANCE Parts and Service for ALL makes and ALL models 24HR Call Out sales, parts & service for all makes & all models Proudly supporting farming on the West Coast. Proudly supporting farming on the West Coast. Proud to support the 100 th Murchison A&P Show Damien O’Connor MP West Coast/Tasman Spokesperson for Primary Industries, Biosecurity and Food Safety the West Coast. Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety Minister for Rural Communities Associate Minister of Trade and Export Growth MP for West Coast-Tasman Damien O’Connor MP West Coast/Tasman Spokesperson for Primary Industries, Biosecurity and Food Safety 208A Palmerston St, Westport | phone 03 789 5481 181 Tainui St. Greymouth | phone 03 768 7189 Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety Minister for Rural Communities Associate Minister of Trade and Export Growth MP for West Coast-Tasman , 42 Fairfax St, Murchison 03 523 9008 trophy. She is in her 90’s and is looking forward to coming.” Allan says the museum has been very supportive and are putting up a big stall with early laundries, kitchens and classrooms. “To top it all off, Annette King, who was originally from Murchison, is coming to open the show for us.” The Murchison A and P Show has been held at the same place since 1909, at the Murchsion Recreation Centre. “Back in 1909, they tied their horses up to the stumps and the logs. There’s been a few improvements since then,” laughs Allan. Rain or shine, the show will go on. “We’re expecting a very large crowd and have lots of extra entries for our trade, vintage and so on. Allan and Jane Redwood have very kindly lent us a paddock right next door to the show to spread out into.” Going forward, with at least half the committee intent on keeping the Murchison A and P show going, its future looks bright. This year, people are expected from all over: South Canterbury, Kaikoura, the West Coast, Golden Bay and even the North Island. The 100th Murchison A and P Show will be held on Saturday, February 15th at the Murchison Sport, Recreation and Cultural Centre, 34 Hampden Street, Murchison, from 8:30am until early evening. Adults $10, Children (under 15) $5, Under 5’s free. NB: The equestrian events will take place on Saturday and continue into Sunday, February 16th. For more information, you can visit Murchison A and P Show on Facebook. Children attending the 100th Murchison A and P Show will be pleased to know that Sturgeons will be back this year with their famous merry-go-round.
SATURDAY: Equestrian, Woodchopping, Produce, Flowers & Baking SUnDAY: Equestrian Featuring Entertainment from Harmony Hunters Lots of fun for the whole family! Adults $10 Children $5 Damien O’Connor MP West Coast/Tasman Spokesperson for Primary Industries, Biosecurity and Food Safety 208A Palmerston St, Westport | phone 03 789 5481 181 Tainui St. Greymouth | phone 03 768 7189 Freephone 0800 326 436
Authorised by Damien O’Connor 208A Palmerston St, Westport. damienoconnormp Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety Minister for Rural Communities Associate Minister of Trade and Export Growth MP for West Coast-Tasman , Damien O’Connor MP West Coast/Tasman Spokesperson for Primary Industries, Biosecurity and Food Safety 208A Palmerston St, Westport | phone 03 789 5481 181 Tainui St. Greymouth | phone 03 768 7189 Freephone 0800 326 436
Authorised by Damien O’Connor 208A Palmerston St, Westport. damienoconnormp Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety Minister for Rural Communities Associate Minister of Trade and Export Growth MP for West Coast-Tasman , 208A Palmerston St, Westport | phone 03 789 5481 181 Tainui St. Greymouth | phone 03 768 7189 Freephone 0800 326 436 , Freephone 0800 326 436
Authorised by Damien O’Connor 208A Palmerston St, Westport. damienoconnormp Damien O’Connor MP for West Coast-Tasman Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety Minister for Rural Communities Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth 234 High St, Motueka | phone 03 528 8190 208A Palmerston St, Westport | phone 03 789 5481 181 Tainui St, Greymouth | phone 03 768 7189 Freephone 0800 326 436
Authorised by Hon Damien O’Connor, Parliament Buildings, Wellington