Nelson Grey Power Magazine - March 2021

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Grey Power MArch 2021

NelsoN Grey Power AssN INc

Victory Community Centre is humming

Page 7

Autumn is here Page 15

Fullpower Seniorpower

Page 22


Stoke’s banking hub trial Megan Woods

Associate Minister of Finance In a time when so many of the things we do to take care of the business of daily life such as paying bills is expected to be done online, it’s great to see an option in Stoke for those people who prefer to do those activities in person. I had the pleasure of joining Nelson mayor Rachel Reese, local Members of Parliament Rachel Boyack and Nick Smith, Sue Sara from Grey Power and representatives from the banking sector at the opening Stoke’s regional banking hub at the end of last year. Stoke joins Twizel, Opunake and Martinborough as other regional towns where a banking hub service is

Megan Woods and Sue Sara at Stoke banking hub opening last year. being trialled for a period of 12 months. The trial is a Government and industryled initiative to support the

presence of banking services in our regions. The banking hub idea coming to fruition is partly due

to the strong and tireless advocacy of Grey Power, in particular from Christine Continued Page 3.

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Grey Power Nelson


Presidents report Sue Sara

Welcome everyone to 2021. I do hope you have all enjoyed a safe and happy holiday season. I guess we are all hoping never to see another year like the last one. Stay Covid free and use the app or sign in when out and about. Let’s not become complacent. I am still getting around a few organizations and getting known. Christine had such a huge contact base and some still email referring to her. Popular lady. Our office ended the year with a much deserved Christmas luncheon for volunteers. This is always well received and much deserved. Without these people we would struggle to manage. The year has started off with membership very busy. Lots of early renewals, but more importantly a big burst in new membership. This is great to see. Remember, if you have someone about to celebrate their 50+

birthday, then why not give a Grey Power membership as a gift? Pop into the office and you will be assisted by one of our wonderful volunteers. The Banking Hub is now up and running. Remember we only have this as a year trial so it’s important to use it or lose it. Please remember to ask for assistance at counter if needed. Staff are also available to assist in setting up online banking etc in private cubicles so please ask for help in doing this. It is a lot easier than some may fear. Plans are underway for our AGM. This will be on the 10th April at the Annesbrook Church and Community Centre, 40 Saxton Road. Follow the signs. We are lucky to have Constable Sheree Heremaia from Richmond Police joining us as guest speaker. She will have lots of valuable infor-

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mation to share with you and I am sure we will all gain some valuable knowledge from her. PLEASE….consider putting your name forward for the committee. This is one meeting per month. Lots of portfolios to fill so maybe you have something you are passionate about and could assist in helping our members.

Congratulations to my Vice President Kevin Gardener on being appointed to the National Grey Power Board. He will be a great asset. One thing I am passionate about is seeing the introduction of a Medlab blood testing base in Stoke Finally. Nelson Grey Power has the honour of hosting the Grey Power National AGM in July this year. More on that to come. Stay safe. Stay well and look forward to a great turnout for the AGM in April.

Zone Report On the Sunday of Waitangi weekend Linda O’Dea and George Truman were driven to Murchison by our own Kevin Gardener for the 4-hour meeting. All seven associations in the district were represented by the 14 attending to discuss the written reports on their activities and plans. Both Marlborough and Golden Bay are pushing local proposals for leasehold sections to make home entry easier. The national Federation AGM will be in the Trafalgar Centre 15 July. A new Zone Director will be elected at the next Zone meeting 9 May in Murchison. Congratulations to Kevin on being elected to be Zone Representative, meaning he is now a Federation board member.

Nelson Grey Power 33 Putaitai Street, Stoke (Between Stoke Pharmacy/NZ Post Shop and the walkway to the Stoke Library)

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Disclaimer Neither this association, nor any person associated with it, accepts any liability for the contents of this magazine which has been prepared in good faith and is believed to be correct. The final say on any articles printed in this magazine is at the discretion of the Nelson Grey Power President who has overall editorial approval. Political Advertising:- Nelson Grey Power is an apolitical organisation and

Grey Power Nelson



Stoke’s banking hub trial From Page 1. Tuffnell and Sue Sara. It’s great to see we have reached a solution to support seniors in the regions. As a Government committed to supporting thriving regions, this is welcome progress for regional communities like Stoke, who can often feel left behind when branches close as banking shifts online. We recognise the importance of face-toface contact for the older members of our community in particular, and so it is pleasing to see that each hub will have human help on hand to offer

assistance where needed. This is a move that has community at its heart by ensuring these important services are retained for the benefit of our regional communities. If you haven’t yet had a chance to see what the Hub offers, it is a onestop shop for all the major banks, offering cash withdrawals, deposits and account transfers. Someone will be on hand at all times during the Hub’s open hours, and banks will use this as an opportunity to develop some new technologies, particularly around Smart ATMs.

The Stoke banking hub is based in a pharmacy, which also maintains a NZ Post counter. Part of the trial is assessing how effective this innovative type of partnership is. Your feedback will be crucial to the success of this trial, and will influence whether the trial can be rolled out to other regions across the country who face challenges with access to banking services. I encourage you to share your thoughts and concerns through the staff at the hubs, by mail or by using the online survey on tablets provided at the Hub.


L Donald

2nd Prize Energy Gift Pack

BD & R Rhodes 3rd Prize Heartland Bank Gift Bag

J Smith

All Winners have been notified There will have been a further prize draw for all members who renewed their membership in February. Winners will be shown in the next magazine along with the final prize draw winners for all those who renew by 31 March 2021 yet to be drawn. Thank you to Nelson Building Society, Heartland Bank, Grey Power Electricity & Absolute Energy for donating prizes DON’T MISS OUT & GOOD LUCK!

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Office News Kim Harding Office Administrator Membership Renewal has started for the next membership year which begins on 1st April 2021 and goes to 31 March 2022. If your membership card has a green label on it then your renewal is due at the end of this month. If you are still to do this, we will be in thirteen extra places in March and April to make this easier for you. Check the article ‘Where to find Us Out & About’ to see if there is somewhere that suits your situation. One of these places is the Positive Aging Expo in Head-

Grey Power Nelson


ingly Lane, along with a lot of other organisations. This is a great way to see about all sorts of things, in one place, indoors and with places to sit and have a cuppa. There are also some Saturday mornings scheduled at the office and in town at the City Arcade in case during the week is awkward for you to manage. Payment and forms can also be left with Mike Pero in Bridge Street (morning only) or Richmond Mall Unichem Pharmacy. They just hold these for us until pickup so there is no Eftpos available and no change given. The discount book is a new one this membership year and lasts

for two years. Please let businesses know you are asking for a Grey Power discount at the beginning of a transaction. This is part of the agreement with them offering discount and for some businesses this takes time to rectify if they need to redo a transaction. We don’t want to upset the businesses trying to help us. There is one more prize draw for members renewing early before 31 March. Congratulations to the prize winners for January and thank you to Nelson Building Society, Absolute Energy, Grey Power Electricity and Heartland Bank for donating prizes. The February prize draw winners will feature in the next magazine but will already

know who they are by then. This draw may be done later than normal because of my absence from the office for a couple of weeks. If you are reading this in the week or so after receiving in your letterbox, I may still be recovering at home from a wrist operation. Capable volunteers will be in the office with extra jobs while I am unable to be there, so please be patient as they do not have me to refer to in that time either. Thank you to all the volunteers for doing this and helping be my hands, on occasion before this and again after I return. Just a reminder that I can still get cheques banked until June if you wanted to pay your membership with one for the last time.

Grey Power Nelson




Grey Power Nelson


Look for us at the Positive Ageing Expo




Dear Member, have you considered becoming a Committee Member? We would welcome an enquiry from you if you were considering becoming involved, in the Nelson Grey Power Committee. It is interesting, and it will take as much time as you are prepared to put into it, there are portfolio’s to be taken up, or service on subcommittee’s – whatever your interests are. Nomination forms can be picked up from the office. And/Or if you leave this form at the office or post to Nelson Grey Power, PO Box 2190, Stoke, 7041, someone can make contact with you to discuss this further. Member Name …………………………………………………………………. Membership Number ………………………………………………………. Telephone Number ……………………………………………………………

Come and see Nelson Grey Power at the Positive Aging Expo & renew your membership. New members will also be welcome. The Positive Aging Expo 2021 is being held on Friday 16 April at the Headingly Centre in Richmond from 10am to 3.00pm. We’d like to encourage you to come along and discover recreational, health and social services that can help you live life to the fullest. The Expo has been running since 2008 and along with over 80 stalls, there will be seminars, demonstrations and a chance to have a go at a range of activities. The Positive Aging Expo is widely known as “the place to be” for getting all information in one easy place.


