NGP March 2014

Page 1

Out & About

Greypower March 2014

Nelson Grey Power Inc

Page 10

Age 2 Be Page 16

Membership Renewal

Page 22

A ticking time bomb Neville Male President In the December magazine I stated my concerns about the lack of a cohesive Government policy relating to New Zealand’s ageing population and what long term strategic plans were in place to cater for this. I did then comment that it was pleasing to see the release of two new Government statements which in effect were replacing the Positive Ageing Strategy that was introduced 12 years ago and was well past its use by date. Since December our media has highlighted many of the problems being faced by our

older people. In particular the impact of the older population on hospital waiting lists is a hot topic where it is being suggested that this age group will no longer be eligible for public funded elective surgery. I publicly challenged the Minister of Health about this saying that there is no way older people will accept that and asked him how this fitted into the new Government policy statement released in November 2013 “Older New Zealanders: Healthy Independent Connected and Respected.” I have had no response which is unfortunate. Continued on page 3

wheelchairs mobility scooters walker/canes electric beds and hoists lift assist chairs bathroom solutions incontinence products daily living aids/products

Sales - Service - Repairs - Rentals

Nelson Grey Power members Janet and Malcolm Saunders ride the Great Taste Cycle Trail along to Mapua. The cycle trail runs throughout Tasman, currently to Wakefield and Mapua, and by Christmas it will be open to Kaiteriteri.

Recliner Lift Chairs Huge range instore!

Home Healthcare Equipment and Mobility Products Visit our showroom at: Cnr McGlashen Ave & Croucher St, Richmond, Nelson

Ph: 03 544 7717


Grey Power Nelson


Big achievements ahead Neville Male President As we begin our new year it is pleasing to report that we have had a substantial increase in our membership over the past twelve months. As we begin the process of membership renewals over the next two months, I am confident we will see our numbers continue to grow. There is no doubt that all persons over 50 years of age should, for many good reasons, be joining Nelson Grey Power. With strength in numbers we can achieve many things for our older people. Since late last year many new members have been attracted by the Grey Power Electricity Scheme and I also believe the good work we are doing on a number of fronts is also helping in this regard. For a very small membership fee members not only get a great discount book but also the best advocacy offered in our region on issues faced by older persons. Make sure you spread the word to people you know who are eligible for membership. Remember mem-

bership is open to all persons over 50. Looking ahead we have a very busy year of work ahead including:• Review of Wood Burner Regulations – We will remain at the forefront of this ‘battle’. • Development of a Nelson/Tasman Community Strategy for the future of our Ageing Population – This is the major project for the year which will provide the pathway for greater co-operation between key providers of older persons services. • NMDHB Review of Services Provided by Nelson and Wairau Hospitals – As a community representative on the Reference Group I will be strongly advocating for our older persons. • Older Persons Health Alliance – The link between the review of hospital services and the objects of the Alliance should now be a major step forward. • Review of Our Constitution – This will be on the agenda for the forthcoming AGM in April and provides for a complete update. De-

Nelson Grey Power 33 Putaitai Street, Stoke (Between Kiwibank/Post Office and the walkway to the Stoke Library opposite the Countdown Supermarket car park)

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-2.30pm Ph: 03 547 2457 Fax: 03 547 2157 P. O. Box 2190 Stoke E:

tails about the meeting are in this magazine (see Page 8) • NZ Grey Power Federation AGM – We have some major concerns at a local level about the way the Federation is operating and will be advising members more fully about this in due course. Apart from the above, there will be regular meetings with both Councils and of course important input into the Annual Planning processes. I am pleased to report that we have formally agreed a new working relationship with Marlborough Grey Power Association and between our two associations we now represent over

15,000 members. This is an important liaison as we work together in a strategic way with forward planning and developing our respective roles in addressing older person issues in both regions. We can help one another! This will be an exercise in co-operation that I believe will be hugely beneficial both immediately and in the longer term. Our Office Manager, Pat Carrick, has been in hospital for major surgery and will be off work for the next six weeks. We all wish Pat a speedy recovery and in the meantime all enquires should be directed to our Office Administrator, Kim Harding. Best wishes for safe, happy and healthy 2014.


Neither this association, nor any person associated with it, accepts any liability for the contents of this magazine which has been prepared in good faith and is believed to be correct. The final say on any articles printed in this magazine is at the discretion of the Nelson Grey Power President who has overall editorial approval.

BUYING OR SELLING A VEHICLE? Put my experience to work for you.

Paul Kelly


NELSONS INDEPENDENT AUTOBROKER IF YOU’RE BUYING A VEHICLE? I have thousands to choose from both locally and nationwide. WANT TO SELL YOUR VEHICLE? I’ll get you the best price from my nationwide client network.

