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Martinborough Playcentre����������������






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Welcome to Martinborough Playcentre! We are a small, friendly centre located in the heart of Martinborough. Our whānau are all over South Wairarapa. We o er mixed-age sessions for children 0-6 years of age. We focus on child-led play and o er a variety of learning experiences such as painting, making playdough, sand and water play, and music.

We have a huge outdoor playground and are messy play experts! At Martinborough Playcentre you will nd whānau, parents, grandparents and caregivers playing and learning alongside their tamariki. Everyone brings their own experiences, knowledge and talents. It’s an amazing community and a wonderful support network. We’re open Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am-12pm at 38 Venice Street. We o er three free no obligation visits and would love to meet you.

Martinborough Playcentre has grown over the last year, and we are excited to announce we have a full roll!

Visitors are welcome any time and we encourage you to add your name to our waiting list. Spaces will open up and we don’t want you to miss out. Playcentre is run and operated by our members. It is these fabulous volunteers who make our Playcentre such a supportive, fun and friendly environment. Our Playcentre is cooperatively managed by parents and supported by Playcentre Aotearoa volunteers. He rau ringa, e oti ai – many hands make light work! Like everyone, we had a few rocky patches with Covid over the last year, but our community pulled together to support each other through uncertain times.

Our goals are: • extending the learning of our tamariki; • welcoming and supporting new members; • developing sustainable and natural indoor/outdoor play options; and • weaving tikanga and te reo through our sessions.

We want our tamariki to grow their mōhio/knowledge and whakaaro/ understanding of te reo Māori. Our morning tea starts with a karakia, and we incorporate simple kupu/words into our sessions, and practise our waiata. We follow New Zealand’s bicultural curriculum for early childhood education, Te Whāriki. Several of our members are studying the NZQA-approved education programme provided by Playcentre to develop parenting skills and understand how children learn and grow. Each term we come together to write learning stories for our tamariki. Each child has a pro le book featuring these stories and their artwork – a special record of their time at Playcentre. We get together for whānau social events such as our Mother’s Day dinner, Matariki disco, Christmas party and working bees. As a centre we go on excursions to connect with the local community and build a sense of belonging. We were a Resene Wall Worthy Competition winner and won supplies to paint an amazing mural artwork (designed by one of our members) around our sandpit area. Make sure you come and see it! Bring on Summer and more messy fun at Martinborough Playcentre!

Messy play sensory experience – squishy, squelchy slime! Developing ne motor skills and creativity in the sandpit.

Experimenting alongside friends at the potions table.

Painting up a storm! Mixing colours is fun. Gaining con dence in and control of body movement while balancing.

Hands on exploration in our mud kitchen.


• Conventional • Electrics • Post and rails • Gateways • Yard builds • New or repair

Heavy vehicle inspections now available in Martinborough. Based at Martinborough Transport Vehicle Services, 204 Lake Ferry Road. Ph 06 306 9480

We love capturing your baby growing up

Book online and visit us in Martinborough

Warren & Mark Adam WAIRARAPA



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