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Grey Power Nelson



The Victory Community Centre is humming Stephen McLuckie Community Coordinator As 2021 begins with a great variety of new community activities as well as some trusty old favourites like Tea and Talk & Sit and Be Fit that keep people coming back for more! Served on vintage china, Tea and Talk is our Monday morning (10am-11.30am) Tea time for anyone 60yrs+ to meet new friends & enjoy conversation. Supported by our friends from Age Concern Nelson Tasman and with delicious baked treats supplied by the amazing GBB Nelson Chapter we also occasionally have entertainment and guest speakers. Sit and Be Fit is our Tuesday morning (11am-11.45am) sedentary fitness class for seniors. Always lots of fun and led by the indefatigable Marion, the sessions are a fantastic way of staying active, making friends and meeting new people.

Sit and Be Fit with Marion – Tuesdays 11-11.45am. Brightly coloured clothing is to pay on a sliding scale for encouraged and juicy gossip your treatment based on to share is always welcomed. what you feel you can afford. Our Friday afternoon New this year, our friends (12.30pm-4pm) Commu- John and Hayden from nity acupuncture Clinic is Equilibrium are offering a led by the lovely Kelly and Community Chiropractic designed to make treatment Clinic on a Friday (12noon affordable and accessible. – 1pm). Chiropractic foWalk in any time between cuses on the smooth func12:30pm and 3:45pm and tioning of the spinal column receive treatment on a first and other related joints and come first served basis. The structures. Proper aligncost is up to you! You choose ment, posture and move-

hil’s Place P Buffet at its Best

ment reduces stress on the nervous system and allows for better health outcomes. Our community garden continues to thrive under the amazing community leadership of Martin and Madeline. Kai grown in the garden is helping to feed local people and regular working bees bring people together to share skills, knowledge and friendship.


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Grey Power Nelson

Reflecting on life’s journey at the Nelson Tasman Hospice Garden Movie star and humanitarian Audrey Hepburn once said, “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow,” and the garden at the Nelson Tasman Hospice facility in Stoke is a place where a patient in hospice care can reflect on their life journey. Patients with life-limiting illnesses who receive Hospice care can choose how and where they want to receive care, and in that way, they are believing in tomorrow by getting the most out of their lives, while they still can. The garden is just the place to do this, where patients can pause and enjoy nature, and sit on one of the memorial bench seats in the garden, watching tūī dig their beaks into bright red flax flowers in December, or smelling the fragrant scent of the Evergreen Magnolia flowers as they bloom in the winter. On Monday mornings anyone passing Nelson Tasman Hospice will see a group of people weeding and pruning trees in the large garden which has more than 20 species of mostly native

Garden volunteer coordinator Lin Roberts working in the front section of the garden at the Nelson Tasman Hospice facility in Stoke. fauna and flora. This group of volunteers is organised by former nurse and avid gardener, Lin Roberts. “I started volunteering at the Nelson Tasman Hospice garden after my mother passed away in 2020, with the aid of Hospice. It was a difficult time and I just felt that now I had time to give back and to do something for them,” says Lin. Nelson Tasman CEO Frans Dellebeke says the garden has added 180 value to the new facility as it has created a peaceful environment for patients and their families

and whānau to enjoy. “In comparison to our old facility we had hardly any gardens whatsoever and now there’s this fantastic garden we can use where people can take time out,” says Frans. Patients can sit quietly or be pushed around the garden in a wheelchair or in their clinical bed. It is peaceful with poetry and quotations on the footpaths that make it an interesting space to reflect and spend time to50 gether enjoying nature. The gardenAdvanced is Electrical also open to the 50 public.0800 54 55 15

“Such a large garden is expensive to maintain so we rely on the support of the community through help from volunteers and donations to keep the costs down,” says Frans. Working in the garden as a volunteer will help to maintain its living legacy and the special place it is for patients and their families and whānau to spend time together. To join the garden volunteer team please contact Volunteer Programme Manager Krisca Gould on 03 546 3912 or Krisca.gould@


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Grey Power Nelson



Why Advance Care Planning is even more important during a pandemic Would your family know what medical treatment or interventions you want if you deteriorate or have a sudden event? Or how you want to be cared for when you can no longer manage yourself? Or if you want to be cremated or buried? During the COVID-19 pandemic many families were unable to be together, often during a critical time when the health of a family member was affected. Having an Advance Care Plan in place means the people who are important to you, and your healthcare team, know what you want,

or don’t want, especially when you can no longer speak for yourself. An Advance Care Plan is designed by you and is often described as a gift to your whanau and loved ones. It makes it much easier for everyone to know what healthcare you want. It can save the important people in your life a lot of worry and concern if they have to make a decision on your behalf especially if they can’t physically be with you. An Advance Care Plan gives you the opportunity to develop and express your preferences for your future care

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based on your values, concerns, hopes and beliefs. It communicates your wishes on a range of things when you may not be able to do so. As more people go through the Advance Care Planning process with their General Practice they report it’s a like a weight off their shoulders. It gives them peace of mind knowing everything is written down and the doctors and nurses know what they want if they get sick. The first step to creating

an Advance Care Plan is to think about what is important to you. Then you need to talk about it with your family and healthcare team, put your wishes in writing and share a copy with your whānau and GP practice. You can review your Advance Care Plan and make changes whenever you want. Ask your healthcare team for a copy of My Advance Care Plan & Guide or download your plan at

For more useful information and advice visit


Grey Power Nelson


Whose business is it?



ANNESBROOK CHURCH & COMMUNITY CENTRE 40 SAXTON ROAD WEST, STOKE GUEST SPEAKER → Nominations for Nelson Grey Power Committee and positions of President, Secretary, and Treasurer need to be in the hands of the Secretary Pam Coltman by 2pm Friday 26th March 2021. Nomination Forms are available from the Nelson Grey Power office. Remits must be provided in writing to the Secretary 30 days prior to the meeting

All members welcome.

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Whose business is it, if I choose to read, or play on the computer, until 4 AM, or sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love, I will. I will walk the beach, in a swimsuit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves, with abandon, if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set. They, too, will get old. I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And, eventually, I remember the important things. Sure, over the years, my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break, when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody’s beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength, and under-

standing, and compassion. A heart never broken, is pristine, and sterile, and will never know the joy of being imperfect. I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning grey, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver. As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don’t question myself anymore. I’ve even earned the right to be wrong. So, to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been or worrying about what will be. And I will eat dessert every single day (if I feel like it).

There’s always something happening at your local library! Did you know that we hold regular author talks, writing group meetings, and movie nights? How about coming along to Good Crafternoons, How to Look at Art or one of our book groups? Perhaps you’d like to learn digital skills, find out more about legal issues or be inspired at an art class. To find out about upcoming events and programmes visit the What’s on at Your Library page on our website, check our Facebook page or pick up a flier at the library.

Nelsons No.1 Japanese Heat Pump Provider

Grey Power Nelson



Where to find us out & about

Grey Power Volunteers and Staff will be at the following Venues in March and April so that members have an opportunity to pay their subscriptions somewhere more convenient with renewal due 31 March. New members will also be welcome to join at these places.

Tuesday 23rd March Thursday 25th March Saturday 27th March Saturday 27th March Tuesday 30th March Thursday 8th April Tuesday 13th April Friday 16th April Tuesday 20th April Thursday 22nd April Saturday 24th April Saturday 24th April Wednesday 28th April

Ernest Rutherford Richmond Mall Grey Power Office Nelson City Arcade Oakwood Village Mike Pero Nelson Waimea Village Positive Ageing Expo Nelson Public Library Richmond Mall Grey Power Office Nelson City Arcade Summerset (Stoke)

3.00pm-4.00pm 9.30am-3.30pm 10.00am-12.00 9.30am-12.00 10.00am-12.00am 1.00pm-3.00pm 3.30pm-4.30pm 10.00am-3.00pm 10.00am-12.00 9.30am-3.30pm 10.00am-12.00 9.30am – 12.00 2.30pm-3.30pm

New Dentures, Relines & Repairs

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Grey Power Nelson

Nationwide Health & Disability A Gabrielle Shaffrey Advocate We all know how it feels to be a happy customer, and how we feel when we are let down. Feeling satisfied with the care you have been given is even more important when receiving a health service or support for a disability. If you do have concerns about a disability or health service, you are or have been receiving, Advocates from the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service are available to provide free support or guidance to help resolve those concerns. In New Zealand, we have the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights, or the ‘Code’ for short. This sets out how health and disability services should support and interact with you. Under the Code you have rights and

providers have duties. Among other things, the Code states that service providers must treat you with respect, fairly and without discrimination or pressure, and provide enough information so that you can make an informed choice about how you would like to do things. You must always be able to ask questions, seek support, and tell someone if you don’t feel comfortable with something. Most of the time you will be satisfied with how you have been treated, but when you’re not, you have the right to complain to the person or organisation providing the service. Complaints help providers to identify any shortfalls in the service they provide. Most welcome feedback as it helps them to identify and address the things that make consumers unhappy.