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Grey Power Nelson

Ageing issues, a ticking time bomb Continued from page 1. Another media hot topic has been the unacceptable increase in elder abuse which clearly shows that a predicted 17000 older persons will suffer elder abuse during 2014. It is hard to comprehend that presently 75% of elder abuse cases are attributed to family members. This is an absolute disgrace and I ask “What is happening to our so called caring society?” 40% of those being abused are living alone and this shows just how vulnerable our older people are and that the number of predators ready to rip off an older




person is on the rise. We talk about “stranger danger” with our kids – the same can now be very much be applied to our older people. It was unfortunate that the prime ministers visit to talk to our members was postponed last week as I was going to raise the issue of what I see as a lack of clear Government Policy for the future of older New Zealanders with him. I will certainly be raising this with him when his visit to Nelson is rescheduled. Meantime, stay safe and never hesitate to contact our office if you have any concerns.

Roof Painting Scam A local pensioner has just been ripped off by being charged $3600 to have their roof painted. This relates to a rate of $150 per hour. These scammers are door knocking and targeting older persons offering to do the work on a cash only basis. In this case the work took only one day, was very substandard and can only be seen as a to-

Take advantage of the sunshine

Marsden House Presents


Book before winter

Buy your copy now for $15 or get the entire set for just $40

Discount for Grey Power Members on bookings before 30/04/14



Nelson’s rich history of characters, conflict s and celebrations in this third volume is detailed of stories featurin g discovery and heartbreak and survival, triumph. These stories are about situations and real people in real in some cases the truth really is strange Whether you are r than fiction. picking this up for just a quick from cover to cover, read, or are reading enjoy Snippets of History as a small glimpse into the Nelson that once was.

Volumes 1, 2 & 3 available now at Marsden House & the Radio Network. All proceeds go to local charities.




All exteriors, roofs, etc. Interiors - Plasterboard Stopping - Wallpapering Airless Spraying - Painting - Water Blasting





tal “rip off ”. If you are approached please be very careful and if possible observant regarding vehicles and registration numbers being used by these scammers. If you have any information at all, please contact Senior Constable Christopher Gladstone at Nelson Police (03 546 3869) as soon as possible.

Quality workmanship by a qualified Tradesman Free Quotes to Grey Power Members This window was

designed and crafted by JE (Jackie) MacDonald and building Richard (Artist), Assistant (Dick) Jones. Donated Craftsman Francis by the Day Family, H Day. Framing, Marsden House Trust. installing Dedicated on 25th August 2007.

Each edition contains dozens of stories & points of interest covering the first 100 years of Nelson City. A rich history of characters, conflicts & celebrations. Gary Thomas

Ph: 03 547 1258 Mob: 027 454 3973 8 Scotia St, Nelson or refer to Grey Power Booklet

Supporting Nelson families for 150 years

03 548 2770

41 Nile Street, Nelson

Office News

Grey Power Nelson



Kim Harding

Yes, it’s now nearing the start of the membership year (1 April to 31 March) which means if you have a blue sticker on your membership card it is time to start thinking about renewing. There is still time to go into a draw for great prizes so renew early before March end for your last chance to win. There is a renewal form in this newsletter so if you cut this out and fill it in you can post it to P O Box 2190 Stoke 7041 with a cheque or bring it in to the office or other places to pay. There are several ways to renew; • The Richmond Mall Unichem pharmacy have forms and will take payment • has a form to download and payment can be made directly into the Grey Power bank account 03 1709 0071804 001. • Grey Power office in Stoke is

Office Volunteers get together. open 10am – 2.30pm to process your renewal. • The Nelson Mail office now has forms and payment can be made at reception. • We will be out and about in the next month or so.

Look for the list elsewhere in the newsletter. Thank you to Richmond Mall Unichem Pharmacy and The Nelson Mail Office for receiving payments and holding forms on our behalf.

If you have changed your email address or changed your physical address please let us know so we can update our records. Thanks to all our volunteers for all their hard work.

Proud to be associated with Grey Power


Owner Senior Stylist

Proud to be associated with Grey Power

Owner / Senior Stylist


Senior Stylist


Senior Stylist


Senior Stylist


Senior Stylist



The Team at Sophisticutz pride themselves in offering a relaxing environment, coupled with exceptionally experienced staff which can offer you a wide range of Services, products and knowledge. Sophisticutz offer Pensioner Rates for ALL Hair Services and will also provide a further 10% discount for all Grey Power Members on Retail Products.

Sophisticutz Cutting Edge Style that’s affordable

For appointments please ph 547 5800

237 Nayland Road, Stoke

Seniors 2 Course Lunch Menu


NowFresh available starter Fish,with Tastysoup Roasts, Home-Made Meat Pies. Collect your free lunch deal cards on your next visit. Plus all your favourites.

Grey Power Nelson




Grey Power Nelson


Population more diverse Prime Ministers visit The 2013 Census shows that the New Zealand population is ageing and becoming more ethnically diverse. The results show the median age of the population is 38 years, just over two years older than at the last census seven years ago. Although the overall population was higher in 2013, at 4,242,048 people (up 241,101), there were fewer children (under 15 years) than in 2006. Meanwhile, the num-

ber of people aged 50–69 years showed a large increase. The latest census results also show that Hindi is now the fourth most common language in New Zealand, after English, Māori, and Samoan. For more information from the 2013 Census, check out www.stats.govt. nz The census also showed that dwelling numbers are decreasing and home ownership is declining.

