Waimea Weekly
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Lou Smith, left, and her sister Melissa with children, from left, Georgia and Max Murdoch and Caleb Huppert-Smith, enjoy a day in the Aniseed Valley’s popular Busch Reserve.
Welcome to summer in Tasman
Welcome to your summer and to our final edition of the year. Waimea Weekly’s holiday edition is packed with news and information on our region and what there is to do, the perfect holiday guide to Nelson and Tasman. Summer in Nelson is all about sun, the
beach, great food and drink, and good friends and family. In this edition you’ll find plenty of things to see and do to help make the most of the holiday break. We hope you have a great time over the next few weeks, whether you’re a local sticking around for the holidays or from
out of town, here to make the most of what our region has to offer. At Waimea Weekly, we’ve had another fantastic year and we’d like to thank all of our readers and advertisers for their support. We’ve reported on plenty of highs and lows throughout the region and have some ex-
citing new developments in store for 2015. Our first edition after the break will be delivered to your home on Wednesday, January 14. So, have fun, enjoy our wonderful region, and from the entire team at your local newspaper, happy holidays.
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100% locally owned and operated