Sometimes people find it hard to complain when things haven’t gone as they expected. It is those instances when it can be useful to contact an advocate from the free Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service. An advocate will provide you with information about the Code and will provide free support or guidance with resolving your concerns. Advocates working in this service are completely independent from health and disability service providers, the Ministry of Health, and the Health and Disability Commissioner. Over 90% of people who have worked with an advocate have had their concerns resolved and reported that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the support they received. Many people do not realise that disability services come under the Code






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rights and that the rights cover a very broad range of services that are provided to disabled people for their care or support. This includes services that promote independence, as well as goods, services and facilities. If you are not sure if a service comes under the Code, please contact an advocate to discuss. If you belong to a group, organisation, or network of five or more people, and are interested in finding out more about the Code and the Advocacy Service please contact us to find out about our free education sessions. You can reach a member of our team by calling 0800 555 050 or emailing More information about the advocacy service can be found by visiting the website: https://www.advocacy.

Grey Power Nelson



Lower Queen Street traffic George Truman The traffic overload is proving very difficult for elderly motorists wishing to exit Waimea Club, Tasman Medical Centre, Oakwood’s, Ber-

ryfield Drive and Mcshane Road. One help would be for TDC to construct an off centre round about at the McShane Road intersection. Council already owns a corner for their waterworks. By off-setting

203 Queen St, Richmond

(Opposite the Mall)


Richmond bound trucks could proceed almost straight ahead. Those exiting could detour to the round about rather than take the long way around to Appleby Straight as they often do now.

Ph: 03 544 5429


Grey Power Nelson


2021 What is Green Prescription? It’s not an unusual question to ask.

Green Prescription is a national service that helps you with small, achievable lifestyle changes so you can improve your long-term health and quality of life. Our team will work with you to create a health plan and together you work on how you like to achieve this, it’s based on what is important to you. You are in the drivers’ seat.

Who can have a Green Prescription? Green Prescriptions are available to 18 years or over. If you are thinking about, (or needing to) make some changes to your lifestyle habits, (e.g. help with your nutrition, get moving a bit more or try some new ac-

tivity, or you need to lift your mood and make some new connections and want to benefit from improved health), Green Prescription is certainly for you.

What happens at Green Prescription? Do you have any choices? You are managing your own health journey and we are there as a guide with 1:1 phone calls, supporting you with your health goals and health plans, and for those times when ‘life gets in the way’. You can also book into one of our programmes and make a start. Our programmes are relaxed and entertaining and have great resources. We hold them at local facilities with some that include pool or gym activity ses-

sions. Our Education discussions are a time for sharing information, ideas and answering questions. Topics can include: Finding motivation, nutrition swaps, how you can influence cholesterol, stress busters and how to sleep better along with all the benefits of being active. Participants report is a great way to build confidence and knowledge as well as building some long-lasting social connections.

How do you go about getting a Green Prescription? The best way to get started is by giving us a call or sending us an email or ask your Doctor, practice nurse or allied health professional for a referral when you are next visiting them. You can contact Green Pre-

scription directly by email, phone or through the website. Phone: 0800 731 317 email:

But wait, there’s more. Green Prescription can be a gateway to more. The Health Promotion Team at Nelson Bays Primary Health provides communities with credible, upto-date information that is easy to understand and easy to use. The Green Prescription team can help you to access programmes such as: Reversing Pre-Diabetes; Living Well with Type 2 Diabetes; Osteoarthritis self-Management; Falls Prevention and a new programme to help grow healthy active kids called Eat Move Grow.

For more useful information and advice visit

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Grey Power Nelson



Autumn is here

Philippa Foes-Lamb

Early Autumn is officially here but it’s important not to be lulled into a false sense of security - NIWA have predicted summer conditions could continue right into April. I simply can’t wait for true Autumn to take hold so I can spend a lot more time working in my kitchen garden. This large hedged garden in our paddock gets year-round allday sun, making it difficult to work in when it’s hot, so it’s looking very neglected. February was a very hot, dry month on our property and I noticed a lot of my peren-

nials were wilting very badly, even in shady spots, so I made the decision to start my autumn clean up a few weeks early. I’ve been cutting back my herbaceous perennials fairly hard - I did think about the fact that I would be exposing the soil to the elements but decided it was the best thing to do for my treasures – they would no longer have to use their energy to try and keep all of the foliage hydrated, keeping their crowns strong instead. After cutting them back, I put big handfuls of sheep manure pellets around them. I wet them fairly thor-

oughly and then placed fish ished, weed the area thorcompost on top – conserv- oughly and replenish the ing the moisture in the pel- soil with a thick layer of fish lets, and subsequently the compost and, my favourite, soil. You may be wondering sheep manure pellets. If why I don’t use my favourite you place straw on top of red clover straw instead - I’d that now, all you need to do love to be able to use it but is push the straw aside, dig my perennials are planted the compost etc through fairly close together and the the soil just before planting straw would swamp them. your seedlings, water them Compost works brilliantly in well then push the straw and eventually I dig it and gently back around them. Runs Monday the pellets through the soil Now is the perfect time to the next time I’m weeding. sow an Autumn crop of to Saturday It’s a good time to prepare peas – they thrive in cooler the soil in your vegetable conditions. Starts and finishesIfinthe weather is garden for planting Queen crops Street still fairly hot, leave it until outside for winter harvest in mid- early April before sowing – The Warehouse. late March. Pull out any you’ll still get a crop before Travel Hill Street summer crops that have fin- towinter.

All aboard the Richmond Bus Loop! LO

























































and Champion Road in the east, Lower Queen Street and Three Brothers Corner in the west.



ALL ABoARd the Richmond Bus Loop! UP










Ride the Richmond Bus Loop Richmond Eastern Loop The loop service starts and finishes in Queen Start/Finish Stop RICHMOND LOOP Richmond Western Loop Street as shown on the map. Buses run once an hour from 6am until 6pm Monday to Friday and less often between 8am and 3pm on Saturdays. This Hail>and Ride service you TO FRIDAY Routeis8:aEast Champion Road so MONDAY can wave down along Eastern Loop the bus anywhere AM AM AMthe AM AM PM PM PM PM Street 6:45to7:45 9:00 10:00 11:30 12:30 2:05 3:10 4:20 Departit is Richmond route where safe forQueen the bus stop. Just Arrive Richmond Queen Street 7:10 8:10 9:25 10:25 11:55 12:55 2:30 3:35 4:45 make sure the driver can see you.

Route 8: West > Three Brothers Corner


SATURDAY PM PM 5:25 6:25 5:50 6:50

AM AM AM PM PM 7:45 9:15 11:15 12:40 2:40 8:10 9:40 11:40 1:05 3:05


FRee supeRGoLd tRAveL AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM AM AM AM PM PM Western Loop 8:15 10:15 11:45 1:45 3:45 Street 7:15 9:30and 10:30 12:00 1:00 2:35 3:40 4:55 5:55 Depart SuperGold cardRichmond holdersQueen travel free8:15 9am 8:40 10:40 12:10 2:10 4:10 Arrive Richmond Queen Street 7:40 8:40 9:55 10:55 12:25 1:25 3:00 4:05 5:20 6:20 3pm and after 6.30pm on weekdays and on all weekend services. At otherHail times, fare zone applies and andonly ride one route – You don’t need to wait at a formal stop, you can wave down the bus anywhere along route where it is safeuse andthe legalnew for itBee to stop. Just make sure the driver can see you. it’s eventhe cheaper when you Card (only One$2). fare zone only – Adult price is just $2 to ride the loop when you use your Bee Card or $2.50 for cash. Pick up a Bee Card at, from the Bee Card is a pre-paid “tag on–tag off” card that makes it cheaper and easier to catch the bus. Council customer service centres (Richmond Pickthe onebus up at, fromlibrary. the Council customer service centres (Richmond or Nelson), or Nelson), station or your local the bus station or your local library.