Stoke Social Seniors Monday & Friday Trips BBQ’s & Picnics 2 Course $8 meals Pilates, Tai Chi, Walking, Sit ‘n’ be fit 500, Scrabble, Mahjong & Euchre Choir & Ukulele Group

STOKE SENIORS HALL 548 Main Rd, Stoke Ph: 547-2660




Ph 538 0022 Mobile 027 678 1103


Due to heavy fog in Wellington the Nelson Grey Power meeting with the Prime Minister could not take place. Apologies to all of those members who turned up for it.There will be another date set and you will be advised.

We did get an urgent Newsflash email out and many but not all received notice this way. It is a good reason for those of you who have email but have not advised the office to do so as it is an ideal way to contact you all at short notice.

Nelson joins Club 50

Negotiations have been concluded with Sport Tasman to have our members take part in an “Activity for Good Health” programme which will be conducted at the Richmond Town Hall and the Saxton Stadium from 1 April 2014. A special discounted cost of $3

per 40 minute session for our members will apply. To get this programme underway can members interested now contact our office (547 2457) to get further information and to advise which of the two venues would be preferred.


Congratulations to our January prize draw winners. 1st Prize - Eric & Bev Humphries, NBS Bag & Movie Tickets. 2nd Prize - Karen Wilkinson, Warehouse Voucher. 3rd Prize - Pat Heath, Warehouse Voucher. There will be a further prize draw for all members who renewed their membership as at 28 February. Plus: One final major prize draw for all those who renewed by 30 March 2014. Don’t miss out!

Grey Power Nelson





Grey Power Nelson


Grey Power Electricity

TOENAILS Having difficulty reaching your feet? We offer a toenail cutting service. At our clinic or your home.

Phone: (03) 547 2814 469 Main Road, Stoke, Nelson Email:

Don’t forget to check out our website

Do you need elective surgery? Jane Strang is a General Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgeon.

For those of you who are already using either Pulse Energy or Just Energy, which is the retail arm of Grey Power Electricity, you should benefit by gaining the wholesale rate for your power by switching to Grey Power Electricity, a simple phone call away. Just phone 0800 473 976. Feedback to date from those who have taken up the new deal has been very positive. If you are considering joining Grey Power Electricity, so you

can access a better price for your power, do so now by phoning 0800 473 976 and requesting a quote and provide them with your current membership number. Under this offer the prices are frozen for five years, which is a major positive point. You will need to be a current member of Grey Power to access this deal. If you have friends 50 Plus who may be considering joining please encourage them to do so.

Notice Of Annual General Meeting Nelson Grey Power Assn Inc. 4.30pm Monday 14 April 2014 Venue: Nelson Suburban Club Tahunanui Drive Remits close 4.00pm Tuesday 4 March 2014 Table available for you to renew your subscription of $20 Single $25 Double

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Golf can be good for your health and your heart. An average golf course can provide up to four kilometres of walking. Golf can also be a social sport and a good way to meet or stay in touch with friends.

Ph: 544 8420

Best Island, Richmond

Grey Power Nelson




Grey Power Nelson


Where to find us Out & About

Grey Power volunteers and staff will be at the following venues in March and April so that members have an opportunity to pay their subscriptions somewhere more convenient.

Thursday 13 March

Richmond Mall

9.30am - 4.00pm

Saturday 15 March

Nelson SBL Travel

9.30am - 12.00

Thursday 20 March

Ernest Rutherford

12.00 - 2.00pm

Saturday 22 March

Grey Power Office

9.30am - 12.00

Monday 24 March

Oakwoods, Richmond

11.00am - 12.00

Thursday 27 March

Nelson Public Library

10.00am - 12.00

Thursday 3 April

Age to Be Expo

10.00am - 3.00pm

Thursday 10 April

Richmond Mall

9.30am - 4.00pm

Saturday 12 April

Grey Power Office

9.30am - 12.00

Form of Payment - Cash or Cheque only. $20 Single $25 Double. Eftpos will be available from 10 March 2014.

Your Local Liquor Specialists

Wines • Spirits • Beers Fill your own in Sherry and Beer*

Open 7 Days Weekly Specials! Gift Vouchers Available Grey Power Discounts available on selected items

3 Salisbury Road, Richmond 2 Muratai Street, Tahunanui *Richmond only

Grey Power Nelson



Lions Clubs Host Men’s Health Seminar Men this is for you. Check Secker on Bowel Cancer what’s going on under and Glenis Bell and Bee your bonnet. The Lions Williamson on Heart & Clubs of Richmond and Diabetes. There will be Nelson Host opp or tu n i Nelson have arties to ask ranged a Suburban Club questions. Men’s Health The objec12 March 2014 Seminar to tives are: be held at the 1. To im7.30pm Nelson Subprove men’s urban Club on 12 March, understanding of prostate 2014 starting at 7.30pm. cancer, bowel cancer, the We have pleasure in an- heart and diabetes, and nouncing that Buck Shel- the potential consequencford, undefeated All Black es. captain, will be the key- 2. Ensure men undernote speaker. stand the importance of Too many kiwi men do not early detection. have regular check-ups 3. Enhance awareness of with their doctor. Women symptoms that may indiare welcome both from cate a problem. their own health point of 4. Enhance awareness of view and also to be more fact that there may be no aware of the health risks symptoms. for men and the need for 5. Ensure men are aware men to have check-ups of the need to ask their with their doctor. doctor about the tests The MC for the evening available that can help will be Jeff Rackley. Andy identify a condition that Malcolm will speak on needs medical intervenProstate Cancer, Adrian tion.

6. Communicate the importance of sharing any concerns with partner, family, carer or friend. Entrance fee for men is $5 and ladies are free. At the end of the seminar Jeff will run a short auction of items kindly donated by local businesses. Monies raised

will be donated to Prostate Foundation, Beat Bowel Cancer Aotearoa and Diabetes Nelson. The seminar will be a success if just one of the men who attend the seminar visits his doctor and has early detection of a condition that can be fixed.


Need to dispose of unwanted items? Turn them into CASH!! Bring them into the shop or I can make a home visit. BUYING: china, crystal, glass, ornaments, kitchen items, linen, novelty tea towels, sewing and knitting items, buttons, lace, vintage fabric, old toys, dolls, handbags, jewellery, small furniture, lamps, pictures, garden ornaments and much more. All items considered.

RING: 744 3188 or a/h 022 029 1663 316 Annesbrook Dr (Next to Black Cat Dairy) Opening Hours: Wed - Thu - Fri: 10.30am - 5.30pm Sat: 12noon - 5.00pm



It is predicted that the Review of NZ Superannuation entitlements as at 1 April 2014 will set the following new weekly net payments: Couples - $562.66 Single (Living Alone) - $365.73 Single (Sharing) - $337.60

These new rates have not been yet confirmed by Government but we are expecting them to be accurate to within a few cents. Grey Power Superannuation and Taxation Advisory Group – 16 February 2014

Grey Power Nelson


Have you had a heart & diabetes check? Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented. Healthy hearts means longer lives. Get a heart and diabetes check – it could save your life. The Health Promotion Agency (HPA) has teamed up with the Ministry of Health, Heart Foundation Diabetes New Zealand and Nelson Bays Primary Health to encourage New Zealanders to get a heart and diabetes check. Heart disease and diabetes paint a serious picture in New Zealand – one New Zealander dies every 90 minutes from heart disease and more than 225,000 people have

Accessing Medical Services Nelson/Tasman After Hours & Duty Doctor Services Nelson Medical and Injury Centre (03) 546 8881 98 Waimea Road (8am-10pm daily) Motueka 0800 MOT GPS (0800 668 477) Golden Bay/Takaka (03) 525 9911

diabetes (mostly type 2) – but many don’t even know they have diabetes. A simple heart and diabetes check can help save a person’s life, so get one for yourself and your family, and be there for your team. Getting a heart and diabetes check with your family doctor or nurse will let you know what your risk of having a heart attack or stroke is. It will give you an opportunity to discuss what you can do to manage your health better to prevent a heart attack or diabetes (type 2) developing.

A heart & diabetes check is like a warrant of fitness - it checks your engine and makes sure you are on track to keep the motor running. And it doesn’t hurt a bit. Healthy eating, watching your weight, giving up smoking and regular exercise are all things you can do to keep yourself healthy. Often we take these things for granted, but small changes can make a big difference. Be there for your team – get a heart and diabetes check. Phone your family doctor and ask if you need a heart & diabetes check!

Helping you stay active & happy • In-home fitness and mobility training for seniors • Falls prevention programmes • Fitness for tramping/overseas trips • Personal assistant and companion driving service • Shopping • Outings

In an emergency dial 111 for ambulance services Experienced, qualified personal trainer

Sue Henley 03 544 9599 or 021 136 7562

Sell your house with Shelley Carppe Super Gold Card Holders, sell your house with Shelley Carppe and receive 20% OFF the commission.

Shelley Carppe RE/MAX ELITE 7 Haven Road, Nelson

B: 03 548 7705 M: 027 358 5643 Call Shelley Carppe today - Nelson’s only Seniors real estate Specialist.

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Grey Power Nelson



Exclusive deals for Nelson Grey Power Members We are delighted to announce that all members will now be entitled to concessions at the State Cinemas Movie Complex in Trafalgar Street. Ticket Price – From Monday to Friday (not including Public Holidays) before 5pm - $10.00 for a 2D movie and $12.50 for a 3D movie for ALL Grey Power Members regardless of age on production of your membership

card. All members buying tickets must appear at the ticketing counter as

one person buying tickets for others who are not present is prohibited. For our members in the 50 to 64 age group this is a saving of $2.50 per ticket. Stefano’s Café – Before 5pm on Monday to Fri-

day Grey Power members can purchase Coffee or Tea and the Chef ’s choice of Cake for just $5 on presentation of your membership card. This is the best deal in town! Exclusive Members Screenings – Selected and appropriate films for our members will be shown regularly at 11am on some Monday mornings. No bookings necessary.