Grey Power Nelson

Barry Stott - A Volunteers Story Kim Harding Barry volunteered in the office for over three years and both him and his wife Bernice helped with the magazine folding every quarter. Thank you for the time you both gave to Nelson Grey Power. Born in Cheshire UK he moved to Nelson NZ in 1997. Barry owned a small cottage in France and went there for four months of the year mainly due to arthritic pain gaining the upper hand

in his advancing years. Barry was in the Royal Air Force and became a Flight Lieutenant fighter pilot for 20 years then joined the Omani Air force in the Middle East for 5 years. The enemy was Russian trained & supervised. He flew Light Twin Transporter aircraft (Sky Van) and BAC1-11 Military Jet transport. Nearly 20 years was then spent with Gulf Air flying Tristar and 767’s. Time was spent flying operationally for the Sultan of Oman. Al-

Nelson Grey Power Volunteers with Kim Harding.

Best wishes to all Grey Power members. Maureen Pugh National List MP based in West Coast-Tasman & National Party Spokesperson for Community & Voluntary Sector 0800 MAUREEN Funded by the Parliamentary Service. Authorised by Maureen Pugh, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.

together he lived 27 years in the Middle East. Barry retired as a captain from civil flying and holds an MiD (Queen’s Commendation) for service in the RAF. Also, he was awarded, while serving with the Sultan of Oman, the Sultan’s Bravery Medal (Approved by the Queen), it is the equivalent of the British Distinguished Service Order. As a matter of interest, both RAF and contract pilots flew together in the Sultan of Omani’s Air Force.

Barry ran the flying club in Nelson for 5 years and was the Chief Flying Instructor. During this time he also flew part time for Air Pacific flying 767’s around the Pacific for 5 years. Barry used to take a Nanchang CJ6A Chinese Military airplane to airshows and perform acrobatics. His hobbies included sailing and he owned a yacht. Barry taught English to the South East Asian refugees as a volunteer through the ELP organization in Nelson.

Grey Power Nelson


Stuck for birthday gift ideas for the over 50s? Did you know that you can buy a Grey Power membership for someone over 50 years of age wherever they live in the country? You can buy a membership by coming into the Grey Power Nelson office in Putaitai Street in Stoke or

online at the Nelson Grey Power website. $25 for an individual or $30 for a couple living at the same address. The member benefits are valid throughout the country regardless of where you live. (maybe this is news

to you too). It is important to show your card to avail yourself of any local benefits and discounts. Sometimes participating retailers are not in the discount books but offer a discount anyway. The beneficiary of your gift


can remain in the Nelson Association or transfer to their local Association anytime or when they renew their membership, which can then be done locally. This is a great way to welcome people to the benefits of Grey Power.

NelSONG - A neurological choir Is a weekly choir for those who have been identified as having experienced a neurological event such as MS, Parkinson’s Disease, stroke, brain injury, stress. There’s no audition. People can

come along and join in or simply sit and be part of the atmosphere. There’s no pressure. The choir is facilitated by the Nelson Tasman Music Therapy Collective (NTMTC) which is made up of

three trained and registered music therapists. When: Wednesday 10am – 11am Where: Nelson Musical Theatre, next to the Windmill at Founders Park, 95

Atawhai Drive Cost: $10 per person (includes their partner or care giver). R S V P : nt mt c o l l e c t i v e @ or phone Colette on 021 644618.

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Grey Power Nelson

Are you concerned about your hearing? Sharon Webber says it takes about seven years for some people to work through the process of needing to address a hearing loss. There are common indicators – being told the television is far too loud is a primary one. “People don’t know what they don’t know,” says Sharon, who is a hearing therapist for Life Unlimited based in Nelson with clinics in Takaka and Motueka. “I use a device to amplify sound for them and they are shocked at what they are missing out on.” As a hearing therapist it is all about offering support to the client and family and educating on the needs of the client to be able to communicate more effectively. Many go through life unaware of what they are missing out on – but for others with more severe hearing loss the inability to join in conversations can be isolating and depressing. An estimated 880,000 New Zealanders – one in six people – have a hearing loss including about 300,000 people

in the working age group of 20 to 65 years. The World Health Organization is presenting a global call for action to address hearing loss and ear diseases across the life course for World Hearing Day, which is on Wednesday 3 March. The theme is Hearing care for ALL! With the catchphrase of Screen. Rehabilitate. Communicate. The service provided by Life Unlimited, and funded by the Ministry of Health, is an independent service that includes free hearing assessments, information, hearing screening and support for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents aged 16 years and over. “I like to spend an hour with clients. We do the initial consultation where we listen to the client’s story, carry out a screening hearing evaluation, look at issues such as communication challenges and impact of tinnitus then provide information, advice and management support.” Tinnitus, or ringing in the ear, can be aggravated by stress, caffeine and alcohol.

“Hearing loss can lead to communication breakdown and result in frustration and isolation.”

Sharon Webber “I work with people all around Nelson to reduce that impact, so they can live well with hearing loss,” said Sharon. That support includes providing information on effective communication strategies and listening devices. Amplified telephones, smoke alarms, television management and personal listening devices could provide additional tools to – or be a possible alternative for – hearing aids for some people. Sharon will also, if necessary, go with clients who have decided to get hear-

• Low prices • Secure storage • Inside car storage

ing aids to their audiology appointment to provide further support. Life Unlimited hearing therapists also advise on funding criteria and are credentialed assessors on behalf of the Ministry of Health for hearing assistive technology systems, devices that help people with hearing difficulties to communicate with others. Sharon runs regular clinics and workshops and is available to talk with community groups about hearing loss. • Good hearing and communication are important at all stages of life • Hearing loss (and related ear diseases) can be avoided through preventative actions such as: protection against loud sounds; good ear care practices and immunisation. • Hearing loss (and related ear diseases) can be addressed when it is identified in a timely manner and appropriate care sought • People at risk of hearing loss should check their hearing regularly • People having hearing loss (or related ear diseases) should seek care from a health care provider.

• CCTV Surveillance (Richmond) • Staff on site (Richmond)

Size & Price List available at 74 Gladstone Rd, Richmond & 481 High St, Motueka

Ph 544 4306

Grey Power Nelson



Our pioneering approach to retirement living includes our Peace of Mind Guarantees designed to give our residents greater confidence to live the way they want. They provide freedom and flexibility that lets you choose when, where, and how you want to live your life.


The deferred management fee (DMF) is your contribution to the refurbishment of the village. It is charged on an ‘enjoy now, pay later’ basis, and is deducted when your occupancy advance is repaid, which is the amount you’ve paid to occupy the unit. Your DMF will be no more than 20 percent – one of the lowest in the retirement sector. %DMF

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For full details on our Peace of Mind Guarantees or our Ernest Rutherord Village call 538 0882 49 Covent Drive, Stoke, Nelson



Let’s talk books Audio books from gramophones to Alexa Story telling has been around since the dawn of time. And while the means of telling them may have changed – even today nothing beats losing yourself in a good book. So, it’s not surprising that one of Blind Low Vision NZ’s most popular services is our Library Service’s talking books. Now delivering over 35,000 books and magazines to over 4,500 library members, it’s a much-loved and well-used service. And the only thing that has really changed over the years is how our library users receive them. We made the announcement to our members in September 2020 about

world to adopt the voice technology into our digital strategy, and create this new type of skill for members. We really were pioneers in developing this, and the uptake has been hugely gratifying, with over 700 active users each month.” As Geraldine says, “Being voice activated, for many people it’s a lot easier than having to push buttons. The average age of our membership is 78 and we have people in their 90s using Alexa, it’s just so easy to use.” Become a volunteer for Alexa and other library services: Earlier this year, Blind Low Vision NZ received funding from the Ministry of Social Development for 3500 Alexa Smart-speakers to distribute to our members. The library will provide a training

Morse, Blind Low Vision NZ Library Volunteer Coordinator, 09 930 1576 or dmorse@blindlowvi

A quick timeline of talking books A quick timeline of talking books. 1937

The first talking books were distributed on records. These were special slow-running 12inch gramophone records, each side reading for twenty-five minutes.