Special Grey Power screening at State Cinema Monday 17 March 11am

The Monuments Men Should be a great film and comes highly recommended. An unlikely World War II platoon are tasked to rescue art masterpieces from Nazi thieves and return them to their owners. Starring George Clooney, Matt Damon and Kate Blanchett.


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One that has fair and reasonable charges? One that not only has great workshop team but does WOF as well? One that only fits quality parts and spares?



PH 544 1660

Grey Power rates!

Grey Power Nelson

Green Prescriptions 14

A Green Prescription (GRx) is a written prescription for physical activity from your doctor or nurse – prescribed to you because they believe your health would benefit if you moved more. The referral is sent electronically from your medical centre to the Green Prescription team. Once referred you’ll be contacted by a GRx support person and can meet face-to-face, speak on the phone, use email or texts to talk about why you need to add more movement to your life and how you can


do this. You’ll be encouraged to look at simple, healthy changes to your physical activity and eating patterns. They’ll work with you for up to 6 months to help you feel motivated to move more and feel better. With GRx support you will undertake activities and things you enjoy − they won’t be telling you what to do! You choose what works in your life and your support person will help you figure out the best way and place to start to ensure you get results. Maybe it’s a walk, bike ride or aqua ses-

sion, or maybe it’s tai chi or dancing… there are many community options for you to choose from. The Green Prescription support service itself is free, however, GRx isn’t a cheap gym membership or free personal trainer. You may have to pay for your chosen activity, but in some cases small discounts may be offered by some physical activity providers. Many community activities only cost from $3 - $6. In Nelson Tasman the majority of Green Prescriptions are for men and wom-

en over 18 years of age with conditions such as prediabetes, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart problems, obesity or weight-related health issues, arthritis, asthma, stress and depression, and to help quit smoking. If you think you’d like motivational help from Green Prescription, ask your doctor or nurse about a referral. If you’d like more information please contact Leigh Dalzell, Green Prescription Co-ordinator on 539 1662 or email

Save money on your new home when you build with Jennian Nelson Bays. We’ll give you on average over $2,000 off a typical build * Terms and conditions apply

Jennian Homes Nelson Bays 6 Champion Road, Richmond P 03 5444 390 E

Grey Power Nelson



Power Price War While Genesis Energy is offering its customers in Christchurch and other ‘select’ parts of the country a two-year, locked-in price which is reported to be almost 10% higher than the amount their customers are paying presently. The Grey Power Energy Committee points out that members who have joined Grey Power Electricity will have their prices, excluding line company charges held

for five years. Since September last year, when Grey Power joined forces with Pulse Energy to offer members a better energy deal, many have taken up the offer. This is mainly because not only are the prices fixed, Grey Power Electricity is also offering no mark up on network charges, transparent billing and a reduction in energy prices in the event of power becoming cheaper.

World’s most magic food Grown locally, NZ has the best blackcurrants in the world. The highest levels of anthocyanin and antioxidants of any cultivated berry. Simply put, it’s the most goodness for the least calories. One teaspoon a day increases oxygen in your blood and improves circulation, veins and capillaries open up, built up toxins including lactic acid are flushed. This is a very special food and

is now being used in the recovery process after an event by our top athletes it’s so good. You can use it as a simple ongoing part of your healthy living. Improve your immune system, feel mentally sharper and help your body to heal naturally. Locally manufactured from local berries. Try it for yourself. Sujon, available at all good health stores and selected retailers.

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Experience Counts

Explore China and beyond with Air New Zealand Holidays

– A GREY POWER EXCLUSIVE PRESENTATION From the bright lights of Shanghai to the unforgettable history of the Great Wall and the majesty of the Yangtze River. Experience the heart of China and Central Asia with Air New Zealand Holidays and Wendy Wu Tours. Wendy Wu Tours are the tour experts for China and beyond, with fantastic value for money, and the expertise to help you get the most out of your holiday, come and find out for yourself why touring with Air New Zealand Holidays and Wendy Wu is so special. TRAVEL SEMINAR DETAILS: When: 1030am, Tuesday 25th March RSVP by: 5:00pm Friday 21st March Phone: (03) 546 3100 email:



Grey Power Nelson

Age 2 Be – Positive Ageing Expo Mike Tasman Jones Tasman District Council The Age to Be Positive Aging Expo promises to have something of interest to seniors, their families or whanau or anyone heading towards retirement. The expo, which will be held at the Headingly Centre in Richmond on Thursday 3 April from 10am to 3pm, showcases Nelson and Tasman’s recreational, health and social services that make ageing a positive experience. Along with 60 stallholders there will be seminars, demonstrations and a chance to have a go at a range of activities as well as getting quick health checks. This is the sixth Age to Be Expo which is becoming widely known as “the

place to be” for getting all the opportunity to come information in one easy along and talk to them, place. Last year over 2000 find out what they do and people attended which how to get involved. was double the amount The Nelson Tasman Posifrom previous years. tive Aging Forum and Age Ruby Aberhart, Age to Concern Nelson are coBe Expo organiser says ordinating two seminars. eminar “There are Thursday 3 April SOne, 10.30 plenty of g r o u p s , 10.00am - 3.00pm -12 noon, clubs, ser- Headingly Centre, “ S t a y i n g vices and Active and Richmond in Control agencies that help give us the best - Getting the support you opportunity to age posi- need”. Presenter Jenny tively, but knowing where Keightley will update us and how to find them can on Home based support, be a challenge. This Expo respite and restorative provides the opportunity care, and Margaret Owto talk to them all and find ens, President of the Retirement Villages Associaout what they offer”. There’s plenty of groups, tion NZ – Exploring the clubs, services and gov- Realities and Exploding ernment agencies that the Myths of Residential help give us all the best care. The second Seminar, opportunity to age posi- from 1-2pm, with two lotively. The Expo provides cal guests speakers is titled “Life in 3D” – Talking about Dementia, Delirium and Depression. The Expo will also offer

9am - 4pm

9am - 4pm Shop7open 10.30am Days a- 4.00pm Week 6 Daysa a Week 7 Days Week Tearooms open 9.00am - 4.00pm

CarFit checks. These offer older drivers a free check on how well they personally ‘fit’ their vehicle. The CarFit check takes about 20 minutes with each participant to ensure they ‘fit’ their vehicle properly for maximum comfort and safety. The event is aimed at older adults and their families, admission is free with complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits provided, lunch will be available for purchase. If your group would like to have a stall registrations are open till 21 March 2014 subject to availability. Please note there are a limited number of stall spaces – don’t miss out. For further information or Tasman District Council, Community Recreation Advisor, Mike Tasman-Jones, on (03) 543 8403 or email mike. tasman-jones@tasman.



541 9168

541 9168

14 Whitby Way, Wakefield

Delicious14 cakes and light lunches, or book a high tea. Whitby Way, Wakefield Groups welcome.

Grey Power Nelson



U3A welcomes new members Are you interested in the world around you? Have you an hour or so each week that you would like to dedicate to learning something new? U3A Nelson offers the opportunity to tap into the great reservoir of knowledge, skills and experience of other older people in our community and to share your own. It’s an organisation dedicated to learning. U3A Nelson is non-profit group and is organised by the members for the members. Its purpose is to act as a catalyst for

members who are over 50 to get together in groups to learn together. U3A is a university in the original sense of the word – a group of people learning or following a particular activity for its own sake. There are no exams, no qualifications, no passing or failing, and no course fees (other than expenses incurred and a modest annual subscription). There are also bimonthly general meetings where members get together to enjoy coffee, chat, hear about what the groups are doing and

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listen to an interesting speaker. We currently have over 175 members in the over 50 age group. There are almost 50 groups who meet regularly, usually in a member’s home. The subjects encompass the arts, history, the sciences and the humanities. There are also some social groups. Groups focus on resources such as DVDs, CDs, You Tube, Internet courses or books. Some groups have a member ‘expert’ who takes a tu-

toring role, however most groups expect that each member will take a turn at researching and presenting from time to time. If there is no group offering study in the subject of your choice or the current group is full, you are encouraged to propose a new group. For more information visit our website,, phone us on 022 392 0100 or send us an email to secretary@u3anelson. 10% Discou nt design prop on any o Grey Power sal for members

Designing and constructing quality homes and gardens since 1984. For a free site visit and discussion phone Jason Preller

021 167 3803 or 03 541 9141


• Pre-planned and pre-paid funerals • Monumental sales and installations • 10% discount on caskets for Greypower members

Best wishes for the Festive Season

Ph 546 5700

164 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson Email:

join now!

and enjoy companionship, fun activities, great food and a friendly enviroment

345 LOWER QUEEN ST, RICHMOND P: 543 9179 Members - their guests and affiliated members all welcome



Grey Power Nelson

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A man living on the Gold Coast was sitting on the couch, watching his wife, who was looking at herself in the mirror. Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she’d like to have for her birthday. ‘I’d like to be eight again’, she replied, still looking in the mirror. On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of muesli and fruit and then took her to Adventure World theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Roller Coaster, everything there was. Five hours later they staggered out of the theme

park. Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down. He then took her to a McDonald’s where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake. Then it was off to a movie, popcorn, Coca Cola, and her favourite candy, M&M’s. What a fabulous day she was having. Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted. He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, ‘Well dear, what was it like being eight again? Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed. ‘I meant my dress size, you idiot!’

Grey Power Nelson

Mobility Scooter Training

For people who may be thinking about getting a scooter, this course is a must. Or perhaps you are already using a scooter and would like to gain more confidence. The session will cover: Options for buying a scooter (lottery grants, using a Disability allowance),finding the right scooter for you,safety and laws about using scooters, practical hands-on training, including test drives with scooters available to try out. Also covered


are tips for maintenance and repair know-how for all skill levels, insurance information and an opportunity for any individual questions you may have. The course is available for all scooter users at subsidised rates. Make it fun by getting your friends together! Learn more by contacting your Road Safety Co-ordinator - Nelson City,Margaret Parfitt by phone on 546 0390 or 027 678 3384 or by emailing margaret.parfitt @ncc.govt. nz

Guide for older drivers The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) has produced a guide for older road users. The resource is designed for friends and family of older drivers to help them stay mobile, safely. It includes information on the driver licence re-

newal process and help to plan ahead in case people need to give up driving for any reason. For more information go to the NZTA website: ic/senior-road-users/ driving/keeping-moving. html

Repair it Once, Repair it Right.

D&K Computer Repairs Computer feeling sick? Interested in a new computer or laptop? Tuition available anytime For all your computer needs Contact David or Karen

03 544 2577 15 Doran Street, Richmond Email:



TVNZ services for the hearing or visually impaired Do you or someone your know have trouble hearing or seeing your television? Help is at hand. TVNZ Access Services provides captions and audio de-


scription to help those who are experiencing difficulty. For more information go to the TVNZ Access Services website: access-services

Free presentation An invitation from Glaucoma NZ. You are invited to a free presentation about Glaucoma. Speaker: Dr Antony Suter – Eye Specialist. Tuesday

25th March 2014 6.30 - 8.00pm. Question and answer time. Tea and coffee will be provided. Free admission – friends and family welcome.

Grey Power Nelson

Zucchini Fritters


• 2 Ham Steaks – cut into small cubes • 2 medium zucchini – grated • 1 small red onion – finely chopped • 2 Tbsp parsley – finely chopped

• 2 eggs • 1 cup flour • 1 tsp baking powder • 1 tsp salt • ½ tsp g pepper • ½ cup milk • 3 Tbsp butter – melted • Oil to fry

Directions Put ham, eggs, zucchini, onion, and parsley into a bowl and mix with a fork. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and pepper into the

mixture. Mix well Add melted butter and gently mix in. Fry tablespoon lots gently until cooked.


At Milestone Homes we pride ourselves on providing exceptional value for money and delivering smarter solutions for New Zealander’s new homes. Now we’re giving Nelson Grey Power members an average of $2,000 off a typical build.* Get in touch today and find out more about this great deal.

*Terms and conditions apply, call 0800 MILESTONE to find out more.

Milestone Homes Nelson Show home: 5 Mako Street, Richmond P 03 543 8663 or 0800 MILESTONE E

Grey Power Nelson

Community fruit harvesting Community Fruit Harvesting is a group that shares unwanted backyard fruit with those in need. The group collects fresh fruit that would otherwise go to waste from people’s gardens and gives it to charities who distribute it to those that are hungry. People can get involved by letting me know if they have fruit trees laden with fruit that needs picking, volunteering to help pick fruit, or offering to help



co-ordinate fruit picking in their street or suburb. If you would like any more information or a volunteer to pick your fruit at a time that suits you and drop it at a local food bank, please contact Diana Parr on or phone 546 6825 (evenings or leave a message). Visit to find out more. We hate seeing good food go to waste! Thanks in advance for your generosity.

Chemo client hats If you are looking for a new project to use up spare wool, a very worthwhile project is to knit or crochet hats for chemo clients in Nelson and Wellington Hospitals. These can be beanies, berets, slouchies, etc. For comfort sake, they should be made in soft wool or wool mix (the softer the better). If using a band, perhaps use the same size needles or crochet hook as the main part as they must be kept loose. Trimmings such

as flowers, brooches etc, would be great as they will to help cheer someone’s day. If anyone has any wool they no longer require, we would also appreciate any donations. Hopefully this is going to be an ongoing project for the Nelson Fibre Group. Hats and wool can be left at the Grey Power office, 33 Putaitai St, Stoke or 145b Waimea Rd. Any queries please contact Ann Bell on 548 1775.

Recharge Your Brain Reclaim Your Body Personally tailored in-home fitness/ flexibility lessons with a qualified teacher. First visit free to seniors. Phone Rose on 545 0277 to discuss. • enjoyment • self confidence • independence • choice

A loose lower denture can affect your ability to speak and chew with confidence. A single implant can stabilise your lower denture and improve your quality of life; for about $3500 Customer Testimonial “I’ve had dentures since I was 17 but now after having one implant put into my lower jaw I feel more confident and smile more. I would highly recommend it to anyone who was considering having implants.” Jo, French Pass


37 Manuka Street, Nelson Call for surgery hours: 03 548 0838

Grey Power Nelson


Office Use Only Date: …..…………………….. Receipt No: ....……………… Cards Issued: ……………..... Actioned By: ………………....