The switch from records to the Clark and Smith big Mark 1 18-track cartridges. Launch of The Foundation Library’s New Tape Talking Book Scheme. The New National Talking Book Library and the sound recording studio in Parnell, Auckland were opened by the Governor-General Brigadier Sir Bernard Fergusson Converted to Mark 4 tape-ette cartridges

1962 1966

1969-1970 1986

The Library moves to the Library of Congress’s four-track talking book format – a two million NZD investment. RNZFB took on magazine production

1987 1996 2011


2020 – this is the last platform added 2018 2019

Joined the DAISY Consortium to help develop the DAISY Standard The move from tapes to CDs – Over 3,200 members supplied with new digital players by the Foundation through charitable funding. Image The Blind Foundation launches BookLink (one word) – a web-based digital download platform for its audio books – updated in 2015 by the Booklink apps Introduced EasyReader app to our members. Available on iOS and android, it’s free to download. Launched DAISY Direct


Blind Low Vision NZ launch the library Alexa Skill.



MP for West Coast-Tasman

Minister of Agriculture and Biosecurity Minister for Trade and Export Growth Minister for Rural Communities and Land Information

For enquiries: Freephone 0800 326 436 /damienoconnormp @DamienOConnorMP Parliament Buildings Private Bag 18 888 Wellington 6160 Authorised by Damien O'Connor Parliament Buildings, Wellington

guide and full training on Alexa, BookDrive, EasyReader and BookLink. To volunteer get in touch with Diana

Wilson Ltd Wilson Decorators Decorators Ltd

• Local Small family Business Ltd Wilson Decorators • Qualified Tradesman • 30 + Years Experience • Local Small family Business

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Wayne 021 731 817 Proud to Lyn 021 207 4499 Lyn 021 207 4499 support Grey Power

1673071 1673071

Communications Executive, Blind Low Vision NZ

our plans to retire CDs by 30 June 2021. We are always looking ahead for new ways to deliver talking books and that’s something that Blind Low Vision NZ Library and Studios Manager, Geraldine Lewis, is really passionate about. Meet Alexa – your talking book friend One of the most exciting technological advancements for Talking Books is the introduction of Alexa services for our members. As technology changes and older tech becomes obsolete, it’s a truly exciting development. Developed by Blind Low Vision NZ in 2018 the Alexa Skill was made available to our library members in 2019. Geraldine is particularly proud of this milestone. “We’re the first blindness organisation in the


Rose Rees-Owen

Grey Power Nelson

Grey Power Nelson



Nelson Evening Mail (1939-45) now available on PapersPast Nelson Historical Society Researchers, and those interested in local history, have for some time now appreciated the advantages of being able to search digitised copies of early New Zealand newspapers on the PapersPast platform. Days of pouring through dusty old copies of newspapers and hours spent at the microfilm reader were readily replaced with easy, online searching. The ability to search across multiple newspaper titles at once for specific keywords revolutionised historical research for researchers and made content which may not have

been discovered using more laborious manual methods of searching, much more accessible. The Nelson Evening Mail, the Colonist and the Nelson Examiner, the three main newspaper titles of the Nelson region were all digitised as part of the project as were the more regional papers, the Golden Bay Argus and Motueka Star. The digitisation of the Nelson titles was originally aided by work undertaken by the Friends of the Library Microfilm Subcommittee which included representatives from Nelson Provincial Museum, Nelson Libraries, Nelson Histori-

cal Society, Nelson Institute and Nelson branch of New Zealand Society of Genealogists. The group fundraised to have the region’s early newspapers microfilmed and later when the National Library of New Zealand decided to digitise newspapers throughout New Zealand, the fact that Nelson’s papers were already microfilmed made the work a great deal easier. Recently thanks to further financial support and a three year partnership between the National Library of New Zealand, Nelson Historical Society (through a bequest from the late Rae

Herd), Nelson Libraries, Tasman District Libraries and Nelson Provincial Museum, further issues of the Nelson Evening Mail (1936-1945) have been digitised. With the centennial of WWII approaching, it is great to have these editions completed and available online. The Nelson Evening Mail was the first daily newspaper published in Nelson. The first edition, published on March 5 1866 cost one penny. See the first edition and others from 1866 to 1945 on PapersPast https://pa new.../nelson-evening-mail


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Preloved Reloved

Grey Power Nelson

Exhibition: May 31 to June 13, 2021 McKee Gallery, 208 Bridge St (within the Suter Art Gallery) Clare Williams NSAS Committee What do you do when your art no longer sparks joy? Declutter your collection. The Nelson Suter Art Society is excited to announce it will be holding an exhibition of currently owned art for sale from 31 May to 13 June, 2021 and invites the public to make a submission. Perhaps you are downsizing. Perhaps you are handling an estate. Perhaps you just no longer feel the joy. This exhibition, Preloved Reloved, will be a one-off opportunity to pass the spark to someone new.

The Society is inviting expressions of interest up to May 2. All preloved art is welcome, be it 2D or 3D art, photographs, ceramics, sculpture, fibre art, ethnic art and so on. The work must be to a good standard, ready to install, and appropriately priced. To apply, interested sellers should contact the Society at (Please note that this exhibition is not a venue for artists to sell their own work, nor is bric-a-brac accepted.) Attention all buyers: coming from numerous private collections, the art will be wonderfully eclectic. Many

Restore your faded and oxidized garage door and window joinery Premium surface restoration and protective coating solutions for garage doors and window joinery.

items will be on public view for the first time so it is an equally rare opportunity for you to discover that one unique piece you didn’t know you wanted until it found you. “Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for.” Lawrence Block As you may know the Nelson Suter Art Society is NZ’s 3rd oldest art society, is run entirely by volunteers, and is sustained by the deep interest in and solid support of the arts of the wider community. Upon application, pro-

spective sellers will be asked to provide: a jpg photo of the work. sales price short blurb re provenance, artist, point of interest, etc. Submissions will be vetted and all applicants will be notified by May 16 if they are accepted. Exhibitors will receive a form, details, and Ts and Cs. Delivery of the items must be May 30 for a May 31 start. The Society will take the standard 30% commission. Reminder re insurance: it is the sellers’ responsibility, and many policies are invalid if the insured item is off the premises so exhibitors must negotiate this with their insurers.

For more useful information and advice visit

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Grey Power Nelson



Leisure Travel

“A great way to socialise and see the region”


South Island Tour 2021 - 17th April – 23rd April 2021

Riverstone Castle – Olveston Historic Home – Otago Museum, Butterflies Tropical Forest Package includes: Travel on a quality touring coach, transport to and from your door, six-night’s accommodation; all evening meals, all cooked breakfasts, all organised activities/attractions.

Day 1 – Sat 17th April Nelson – Ashburton Our first stop on this South Island Tour is Ashburton. With everyone picked up we hit the road and head south. When we arrival at the hotel you will have time to settle before a group dinner.

Day three we take in some of Dunedin’s attractions, ncluding Olveston Historic Home, the Otago Museum – Butterflies Tropical Forest. Dinner tonight will be at the Mornington Taphouse, a hidden gem situated on the hilly ridge surrounding Dunedin.

Day 2 – Sun 18th April Ashburton - Dunedin On our way to Dunedin we stop at Riverstone Castle, 20 minutes north of Oamaru, an attraction not to be missed. The Castle was built with Oamaru stone and sits on an island surrounded by water. After exploring the Castle, gardens and the giftware stores we continue to the Dunedin hotel, once again have a group evening meal together.

Day 4 – Tue 20th April Dunedin This is a free day in Dunedin to rest and relax, sightsee, catch up with friends or family. Breakfast and dinner will be at the hotel, but the rest of the day you are free to do as you please.

Day 3 – Mon 19th April Dunedin

Day 5 – Wed 21st April Dunedin – Lake Ohau We leave Dunedin an have a short drive to Lake Ohau in the Mackenzie Basin, nestled into the feet of the majestic Southern Alps.The Village itself is serene set against

snow-capped mountains and the deep-blue lake. Enjoy a relaxing afternoon here taking in the views and have a look around the lake and village. Day 6 – Thur 22nd April Lake Ohau - Christchurch We leave this scenic area of the South Island and make our way north. The drive today is roughly 4 hours, heading via Twizel, Tekapo, Fairlie and Geraldine before heading onto State Highway 1 and onto Christchurch. We arrive in Christchurch and settle into the hotel before catching up for our last evening meal together. Day 7 – Fri 23rd April Christchurch - Nelson As this tour comes to an end we have one last breakfast together at the hotel, before getting on the road and making our way

home. With breaks on the way we will make our way into Nelson and drop you all off home by late afternoon. Package price $1695.00 Single room $410.00




Please give us a call if you would like to book or if you have any questions. Minor details of the tour may change from that shown in this itinerary. If you have mobility issues that may concern you regarding getting on and off the coach please give us a call and we can discuss this. Please advise us of any special dietary needs. Door-todoor transport may not be available if you live out of the nearby Nelson region. The tour is subject to minimum numbers.

Coastal Pacific Train Tour 2021 - 6th April – 8th April 2021


Package includes: Travel on a quality touring coach, transport to and from your door, two-night’s accommodation; all evening meals, all cooked breakfasts, all organised activities/attractions.

Wed 14th April – Wairau Valley Loop - (Morning Tea included) - $60 The Nelson Lakes for morning tea break then down the Wairau Valley to Blenheim arriving around lunchtime. Back to Nelson via Havelock, stopping for an Ice cream weather permitting.

Day 1 – Wed 7th April Nelson – Christchurch On the first day of our this three-day, two-night tour we will make our way to Christchurch with breaks along the way for morning tea and lunch. Our

group evening meal will be at the hotel. Day 2 – Thur 8th Apr Christchurch - Kaikoura We start the day with breakfast at the hotel nice and early, ready to check in at the train station for the Coastal Pacific Train which departs at 7am. The trip goes from Christchurch to Kaikoura through the beautiful East Coast of the South Island. Arriving in Kaikoura mid-morning with the rest of the day

looking around town and relaxing and unwinding in this gorgeous coastal town. Then a group dinner together at the hotel. Day 3 – Fri 09th Apr Kaikoura - Nelson We board the train traveling along the Pacific Ocean and the Kaikoura ranges and enjoying the beautiful scenery. Package price per person: $710.00 Single room supplement: $125.00

Wed 12th May – Motueka – Nelson Honey - $35 Motueka for Lunch then down the Motueka Valley to Motupiko visiting the family-owned company, Nelson Honey. Back to Nelson via Spooners Saddle. Wed 9th June – Source of Riwaka River - $65 (Lunch included) Motueka for lunch at Motueka RSA, then drive to the Source of Riwaka River. Time to enjoy a lovely walk in the bush to the Source before heading back to Nelson.

Contact Christine on 539 0834 or



Fullpower - Seniorpower Fiona Bryan

National Executive Director The Empowerment Trust, (previously Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower Trust) is a registered charity, affiliated with Kidpower International. Our mission is to teach people of all ages and abilities how to use their own power to stay safe, seek support for themselves and others, and believe in themselves. At Empowerment Trust, we use the term “People Safety” to mean people of any age being emotionally and physically safe with people, including themselves. We have found that People Safety issues and skills re-

main the same at any stage of your life. What changes are the situations you are living in and some of your abilities. Our Seniorpower programs give older students the chance to practice the same self-protection, confidence, advocacy and self defense skills adapted to individual abilities and the contexts that are relevant to their specific situations.

What skills do seniors learn? • Acting aware and confident • Learning how to avoid being targeted as a victim • Setting and protecting boundaries clearly, firmly, and politely

Grey Power Nelson

• Learning how to use their voice and body in threatening circumstances • Addressing worries about safety during a home invasion • Learning physical self defense skills appropriate for this group How do we practice these skills? We practice through roleplays, using these skills to address issues that are relevant to the needs of elderly people, such as: • Thinking first when people come to your door • Self-advocacy when you are having health problems • Managing pressures from family members and loved ones for you to give them

money or other gifts • Protecting your emotional safety from negative messages about being old • Dealing with negative reactions when you ask for help What workshops are available for seniors? Please contact us to organise a session for your group. Individual seniors often participate as students in our Fullpower programs for adults as our regular workshops for adults can work well for people with a wide range of abilities and ages, For more information call us 0800 543769 or email safe tyNZ@empowermenttrust. nz

Greenacres Golf Club is a NZ top 40 premiere golf club, set amongst stunning parkland scenery. Well regarded as an outstanding course, with friendly atmosphere, and excellent cafe, the golf club is located just out of Richmond at Best Island. Book a round now, or enquire about our very competitive membership rates.

Tel: 03 544 6441

Grey Power Nelson



5 Seismic Spending Shifts of 2020 This year has changed everything – we’ve all been rethinking how we work, live and travel. And those changes in our behaviour are reflected in the ways we choose to spend our money. There have been some enormous shifts in the way we shop this year, so we thought we’d summarise the five biggest trends for consumers in 2020: 1. Embracing digital shopping Across the globe, people have embraced ecommerce. Those who were once reluctant to shop online have given it a go and realised it’s not too bad – in fact, it’s excellent. What had been a slow-rolling snowball of

ecommerce just got a huge push and is likely to keep picking up speed. 2. Nesting If lockdown taught us anything, it’s that spending all your time in one place makes you notice all its flaws. People have been buying furniture, spending money on DIY and renovating. The urge to have more space, a better space, or just a space to call your own, has helped drive New Zealand’s rampant late-2020 housing market. 3. Buying local Last year most of us didn’t give much thought to the global supply chain. It just

functioned smoothly in the background, delivering our international products almost seamlessly. This year we realised exactly what happens when that supply chain is disrupted. There’s been a mass movement toward buying locally – and it’s helped our small businesses stay afloat. 4. Trying new brands As belts tightened, shoppers worldwide started looking for ways to save money. Brand loyalty fell by the wayside as consumers looked for value above all else. That trend has been exacerbated by online shopping, which makes it easy to shop around.

5. Self-care and selfindulgence Kiwis bought more fruit and vegetables this year and cooked more at home. But we also bought more beer and gambled more than ever. We wanted to take care of ourselves – and also thought we deserved a treat in such a stressful time. Many of these trends are here to stay, Kiwi business owners should be planning on all these trends continuing strongly until our borders reopen. And although nesting and self-care (or indulgence) may fall by the wayside when our borders reopen, expect to see continuing strong growth for ecommerce, reduced brand loyalty and buying local.

For more useful information and advice visit

Performance Tuning Nelson Age Concern Nelson Tasman is the go-to agency for people 65+ in the region. Our staff of six are committed, professional and dedicated to ensuring all older people are treated with dignity and respect. We offer advice, information and support and a wide range of services aimed at ensuring our older people are safe, connected and valued.

James Martyn

12F Gladstone Rd, Richmond Ph: 544 9853 or 022 361 6586

Come and find out more at our offices at 62 Oxford St, Richmond Phone: 03 544 7624 email:



Grey Power Nelson

Reminiscence of Nelson-Tasman A Richmond resident for 60 years, Lesley Harvey now 87 years old shares her memories of life around the WWII years in Nelson Tasman. Lesley’s father was a butcher who was following the family tradition by taking over Cotton Butchers on Bridge Street from his father. In those days, the butchers went directly to the abattoir, which was near Tahunanui. They’d buy the carcass and then divide it into cuts of meat once back in the shop. They also created their own small goods and to pay for the purchases you had to do so at the ‘office’, a separate area of the store. During the war, you could only buy meat using govern-

ment-supplied coupons from your ration book. Lesley’s family also had a small butcher shop opposite the Griffin’s chocolate factory which Lesley says made her a lot of friends. The friends would come for the free saveloys and then Lesley would head across the road with them for the free bits of discarded chocolate. There were air-raid shelters on the corner of Nile Street near Central School which Lesley remembers even came with toilets. Because Japanese submarines were in New Zealand waters total blackouts were enforced with Lesley’s father putting plywood over all the



WW2 New Zealand ration book.

Grey Power Nelson windows. The Home Guard would go around and check everything was as it should be. There were also a lot of American sailors coming into Nelson port and her father, who was a very social man with the gift of the gab would often invite them home. You walked everywhere and expectations were that you were to wear a hat. Lesley remembers well sitting in the hat shop when she was young while her mum tried on hat after hat. If you were wealthy enough to be able to afford a car, you could only buy one if you knew somebody who knew somebody, and you had to use British pounds. New Zealand pounds weren’t the currency used for buying cars. Skeins of wool were rationed and there were always queues to get it so people could knit socks. There were no secondhand clothes shops to buy from. Cosmetics were almost non-existent and there was only one orange lipstick called Tangy which Les-



Trathens tearooms. ley remembers her mother complaining about. The farmer would deliver milk to homes in great big metal cans and you would put your billy can out on the doorstep to be filled. He’d scoop the milk out into the billy can with what was called a ‘dipper’. Lesley remembers the cream in those days being beautiful and that her mum would always boil it to get the beautiful, scolded bit that congealed on top. There were soup kitchens which were looked down upon by everyone including all of them forced to use them because so many

people were poor. Lesley remembers the Harley Brewery which was near the Cathedral and Dodson’s Fizzy drinks which you bought at the dairy and were also rationed during the war. Hotels closed at 6 pm and on Sundays and females weren’t allowed in the main bars. There were hotels called the Masonic, Panama, Central, Royal and the Wakatu on the corner of Trafalgar and Hardy Streets which was known as four spirits’ cor-

ner. For entertainment, the square dancing at Nelson Intermediate was very popular. Lesley would ride her bike from Grove Street over to the dances every chance she got because of her love of dancing. Otherwise, there was The Theatre Royal, who put on shows with male actors in the older age bracket as the younger ones were off fighting. There was no orchestra, but Clary Lee played the piano and Mrs Vaughan played the violin. You queued up to buy your tickets at Beggs on Bridge Street and you dressed up for the night, flash-as-flash she says. There were also ANZAC concerts during the war to raise money for soldiers. It was tea rooms rather than coffee shops then, and Lesley remembers the Ritz and Trathens with the latter being the posher of the two. You sat and were waited on by waitresses wearing gloves.