Membership Renewal Nelson Grey Power Assn Inc. PO Box 2190, Stoke, 7041 33 Putaitai St, Stoke



Greypower Nelson Grey Power Inc

AUTOMATIC $2000 ACCIDENTAL DEATH INSURANCE WITH EACH PAID UP ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP NAME: MR/MRS/MISS/MS (Circle titles that apply) MEMBERSHIP NUMBER: .......................................... SURNAME(S): ………………………………………………………… FIRST NAME(S): ……………………………………………. POSTAL ADDRESS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......................................... ………..……………………………………………………………………………………………...... POSTCODE: ………………………. PHONE NO: …………………. EMAIL: …………………………………………………………… YEAR OF BIRTH: …..………. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: $20 Single, $25 Double, Plus Donation (optional thank you $.………........

Total Payment $……………………. Internet Banking: 03 1709 0071804 001 Surname & Membership number must be included. Payments also accepted at Unichem Richmond Mall Pharmacy & Nelson Mail – Bridge St A self-addressed envelope with your postal payment would be appreciated to cut costs. THE MEMBERSHIP YEAR IS FROM 01 APRIL TO 31 MARCH

Richmond’s NEW Mobility Store NEED A LIFT?

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Grey Power Nelson

LEISURE TRAVEL TOURS After a lot of planning I’m pleased to outline our nineday South Island Tour for seniors. Join us as a couple, with friends or on your own and you’ll be made most welcome by friendly travellers and staff alike. In addition to the tour there’s also some info below on our upcoming daytrips. Tom Heaphy South Island Tour. 23 April – 1 May 2014. $2,150pp twin share. Highlights include; TranzAlpine Railway, Hokitika Treetop Walk, Franz Josef, Wanaka, Te Anau, Doubtful Sound Wilderness Cruise, Manapouri Underground Power Station, Dunedin sights including Dunedin Botanical Gardens, Methven. The tour is a mix of quality

meals and accommodation, beautiful destinations and activities and also downtime to relax with friends and do your own thing. There’re door-to-door pickups from most local areas, a comfortable touring coach and cooked breakfasts and dinners also included. Please contact us for a free full itinerary of the tour. Get in quick as the tours fill up fast.

DAYTRIPS Wed 12 & Wed 19 March – Happy Valley, Delaware Bay, Brook Sanctuary - $40 (lunch included) After stops is Cable and Delaware Bays well head to Happy Valley where they’ll be cooking a delicious BBQ and cuppa for us. From there we go to the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary to have a look around the facilities and hear about the impressive pest eradication and fencing project. Wed 16 April – Takaka and Bencarri Nature Park (included in price) - $35 Today we go to Bencarri Nature Park & cafe nestled in the native bush on the Anatoki River. For lunch we’ll pop into Takaka for free reign of the many cafés or just eat your own. After some more sights (suggestions welcome) we’ll head back home.



Wed 14 May – Wairau Valley Loop - $25 Today’s trip takes us past Tophouse and St Arnaud before heading through the Wairau Valley to Marlborough. We’ll stop for lunch at the Argosy Café, named after the massive twin boon cargo aircraft parked at the café. We’ll then head back via Havelock. (Loop may be run in reverse for one coach). Wed 18 June – Takaka Mid-Winter Lunch - $45 (Includes lunch) Once again we’re heading over the hill today to find some interesting attractions to see and have our mid-winter lunch at Takaka’s Wholemeal Café. After lunch we’ll see some more sights of the Golden Bay region before heading back home. Simple.

For bookings or more information please call Tom on 539 0834

Bus & Coach Hire Transporting Nelsonians since 1927 No matter what the job, big or small, we’re specialists in moving your group in comfort and style. We strive to make coach hire as easy as possible and pride ourselves on understanding the needs of;

Probus groups, walking groups, garden clubs, associations As well as; tours, work functions, sports groups, weddings, conferences and the double-decker. For more information or an obligation free quote contact us on 548 3256 or

Leisure Travel

“A great way to socialise and see the region” In association with Grey Power, Leisure Travel invites you to join us on our enjoyable day trips and tours. Sit back, relax and take in the sights and sounds from the elevated vantage of our comfortable coaches. Catch up with old friends and new without the hassle of driving. There’s no joining fee – just have a read of our programme in this Grey Power magazine and give us a call.

Contact Tom or Christine on 539 0834 or

Nelson SBL Travel Centre Organising your transport with no booking fee Nelson’s friendly home for Intercity Coachlines - Tranz Scenic Rail - Interisland Ferries - Leisure Travel - Abel Tasman Travel Nelson Coachlines - NBus Services Enquire about our Golden Age Saver fares! 27 Bridge Street, Nelson Ph 03 548 1539

Greypower Nelson Grey Power Inc

Nelson Grey Power Association Inc PO Box 2190, Stoke Nelson 7041

Healthy Living, Healthy Lifestyle

Friendly, knowledgable service, always with a smile! Customer parking right at our back door! Easy access (suitable for wheelchairs) from Queen Street and the Car Park We offer 5% Grey Power discount or you can use our popular Loyalty Card

Ph 544 4244

Andrew McGlashen 227 Queen St & Warring Carpark Mon - Fri 8.30 - 5.30 Sat - 9.30 - 2pm

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