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Grey Power Nelson

U3A - Nelson Paul Lunberg The University of the Third Age [hence U3A] is a popular activity in most centres in New Zealand, and indeed across the world. In Nelson it is a self-help group of more than 230 retired people who still enjoy learning. Amongst our population there are experts in so many fields and they are often keen to share their knowledge with others. Often there are no experts, but a group gets together and researches a topic. For example; ‘Civilisation’ meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 10.00 - 12.00, in Rich-

mond. There are about 10 of us and we meet at the Coordinator’s house – and start with tea and coffee! Then one of us, who has researched a particular Civilisation, launches into their topic. There may be some basic facts shared then, usually a video on YouTube or a DVD. Then we all discuss the people of that time and wonder at their attainments. In Nelson we have about 45 different groups (Have a look at: Everyone thinks they are in the ‘best’ group! It is pretty well free too. It costs $30 to join, which includes refreshments at the bimonthly open meet-

ings. So where does this U3A come from? U3A started in France at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Toulouse in 1973. In France, and most of Europe, each Third Age University group is mostly associated with a local university. However here in NZ, each Association stands alone. We in Nelson have our own structure, but often have visiting people who are in a U3A group elsewhere. Since U3A began it has spread to over thirty countries and has several million members. Guiding Principles There are no teachers and no students – all members are

equal. No qualifications to join – life experience and an enquiring mind are all that is needed. No passing or failing. No graduation. No titles. No course fees. No evening meetings. No shortage of knowledge, skill or experience – members have all that is required. A modest annual subscription. We are lucky in Nelson to have so many retired people with skills and an interest in continued education. People who visit the website can look at details about U3A. Newcomers are always welcome.


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Grey Power Nelson


Baking gifts in a jar Give the gift of do it yourself baking ready to go. Make up the jar in layers with the ingredients. Print or write out ‘You Will Need’ Instructions to attach to the jar.

Fudgy Brownies In The Jar 2/3 cup (93g) plain flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup (50g) brown sugar 3/4 cup (157g) white sugar 3 Tablespoons (30g) cocoa powder (sifted) 150 grams dark chocolate pieces You Will Need To: Melt 115 grams of butter and the dark chocolate from the jar together in a large pyrex jug in the microwave or in a pot on the stove. Add 3 eggs and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and whisk together well. Pour in the contents of the jar and stir until well combined. Pour batter into a 20cmx20cm brownie tin lined with baking paper. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for 20 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out with just a few crumbs on it.

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Chocolate Chip Cookies In The Jar 1 ½ cups (210g) plain flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup (100g) brown sugar 1/2 cup (105g) white sugar 1/2 cup chocolate chips You Will Need To: Melt 115 grams of butter in a pyrex jug or in a pot on the stove. Add 1 egg and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and whisk together well. Pour in the contents of the jar and stir until well combined. Use a spoon or cookie scoop to drop rounded balls of dough (about 2 TBSP) onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for 10-12 minutes for soft cookies or 12-14 minutes for crispier cookies. (Makes 12 large cookies)

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Please fill in the form below before making payment as it will speed up the process for the volunteers and others waiting if you are paying in person. This form is used to update your record with your payment and is needed every year. 30Nelson Grey Power will be in a variety of extra places in March & Membership April see article ‘Where to find us Out & About’

Office Use Only Date: ………………………….. Receipt No: ………………… Cards Issued: …………….. Actioned By: ……………….

Grey Power Nelson

RENEWAL Nelson Grey Power Assn Inc. PO Box 2190, Stoke, 7041 FORM 33 Putaitai St, Stoke Ph 547 -2457

AUTOMATIC $2000 ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT INSURANCE WITH ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP NAME: MR/MRS/MISS/MS (CIRCLE TITLES THAT APPLY) MEMBERSHIP NUMBER:……………………………….. SURNAME/S: ……………………………………………FIRST NAME ……………………………………YEAR OF BIRTH………………… SURNAME/S: ……………………………………………FIRST NAME ……………………………………YEAR OF BIRTH………………… POSTAL ADDRESS: …………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………. POSTCODE: ……………………….PHONE NO: …………………………….. EMAIL: ………………………………………………………….. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: $25 Single or $30 Double, Plus Donation (optional thank you) ………….

Total Payment $……………………. Subs can be left with Mike Pero Nelson 9am-12 Mon to Fri & Richmond Mall Unichem Pharmacy Internet Banking: 03 1709 0071804 001 Surname & Membership number must be included. Your details as written above will not be given to any company for the purpose of sending you promotional material about their products. Eftpos available in the office All Memberships Expire 31 March Office Hours 10am to 3pm

JUST A REMINDER - IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY, IT IS TIME TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP Unless you have a yellow label on your membership card with the expiry date 31/03/2022 your membership will be due for renewal on the 31/3/2021. Please fill in the form before making payment as it will speed up the process for the volunteers and others waiting if you are paying in person. This form is used to update your record with your payment and is needed every year. Nelson Grey Power will be in a variety of extra places in March & April see article ‘Where to find us Out & About’ on page 11.

Save money on your new home when you build with Jennian Nelson Bays. We’ll give you on average over $2,000 off a typical build * Terms and conditions apply

Jennian Homes Nelson Bays 6 Champion Road, Richmond P 03 5444 390 E



TIME TIME - 11am 10am

Meet at t

Meet in t

Founders Park, Nelson Richmond Washbourn Gardens, Washbourn Richmond OrphanageGardens, Stream Walk

Meet at the Fuchsia House Saxton Road East by Covent Drive - where walkway commences Saxton Road EastStreet by Covent - where walkway commences Meet at Milton next Drive to clubhouse

Meet at t

Meet Street to clubhouse MeetatatMilton Miller’s Acrenext Car Park Meet at Miller’sCentre, Acre Car Information offPark Wallace Street, meet by Playground

10am -–- 11.30am 11am 10am 11am 10am - 11.30am 10am – 11am 10am - 11.30am

10am - 11.30am

10am -- 11am 11am TIME 10am 10am - 11am 10am -- 11am 11am 10am

10am 11.30am 10am - 11am 10am -- 11am 11.30am 10am 11.30am 10am - 11am 10am - 11am 10am - 11am 10am - 11am 10am - 11am 10am - 11am 11am 10am -– 11am 10am – 11am 10am - 11am 10am - 11.30am 10am - 11.30am 10am - 11.30am 10am - 11.30am

10am - 11am

Mon 15 Mar

Thu 2523 MarMar Tues

Isel Park, Stoke

Faulkner Bush, Wakefield

Spin Poi Tai Chi

10am - 11am 10am - 11am

of NZ Ngawhatu Centre Park, Stoke

Washbourn Gardens, Richmond Isel Park, Stoke The Village Green, Takaka

Move Spin GoodPoi Now

Monaco Reserve, Monaco Isel Park, Stoke Ngawhatu Park, Stoke

Tai ChiGuided Walk

10am - 11.30am 10am - 11am

Faulkner Bush, Wakefield Centre of NZ Anzac Park, Richmond

Sing-a-long in the Park Guided Walk

Sing-a-long in the Park

Broadgreen Gardens, Stoke Isel Park, Stoke

Tai Chi

Miyazu Gardens, Nelson

Meet in the middle

Meet by the Fuchsia MeetHouse in front of Isel House

Meet in front of Meet Isel House by clubhouse off Suffolk Road

Meet by the Playground

Meet the start Meet by clubhouse offat Suffolk Roadin the Botanical Gardens, Nelson

Meet by Age Concern Office, 62 Oxford Stree the Playground Meet at the startMeet in theatBotanical Gardens, Nelson

Meet at the Playground

Meet outside Broadgreen Meet in front of Isel House House

Meet at the carpark off Atawhai Drive

Meet in front of Isel House

Meet at the Tahunanui Nightingale Library

Information Centre, off Wallace Street, meet

Meet in t Meet at Miller’s Acre Car Park

Meet at Milton Street next to clubhouse

Tai Chi

Tahuna Beach

Park behind Motueka I-Site

Botanical Reserve, Nelson Cathedral Steps Maitai Walkway, Nelson

Isel Park, Stoke Meet of Isel House Park behind Motueka I-Site Information Centre, off Wallace Street, meet by Playground Faulkner Bush, Wakefield Meetinatfront the Playground Faulkner Bush, Wakefield Meet at the Playground Tahuna Beach the Tahunanui Library Tahuna Meet at the Tahunanui LibraryNightingale Centre ofBeach NZ startMeet in theatNightingale Botanical Gardens, Nelson Centre of NZ Meet at the start in the Botanical Gardens, Nelson Broadgreen Gardens, Broadgreen House Gardens, Stoke Meet outside Meet Broadgreen House Ngawhatu Broadgreen Park, StokeStoke by clubhouse offoutside Suffolk Road Ngawhatu Park, Stoke Meet by clubhouse off Suffolk Road Anzac Park, Richmond byfront Age Concern Office, Oxford Street, Isel Park, Stoke Meet in of Meet Isel House Anzac Park, Richmond by Age62Concern Office,Richmond 62 Oxford Street, Richmon Isel Park, Stoke Meet in front of Isel House Monaco Reserve, Monaco Washbourn Gardens, Richmond Fuchsia Monaco Reserve, Monaco Meet by the Playground MeetHouse by the Playground Washbourn Gardens, Richmond Meet by the Fuchsia House The VillageSteps Green, Takaka Meet in the middle Cathedral Cathedral Church carpark The Village Green, Takaka Meet in the Cathedral MeetChurch in thecarpark middle Cathedral Steps Miyazu Gardens, Nelson Meet at the carpark off Atawhai Drive

10am - 11am

- 11am - Park 11am Tea & Talk 10am in10am the

Tai2322Chi Tues Mar Mon Mar

Fri 19 Mon 22Mar Mar

Thu Fri 19 18 MarMar

Meet at the Fuchsia House

Washbourn Richmond by wt Orphanage StreamGardens, Walk SaxtonInformation Road East by CoventMeet Drive - where Park behind Motueka I-Site Centre, off Wallace Street, meet by Playgro

Heritage Walk

10am - 11.30am

Meet in fr

Tai Chi SitFit & in Bethe FitPark Sit & Be Sing-a-long Sing-a-long in the Park Chi Tai ChiTai Guided Walk Guided Walk Spin Poi Spin Poi Tai Chi Tai Chi MovePoi Good Now Spin Move Good Now Spin Poi Tai ChiTai Move Good Now Chi Move Good Now Tea & Talk ininthe Sing-a-long thePark Park Tea &inTalk in the Park Sing-a-long the Park Heritage Walk

10am - 11.30am

10am - 11.30am - 11.30am Move Good10am Now

Thu 18 Mar

Spin Mon 15 Poi Mar

Fri 12 Mar

Tai Chi

Sit & Be Fit

the Park Maitai Art Walk

Tai Chi

Meet at the Fuchsia House

Meet at the Village Green in the center

Meet Office, 62 Oxford Street, Richmond Meetbyat the Fuchsia House byAge theConcern Playground Saxton Road East by Covent Drive - where walkway com Meet Saxton Road East by Covent Drive - where walkway commences Meetbyinthe thePlayground middle

Meeting Point

Monaco Reserve, Monaco Orphanage Stream Walk The Village Green, Takaka Botanical Reserve, Nelson Meet in the middleMeet at Milton Street next to clubhouse The Village Green, Takaka Botanical Reserve,Nelson Nelson Meet at Milton Streetoffnext to clubhouse Miyazu Gardens, the carpark Atawhai Drive Maitai Walkway, Nelson Meet at Miller’s Acre Car Park Miyazu Gardens, Nelson Meet at the carpark off Atawhai Drive Maitai Walkway, Meet at Miller’s Car Park Isel Park, Stoke Nelson in front of Acre Isel House

Washbourn Gardens, Richmond

Chi Tea & Tai TalkWalk in the Park Tai Chi Heritage Maitai Art Walk Heritage Maitai Walk Tai Chi ArtWalk

Meet by c

Meet thePoint Tahunanui Nightingale Library Meeting Meetatoutside Broadgreen House Meet at the Village Green in the center Meet Broadgreen House Meetoutside at Green in the center Street, Richmond by the AgeVillage Concern Office, 62 Oxford

Washbourn Gardens, Richmond

Anzac Park, Richmond Washbourn Gardens, Richmond Monaco Reserve, Monaco Founders Park, Nelson Orphanage Stream Walk

Move Sing-a-long in the Park Tai ChiGood Now Edible Walk Tai Chi Edible Walkin the Park Tea & Talk

Sing-a-long in the Park

Isel Park, Stoke


Tahuna BeachGardens, Stoke LOCATION Broadgreen Broadgreen Gardens, Stoke Founders Park, Nelson Anzac Park, Richmond

Ngawhatu Park, Stoke Founders Park, Nelson

Tai ACTIVITY SpinChi Poi Tai Chi Spin Poi Tai ChiGood Now Move


Mon25 Mar Thu 1815Feb Mar Thu Mar Mon 1Mar Mar Mon 1Mar Fri 1918 Fri 19 Mar Tues 2 2Mar Tues22 Mar Mon Mar Mon 22 Mar Thu Tues Mar Thu423 4Mar Mar Tues 23 Mar Mon 8 8Mar Thu Mar Mon25 Mar Thu 25 Mar Wed Mar Fri 2610 Mar Wed Fri 26 10 MarMar Fri 12 Mar

10am -- 11.30am 11.30am 10am 11am 10am -- 11am 11am 10am 11.30am

10am - 11.30am owThuEdible Walk 25 Feb 10am - 11am

Mon1022Mar Feb Wed Mon Feb Fri 1222 Mar Tues 23Feb Feb Fri 1215 Tues 23Mar Mon Mar

- 11am Sing-a-long10am in10am the Park 10am 11.30am -- 11am 11.30am

Thu 18 48 Mar Thu Feb Mon Mar Fri 19 Feb Mon 8 Mar Fri 1910 Feb Wed Mar

Tai Chi

Thu 18 Feb


Mon 21 Mar Mar DATE Tues Mon 15 Feb Tues415 2Mar Mar Mon Feb Thu

Tues2523Feb Feb 10am -- 11am 11.30am Maitai Maitai Walkway, NelsonI-Site Thu 10am Sit & BeArt FitWalk Park behind Motueka Nelson, Stoke, Richmond, Motueka and Golden Bay. Bookings are not required, simply turn up and enjoy. Thu 25 Feb 10am 11am Sit & Be Fit Park behind Motueka I-Site Information off Wallace Street,Library meet by Playground Mon 1 Mar 10am - 11am Tai ChiACTIVITY Tahuna Beach Meet at theCentre, Tahunanui Nightingale DATE TIME LOCATION Meeting Point

Orphanage Stream Walk Botanical Reserve, Nelson Botanical Reserve, Nelson Maitai Walkway, Nelson

Centre of NZ Meet at t Over the following weeks there are a range of activities in a number of locations in the region, including

Mon1815Feb Feb 11am Tai Chi Thu 10am - 11.30am Sing-a-long in the Park r people Thu1918Feb Feb Serving 10am 11.30am Sing-a-long Fri 10am -- 11.30am Edible Walkin the Park the needs of older people Fri 1922Feb 10am -- 11am 11.30am Edible Mon Feb 10am Tai ChiWalk Serving the needs of older people Mon 23 22 Feb Feb 10am -- 11.30am 11am Tai Chi Art Walk Tues 10am Maitai

Meeting Meet at Point the Village Green in the center Meet Green in the center Meetatatthe theVillage Fuchsia House

Meeting Point 26 march 2021

Faulkner Bush, Wakefield

LOCATION 4LOCATION Founders Park, Nelson

Miyazu Gardens, Nelson

The Village Green, Takaka

summer Isel Park,activity Stoke programme for seniors Meet in fr


Serving the needs of older people

Serving the needs of older people

the Park


the Park Grey Power Nelson


Nelson Grey Power Association Inc PO Box 2190, Stoke, Nelson 7041

We offer

10% Grey Power discount or you can use our popular Loyalty Card

Ph 544 4244

42 Oxford Street, Richmond Mon - Fri 8.30 - 5.30 Sat - 9.00 - 12.00

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